The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, October 30, 1891, Image 2

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    rtatowth Daiiv Herald
KNOTTS BROS, Publishers
Puiill.iliwl vry ThiirMW, utl dally .rny
maluK ttxorpi Huiiilsr.
Kfijlitercd t the Platumnntli. Sfb. p"tt
fflcf'ir raui'iii"'nii tlinu:h Hi U..-S. mu!l
alat-conil claw nit'.
Oflk' eorui-r Vina and nitn itrM.
T-lepliuuo .
TIKM FOtt wr.m.r,
Hm oopy, one viiar, lnvtVHw
una eopy, on yeiir. tint In anr ik
One Cepy, six inanibf. in ail'iiiifa .
Oaa t'py. tlirci- nionilif. Hi .lvani!i
TKHMH roH DA 1 1
Out V t OKA f :r 111 llllv iliw
One p V e'r er
One copy, w' ' '
.. VI
.. T5
11 '
.. At '
ft Aoiiilf Jn-ite nl the
A. tl. PO.Sf uf Pi,
iciu ( i.ur.
Kr R.'jeiiU ut lh Mat ti !' i
II P. xnt'l .AY t l'iio
c li. it Ann. t '
rr DUirt'-t Jii'Ij :
1 Clrk o( th I)iirlct Lonrt :
k f tjrrr:
fr Der.f :
roeCovnty Clik :
Fr Tmnty J"lr :
tt Coun y uirrinfnai nl ;
Fr CoroDur :
Porurvyr :
ruri'oiomlMlnr Kir-t Iilrli-t :
S. V. UL'TTfiN.
The republican party of the Mate
of Nebraa yives renewed expres
irion of its devotion to tin; priuct-f--
pies of the republican party and de
clare that tho.-r principles, as ex
prt.sred ty the national republican
convention, should be tin- Mroiifr
fxiint of union between all rcpub
icao in the state of Nebraska.
We conraltil.r.C the people upon
marvelous prosperity itteinnil'.''
ne lievri.ipu.env-,! wa.'ljl of the
Ute of Nebraska during .H ttin,
four years of Ktatehood under re- sdminisir.iiiou, and which
aa brought us to the front rank
anions the leading? Mate of flic
anion; ami we can fearlessly assert
that rn slate which has been coa
trvlledby democratic power.Uurinj;
aay considerable time of the aame
periofl, can compare with us in the
economical nian:ireiuent of public the r:ip;d ratio of increase
ia ropulation, v.ealth and general
prosperity, iiitillistaudint; the
fact that there are within the
borders of the state a number of
tiatirfird persons who took nd-
ntaj;eof the general financial de
pression which swept over the en
tire country to pate their vr.iv into
temporary prominence by declaim
injj against the welfare of our peo
ple and slandering the fair name of
our stale. The rains from heaven
sud the rich soil, vigorously cul!i
vated by the energetic hands ol our
farmers, have produced such botun
iful cri:p and uch unrivaled pros
perity that shall silence all calam
ity talkers and add to the strength
ami enthusiasm of the repnol.cjii
We conirratulale President Harri
son tiM)ii his einiiii-nlly wise, loyal
and courageous ailministration.and
declare our absolute confidence in
his integrity, ability and patrio
tism, and pledge inm our'ccruial
support in the discharge of the
duties devolving upon him aa the
chief magistrate of the nation.
We rejoice in the restoration of
dignity, vior and statesmanship in
the conduct of our foreign nif.iita
rider the (juidinr linnd of Amer
ica's favoiite soil, ami's (i. Hlntnc.
