f 1AYES v n r v - s v n veto b ) CIVIL ENGINEER county clerk "HI be BtU'lidfd to. 1 WlCK IN COl'RT HOUSE, Nebraska lOUtll, WW us pkiterberg. MAMlirACTUIlKoJ' ANO HDLESILE IIND FET1IL IHALFIt lH I t'EST BRANDS OF CIGARS KL'l.l. LISIKOr CO AND SMOKI.s's ARTICUI always in Btock o . SAU -j HasOpaii'-U up The finest. t'ln 'st, Coaicst- SALOON IN Till; CITY Where may be found choice wines ) liquors and cigars. AN1IEUSER HUSCII BEER. AND BASS' ALE WHITE LABEL, always on band. COKNT.K OF MAIX AXI) l'OUKTH ST. roovith, ! Nebrnssa r : X V Pl.Al : XATIONAL : BANK PLATToMOUTU. HEBRABHA B 1 F.'eaDltal w.orVft IU.0UI.IJ very bert facilities for th promp trauaactlou ul llglUuiata faking Business t, sonde, ((old. invcrnment and local w- oourttu Min sent, i"-."' icri-tt allowrd oo the errtnie'. rwn. available Id any part of thr Halve sud ail Ik prtuclpal tewn 0 THE tCADINO GROCER HAS THE MOST COMPLETE STOCK IN THE CITY, EMTH1NC FTJCH - AND - IN EEACON a IONS "AI AMI fHOMrtl KIMIT- TSU. market price Pld for County War rants, Mate " County bonds. DIKKCTOKH rmtmii I. llawkortt &au(li, K. Wtilw (iron B. Oty V'M. H.Whiko. YroaldMil Ca 1 let, niZKNS BANK. . .TSMi'CTH SK.I AhBA lock paid ID lorued Capital, iqo,uou , nrriiKM - AbKUTH. A. 'OM.No'.. Vlot.-Prr-.lt-,.; 'I'HIIINO. Ut'oiff otHnrrdUi I frrutb i. A . Coopor. K. E. Huim t.r- Vi.hon, Ileury Bu-ek.ohn O'keaf M-rriam, Wai. Walaaearup. W. H R rnhlnlr I rsldent. ATTBNTION FAKHRKS I want your Poultry, Eggs, But ter Hnd your farm produce of all kinds, I will pay you the highest mull price an I am buying for a firo in Lincoln. R. PETERSEN, T1IK LEADING GROCER I'liiltamouth Nebranka p J. II:A:N:S:K:N OKAI.KK I If STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES. QUEENSWAllE ;tsu man tisuM BusiHcs ttSfAtwiof d-iolu lr1iiK Inierwl nJiil ell HflwK". county and OF CASS COl'NTY Cor Mnio Wid rifth utrt-H. UlUI... I"" "r a I'rii'nli'iil Mr Vice rrtil.il 1'ia.iwm I'mln-ii tnrnn, A't t filler DIRECTOK3 if elo, J. M PiitliTwin, Frd Onrder a mm .'riiiiii.M- tin- l'uble Stilicitud. johhson zzmm sum st TEW HARDWARE STORE S. K. HALL & SON IEE4L BAKI1KC BU3HE88 ' IAK3ATED l iillrllfMl. IiiUtmM ll.i B lime mid priiuiiit miriiiiuii(urii to all hu uHfJ to IU care. 1 ? ibcrlain's E70 ood Llia Ointment, tain euro for C'hronlo Soro Eyw, Salt Ilheum, Gould Ikod, C1J p Boros, Tovcf Bores, Eczema, "Tftirio Bcratches, Foro Kipples ee. It U coollou tad soothing, kieof caseubavo bocn cured Ij all otliur treaUnout bad fallu4 tip la 5 end CO cent boxes. Ki!i-p nil kind of liiilMeni hiirdar on huid and olll iiipiily c'iiin"t r on inoal fay orulile tui'iut tin nnnnijo tM)UllllU nl tin i one. onln.K f r in tlx cniiniry Hulleltrd Btid nil kln1ol lln aiirk prmiiPtly (in H-il t. I'LATT.iMOUril. NKH. r 1 PAUKtLk'R HAIR BALSAM J" w kv fail to j:r-jt.re Oity ! i ' I lUir to Ha Youthrul Color, . . . . . . 1 1 a it w prtii'sinana vrno were out ror a nioriiini? fclnill wititftuvil a bni'f but bliMnly bitttlu tlirougli tlm wlmlnwa of the Mrtikut Ui;ct bird tttoru Siimluy Ainuii tlm deiiir.i'tis of the place is u monkey called Jocko, wIioho pnxrlivil fur mischief Iiim led liini into diii. T n " bi'fortf. On the morning la (iiihtii. i Jocko determined to go on a lark. li ucceedod hi p'ckinjr the lock of his c- . and once free turned bin attention tf bis feathered coHijmnioiiH. Jt took l i: a few minutes to unlock a dozen of Tariotis cae In the r.Kiin, and poon ,. funny processiou of monkeys anil p. : rot were btruttin'i about. In a few n Utes tronhle bejjan to brew. One of t parrutH, in n spirit of iniBi-liief, iiroli.ri:. bit JiH.ko, hikI a lively battle cnn.i ; I'ollymKiu found that she was ii , . the worst of it and made a rush for . Cage, minus ber tail feather and part a win Jocko, who was thrn thorough aroimed, nailed in foragenerul ma icr and in a ohort time had the Iloor to h ..