The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, October 27, 1891, Image 1
.1 . f ft . LU a ...... ". A . attsmouth Daily i ,v n r1 I! FIFTH YEAR. PLATTSMOUTn, NEBRASKA. TUESDAY OCTOBER 27 1891 NUMBER 38 l-S fHfc. :r f HI, UK - . i ii r s.. 31 ! t J La!. Abaolutcly Pure. IK cream of larl;ir"bid. ini' powder. Ilighcst 'if all in fenVCIling SllCHtl), Latest L. S. Government 1-otij Kc lit R A, SALSDURY . D Iv-S T I S T oou And roKcrr.AiM ckowns. ' t. Htrlunfiyn nn; li-ltr fertile imliilrit tx IIHI'IIO' III W'f III. Fine GoM Work a Specialty. kXwoikJ IlUick riartsuiouili, Nrb. TTORNEY A. N. 8ULUVAN. rvrnf y nl-ljiw. w III (Mv prompt ittnttoi all Mi"int- wurtiM'-'i i" in"1. 'nn:e m ilun blink, I'lvtMil". I'U'fuiniiuth, Nii. AAWSON A PEADCE ?u iiavf. ri:if.ivi:i) elr Full ir. Inn-y rIM) ni.ttpn mil qullli ftlrsi t li'l nl til- la!!!"-" r-'iir iimii- imn tlMlrnw anil Is t. liny h lull Imf nl Imliy h-ml- ami in nr W l rlrn i I'l tirk mil ll'i ' ucril tli-ll nr w mil' r Hula tn40ti4 to ci1 u irtiuiiinl. MISS SCHUYLER, TRIMMER. CKER SISTERS. lE JIHT kT.C IVI I) A FULL LINT. OF . f,L A5D HATS ASE -V -Tril"aI!KC:. t alw hvr ilrci ni.iMif tlrpattmmt. Sal tif.ic:lun Ktu-r.iiiTiTil. ilEHWOOD SlOKi:. I'LATTrtMOUTII r) - ooi i) ai l"i::i' M. us ( m f Rriil;;n work anil fniH g'M wn'k SPEC! ALT Y. j'lH. RTPtVM'1 I.iV'll, i II iil' i ti. inttli;ii:iivra lor I n n un,i-rur:u mm r f.ll., :ci : . A- ilAUIIAI.U r.t'rrnir 1 BI.XTII fiTKT.KT t F. II.. ELL F. II. ELLEN DA UM, Prop. .1) W'Jhc bent of frc nil men! nlwaya found til mi" innrHrl. ;Mmi irruli KgKH and Dutter. IsVild game of nil kinds kept in their iriion. . VIXTH rTTIcEET m iyIeat haeketa S!rrnnpi" nitrht made nd'erable 'iy that terrible caugli Shilobs rem i- dy U the cure for you, by I'l-'rick. and () II Snyder. F. (j 2 Croir freuuently finds a Iioe ioI'I un;rrpured for its viuit, while lie Tepidity wiiu wiucii n uevemp fur 'instant treatment. For hiri d.inireraus diseuse AVer's Cher 'y 1'ecloral is an admirable remedy. itnavi'S msny lives every year. "Keep in the house, J MeuV lieuvy boots large, 10, 1 1, anil gotn ut If km tlian they ohI ut m liililinrciiis. ti t.s'lir wbr use eiiKinrtii a or pow Q Irrs to cover tip or hide n bad coin viiUiiiui, do not know (hat O. II. Vvdercan furuirtli them with Dlunh !,t konrs, which is clean wster, puri ( the skin, and positvely removes '.u 1 heads aud nil fkiil diseases 'laY.cs the "'liny look from the face ,ml wliilen'M it soon us npplieil I Go to Drown A Darrett's and get a I window glans and stop up that hole lin your iiotifte. . tt j I'ine slioes selling low ut the i bildkneeht shoe store. tf Vindow class nt Drown A antl'a tf ?f Avt"l -An HHv. ilhiili ni:n - Mlnry I i 1 1 lo -ii oi.h lli'Y. with iliii'u'". in irmi Mi a r-'n4ilil Niw Vi h lm.r. rii-li-mo'! oi L-v, tm Yuri KIM fiLT t, I4im ALLISON A rGLENWOOD. Th Iowa Smifnmnn Will Addrom th Tsopla Tomorrow. The republicans o Gleuwoorl have miule t-xtetiHive preparations, for a rotiHiri(r rully to-morrow Senator W. IJ. AlliHon, who lias been on the Htump for the pnt two weeks nrnl upcnking to very lurge and enthuHiaHtic audiencea in all BiTtionB of the Btate, will give one of bin oiij time republican Kpeochec. He has l'ii licen recognized aa a leader of the republican nide in the Henale, and by reaHim of bin exteiiH ive inveKtiatioii