We approve ol the silver coinaife
act of the present ndutinii-trntinn,
hy which the entire product of i ho
silver mines of the Luited States ia
ad led to the currency of the people,
but we denounce the democratic
doctrine of free nnd unlimited coin
ae of silver as a financial policy
liable to precipitate the people of
every city and every stnte in the
L'uion in a prolonged and disas
trous depression, and delay the re
vival of business enterprise and
prosperity so ardently desired nnd
nor so apparently near. The free
UMI II .1 1 i I,, i ,.! fl ., .f Mill'..
would tend to the honrdi'njr of pold
and to force the use of cheap money
in ine paymeiiT oi wacs in every
workshop, null, factory, store and!
f-iptti .in1 l,i,,t Irk the urulmty Hnu-n 1
of the wai of the toilers and i
weakening the purchasing power of i
the dollar whicli would be used to',
mrchnse the products of the farmer.'
,e nre in favor of havinir every
dollar as good as uny other dollar.
We demand the maintenance of
lli, A iiit.rii'i) ,1 ttt'u(,tti tii tiriitpriimi
to American industry and labor, the
policy that has been identified with
every pernst 01 our national pros
perity, tiro llm rrKin'iiM r. ( 11, ..,
heroic statesman, AVilHani McKin-
ley, Jr., whom the people of Ohio
will make their next governor as a
recognition of his ittHL'uiiicent ser
vices to the country . ?.'e also com
mend and endorse that policy of re
cipriK'ity by which the Central ind
Smith .1ncricMi1 n.ilimn and 1he
Spanish Indies are beinif opened up
to our trade upon favorable tiTins
-Hid by winch nil the
products of our country may find u
aiarket and by which all uur peoph
shall receive in exchange therefore
a long line of products which do
not pjuJucc ruiiioiia competition
iiinonn our own people nor destroy
the lrvi'Iuiu iiulti.ilrics of our
We urc heartily in favor of the
Hem-rul proviaivjun of the iuterHt.ite
commerce act, mid we leiiiiind the
regulation r:I all rinlvviiy mm tniim-
nort.ition line in HiiMi u mumier u.i
to" i, inure fair mid rcueomihlc rale
to the n-ixluct-ri ami coiitiiiiicr or
We favor fticli Ictfiidatioii us will
prevent nil illegal comliinatioiiH
and titijimt exaction ly a;: i: regaled
capital and corporate powci. He
init upon the ntipirension of all
trust, comliiiien u:id nchcinen do-Bi-md
to artiiicinlly iticrc.ini tiie '
price of the necespuncK of life.
We regard the world' Columbian
exposition :h an important event in
the world's history, and we are in
hi arty Bympatiiy with ecry elf or t
t ni'die it a oucCeHi. Vi- fhould
make a creditable exhibit of
Nebraska' product, and we favor
on appropriation by the
next li jiiM.itim: for thin purpose,
that our prosperity and ejeatnei-.H
in.. be ftlily CNCinplilied. We lake
; pride in this mate We recognize
; that it growth nud power, it pron.
!p-ritv and ejood name have been
'the iriiiH of in industrial people,
i and we believe in uch policies
Ul.iie and iialioiinl, ins will promote
1 jiirlice and widen the opportunitien
! amoiijLC tlice cla.-ne. 'f o their up
port in the future, n in the paxt, we
I pledge our moct intelligent judff-
meiit and uiont f incere endeavor.
We denounce the (irand Island
I platform of the democratic party an
1 trained with the deliberate purpose
to ininbad und deceive; wherein
sympathy IB expressed where none
is felt; wh.ereiu help in proposed
where none i.s rendered; wherein
purpose ate avowed 'which are not
entertained. In mipport of thU in
ihctnieiit we point to the jiret.-nded
friendship for the soldier, while at
the same time the democratic party
has alwajK proclaimed namst tlie
rani mt; ol iilieral p'-nsiouc; in ine
free silver plank, intended to deceive
the MipporterH ol tree tir.'i uiiiini-it.-d
coinage of filver, when it i
ktiowu that many of the leaders of
the party are opposed to the doc
trine; to'the failure to uive tlie re
lief front exhorbitar.t frei-ht rales
wliile it win afraid to either ap
prove or censure the action of ils
ai'tintf alien governor tor vetoing
tli'- Newberry bill.
We denounce the democratic
party for i:. insinuations against
the integrity of the siipreine court
of the state as an elfort ti make tin
judicial powers sal ordinate t
political parties and as tli-taci fill
to a iolilical orani.atinn.
