V Caaialatrv Uia Farm. Many farmer laugh at the notion cf pplinu the principle of chemistry on the farm, calling such an application of sc-.rscs "iBCiusjr" ana tna;bus. Yet farmers sea their sons urow up and drift away U-canmi, having Wn educated in tiio public aohuolg, the spirit of a scien tific ami progressive ae has poawwil , them, and they ak elsewhere than upon an old fashioned farm scope for the edu cation which they have already gained and for the wider education which they crave. Now there is noli dd which clew nvre ample scope for un educated and scien tific mind than a good farm. The old fashioui j farmer nays. "What ilu 1 waut to know about clicu-.istry? It's enough if I manure the ground and plant my seed;' nature will tiwu care of the rest." But the application of manure is "chemistry ," and if the farmer or his boy undemtamW the frronudworlc of that aciencn he knows what kind of manure is good for a certain field and what kin 1 is good for another fi"lj, and his knowl edge may uake for him or save for him many dollars in a single, year. A know!l''M tit rli.iiir.rv will enable him to nave the valuable properties of hU manures for Lie noil, iiiak-aJ of l t tins precisely those projv.Tties Lo evajio rated and wasted, ns tiiry ure in the ca.-rS of moyt natural mannr'-i as now treated on the farms of tins country Lilt tlia uiosL Hience on tuo far.n, afr-er ail, at the pri rut time, U l:t-t t!ic liiliiiuiai'J l.iatrri:.l advantage which it may brtnj to tin farmer, hut t'se t:i-a'is v!;ic'.l it will (;) ply of iritiTi-s! :n; t!: young, of en;r.v.iir; tiitir active and eager intelligence, aim ko-pin them from where t;,i;v will he very much worse el. Youth V CouipaiiioTi. Tho mot cui ;ue lor.al.ty to be foes 1 by the rportsnan is probably that eui runix'.h. 4 t'.ieto.va of Li.-.kvillc.ia Kia tuath,votuity, Ore. The town hps-tics a' tkeTot of a lanje mountain, and lii rltfiit on the hank of what is locally known ui Link river. This ftn-atn ' winch is quite hir:;e and coiinecta tli up per mid ItAviir Kiaranih lakes in a!iv with t'"i!i-..iti(!s and probably n.illiuiiH of large 11.- h, which ara ci.ii.-!;iii;!y pacing to and fro lit-twcen the two lal.i-8, utiil areas cort..ut".y jnrr.pin out of water In 6ight of the town. They are of all aorta and m;'.is. Some of them appear to be cutting tr those antiiafortiio fun of the tiling, and ometofhake n r.ie kind of an eellil.v lookii g cK-uisrc v.h:ch stlxcbs tbe:a in the water and I'-cmne uttacla d to their ides, cauiing the finh appait-nily imirb uCenr.g. It is no uncommon thing for large ti-u. to 1 t.iheu th'-re wliui-u tiilc are all warred uplnconM-tpnenccof these attiicks. It would not he Fnrpnsing if many C.-h were tiitu-Uestroyeil. Prohnhly tlii-re srs cot in tb Wf.rld two lakes more nnmerouily storked wilb trout than the np-raiid lower Klamath lakes. Judging by map measurement, they eanh average thirty miles in length by ten miles in width. Many lar'e utreams empty into them, affording splendid fieliirvf and cpuwnins irronnds, Lyinj ea.it of the Cascade range of mountains where genuine winter prevails in the season for it, the water is better ami the h healthy and solid features which do not prevail on the western side of the mountains, where an aluanac Los to be Ct'unU?!.'