The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, October 26, 1891, Image 2

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with Dailv: Herald
OTTS BROS, Publishers
. iWied avery ThumUy, and dally every
. KeCrpt Sunday.
. -i -lerd at the l'!a!tmmu)i, Nt,
v for tniMinti'lon t'mxurti tli U..-H,
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AY, OCTOBER, a;. is;n
-;! JiiMir ii( ihc Supreme Court
A. at. IMSt ot Platte.
: nf Ilia Stall! UnlT-rlty.
n. r. put M A liixou.
c. n. MAnn.Kof on
' trk of th IM et Court :
f-t f itiTr :
fr County Pleik s
fo Coqnty Juire
Iji County Huprrtutrndi'lit :
f ' ruoar :
F.-. tllar Jut:
t tt (ommlnlonrr Kirt tltrlet :
The republican party of the state
f Nebranka (riven renewed expreM-
n ot it devotion to the princi
ples of the republican party and de
clare that tiione principles, an ex
prenned by the national republican
convention, Hhould be the ntrong
yxnit ot union between all repuu
liraoa in the state of Nebraska.
H e ronirratulate the people upon
id v iiiniiLiuun ji urjivi ii uiitriiuiiiK
tbe develupnieut and Towth of the
state ot iSebranka ilunntf its twenty
lour y"ars of statehood under re
tublican administration, and which
as brought u to the front rank
laontf Uie leading states of the
anion; and we can tearlesnly asnert
taat n state winch has been coa
trolled by democratic power,durin
air considerable time of the same
priiotl, cmii compare with na in the
economical management of public the rapid ratio of increase
la population, wealth and general
prosperity, notwithstanding the
act that there are wrthin the
borders of the state a number of
dissatisfied percns who took ad-
ntae of the general financial de
presnion which swept over the en
lire country to pave their way Into
temporary prominence by declaim
inu aaiiift ttie welfare of ourpeo
le and flandering the fair name (if
our state. The rami from heaven
and the rich soil, vigorously culti
vated by the energetic hands ot onr
farmers, have produced such bount
iful crops nnd Mich unrivaled pros
perity that fliall silence ail calam
ity talkers and add to the strength
and entlniHiar'in of the republican
We congratulate President Harri
son upon his eminently wise, loyal
and courageous administration, and
declare our absolute confidence in
his integrity, ability and iiatrio
I l . ' . . . . . .. .
IISIU, Ulli pifi, Vt4 tUI u .u.
support iii ti,' discharge of the
duties devolving upon him as the
chief magistrate of the nation.
We rejoice in the restoration of
dignity, vigor ami statesmanship in
Uie conduct of our foreign affairs
under the guiding hand of Amer
ica's fMVOrt'e nn, Jsmen (. Hliline,
We approve ot the silver coinage
act of the present adininistral ion,
by which the n'ire nroduct nf the
silver mines of the I. uited Mates is
added to the currency of the people,
but we denounce the democratic
doctrine of free and unlimited coin
age of silver as a linancial policy
liable to precipitate the people of
every city and every state in the
I'nion in a prolonged and disas
trous depression, and delay the re
vival of business enterprise and
prosperity so ardent y desired and
uow so apparently near. The free
and unlimited coinage of silver
would tend to the hoarding of gold
and to force the use of cheap money
in the payment of wages in every
workshop, mill, factory, store and
farm, and tend to the scaling down
nf the wages of the toilers and
weakening the purchasing powerof
the dollar which would be used to
purchase the products of the farmer.
We are in favor of having every
dollar as good a a any other dollar.
