The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, October 31, 1891, Image 1

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aa 1 1 f n a
iviv vu yv ip
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I Ml !- ( id
I . .'.'..J-'l '
Ibtolutoly Pure,
ytam of tartar baking powder.
t test of all in leavening strenth.
' ftest U. S. Government Food Ke-
A salsbury
p-E-N-T I S-T :
anrathe tl far tha palnleii ai
i tract lor ol tcctb.
. Jold Work a Specialty,
'lock PlalUmoulh, Mcb,
,-Law. Will jt prompt ttalo
n etitnutM to him. Office I
Kk. Kaal Hid, riatumouth. !4eb.
tlf Fall air", lnr tin 1 quIIU
." auo a lut .f ni'w lulilun cutis up hau
Id straw anil fr t. Ihfjr h-i lull
, line ol liiliy b"d-aiid In or
j if r u rlr i lil Murk nut Iih t
tutti llirU irw Mlli.r ht to 40 and te
7ft c U ulininrd.
alio bare a dmi making dVpartmetit. sat-
UfniMlon jrtmruntrpfl .
. . . -
'. ' UD ADO PORrl.Alt TRrt A ffK
I ' JJ work and fine ruM work
' ,L KTT.1kVft tM'Al. awll a oth af.
1 atUialicaglTca lurlhr pidIcm tilrwiioo u'
f tCtD.
a A. MARSHALL Fiterald P'-
The bent of freKh ment alwnyii found
in thin nuirkct. Alxo Ircall
Egg ond Butter.
WiiJ game of oil kinds kept in their
Heat hasketi
Slrcpnc-s n!:;!it made nii?rral.!f
by Unit terriMi; cnuli liilolii rem
filv in the rtirp for you, by F. (i
Frick. ond O II Snyder. 2
Mcn'a lirnvy bfiulu l;ircc izc, 10,
11, nml 12, sroinjr nt lexn than tli-y
coat at Schildkneclits. if
Any perwon bnvln(flot a pocket
book in Indies' wuilin(f room, ron
tainlng' mime money, will plcnxe
call at D. & M, ticket olTlce. 2l
Jimt received a lace line of pliino,
orana and other inutrutnentM, uIho
a bintock of vocitl and iiiHlrumcnt
alfolio'a at Mulr'a on Sixth atretit
Mpoite poNtoilice, 3t
, ,o to Drown & Barrett'a and jret a
. ' ow irliion and btop up thut Imle
-.ftuf iioune. If
J V ,
?Vindow jjIuhb at Hrown A
; Jarre tt'a tf
; w, ii. ;. No. co
' re lirrt ty culled to meet tit tlirir
;ia!l I'ri'l.ty. Oi t. Ci, ut 2 ji. t:i., fur
' tuK'tliin.
V.y.iVt Dick 'CV, Pre:t.
'KT- k.ji M'i:i.vvA!N-, !
i: w ill be u j. nn
.,.ennt, Oft.
i;a:i M'i:i.vvA!N-, Sc.
1 1 H ttiCiill J li
i niT, Oct. jo, nl the rn i.
iiiulV. V. Eeonnrd mi 'ivli
I.octiHt nreela. 'i lie proeei tin
viil be devoted to the iritere.dM o(
hi' ciniiiiMTeiiil cliina of the luii
;.iLotil. Lveijbody iuvitcd. in
(leo. Viih is trotif acting businecH
1 t OinaliH to-dny.
?Irn. Geo. Ilouneworth returned
(o-il;iy from Lincoln.
. Mrs. Joe Kline, and aiHter, Mrs.
Cone, ore viniting in Omaha to-day
Dr. Scntfrnven und family are re
ccivinjj a viriit froia relatives from
the went this week.
Mrs. Frank Dickaon in viaitinff
with the family of A, IJ. Dickeon, of
Elmwood, thin week.
Rev. ond Mrs. L. F, Hritt, accom.
panied by their daughter, Mabel,
re visitors in Omnhn to-dny.
Misses Vivian, Edna - Adams,
Carrie Greusel, Kate und Tressie
Ilemple were Omaha passenifera
this morning.
The family of C. W. Green are en
joying a vlnit from Mrs. S.C. Green,
of Ashland, Mrs. Frank Green and
Mr. Wilcox, of Omaha, who arrived
from the latter place this morning.
To-day the last opportunity for
registration will be given.
Miss Lottie Walters, late of Iloyt'a
Trip to Chinatown Co., ia now with
the Firemen's Ward Co.
It will be well for the business
interests of the country when the
excitement attending the coming
election subsides.
