1.1 f Phut noiit;! P;rlv lli-rall t my oar K NOTTS BROS, Publishers lhii.-,1 ty, anil d.tl'y tftl III I' Plittitimxiili. Neb. r" t" m tr.rnii-'li til" I'. a" l- Pi tvenlu. !(- .r.-i.-il nici-'ir ire at ...mni1 ev i--. O'llc" c.irurr Vm mil I'lfttl tri'rl T'J'ii'l'oii"-'''" Oct cviy, nv, ..-, in .'-in - .... On tvi(.y, ,:,t' y-' '' 1,1 t ,v " f Oil e tpy. a 'iMii'hf, hi a ! h'p . . " On .' I'), r !. :i...iilii . n .: t . TI'KMM f"ll DAIl.t Oli i1''' y I il 'I H1 -; a l.,u,r lino I'l 1 lo-onC-- v.hii h i.o urn produce ru.nou-. ctinpciui"u : o.ii-Vii j ..if nor ilc l i il. i i'!i m. ii ' luiiii.-.1 u'o ol imiuUy. . ,.o .ii.; liciinily ri f ivor ol the : 1 1." i" : i i 'i o i.-inn o! !. inters.! ate coiiinicice act, and v. c I'.einand Ihe 1 ll .a I io.l of .I" I'atlva iil.il lr:t;in n.i iiiUu-1 linen i.l k.i. 1: a in.iiKi !' in t.) inriuelair iu..l reia-oiiatde r.i!r.- ti the pro aiecr. and coiu-unii-rn ol the co. miry. We favor Hiiih I.'.; l;r,.vinl :lll l.ie.'.al uud it :i i ti exacliui -Capital nail cori'o'.i iti.-ist tifoii I'"' Mli iril.-l'.S., Col ..jlieil la in a' of t!" 'if !alio:i ii9 will oinliiiintiinis. Vil-IVI'l'.l "luiv.vr.. U'i' I., I', Oinc i.iy. ; r mum!' er - rati: r:D.v, ocTo:1-"i. l'i STATS TICKET. Fill AIICI.lt" - 11 I IT i ii " -M"''i A. M l'ii.'r "' ''Lit f. For Uf'ji'Uli !( I Ms' l'..lv- irt II. I Mil' tf . Y f ixun c it, 1 1 ,:ri i- nl : mi, REPU3UCAN COUNTY TICK' for PMii ! !i ! : S. M. ClIASVMAN. SAUSiiUKY. FOrCier'i n; t!i" A. For T Mnr.T : L.C. KICKIIOFI. For "Her f ; " ' GEO. EDSOX. For County ('In : I iCANX DICKSON. Fill foiiiitT Jrile : CALVIN RUSSELL. Fort'o'Jn'y Surnr'ut' -a.! lit : J. E. LEYDA. For Conine r : J. I. UXRU1I. ForSurrfyur : . , A.M,AYES. For CominlMl'iiipr Ftr-t ln.trict : S. V. DL'TTON. -I. Ill (if nil llii'ilirs ilc- iiitil'a iaily iiicri'.ii i; the lie,'!': HtlH'" ft l:ft'. (-.- ;it'-I ti.i' wit: i'i v. inunii'i in ,-,l,iul :i.U!l Hi Ii ml l.lill m ui in uoriil hii-.oi v. ami ml- ure in 1 1 1- i ii v mil. i.l. V . it:i every etlort 'ti) iii"i!u- il u hkli'. :.. V. e ciioulil ni.iki'- ii credit.;! le e.l diit ol , . Ni-Lr.i.ka'M iu.IiK'tf, an.le (aver " lau ail luional ai'irupna!iO't hy the -,iexi l.'i.-lawiu- lor thin ,ia, iiK'. !tliat our in'!-ierity ntnl n;a'...i'rM .. in.iy lie fully t xeiii.!i!ieil. V.'e take . iiii.ii' ia t!n ft. ite We proniw that ii crov. t!i ami pinver, its !r--iiiit,' iui l iiooii name have heeit 1.., . ... ... i. -...i....i-;- i and e heiieve in Hiich policies, utate i.ii'l ualioiiat, ar . ill jh ottiote justice ami wnle:i the nppot uuiitiin anions litei-e cl:ic.-". i lltei' nip pnrt ia the future, :i; h' ; lit ,)a--t, we pietist our iiiont iiHi'llienl jitilj; meat anil tno-t fine eiuleavor. V ileiioiiitie the tiraml I-laml plaliorm of the d Mioi'i'aiic p.'.rty an fraiiH-.l with the indii) -rate Miir,i--to miHl a I iitnl ileci ive: wherein .jyt;ipatliy in rxprei-t'eil v. hi e none is feh; wherein ln-l ; is ji.opie.I w.'kmi; none is reiid.-ii'ii; .ii Tiin purpo.icH in c nvoi.'ril .'!iich ti'. e not eiitei taineil. 1.1 r.i:p;o. i in iiii-i in ilictnieat we poi.H ,o .he j.iel '.n.e.i frienilrhip for .l.e .voidier. yhilf ut the name time t.ie i! 