- pel f, save for Minnie, a iittle miii,,i gale, who was too dazed to escape. V u., oue blow the bird waa stretched lifeh-M. on the floor. The monkey then offer. . , buttle to a big etufTed owl which hu.. been gazing solemnly upon the scene, and receiving no answer to his chal lenge, threw the bird oil its pedeHtai. Jocko's Waterloo was awaiting him however. A huge vampire bat, which had been watching the battle, jumped down from his perch, and Jocko started for him. The contest wot brief. The sharp beak and talons of the bird buried themslves like a flah in the monkey's flesh, and Jocko was glad to make his encape with tha blood flowing from a dozen wounds. At this juncture the THfe Ot-i frt!MTtR TUE SWOOP OF A HAVi'k IIIKHPItCORN. TV rtriniita(Vi .. pa. L. U liu.,!! ul IlihtVA A CO., M. V. THE CftiaiMAL AND ftCMUINI. tv- aalf Urv Pr, IIAaW iM fcrn, V ' (4tM. i ("f i,M.Mler 1 M,-fcaa (h-t.-4 -! 11 M4 ant V '.d W y AH fi.e tp aiaynat" , put (14 trt m at(fuW Mtitt-rflf. li'-tn1 M 4 U tHv. itwv. ,.., n4 "U n.f t.r I ...),-.-m r mrm Mlt K f ..'.W.. .aw r-Mr. CHICHtaVTtA C HI MIC V C' W.. Nti.t, pua atowing plcturoa of i ' a and tellixiff about thf m Sli iriU!.ii. Our patent bOt'x' r I'aavaa wear, making the Tiano 'auraoie, ana atopuig in aa- v flala OLD PIANOS io EX- JTj, aell on I'j.VS 1 f Ax-1 find aoml I'lntmi nV 1 T I t uto bi returnod at our x- - ir railway tr-ight il not por- . : 1 A tiafactorj, cvta though you liva 3000 tBUo away. Writa ua. s & Pond Piano Co..Srfi Ha tVaa flliort af Tj jib and Wlim "llilr lyM C:uiu, 1IH .'ilrtt iltiil llitwn. ' And so, year nfur year, h v,'iou;;lit antmig tlm Imy nu a morning p:ipcr. U1' weut to b:d i! hint tlio time iho re.it of the world got. up, ainl I14 awe nlxiut t.iie timu the r: 't of the world nut down to uin.ier. lie worlti-d by every kind of liirht except Hiiulight. Tie;re weri can. lies in the ollii'e when hocameii'i.j then lliey had lard oil lamps th; smoked aiel sjiuttered and sue !li- l; tin.-1 he raw two or three jirintcrs blinded i y j expliihions of caiiipheuu and spirit g:i : then ki roajiiH ..vtine in and li mited up tin' i newsrooms on Hiuuiner nights like furu:u'; toen t'10 olaea put in ga", n; now the el'.etr'x light swung from t i. ceiling and d.i,:!ed hi.s old eye.i a;,. I ; glared into th"!U from liis copy. i If he hang on hi way homo a police- man hade liim '"cheese that," and re- 1 minded him that he wan disturbing thi; i pi-ice and peoplu wanted to sleep. Lut j when he w auled to sleep, the nut of tlm I world, for whom he h;n sat up all uiglil ' I to make a morning paper, roared mil. crashed by down the noiy streets under his window, wilh cart and truck anl! oinniliiiS; blared out with bras bands, I howled with bund organs, talked and j shouted, and even Mm shrieking news- j boys, with a ghastly sarcasm, murdered 1 the Bleep of the tired old printer by yell-1 lug the name wf his own paper, Year after year the foreman roared at j him to remember that this was not an I afternoon pajier, editors shrieked down the tube to have a blind man put on that dead man's case, smart young proof readers scribolod sarcastic comments on bis work on the margin of his proof slips that they didn't know bow to read, long winded correspondents learning to write and long haired poets who could never Wonderful. EXPERIENCE OF A SUMMER VISITOR IN A NEW YORK SUBURB. Ha Had Heard About a Hawk Chunlng a Man, but Didn't Ilelleve It Until Ha En