T NT) if! TT, 1 atismoucn .oaii v FIFTH YEAR. PLATTSMOUfH, NWRASKA. WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 23 1891 NUMBER 39 .-i 'J i.r. ( Alf V, l ; ;v . l trl Till jl Absolutely Pure. ( ere am of tartar baking powder. hest of all in leavening strenth. test U. S. Government Food Re- t ,R. A. SALSBURY : DENTIST : I OU AND PORCELAIN CROWNS. , ttlow)rnrthfl1(! firths ptinlna x- tntctlur ol terlb. ; Fine Gold Work a Specialty. two Block PhUUmoitb, . 70RNIV A. N. 8ULLIYAK. "t-Lw. Will cltt prrnnpt ttst1o til huaiiiFM iitnit-'l to hi mi. onice U) o block. Kwt Side. I'laiumouth, Neb. AWSON A PEARCE ! HAVE RECEIVED ir f 11 mmw. fnry ribbon. tti unit qullla tuo a lot of iirw fiufilmi cmie Uap httta In tlraw i d fc I. I liny Iiht full Hue ol IikIh htod-tiKl III or eerorlr ofil utixlt eut h r 'need llifli airaw nll r lint, to Wiul t ij ;a r u iiiiiiincil. 3 SCIIUYLKR, TKIMMKR. ER SISTERS. .'HT kEC 1VI II A FILL LINK OF WPTER HAT3 AND i TRI1IMIKG3. o ..'n a trr niHkli'f lrprtatt. fat- V tfaciln itmrmiiri-d. r'VOOD STORE. I'LATTHMOUTJl I01.D A.B POUCKUIN CRO v - flridgs work snd line gold work Specialty. RTKtHAfB 1TA!. m wpII M othr ;u 'hucvlvia (nii rutiiiiPMtiuwuoa o tcih. V. MARSHALL, FitKrrl.I r'-- EAT MARKET SlIT II STREET tUIll STREET K. II. ELLEN BAUM, Prop. best of fresh meat always found in this market. Also fretth Hgga and Butter. 'id game of all kinds kept la their season. m llAin manni i i jIeat market-. I t J Iteepnesa night made miserable iinai tcfriiiie caugn oiu "Ms tne cure lor rom, mj r. vj tck. ana u il nyaeT, and 12, going at less thn they k i il at scniiuauecuia. " Lial of Latura :emainioir unclaimed in ths torT!ce at Plattsmouth, Oct 28, ; the week ending Oct 21, 1801: rtl, MitC Mlllr, l.o iltr.Um MilrtJohs iwnll, (lllrar Ortcn.8 W J rtkr. J W ) 1.1 f rynn, Tfl 0 .;vrfM Kni.dilt. KU t Win KutirrKuii, 4 lulu Him Ed nlltou, Jw A Cfltnq Mr X n, W P Hfvlng. llrnrf lirw.in,l f Tbnma, limy j Woodtord. I N rrsoua culling for the above 1 (deuce iiy '.nvertied," .1 II. J. STRKIGIIT, V. M )lii llrown & Flarrett's and (ret a w gliiHS and slop up tlmt hole jut iiotme. tf illlloW glllHM lit irctl'H Drown dt tf nt1-Aii ''!ln-, rrlM'l m a . imljrf 7' i $t.n riMiiitli v, null iiiri, v 10 itii-' iil dun rMiu r. ; 4.ii4iIIa Nfw Y.m li ,, ) fcifnc , mil ricitllii, Im jij, N lurk. 1 J . ' PERSONAL K. F. Eshcr ia on Omaha visitor to-day. F. K. White ia an Omnba visitor today. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Eikenbury were passengers on No. 5 for the went thia morning. Mrs. S. E. Phelpa, who has been visiting in the city a few days, returned to Omaha thia morning. E.C. Mungrum, of Omaha local organizer of the order of R. R. telegraphera Is In the city to-day. County Clerk Critchfield is travel. Ing over the county to-day deliver ing election tickets and poll books. Mrs. H. P. Coolidge accom panied by her son, W. K. went to Malvern, la., this morning for a visit to friends. Do not fail to register to-morrrow. Each voter must regiater for him self. Friday and Saturday of the pres ent week are the last days for regis tration. It is the universal opinion that finer weather was never seen at this enaon of the year. The attendance at the night achool and the interest in the work ia gradually increaning. Henry Tartsch went to Omaha this morning. His sister will ac company him home thia evening. The high achool notes have been necessarily delayed until to-day. We shall endeavor not to have it occur again. ThOrat Hereford Sal In railing attention to the public ale of Hereford cattle by the Ash land Laud and Live Stock Co., at tlicir ranch rrear Aahland, Neb., on I hurnduy, November i, we winli to that thin tock ia descended from sume of the very bent and highcHt priceij llcrelordu the country, that moHt of 1 1 it-in have been bred in thia Mliile mid are fully nrrlininted. No where ran be found thirty head of an tine bull of thin grand beef breed or the Kiiuie number of cows and heifers an will go at this sale. Send for catalogue and don't forget date and place. Tlnirntlny, Nor. li, 1111, r.d Iwikin, president, Ah hi and, Neb. Any tierHon having lout a pocket book in ludiett' waiting room, con- t'liiittiK fiOiiii? fiiOiiry, will jilt-line cull at 11. & M. ticket office. . 