: - . f. I Col If ,i ) i. M? !. c. MAVIIS COUNTY - S U U V K Y 0 It ANI . civil i:nginf.i:r Hi ay eWik will be f r() Mll'-llll.".! til. . orrm; i i ul kt uou.t-R, ,'tsmoutli, Nebraska ;ulii'.; ;fim;r;!Lkg. MAItrrAtTL'IIKor AKU ' ' '! WHOLESALE nliU FETUL ' j tfM.T.u:n " . ' . '. ' OICEST IIRAXDS OF CIGARS ' 1ACCO AND SMOKExS ARTICLES ri '. . always in Mock X lattemouth, Nebrassa NATIONAL :'HANK DK ri.ATrnM'll!TH. NKBIIAHKA . 'M. op'tut . i; . .... vi ixi.no lO.UXl.l -'iiity l-l fvilllte for Ihepromp' ' "A .; Jinking business. fVkn. txiniln, (Jul'. n.iif nmmi! '1 liwsl -y.nu" b'liunt u-l vi1 1. lii'.MtiUi r-"i - -'. mn intrri"t ll"wi-i Hi" wrtlltcii- i 'J lrft i1rnwi. BV.tll.Hilk In buy pun vl ur .ji' (Inlif4 Main ami ll !U iirli.cipitl tvo cr ' Biuupo. 0OU.fTlOIS MADH ANI rKOMITl.T BlWrT- TKI. HlgbeM nuvkM p'lrr piFJ f..r Tom tjr wi. r-tllll, BtAtri mm I HUDIJI txillllH. DIHKCTOKH John ritz 'rU I). Ilnwk.wortb Saw W.tu,li. K. I'. WhlV ('i-org B. Dovt-y . jmio riu-..;. a. wsa-jh. Fr.-M.ldil C I fe, ,'lK CIl I7.KNS HANK. Pl AlT-tM-HITH . KF.Hi'AHKA fjBTlUl It-wk pit id lu -" 2 Authorized Capital, IIOO.OOO. - - orrir'EHA FRANK OAKKVTM. JOS. A. CON NOK, V FriMiitoul. VJc-riwl-trul ' W. U. tTHPISf. Cr-'hinr. I.IHl'TdH Bnlr ( rr(itli J. A. Cnnnor, K. R. iutlir.i.l W. JobDMn, lli-.iry llirck, Julio 0'KI W. I). M rrini, Wt. Wetencamp. W. II. Cuxbliif. m n a, nmrnni! BiiTTtiii imnivro TjjtfliiAuii) a uiiiiiiiiAij ifl.'unu uojuiwi oMfitini"A' of ilipo-lt bnnnd ln(rt Huvi wid Bllt riraautEr. niuuiy uu W.f i ANK OK CASS COUNTY Cor Min tnd rUh itfcft. flld DtltBUllBl 1) utphi W OFFICERS 0. n. Pnn' Krw-i'ti-nl trrA ii.ri.-r Vloe l'i I J M. ritTim ' '' I T. M. PiOvrvon. At i.fiil. t DIREOTOR3 0. II. Pr -rlo. J. M. P.itt-raon, Fr4 dnrili r. A, h. Hmllli K. IS. Wlii(lli.ni. B. H. K n-uj vi T. M l'lli wiu A 0C3EIbL fiASlKC ED313EES RAN3ATED Aaeniintu oMeital. luiomt Bl'nwnd mi tim 4jw nnt pf'HHi vii-i'ii-miw-D vi o i lura milrutli'il to IU r. CSnnaboxlala'a E70 cud pth Olnttnrr.t, A Certain euro lor Chronio noro Eyo, Trltf, t:r!t i:b"'i!, 1 I' O'.J Chronio bores, Furor Bores, Kczcmn, Ilcb, Prairie Bcratches, Eoro KippUi and Pile. It la coolloj and aoo thins. Eundrod.iof oafioabavoboca eurud by It after oil othor treatment bad failod. It U put op la Z'j Lzd CD ccci tXwi. 1 ..J '.'tl ,! m .lr,i. '..V.Wv'i ", F" tt,-.i, CaUloTitO ihowinr titcturpg o 1 MAILED FHP;iI Our patent KOFI? fi; r - VV"i'' BT01 flares wenr, making tho l'iano Jr. ' looro uartoio, ana bioppu uid TTo ti.1,1 OLD nAN03 iu EX- ,W ,t ... tA .':.-, i ft? cita:;gj; tdi ca easi rAY.'.'