countered One of tlm Animals In a Lone ly i:vt!iilng Walk How Ha Telia or It. Mr. Rogers was late fortes. The red twilight of Angtibt had, faded, and n. sen y. Sawyer, of Kochester, tyi ronineiit dealer in geiior in., ieral proprietor apared and hostilities I lt!i4rn t0 1ell wratWuny cttHt all their ceaaed. San Francisco Chmulcle. A True Hal Story. Hera is a new and absolutely true bat story. A New York gentleman, dining at a hotel in Boston, found on coining out that he was the last to leave the dining room, and his bat bad been taken by somebody who had preceded him, leaving one very similar, bnt unmis takably not his, in its place. It was a sufficiently good substitute to allow of his wearing it for three weeks after hi return borne, when, after dinner one day, three weeks later, be said to a friend with whom be bad just been din ing: "1 must replace this bat: its not mine, and it doesn't fit. Come with me and I'll do it now." Together they sought a neighboring shop and begun to examine hats. One after another waa tried on by the intend ing purchaser, none quite suiting hi 111. "It's too bod, said bis friend. "Like yon, I am bard to fit Now, this one is the most comfortable hat I ever bad." , "It looks so," remarked the hat seek er; "let ine try that on." The hat was banded to him. It adjusted itself per fectly to bis head. "Man alive I" he ejaculated, "this is iny lost bat," and be took it off quickly, turned back the in side band, and, sure enough, there was bis name and residence in Indisputable proof. It turned ont that the friend bad been in Boston the same day, though they had not met, bad dined at the ho tel, bnt bad nut discovered that he hnd worn away another man's hat. And the shop bait a sal of a hat New York Times. Not aa Klaamaaynary lo.tlto tloa. "It's funny about some people ona meets traveling," remarked a drummer at the Cadillac as be threw his feet upon the writing tablo. "Ilowr inquired the man next to him. "On a dining car, for Instance, the other day," he went on jerkily, "What?" usk.id the other man en couragingly. "Coming over from New York. Odd sort of a genius across the cur from ma. After he left tint car the waiter who had served him brushed the crumbs off of my table. " 'See dat man, boss?" he snked. 'Reckon he nevah was on a diniu car U.fu7 " 'Why? I inqnired. " 'Caze, boas, be axed for a second belpln. Uemmen what eats on deso yer dinin calm, boss, knows dry ain't uo clmr'lible tnnlitutiou fer givlu victuals away in no sich uiannah as dat.' "I bad been thinking I wanted a little more thuu had been allowed me, but I didn't k for it after that," and the drummer sighed. Detroit Five Press. HJtii llarl There la a family of little folk not far away v. ho are delightful from their love for each other. Yin has the greatest ad miration for his sister Molly, and will do anything for her "You's so pitty, Molly." He lit five and she Is three. On cold morning Molly's mamma set her in her high ( hair, while baby had her neces sary care and papa ate his breakfast It was yather chilly, and Molly was in her uightdreKS. Vin wanted to make her warm, so he wrapped np her feet in newspaper, but poor Molly slipped and fell solidly on the floor from her high chair. "Oh, Molly," said Vin, in tears, "did you hurt you'i" "fo," said Molly, winking back the tears which would come; "No, braver, I fell on ' paper. "Gardner (Mass.) Horn Journal. imperfections npon bis head. But through it all hu wrought patiently and fonnd more suushine than shadow in the world; he had more frieuds than ene mies. Printers and foremen and pressmen and reporters and editors came and wont, but be