'it IiiHt received a Inge line of piano, organs and other hif IriiiiientH, nlso a big Flock of vocal and inHlrument al folio's at Muir'a oil Sixlh street oppoHite poHtoflicc. 3t Tantki A girl for general bonne work, (iood wages and ateady employment. ?IKK. W.J. I1E8HER, Pinic Clardenn,SixMilt.'s South-west of i'laitKmoutli. tf Miss Flora A. Jones, South Rend Ind. Purchased a bottle of your "blushes" of Arend, Cor. of Filth Ave. and Mndmon St I hnd it de lightful. Trill gladly recommed it toothers. Yours Respectfully, Fred M. Roberts, With Marshall Field Co. Chicago, Ills. K.. Roberts is not the only one lio finds "H!u-h of Rones" delight ful, as many ladies and gentlemen can testify, who have purchased it from O. il. Snyder. ' Haadl Parties owing me for medical treatment will pleuse cull at my of. fice, corner of Main and Seventh streets, at their earliest convenience and aettle accounts, ss I am in aeed of money. Especially long stand ing accounta must be settled by cash or note at once. I have given much time in many cases and now the favor must come the other way. tl Respectfully, VT. II. ScniLDKNiicUT.M. D. ra on tri m i ft Baa Just opened up a full lino of ladles, Gents and Child, ens all wool underwear and be fore jou buy your Fall or Winter goods. Don't fail to cill and see our priced. We beat 'em all. Have you Jseen thoto nob by Lltas Caps, all pretty Eludes, T).'), (m r.n l 7-r cents each THENEBRASKA WONDER. How Ilia Advertising Train is Being raoelvad In Ohio, The advertising train is meeting with the deserved welcome where ever it slops. From the time it struck the Illinois aide of the Mis sissippi river throngs of people have gathered to witneas the did play; and as was apprehended, as the.train progresses custwardly, the crowds become larger and a great er interest ia manifeatcd. Mr. King, the Lancaster county delegate in writing) home saya they knew we could raise corn but the fruit that is what catches them. The printed matter is eagerly sought. The Mansfield Daily Herald says of the train: "The Nebrawka state business men's association exhibi tion train arrived Friday evening about 6 o'clock, two hours late, under the supervision of the follow ing members of the advisory board of directors: R. F. Hodgin, Oma ha, general secretary; O. J. King, Lincoln, vice president; A. Lee, Fremont, trcanurcr; II. N. Dovey, Plattsmouth, assistant secretary; F. II. Moore, Keurncy, member of trade committee, and delegates representatives of nineteen coun ties. The exhibition is fathered by the Nebraska state business men's as sociation. The purpose of the trip are not speculative in any Kcnse of the word, the object being to how Nebraska's capabilities as an agri culture and horticultural state and her productiveness in raw materials for manufactures, that immigra tion may be encouraged and addi tional industries established. On this train were agricultural specimens that cannot be excelled. Every variety of grain and veget ables was represented. Probably that which attracted more atten tion than any other one specimen was a punpkin weighing lHjpoundn. The train con Bit-ted of two cars, covered on the outside with grain, UiHtvfully arranged, and filled with farm products of all descriptions, and a sleeping car for the accom modation of the thirty members of the association attendance. Secretary Ilodgiu haid: 'A great rnnny wares manufactured in Mans field arc used in Nebraska, I nm a iiative of Ohio and always notice anything that comes from that state.' II. M. Kokjer of the firm of Kokjer & Rros., Clurks Merrick county, dealers in hardware and farming implements, said that he Taylor machine, and Olive chilled ' balUc C,;lt,s' war ""7"-;tc-plows, and also goods manufac