We denounce the democratic
pruty for its) double dealing with
the civil ami political rights of the
people, wherein it appears to favor
free and itntrammcled election in
the Klate of Nebraska, but never
raisf s. it voice against tin: political
oiitr:i-i- practiced HL,'aint tin- re
t.uldiean vot'-rs, white and black.
throULfnoui m rlruioc-catit. states of
the south.
We arraign the democratic party
as the enemy of labor, scheming t.
break down the defense of protec
tive laws, to block the wheels of
home industry, and to ileyrade (he
ma-sen of the people-a party con
trolled by aristocratic anil t-ectionai
tendencies, the legacy of rlavrry.
The republican party of Nebraska
Hppaln to the, inteiiii;euec and to
the iutfjrrity of th p'-onle of this
state and from all citiient we
invite support
Vote for A. Salisbury for district
cli-rk because he is n mmI business
nan and admirably luted to till the
position well.
Vote for Geo. Edson for hherifl
because he will fill the position
in an abler manner than has hereto
fore been done.
VtXTR for I- C. EickhotI for county
treasurer because he is a farmer, a
successful business man and
straightforward in all his dealings.
Vote for J. I. Unruh for coraor
because, us the present incumbent
he has made an enviable record
and is a gentleman in every res
pect. Vote for S. M. Chapman, for
district judjje becnuse he poseesses
every essential qualification as is
evidenced by his reuird on the
Vote for Calvin Kussel because
he Is well acquainted with the law
is strictly honest and will in the
future as in the past make satisfac
tory official.
( V,rB ,,,r ''mt fl,r 1","" iH"
because he possesses the. requisite
, essentials to trace the position
with becoming diuily und he will
nl!4e popular judife.
T!mrm'- .'
. ...
th lor 3. . wuuon ior county
. commisMoner Decnuee lie is a man
1 0f kr(),i judgment, strict laterity
ami thoroughly identified with Ihe
interests of the county
, '. -
' VoTE for J. E. Ieyda, for couuty
Miioerintendent because he has a
jjood educstion, bns taught In the
county for eleven years and is ac
quainted with the needs of 'our
country schools.
VoTK for Frank Iirkson for
county clerk because be is a j.'ood
penman, line iiccotin'ant and, as
eviilenced by bis work lis d putv,
wj t. ,)(ition to the entire
satisfaction of his conatituents.
Vots fur A. ('. Mayc.- for county
mirveyor because lie ii the present
! incumbent, has made a splendid
r.'cu'd and iri pre eiiiineptly tietti r
fitted fur the position than h
Votu for .Men.-trit M.irih! and
Sliuniway for rei'iitM of the state
uaHersity Lecau.e they are college
bred men and thoroughly indenli
lied with the iutre.-U of the institu
tion. K'U'Uril.lCANS who may have left
their party because possessed with
tlie idea that reform w as necessary
C::u now see whete they have
drilled. They are playing into the
hands, of the oalh bounil n-viet
political oratr'.ati'Ois of the cities
and towns. How ilo they like the
assoei itioii that liar been forced
upon in? ltcttcr return to your
obi ;..leatiee, gentlemen. Mis haw been made by the repub.
!i iiii pui ty. !", crrir, !itm:i;i. ut
the record of the republican party
is one of which you have good reu
son t. be proud. As a whole it lia
Leen clean, able and rigorous. It
Saved the nation from the attempt
of treason to destroy it, and made
it fie best governed nud most pros
perous on the fare of the jflobe.
You can't afford to desert it after nil
that it lias accomplished.- Pawnee
The largest and most enthusiastic
republican meeting ever held in
Sti-rliii occurreil last week in the
opera house. Even standing room
w is at a jiremiuii t 1 Ion O. A. C r
1 1 11 and W. II. Collins of Lincoln in
dres.ed the crowd, and as Mr.