.l --" iB Ji' ?. J'.I.NT.'i aal Beiirl Tianoa ON AP- '. AZTrrTf- -L '.v .o . jrnno for r rj.lv a j tn l;-iU it not ptr Jfccti Buhafactory, evea Uo(jh -1 l. PK'l'KlVSl'cjX THE LKADINU GROCER HAS THE HOST COMPLETE STOCK IN THE CITY, resits. ra-ia.Eca ATTENTION FAKMI-KS I want your Poultry, 1'ggn, flut ter nnd your farm produce of nil kinds, I will pay you the highest cohIi price us 1 uui buying lor a lii u iti Lincoln. B. PETERSEN, Till; LEADING CROCKR Plattsmouth Nebraska D J. II:A:N:S:E:N UICAI.KH IN STAPLE AND FANCY OUOCKIMKS. (JLAS.S AM' (JUKENSWAUE . it'rni('' t 1 1 l'uliie Solicited J3HNS3N E'j:LDISu3 sun JE'vV HARDWARS STQ.l E S. K. HALL A SON Ke'p All VlmM iif li ill 'it Imnlwar o'l nitnj mid 1U u lt ro'il'ii 1 r ii. most Uv ur.itiln U-r.a : TlJT BOOFINO l O ItllXI and nil HiiiHi J (In rk pmiD" fly uui?. .iiir'v it hi iut riMi.iuy iMiliuiirii, m .'.Bil "I I'LATT WHiril, SKU. A T t . lJl ' i f'&t YOU KG MEWpLD LlJEiir ! i nit iviw vr iiit t.Artii ur Ht liAjBi TttT hrl tfftrt t tit lbFfnti!rai. mt bul b.1 kfowlLt; bo t i-carull 'J-v i iinil4t"" ' .1 r.iM an i-nf ,ik.iiii.trii KE'rV ml ffF. pt1. I rif irn.-B irtt,"rtUo Aflt.llei.l at U flrr:. :f J. n, f ' J hf IfjMc Ti.AlMt.T, tTtl!'iill II' l:lt-7 nr a1b1bL ' Taii I roiff f.irntriAi r ..i. :fr LLO.Ii.Y. .1 k'A r t.ll't S to i:toT rf i ' M..ir l;i l'i Yrfhlul Cot, f ' i. f . 1 , t 1 f t urr ' .r nrt. feu V - b-U ii. ft. AT' . .(U, Of Alit-'lUl LU.. it. V. - tJ - 1 l .1 --! ' Wl tit t I l"t t- 1 ; HI?' of - aa - v.- .w . - -.'V. i-; jou liva S30D m2c.B awAy. Vi'iiio til i 1 1 sis at m Itw.kunl l tlvr Time. "IIoM ".i; ' b-'. v, l,U'.; :,:; III m hni t lu j'l-.t n iiiiiint:'," h.ii.l h'.,r. 'J'r;i, twi uiy, i'..'::y miaul -.1 )ia:.'il. Cal:y u. i.!;i' mi 1 j, ;i il i.h if i-i'V.'ii j'ii'ji.'.s v.'i ua'V. i' i '.. Ti.'.:i::a Ibo cliild, li v. it, in 11ml wil'.!. i -n't l!"V"," Bii l lb- V "o'. lia:i i; ''1" bi I'.itMir -s ;;iiV.; 'i'.i. i , b'.IC l.il't 1.IT Ji.llMSul lli'l'.' ll ll ,. c ul lor it in j .. t u lain. 1. 1'. 1. . cUi-.'.r." 'Tli:iti!:r,." r.:by lrrri;irii:r', ! tlirown b:t-'!j, fan? ri'.l, cyi-.i , ' Uli.T, liicki-.l i.li oao btllii 1 . M.i'iii il.l liiuiiiii anil liaii i.i 'u. I . liniir, no wif.;. Hi; osirrii-.l t'.ai l:..:. tan (1i'.-.;siii.-i!;it"i1, w'atTu lie wa.s tun.: 'Your v. i n't l.i in. f ;ln b;.s ; ti the iibii. in t'h. l.'ut ii:i l-.' I. a . p itlrl'll hern lill'l Habl i.'.l(;'il c-ll b-r i. jn.st u liiiuuli!. Uij Bcatcil." Tii'in:::." IId Uutii-l l!i ncreamin;; cliibl o:i . kmc, 1. li.l it cjii Iih Ijnoic, roll I it on in Kt.iinaih, toiseil it in the .. utiifTcl a hariilUi'i-dnef in k i:i'm:i r. Iiuiiiini'il "V.'e Won't tio Ibuiiu , Jbin, iiij.'' Hi linked for a r.Ui.lij b but tin) (IrcHinakrr (,-ut i.iail unj t. . Ban w.isii iiiiin icii. ii. ill nonr, i. Wife, llo bii.k tau chill tj tao liiiiln; who Hui.l: "V'onr wife Isn't h"r. S!i hs jv left fur home. Oh,wliut cuto liu! ui'in'.li; that chilil ban been cryin .;!" 'Hain't il!'.' liu btartej for hoinu an I ne t his wife on tliu btruvt. Toiyin tbo cbiiil into hur iirnia ho atrnttt'd awn, Illiilterin: "I'll bo bark in just a minuto." "Ciiica;;.) or New York time, dcarr "Your time!" ho thundered. That wan two year:) n;;o mid ho hasn't etcu him biuce.