staid, and he saw news papers and sanctum tilled and emptied and filled and emptied again, and Oiled with new strangu faces. He believed in his craft, and to the end he bad a silent pity, that came as near being contempt as his good, forgiving old heart could feel, for an editor who bail not worked his way from a regular devilship np past the cases and the imposing stone. He worked all that night, and when the hours that are so short in the ball room and so long in the composing room drew wearily on, he was tired. He hadn't thrown in a very full case, be said, and be had to climb clear into the boxes and chase a type up into a comer Isifore he could get hold of it Oue of the boys, tired as himself but a printer is never too tired to be good natured tillered to change places with htm, but the old man said there was enough in the case to last him through this take, and be wouldn't work any more tonight. The typa clicked in the silent room, and by and by the old man said: 'Tin out of sortr." And sat down on the low window sill by his case, with his stick in his hand, his hands folded wearily in his lap. The types clicked on. A galley of telegraph waited. "What gentleman is lingering with 13 D'f" called the foreman, who wits danger oualy polished aud polite when he was on the point of exploding with wrath and tiniHirtauce. Slug tiino, passing by tho alley, stop ped to speak to the old man sitting there so quietly. le li h-'r ipli Vy rr.me running in with li.d l.:-t iu.iii,iuid sheet, shunting: 'Thirty:'-. They carried tiie old man to the fore man's long table and laid him down rev erently and covered his face. Thoy bsik the sin k out of his nerveless hand and n ad liis last take: T.f'STON, Nov. 23. Tho American bark Pilgrim went to piece off Marble head in a light kho .-bout midnight She was old and imwaworthy, and this was to have been her last trip. Bob Burdette. Various t'afa of Una Traa. Ona of the strangest of trees is the Iia palm, found iilniudaiilly on the banks of tne Amazon and other South American rivers. In the swampy regions, which cover immense areas, the ha palm fur nishes food, drink, clothing and com fortable homes for tiie natives. The Indians that inhabit thueawampy districts make a tolerable wine from the s.ipof the palm, and thr-y distill a strong er stimulant; by crushing and ferment ing tiie young fruits. The fissl is de rived from the soft inner bark of the stems, and is a substance that in taste nml apiearauce closely resembles sago. The soft and fibrous Imrk is used for garments ami fur making strings, ross, hammis'ks and the like. In times of high water, often lasting two or three months, the natives make Moorings in the trees with the bark roties and live there in comfort and content mentPhiladelphia Times. rinle. Cousin Jennie Wholly cured of yonr love, did you say? Cousin Tom Wholly. Cousin Utira-What killed it tlus timer Cousin Tom 1 asked her a simple question. And when hat fsnltlaM lips formed the words "I diareinernber," my love became a ctrpse. Pittsburg Bnl letin. aadloappad. "Poor little sonir said Oncld Oeorge (raxing at in uany. "Why pwrT asked the proud father, "Nature hj given him a black eye to stars wun, repinu u.ir(n. Harper tiatar. Hard Work Mada Mack ay Mrli. John W. Mackaywas born in the humblest circumstance in Dublin, Ire land, some fifty-five years ago. Coming to this conntry very early in life, he worked for a time ou board ship. Pur ina' the rears that followed in whatever occupation he engaged he labored indus triously and raithfully. He saved bis nionry aud watched his opportunity, which an very few people do. He is now tweuty time