I ' rrr V, f 1 - .trjWji . i;- - - it A YES I, lNfY-SUUVEYO INI) Y-JfL ENGINEER ' comity clerk will 'J ,f,p rr, attended to. ,1-ICEI.N COl'KT HOUHB, ' otii.Ii. Nebraska H ... S PEITERHERO. !- MAMUrAOTllRK or AS .'- 'll5ILE AND RETAIL ..' V ! D1ALEB 1 ?" ,' i i :h BRANDS OF CIGARS 0 AND SMOKIxl AITICLII 1 alwaye in stoak Ncbraasa ' " ATIOXAL : HANK . yPL4TTHM'UTn. NBBRAHPU ap capital .... .Y.nii plua lo.lwO.l n its Tory bnrt f;irt!!t'.M fur the protnp trnf linn l il(il1inte nmikini: business twn1. irll. go"fnmehl and lwl e - biiuJli( tu knl.1. lltilioalla rcvlVi iifc-mt ull"'l im ths wr1l!lctiT -'drawn, hviiUIiIk In any purt ul llif 'Malna and ml lbs prtuelp! UD o: CT10NS MAIIX Al rin WLT MHIT- !j TKU. :.!. i.at fur County Wv j 1 ranis, hla'teans'l Sillily but A . ' OIKKCTOKrt MIUUA. i T!txfrald H. Il.twy.wiirtb -.ukIi. K.K. WIiIji ' i (iiinrvR K. )iihv I Aid. H. Waiili. ; fee : ) inriii ( n I7.i;s hank. j "ATI-iMiH'TH NK" "KA . i itues i d lu Jthorized Capital, f 100,000 . y erviernt .j,'-' NRHl'TH Jo. . riiNU'" ItinMKUl. Vic-!"" ' I W. H. 'l HHINia. ;i!hiar iiiHRcri'iui 0mith J. A. t'oi imr, V. K. (Intl. i j . Jflhawm. llei ry Hr-ck,.liha O'Ketfa II. 'uhlii(. :iCTS'i GESC2AL BANIISB Bl'MES l aMlllWla'A of di-IKi'tH hrfcrinv Interest J in slid ivl I HrliHiir. rriimty mid it 'ty ANK OF CASS COUNTY Cr Main and Flftb mri-ot. dnprantUI.. .... f hi n pluA ' OFFICERS t Pahi Protcl'iit ItloMur Vlu ITiiiIjiiI t fhilrrnna inh..r at, rallxrmin, A-l I -lunl DIHECXOR3 is. H. rariAil, J. M KutlcMon, f rd (lordft . . U. ttmllli. ii. B. WludNAin. B. 8. KwnHiy and I. M.ratdaraua 0CIEE1L BANK1NC BU8lBCrf8 "&AN3ATED AMiiiili Aollrllci;. Ijimmi allowrd a flm lp.mli and prnit ain-aiiorif I i nil l"i .Mulrutd UiU nun. CLrT.bcr'.ru'3 2ya szl I Olntmrmt A Ctrt&ln cure for Chranla Sora Etc. TeUer EJt EJiorun, Scald Utfad, OM !r eorw, J-evor bortw, Lctem, rririo SctAtchcs, Bore Nipple I Aid PU. Jt )i cool!o2 and fooUiIoe. I tandreflj of cmos have boua cored by i Wuir til otlor troatnteot bad fallod uupu:cpln2Jand Wccatboxo. italocua allow luff nlcturea of j PiAnoa anl tolling about ibtm y LED riiEE. OurpaUnt S0T JP aaraa war, tnAilnjf the Tiano ira durable, and at-oppint? tlia an- 1 n nnidil 9 -ai rtl ; tola OLD PIANOS in EX- VIE, Mil on EAST PAY- ; i and aond Pianoa OS A P. : ; V AL to l rtiirufl at our m- I j 1 '-"r.r'1 WBy fr' i' not per- i:;rs&Pond Piano tni gmtfioi no iruihi. rv lf win. wrtMW rm w im Ttf fj4lW, 4 Hr.-! -f . a -a-- lt Mti fAW j m'M Mh 4m MW f ak ? kii. V W..iW a WtwWft V 1 1U M" M pMrtMl UMt tli tit.it . y, aT) ''' rVlla tl,;-4.. f tA 4. If ftw U''A XMMallH, aM U.JtW W jH tm tM, B)lit layuwltlt lvtr. C MI6H CU r ft ft C I iC C-'l. . K a Jl-y Wa4 f Ji UmI lrMM r ill J.A . I II I A f A K ) IMS LEADINO GROCER HAS THE MOST COMPLETE ' STOCK IN THE CITY. E7EFJTHING ni . AND III BEifflN ATTENTION FAKHBRt I want your Poultry, Epa, Hot ter and your farm produ.cof MU kinds, I will pay you the hicheot raHli price an I am buyinir lor a Grn in Lincoln. B. PETERSEN, THE LEADING GROCER riuUmnouth . Nebraska p J. !!:A:X:S:K:N IIKAI.KB IS STAPLE AND FANCY 0K0CEU1ES. (i LA Sri ANlJ QUEENSWAUE