We demand the maintenance of
the American system of protection
to American industry and labor, tbe
policy that has been identified with
every period of our National pros
perity. We admire the geuius nf that
heroic statesman, William McKin-
ley, Jr., whom the people of. Ohio
will make their licit governor us a
recognition of his magnificent ser
vices to the countri . Te also com
mend and endorse that policy of re
ciprority by which the t'entral and
South American nations ami the
Spanish Indies are being opened up
to our trade upon favorable terms
and by which all the surplus
i.ruJiK Is of our coiiritrv mar find a
market and by which all nur people
shall receive in exchange tkeratore
.i long line of products which do
not piodiv ruinous competition
iiMion our own people nor destroy
tin1 developing industries of our
We an- lu-ai lily in favor of the
general provision of the intet Male
commerce, act, ami we iieuiiiiiu uu:
regulation of all railway unci traiu
! porlaiion line in mirli a manner iih
to insure lair and rcaonahle rate
'to the producers und consumers of
I the country.
U c utviir uch legislation an will
prevent all illegal coml'inaiion
; unit iinjtiHl exactions by aggregated
r.ipilal an t corporate po.
in; i?t tipo.i the Mipprcssion of all
liu.Htrf. couiliinc ami M'heiue de
signed to in lilii ially increase the
priee of the necessaries of , .
V. e regard Uie world's Colii.uhmn
. et I'llt III
i-vi hi ,1 1 it in :ih :m mi uu i.un --
il.t- viritlrt history, ami we
are ill
iuv.ny eyiTipatlty will, ty
ry eiiort
make a creditable exhibit '
Nel.iaska'a products, und we favor
an additional appropriation by the
.... i.......i..t,.,,. tor una puii"--i
,at ouMrosperity and H""?"
aybefullytxempl'l""'- lake
le in thin Bh'te We recognize
that its growth and power, its pros-
pent v
and good name "
the fruits ol its inuusin.n ,.....,
and we believe in sucn pouui ,
smie and national, an will promote
justice ami widen the opportunities
among these classes. To their sup
port in the future, as in the past, wc
pledge our most intelligent jucig
uient and most sincere endeavor.
We denounce the Grand. Island
platform of the democratic party us
framed with the deliberate purpose
to mish ad and deceive; wherein
sympathy is expressed where none
is felt; wherein help is proposed
where none is rendered; wherein
purposes are avowed which are not
entertained. In support ot tins in
dictment we point to the pretended
friendship tor the soiuier, wnue ai
the same time the democratic party
has always proclaimed against the
granting of liberal pensions; to the
Iree silver plank, intended to deceive
the supporters of free and unlim
ited coinage OI silver, wucu n m
known that many of the leaders ot
the party are opposed to the doc
trine; to the failure to give the re
lief from exhoruitant ireigni raies
while it was afraid to either ap
prove or censure the action of its
acting alien governor for vetoing
the .Newberry bill.
We denounce the democratic
party for its insinuations against
the integrity of the supreme court
of the state as an effort to make the
judicial powers subordinate to
political parties and as disgraceful
to a political organization.
We denounce the democratic
party for its double dealing with
the civil and political rights of the
people, wherein it appears to favor
free and untrammeled elections in
the state of Nebraska, but never
raises its voice against the political
outrages practiced against the re-
oublican voters, white and black.
throughout the democratic states of
the south.
We arraign the democratic party
as the enemy of labor, scheming to
hreuW down the defense of protec
tive laws, to block the wheels of
home industry, and to degrade the
masses ot the people a party con
trolled by aristocratic and sectional
tendencies, the legacy of slavery.
The reoublican oarty of Nebraska
appeals to the intelligence and to
the integrity of the r-op!c of Jhi
state and trom ail good cmzena we
invite support
Shortly after the World lferald
published its villainous attack up
on Judge Post, the Lincoln Journal
sent a representative to Leon with
instructions to ascertain facts in
the ease as viewed by the repre
sentative men of the village.
In a four column article he shows
conclusively that it is a campaign
fake of the first water. Prominent
citizens of Ieon, regardless
of party affiliations, de
nounce the World-IIerald hi the
bitterest term they can with pro
priety command. The secretary of
the Grand Kiver Lodge A. I. A. H.