Rev. Wingate will preach at the
Christian church in this city next
Sunday morning and evening. A
cordial invitation is extended to all.
Fred Filch, formerly liremnti with
Frank Palmer, lias been promoted
as engineer of No. !1. This is a
deserved recognition of the merits
of a promising young man.
The majority of our farmers are
husking corn and our streets are
n it thronged in consequ-iice. They
slimild not forget to exercise the r
right of franchise, however, in their
rush if work.
"Hilly" Woodard, of (he Riley, re
ceived the sail intelligence that hid
;stcr. who bus recently been viit
iu in the city, had emlih-iitly taken
sick mid died yesterday in Omaha,
lie went lij this morning to look
after the cure of the remains.
STHAVi:i-From the pen of the
undersigned, a lilnck pig. Any in
formation gladly received lit postj
oiuce oy oi J i. J fiTKCiuiiT.
Pur buckwheat Hour lor tale ut
iieiacl's tuiii. if
We have just 3fXX) jiirees vocal
nml instrumental music nt the low
price of ten centseai h. Special ilis.
count on large (iiiiiitilies'iill mid
get catalogue free. You can get the
ame music from this lot nt ten
rent that you will, pay fortv to
sixty cents for elsewhere. They
won't last long. Come early,
at Lmxnoj-i' Uko3.
Fine shoes selling low at the
Schildknecht shoe Mote. tf
"Isn't She HiMiitifut!" Occasional,
ly one bears this expression, as n
lady with n strikingly lovely com.
rilexion passes along the street.
Certainly! situ uses the Famous
llltish of Kosrs manufactured by
Mish Flora A. Jones, South Hend,
Ind, supplied by O. II. Snyder.
Price "5 cents per bottle.
Parties owing me for medicnl
treatment will please call nt my of
lice, corner of Main nml Seventh
streets, nt Uieirearliefl convenience
and settle account, I IMii in need
ol money. Especially long stand,
iug nt'count tntit be ce tied by
r.i?!l tii' hiil'1 ut iim'f. I have given
much time in many caries und now
th" favor tuuHl come the other way.
tf Kl-Hpeclillilv,
Has Just opened up a full line
of lad:e3, Gents and Chlldrens
all wool under wear and fce
lore you buy ycur Fall or
Winter goods. Dcn't fall to
call and ceo cur price;:. We '(.a ell.
Usv3 yoacccn ticco nob
by !ilb;is Cap3, .ill pretty
sliidej, 55, 05 and 7" cijnts
IS 11
Nebraska on Wheels Arrives
and Is Visited by Many.
A Fine Exhibit of lha Reaourcea of tha
Slat by Ihlriy Rapraaeniallva
Suaineaa Man.
The advertising cars sent out by
the Nebraska Husiness Men's Asso
ciation arrived here this morning.
They are four in number. The
lirst car was a gaily decorated bag
gage car containing advertising
matter. -.Next - cuuie "Nebraska
exhibit, Fremont, Elkhorn & Mo.
Valley R. R." The sides of the car
were decorated with coin Mud other
products of the state in the most
gorgeous manner.
This car was followed by "48, Ne
braska the State," also fixed up in
most attractive style, the principal
thing being the corn arranged on
the car in all sorts of designs, mak
ing a very neat and striking effect.
The third car was the vestibuled
sleeping car, "Riverton," In which
the Nebraska delegation of 31) busi
ness men, representing 19 counties
and the cities of Fremont, Uroken
liow, Omaha, Lit c n Kairney.llol
drege, Grand Island and Alliance.
When the train pulled in at Ft.
Wayne depot a Review reporter
climbed on board, and while the
train was being switched buck and
forth over the yard until a suitable
place fur it to stuiid could be found,
tile repor erhad become acquainted
among the Nebraskaus mid was
shown through the cars tilled with
vegetable wealth of nineteen conn
ties of Nebraska. I'Im liri county
to which uUcotiou was called was
Douglas. A big ear of sweet corn
eleven and one-half inches, long was
exhibited.' The Chicago Herald
oilers $100 in gold to anyone who
can show an car of corn of equal
The whole exhibit is n wonderful
one embracing good specimen of
grain, fruit und vegetables indigen
ous to Nebraska. 'Die geullemeu
in charge are very courteous and
have a delightful way ofcxplaiuing
the exhibits which pack tin car.
Mr. llodgin, the secretary, that
ut Ft. Wayne, Indiana, at least lll,(r.X)
visited the car. Alliance (Ohio)
Lljiiv Review.