JOHNSON EUILDINGN SiXtH Si jEW HARDWARE STORE S. E. HALL A SON Kerp M kliuli of bulldm lianlwr on liaud and mil nipply rniitirt r uu m"l fan irabla UirniA : XIJST ROOFING ' Hmtlii and all klndt of tin rk pMiantly uiih. (irdRn Ir.im ina rimmry Hollaltrd. aid IVhaI M I'LAITsvioijtii, EH. FoaMEHflrJLV Y0UI7O MENOLD UElt ii ia in iu ii mi nirini! it iiiiASb Tkr Bka ktraU tfarW W tnt Uwi.Itm, i; fS'TlSHAKEOFFTME HORRID tNAKIt I"VZ-- "F f. u a- 11MHHI7 RkMli AXAOki.TkrkiHlLi ov-n ru cur kew book fw im ru, wM tlUptllArbliy DtM M J4 Ai(lrMf W UM HOME THLATMLMT, vii.M M A. rral ami rfrm h.iSlrrftltrnrllkIAl.QI(UiVILOriO 04Hg fAAtlf OlT4tlllll laUrMl4. ka iMiirr rrB M I-Mahk, ftf f. lifHII Ow-TiflM. CRIKME0ICALCO.BurrAi.O,H.Y. OAbK r !' '.A.'f'.-.A.M HAIR BALSAM t L.X-, J 1 !'1AAA kMlltiM tail. f ' V' UH ril lo BmMi i - ''-L.I CaM . IMM, A f- in l t H-r I r.Ajnr t'ut.lo, It f uaj iri ,t. a. I f" al .1 I ,iTMaM. r,. lafta la l.i Bfl Awa iU. M ilu.a, at iMACUl A tU, . T. 4 1 f r V. - T """ "L" j 11 ., J 11 j 3 JT P t I --( ! - CoTSKSs ' 777VV I.K4 fl Ia fiittmnn A aaa . "A NOT TIIK lUUIilWOMAN. PATHETIC RESULT OF A) WAITER'S ' BIT OF DETECTIVE VOnK. he Iliad Hoard That All Kxggara IVari. Wealthy anil ftlir I'nllowad a Woman Who flayed an Aoconllun, Expar.tliiK l Find a rrtucely Hums What aba Na Plie Rjit all day in the dust and t!i wind on tlm stri't-t cornrr prindiii.' druiry tuncn ont of a dilapidated old u curuion that ahrickpd and groaned 1111 . wlicczcd but wju nevur in the leant u. Bicl. , "She own a block of houAoa," 1 ra ' to myiielf, "and lias money in the bain: I iliall not drop a penny in that old ti .: cup. It U wrong to aucourae niMi'b caty." I wan only repeating what had been enid to me about street inipontoni. No-.v that I had a gotxl chance to ittndy ono of these characters from the window of u hotel, I became interested. Yes. With out doubt thia woman wua an iinpoatui'. Iler ragi of raiment were eloquent wilu that personal poverty which appeala 10 strongly to the gynipathelio. Her bead drooped over her recumbent figure. Bhe ant on the curbntone and mechanically irround ont her doleful munic Giio wo tbera at lilglitfalt when J atepped out of the hotel, but the wa preparing to leave. "Aha, my lady," l uid to myaolf, "here is a chance to follow yon and sea how much of your doleful plea la true. If yon are an iinpoiitor I shall toon know it," and I akipped along in the ihadow until I had traversed a long distance from my hotel, treading all the alley and back itreeta in the city, it aeemed to Die. , KO tiECKPTIOIf ABOUT TFT13. Then he cliuilied a pair of rickety atairs on the on Wile of a tumble down house. I still followed her and groped my war in the dark to a miaerabla room in the rear, where a chorus of little Voli-ea mil 11 ted her, "Mamma, oh, mamma, weee been rood Wee ln-en in u irood as wm could. Ibwn't weso, Johnny?" cried a wan raced little girl lying on the poor bed in the corner. The door was left open and I slinned out of sight behind it, but I could both ceo and hear, and if I was discovered, why, I was looking for a mythical wash liidy who onco lived in