a niillionair. Henry Clews ia Ladies' Uome Journal. br?ezo wns rattling ut the shutters before he came in, looking warm and agitated. Seeing him roused out of his usual calm excited one curiusity, but we indeed 110 questions till hu had eaten aud refreshed hiuti-.clf. Then we gathered around him. "I have had auioht unpleasant adven ture," he snid in his solemn way. "I have been chased by a hawk." Now, if a child of nix had made that remark it would have been touching, but for a broad shouldered penion of any number of feet to announce that he was afraid of hawks was too much for our aenso cf humor we laughed. "What' did you do?" asked the inquisitive member of our house party. "1 clapped my hands and shouted," suid Mr. Rogers, "but the hawk didn't mind ut all; it kept circling round my head and swooping down" We reasoned with him, We said it was physically Impossible for a hawk to fly away with him. We told him the next time a hawk chased him to fall flat upon his face and call for help. We suggested that a plump mosquito had caused his alarm. All in vsin. He ba toned without emotion, and fixing bis eye on me as the most obtrusively merry person present, said, "Wait till a hawk is after you; yon won't like it." ; AN EVENING! WALK. The meaning in his words came to me a few days later. We had been bathing in Pecouic bay. We staid there, splash ing and swimming, till the blue water turned gray and the sun went down in a red smudge. Then suddenly we all felt an overpowering desire to get out of our clammy bathing suit and home to tea aa fast as possible. I decided to walk. 1 was cold; besides I rather wanted to get away from the noisy crowd. So the house party packed itself into the wagouctte and quickly disappeared down the winding road, leaving me to cut across the hills alone. (Funny with what alacrity people who are really fond of you leave you behind.) I felt very much alone somehow, and I almost wbhed I had gone with them. Our house is ouly a mile from the Peconio beach on a level line, but as the Shinne cock hills are like so many green dump lings one's progress is very np and downy, and a mile may be twisted into astonish ing lengths. I struck across the fern scented bills at a rapid pace, one moment on top of a mountain range, with a view of the two bays, the next down in a hollow with only bay bushes for a horizon. Istopped in a sort of cup to watch the coining night. The earth sent up a warm, sweet smell; little stars began to twinkle as though pricked into the sky. bome- thing dark started op under my feet my shadow, for the moon had risen. "It is nice to be alone sometimes," I thought "One can't be intimate with nature when crowds of people are about. I feel now that I am lying on her boGoin" Whirr-rl from the sky. Then two short sounds like the flapping of a wet toweL DlHCKKTION AND VALOR. 1 looked up. Right over my head, poised as neatly as the sword of Damo cles, was a hawk. It looked quite sta tionary, but I remembered Mr. Rogers' words, and I felt bold. "The thing doesn't seem inclined to swoop," I thought Then I started np a bill, with my nose pointed at the hawk. Just as 1 reached the top it gave two flaps and swooped, f chipped my hands. Where upon the bird circled and dropped a few feet. "I won't encourage It by looking at it," and I walked into tho next hollow in a dignified manner. Then I looked. That brute of a bird wai hovering in an expectant attitude.. As it caught my glance it began to circle; it circled till I grewdizzy; tlien itguveacry of triumph and swooped. That action demoralized rac; it turned the hawk roo and me Into a pygmy. With one "Shoo!" of