X. P. liullock writes a half column
letter which he says that Judge
Post's letter denying the charge is
not us strong in his own defense
as the facts would justify. He pro
reeds to state, as we have before
published, that a charge of seduc-
I t;on was made, but the grand jury
after giving a thorough investiga
tion, dismissed the case lit the
plaintiffs cost and that he was
never expelled from the lodge. lie
cites, as an incident of the es
teem in which Judge Post
is held there, the fact that fifty
copies of the World-Herald con
taining the libel were sent the I-on
Reporter, the leading democratic
paper in the county, but the editor,
not lelieviiig the charge true and
knowing the sentiment of the citi
ens of Leon, promptly returned
the papers, accompunled by a
stinging rebuke to the wilful fabri
cator and champion fake.
The following resolutions were
unanimously adopted by the lodge
from which it i alleged Judge Post
was expelled:
Resolved, That we have read with
sorrow and regret the malicious
and grossly exaggerated charge
rublished in the Omaha World
(erald Oct. IK, 1U1, against our
brother, Hon. A.M. Pont of Colum
bus, Neb,
Resolved, That said charge in in
the main false, grossly exaggerated
and wholly unjustifiable nnd being
doue solely for political purposes,
is an outrage on decency; and we
hereby extend to Hrother A. M.
Post and his family our sincere
sympathy; and we iiass these reso
lutions as a "token' of our esteem
and confidence in him, and as a
denunciation of said article.
Resolved, That we recognize in
Hrother A. M. Post a man of honor
and integrity; and one who has the
entire coulidence, esti em nnd re
spect of this lodge, and of the peo
ple generally! in thi- vicinity, and
we denounce the statement Hint he
was expelled from Hurt Iodj;c a
fal.-r in tnlo.
iv. solved, That the secretary tr
this lodge be instructed to furnish
tlie. e resolutions, uni'er seal of the
lodge, to the Omaha Wot Id Herald,
where said article appeared, to the
Nclmska Slate Journal, imd to the
Omaha lice, (or publication.
Stati- up Iowa, ) ;
Dl.CATrw (.'()( VI V, ) ' !
1. .V P, Hnliock, M-crclnry of the K.vcr lodge No. 7S, A. 1 -
A. T'l., ! hereby certify that at a '
meeiiug of I is and KiveC !'"ge No.:
7. A. I-. and A. M., h-ld October J),' the forr;. oi::g resolution wi-ie
in aniiniiti d) adopted, every nit
her present voting- thei'for.
f,,,-:li.T ..riifv that ll.e record
I of
the I. -dee show thnt Hrother A.
Pn-i. pi a, r lv the time that he went
to V l.a, was n nu-inber of
Grand K'tver lodge -No. o, A. I . olid
A. !.. ,i t ood and regtilnrstainlinir,
anil that on the Zd day of January,
lfrjl), he petitioned the barge for a
demit, and the same was regularly
granted by a vote of the lodge.
In testimony whereof I have here
unto set my hand and the scaHW
this lodge, at tuii, la., this 21st day
of October, lK'Jl.
X. P. Hi-Lb K,
Secretary Grand River Lodge No.
. A. F. und A. M.
The Ia-'OO Reporter (dem) had the
following editori il immediately
after the publication of the slander
in the World Herald:
"The Omaha World-Herald of last
Sunday contains a( three-column
letter purporting to have been
written from Leon, making a most
villinous attack on Judge A. M.
Post, a former citizen of Leon, who
is a candidate lor juoge oi inc
supreme court in Nebraska. Mr.
Post lived in Leon for many years,
and enjoyed the esteem and respect
of all our citizens. The letter is
full of misrepresentations and in
published solely for the purpose
of injurying Mr. Post, and if
possible to prevent his election.
Although politically we are op
posed to Mr. Post we condemn such
disreputable methods of this polit
ical opponents. The Reporter does
not believe in carrying on a cam
paign of dirty attacks against a
man's private character, and bring
ing his innocent wife and children
into the fight. We cannot believe
for a moment that the letter was
written by any citizen of Leon or
Decataur county."