tliotm rooms. That was all. "Dot soii, rr-.l an r.uttrr. mkiuiu continued the child's voice, while a feeble wail from the bed added its note of sup plication. The woman bad drotined her immb-iJ burden on the table and now slut euibtied her Hx ket. "Deru's fe'te-n cents, 'n'all in nennies. Jolmiiie, run anil get Home hot saiiMgo an a loaf of bread. An I'll boil some hot coffee aiaiiidt ve'r back." Johnny could not run. lie was a frightful little cripple, but he limped away with tho pennies. Then I came forward and made my bogus errand known, and asked to ae the sick child in the lied. The woman looked at me Niwpiciniialy, " Taint dip'thery," she said, "it's con aooinpshun, an ye cannot take her to any hospital while I have breath in my body." "Do yon go out with that thing every day and Ir-ivo tl.cM childrr-n bora ai.n,r I asked. A TALK WTTII TUB CHILDM!. "I ain't a regilar," she whined, "the woman sha were a Uohemisn died and left me that for takln' care of her. I end play it that well you couldn't fell betwixt and In-tween ns, and I give np washin, for this Ueanier and more led. ly like. I was alius that fond of munic." "Ko am I, and if you don't mind I will come here sometimes mid hear yon play, ini.i-ad of stopping 011 the street no, no," as she ru-lzed np the instrument, "not tonight," and I slipped out, leaving my humbln contribution on the table. I beard the woman singing to her sick child before I had reached the foot of the stairs. At the corner I met crippled Johnny. lie had a brown paper pack age of food. "Rasserge 'n bread," be said, smack ing ill's lii. Tiut what is there for the sick baby-r I asked. "Golly, yer ought to ae her eat aaa sageT Bhe jist snatches 'era." "Johnny," I akked seriously, "ha yonr mother a block of houses and a lot of money in the bankT" "What yer givin ns?" asked the boy, staring at me. "I mean U i your mother poor!" "Ain't she, tho', jistorful somptime," and be limped away with the food, re garding uta with wonder as be walked backward. I have concluded that there must be some mistake ahont the princely wealth of this Impoverished family, and that it must be the woman with the organelle aud not the woman with the accordion whe own houses and lauds, and I shall maka a sneak some day and follow her. Than if she ia the nabob in disguise 1 will let yon know. Mrs, M. L. Kayna In'Detroit Pre Pre. Clgara aad Mnsla Cvaaklaoa. . , , While I stood at the showcase (u a rigar store .the otlier day a mtislo boi bagaa playuir, .llonkda4 about the store to a whir the uvilody came from, bnt the iiutrmnaut wu nowhere ynsble. Finally tlm atorekjer, with a broad smile on his fnr, Ux.k a cigar boi down from Uie rcw oa a shnlf atvl set it be fore rue. Aa be ripened the lid the play ing caad. 1 looked into the box and saw that I he lower half of it was da voted to the rutwlc Via. "This la the novel way," said the deal er, "that a firm has chosen to introduce a nw brand of cigars." New York Herald. Oaa Owiipstloa SUM tft. Fair Visilv.i-! am collecting subsi rip tiona for a jmor Ihiv who cannot work. II has both limU paral red. Mr. liroe.'