The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, October 21, 1891, Image 2

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Plaitsinouth Daily Herald
nor destroy
ministries ot eur
K NOTTS BROS, Publisher
aad daily eTcj
trailing eierpt Huudaj.
rU?KMied jii the flattanniutU, Nb..
fflcfor lraiiHiiiUioii tiirmiirD tii V. h.
at aeeond ruli.
Office eonier Vina nd Filth ilrwia.
copy, ono jeir, Id nUviH.iv ....
Pse oiy, one year, not la a'lvn'e
i eopy, six monthf, lu advance . ..
6a 'P?, three mnthi', tu atvinca.
TtHM rR DAIl.t
Oaa top one lar In ........
Una copy ptr iwk, by mrrit'r
)n eopy, per niootb
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LY, OCTOHE8. 20. I1
F.i AwMiatt Junlra .( thr Kuprtme Court
( A. M. POST of Pl;it!f.
- f ' RttaiiUi of tin state Urlf vrlty
H. P. SUCH AT of Illlul .
C. B. n( I ta
FarCleri of the Dl.trlct Court :
for Tiaaarrr:
Var MheriS :
foi County Tleik :
Far County Jii1 :
per Cntiacy nunenGmdent :
Far I'araae. :
Fsrlarreyar :
For OraMilesloaer Pint DMrlat ;
The republican party of the mate
f Nebraska give renewed expres
sion of it derotion to the princi
ples of the republican party and de
, cUres that those principles, aa ex-
sucanru uj tuc uauuaai rrpuoncsn
convention, should be the strong
Mjiui ui union oeiwren au repno
iraaa in the state of Nebraska.
We congratulate the people upon
the marvelous prosperity attending
the development and growth of the
Mateot Nebraska duriuv ita twenty
fosr Yars of atatthood under re.
publican administration, and which
has bronght ua to the Iront rank
arsonir Iht leadiuir states of the
anion; and we can fearlessly assert
last n state winch has (rn coa
trolled by democratic power, during
aay consiiterabl time of the same
period, can compare with us in the
economical management of public
a (lairs, in the rapid ratio of increase
ta population, wealth and general
prosperity, notwithstanding the
fact that there are within the
lordera of the state a number of
disaatiiified p-rri who took ad
antiige of the general financial de
pression whirli swerit nvrr the en
tire country to pave' their way into
temporary prominence by declaim
ing against the welfare of. our peo
ple and Hhindfring the fair name of
our state. The rains front heaven
and the rich soil, vigorously culti
vated by the energetic hiinds ot our
firmer, have produced such bount
iful crop and fiich iinriviil-d pros
perity that shall silence ail calam
ity talkers and add to the strength
.inn rmuusiiiHin ot the repd! lu an
Wc congratulate President ll.irri-
MlllllltMIII hia fllliltlMltly ,.;.l
a nil o itir.'igeoii4 !iliiiitii!r:ition,iiriil
declare our iib-olute contiilence in
hia integrity, ability and patrio
tism, and pledge him our rordinl
support in the discharge of tin
duties devolving upon him aa' the
chief magistrate of the nation.
We rejoice in the restoration of
uiirnitv. viiror and Ktatesuiaiiship in
the conduct of our foreign adairM
tinder the guiding hand of Amer
ica's favorite son, James 0. Ulaine.
e approve ot Itie silver coinage
act ot llie present administration.
by which the entire product of the
silver mines of the L uitt-d States is
..,.-.,..... , . , .
.....-. ... tt. ii.,u ,11 ) vi me peoiie,
but we denounce itie democratic
doctrine of free and unlimited coin
age of silver as a financial policy
iiabie to precipitate the people ol
every city and every state in the
Union in a prolonged and disas
trous depression, and delay the re
vival of business enterprise and
prosperity so ardently desired and
now so apparently mar. The free
iind unlimited coinage of silver
would tend to the hoarding of gold
and to force the use of cheap money
in the payment of wages in every
workshop, mill, factory, store and
farm, and tend to the scaling down
of the wage- of the toilers and
weakening the purchasing power of
the dollar which would be used to
among our own
the developing
country. .