'nincraiic prrly has alwaye proch-imeil r t.i'n i ihe urantiti of liber;.! p-.i 'on ; io ihe Iree.-ilver planU, i.iie.u e' io oeceive the tutpportem oi Ir v n; itnliui ite'l coinaje o. niiver. v.hi'ti it is knu'.vii tliut many o .ie '.eud 'rs of the party are oppo. ' to l.ie 'nc trine; to tilt failure In f;ivr thr re lief frutu tihorhilant ficit;lit rates while it wni airaid hi either nf. prove or ceiiftiire the nctiou of iM iii-tin-; alien governor for vetoing tin' Neivherry hill. We (lenouni'P tin detnoeratic pr.rly for 1 1 rt insinuations iipainst the integrity of thr stiprctuc court of the natc as an tlfort to make the jtl'lieiut powers siihordinnle to xjlitical Jiarties nnil us disgraceful to n j.olitical orK.uii7.atin. We ilenounee the ileinocratic party for its iloitl le dealinj; with the civil tttid political rights of the people, wherein it appears to favor free and iiritrannm li-d f lections in the bt.ite of Nehracka, but never raises its voice iiainet the political outraLTi rr'ii'ticed iiL-ainct the re- puhlicati voters, while and black, throughout the democratic f tatcs of th south. We Hrraicrn t!t democratic parly as the enemy of labor, Ncheniinjj tj break down the defense of protec tive laws, to block the wheels of home indiictry, itnd to dejrr.-ide the riasnes of the p nple-a party con trolled by aristocratic and sectional tendencies, the legacy of slavery. Then-publican party of Xebraoka appeals to ttie intelligence and to the integrity of the people of this r.-ut stid .rot -cd ci!irt1 W4 THE REPUBLICAN PLATFORM. The republican party of the etate oi Nebraska ijives renewed expres sion of its devotion to the princi ples of the republican party and de clares that those principles, as ex prenu'd by tiie national republican convention, bhouM fie the strong toint of union between all repub catrs in the state of Xebranka. We connralulate the people upon Ihe nijrcious prosperity attemlinjf Uii development an. 1 growth ol the Mdteof Nebraska during its twenty lour years. of statehood under re publican adu.inislratioii, and which ban brought us to the frotit rank imon-; the leading states of the Onion; and we can fearlessly assert Ik at no state which has been con trolleilby democratic powrr.durhi" uy cmisiderable time of the aiae period, caa coniiare with us in the econounc.'.l management of public tl.nrs.in the rap . I ratio of increase in t-i'pulatioii, v -.i 1 ill aad general yro.perity, n il .-. ithstaiH'.i.vj the fctci lua; ih-ie ic wiihiu ihe borders of tin; state a number of riiHi-'nlij-ficd per.-oi.s who took a . unlade of the general Ihiaucial lie-pre"sio-i which swept over tl.e n tiro couu'ryto pave tlieir v: y into i-nrporary prommenee hv (leehiim Inif n,'a..;.-t the v.ellare nf o'.irpeo pc and rtanil.Tii: tiie fair name of ,. ui 'i i.. wu. r.a.i. 1 ui. .lion infill lir(i'il . , ,. . ml the rich -.U. vi-oro,:lv enhi- IT may truly be raid that the dem- ute;l bv tin? eat r 'i'ii haiid i oi r,..r ocrats are o:i t'.if run throti-rhout l.iriuers. l..".e pr-diuced sue!, I mi:,!. ' t.ie c nlire country Il u I crops .ni l Mien nni ivaieil prinj- invite vupporL The Iowa prohibitionists Ii.to a Rood opportunity this year to vote in a manner to materially i.id the temperance cau.