of the financial and taritf ijucfiiona bin addrcHH will be liiiily uii:ii-injr and prouiablu 1 1 all. A an orator Mr. Allinon baa few eijualH. Hie peaking will commence ut 2 o'clock. County Court. Licence to wed ireUed to Mr. Geo. V.'cyhird of fierce county, Neb., oud Mind Lizzie Schaefer of CaHB couniy. Qljnjiire Hardware Co. vh. R. I). Mc.N'tirliii, coiiHtable. On motion to HiiHwer defendant. Trial to court mid pubmitted. State I!ank of Klmwood vb. James Joyce. Suit on note. Ilricf of plaintiff placed on file. Chan. Duerr vh J. C. Spntn. Ac tion in forcible detention . Contin ued on application of plaintitf until November 7, ut 10 a. ni. State Hank of FJinwood vs. Henry Ilolleubi'ck. Suit on note. Brief of plaintiff pbiv-lon file. Wll Hffprfint1. HattMiioulli waH well reprrHented at fiilinore's concert given at Oma ha last evening. A member of the party informs ua that a highly cu joyabletinie was had by all. The following mt'iiibers compoHrd the party: The MiHen Vallery, WiIhoii, Moore, McClellen, GreiiMel, Hyers, and Clark; a 'id MesHrs Henry Her old, Chan. Sherman, (). A. Drown and Fred Carruth. W.C. T. U. The regular fessiou of the Women's Christian Teniperancc ITnion will ! hi Id t the home of the pretddeut, Mrs. M. I'vingH, sruith-we'-t corner of Ninth and K!m street". All members are requested to attend thirf lin t ting and all ladies interet-te I in temperance work are cordially invited tu meet with them. 11 order of the I'rc hident W ANTI'H- - A fill for- hoii -owoi k. Good wages and r letnly employment. ?Ii.m. V. I. Iir ' ii:k Pinic Garden. i"a Miled Soiuh-wef-'l of I'lalt-inoiMli, tf Miss Flora A. Jones, South Dend Ind. Purelne'i'il a bottle of vour blushe'' of Arend, Cor. of Fifth Ave. and Madison St. I find it de lightful. Wil. gladly recommed it to others. Yours Respect fully, Fred M. Robert".. With Maisball Field & Co. Chicago, Ills. Mr. Roberts is not the only one who finds "DIuhIi of Roues" delight ful, ns many ladies and gentlemen ran testify, who have purchased it from O. II. Snyder. Radt Parties owing me for medical treatment will please call at my of fice, corner of Main and Seventh streets, at theirciirliestronvciilence and settle accounts, as I uin in need of money. Especially long stand ing accounts must be settled by cash or note ut once. I have given much time in many eases and now the favor must come the other way tf Respectfully, W. II. SCIIIUlKNIXIIT, ti. D. lias Just ope ned up a null line of ladles, Gents and Childrens all wool undentear and bo lore jou buy your Fall or Winter goods. Don't fall to call and see our prices. We beat 'em all. Uara you Iseen those nob by Missis Cups, all pretty shidps, 55, 05 and 7r Cc-nt3 each? II I ! PERSONAL I"w Moore is in Omaha to-day. Futher Karncy is nn Omaha visi tor to-day. John Seibert came in from Pacific Junction this morning. J. A. Dasom, of the Murray Dan ncr, is in the city to-day. Frank Tackson station oolice nt Pacific Junction la in the cityjtoday.j on ttji; north to Locust ftreet be Jiulge Ncwill departed for St. f twet-n l-'ourlli and Sixth be placed faul, Minn., this morning on a biu,i- ness trip. Con O'Connor is being confined to his room (bis week with a Fpcll of sickness. Mrs. Dr. Cummings returned frc.m Inwnllitn itim-riii-ir M-1nr- utii lina ' been viiling several days. C. D. Durrcrt