.! to .i;c.rt:n nccuriitely t) season of tue year. Tore and Struam. A Coavaatlonal Caatan. One of the simplent Instincts of good manners would feetn to be thatat) should uncover bis head whileeating Ins dinner with Lis family; yet it is pretty certain that the firet gentlemen of Lug land two centuries ago habitually wore their hats during that ceremony, nor is it known jntt when or why the practice was changed. Id Pepys' famous Diary, which is the bet manual of manners for Its period, we read, under date of Sept. 22, 1604, "Home to bed, baring got a strange cold in my head by flinging oil my hat at dinner and sitting with the wind in my neck." In Lord Clarendon's essay on the decay of inspect paid to ge lie says that in Li younger clays he never kept his but on bf" th" LW thaa himself r.xcent at dinner. Lord Clarendon died in IG71. That the English members of parlia ment sit with t Ik ir ha: on during the aeMbiotis is well known, and the same practice prevail' d at the early town meetinguin Kew England, Tiifprt--m; r absence cf the hat is theref'jreei)'!!y a conventionality, and so it is wilii a thousand pra' t'iees which ore Ii' l l, o long as they exist, t' be the most un changeable and matter of conr.io affairs. Un-per's Lazar. Wbaa a Man It Tlilnj Toars of Ac All men who employ animals in work know bow their sjieed fails off with increasing age. Race bor-s are with drawn from the track shortly after they have arrived at the full posaestiion of their force; they are still good for com petitions in bottom, and are capable for many years yet of doing excellent trot ting service, bnt they cannot run in trials of peL Man's rapacity to run likewise de creases after he nan pawed thirty years: and the professional couriers who are still seen in Tnnls, running over large distance in an incredibly short time, are obliged to retire while si ill young. Tlione who continue to run after they are forty years obi all finally succumb with grave heart affections. Popular Hcience Monthly. I'awiwil a Fl Dollar Hill. A man who pe-wvd afive dollar bill, Mel waulel to blow it ia badly, hit upon a novel il,ni tin o:her day by which to save an 1 ryud it both. The bill wn given to him by u friend, and he wasde tenuiiied not to p irtwu'i it. After a K-nthy ' --it with Uimvlf t evolved the brilliant schtue of pawning t'ue Imtn. lie paid a vi .it to hid uncle, rai d f l.Oi on tlie bill, and 8H'iit it according to his tu.tes. VV'h'-n further f nml cam in he re l'-iiie I til-urigiurU notv. Phila- The comedy this morning. company came in This is a great day far candidates. Ilia well that they take their out- imr before election, for some of them will be not able to return from the trip up salt creek before next TrinZ- Tha Olrl of iha Fu'um. Now John, if I uny yen, it on one condition will yon promiee? You had better nay yee well, its mat yon will pet mc a bottle of I la Pain Paralizer. Why? Uecaiu j inner h iitlrtC ilf the beet ttiinj,' lor neaoiicne aim rheuniatiHin I ever heard of nn.l then it s eo "i'e for Imbies when they have the colic ami diarrliea. Ladies who use cosmetics or pow ders to cover up or hide a bad com plexion, do not know that O. H. tiiiydcrcan furnish them with liluch of KoseM, which is clean water, purl f es the ekin. and ponitvely removes black heudu mid all kin dinennes taken t ie shiny look from the face and whitens it soon as applied C apt W. A. Atinctt, who lias ion been with Mesnrs. 1'recival iiudl M-uion, keal KkIuIc ami liiKiirance liiokcrrt. Dee ?Iouicn. Iowa mid ih one of the bent known and mo.-t re specleil buiiiic men in that city eay: -,l can tectify to the (rood malilw'M of ChaniLcrhiiu'e Couth l.'eincily. llavinic lined it in my family for (lie paet eiht yearn. I can e;ilVly eay it lui i.o eipinl fur either colili r criu." ."iOreiit Ik t tit -:i for hale by V. (j. l:iicke Jc Co., Ih UiilHtH. THE V.ERPiV CHITtSH ELGGR. 