The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, October 26, 1891, Image 4

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Bones was a hhn-y, fut skye tni
willi it abort tail. Just why thwykci u.
by looking fckye turners always llml Ins
orioua homes ati'l foud adiuirijft I ilua'i
know, but they geem to do i B u f
wua no eieeptiop. Htt wan lie hmi-e-liold
pet. Every member of m fami.y
rnddli-d aud d him, aniliUo retnrnc.l
their iitT'-ctirm with equal itlor.
When any one came buiiif after anhmt
absence, IJones showed extravagant tie
liht, and hip demonstrations wen
mnally rewarded with candy or cake.
He had a trick of catching tip ain
small object which came handy, an .
niKinK it to ly at the returned onu't.
1'tt, as if to display the generosity til
his heart
Sometimes be overshot the mark lik
the rent of us.
One day the lady of the house returned,
id Bones, ilafliin;: out to Cud aoict
"token of affection to present her, feil
over three unfortunate little ducks walk
ing priiuly behind their tnainina. lb
cautrht one up in hi mouth and with
Joyful baste rushed back to the parlor.
Poor duck! poor IVuett! Tub duck
atrugsled. Boues took a firmer grip.
The duck etniKgled harder. Bones save
hurried gulp, and, to hi own dismay
a well as to the duck's, the duck went
down Bones' throat and never came up
The ahont of laughter which greeted
tiU cirfoit was too much for Bones, lie
rin oat faxter than he came in. Il
tuinach and his conscience both troti
Med him for lontr after. It was otih
necessary to say, "Duck, Bones!" to are
him slink away with the funniest ex
pression of dofrfT5'-! fhaine, canl by
the remembrance of his unintentional
dinner. Harper's Young People.
Oriental StnUanta In London.
The superior orientals in London arr
Unioct exclusively from India, except
uch as represent diplomacy; and they
-include twoclawni men of bnsiness an!
tudent The former are few, but rep
resent very lare commercial intereta.
The latter number aboot 200. Th y
-liave their headquarters at the Jurtlt
brook club in Whitehall Gardens, ol
which the majority are memlcrs. Tne
-irartice of Un yonnjf Indians t
study iu England is iniTeaninii. Tliey
route from all parts of India and inchi'if
Mahnmmedai!, Hindoo and Pardee,
The luxury of E iropean edm-ation u
not to be had for nothing, and as a mut
ter of course only men of meant can in
alulae in it.
These youmr fellows an, as a rule, ei
tremely intelligent with charming tnaii
Hen, and they vpe.ik Knlish admirably
far better than moat European tr-
elnera who have lived for many years in
England. Tiiey attnly hiwand medii-ino
in London: but some go It Coopera Hill
for the engineering service ami others tc
' Cirencester for a'rieiiltnre. TheEiiKli-
tiniversities, and EJiubanjh also, haw
their contingent. In nearly all ca.v
they go back to practice in India, but i t
late a tendency to settle here has bet
visible. The only other eahtern country
whirh occasionally si-nds us a tiiuilar
dabs U Japan. St. James' Budget
Th Vlu of a IliM-rhorao.
Tlie sum of i'lVOOQ pail by Mr. Blnn
dell Mufde to Lord Alinton and Sir F.
Xihntoite as the tmrchaiie nioncv
Common is the highest price ever paid in
England for u Imn-e. It iscommotily ro
- ported that the Duke of Wentiuiunttt
received a larger sum for Ormonde from
South America, though 12,000 was prob
ably nearer the price. Moreover, i3i'iioi
tiinistn Hi was offered i'.'O.OOO for hi
norma, and tin Duke of Portland a still
higher price fur Donovan, but iu these
cases the offers were refu.-d.
When the Duke of Westminster pnid
11,000 for Doik anter the hiu'iiest price
given in England for a race horse before
Common was sold jieople were almost
hocked at his temerity and extrava
gance, ami yet it has been calculated
that the duke made a net profit of illtW,
000 ont of the transaction.
Sire of known merit such as St.
Simon, Hermit ami laouomy are gold
mines to their fortunate owners, and in
tbes days of executive turf competition
horse who has ruu well but has yet a
reputation to wake at the stud will bring
in thousands before he has uruved either
success or a failure. Londou Tit-Diu.
Wc have nold lily's cream nnim
about three yearn, and have re
commended it use in more than n
hundred ppecial oikch of catarrh.