-c. Will they do it? penty tuat i-'i iu deuce ail calam ity taikrr-i ari.i add to tiie Kr.'i:;'il and eu: h'.!--a.i.-iii o.r the repi:i.i. in party. We con.-r.itnla'e President Harri son upo.i iii.- eminently wire, loyal rid courageous ad mi nisi rat ion, and c!erl -:e o'ir iil.:-i!u'e lonfidnue in bis i.ne.'.'rity, alniily nnil pairio tibin, fil l pf''d';e Jii'ii our cordial pii-i '.i't i.l , "'I - ',' "-har.'i of tiie A If )IT the only qtiertion at issue in Ohio now is bow lar-je Kinley's majority be. will CTlIE campaign bars will have but about ii : n- iiionth's ri Kt a.'ter next Tuesday, before the w ill commence tr; 'i:i, but t'.n'sbri. f renpiti: -will be dulies devol i,e', ojsui him as the j a great relief to the county. , fuel IMK ' IrU'lliO Oi UK" .'l.l'.IOil Ye r. jiiii':; i.l tile ix-nloralioil of di-rii i : v vi.or a it.'. i.iie i;iai:f.iii in THE Iowa v tate register says that the cniiil n l of oir lor. 1'jn n;,. n Wheeler will carry the Htate by V2X'.) under tli. Jidui'; lii-nd ol .i,iit- jiy, notwithstandinj; t!ie dis- lea's favorin' e.o i, la u -s (i. Ulauie. , ,i i - VYc approve oi the nlver coi.,a-;e ! 0!lt'cll"n in ,h" fCPubhcao TunU it a ainii- ' : uiiii iiCCOiijioi pro., im-.O'i. Ci Oi i.l ' by v.;,:, h ilv.': . ddud '.' t but .e (! dix"uii"i.' fiye o, ilvef liab'e to ut. every ci.y e Uninn i.i a troii-i .:.'.-r- '.'. t!: cil.'.e lOIHK" ;.". -Ii : ':.! ,i i t v H u'.i 'ut, . ' T II K alliance i-s a pol:ti'-al or;:in. ' iatio.'i hits made , very little 1 tiro-rer 3 in lov.-a and Illiiioin. The iiii.i.u i d p iiicy r ,HCt j m ,ave ,)0(. too l t!:" ti 'Oi.le of J ' .' . . . , . A. i-i. !f iii ihe i-001' fid I rues 1" luh in those .ley o, ilu' ieo'.! ', .iie ii -iiu.-c. ,.;ic !;i;Ii.:i!i .i Ciiii- i .j i i .e Ti.al of ii'.i.-i.ne-j ... , pr'i.Jeri'.y ; i aid''.i!ly d" mi'v ro ; ;. i" ni ly iienr. r.d unlh.i :! rv'i!::';.' telio.is for thrive well. calamiiy jinr to it d and 1 lie free oi cilver HAVE you tioticed tl-.at fince the McKinliy bill has been put into ;h aclical o,-K.".-Btioii and its f-ITecIs became known, that the democrats il!!-: i.ctio.i of the lona id'.i:! i- ti n p. ii ty this year plainly ilciimn Mi:i.cs, us has ofi n been claimed, iuai ihai pmiy lints imi labor in t'.i..' iulci'i-stsi of true teinperani e, but on the contrary, is directed by d 'Hiitoiies that desire the ih f 'al ol the republican party. This claim whs fairly proved when St. John caiivasr'ed the rcpublieail di.-tricH (d Xew York ttate ti'.oronghiy, tlu-rc I y defeat hg J. I j. 111. line mid a..-i.-.tinr li.nver t;h ve laud to carry the stale. In Iow.i t!ie republicans have parted a stringent plohibitory law, and this yee.r they will Man.: or fall on that iH.-ne; yel, n.it .vit h-tand in thir, Ihe pldhiirtionniti :) have a ticl.et in tl.e field which there ia no hope to licit i.nd it can only nerve to d- f.-iit the republican parly and jeopardize the lemper.ince cause. 