1 Irave tlxi day, I bntvr !!j- r. -'ii. ! throw ojr ewi ! i, AlJ try lo kw ii a elet-i .U i L, AitlwB'i my e nit i il. In ai-.. l;:iL, AUu".i'!i my h .1 I v iiitu-ri il au II'-'-ru.-w 1 .-IkiV'.-I ih'i oii't-r rv:i To try sud kLi-;i il sinuoilj a.... iri-n. I Ir.ri'h ati'l siiiS art wl.'.-.tb', t'i'i. Wui-a 1 1ia wlail en-ni. :a Pi r;.ar-. li.A 111 lie-' sharp a:i'l fn.il) ... Juy bn-uth enun m i!mrt. uiy bu-4j lur.. . . My !';i!;era (rwf. And n:y pimr kne'-a Wo'i!d ku'-k Po tli r did tlity dire: but null 1 krrp a jaunty air. When fireiul iitM-areeand ile ller p-i r 1 UBt.-l l. nirritu-K, and 1 auy "I only want a rn-iil a iliy." And if tiiry turn uiu from tha doof i traiup fur wii-kt. And il'-l,-1 be U-ukii, And lib bi iuhik y fur a bed I try aa an by or a uliud. I brava the day. I brav tha olxht, I tarnw aiy Mirrowi to 11 aire!, 1 ia Ml.o U k.t-pa clieurdii nioel And a rew yn-ir euuraa fur tlia And an, kind iir. In ear you rrr. With ovrr pay wiirne lhao B'me, JuaI bund aeopiK-r and havd 'in. iiiia F. l,-y:.rd in j.iii;.v.H .iia..Litjf Chlnraa I'ulnta for lloata. "Don't eat with your can," says ":i Mel, a Chinese writer, "by which Im do not aim at having extraordinary o of the way food, jnt to astynihh yoe guests. For that is to eat with )- ears, not with your month. Dean cur ' if good, is actually nicer than bird . nest. And better than sea slugs, whirl. are not Cifet rate, is a di.tb of bamlioo ihoota. "The chicken, the piar, the fish and the duck, these are the four heroes of the table. Bra slues and bird's nest have no characteristic flavors of their own. They are but usurpers in the house. I ouce dined with a friend who rave u birds' nests in bowls like vats, holding each about four ounce of the plain boiled article. The other gnests ap pUmled vigorously, but 1 smiled and said, I came here to cat bird's nest, not to take delivery of it wholesale." Temple Lar. How la Acqulra a Poralg-a Vocabulary Perhaps one of the best ways of fixing the words and idioms of a language in one's mind is to teach them to somebody else. The learner should try to impart to some member of bis family what he baa already mastered. lie should, above all. ?k command first of words in fa miliar nse, leaving to a later stage of bis progress the forms of literary expres sions; Ins first business is wito the com mon objects of daily life, bis last busi ness is with zcneral terms. As be sits at Mi dink he ought to be able to came every article abont him, just as when he ia riding In the street car or on the rail way he should be able to mentally recall the equivalent for every duUU in th moving panorama cf objects. Boebon tleraiil. I'rontad Olaaa. The frotity appearance of glass whici w often llxe when It Is desirable to W ont tin sua or for a protection again impiisitive eyes, ia brought about I UMiig a paint com posed as follows: Sugar of lead, w ell ground in oil, a; plied as other paint, then pounded wh.i fiesh with a wad of batting, held b tween the thumb and finger, after whici it is allowed to partially dry. Then witu a straight edge laid upon the sash you run alontf by the side of it with a stick sharpened to the width of the lin yo-i w.aii to appear between the diamonds, figures or squares Into which yon ehou. to lay it off. Detroit Free I'ress, A LUlla lira la. Neun.ighted Lady The boy who U trying to tie that tin can to that poor dog's tail ought to lie thrawhed witiiia an inch of hi, lifu the horrid luii brute. Maid It's your boy, mum. "My boyr "Ye, mum." -Tell him if hell atop 111 jrive h'.m some cake." Goo 1 New. A Trlbuta la tlia frag. The bullfrog is a combination of p's catonal, veiiatori.il and aiualio delights. From his era lie to his grave he is an ornament and an honor to the land. There is fine iport in tiie banting of hiin and the anting of hiui, and it is liotli policy and jut-tire to protect Li in from the onslaughts of rival and foreign bull froj's. Louisville Courier-Journal. BtTUJSOTOS y MIMOVMI JVTTW Si B. V TIMt ThV.IT.. J Or DAILY PAiWK.NGEK TRAINS rx.isc him liuinj iLji in I,.... I a. w n (....w .... S p. i . . 