The unaniinoiiw answer to fur in
onirics in,"lt's tliebesl rcnii ly that
I lmveever lined." Our experience
in, that where parties cmitimied tt.s never fails to curt-.-J. H.
M.nitK'otiicry, A Co., Druiets, IV
corah, Iowa.
When I bejrnn tiinff Ely M, Vr';""!
Halm my ciitai rli w is ho lal I
headache tho whole time and dm
cliarel a lare umount of f lthy
matter. That lm almost cniirelv
disappeared unci have not had head
ache, ecicuct. J- Sou::ncrf,tephncy,
Mr. C. H. Joiich, of Sprintj Hill
Iowa, "ava: "1 have imed Chamber.
Iain's Pain Halm for severe mid
painful burns with better eiTcct than
anythin); I have ever tried. It re
lieves the pain instantly and cure
without lcarini; a pour." Pain Halm
i4 one of the most useful medicines
that any families t an be provided
with, cspeciaiy tor riieumauem,
lame back, sprains, onuses, tomn uche ami like aiimvUtn.
One application w ill relieve th? pain
nml n (air trial insure a cure.
cent bottles for Bale by V. O. I'rii kJ
iVCo. DrunRists.
Mm Flora A. loncs. South Bi nd
I nil.
Mnrrh.le! B lrttl? Ot your
blnslies" of Arend. Cor. of Fifth
Ave. nnfl Madison St. I find it de
lightful. Willtladlv recoiiimed it
to others.
Yours Respectfully,
Fred M. Roberta,
With Marshall Field A Co. Chicago,
Mr. Robert is not the only "e
who finds 'Mluli of Roses" delight
fill, as niauv ladies and irentlemen
can testify, who have purchaMcd it
from O. II. Snyder.
OF DAILY rA.ssi;.(,i:K Th'AINS
jj i t, I S I- Nil J :W m
J i ' . .i.i - .i t . it I t V-
1;M .. M V J"""'
u in s t W ' ' ' '"'
-i iii r.l i. ". i B.m-
No K : a. 'i Nil 'I 04 0. m.
u. 19 II s .
Ml.OUtU wine HAILWA r
, TIMKCAht).
!. wi Ar mo.laii n '
j, nniv 4 m p. m.
Trun itatly i xcoe! Sun.isv
V.VH;il;S OK I YII IAS i.hiiiim-i
A M, llt. .-t I rtse-ll.iy etrilll It
t tlir.r h II h I ur. f ( lien i.i, "
tilrtv ii.!ihs re .iril -'ly e,v tm io atlei.a
C. V. M kIihII. r. II. 1 li I'ovi r. K. K. H.
YivOC MKN'Hi'HlHSiK n i '
w.irnsn bl...k Mais Slrr.l. U.-n
itien fr' ni B n. n- t .m n . nen-y
ii.irl mrsl ii ery Simrtsy altei'- t
Ao r. w s Wei ll nit smi ihiid ftiiUy
T .lniri.f ' b nitiu llsKi A I'. I-''
in ltm-iitKik l'-k. funk eiailiy, r, w.
t, E Kuiu.f, K curdrr.
A I' W. No. siyrrse'nn ana muno
t.'....... , v Li, ths IIIOI.UI Bi I. A n
hall mi !( kwi'od Im rk.
I , I', llniwii, Jtreoriler,
k i. Muliian, M W,
i()Yl. lt'
" M
NM-r,.i Tm nrll No W,
m rt at Mi K. "1 r liau iu i I i'B.r,
IT In bliM-k etei li net i
htsthrcn luliei usury
1 1n v nll'iin. Sicwon,
ft IllllS. 11-IMIH
JlrroM, h'-kf l i
, ,u inm v s lis. I o. O. F. iserts
r,..'i muht mi ihir hsll In K!t7Lris!rt
nAiwnil (I viMiinf in osciiy. .rj
N. 0 8. W.llildKs. !wtlrta.
ALutle tlrla Eper encm a LlgJCt-
Mr. and Mrs, Tresrott arc
keepers of tin (iov. I.ijclithouse u(
Sand Heach Midi, and are blessed
with a daughter, four years. Last
Anril she taken down with Mcuth s,
followed with Urenillul t. ou'li ami
turned into a fever. I Victors at
home and nt Uetroit treated, but in
vain, she jyrcw worse rapidly, until
she was a mere" liainllul ot ixmes
-Then she tried I)r, huitfS ew
Discovery and after the use of two
and a half bottles, was completely
cured. They say Dr. Kin.s New
Discover? is worth its weielil in
(jold, yet you may net ti trial bottle
tree at 1. O. J-nckcy iiriij;siorc.