1 b!s V tV . Ui t III 1 -have r. We have aliiiut three veai. am c.iinnieiided ii.s ii. e m 'nun .' ti.an n tuuidred tp. i i.il i ii; i of c;;'.inh ru- ........j......... . ; (jtiivies is, "1 I'm Ihe I. est remedy that 1 have ever iired. ' lb r eKriiiiee ir, ti:, it v. iieie jiai'lies cum iniied it.i u-e, it never fails to core. J. II. .'ioiil iroinei y, A. I liriijih ts, le c.ii'ah. Iowa. Win ii I bej;an tirin- Ely's Cr-aiti I'.ilm imv calatrh war , o I a l I laid I'i'itd-.icl'e the v. hole time n'ld dir.. el. ii't'i'd a lar;-e i immm ,,f Chliv li.a.i. r. That ! a.-" ulinn: t enlirelv lie :.p care. I an I have imt lu-.d head-li'-he rcieace. J. .-im.iiiu n.,t-,i line'', Colin. J' A I'orL'bAiC l'AMILT. jFffir: "Hi. U il. I.'-tn, t!,..,t y .ii nlnnri f"-m t.i 'e.ltcii .HI ' t'i i:..' lu.-t li'-w luliiir ? J)n kii ii I uu, )"U ul.ij keuia u tn uhcuj er me." Kate; "Iilnn't l:n": I eirf-.ntv do nut rr.i" m.r f- n I'i lh..t 'I i.-i '. Ji.SMi: : " w r.l. uur ritrtli l.:l I'cwmrnth )im lialii Uiiitli up Iminluig, t.---ll fur enuii-iii Till' journal hu-i c.i.'ed to talk abu'ii .'UKinley prices und now tills lue yoim men that they rl.oubluot vote lor protection i.u '.vaes are no belter in coiipciiuc ucc of it. The free trade paper cannot be blanii.'d bir making thee state meiits, for it mut t have tome object i' n to tl j. to k -eji on t. J ' I ' !e, L as a matter of fact the people know that under the American ty stein of protection belter wages are paid than in any o.her country, and they nbo remember that back in the "fifties" wheiH we had tree trade that wages were reduced workmen until left the hIioiw ntid caused o'jr uianiilactuiTrs to close. f -r- rj r. r'';'AP,'ir,r tls...-7i,;f I'KOF. LtVDA is too well and favorably known in this part of the county to rojuii; any personal mention from us, but for the benefit of those in other parts if the county wiio are not pert.onally acquainted with him, we ih riie to state that he is a man thoroughly capable of filling the positing of county fcuperiutendent. 11m iiuli ficatioiis are unexcelled by any other candidate in the field, while his pleasant ways and excellent education especially fit him for the position. I'iluiwoo l leader, (ind.) TilK republicans of Iowa, warned by the disaster of two years ago, have been bard at work evrr eince the campaign opened, orgatii.ing for a full vole next Tuesday. They came to the wise conclusion that wind amounts to little in a strung republican Hate if 3d,f) or 40..O) republican voter etay at home on election day. This is what elected Hoies, their only democratic povrrnor nince the organisation of the republican parly, und they have determined that it Fhall not re-elect him this year. So they have thoroughly organised in every county, town ship and (school district und the or ganization lias for its one object the getting out of the republican voters to the last man when tiie poiia ure opened. If they ettccrei!, and they n f.n to be pretty sure of Hiicceediug in that enterprise, the alleged defect ion here und there of disgruntled re publican leaders will not count for anything when the ballots are can vassed. State Journal. have reared to iihiiri the uieanure? Tiie b'tj'.h is tint wh'-u of they be- WO't' l ' I til : 1 M Mi ). ,( o.i'l nd to force lileu ..' of eheari Mini "V In the p:y!ueiit of v -es 1,1 every worisiioM, tniil. factory, fioo; .',.il fiinii, a ii-1 1 "irt t tin sc.ilnr: do.vn i .i . r ii... ..:i . I I ll I: wa ! oi i.:c HMI-..IH .in I . r weaiu-iingThe ,airchasi- power of ! R'n.their campaign of uiistepreM-n the dollar which would be used to 1 t.Uionj.he voier says no, Mr. Deino-fjit.