'A 1 11. rt . 9 , . k li.ai.ni Who Bid la fin Carrlagaa. Tim Sioux untiun is rapidly becoming M tiHtum vf T- ; - . i - . - x.viimI, LrUilU HIT (U) ?cw wet-Vs many nne new curmgt-s tiuv crohI over here to the Sioux reserva tion, and all of thern belonged to uiem- beiu of the Sioux nation who came tier at diffureut times and purchased theta, rftvln;j for the 6 ne i good hard cmU. Cirrme dealer nrv now, iu coris ijnffiice, doing a rushing urwiness with the Indians, and the demand for the finest and moot eipensive carriage is in creasing, nil the prominent and wealth ier Indiana appearing determined not to . be outdone by any other member or members of the tribe. The.pnrctia by one Indian of an ele gant carriao ismire fo arouae the jeal pusy of some otlier Indian, and then mine nnstliujj 1b done. Cattla or any thing that will net them the money needed U hurried to the nearest market and din-potied of, and with the money tbna obtained the fortnnate Indian will knrry to a wagon and carriage dealer and pnrchaM the finest carriage thai can be procured. The Lower Crnle and Crow Creek In diana are already the possessor of many Su6 luiuuuln, and auuultl they keep on a they Are now doing every Indian will toon travel about in a carriage of bit awn. If the carriage manufacturer! -' would paint their carriage a Randier color it would result in largely increased alee, on the frontier at least, bat at the rate the Indian are purchasing it U quite probable that they are aatixQed with the plain color. South Dakota Cur. lliuneapoli Journal. Ta Have Haw Eyallda. Harvey Chaffee, of East Valley, a well , known oil contractor, who waa badly burned by a natural gas explosion on the 7th of May, is in the city for the pnrpooe of having the skin grafting process tried on him. Mr. Chaffee was very severely roasted. The kiu was burned off his face and neck, and tea hole were left in hi head. The most serious scorching was that upon the eyelid. They were completely bnrned off both eye, and in their stead at present is the raw, in flamed and swollen flesh. The sight is most repulsive, bnt Mr. Chaffee beau tu mihfurtuu with great fortitude. When at-ked if his injuries were pain fal, he replied: "Yes, air, they hurt ine right iinart at times, but it takes a great ileal to make me grant. I can stand heap. Yon ought to have seen me when I was horned. My ears were as big as your fut and my head a big a a half buhel measure. I was a regular aisrht. Too can ak my wife there," and he re ferred the reporter to a pleasant woman who sat near. The work of patting new eyelid npon - the unfortunate contractor is to be done by Dr. F. D. lvltll, who said that he would cnt the material for Mr. Chaffee' yeliiU out of the patif-ut's arm. Except for his burns Mr. Chuffee was in a healthy condition, and hi own cuticle would perhaps knit more rapidly than that from another ponton. The new ajyelids will be bereft nf eyelashes, but tility and a cure is what U sought after rather than beauty in this case. Pills nrg Post Vwratjr Pouol Kalmiin for a Cant A pirn. The prewnt wonderful run of salmon has so glutted the market that for some time these silver sided beauties have been arlliriij at fiva rsmta anieco, lint tha price took tumble yeitterday and sev ers! oL7;i--i !d vualiixvl of fine salmon, weighing abont twenty pound each, at the. pitiful price of one cent apiece. Cue cent for a twenty pound silver salmon, the finest quality of that icelleut foh, is the lowest price perhaps that a food