I "l.resei.tat.on of the famous tured by the Humphryes Manufac P" bc " ,l ",,w had sold a number of Aultmnn turing company. In certain portions ol Nebraska a great quantity of hemp ia raised,! mention. The manager, J. W. and since the McKinley bill went Sperry, U a resident of Weeping Into effect numerous factories for'Wler an old soldier and well and the manufacture of hemp twineand ropes have been established. Hinder twine, which used to sell at 14 cents now sells at 0 cents." County Court. In the matter of the estate of Christiana Horning, deceased. Hearing on claims. Decree for payment. Misa Olive Horning administratrix. In ths matter of the estate of Minnie Inhelder, deceased. Hear ing on petition of Mathew Inhelder for his appointment administrator of the estate of said deceased. Prayer of petition granted and let ters accordingly issued. K. O. Dovey A Son vs. John S. Forties. Suit on account for $189.13. Default of defendant entered and judgment for plaintiff for $ 189.15. Ia the mutter of the last will and testament of James Helmsn, de ceased. Same filed for probate and hearing. Win. McNamara vs. City of Platts mauth, garnishee. On trial to court Dlairlol Court. The day has been consumed con sidering the cimc McCoy vs Peter sen, In this case Jos. 8. McCoy was in debt to Petersen A Co, for meat purchased. The latter sold the ac count to an Iowa man, who by a process ol garnishment collected the umount in full, about f'.XI. Mc Coy now ulh'ncs lluil it was mi mi Jiil I. ill ami an..a I r-.... t. I'.. 1 - " , " "T uir rr. ..very mi me amonut. j,.,,, ,,,-,,., f ,l, republican FOUND Near the ofllee of enmity ' party mid made the speech present judge, u piece of iiioiley, vihir.li the j ing Abe Lincoln's name for nonii- owner iiiny nave iy proving property mid paying for this rotice. Ksch voter r-hould study rare fully the method of voting under the AiiHtnili;in ballot law ns per in structiont in this Ichoc. HIGH SCHOOL NOTES. r.Y p,vYkic cive away. The schools are flourishing like plant life Injipringtime. The clashes in the high school are getting down to solid work and as a consequence the work is more interesting and enjoyable. Prof. MuHgrave is arranging to have tyrw.wrllpr for u at school hereafter. Will probably have two in readiness this week. One of the societies in grammar school also rendered a good pro grain. This feature of school work promises to be highly beneficial. The P. L. 8. literary society of Miss Wilson's room gave a very interesting entertainment Friday afternoon. There were six visitors present ; Luella Mathews, one of the clans of "01, entered the teachers' review and commercial course, swelling the number of post-graduates now in school to four. The large room occupied by the high school has proved insufficient for the accommodation of the students. It has been necessary to crowd in seven additional seats in the last two weeks. What are we going to do if the increase con tinues? A number of the enthusiasts at central building expected to be ex cused Friday .afternoon unusually early for the purpose of playing bill, but it was ascertained that the game contemplated could .not be arranged fur, and of course the boys did not get off at 2 o'clock as expected. A few of the smaller boys, therefore, became unruly and one (shall we say it?) young man took upon himself the privilege of going anyway, (privately.of course.) When It was mude known to the principal it became his painful duty, in order to impress upon the young man that 'authority was his," to go out after the wandering youth. After returning him safely to the building work went on as smoothly us ever. War bcanca. Those who are. interested in war scenes and relics would hii'l n sea I son of enjoyment in reviewing the i exhibit in the tent near the court house. A good representation of "Custer's last figbt" is given in pan oramic form; charts representing the battles of Spotsylvania, Virks- j burg mid Shiloh are given; numer ous sterreoscopicul