M'Keihan's speech, which was de
livered earlier in the day, was all
questions, he answered it to the
sati.-faction of nil f.iir minded men.
Antony Mr. Collins' ronn'rl. 4 was
this: "I heard Mr. M'Kei-han say
thai whoever accepted a pass from
a accepted a bribe. Now, I
want to tell j on what I saw this
allernoou coming v.ith him from
Lincoln. I saw a H. A M. pass, No.
!it, trood for l'-'d, issued to Hon.
Yi'1.1. M'Keihan, ;)od to travel on
the li. .V M. i.i Wyoming, Ia!.ota,
C'oloralo, I0...1. Illinois, Missouri,
Kansas, Nehra.-ka and on all main
lines nit"! branches of the 11. Jt M."
This brought the liouse down', as
there vvu.t quite a min.ber of the
anti pas allianci' men in thecrowd.
Everybody is well satisfied with
the outlooK tinl the candidates of
the 00 1 old p publican party.
Everybody is ooinvf to support
Post for supreme judge, regardless
of political faith or views.
About fifty persons were present
to hear M'Keighan's speech.--Weeping
Water Republican.
If you think republicanism in
Cass county is dead, you should
attend the rally lit Weeping Water
to-morrow evening anil be con
vinced of votir error.
Vote the straight republican
ticket, thereby voting for a good
o!!icials, principal worthy the
admiration ol any people ami a
tucKlon' Arnica balva.
Thk liner Sai.te in tlie wuild tor Cuu
Bruin.', H'irei, llctm, Hnlt Ulii uin, Ki vel
Sores, Tetlcr, Cli(iiH'l Hninb, Cliilblkitik.
Curiia, soil nil Skin Eruutinii, tad pmi
'ivtlj run- Film, or n pny oquiwl.
It i imrmit'iit u eive HHtintseiinn, 01
mnm-v relunde't. 'ri- 2-Wfis is'mh
Kor '.le l K 0. I'ricki & (J...
Mr. C. H. Jones, of Spring Hill
Iowh, snys: "I have used Chamber,
Iain's Pain Halm for severe and
painful burns w ith better rllcct than
anything I have ever tried. It re
lieves the pain instantly and cores
without leaving a scar.' Pain Halm
is oneof the most useful medicines
that any families can be provided
with, erpecialy for rheumatism,
lame back, sprains, bruises, tooth
ache.ear ache mid like ailments.
One application w ill relieve the pain
and a fair trial insure a cure. .V)
cent bottles for Sale by V. 0. Frickj
& t o. Drugisls.
AL'ttle Iris Experience in a LlgCt
houte. Mr. and Mrs, loren Trescott nre
keepers of the iov. Lighthouse ut Meaeh Mich, nnd lire blessed
Willi a dauirhtcr, four years. Last Khe taken down with Measles,
followed with ilreadfitl ( ongh and
turned into a fever. Hoc tors at
home and at Detroit trented, but in
vain, nhe grew worse rapidly, until
she was a mere" bowlful of bones".
1 hen she tried Jr, King's New
Iht-covcry and nfter the use of two
ami a half bottles, was completely
cured. They say Dr. King.s New
Discovery is worth its weight in
gold, yet you may get a trial, bottle
Iree nl I'. li. rrickey Drugstore.
Capt. W. A. Abbett, who has long
been with Messrs. Piecival and
llat .on, Real Estate nnd Insurance
liroker. IKS Moines, Iowa and is
oneof the best known nnd most re
spected business men in that city
fays: "1 can testily to the good
qualities of Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy. Havin'r used it in my
family for the past right years, I
can mfely say it has no equal for
ei1 In r coi ls or croup," ."in rent hol
lies for sale by K. (,. Fricke St Co.,
We have Hold lily' Cream Balm
about three jears, ;:d S:avc rv-
hanilred Hwcial ' casi s d catarrh.
1 he uuaininoiiH Mnsuer to our in
quiries is, "It's. I'ie bet remedy thai
I have ever used." Our experience
is, that w here pnrties continued its never tails to core. J. II.