fih ever sold for in this or any other country, but salmon are so plentiful that people do not know what to do with them. It is estimated that enough fUh could be taken there in one day tu fill 1,000 barrels. Fishermen say they can Biake big inouey by selling salmon at a cent apiece to the canneries if they will only buy all tbey can catch. One man caught fourteen with a gill hook attached to a boe handle yentrrday, and another man claims to have found them in such num ber in hallow water in the Dungenes that he threw them out with a pitchfork aod soon gut fish enough to butt for a Sharks ra Urf lilaad taaad. An nnunaal number of large sharks was reported during Keptembnr In Long Island and Fisher's Inland sounds. To these the name of man eater is generally applied. As a matter of fact, hower, . the true man eating shark (Carcbvodoa carcbarias) is rarely seen on op coast This species grow to a length of twenty-five feet and to the weight of one ton, being surpassed in size only by the bank ing shark. It is a relative of the enor mous shark whose teeth occur fossil in the phosphate bed of South Carolina. Any shark measuring nine or teu feet ia length is liable to be called a man eater, and not without warrant, for all of them will attack man with slight provocation a when suffering from hunger. Forest and Stifeam. HI OliUagnlahlng Ckaractorlaila. Tangle (to Crinkie, Yalevard, '1)3) Ey the way, I saw a man from your col iege at a ummer resort lie was carry ing everything befofw bitn. Crinkle (proudly Yea, sir. That is a distinguishing tlmr teiUticof our men. What was he doinn? Fa'igle Acting as waiter in the din ing rooin. IJarprr'a P-a'-ar. GutU perch.i U the ruin of the percha tree, whit ii grows in the Malayan is land and that locality. The pric ef tljij arli;;le bat nmre tiian donMed with in two je.irM, ciiiefly becaUKeof the waite fulneiiaof tin) native n rollei'tinir ths jenm by felling tlis tns and tlia in creased demand fur it in inmiliitin eli-o- trlo wires. The peacb crop tf Marylaii.l w.is so jrn .-it Mint line enn lis lin li ft on tlislp-e-), n it won I I not pay t' pick them. Thunsiinds of trees will be dug tip on acronnt of ths rapid sproid of tni J( lloWH. A GRAND RALLY To be Hald at Weeping Walar Naxl Saturday Evenmg. Extensive arrnngeinentB have been about completed for the jrandeft rally of this campaign, to be held at Weeping Water next Saturday evening. Hon. A. M. Pout, republican candidate for judge of Out supreme court, and J L, Webster, . will be the orators for the occasion. 'It is the desire of the republicans of this place that l'lattemouth be well represented and negotiations are pending with the M. P. road by which it in absolutely certain that free transportation will be aecured for all that desire to go. Mr. Webster will arrive in thie city on the flyer and accompnny the l'lattstnouth delegation to.Weeping Water. The services oi.Jthe,,B. & M. band have been secured expressly for the occasion. The train will leave the M. P. atation shortly after 5 p. m. Judge SulSiTanlis entitled to credit for the enterprise exhibited in working; up thejexcursion. "An American Boy." The three-act tnuniral comedy, An American Boy," wU be seen for the first time before a Platte. mouth audience at Waterman's opera house Thursday evening. Oct 20. The company has just closed a successful engagement at the People'sltheatre, Chicago, and the paper" ofthat city speak well of the performances The comedy is a new departure to the stage, and