-e'oa 'e lh products of ihe farmer. ' Crat the bill baa not had that elTect Wt ure in I.ivor of biix hir ev.-ry, TJw ,,I2i i,,,.,.,.,,.,! owr m,,!.,.),, dol' ir os crid s liny o t - r dohar. . , ., , We dc.iand the main!, n.i.iee of -ul I" ' rcwuut, manufac th, Airt'-rican hy.-t 'i.i of protection ' tured pood ere never ko cheap to Aiii'-ric.in in l istry iinJ labor, the nor farm products no high policy t:int run net n Kieniineu wit i eve, y period of our nulional pros perity. We admire th ce tiin of that fiTO'C slai' Siium, t i ! ! i.i i tl Mc!Ci-i- ley. jr., whom the people of Ohio' ',!l triil eia-o' t iieir i .x. ,, -f.xf.r at a' Tim la isn Bignifirant f act that not a i single altack bss be.n mad. upon i the republican nominee for pl.ei ilT. ruirv rci ,.e tn it hn i liar- reocfiiilion of hn inaimliCTit ser- oc:.r a tinnpotic 1, h!. tibili'y above ic-im to Iheciun'o Ue:!.so com-' i on Bt)d uttacK s would be use ne.,1 r.nd enu irh that t iih -y o, re- eiprocitv by which the Central and 9H 11 My ,,e 1' J"-'"!"- "JO, ?tilli American nations Htid the ' that he r.-il! r.ot ,'" outs'.le of Cass tucklcn' Arnica Salve. Thk bkrT SAt.vt in ilie world fur Cut I'riniM-pt. Kr . UUiTii. !iilt Klii'tiiii. Ki Vet Sorer, Ti Ui r, t 'li .) - A IbimU, (Till Muni.. (' r-i, iu il nil r-';.in ri) tmin'. mi. I ni ' vi-lyiurm I'd -r, vr uo pny r.(ij:re'l. it i- ii if ui.'.. i.l to L'ive iiluriiiri, oi il.ore y rm'utn'.e.t. I'riee "J"i e nt p t ml l'"iif',f hj K. O. Kl'-i ; A Co. T'ir. C. I. jot'rs, of 3ii-lit 'Hill Iowa, says: "l have used Chainber, Iain's I'aiu H.ilni for severe and painful burns with better etlect than iinything I have e,-er tried. It re lieve the pain inMantly und enres w ithout lea viiu; scsr." Pain Halm is o.ii'o. the n.o.-t tin ful medic in. r tb'tt !!tty fniM'ii'i rut Iii provided ' .; i, i-rl".v....y ..'I' ..i O.i.a... o. lame back, rptuins, bruises, tooth- nrhe, ear ache und like ailments. One application will relieve the paifi Hilda fair trial insure a cure. U) cent bottles for mile by V. G. bricks 4 Co. Druggists. ALittU Vina Etparian ca It a UgZt. houte. .Mr. and Mrs, Loren Trescotl are keepers of the tiov. faghtho'i"e nl Siiud He. n h Mich, mid ure bh".icd w.th a dull).' liter, four years. Last I. April she taken down with McnileK, it. llowjij with (Ire. I'bul ( etieh ond turned into ti fever. I lie t. is at home and nt Detroit treated, hut in vain, she grew vorse rapidly, until hhe was liier"" haildltil of boi.lci". rhef! tried Dr, Kiiiv'a New t:-;i ! iift.