6 : 06 r It , . . Ill a ' e. " l 1 4ft t. is . ir Hi ' . . S :M a. ni Ml 4. ... 1 , o It No. 12 No. V. r u. 1... No. Uj s -n p. . .. is.) 11 - r UIsSuL'HI PACIFIC RAILWAY TIMB CAk'l). No. SM Aas-inidiail u I' n'i-. 'rt.:ti iruv-s.. Truini illly esrei-tFuiiusv .lap. iu. ULCltl.T SMIETIE KMCiriX lie I'VIHIAC t.i-iiiilPl liN'f Mi 47 M'-el-everv ilne.iii.y ev. nii l iheir h II li. l arii e r A t'la i! Meek. All vl lllntc kmnhn are ivudl i ly lev l'-il !o sHend C. C. Mamliall. f. C. ll lovey, K. K. tt. YOUSU MKN'8el:ITi'N "MKMATION WHttrnii n lli laln Hrwl. Hornns open fr. m S :.-0 in u -sa p it. I'er only Cuaprl mt-al lif every Buuoar alleru.-oD at 4 O'eiork. AO V. V.".. Ite't Er-t nd lliltd rrlilsT eve iln-. "i r- li nieieh till A H. Ilsil In Ru kiiiik H" k. Kui.k Vimli), M, W. U, K hueiW.e, lleconlrr. o r W. No f I Stfeis eenml sndlourtk 1; tl.e fi,.ntli ai 11. A . K. hl.il ii k I Id' rk, t J. iloitna. M , i tiniu, Hi I'oicet, At. it" ,y-rw Co. rfti lrei. at Mi" K.' l I' Iiii'I in IU I n p el-- irn PiiH-k ivr j't-Tr-". iuo. viMnnit Inriiiri-n liilrd Hei iy IU ml-, Kisrsl; I Hi h :i i ! . i . . !. rri' im, t A . l.lllH.I" M't I I'. U. K. P"-. t l-v ry Tin i ii'.M ft t t.elr I ail n I ili'-ml' ...'. A.ioe.d lei... iv r.-n: y 'n'n"i. i-.-" vi-iin In t;ircuy. J tury. S. (j t. Vi , r.int,-. m i n-la y I'l.ACKS OF WOKHIll'. Cathiii.ii-.-'-t I'm."8 ' t.r-rrh, ;!:. p'et, Ulili mil Min. r-uii'T ny, i-'"r K- uio-i: Vik,:s ml I" mi H. pnEdy hi l.eul it :',ii. i . tjei-iiiii ii.ii,. Chui-ti en i r l..'Mi( and. H'rhlh l. ri ivl''-i in' naiitf ml oii-.iiJ E.ii' i . A. I:- i-il, i-u-'.i r itini ? ' i "ei is. M. l'PIi'iPAI--Kt I.i.l.i t liuirli. rnrt.rr Tnlnl nun in-, le v II II l i n i A-inr. her vices : II A. M a tit f M. r-ui.Uay Aliin! al'2 :JU Y. M. (!ruA! MtiiiniiiT irner sijih f and (i;-.!ilt" l, Hill. I k-Toi. Prri re : II A. U. inn! ; ::i p. w. hnimj eh -el hi :m a m. I'l. n Ii 1 Mil a jr.-1 ' en (h 1 1 rh' ii li.e-T-mi Miili si.ii i.iiiiiiir m. l:i. J 1.1 fin. -lor. i-u: i!:i -i- i el al 9 Inailiiny a' II v ni.a-.n p in. ' he V l;. e. i V. 1 1 'h! ' hn'iti mi e' rveiy halilnttli main f si J It) In ilir li.ei 1 of II e rlii. ( ill. All Sir lliVlll d 10 HU Uii thrar n.eellllil FlP'T MthoiiIt Sixth f't., l-etwen Mnln ml l inrl. I!ev I.. K. tut le iur. hervlri-e r II A M. S ll P M Pil M himl an A u 1'iayi riiireii a WeOueKlay tvra liiie. G-h; rr.-rr.YT''Pi fiirrer Mln snd .Ninlli. I j W .lie, p. " r S'lVliel u"' IlliUII. Suillli.y -I'l uiil V A. M. 8 kmi"m i e!iHiiATiiniiAU-;ranlle, ke- IHreil J-' ft It iiml Nllll. Coiopmi IUIti-t. Ml Olive, 'k. b'-twefn lenili Hi d lii-veiiili li r. A I iaell. pin- tr. KeiM- en a. in. ki.il 7 :.Tp lu. I'rayrt li eellni eiin Kiln) evi 1. 1 - it V'THll MKK'S I Illif-TIAP AOCIAT(n?l hoelliH III k- aleflliiili le' k. M.eu vlleet. 1,ihi. pe! tin i-iinc. fur meu un.y. e.-r Mrinl.iy iif-ti-rinieii nt 4 i'i-iiK-k. l-i4iin open aei k dnyi f.-niii A -jfa ni .tn 9: p. in. Hot th I ai k TAiirio.Ai-Lr.