is void of all sensation, the character of the boy part in the play being manly and bold. Music, singing, dancing and re fined specialties are a sparkling feature of the performance, and the American Hoy Trio, the Union Quartette and the many new features make the new comedy a brilliant success. During the play the following specialties will be introduced: Act I. Song and chorus, "Only a Boy," by Willie McDermotL Act IL Dance Imagination, Frunkie St. John; "The Tramp," Geo. K Kobinson; the universal favorite, Liuie Anderson, in her specialties ballad "The Street Singer," Harry N. Welch: "The Sewing Girls,' Misses 1'arkhiirst, St. John and Ardine. Act III. Original medley, introducing national nir ti y entn company: Spanish dance, ballai and chorus, by Harry N. Welch; the Union Quartette; the Ainei it an Ioy Irio; the hour Kulies, una many new and novel features. A boclal. There will be a game wx-ial Fri day evening, Oct. '), at the resi deuce of V. V. Iconard on Sixth and Locust streets. The proceed will be ilevoled to the interests the commercial class of the liili school. Kverybcxly invited. ot Fine shoos silling low Sci.ficikneciit shoe etorr. at THtRE ARE. Beanliftit anrda urrir iipokeii. V liik ii ut rlin-r that mlubt sav ilrartu lriln:i. weary aud brokao. ltoaa to Ilia until of Uia srara. tlilfni-e mora deadly tliaa paaaloa. Gtaur-ra that slander eaa aesd, rram'd ia the wnrhi a davlllah faabum. tu iniirdtr tha heart of afriaod. Look. kptitloM virtue ImprarhlDC Kula lylDtf cnuib'd oo tha iilaio. With tear frutrn cllda btMwblnf Tha touch of lava's alight aaia. Burdaoa to hear for tha waaaar, Jaaala lo di Ima (tnd'a mlna; And (pma, fairer atlll. to Ih aaaka la tha aticcla' Urn ra that shina. Wltbln s tba aonl's silrat treaaors Waiting tha klaa of tha lltfbt; (waet accntrd bhaaomi of ulraaura Our Uricrn may cull from tha nigbh Fruit shining rip an toll's mountain Hoar la that ! p nndar Ufa's aea; Muaic .a Uod's laughing foontain l.'ad 1'4 by st lrka alngiiig do a ta leva's maadow," Tbraatlai that pipe by tha hill; Out of time 'a darkaaaa aod abadow, WhUpafi that comfort aad UrilL Voices ollbln avar alnting. Melody anftao'd by taara, Tba phiaim af bupa at laal aprlaging Keren f rwa tha ashes of years. -J. IL fuU ta Uatroil I'raa fraaa. Oraalay llatera the Caaaara. Uorace Oreeley dreaded the earner., more than any man I ever saw. He m; brought to my studio by Whltelaw Uei-i and Ham titnclair, famous in hi day a one of the great worker on The Tribune. The great editor had just been Domi nated for tb presidency of the United ritatem. He raws Into my studio with aa armful ut papers, threw himself care ieaaly in the chair, adjusted hi glasses, turned to the editorial page of The Trib une, began reading one of hi own ar ticle, aud, without raising his eyes to me, said, "Fire awayr He had a great armful of pars, which be threw on tlie floor at hi feL When I was redy to take the picture I poaed him properly and made a very good tmpTesaiun. 1 took him In several position, and I oo ticed that every tune thers was a mo ment' delay with the camera he picked np hi paper and began rending with avidity. At the ame time I took a group por trait of Greeley, with W'hitelaw Ueid on one side and Kinclair on the other. 