and wile who have , b-en vl-itingnt St. Jf '.' the part ' two weeks returned this morning. R. D. Windham lenrvcs this eve ning at 5 p. in. for Auburn, Iowa, to be gone twenty days ou a busi ness trip. King Wise has accepted a position in the shoe store of Win. Doeck. Doubtless King will make un ex pert salesman. Mr. and Mrs. T. J Rhoden returned from Greenwood this morning, where they have been visiting Mra Rho leu's parents. Mike O'Connor was a pleasant caller at this office last evening. He is now holding the position of foreman of the shops of (he North- j western road at Missouri Valley. Di.inot Court. that if the making of appropria- A ense from Nebrnskn City waa tions was continued at the rate it up in district court last evening h'"1 U"it ere long the bonds and also this morning on a writ of of t,,e city would not be worth habeas corpus. , ".evenly cents on the dollar. It appears that Cyrus Randall is , Mr- PI;,lpr replied that aa it was, the being held in jail at Nebraska City ' citizens of the Fifth ward had only as he alleges, wrongfully. It is'" fourteen foot street, while every claimed that he is held pending the , ollll,r war(1 w:,H Rented a Mxty-foot issuing of requisition papera that ' outlet- The.;iand could be intrcli he may bctricd in Iowa for perjury. aB'(1 '"r $(U) ' jut-.ti-. to The case was continue.! pL-nding iho l.'tpayerd of the Fifth ward he developments concerningthe move malnta'ned that it should be on the Iowa side. granted. Salif-bury raised the In case of Carpenter vs. McLaren, I'1 v- ;l ' l:';i" J 1 v 1!u a decinion was rendered In favor of tU nf.orncy, that the city hail i:o of the defendant. .ithority lo buy l.nul iih per the In this case McLaren, of Louis- r,,l"" 1 of -... ...i.i. i . (Jo pasturing cattle for IX I). 1 motion of M i jer the city clei k was R.-.m,ey. The latter piircluiK-d l.'-truc1e I to n h erti.-e lor duma-es graiuof Carpenter but, as Carpen- in vi,'w "f t!l, con.I-mna . io.i of t.-r alleges, did not make 'salinfac ,",'! T the commit!e..V re, ort. tory s.Mtlemei.t f..r the same, and ' sued Mr. Mcljiren 1 for the amount of the "rain. Diphtheria is raging at Nebiaska City. Six new casca were reported yesterday. Dr. E. W. Cook reports a girl baby nl the home of Mr. and Mrs. 1). C. Morgan this morning. The political pot Is boiling now n;i it will not again before the pie. idential election of lir.'. It appears to be an assured fact that the G. A. R. post of this city will erect a creditable building on their lot. Halloween occurs next Saturday uip!il. !l nii'it he kk II to incrcarc the police force in conseuuence of the occasion. Senator Allison, one of the greatest orators and statrsmcn"iii America, speaks nt Glenwood at 2 p. in, to-miirrow. Hon. William Neville of Plaits mouth, democratic candidate for county commissioner, was in Lin coln yesterday. Lincoln Journal. We have received n nice line i( pattern lints and would be pleased to show them to the ladies of l'latts nioutli mid vicinity. We have se cured Miss lleinple as trimmer. tf Tl'CKKK SISTKR. II. C. McMaken of Pluttsmouth was in (he city yesterday. He says that MeConihie post, G. A, R., of that city lias purchased a lot upon which to build a ITW hall. Lincoln Journal. The popularity of TliR IlhkAt.D job department is evidenced by the continued rush of