despair, 1 threw manhood and self respect to the wind. I ran. I ran as hard as I could, np bill and down. Isrambles caught at me; blackberry vines chtsia-d my ankles; but once' mounted ou terror nothing could stop me. My white flanueled figure shone out In tho moonlight, adding zest to the hawk's attacks. On wo raced, swooping, running, dodging, but never stopping till the friendly lights from the house streamed out to meet us. 1 hen the hawk, with a long cry of scorn sailed away to tho pine wood in the west. The house party waa ou the piazza as 1 caine up. "Glorious walk, I cried Ran half the way. Finest sport in the world after bathing!" Mr. Rogers fol lowed me into the house. "It 1 awful when it swooiis, isn't it' he said, with a cruel look in his brown eyes. New York Post. I - w I Ti. a proY .... ... , . . " 1 nmouire, Hnd wlio runs several n-iiin.yw.'ttfoim, hi,. I one of his horeag bndly cut and burner! wilh a lariat, lhp wound refused to lu.L. Jlle Ho,..,., t.Cllle j.,,,,,. a j 1jjf ''wwiUislHliuo careful atlrnlion ;in) the npivlK-aiii.il of leiiiodieH. A llnllerKlIiirl, Wire Lie.(.,,t. the i"Klwf.,i,1.1-f,1lillff ev,.r t lienlHiich won,,,!. J,, . jt '! i times ,! lt. Hre waH.. "'"Ide eil lienleil. l;(IKJi,v Kowi r nil HrH, cui., bn,.(.;. tl,j. wou.i.le. l-ornnlc by d.!.Ruit Cum- f :r r-fcralvgls. J'r.uikCorncliiiH.of i'lirccll, Ind. icr., Hiij-H: "I induced Mr. J'iiihoii, whom; wife hail panily-Hin in the face ) buy u botllc of Chamberlain'., am Balm Io their -real niipriw lieJoifliie botllc )id nil !.. 1Itlcd -he wiih u ureal deal belter. Her ii c had bi ,- drawn to one bide; hut the I 'a 111 JJaJiii relieved all 'Hin and HiifmH, iid the mouth .i.-iHilincii Km natural t liaj,c." It i dlriu a certain cure for 1 iieurnntinin nine hack, fprainn ewcllintra and .niiiericMM. .TO cent botlic-M for mile- by K G. PrickcdfCo., Druo-iriKtH. Strength rnd Health. If your arc not ferliiiir Htrontr and heallhv.trv l-.h-i iri ItiHi-ru "I. a (iriiirii" liua I ..ft w,. wcury, tine jcicciric j-mtera. una remedy acts directly on Liver. StomiK.il aud Kindyn' gently aiding thoHt' oriraiiH to preform their func tions. If you are a 111 ic ted with Sick Headache, you will lind epeedy and permanent relief by takinir Klectrie Better. One trial will con vince you that thia ia the remedy you need. Larpe bottlea only nOc. For Bale by F. G. Fricke A Co. Some of the moat startling, in temtinjr diacoveriea of the life and cuatoma of buried Egypt are now being made through extenaiveexcH attiona. Theae discoveries are exciting a great interest Many Uiacoverica are, however, being made in our country that are re markable, among which we may mention that of Halter's Pain Para lyser which effects entire relief, and in many canes a complete cure of that terrible diaeime rheumatism, and which aluo relieves pain of all kinds. For sale byall druggieta Rtu n atlenrt Curad io a Day. "Mystic Cure" for rheumatism and neuralgia radically cured in 1 to 1 days. Its action upon the system ia remarkable and mysterious. It rr moves at once the cause and the di sease immediately dissappeara. The first dose greatly benefits. 