The following editorials appears
in The Fact (alliance): "The malig
nity of Nebraska politics has just
been exhibited in a sensational
article in the World-Herald, a dem
ocratic paper in Omaha, in reviving
an old scandal against Judge A. M.
Post, formerly a resident of Leon,
Mr. Post has been a district judge
in Xebraska for ten or twelve years,
and is now the republican candidate
for supiciiie judge. In order to en
compass his defeat the World-Herald
revives the old charge against
him of twenty years ago, and by
skilfully working into said charges
just enough of truth to give them
on apperance of fairness and can
dor, produces a defamatory article
calculated to do Judge Post great
iujtisticc. Our oldest citizens who
know the charges made and met,
and the general circumstances sur
rounding them, pronounce the
article referred to, as grossly false
and malicious, and a paper to this
effect, circulated in our city
yesterday, was signed by our citi
zens without regard to political be
lief. The contemptible meanness
fjf 1 t,iiiM,r r(rri'd to. is show n bv
its sending a bundle of the issue
containing the scandalous article
here for distribution. These pa
pers were sent to members of the
party opposed to Mr. Post, who, to
their credit be said, refused to
handle them, and returned lln-iii to
the publishers. In the article,
anmng other falsehoods, it is as
serted that Mr. Post found I'on too
hot for him, and emigrated immedi
ately. Our citizens know this to be
false. He was a citizen of I'ou for
fiveorsix years after tlie charges
were made.
Hy appnintmeut of General Grant
he was made consul to the Cape
Verde island in 1X71, serving until
170; moving to Xebraska in the
winter of 1H7U. He was never in
dicted, as the article charges, und
was not expelled from the Masonic
lodge. We can overlook a great
deal in the heat of a political cam
pnigu when used for political pur
poses, but the sending of these in
famous paper into our midst ex
hibits u utalicousness and mean
neas below the ordinary depths of
tvartiso politics. Judge Post has
nothing to fear from a thorough
Investigation of his character and
reputation in our midst.
The correspondent was unable to
find more thanthree of the grand
jurymen before whom the charge
was made. Here is their testimony:
1. W. Ynst: "I live two and one
half miles from !.eon, and have
lived here since lHftfl. I was a mem
ber of the grand jury before horn
the rharire ol seduction was
brought against A. M," Post. There
was no Indictment brought against
him. I know A. M. Tost well, and
have always thought very highly
of him. I have heard the article in
the World-Herald read, nnd know it
is a most sciuiiTaloiirt and untruth
ful article. I recollect distinctly
that the woman making the charge
did not claim that Mr. Post had
promised to many her, for I asked
her the question myself."
John hirl.patrick (a democrat): "I
liie lived in Leon for thirty-five
j years. I was a member of the
grand jury before whom thecharge
tif seduction was made against A.
M. I'o.-L The charge that he was
j indicted is false. The evidence wiih
J heard on the woman's side and the
charge was ignored. The woman
1 swore that t-lie was engaged ut the
I time of the occurrence to Aaron
! J'ra.icr nnd that Mr. Post had never
; promised to marry lier. Mr. Pout
at all times after the charge had
the respect und coulidence of the
entire community und there was
nothing brought out in the investi
gation that shook the coulidence oi
the people in him."
S. A. Gates: "I have known Mr.
Post ever siuce he was a liy, J I
was a member of the gTand jury at
the time. I know the grand jury
failed to indict him. If it is the
newspaper that is doing thin it is
damnable. If it is a political party
doing it, it is beneath contempt
People who know Post und the cir
cumstances consider the story as
told in the World-Herald as an out
rage on decency and justice and an
insult to the friends of all con
cerned." Capt V. A. Abbett, who has long
been with Messrs. Precival and
Hattnn, Real Estate nnd Insurance
Brokers, Lce Moines, Iowa and is
one of the best known and most re
spected business men in that city
says: "I can testify to the good
qualitiea of Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy. Having used it in my
family for the past eight years, I
can safely say it has no equal for
either colds or croup." BOcent bot
tles for sale by Y. 0. Fricke A Co.,
Will you suffer with Dyspepsia
and Liver Complaint? Shiloh'a Vit
alizer is guaranteed to care you. 2
ThsOirl ofiha Futura.