-ri v. J. V -Mid, I artier. heri-ai hir.;rf p lioel. r a in. : i rrat-Mi ir. il a m. kl.d i li. l prayn mptiiit TufmO-y mkIh : ehoir ptac- ! PriU..y iiikui All are ai-lcmia. NYhenyou to a nhoe Ptore your object inot only to buy hIkm-h but to procure for what you ppend the licM that your money will buy. I'P!i than tnia will not content you; more man tins you cannot, in rea aon, m-a. tnir metnooa nre aa simple na your deeirea. We ilo not lift your expectalitina to the cloutlx, 1'Ut we rcnhr.i t!se?i wlmlever tbev are. We w ill tievr r Sacrifice your mtert-Pia to ours ami nowtiere else can you iret a fuller aud fairer eitiivalent for your money. An eept-ciully profituble purchase for you ih our etc BOOE8, SHOES OH RUBBER3 R SHEEWOwD. Main Street. Sr.. Lumber Yard THE OLD REUADLE. !!. I WATEBHAN h gnr Shingles, Lath, Sa-li. !indr '' -i aa 0n S'ipply rverw druiand of the'rity fsll ami fjet terms. Fourth street in r-v of opr-r honan, nFTFTTIVF K 'ANT A M A ?! ,n U ,y ' - 'r lerallH limits aiel riv leMil nn-l. r mir ni.tierin i.. I .-nd Ten Inr prtkii'iiii. V. i i, ,B 'Kl;i.llV Al.h.MV. Ih.i Jj. Wwhi.iu,,, loaa. W LUMBER ! TIT IS VJ J ILL and o let cm be bought. HAG TIIE lu lis lino in Ciii-8 Canntj. You wi 1 not lie tiMo t.) c;i;r win OPERA HOUSE CORNER, PLATTSMOUTH. TAKE THE For Atchinpou, St. Jopoph, Lravco worth, Kanpas City, SL Ixiuia, ami all point north, faat ruuth or wrat Tick eta sold ami tjaj; gaye checked to any point in the Tinted St alia or Canada. For INFORMATION AS TO KATES AND ROUTES Call st Deot or Miilri-a II. C,TfnvKsi:.i, G. I". A Si. Iaiiiip. Mo. J. C. I'lllU.IH'l, A. G. 1. A. Omaha. II. I. Al'iiAk. At., I'liitti'iiKiuth. Trli-j liotii', 77. TIIE IaVTERNATMOXAL TYPEWRITER' A "rrty Ural .- ai lilnr. fully wamiii ni kliuir (rum Ilia ' ij lt Piairtialb ii I wi -rkfitrii. ami l'h fhf l-it toola ft liav n hru 4rti fur 111' puiiiao. Vi a rKiiif'1 1' di all dial fan t rrH-..i.ailv pMtrd of lha varf b-l lyparllM adaiit lapatlaof wtlHn !.' a.-nU r mlliuia n awarding to '.ha al''-llty l tla prratn' IM.ICK $100. Illfii-ii. in no ad"!!'. Ill your 1- ii ii1ri" Hi ainDiil h !i-r.'. Til r I'A K I all' M I 'il ' . Air-iip annli-il 1'iiiih I, V. F. li MiKI.VMIKK. As'int. Einrclii, Nih, iU o THE LEADING AND ONLY Of E PRICE IS WAITING FOR YOU. waiting to show you you know how cheap they -TOE- LAROEaT AND ii jo i take quality ari l jn ieu in cuiiniJorutiun. JOE- Onlj buys tlic Im-t make ami latest tiuveltic-j in CLOTHING AND FURNiSHING GOODS HATS, cArs ETC. Aui if )on am looting for a rclinblo j.lii'jc to trado give JOK a triil. T T A T"a k TA -s I F ncn nnnriLR ntu uuuuch rTlHB teat of harncau, both double and aingle may be found at JL store and everything in the rr . - which are firat-claaa in every rcpiect, licinjr the lihteat, Ptroiifreat an eaaieat riding vehicle on earth. t 1 ALSO have a lare lot of Sthuth Spring waona, road carts, and FflKr) qop,DK $ sop Plattsmouth 1 TTTkT v1a4 w W r 1.1 lll li I II I I ' - tAt)is mm SHOES ! We (five you the following deep cut in prices: Ijiilii-a Fine Clar.ed Dmipnla fiM ahora reduced to I-ailira Donpola Kid Flexible $l.ra)ahoc reduced to Iiiliea Iteal IhinoU alioea reilurrd to La dina Waud Turned bral Dogola tlW dhoe reduced to FOE THIRTY Weiiave a KreMt many ..ll.er Hniuplu l..H of mid aiii B thai we t' i oll-rniL' at i f I.. I... I.. - ... u. i. m ii 111 wiir hi We hImo haven few lotn of I.mlii ilirea. Don't forget the phire. - i i CL0LK1ER - his new goods STOCK buy cheaper Win Chi- t j -r T . I v r- ' ouu i -o harneaa linealnotjiirTirinarf,nrri J), 1 i r, Moline, Ilain and Sterlinff wagi plowa of all dincrlption. NebrasVl i . .- aaaa n mym 4 lll.l la riiti.it III " v mm j a. '7 DAYS QiSLT-X J , . . ii k in .m i I our ..liliiilion i V ... a (lifurdrf that we will aril ui re '?' i I .... '