75c Sold by K, G. Fricke, Druggist, wt That HackingCough can so quick ly cured by Shiloh's cure. We irunrnntee it, For Sale by E. G. Fricke and O H Snyder 1 The Createst Strike) Among the great strikes that o Dr. Miles in discovering his New Henrt Cure has proven itself to be one of the most important The de mand for it has become astonish ing. Already the treatment of heart disease is being revolutionized, and many unexpected cures effected. It soon relieves short breath, ilutter- ng, pains in side. arm. shoulder. weak and hungry spells, oppres sion, swelling of ankles, smothering and heart dropsy. Dr. Miles' book on Heart and Nervine Diseases. free. The unequalcd New Heart Cure is sold and guaranteed by . G. Fricke & Co, also his Restorative .Nervine for headache, lits. Hrtrees. hot ilaelics, nervous chills, opium habit, etc. 4 The Itoeir Kaall. Among the f anion bell of Dewsburg, Yorkshire, England, is one known as "Black mu of Honthill," wnion was presented to the church in expiation of a murder. "Black Tom" is alway rnng on Christmas eve.- Its solemn tolling as It strikr-s tha first Up at exartly mid nhrht is known all over Yorkshire a the "devil's knell," It being the notion that when Christ was bora the devil died, St Louis Republic. A Mleehlavnu Schools I rl. Commodore P. Vedder, while a young nan, teaching school, bad occasion to punish a mischievous girl, and, a waa nsnal in that rlav and locality, was about to resort to the ferule. To the offending, tusid he said, "Miss , gtva me your band." She droDiied her bead and blushed. Again be said, sternly, "Mi -i 1 ay, give me yonr hand." Slowly lifting her eyes, she remarked. "Mr, Vedder, this is mbarraasinc for me, You should not make such proposal in public. However, yon must ak ray papa first. Buffalo Express. Reduced Platea. The It. A M. will sell tickets on the certificate plan at the rate of one and one-third fare for the round trip, as follows: To Kansas City, Mo., Oct. 'iO-Zi, on account of the annual meeting; of the American Public Health Association. Mt. Pleasant, In.. Oct. ZV-T), annual meeting of the Y. M. C. A. ' St. Ixmis, Mo., Oct. 22-2), annual meeting Brotherhood of St. Andrew. Wavcily, Ia., Nov. 10-12, annual c"!!vent"" lows Butter and b-trc Association. Dcs Moines, 1 11. .annual convention Iowa State Farmers' Alliance. For many years Mr. II. V. Thomp son, of Des Moines, Iowa, wns se verely afflicted with chronic diarr hooH. 11c says: "At times it was very severe; so much so, that 1 fcacrd it would end my life. About seven years ngo I chanced to pro cure a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. It gave me prompt relief and I believe cured me permanent ly, as I now cat or drink without harm anything I please. I have also used it in my family with the beet results. For sale by F. G. Frickie & Co. Wonoerful Success. "Two years ago the Mailer' Proj). Co.' ordered their bottles by the box now they buy by the cm load. Among the popular and siiccesefnl remedies they prepare is Haller'a Sarsapnrilla & Burdock which ia the most wonderful blood purifier known. No druggist hesitates to recommend this remedy. For sale by druggist. A Cherafaa. A chorsgu was the superintendent of the eqiMpuiiist and Instruction of a cho rus. The AtheitYans made him aitaU officer, aud the tHsitton became ona of IniportMnca and dignity. The tarra cho ragas was in the course of time used to signify a person who supplied the costa for any purpose. New York Waskly. W III baClven Away Our enterprising druggists, V. G Fricke & Co, who carry the finest stock of drugs, perfumeries, toilet articles, brushes, sponges, etc., are giving nway a large number of trial bottles of Dr. Miles' celebrated Res torative Nervine. They guarantee, it to cure headache, diuineas, ner vous prostration, sleeplessness, the ill effects of spirits, tobacco, coffee, etc. Druggists soy it ia the greatest seller they ever knew, and is univer sally satisfactory. They also guar antee Dr. Miles' New Heart Cure ti 11 11 cases of nervous ororganic henrt disease, palpitation, pain in side, smothering, etc. Fine book ni 'Nervous ini'l Heart Discr:'.e-," roc. I