1 doubt if any of those pictures areinei-isteiK-e. lint Ihe photograph then inaile at the first sitting of Oreeley alone is tk fiTie generally an cpted an tho beat li'i-ni-M. I have ia my poewnRion a letter from him acknowledging the receipt of the pictures at least I atlpprise that ia what It does, for it has taxed the ability nf expert in chirography to dix'ipher it. I regard it, however, s pleasant ine ruento rf the great joiirnnli.t and statc rr.au. A. Itogardii in Ladies' Iloiue Journal. UVAUA'OTO.Y a. MISSOURI H1TM! R B. TIME TABTF.y OT DAILY 1'AabEIVGEK .TEAIo C01NG EAST GOING WEST s'ol :. a. m ' . -i - m .ii. s K a u . o. t -in a. in. N".l Ml 4.. N,. i .. VO 111 . No. U M. .. .r, : i r . . In :.m a. i" .7 ; U l. i" . 1 41 a. at ..Id :U . n . . 'JU A. n a. -?p,ia. o ut . .....s -.wv p. m. a. 1- it bs-ra. utssaviti VA;irw haiutaT TIMK CAKD. . Asaninoitati ia lesfes., 18 M a at. . 4 . p. III. ;iki sriiv.-i.. Truiua daily ntcept l-unilay StiCHKT MM'Itn&S NKitllS (IK I'VI IllAf" !Hllllllet Mt mi 41 Mrri. rvnv (1ne1nv evenli .1 tVi.lr h .11 In lurti.r'r flS'll tlllH'k. All Ulna ninln are eoidl i ly tiiv led i aiteua C. C. )iiiiilt. C. U- i vui'j. a. n. o. iitlKd MRN'M rnitl.sTIliN HOmTHN HaterniKn blink MIb Plreet. Koiibh ...... (r.,m s -.in a m to f :iM p ir. ror me only lioais-l aieal'ng Sf ary oimOsj alt"""" at 4 eioek. AO V. W. Heels urn snn lairo rnaai jln? ef r-ti monib stO. A H. Hall In RiK-kxixik Mi k. Krank VeiBtllyta, M, W. I, B Kueraole, Keeorder. a 0 0. W. No. H-Mrrtnws anaiotins Vrlrt . teiilmr In the momn a it. a . n. ball in Hw kwnod block. K J. aiorgaa, MW. ,r, Broau, ttecoioer. 0 nnti . ik iitM-riii troi'nrii no nan k Uf.t alth K.nl f hall l tba Psi Bale f'mlr block over rierneit a 1 una. visiriag brethren lavlied Henry Hrrold, aegeal 1 litis ailing. Heereiorv, CAM l-OIMIE. Vo. 141.0.0. P. Sieets ev- ry Tuiwlsy niBht st their ball in Klirnerain block. AllOdil Kelli.ws vt eordiallf lnlled iimi ahrn visiting in taeiij. i Lary V. U H. W, Bridge, secretsiy. PLACES OH WORSHIP. Catholic-M. Paul's t hurch. ak. between Vidh and Slilh. rallii-r l a'Drv. raaior sVrvlres: Visa at S nd I A. at. Huhday bchnol allJu. wl'L benediction. PiianTim 4'nrner lteuat and Flrnin Bis, Serv ers miiniins sno reoina aiwi a. . Kred. iiaslur Sunday Acnool l 4. at, EriacorAU-M Luke's t'hureb. corner Third and Vine. Kef H H. Hurea. pasuir. ner Vleea: It A. M. aid t Mtt. U. buudsji Bcbool atljora. Okhhan itKTHonisT. .3mer Slittl Ft aa tiran t. lte. lilrt. I ator. nereieea : 11 a. m and I r. m. Sunday ivbiHil to m a si. PsKrTrKiA)r.-ervlr Is new fnllten.e nr Hum and (irmilla aia. liev, J . i.pairn iatiir. hUbdsv-M-i i.ol al , I Fteacblug si II a. m.ann I p m. IheV. K. s. v.. K hi ibis church meets fi Habhaih eeiili. at 7 :l In Ihe tiaaemenl a thechucrb. Ail sie iiivilrd to aiu-ad tbeaa nieellngs. Pisrr MrrsomsT -Hlith "t., hetwen Main Slid I earl, rev i. r. nun awir. services : II A. a. ( SO T. sunilat Sclinvl jo A at, l'tayiruireli Wedueadaysvea ii... Oshma I'EessrrssiA". -Comer Mala asd Niiitlj. )tev itie, iiau-r. Serica usual hours. Sundny rcliiil J A. St. . 8wrrtn" ( .siisOAToAU-iranlta, iweeu rum auu ruin. Cciisku llAi-rinT Mt. Ollvs, . betwees 'Irlilll Ml,, I Klrvrlil l lieV. A . rUisae I. Iaa tor. seivi-ra ii a. m. end T :30 . m. I'rater Ii i-rtitiii Meiim snay eveiili g. Tot'o Mrx'a rnni-TiF Ahociatiow- l!iu.iiiln v aierm.iii lilin k. Main street ( re! mrrslns. fer tnei.uniy.eirn f,yii(!:'.y zl terniK'ii at 4 uVIim k. I.ix'ins uioi week d triini 8:jn s, in., to t : 3 p.m. Hnl'TII Kll TlHHHK AI'I.C KeV. J. M Vk -Mid. I asiur. hnvnni Sunday hchiNil . .: I lehctiliu. II a m. and II p. m (ira)'! meatlng luesday n Igclit ; clioir piaf nee rriuiy dikiii an are aricuiiia. When you ro to a