work. Remem ber that the work is guaiunteed to be first class and prices are always reasonable, That Nebraska is one of the greatest apple producing stales in the Union is no longer questioned and that Cass produces more than any other county in Nebraska is eqi ally evident. The finest of win ter apples may be purchased ut forty cents per bushel. Secure your reserved seat tickets for "An American Doy" uextThurs day niglit, now ou sale at J. P. Young h. Price 73 cents. Lots ol fun for everybody, and of a kind that will suit everyone. Don't fail to enjoy it. Council Prooescllng The ci'y council met in regular senuion nt the council chamber. All present except Drowne.' The minutes of the previous regular and special meetings were read and approved. A petition, of Fred Herrtnan and others of Fritit ward, was presented praying that Fifth street from the a .mtl hMi nf fink to Kim slei-rf mid in !i! conditioii. Oa motion of Iu-rf')!i the pr iyer of the pelilion was granted, and the appropriation limited loifViO, On motion of Murphy the street COi;i?!;y;'!Miw.y vp:! inwlruelpil to do work previously ordered dour on Fourth i-tttM I. On niiilliiii nf Mitinr . . ..niini,,(!m.r W.H in. mructed to continue work with the road grader where needed. A. petition of Peter Dates and olherrt was presented, praying (hat Silver street, lying between Second and Third streets, be graded and placed in good condition. On motion, of Minor the matter was re ferred to the committee ou streets alleys and bridges. Minor moved that the report of the committee on streets, nllej s and bridgcB, to the effect that a GO foot road way be made through Ninth street to give access to parties in tile Fifth ward. be udonted Outsell.! or.ooscd the motion k i,.. .!.,., W IS ' not a mlf,icicnt amount of Ino,.y in UlL. r,.Iu.r!ll fum. fr)111 which to draw. He added further ' --"au.-imiy " "'lt'l,(l f.viug U..I ir. O. Don oh ui aciV'S to the city. A petition was privciilcd by J. C, I'etctseii aril others that Vine w(r-et between Maiden Lane aid th" fir-1 street cast of Ouialia and Siulliein R. I.'.o.i Kline liii-l alrii Maiden Line between Oak and Main i.trecb be put in good condi t ou for travel. On motion of Salisbury the pray er of the petition wan granted. i Hills niriinst the cilv as ner the fiunice committee r poit were u'- lowed ns follows Kit Dates, ttiaul work f U IM li-n. I', " " til Oil C. Ileiupel " " It Im :;. .v f. Hut " 7J c.o Lsiuii " ni ro I no. Yanda " " AS u Geo. I'oisal, ftreet com 21 (0 Peter Ranier, wood work 7 40 N. Aagard, blncksmithlng Ft (0 Daily Journal, printing 2.1 F. ilalliu'.'burircr, band work, a Z lames Cole. " " . 11 JaiiR-sSwobody, " "-.3(0 Joni'sA Fitgei iild. team " .27(0 P. Merges, rent council ch'br. . 4 I ( Q ThoH. Smith, holding hose. .. . 1 'do t)ti inntion of Junes of Second ward a letolution to the etrcl thai f.'iKXIbe transferred from Lusiness tax to the general funu. On motion of Liti-pou tli r side walk committee was instructed to order property owners to build Hide sidewalks on Vine street between Sixth and Seventh. On motion the council adjourned. Jadgta of Elonilon The county commission in session to-day appointed the fol lowing judges of election for the different wards: Firjt ward, L. C Stiles and C. II. Smith; Second ward, A. C. Mayes and J. C. Cole man; Third