Vehave received n nice line c,f
pattern bats mid would betiliarl
to show tliem tw the ladies of 1'l.itts-
n outh nl vicinitv. We luive se
cured Miss Ilemple us trimmer.
tf Tl'l'K EK SlbTLK
Far away slops are uillng
ar ami faint and ilim
Slmof o bile, or (lima of lltfht.
On tho vatfiia liuriAiu'a rUn.
And tke mron. only varlsd
Wlirra tha breakers cry
Fnoi ilia airand of gU-auiliif aaud.
htrvU tirs Invol Ui lbs aky.
CI'MeflM ainrc bratrna balluj
U r the alx'piua" sea
Ptillni beat alxjut her fact
VVLtra i au ifil UJ
Can it tw that lrmiU Kalbar,
Hnin winds Ub lliedefpT
T"rl In aln tail sblM slraln.
AiMldonod billoHaauurvward leap'i'
Tru-I Uio lion, trust tba aorpent
W In n bo slarpinv lira;
Triiftl iby bauds Ut Ituniliig brand--
1 rani not bckia araa and skim.
-Overland Alontlily
fiTiioi ir.-St Paul's CliurrB. 8k. r'lwssr,
Wlfih unil Sllin. rsuii'T li'H'li i p-m.f.
fcrvici-s: Via: ad in . rsinniy
ttchool tl S :Mi. l'li ISJiiedlctlui..
Oiii-tiaii.- nrner LjcusI and Flvhtb Sis.
" . . . . . IT
snv rt-s ipori'liK ana rri.iiii mu'i .
)( t d. itaslor smiilay scliool 10 4. .
VsiscopsL.-Ht I.nkr's I iiurf h, rnmerinitd
V lit' 11 II llulUem I'SM'T. nri
Vires : it A. M adJSOr Sunday rkbool
at 2 :3d r. m.
OrnnA's Mfinnmsr tmrr Hlth ft and
iin,iiis. Iv. I irl. I s-ior. swv i ts : n a
and 7 um r. u. rennay leli"oi m a .
I'ursSVirKl s. 1 en Ires Is esw rlin'rh .riir
hi.ih kiifl l.riiiklie Mtf. Iiew.rf. .nun
l a-tui suin!a-se'..i.l at;anj rrrai iunii
at it a. m.Hiel n m,
i l. v i: s. I . K nl 'Lis rnnrrn ni-rip ririj
Hablulb rveuli f at 7 M In lbs b nisi I of
tin-rl.i'Th. All aieiiitllrd to altmd tbrse
Piust MTllot)lT -SHIh H., bstwra Main
aiit I rail. In I., s. toi'i njior.
si-nlsrs :11A.M. S Ml r. M lind sellout
t-JKA.M. I'rajiinieetl g Wsdnrsdiiy rs
ilauMtv Prsssvtskias -Corner Main sn1
Ninth. 1 iltr. I isn r. MTVicea usai
buns, buiidny stbunl UX) A. M.
Xwi rnin c si;HuTii.Nu-;ianiie, be
li-e:, pitth and sulll.
CoUiSKt) BaitisT.-VI. olive. I'ak. between
li-lllll '.d Hni'lilll llev. A- ieell. !
tor. Si isl' n a. m. and 7 : p la. I rs)
1. i-elliu: WeMle ail;,) en nli (.
YollKll VKN'S flllllM" AssoclATtnw-
i;iM'in In an-riiMii nii.1 k. wiii siri-ei i.os
it'! iii.-eiiiiL' h't nii- oiiiy eiir Sum. y at
1-MHH ii ut I oVloek. I ihiiis nieii etk days
tii. in mi in .to t: n. m.
W'HhI. . 'er, Sll,r ! .sil'i.ey Pill's
a IU.: I IHiirl il . II a m. slid S . Ill
iitnyei n'eetli it liiew sy nielli ; rlnill plat
Mce I rid.y nitlii Al. are aeicouie.