.i VI,v ..11 1 he become district iaiegraph rueflsengarr Life. PcriiiiiiN (IcMirin to vote miiMt procure their balloln from u mcnilicr of the clcclion board. ' " ' Tlicy must tlien, without leaving the polling place, proceed to a compartment tint pre pure tlicir ballots. ., . Miikciicrona mark (X) with ink in tlieritflit innrgin of the ballot opposite the name of eiicli pornon for whom you wish to vote. Do not make any mark on the ballot, save hh above directed, or the ballot will not be counted. If you ppoil n ballot return it to a member of the elect ;on board and obtain from him a new ballot. Take thia to a compartment and mark it properly. Having marked the ballot, fold it ho aa to conceal the name and mark on the face, and to expose the names on the back. Take it to the judge of election before leaving the enclosure, and see it deposited iu the box. Immediately, lea vc the railed enclosure. If ou w1h!i to vote for any personwhowe name does notappear upon the ballot, write or iiiHcrt his full name in the blank upace on the ballot under the proper office you wifdi him to hold, and make a crosu mark in the proper margin opposite the same. Do not take any ballot from the polling place; you thereby forfeit the right to y'.'t". Following arc the state and county tickets: FT h)K TlllM.b OK TIIK bt'l'KhMK CllUk'f. Ada Hittenbender. Lincoln Jose p h W. Ed ge r to n. So 11 1 1 Omaha , ATM. Post, C olutnbua Kuk Rki.kmhiik THk Siatk Um A. DAIleinande, Arapahoe, WUliairFG(7r7VNcligh'i - E. A. Hadley, Scotia CIihh. H. Marple, Ornalia 1 1. Triinm.iy73'ak7neTtT " Caroline M. Woodward Seward i.,Ju.,K.Ab Jl.ll Sa mm lM . 1 : 1 1 a p 1 na n Tl ' I a 1 1 h n 1011 Thomiia H. Stevenson, Nebraska II. I). Travis, Weeping W'atcr 1uk Cin,. 1 yc;i,i.kK. Frank Dickson, i'lattsinoiith" j. K. Marshnll, Greenwood Jesse Riickwi-il, Mauley J. H. Tiion,jt'edar Creek I-'OW t'ul,M y TKhAStKKK. T. IHrown, I'lattsmotitli - '. I. C. Eickholf, Louisville . T Fred Ilerrmnnn, I'laltsmoiith " Samuel Kichardson, Kiifht MileTirove" Kuk Ciir.s 1 v Siii.kih . Edmund Dorr, Stove Creek Precinct George Eilson, Murrav Win. Tighe, I'iallsmouth I'hi tilander Williams, Eltnwood, Kuk Ohm v Ji is.h. H. D. Harr, W eepingWater " P. I tiassJ'lattsniotMh, ' H. S. Ramsey, i'lattsinoiith Calvin WiiMHrli. W'r.-iiinir Witter FilMC'LhKK K DlSIkU T CoUkT. W.JI. Deiiring, Wabash . T Ackland Salisbury, PlaltHiuouth W. ( . Tucki-r. Mt. Plensnnfl'recincr jMM'utt. I'lnttiiiTnith For . oiM r Siii'kki.Nih.ihM r J. Elmerl-yjla, Weeping Water G. V. Noble, Weeping Water M. O. Weed, Greenwood Precinct Alice Wilson, Plattsmoiith F(IK I'ot .NI ClIkONrtK, M. F. Hrendel, Murray - P. GHlicy, Greenwood E. ', Mtiriean, Weeping Water I. t'nruh. Plattsmouth FokiolNI SlkfkfcVOK. A. C. Msyes, i'luttwuioiith Republican x Fred Pattcraon, Rock liluffa Democraf T'l- rok CoU.S I Y M I snli iNhk Vol h Fokt OnK S. V.T)iitlnjri - - . - Repulilican x HTM. (lauit. ProhibrtTurTl Win. Neville, - - - DemocrHt Mexican Mustang Liniment. A Cure for the Ailments of Man and Beast A long-tested pnin reliever. IU use is almost universrd by the Housewife, the Farmer, the Stock Kaiser, and by every