Xow John, if I say yes, its on one
condition will you promise? You
had better say yes well, its that
von will get me a bottle of Haller's
Pain Pai alizer. Why? Itecause its
the best thing for headache and
rheumntisin I ever heard of and
then ita so nice fur babies when
they have the colic and diarrhea.
The Leading
.,-. a viV. 'i
T7i-''.i.ix.!-; : .4
CuDi-'.ituily keep on Imu'i everjtliin
you D'i'd to furnish jrnur lmue.
Waiis and lllaeksnilili ahp
Wngoo, Hugjry, Mncliiue anil
plow rtepiriut Hone
fit una tlie
Wlilcli it ths Isait huneiilion fur th
farmer, or fur faat driving, or for citj
purposes tvur inreiittd , It la so Diada
that anyone w.n put od iharp or flat
eorkt, u nneiud tor wet and slippery
daya, or imuotb, dry rotits. Call at
bin shop and sianuns the KKTiaairr
and yiu will dm bo other.
It North Fifth Ht. PlatUmouth
21? 819, 321 and 223 Main Bt,
Plattsmouth - Nebraska
H. K B0N3, Proprietor,
lbs Perkloa liaa buoo tlinrooehlt
ruDoyated from ton tc bottm and
now ono of the lmt boteli In tkt itats,
Boadart will lis Uksn ly the waek si
f 4.80 and up.
r r -a ' ' . w
( s
itxtr '.x'-c-- .
I 1 ' ' 1 1 f
ii'l. 1'nmjimi.i.ii- L-
la all that foet to make ap a Gr.t
vr r
r .V, ...
tlieir stovea in
and thua are enabled to undersell all competitora.
7if1y-0qe Snniplo Slopes,
Ti.. l..t:.- ii i .it .
aiio lUKjiaui, uomoanu ci'ieiiratcd
This firm has the ex
clusive agency of Uie
celebrated anti rusting
tinware guaranteed for
one year.
A large line ef Cop-
perware, tinware, and
he Place for bargains in every departitient of our mammoth stock :
Hardwnrn. '
Call and sec us at the corner of
11th and Elm street, one hloch
north of Ileisel's mill.
Flattemouth, STobraska
n 4i.!. 4..
nri a r m a w wwwwmwwit n a
J tillllg 1 V a
Ilavin" Durthiieil the J. V.
Main etr'ect where lam now
cr than the cheapest having
of new goods ever brought
and lurnilure of all kinds noM
A Full and Complete Una of
Drugs, Medicines, Paints, and Oils.'.
Prescriptions CarefuIIj Compounded nt all IIour'4
AVir'Mlsnsill ti'
r , i i rv
'."" . i rvi r-i w rj i
- a ri -v i .
...,vv' . y
cU - ia linn ot IIarJwn). Thej bij
i V-7
ill ; f
J f "
ft. r i i
ii i i
K. Mil 1 1-L i ; , 11
-. ,. , .,
lioinid Uhk nro their
fir Specialtj. y r
They also carry I
line assortment oi car r
penter tools, Cutlery J
and shelf hardware, t:
U i-ricea nave ueen cutir.,
right down to auit tkfjna
tiinsa i
,i. v.n, ir iiiijk
III ill hi jv .
AT h
a.ia 1 1
WWkbach storo room on nouth
locatoil I can nil ootls cheap f
jut put in the largest ntock a
to the. city. Gasoline Etove
on the installment plan,
it ( y i ' if
f i:i
' .
r. ca
i 1
I r 1