-Chicago Herald. Lrril t'ufttli.rrn;li'g Ghoiit. In one of the Htandurd Lritish bio f:r,".;i!iical vorkii may bo found tlio story of Lord Cautle-i-uh and tho (liost. It t' ciin that when (jui'.u a yonn man Cthtli ren'.i coiniiiaii.b d a militia ri-'i-Dient in In land. Uue niht hu wan sta tioned in u lar;;e, desolate country hou.su. Tlio bed upon which my lord repfwed wi; ut tho cud of a lotirj, dihijinlated room, wliily nt tho other extremity a treat Grt of wood nnd turf had been prepared within a Im'n, fKpuifc', eld f.i-.hioticd Creplucr. Vi'akin in tho mid dle if the liiy'ut, C'at.llereaj;li lay wuteh ins,' Iioia hinpblow the frui'mal darkening of 11 e i inbi -i-M n the In iirth, when and d' n!y they biased lip und a nuked child Mteppcd from uuioiij tuem upon the fl.K.r. The flurB advanced slowly towurd the drow.-.y but llior ja;;hly puzzled gen eral, N.uii?iw tn ;row with p'lrpri.-iti rapidity ut every utrp, until, coining WKhintwo or three paces of his bed.it had luisimii'd tho proixirtlons and ap jiearancn of n chie tly ejant, pali Rsdeitth, with bb'e.Hn wuiiinl iicriMS t!ie brow, r,ci P'x iniii;; to jjUnv with ra'e und do tpair. Lord Cio-llcreuKU said tliut he leajied from thn bed and confronted thf figure in tin attitude of defiance., whero upon it retreated ta'fore him, diminish ing in rir.. nil it withdrew, In tho name manner that it hud previously shot up and expanded. Ha followed It, fmen by pace, until the ori'iiia' childlike fi rm di.suppearcd ai:ion; tli4 embers. This atory Lord C.u th rea:;h told and declared to bo true in every partlcnlar at a party in Pari iu lil."i when ijeott was imonj the hearer. St. Louis lb-public. TIis Nnrrtrat VMIs. Ti x . . I 1 I : . . 1 .. Ut IU l U '. Hnui j til . , .''J , nnespef.i'd vi.iitin;;s with friends, which is if leu wanting fpuu the planned and rounded coiiiiiii"4 when the "iire is bright Ntid the cab la-i;"t n-mly iu tho closet.'' Wo uro m vi r luin.n'ioua of a wiinner, more living m-irns to n friend than Iif ti-r we have uuex;-ctedly chanced Upon bun i:i the n'rect and ha I a f.'W miuuies of that Uav.awiiuo chut which glances lit r-o iimcli iin l j:ra-pi d latin, or after he h.ii tlivreie I in, for an unanticip.ited half hour, lit a ti.un when we bad do rcii'ui to lix.'.t f i r bun. 1 v. iiy is it that ttie longer, more orderi .1 boiirs of meeting leave, on tho tlio whole, un i.npre.