There Are Ts Kindt wf Mnstard.
There are two varieties of mustard
bla It and white. VA.u k inustarl is tb
most Valuahle fur commercial purjKis.-s.
Its seed are very minute, w ilunjc nut
tn'- than ouc fiftieVa cf a r:i;n each.
Its peculiar puneiit bk-te is caused hj
an essential oil. Tid.i oil can, like fruit
flavors, be exactly iin.lated by the cheio
isti. both as a tahle coudiiuent and at
a medicine, mustard has been known
from a very remote period.
As now found in our grocery atcres,
this spice coiisints of wliitd and hl ick
mustard seeds, lniii"l and niutid tine.
The white mustard keeps belter than
the black variety and is not so bitt.-r.
A good deal of the mustard sold Is adul
trrated, solil' limi s wilii win at flour, but
more often with tumeric, the pulverized
nsjt of a com ni' in Emt Indian plant.
Fissls ami IJjverii -s.
How tli Rang-sro t'lKhla.
The k.iiai'S) li-'nts wi!h reat sd
dress and iiileiii'-uce, ami if he ctu tind
stream or wuter Iwle In wltit li toawait
.his foes will statioii himself waist lieef
in It, and tmshinir the dosrs under otia hy
4ne as they swim out to attack iiiri
either drown theni or coini'l
ihem to retire fur want of ImiuU.
Aitainst hiiuian fiieiuii-s, urtned only
villi clubs or si irrup irons, the kangaroo
often shows himself a clever boxer, wanl
iin oil blows very dexterously with his
fir-a , Hud now ami lie n making fur
ssranl houuiN, vv.lii raii l play of his dan
frerons hind fi t t. winch are difficult to
void. LJ-jet ni Jonrnal. "
Mora Adraulaeoa.
"My IiujUiii I h.fti't treatftJ. tne very
well l.ifely, but I'll J."'l evi-n with him,
Mid Maude. ' ' '
"I Wouldn't if 1 were you," retnriid'Ile. "I'd K' t uiiead -f Llin."-
j ork r.s h.
Tba r ruiier Way to Walk.
As Ms in ns a man come Into my sii
and Uses off his shoe I can tell wln-i :
or not he is a -sk-I w.-.laer, and it is
touisliin to find how few men know l.
proper way t sb-p out If the sbs"
worn dowu at the heel not on the su.
bnt straight back and the leather of tn
sole shows riis of weakness at tli
ball of the fist, a little (treater OU tie
inside just below the base of the jrreal
be, I know that the wearer isajf'xe!
walker. If. however, the heel is tumeo
on one aide, or is worn evenly through
ont, and the sole is worn most near tli
b I know that I Lava to deal witii
LA J I uruiwu Mil.
The reiiN(n tif the difTerenr ia ti
tiou of tiie worn spot lie in the fact
that the poor walker walks from his
kni-e and the good one from his hip
Watch the pawrhy on the street, an
you will at once see the difference. Nine
men out of ten will beiid ties knee vrv
considerably in walking, steppin,
straight out with both hips on the same
line, and the toe will be tho first to
atrike tiie KrouteL The b-tith oian will
bend his km-e very littie, jnst enough to
clear ti.e t,Tound, and will swing tiie h'K
from the hip, very mnt h as the arm is
swuii; fpau the sinml'li-r and not from
the I'lls.w. l!y so doinjf he calls upon
the muiodea which are strongest to bear
the strain, and increases the length of
his stride four or six inches.
The heel touches the ground first and
not the toe. A slight spring la given
fndii the tmll of the foot on making
another strido. Men who walk in thu
fashion cover the ground 30 percent
faster with the same exertion than those
who walk from the knee. In pugilism
tiie old rule is to strike from the shoul
der mil not from the clliow. In pedi
truuiniii it in to waik from the hip and
uot from tlie knee. Interview in M.
Louis Globe lleiuocraL
Tbe Ilronrli.
Tlie g ''leine liroiicno smy Is a Won
netful product i.f our we -tern prairti a.
Ibi is the r"it fi iend of he Indians He I
the iuvaln.'ibl" companion of tlie row
bovs, from whom he has rweiv! Ms
various descriptive t"itns of th "kicking
br mdio," thu "bucking broncho" and tiie
"stutlsirn broncho." These terms have
heeome so chieely assisiated with the
jciny tint one can hardly imagine the
existence of a brotcho luintis all of the
ni'g:iti vi vvrtuivi. Yet when kindly treat
ed they make utannch friends, aiidunhvi
provoked to it they will hold their bad
qualities In reserve until some stranger
comes near them. New Voik Epoch.