one requiring an effective liniment. , . No other application compares with it in efficacy. " This well-known remedy has etootl the test of years, almost ' generations. No medicine chest is complete without a bottle of Mustang LlNIMKNT. Occasions arise for its use almost every day. All druggists and dealers have it. Wi k hiK ONE. Prohibition Independent Republican vkwhity. - Vom nik TWO . . independent '. Prohibition . Independent" Repiililicim Repulilican Prohibition KICT 1 h City" V (il li e'tikt i) Repulilican X liKlcpendent Democrat )I K K)K Republican Inilecnilent Prohibition Democrat VoTK HK ONE i'rohibitinu Repubiican Democrat Iiidepenient Vin h i t ik o,E Iiideieiulent Republican Deinocr!it Prohiliition7 TT muE Indepeiideut Prohibition Democrat j Vol k nik ONE. Democrat Republican Prohibition "Independent Precinct Votk i-uk OS E. Republican x Democrat ! - Iddependent Prohibition Vo'lK Mik ONE Democrat Independent I I'rohibitionr" Republican TTnT - U; V.Sarjer,of 'KoclVek'ter, Wis, ir!lii'rit fli-Hler in ocneral . truiu h:uuliiif, and wIki ruimVcveral p-d-lli.i -j: wo-.jiirt,. Iiii,l (,nu -of-nia hori-.is icidly cuta.-id burned with a htnat, The wound retimed to heal. The lioife became lame and stiff novvv. i:l,Mai,.liiig can-ful nllt-ntion at;d tiie application of remedies. A friend hau.'led Sawyer some of Ifaller's li.irli Wire Liiicnieut, the most wonderful thing ever saw to lieal audi wmiudtt. Jle applied it only three times and the sore waa completed healed. Ivpially good for all sors, cuts, bruses, and wouikIm. For eale by nil druggist Cure for Parolvsls. Frank. Cornelius, of Piirceli, Ind. Ter.,saH: "I induced Mr. I'iiiHon, wnose wne nau paralysis m the face to buy a bottle of Chamberlain' Pain Halm. To their great nupriac before the bottle had nil been used she was a great deal better. Her face had been drawn to one side: but the P11 in Halm relieved all pain and soreness, and the mouth assumed its natural shape." It ia also a certain cure' for rheumatism lame back, sprains swellings and lHmne 50 cent bottiea for eala by F. G. Fricke A Co., Druggist. Strength rnd Health. If your are not feeling atronr and hcalthy.try Electric Xiittcra. U "La Grippe" has left you weak and weary, uae FJlectric Hitters. Thia remedy acta directly on Liver. Stomach and Kindys' gently aiding those organs to preform their func tions. If you are afflicted with. Sick Headache, you will find apeedy and permanent relief by taking Electric Hetter. One trial will con vince you that this is the remedy you need. Large bottles only 50c For sale by F. G. Fricke & Co. Some of the most atartling, i tersting discoveries of the life and customs of buried ligypt are now being made through extensive exca vattions. These discoveries are exciting a great interest. Many discoveries are, however, being; made in our country that are re markable, among which we may mention that of ilaller's Pain Para lyser which elfects entire relief, and iu many cases a complete cure nf that terrible disease rheumatism, nnd which also relieves pain of all kinds. For sale byall druggist il-n imum Oupjd In a Day. "Mystic Cure" for rheuinsitiHin on ncuralc-ia r;irfi.