-.ion le"i vivid and l .vh wiiiin? IVriiaps Lecaii wo have lived be vi-it onr-, in anticipation, nnd the ri abty hasten" faint fatal ml' plcioo of stalenesu? Certain it Is, tho scrappy houis are a'.eutL I3o.iton CummoU' We .lull. DM Nut liu, it, UIibI Um Going Ob, Tliero is u fact ulniut the French revo lution more wonderful iu it i way than nay v.h..i caa I ...I k v. r. I bio! J news j. iur. I; i t fact, fi':iTc l from puvat't le-ti-M of lie ixiioO, ihi.t it tuoeu Ktirrin tiim, wht ti i.il the world w.ls tiiilu;! v. it ii tlie eveLU iu I'ari.i, tli"" were actually jn-ople in tnat ti'.y bvin,; in hbmliito i.'uoraiire of tho hor rn'.i uro.ind ti.em. '1 ,11 re was no U' i'U of Terror for them. Thcv lived veritable recluses in tle ir nuint m. iii luin hoiins, 111 !Ua,it nothing, l'ett'l,li! I.olliim; o( tut) turmoil which startled and ti rr.bc.l thn lialioan. Oiei woiiib rsiiiucii v.liat man tier of rwop!" tb'iie oyht.-rbke tdi.s luii'ht bo. Nolhiir; Rimiids in ueincrV- ibln t'xlay. Yet there me many th'ui'.i in history not half i well aiitheuticaled, though hihtory is curium.ly silent on so strange a cireutiii.tniioe. Londou Inows. Vluit Hi l'rruiil Wmm !' J Fnr. There win r iiee ft rchool ttocherwha riMi-ived fi.mi hi r u'jiils a most olaborsto jewel i.el.itof kium and Bilver. Not lout; alui w.ird the nuuot.uccd iu family Conclave, "Tint thin;; l'i horrid, but Wff rcai'y met nvj it," "Wr't" rpivncd her mother. " by, bow mupy of us are ex pc'i d to malm r. ;f ii.'' "As many us pTtt.ibl", I should nay," was the ir.r.o cent r 'pty. "1 i.'t il picklo jar'" Youth's l 'oii.p.ouon. Uinw llinr to Willi. Van Jorkien (t.i applh-int for p')ition of butler) Yuu me I..iuiiiar with wuit- ,1. !m Tho-ii'is ()!i, yes, nlr. Van J ir!i.ii.i Wli'-re did yon get your CX' ".enecl Joint Ta )ii''i 1 w:n a f i'.l'.lonsble tai.jr, feir; tt.ii 1 1 (javu io..a credit. New York Lpoch. I 'ersoul diMiri'i-' tr vole ui.i..t ro iber oilhc e.-i'ii(i:i bniii-b niciiil They !iu:-t then, wi'.h'Mtt b'tivi:!";- t ; to a ctvuaii'.'t.ii Mt an 1 ),.',) nv fi.-ir !i,i!l.i'. i. Make ,j cro.-H murk (N) with ink in ! in-1 a;: lit inaij-in of I lie Lmllot oppneile file name of each person f.ii" iui.ii uii vi '1i In yr.e. lAi inf. make any iu:irk on the b.ili.t, t :ivc.i:i above .lircclei,or the ball"! will in,t be counted. If yif i spoil a ballot return it inn nieml.erof the election board nnd obtJiii from him a new balioi. Takj liiiis to a (.oiiianuient and mark it proper!;-. Having inail.i-d the ballot, f.il 1 it fo ii.m to cmc"iil tin' names nn 1 iimrl.js on the face, mid to e: po ,e the ihiuich on the back. Ta!,e il In t!ie jmiue of election belore leaving IIil; em lo-nirc, nnd hce it d. po.-ii. d in (be b,,:. Immediately leave (be ruib d enclosure. If ;,ouwisli to vuii' for any person ivlio'-e n.ime doea not upjicnr upon Hie ballot, write or insert bin full name in the bi. ink upHce. on Ibe ballot under tho proper oiiicc you wich him to hold, and make a cross mark iu the proper margin opposile tlio kudo. Do not bike any bnllot fioin tliu polling place; you thereby forfeit the l'iiit to. vote. Following nrij the ctnte nnd county tickel: I Vov J L'i Hi oi-' i in-; su'w I. I IIUKI', a.;.i i;.;;. i.i,. ,1.;. r. J.I I It. OI II Jo.