Montgomery, A t'o., I)ru:;f;'f lfl L1'
corah, Iowa.
When I benn umiik' Ely's Cream
lialtu my eatat rh was ho bad I had
headache the whole time ai.d (lis
charged a lare niuount of filthy
mattur. That has atmot-t entirely
disappeared mid have not had hend
lie he science.-J. Sonimers.Stephtiey.
Jnwtnr: "Jlewwit, Kmc, tint you ii!imT
svin In int. U on "In thclii.t new iliuiitf I'm
wliut 1 Dmj-, ynu ulwu. teeia to k'. l uhuul
of ins."
K ATr: "I rlnn't trnnw; I errtnlnlT ilo tint
Cmke miy pi.tiuhi In that ilmvilmi.''
Jlvmk: " Well, diiriiiK the Init lrmniilh
fur imu4u, )uu tiuv Uikmi up uliuiiig,
i it. :1
v, k uv: v -T f kI J. i
wltlioiit any tMehsT s you mmr tnthr rmcii
wiii-n Ml?w l.uhiri.o 'r,Tt-.l iirr Js.surtei'lua
'iililiMily.aiiil . 01 iinli so are nil imimiv.
Iii In ifra. un ler J r imtriii tnui ; I luiinl
'HI la llllK lii.iiiny hiilm h-i rvuiniir hnw
im vluli iii!iln miMuk,- In I i.ij inK Iiiim Ii!I;
you wmi Vi t up im nil ti.e liitnl finl,'inl
kuiiw Jnit hut 10 rtd iiinlcr lull in-iinifiamin;
oil pritTtiiin Isniitihiilr ; utxl In tlie bisl
Diouih vu Uuvtt iiiifinivtsiwiln Umiili.iiwlni,
J "ii e ll ms. Lynur ih)u uleiiltun .-X'n Imk.
Whi n) iln ynu m:t sll uf your iiiliirniulnn
fnni in iiiw latin ut-of tUo wuy puu.j'f lor
tm ns or irn to ihs elly.M
Kate: "Why, Jennie, you will maks m
711I11. I hues only i,ne sunnvnf Inrnruintlon,
lint If 1 iirprm, lu,w it nieeta all iint. I
very aeliloiu liir C an)(lnii(r mwlml hnt
tl next few iliiya hrlnif me full tnlomiatlnn
on tlm mli)i'.-t, Blnioe? Nul Mhkiijim'1
Ami a an . a Iron -nre It to ua ail, ("r it
pMlly ftiruitlMif llm rta'linic for tl:u whole
hoiiv ti'il.l -. Iiiiher lm iou'ii up tii luiifrtiinn
1' lie hiia tiiken lor ymnt, u he ni.n Hi!
one (riven rii'ire nml tn-iu-r tiiferuiiitton on
the ailijii'is of tl") lny; ami iiif.iln-r m)i
tlttit it lit llitill'uii m'tk'- hi-r porh a hinioufl
hoiiM).--H-r. In fie I, no all airri tlirtt it is
tUsoniv rriilv rAMii.v rniiiriu'iie init,lilirtt,
i we tune a,-nt lor kinililmot Lll ol tl.em
r. 1 II n l tliatonnU nil lor men, nnoihrr a.'l
tor women, anl iinotner for c hiloi-t-n only.
Will' t us one rrtill-i ery one of u; 110 wo
nnlv n I tot:iW"one lneni rf wenil. ninl l whi-retiie i-ononiy i-omm In. for 11 la
iiTily J. '.01 a eir. I'lTlnit1 run think I am
o. lu i-h lit iny 'nil-e; hot l w ill I' I "il n-o
O'in., or, t'Tler 1 ill, v rut In eetit- Ut 1 ii. f nl
Iiimt, W. JrnnmiM leinon-t, " I'i-.t H'h
stn-'t. New VorL, for s r-iinii'U. eo., nnl I
Fliuli ais-ayt i-oiifnh r Hull I Inixe ilooe you
a j.'r,Mt fvor; nnil nir.y Uyoi wilt tieeuttinir
Hi out, rii Ton any we have Hie reniltiilloi) f f
l"-:n lie ls--t informed finnlly In I'.wn. If
tluil. to to, it la Utiiioiuit's i uiuli Miijuilisi
Uut Uuui lb"
A fibernl ofh r-only f.VO for
ami Demurest Family Magazine.