-.-,l!v i-iir.--.-l in 1 .-. sr days. Its action upon the system ia remarkable und mysterious. It re moves at once the cause and the di sease immediately dissappenra. The first dose greatly benefits. 75c Sold by F, G. Fricke, Druggist, wt That IlackingCough can soquick ly cured by Shiloh's cure. W guarantee if, For Sale by K. G. Fricke and O II Snyder 1 The Crcateat Strike Among the great strikes that of Dr. Miles in discovering his Ne Heart Cure has proven itself to tie one of the most important, (The de mand fur it has become astonish ing. Already the treatment of heart disease is-bcing revolutionized, and many unexpected cures effected. It soon relieves short breath, flutter ing, pains in side, arm, shoulder, weak and hungry spells, oppres sion, swelling of aii!;!cs,t:iothcriiiif and heart dropsy. Dr. Miles' bok on Heart anil Nervine Disensen, free. 'J'lie tincnualcd New Heart Cure is sold and guaranteed by K. G. Fricke A Co, also his Restorative Nervine for headache, fits, spree, hot flashes, nervous chills, opium habit, etc. 4, Reducad Patea. The It. A M. will sell tickets on the certificate plan nt the rate of one and one-third fare for the round trip, as follows: To Kansas City, Mo.. Oct. 'M-Zi, an account of the annual meeting of the American Public Health Asso ciation. Mt. Pleasant, la., Oct. 23-25, annuaL meeting of the Y. M. C. A. St. Louis, Mo., Oct. 22-25, annual meeting Hrotherhood of St. A ndrew. Waverly, Ia., Nor. 10-12, auniiif convention Iowa Hulter and Egje Association. Des Moines, Ia.,aninial convention. Iowa State Farmers' Alliance. For many yeara Mr. H. F. Thowap aon, of Des Moines, Iowa, waa verelv afllicted with eh r nnir Hiarr hoea. He saya: "At times it waa- ciy m-ere; so ruucii ao, that I feaerd il would end my life. About seven vears mm T Hum,-,., I , cure a bottle of Chamberlain' I one, Cholera nnd Diarrhoea Remedv. Iln-nviminrnmni ..i.u 1 1 .;...' ".' uu 1 iium-vc cureu me permanent ly, as I now eat or drink without harm anything I please. I hare also used it iu my family wit the best results. For sale by F. i. Frickie A Co. Wonderful 8ucceaa. 'Twoyeura ago the Haller Prop. Co. ordered their bottles by the boa -now they buy by the carload. Among the popular and successful remedies they .prepare is Haller Saraapardla A H unlock which ia the moat wonderful blood aarifirr knowri. No alruggiat hesitates to recommend thia remedy. For aale by druggist. W III be Given Away Our enterprising druggists, V. G Fricke A Co, who carry tlK Tuiest Stock of drugs, perfumeriea, toilet articlea, brushes, aponges, etc., are giving away a large number of trial bottiea of Dr. Miles' celebrated Rra Jorative Nervine. They guarantee it to cure headache, dixziness, ner ronsi prostration, aleeplessneas, Hie ill effects of spirits, tobacco, coffee, etc. llriirrtnau w .1 11 , v " i"e ureaieat ae er they ever knew, and isuniver- V i. .. . "ey aiso trnan. nntee Dr. M lea' W n..... .r" . all cases of ncrvoua ororganic hewrt disease palpitation, nnln in Mj,p Hu.otheri,,.,, ,.U.. .im, ,. ' ."Nervous nnd 1 1, .irt Disens re. ' 1