-epli W. Iviiei lon.Soiiil.'liiTaliaV A. M. I'oft, C'nliimbiiH 1-Uk Kl.i.KM.i UJ- I Hi- ,,TAll. I'Mt A. D'Alieiiiainle, Arapaboe, William tiorMt, Nelili, )CA. iladiey, Seoliu " Chart. II. MarpleOiuaha II. T. Sliumway, W'akeliehT Caroline M. Woodward Seward l'UK J LIH.I-. Hi- Zi J I llll. I Al, 11 SI KICT Samuel M. t'bapman, I'lattsmout Ii TliomaH li. Stevenson, Nebraska L ily' II. I). Travis, Weejiin- Water Fiik t oo. l Y L'LI.WK. Frank Ilickwon, I'lattHmoutli J. li. Marshall, Irecnwootl, Jense Rockwell, Manb-y jrir riploiiTTed a"r C I i e ii l"OK CuliM V J KhA.siJk'I.K. T. li. Ilruwn, riattHinoutll L. C. KickiioiT, IHiiHviiie Fred Herrmann, Ha'.tsmoutli Samuel Kichanlsou, Ivibt Mile(,rovi 'ok County sin. ii-t. Kdmund Dorr, Stove Lreek I'recioct George Kdnon, Murray Win. Tiijlie. riattsmoulli I'liiiauder WilliautH, Klmwnod, 1-ok Lol.M V Jl lii, "I LI )7 1 larrTWiT-'tiiny'XV.-rti'F F. i. GafM, i'httNmoiith, H. S. KaiiiHev, I'lnltioiiouth Calvin kiiHfell, Veepior Water l''llK CUKK OF Dii'l KIL I' L'llliKI'. . ii. Denrinir. Wnlia'n AcKlaod Salisbury, I'lattsmoiilh W. 1 1. rue!'.'"-, .lt. I'leasant I'recioet .b. 'i iitl. l'la't-s.'ioulh - FoK Loom Y Si i'i.i.'i s l i,l..S r - J. Jvlmer Leyda, Weeping Water I'recmct i. W. N of.b -7 W c n ."i7i";7 WaTer . - M. O. Weed, (!reenvood i'rei inct - Alice Wilson, rbittsiunulii 1-OW C.OV..M Y LOKO.M-.K, H." b. Hrendel.'M hi ia"y "" " I'. S. Galley, Greenwood V.. W. Miirle-VWcrpiiTy WaiTT" j. 1. riliiriih7iJl7itl"H7iioiitir YiTkZ ulrS :U k V7!. Villi. " A. C. Jlayes, rjailsiiiDiith Fred 1'atterHoii, Rock Ulutfs J Ok' I Ml M Y 1. S.W.Dulton U. M. GiMifi 'Win. Neville, Mexican Mustang -n- O L A Cure fo the Ailments-cf' Man -and Beast A lonjj-tcsJH fain r:!ievcr, - Its us; is .ili--o',t untver i! by t!ic Housewife, the Farmer, the Ftocl; Raiser, anj 1 every one requiring aa effective Ko cilicr app'.icat'ton citnpr.rcs trith it in cfTicncy. TLi3 wcll-l.tiou.i icukl' l.aa stooJ the tcit cf years, almost generations. No r.i ileitis elicit ia complete without a bottle of Mustano Li::imi;nt. Ovcas-ioos ari; for lis us2 almost every day. All liVViiAj CttU UCuiClS luvj lu ! ' '"-I i urn t'n'ir liiilliiio from a Will 1 1 n :).s r,. l (I.III.MllO.l I Independent I k'cpllhlicuil I i.khi X. - Vol I-. J-OK TWO. T. " ITdi-'pTmiliTi 1 1 j r I 'robibltion Ind'-penileut Republican i'l publican l'rohibilioii -J-j-t- ii i i: i ok ONlv. K'epilblieno j Independent D 'lnocint I Vuni "i-oh;"Nbr K'cpiiblicnii Jililependetit j I'robibition I 1'emoci at I Vo l li FUM ONb I'robibition Kepubiiciiu Democrat independent Vo l K FOR lndeieiiient kepiiblicntl Deinocriit i'robibitiou I - Vol I. K' llMi, I uilepi'iulent 1'roliibil ion I Democrat I K'epiibliciin "Vol ii i oi l)Nli. I5. iU... r.it ! K'epublicaii Prohibition Imlepeiident V oi k FOK" ONh, lif"luldicail 1 lemitcnit 1 ndepenilent 1'rohiiiit ion OI K I ok 1 1 Mi Democrat j fiidependeut I ' ii ii i i bit ion k'epublicnn ' Vo i i; F i k "(Y'h K'epuliliean j Democrat 1 llv t , li Republican Prohibition Drniocrat j miment VV -id-rful. C. W. Saw yer, ol K'oclii istcr, Win, ti puiiiiiiieiit ill alec iu policial nii rcbiiiidi.