-r :'i- v i-1 Ivo Mod a huff bottles, wurt 'ou:pli lely cuiid. Iluy ray Dr. l.ing.s New Di scovery in wr.rlli i's w-i; lit i l Cold, yet yo.l may (et a (ri.. Lottie free id 1'. ti. Friikty Di ii;;r(ore. Spaniih fadies are being opened up to our trade upon favorable terms and by wliiiii all tl.e Hiirplus pnir'n ;- 4 of our eoiiiilry n'ny tied n ' nm ket unl by which nil our people aUnll receive ia exchange therefore count to employ a deputy, tied that (1 man will be ( ho -ten that wiil CoUri'nile Io the circess of Edsou'u adi.iini jtr jtion. dipt W. A. Abbett, who ban i mg been with Mi. ure. Pr. 'vil auj biilTi, 1' -:d r-'j mid 1 iisur.im i lSrke.-s, 1 'eu Moines, I owr. und ji one of the bc-M known fn.d r:iO' t re. ft'"iid lui-ii:"!"' men iii i'ih' ritv -(irt: "I fn h- :i!y ti the j. t,(. 1 oiialilifs of CT .niibeTh' in' Couc h IVetio-dy. If.ivuii; i:-. (J it hi my f.m.i'yior the j,,ot ii.;t.t years, I can vrU ly KiV it )H I II ';iii. fur JJr either f -1 l -- or erorp." iilii.i lot. 1 I.'.-.; for r.l l.y I', (). I'lid.e V Co., Drii,'jkistii. without nr t'tielier i yon enrir to the rrwu wu.-n li Li I a-at ii.-.i'iTi-.! Iiit l. I -hi ic i-i.m n i.i-leiilMii: 1 . .ti .iinl iai.-nre ml iiniin.v liu In inai. in . r t t.r ii :ru Imii: i la-.ir.l r-iu Ii'lhin In a uy l.iua-j In I eictiaiK Ikut nil clnii ina to iiiu.tai.i-t in i.i tntr ! I "ill in ini-ii I.i l.r it t.u nil ll. lull m ' finm,' hkI il.w J.it wlial I.i i. tit irii-r uil ri it'll inlii hit )dj eiit.'rt.illi In- it t . 1 1 . U i-; m. I In Uio but ni'iiitli V' hi liiivi. aai r.,r. .i .in iittith.ritrin, V'liilWIiuM. Iiiymir j'liyi iileiiiiuit'i'ini't'iiti il. Vi'nen lu i.n ii t nil (il your IMei imiii. n fr.nu in l.iii i.lii.r i iil-.iT luv Hu piu.liif IkjT ynu netcr K'i ti Uio eily.' KT: "IViiy J. uiili., ymi irtll rnnkd mt 7iim. I bnvfjoiily (.nt. itiiiirtitif iiiriiriniituai. b it it k irir;in,r .nr il iiuti i.ii iini. vrry wiiimti ur.ir el uiiythinir new hut hnt (He ni'At f. da) a I riinr luc lull Uil' iirinilun on Hi ta'Y u J!m.rl Sol I'iiihuuk-I AihI it-.' a trunonu it 11 tn v. H i. f r It rreiliy tunii-lHt H it piu'iih fi r H e t.oia li.i.i-i ii. -lil: l.-atHT l.itnKiM'ii Ui liitt nminirii.o tint ho lu i.n.1 n I. r art, tit hn run nl rno run m ire nn 1 l-iii r liilnriiiiiii.,n nn till. llii.Tl 1,1 ti:o ll.ij bui niollur MJi Hint It m I i it Hi it it. i i.i , i r nn b it fimii...! h iui.'i-..rf. Id i hu i a m.-n e li nl it U) tint mil v nmilr ritni.r mnii. inn l.l.i , i wi- hiivi -it fir r.ini.li of ail i.l tin in, n 1 (la I tiM ').: it mi .,r mill. m MLer nil f'.r w i-m ii, aul iumi ,or f,,r tliii lKii only, w ri" tii. '.ha .al4 in .-ttr i.i e i.f uu; si Wa oalf li"."! Ui !.'.'(. nt Ir trail nf rmi i-.il, anil l iut 1 Win n; t.io cci it. n.v ii.ftirf lit, f..r II 11 oiilt t Mil a yi-ir. r.-riiMfi j.iti tlilnk I itn tin lviti In my f.mi-i' ; I . t f ii 1. 1 ymi (i ir. nr. Iietli.r i,,, ,...i, u( r,t to l nil. ! l'T, W. Jim:iii'i, M'innnt, I'i li'-t Ulh r-irevi. Nr Vi.ik, t.,r n aumi'lo .n, iiml I lull it iy,iil.i r Hint i liavx iii in- you nnl lanir j n. may tymi will lirtilunr u nut, uj you mtf hnvc tlin n-puliitjtia (T tirititf Ibr liMt mformttl family .i town. If tiwl Isi to, it M isiuiuiwA A lualii t-t'imrii't (lt dust It." A lilnral ofler - only $1.