Tit imlepafadatita Hv k lutillitJ
lion. Jesse Harper spoke ut the
0;cra house last evening as per an
nouncement. O.ving to the fact
that there were less than 2d. I people
i i the hourti: when the speaker be
gun his recital of the oppressed
condition of the American people,
he deemed it unnecessary to speak
from the rostrum.
The speech on the whole was de
cidedly a tame affair. It was nat
urally expected that the live issues
of the day would be discussed, but
in this all were disappointed. The
tatlJoud silver questions, which
are really the only live issue of the
diy were denominated ns "unim
portant" und were barely alluded
to by the ili-lingui-iied Kiufesman.
The democratic and r'mh!ic.iu
parties were both ba i 1 1 r pinions
not difUrmg materia, ly, uiui both
h iviug art the prime object theirop
prcssion of the people. The only
hope the vpenker hrvl for the peo
ple was that tin y adopt the princi
ples of the independent party, und
even some of l !!'" won I I be modi
lied by the speaker had he the op
portunity. The biHt hnlf hour of
the speech wus devoted to a dis
cussion of the sub-treasury system
and in defense of the old lint money
doctrine that wus buried years ago
with the greenback party. After
Mr. Harper bud been nfforded the
distinguished honor of nominating
Abraham Lincoln for the presi
dency, he had certainly accom
plished his ini.v loii here. It is evi
dent that he has long since out
lived his Ufeftihici's to ury party.
A NW A'l ViTlUlfl.
G. F. S. liurton bus liunlly con
cluded to experiment in the news
paper arena. The lirnt i i tie of tlii
paper, The Evening Neivf, will
probably liiai.t! i; r.j .;.u-nnre
next NowJi:y. The pupvr will be
huh pendent in politics.
Wo Hiippo.'e thai Mr. U.irton ban
carefully counted tho cd.- t of m iiii
taiuiiig a daily and m prepared to
meet discouragements nn I sur
mount dil'.ieultiert ihat tuny be
presented. TllE Ilf:iM(.l extends
the rbrht hand of fellowship nnd
welcomes the newc.uur Into the ring
Peof. ). E. Lfyiltt.
If t!'.cre is u candidate upon the
r 'publican county tick -l that
should 'receive the full party sup
port It is Prof. J. K. Leyda. He has
been a permanent resident ol the
county for nearly thirteen years
nnd is thoroughly in sympathy
with the promotion of every move
ment calculated to better the con
dition of bur people. As to his
qualifications for discharging the
duties of the office of county super
intendent, there can be no question.
Ho is recognized us one of the most
efficient and popular teachers of
the county, and by his close con
nection with the rural schools of
the county he Is thoroughly con
versant with their needs.
Mr. Leyda did not seek the nomi
nation, was not a candidate, and
only after the earnest solicitation
of his friends did he allow his name
to go before the convention after it j
had assembled. The young men !
should rally to his support, be-1
cause he is one of their number;
the laboring men and fanners
should support him because of his
eminent fitness and his sympathy
for their cause.
A Hand - la tha Duty of tha Praaenl
Every voter should remember
that the registration books will be
closed at 0 p. m. this evening, not to
be re opened before election. To
the end that no man may be de
prived of his vote, every voter
should see that every other voter
has his name on the books.
If you wish to vote you must reg
ister to-day.
Lookout for the cold wave to
morrow. Make nn X after the name of each
republican candidate next Tuesday.
Don't fail to see the London
skirt dancer specially engaged for
the Fireman's Ward Co. Prices,
7a, iji), and iia cents.
Coming, nt the opera house one
nightyonly, Thursday, Nov. .", the
Firemen's Ward Co., with special
scenery. Prices, .", 5.) and 3a cent.
Indications arc thai fully 3(X will
go on the special train to Weeping
Wuter to-night. The train leaves
ut 5.. TO, remember.
This office has been rushed with
job work for the past three weeks.
We appreciate this evidence of sat
isfaction on the part of the public.
Theonly clanger to the republican
nominees is n lack of euflieietit
interest in the matter to vote mid
work for the ticket Let a full vole
be polled.
A Social Event,
A social was given ut the resi-
deuce of . V. lA'onnrd hist evening
under the auspice of the com
merical students of the public
school. There were about fifty in
attendance, representing all nges,
Th'.; presence of the older ones
doubtless nerved to encourage the
member for whom it was held
Two hours were whiled away play.
ing the modi rn nnd popular game
high live when each partook of re
Irei-hmenta bef,,re retiring to b'?
home. The proceeds will net the
c'nss a neat littie sum and from u
S')'ial flandpoint. doubtless till
feel ntnply compensated.