-e, n::d wlin i f.ln. ' vei al pe-MHiiir wan-o i.', luid o:if of niu bursas ba lly cut and bin ned with a lariat, The wound refused to heal. The hm-re became lame am! still now wit hsl a ii-l in-.;- c.n ef ill a i '. "i 1 1 ion and the applii unou in ivmc.li' s. A friend band."! Sawyer soiiH'f of" J hitler's i i n Ii Wire l.ineiiiciil, the 1 inii'i inuiui'. i.ii lorn vi r saw- to heal Micll v.o.iii.i.,. .'. i:i ;ilit'.b only tli'".'i' t im 'a a i t 1 u; i-ina! was Completed li Mied. Iviu ill',' rood for all sum, cuts, l.u- i. e' , nnd wounds. 1'orsale by ;.li dru;-;iht ' Curv f r Pari.lv 13. Frank (.'oriicliiis, of Purcell, IncL Ter.,en-.-: "Jiuouced Mr. i'iiihon, w bn.-e u -iF: had paralysis in t lie face; to buy a bor.le ol '(.'bamberlain'a Pain Halm. J o their I'reat hiii-rine before the bottle bad ail been used lie waM oil d Ciiii oelii Her face bad been diawn to mil! Fide: but the Pain lialiu relieved nil pain and nn eiics.--. and ibe mouth assumed its na'.mal sha.e." Iti dlso ii cerlaii! cme lor ibi'iimatisiu binie bacli, sprains, swellings und laiiienef s. 50 cent butties tor nal by F. (i. i'ricl.c t'o., Di iiibta. Strfncth t rid Henlth. If vour.ule not leelmj; Ftronfir find health v.try Ivlectric i!ilter. If 'Ln Grippe"' linn left you weak nnd weary, use Jiiecinc iiiiiers. una remedy uctw directly on Liver. htom.-icli and Kindys.' gently nidinx tliohe oiaiirt to prebo ui tlieir tunc tion. If you arc nlllicicd with Sick Jleadac lie. you will lind Bpecdy uud i periiuiueiit relief by taking l.lectrm Uettcr. One trial will con vince, you that thin ih the remedy you need. Lunre bottlert only 50c ror nale by V, G. j-nckc 5t bo. Some of the. most Btartling, in-tt-rn1 iii'r discoveriei of the life and custoiiiH of buried Lirypt lire nowr belli)-- made thiol;--!) exlens.ivecxca riillioiiH. Tliesc discoveries are excitin-r n great interest. Many uiscoverieH are, However, oeing innde in our country that are re markable, iimon which we may mention thai of lialler'n Pain Para lyser which HfectM entire relief, and iu many casen a complete cure of that terrible disease rheuniatiHin, and which also rclicvcH pain of all kinds. For Dale by all driiggiHta H ti n i:t n 3 it ii n'Diy, "Myctic Cure" for rheumatism and. neuralgia radically cured iu 1 to 3 dayH. Itn action upon the Kysteni ia reniarkable and iiiyflcrious. It re moves at once the cause nnd the di sease immediately dissnppenru. The first d i-ie greatly bem-liU. ,75c Sold by F, G. Fricke, Druggist.' wt That HackingCougli can bo quick ly cured by Sliiioii'n