views are given stands in Chicago, and other interesting slghw, too numerous to favorably known by many old resl dents of Plattsmouth. Mr. Sperry leave to-morrow morning, but the doors will be open until 10 p. m. to-day. Haylalar. An opportunity will be given to register at the following pieces Friday and Saturday, Oct 80 and HI: First ward, M. O'Rourkc'a tailor hop; Second ward, Turners' hall, Washington, avenue; Third ward, John Simpson's feed store, corner of Pearl and Sixth atre'ts; Fourth, ward, county clerk's office; Fifth ward, residence of J. L. Minor. W. K. Fox, City Clerk. Railroad Fauhat W. J. Williams, switchman, Is tin the sick list. A. W. Lewis, who has been con fined to hi room for several days on account of sickness, has returned to work. Business hits not beeu as brisk at the ysrds ss at present for several months. There are l'JO cars to be sent west this morning The II. A M. station house is un dergoing repairs, to be in comlort able condition for the winter. Tli IncUpeni.nnia to Rally. Hun. Jcmmb Harper of Danville, III., is billed to speak in the opera house in this city Friday evening, Oct. X). Mr. Harper lias inVrn an sctive part in th political affairs ol the country for the nM i(iinrter of h century lie was formerly im tuition to the presidency. He after ward became tin earnest supporter of tin j;i'i ent i'ck rind fint money doctrine. The iliNtinguiahrd llli liiiiMiti should be greeted with a full hoiie. -FRED HERRMANN- OUU FALL AND OIF DRY - GOODS - AND Ixadics FTurnisMzxss la llovr Oompleto iaall D apartments, JRES8 U00DJ We are ehowinga handsome line of CAMELS HAIR PLAIDS, BROADCLOTH, FLANNELS, SERGES, ' HENRIETTAS. A full line of colorings snd blacks. BLANKET!) AND COirOBTS Stock complete and prices lower than ever. CLOUDS 'ilDStiilWLS. ''"MlAVE never hown so Urge aline in this department. We call special attention to our Itrgd assortment of Reefers Military snd ilip Coat shape, triinrne.l with Mink, Sea!, Astracbai. MufTitloon and Cone furs. Our line of Plush Sacqncs are cheaper thaa erer belore. Fall lines of Children and Misses Cloaks and Jackets. ONE DOOR EAST CLOSa FIGURES LADIES Missus u.j?MW: ff'fJfs- niLVES AND 'Xf VTI. II FOR FALL AND WINTER WEAR we nomt to seu THEM 03:I1A..?3H, Than ever before offered to the people of Plattsmouth aii vicinity. OTJKi STOOIC IB Constantly arriving and will soon be complete. It will comprise a fwIH range of all the newest as well as the more staple styles, aad will be com poseu oi uie newest ana cnoicest productions domestic and forelgw manufacture . For a lit and excellenc of workmanship eurgariueata caa not be excelled. And the prices that we eller taeia at are unprecedented in the amounts of the cloak trade. , "W'BK-AVEI a silk seal plasti eacque.SA inches Unr with qmil ed satin lining and seal emamenta that we caa sell fer $1'..9U. Thia gar ment ia a perfect reflection of the plash aacqae taati uaiveriutlly seld atlUeadfT .." " Jen at w.30 tbat would be cheap at $12.50, although seaie merchants ask 115 for the same garment. In the finer grades we have seaietbinr very elegsat aad stylish la the triaiie4 jacket aad reefer ia hath cleth aai plush. THE PnOPBR thing for Misser this fall an wiater will he jackets end reefers, the newmaikets being almest entirely discarded. We have both the Jackets and Keefers for Misse's wear in endleaa verity We bought our cloaks early of to oiler them at very low figures. We Solicit your favors and an early ins; ec tion of our stock. WM. HEROLD & SON. 507 MaintFtr(vl riattsmoutli, Sob YYIJiTEI. STOCK UNDERWEAR A good Ladies Jersy vest at 25c Ladies fine Jersey rest and pants ia white or natural grays at 50c each Ladies natural Gray Wool Vests an4 Pants at 50c. Regular 75c under wear. Full lines of Ladies Fine wee ribbed underwear in white, cardi nal and black. Complete 'lines of Child's under wear in natural, scarlet and white at prices as low as the lowest. FIRST NATIONAL. "task jacket U iachea lear that we ran fir 1BE1SI ld