ward, Win. Mann and David Miller; Fourth ward, ICImer and C. M. Graves; Fifth ward, A. J. Graves and J. M. Young. -iUle tir Experience) In a Llt house. Mr. and Mrs, IOicii Trescott are keepers ol the Gov. Lighthouse at Sand Beach Mich, and arc blessed with a danghter, four years. Last April she taken down with Mrasli-s, followed wild tlrendli.l Cougli and turned bilo u fever. Doctors nt home and at Detroit treated, but in vain, she grew worse rapidly, until she wis a mere" hamllul ol bones". - Tint: she li ied Dr, King's New Discovery ind alter the use of two and a half bottles, w.n completely cured. They Hay Dr. Iing,s New Discovery is worth its weight in Hold, yet yo;i m;'y get a trial, bottle free at F. G. Frici.ey Drugstore. RUtD Ht-RR , . OUK FALL AM) W'lXTEH STOCK OIF1 - . v DRY - GOODS - AND lo 27ov7 Coraploo DRESS GOODS We are Hhowinga hatiilrtoine line of CAMELS HAIR PLAIDS, DROAD CLOTH, FLANNELS, SERGES, HENRIETTAS. A full line of colorings and blacks. BLANKETS AM) CO 31 FORTS Stock complete and prices lower than ever. CLOSES flFBSHflWIiS. HAVE never i-liown so Mr- ii . i .. .. e can Bjwciai attention ty our lirgu assortmeut of Uuefen Military nnd Uip Coat slmpci triimricd with Mini, Soa', Abtrachafc. Mnffiiloon Mid Concj furs. Our lino of Plush Paeqiics are chesuer than eer before. Fill lines of Childrtiis and .Misres Cloaks and Jackets. nNR DOOR EAST Cv Ae G-i Li ill) IKS $1 m" ISSKS iiNW GlllItmjKjN FOR FALL AND WINTER WEAR W ?BO'fOS TO 8SU T'PT.junyn OHEAPEB Than ever lzt:i offered to' people of Phttsmouth and vicinity. - OUR stock: jis Constantly arriving and will soon be complete. It will comprise a full range of all the newest ns well us die more staple styles, and will be com pored of the newest and choicest productions o4 domestic and foreign, manufacture . For a lit ruid excellenc of wotkmanship our garmeatii can not be excelled. And the prices that we olfer them at are unprecitleiited in the umouutsof the cloak trade. WE HAVE a silk seal plash aacue.M inchea Inr with qailt ed satin lining and seal ornaments that we can sell for $12 50 This rar ment is a perfect relloctioa of the plu.k sacqne that is uaiveraallr Mid at 15 aad IfOO. sell at fU.30 that would be cheap at If 12.30, although mme merchanta aik $1. for the same garment. In the finer grade we have oaiethinir verv elegant und stylish in the trimmed jacket and reefer in bath clwth aud plush. x-x-ttji'ZJ j-t tuinj: vJVl:C, - .rukH nil, at mi iiivi DtTinn nn hi Wc bought our cloaks early of flcr them at very low figures. to off We Solicit your favors mid an early ins- cc tion of our stock. WM. HE HOLD & SON. .'ilaiiiTlnvt ' i'iaUMiDiUth, Xcb 507 "- fT" c?.l 'J::paptaa3at3, INDKinVEAR A good Ladies Jersy vest at 23c. Ladies fine Jersey vest and pant. lu' while or natural grays at 50c encu' Ladici natural Gray Wool Vet to and Pants at50c. Regular 7,"c under wear. Full lines of LadieB Fine wol ribbed under wear in white, cardi nal and black. Complete lines of Child's undw tvear in natural, scarlet and white nt prices nb low as the lowest. large a lino in this dcptirtnieut. . FlrtST NATIONAL CLOAKS Cilt'ES W'j-v; i; r.( Illiltlli ig for Misses thla fall and wiater will he nkets being almost rniir-l i;.,.rj.j entirely diacarded. lisse'a wear in endless varityj first hand and are tkareav ra.klrd ' ft