cure. We J'liaiantee it, hor Sale by E. G. ricke and O II Snyder 1 The Createst Strike Among the crcat BtrikeH that of Dr. Milca iu discovcriiig bis New Heart C ore has proven itself to be one of the most important The de mand tor it lias become iiHtoiusrt- ing. Already the treatmentof heart disease is being revolution i.ed, and many unexpected cures eliected. It booh relieved Bbort breath, flutter- )gi laiiiis in Bide, arm, shoulder. weak und hungry Bpclln, oppreH Bion, Bwelling of ankleH, smothering and heart dropsy. Dr. Miles' boon, on Heart nod Nervine DisciiHen, CC. ' lllO UtR'nUittCu Nt. W ltctlt Cure is bold and guaranteed by F. Lr. I'ri'JHe CC O, 'I!? '-tor-it ivf Nervine for headache, fits, Bprecu, hot bashes, nervous chilis, opium liubit, etc. 4 Reduced rintcB. The H. & M. will Bell tickets on the certificate plan at the rate of one and one-third fare lor the round trip, as follows: To KnnsnB City, Mo.. Get. on account of the annual meeting of the American Public Health Asso ciation. Mt. Plcnsnnt, In., Oct. Z -.annual meeting ol the Y. M. C. A. St. LouiH, Mo., Oct. annual meeting Hrothcrliood of St. Andrew. Waverly, Ia., Nov. 1012, mutual convention Iowa Hotter and Kgg Association. Des Moinen, Ia., annual convention Iowa State Farmers-' Alliance. For irony yenre Mr. II. F. Thoinp son, of Des Moiiien, Iowa, was He verely altlicted with chronic diarr lioea. He Kays: "At limed it was very severe; mo much mi, (hot I fec.crd It v .jb! c.;i l n:y Ao-.iut hcvcii ye.u-M ago 1 chanced to pro cure a bottle of Cbamberbiin'a Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. It gave me prompt relief and I believe cured uie permanent ly, as I now eat or drink without harm anything I phase. I have also used it in my family with the best results. For mile by F. (J. Frickie Co. Wonrjrrfu! 3ucros9. Two yearn ago the Haller Vtojk Co.' ordered their bottlea by the boa now they buy by the cnrlond. Among tin popular unci sucreselul remedies they pr.'pnii ia li.illcr'a Sarsaparilla & Hnrdock which ia the most worn'ivf-'l blood pui-.fier known. No uVuggial heaitatea ta rcroniinend thin remr'!y. For iiale by ih ugiib W III bo Civoii Away Our etito-p.-ki'ig dru.rgi.4ts, F. O Fricke t't Co, w.io curry to" ".no! Mock of dciiiVH, peifuiueriin, it.iiet nrticleB, br:i hen, Bpoii"cit, etc., nre giving away a hircrc number of trtnt lnHUe-s of Dr. Mibas' celebrated Res torative Net-;ine. They guarantee it tJ euro )i :a l.icl.e, d oin- .s, m-r-yo'.in proi( ration, biei plestine.- h, tlie ill elfecb of Kjiirii.', tobacco, coCfer, rt-. rru.';gih:.t ay it i, the grcn'teai, reber t e over km-w, nnd h,u:iivLr milly sntiaictorv, They also gt:ir nnbe Dr. Mil-,,' 'New IU art Curo"iu all ca:es o ni rvoitHoro 1 "art (lisiace, i.dpit:: (It, r;;:'i i:t pi,Jr ronof . i g, ,-ti-. l'ii e biob ', '.'. .... u-J . i-e-.n I.,, em. . nc. ) A.