(0 for THE WEETI.Y ilEiAI.l) and Deitioreet Tamily Magazine. Ii7"Seiid your subrcri)tion to this ioiil r. HENRY BOECK The Le.ning FOKNITURK -LLALII3 AND ' .V ... a I UNDEPTAKR. L'iunniitlj krcp oo lutnl tv. rjiMn Bed to furiii'li y nir burnt.'. (tlM-IKN HXTII ASD MUN 1 1 ItKKT Plattsnoat HIliK SnM:iiM5A('!(L!i. Uid rilKfinn llh itu.p f,'a,11ug(iy, Miitliine uj . 1 l, . . i , . " - " r ' - IIOUSEHHOEINU A rSI'ECIAI.TY He !. tlirr- iiEVLRsi.1? r.&Rsz:nor; W lli ll i t'i,- li'Mt ll.,r. t'ltilj fur (It itriurr, it fof fiu.1 I'.iviiiir, it fur dtj iurpoi evr iiifr.Vl, It t nti.li thht Anyiiivj en put on rlir(i .r f fnr!; nj ut' l. i f r v;t er I " b.j i, ur nn- a!i, dry I ad i. ( iii h hi itliep sial I'XMiiius tlin McvKKM.it fi'l fim iU uks no it ,.r. J. M. siix;;f.i.iiAcicf.i. ll Ntrtl Kift St, P.v.u n luth 8!7 419, -I u, Utii, tiu. Piatt j.-nculii I cljrjjka Ji. il Liil'Z, frepxif tor. lit Irkiii 1ik b'ii tie roriili'y .ttimvib 1 fr.Hii t ji t-. .oi.;. , muj! t .IV. .,-. . J t,i ) b f .' I; -:i ,t,. .v.vi.''iil Im ti.iiie l y tin .k i;t ..',() Hrt.l ii p. 'Ott oP.r,,',, rUAHnoilS' lii't . r-.LA r y v (- Ot ru-' iOMfe?.::::;.; a I . '.-. t : : t -;--'; -- b-'r.yy Ji 1 k :L.-iM.r '! I I r fx' WEIDMAU '& BREKElIFEr :. 'ii : AUK 'HIE LEaDEi.S : V In all tint foci to muke vv a fiM cl t-x Urn; oi UarJw.iro. ' Ti tlit'ir f-toves in O A"R-LO AID - Xj O T , andtliui are enabled to undersell all competitor w 'f 7ify-Oiio Sfiniplc Slpfcsi' ' i " ' "TTrra all,,, i aiin i n Via ' AliE OIsT EXHIBITION ATOUB ' ' Thct ILiJiunt Uoiucaud c -Iiilini'i i Koin'nJ Oak arc ilii-ir y fine uJisoiY, ' " oenter tooX . Thin firm has the ex clusive agency of the celebrated miti-rustinp-tiuware guaranteed for one year. A lare line of Cop perware, tinware, and Granite-are. and fhclf liar A; , r Prices have bin.., I- v right down to suit t.i tiinci. The riacc forbarjjaina in every (iepartrneiit of our mammoth f , Ni:ttKA3KA. V Platts jvin. NEW LUMBER YAR lBBBBaTiTaaraaaiawraaMaaawaMBWBBarraiawav HEALKIW IN PINE LCMriEIJ, SlIINllLES. LATfl, HASH. bOO U.S. HUN'Oi-t.iibd til buildioff BUerj Call and sec; us at the corner ilth and Elm street, one north of Ileisel's mill. Kvcrytliing to Funiisli Vour House. AT- I. PEARLMAN'S imi FURNI5HIHG EMPORIULI. liavin" mirclbi-f l tiie l. V. Weclilwlt turc rojrn on Miuth .Main i in it v. !. n I nm n'..v ."fstlfl I "'h s'.l! ,f;"Vit tVi.v,pj it than the clicupest Iiavi n ju-t put in idc laicsi mocic iil'iK'wpiiriKrVcr bru'iht to tin city, (ia.olinc btove and l'liiiiilure of all kiiblHr.oll on the iiutallmi-nt plan. I. rE!UL3IAS. WILL KKEl C0NSrAN n. ON HANI) A Full run! C'niiipltt liuo of jDrugs, iledicbes, Painty z&i 0:' DGUCCIST3SUNDHIE3 AND PUHE LIQUOR. rrcscrlr.tloiis Cnnrfully (!oiniiounlt'd at all llon'i srAT r f Y f'T'-'rs-. i W lr V 'J I'thkit it ..i ,'iwiiij j rr fZ -.-k- 7. ' v-i 4 t:i Mfo--S I ,b' k r.r .;r.mf ,a V:i rwVJ mViS pi l'f ' ! I- "" v'lvr r 1' .' ri r- if 1-t tl I.l " i.l. I . . V i tl II I . .. , , O . , "I !. 1 ! -.ti I s ...... ...... V. rk 1 luia-r. I'lai' ii. l, lltl i t, , uki i hoi Nrw v.,,11. i . '......Jr...'- .-. -. ii uT-v i i..-.,j ' -cV"' T'i ... -