When you en to a shoe f tore your
object intuit only to buy shoes but
to procure lor wluit you spend tlie
best that your money will buy.
I'ss than this will not content you;
more than this you cannot, in rea
son, ask. our nuttuxM are ns
simple us j our desires. We do nof
: ....... ....... n . iM
but we real ie them whatever they
are. We will iicvir aicrincc your
interests to ours anil nowhere else
con you (fct a inner oiki lairer
equivalent for your money. An
especially proiiiable purchase for
vou is our etc.
JrT7 IS wailing to show you his new goods
Vs J and o let you know how cheap they
ctn be bought.
la LU line in Caf County. Yon wi 1 not be nble to buy cheaper Wc Chi
cago when joti take quality and price in consideration.
Only boys tho bcrt makes and latest novelties in
And if yon aro looking for a reliable place to trado give JOE a trial.
.Main Street.
For Atcbinpon, St. Joseph, Leaven
worth, Kaiieau City, Ixiuin,
aiitl ail poinle not lb, caul
south or went. Tick
et oM mid bfl
atfc checked
to any
. S t a ten or
Canada. I?or
Call ut Depot nr nddri-HH
II, C. ToVshffcXb,
(1. P. A. St. Ixiuie, Mo.
J. C. 1'HiU.H'i'i,
A. C. V. A. Omaha.
II. I). A PC An. A(;li riattHiiiouth
Telephone, (7.
r n Ha u uurtunn
The only Implement dealer who has mado a eucccHS in Cufs (
Lumber Yard
tiF mm
DoorGa Olirids
Oso inpply evtrw tieiusri'l of tb rily
Csll snd ni term. Fonrtb trret
il rer of HpyS luitiae.
nrTrfTitrr n v a t a is
U" till I f C. iv.n I' rainy M et es
alel'rlv I'eleellse 1 1 'li t tier 'n-nnMi
sl.ii!'l tup lur 4rii'"iiti's. v A I. I'ti.OV
PK'Ki 11VK adtM V, U. I 7i 7, VS a tilM.ii;.
Iov a.
A sttVily fi ci --' ii "i Iiiiia f tli ty arrn.i
atl ;-. 'f in He -f l.rt l b
'Uliril Tkl.ii'l.. :n 4 tllelt l'"'ls I"
liasci'Verlimii (t-il l ler (h- Miri"i-, V a
ri,i.-.l l.i il a.l I'rl I " t-e n-." a! !y 11
nn'fii if tt.a tinr ti-t ivtwstiUsr lant
l aislilnuf svililiiii t'-n aniMS " t mil'MH - ui ceidih' W.lia alnIi'T ot tl. irin.t
IK1CK $100.
iriherss w mi aijent In yiir t .n li1rs ill
Hiaatilwtiiri .
Till'. I'AKIel' W. 'i. !' .
I'ftitj ai'i-il i arth li. V
v. ii. ftTLrvir.r. Ai-mt.
l.iuri,,i, J(el
THh bent nl harnenH, both double and Dingle maybe found,
ntorennd everything in the lurncHM liuealHobii'iennndrui
which nre CrHt-claia in every rcHjiect, being the lightcM, lrongci
cimienl riding vebirlcH on earth. j
ALSO have a large lot of Schutler, Moline, Rain and Sterling vJ
Spring wngona, road carta, and plowd of all dii'cription. I
We give you Die following deep cut in priren:
Ijidicii Fine GI7.el Pougola plif es r-(!tici d tn
l.utliea Dongolu Kid l'lex ible U..'i)ehoe reduced to
Ladies lit st Dmit'ola 5.l,''i eboca retliiced ti
Ladiei Ibmd Turned be,it Dogula J 1 AO hIkic reduced lo
We have a great many other H;itnjl; b!s of otld nizen' -
olf'j log ut S
- ' . I " J IJl.'
In orJcrto reduci; our etix k to meet our obli-iitiou.
V,e n!-o have a few lot f Lntliea Oxfonbi we will erll
prieeH. Don't b)r,;eMhc place.