'i"Sond your subscription to thin
The LcHOlny
C"Ut-Hilly k.tpk no I.KUil l-TefTtliln
fo'l nis.l to furuisli your Imuae.
v stid Clackiniitb tini
!na, Hiifyy, Mttrlnns and
plow lte; tirtuv' Hunr
Iln iiaat tbe-
Wliitu if tlie beat hiiraealio for th
fsinier, i fur fait drivint?, or fur citj
purposetcvi r iu vented. It to so idhi!
that anvons er.a put cv tlntrp nr fM
Cork, si needed fur wet and slipKry
Uya, or amootli, dry road a. Call al
bi i)iii and examine the
ami vou will ue no other.
Vi North Kifili He PUtUm mt 1.
217 iMff, 221 and U:3 Mniu Mt.,
Plattsmouth Nebraska j
B. M BOKS. Pr.)riuir.
Ihn Perkina line Is cii tlinti)Ullily J
"Kuorsted frmu t"i tc o'Uia. au.l if
oiiw one of tlin l"t lintel ia tin, ntnlg
Itusrdem will Im takes hr the r.k at !
f..rV0 and up.
Wnt-it - An an I vi", r"i l'Tl Itihn miWir tft
in -niii' 'i lir v. !lli lin'r-ni in m,ri.-fii;i
in ai own 'tiitii a rrin-Mimiliiii Ni. iora
Hoii". I fl-i' n-in. mt ur an ran a, look
bn I'M, New Vnra.
f.' i-Ot I
Mi? JZ' 0
X - - ww
i m
' '-" -' I
: A liV. Till,"
Iuall tlat j.)f li mke up a fimt
flii'tr titoves in J '
GA.1Z, - LOAD - LO'f
and thin are enabled to undersell all competitor f ' .
pifty-Oric Sqniil S oo? '
Tim llailiant Home and c-lelirated
This Ann hna the ex
clusive agency of the
celebrated nnti-rusting
tinware gttarnuteed for
one year.
A large line of t'oj-
pcrtvare, tinware, and
The Place for bnrgaina in evcrv ilepnrtiitent of our mammoth iVj
jr,l..',irn I '.J
J. II. iiij.i VKS li C'J. . I
SiHSGLKri. LATH. PA.ll. !
DOOliS. HI.INDS.aiiJ all builihax maleryf
Call and see us at flu; corner
Ilth and Elm stm;t, mm blod
north of Ileisel'N mill.'
Plattsmouth, bTobrachc
Everything to Furnish Your House, j
flHKlT MUin'.KN
Having ourcha-rd Ihe J. V. WcckWh ntore room on south',
Main street where Iuin iiont located I can t-cll goods cheap'
ur than the cheapest having ju-t put in the largest Htocl4
of new goods ever bro'iyht to the city. Gasoline stove 1
and furniture of all kindnKold on the iiutallmcnt plan.
F Q F!m G2;
A Full nd ('onipleto liuo of
Drugs, Medicines, Paints, and 0 '
Prescriptions (nrofully Compounded at nil IIoil
i I C
' t'i V ;
J . t a I
' ' ? '."V 1. I'd "1
) -?- t-.ft
ll'ihl'i'ij .
clmn lino A llanlsv.ire. TA
lvotinl ro tlieir s-ci hI'v'-,
They als carry
fine assortment of car-j
penter tools, Cutlery !
and i-hclf liardwnrrrj
t 7 .
f Pricea have beet -"
right down to snA
41 iw I -J mmj m I a- k L 1 ' rr 1 '?
:n !',' Vrtt f"" W L . -Ll.Z-'ZJ.