shoe store your object isnot only to buy shoes but to procure for wbst you spend the best that your money will Duy Iss than this will not content you more than this you cannot, in rea eon, nek. Our methods are simple as your desires. We do no lift year expectations to tuc cluuua. but we realize tnem wnatever tney are. We will never sacrifice your Interests to ours and nowhere else can you (ret a fuller ana latrrr equivalent for your money. An especially profitable purchase for you is our etc. .. ;. . BOOES, SHOES 0 3E RUBDER8 A SHEEWOOD. 901 Main Street Lumber Yard THE OLD RELIABLE. II. I. WATEEHAH k SOS Shinglea, Latli, Haeb. Doors, Blind Can supply evt-rw demand ol the city Call and get two, a. Fourth at4 In rear of oprr liooie. nrTrrnvr -r it a mar J t. I U Vl I I t Ci mr) l.ii'sll' y .i , l i,s sirrn? irrs"inr miiii r ilir iiii.iriirii,.i,t SUll(l l'ir arf ir-ti M'S. W A I. llill) liKrHCHVK Al.tNtV, lib I 77, W srliibtim, la. P LUMBER THE LEADING AND ONLY ONE PRICE CLOLHIER IS WAITING FOR YOU. TTT IS waiting to show you his new goods vj vyJli and o 1st you know how cheap they can be bought. HAS THE LAROEST AND BEST STOCK la lit line ia Ca?i Coantj. Toa mi 1 not to nble to buj cheaper We CKi cago when jou Uke qnalitj and prieo ia consideration. Onlj buji the bctt inaket nd latest novelties in CLOTHING AND FURNISHING GOODS 11 ATS, CAPS ETC. And if jon are looking for a reliable place to trade give JOE trial. OPERA HOUSE CORNER, PLATTSMOUTH. TAKE THE rrtfiv1 For Atchinson, St Joseph, Leaven worth, KaiiMus City, SL Iuis, and all points north, east south or wret Tick ets sold and bag gage checked to any point in the United States or Canada. For INFORMATION AS TO RATES AND ROUTES Call at Depot or addreaa II, C. Towkhknd, G. r. A. SL Louis, Mo. J. C. PlllIXlPPJ, A. G. P. A. Omaha. H. D. AiGaat. Agt, riatUmoutb. Telephone, 71. TUE mTERXATIONAL TYPEWRITER A strtetly flrM Sikm snarhlDe. fully am-a ad. aiailo Irons Ihe very best materia! S kllKwl amrliinra, and villi the l-t 1'k.U til hi.r r bwi rirtlMia lur Ihf ruroow. Wa ran toil to do ail tlial cao tw rrasn'.aklr ai nrr4 at IB varv b I iTDaaritar ailaat Cai blaaf rKls im anrils rr mlmila 01 ssota aeeardlni la ins aimiif 111 laa oars' l'ltitK $H)0. If ihi" u do SKfui lii your I' n a.'.ilrf v in aiiiilciiir". Till' Pl!lll' Vi , . AJr'titl aaiil' 1 I klbIi f. T t. !!. Ni'r I.I.MIIti;, A nt. Mncolii, Ni l J O B'g: o JOE- JOE- HARNESS! FRED GORDER The only Implement dealer viho TUB best of harness, both double and single may be found at : store and everything in the harness line also buffeicssnl enrria i which are first-class in every respect, beinu the lightest, stroni it easiest riding vehicles on earth. ' 1 ALSO have a large lot of Schutler, Moline, Iiain and Sterling wsgor Spring wagons, road carta, aud Plattsmoulh .... Nebraska SFEOIAIL BALL IM OUU COM We give you the following derp cut in prices: Ladle Fine Ulitiu-d Pnnirnla T- 'Z shora rcdiired lo 1 die) Don tola Kid Flexible L;.00slioe reduced to Idina Ileat IHinKola shoe reduced t- Iitlira Hand Tlirnrl fx-at Potfiiln H () alloc rrdiu'iMt to . FOR THIRTY DAYS - ONLY We have a great msny oilier sample lots of odd mUi-h that we u 1 In order In rednri! our We a! have ii f( w Itt, ,,f I.;,,!,, prlcea. I r,n't furgi t (In- phu e. (ft (! V V, I t t O' 1 V I HARNESS, baa made a biicccss in Q& Ca plows of all discription. PLKTE STOCK OF ! oU-rmgat , J slock ui m. et our ori:Kn(i(in. H Oxf.iwM Unit we will aeli ill leiluci i! ( .1 $1.73 .I' s . r.