Vote the straight republican
tichct next Tu"d:iy nnd you will
have done your duly.
To be Qlvn Away I Sl.000 Coplea of
iu cent Muaio.
Th"? t'm' hn cmtte fur vnit to ((
good sheet, music free of charge!
J. P. Young will give with every
cash purchase of twenty-live cents
or more, one piete of ten-cent sheet
music, free of charge. This Is no
cheap music, but the same kind
sold by him for ten rents, nn,d
would cost you elsewhere from
forty to scventy-tlve cents n sheet.
All goods will lie sold nt the very
lowet cash price. This in a chance
of n lifetime. Don't forget 1he
place: J. P. Young's, Slftl Main
street. alvtl
T ha Duty of Rcpubiicana.
Register to-morrow.
Vote early Tuesday morning.
See that your neighbor reginterp.
S -c thai every eligible republican
en-;? n vote for the t.lmlghl t'xlvl
Mold j itiraelf i i riadintvu to
nial.i! cve-y !.". tti m:: tc effort for the
Hiii;ce:Mof the republican noniiiiccti
Curd of Mmnlia.
W. J. Hosier duties to publicly
th link the n ntul fi lends
for the many tn.iuifcetatioua of
sympathy and for in.iteriul oid
rendered in the brie! sickness uud
death of hi aged tno'her.
- OF - -
liadics Furnishings .
Is How Complete ia all Dapa-rtma&tf,
We are showing a handsome line of
A full line of colorings and blacks.
Stock complete and pricea lower
than ever.
Wh HAVE Deverfcliowu so
ur II I
? e can special aueiuion u our iirga assortment or uaeiert
Military and Hip Coat shapes trimmed with Mink, Seiif, Astr&ckas,
.Muffiiloon nnd Conej fura.
Our line of Plush Sacqnes are cheaper than efr before. Jail
lines of Childrens nnd Misses Clonks
Does Yoiu Lile Qii'l.
Need n cloak this winter? If she doss you will make n great mistake U
you do not call and examine the childrens cloaks that
we ure ollcring before buying.
Wo have Just recoived from largo Cloak Manufacturer
his full lino of
Childrens sample Cloaks.
For children 6, 8, li mill ye.irs old, ci n'ntri ; ? U3
garments in nil. HO TWO ALIKE, on which we
were given a disccunt from regular wholesale prica
no that "so were able to sell them at actual'y
Manufacturer's Prices.
CALL IN nnd let us prove the truth of the nbove statement, and
show you nt the same time our FINE LINE of Ladies and Misses Reefera
Sucqucii iiud JucLcl3.
Another opportunity to buy shoos at
Wc take pleasure in nnnoucingto the people of PlattHinouth nnd
surroiiiH'iiig towns that we have succeeded in getting another line of
sample nhoes. Our success with the last line was pheuominal nnd hun
dreds were disappointed becau.-.c they came too late to secure ""sof the
bamains that weotlered. This line is better if anything than the last, be
iug Walter H.TenimyiCo.,olUoMon, Mass., full line const-ding- of La
dies, Misses, Children, Mens and Hoys shoes of all kinds and of all de
scriptions. Among them is M) pair of boys and Mens boots, m which
we can give the best value for your money that you ever "laid eyes on.
Don't think that because we don't ask high prices for shoes that the
shoes arc uot of any high quality. We have among these shoes that art
as line us uny shown in the city, everything extrinsic is stripped away
und the shoes thut you buy of us stands on its intrinsic worth. Wa dig at
the root of values oud give you the worth of your money.
Ill are Si Gi'ii Great
Children Nat
in al Wool Col
or S'ln b und
1 larwurs All
Childrens all
Wool Shirt &.
Drawcij All
507 JIaIu Firest riat'tsmouth.'Ncb
A good Ladies Jersy vest at 23c -Ladies
fine Jersey rest and pants 1
white or natural grays at 50c each
Ladies natural Gray Wool Vesta an4
Pants at 90c Regular 73c under
wear. Full lines of Ladies Fine woal
ribbed under wear in white, cardi
nal and black.
Complete lines of Child's under
wear in natural, scarlet and white
at prices as low as the lowest
large aline in this department,
t . . r
and Jackets.
EaiEis b Mmii
39 c
Lad i e r F i n i
Meriu o Silk
Trimmed shirt
nnd Drawers.
MetiH Extra
1 !ea vy I'iblied
S Ii i r t tf u n d