We are heartily In favor of the
general provisions of the interstate
commerce act, und we demand the
, regulation ot all railway and trans
portation lines in such a manner as
to insure fair and reasonable rates
, to the producers and cousuinrrtt of
the C'jtiiitry.
! We favor such legislation n.1 will
prevent all illegal combinations
and unjust exactions by aggregated
capital una corporate lowers. v e upon the suppression of all
li iials, combines and schemes ile.
i signed to urtii'aially increase, the
price of the necessaries ol life,
i U e regard the world's Columbian
exposition a.s an iinporUiut event in
the world's hisioiv. II lit I we Hie in
s'1 i'. ... ,i... ..;ii,,.
II. .11 l) BJ. Itlt " " 11 J 1 "'"1
to make it a success. We should
make a creditable exhibit ol
Nebraska's products, and we favor
an additional appropriation by the
next legislature for this purpose,
that our prosperity and greatness
may be fully exemplified. We take
pride in this state We recognize
iimi its iTTnwth and power, its pros
perity and good name have been
the fruits of its industrial people,
and we believe in such imlicies,
state and national, as will promote
justice and widen the opportunities
uniting these classes. To their sup
port in the future, as in the past, we
pledge our most intelligent judg
ment and most sincere endeavor.
We denounce the orand Island
platform of the democratic party as
framed with the delitx-rate purpose
to misl. ad and deceive; wherein
sympathy is expressed where none
is felt; wherein help is proposed
where none is rendered; wherein
purposes ate avowed which are not
entertained. In support of this in
dictment we point to the pretended
friendship for the soldier, while at
the same time the democratic party
has always tiroclaimed against the
granting of liberal pensions; to the
free silver plank, intended to deceive
the supporters of free and unlim.
ited coinage of silver, when it is
known that many of the leaders of
the party are opposed to the doc
trine; to the failure to give the re
lief from eihorbitant freight rates
while it was afraid to either ap
prove or censure the action of its
acting alien governor for vetoing
the Newberry bill.
VTe denounce the democratic
party for its insinuations against
the integrity of the supreme court
of the state as an effort to make the
judicial powers subordinate to
political parties and aa disgraceful
to a political organisation.
We denounce the democratic
party for Its double dealing with
the civil and political rights of the
people, wherein it appears to favor
u eo aim uniramineieu elections in
me state ot Nebraska, but never
raises its voice against the political
outrages practiced against the re
publican voters, white and black,
throughout the democratic states of
the south.
We arrais-ntbe democratic party
as the enemy of labor, scheming tj
oreak down the defense ol protec
live laws, to block the wheels of
home industry, and to degrade the
masses ol the people party con
trolled by aristocratic and sectional
tendencies, the legacy of slavery,
i The republican party of Nebraska
appeals to the intelligence and to
the integrity of the people of this
state and from all good citim-ns we
invite support.
to do so, it was dismiss.' not i n
account of any tec.hu1 JhliUy or
favoritism for me but t cause the
charge was not true and jould not
be sustained by proof. .
I was never expelled Irom the
Masonic lodge in Ia oh or irlawhere,
and could never nave vft n rcin
stnfed had I been expcllel (or the
reason Muted by your correspond-;
ent. )
1 believe I enjoy the respect of
the people of Leon, where I lived
for so many years and where I fre
quen'ly go lo vi-;it r. li'tive-- hid
absolutely ciri.iin the charge i f
twenty years ago would inner have
been revived hud 1 continued '
reside in Leon, where I have been
known ever since my boyhood.
I trust you will irive this; denial
equal prominence with th accusa
tion, Kespectfuliy ours.
A. ?LrMT.
I'mepake for the great republican
landslide that will sweep the
country iwo weeks hence.
TflB friends of Gov. Campbell are
now wishing that gentleman had
declined nomination.
purchase the products of the farmer.
Ve are in favor of having every
dollar ns good as any other dollar.
We demand the maintenance of
the American system of protection
to American industry and labor, the
policy that has been identified with
everv period of our notional pros
perity. We admire the genius of that
heroic statesman, William MrKin
ley, Jr., whom the people of Ohio
will make their next governor as a
recognition of his magnificent ser
vices to the country . rie also com
mend and endorse that policy of re
ciprocity by which the Central and
TlIE democrats throughout the
country are scared worse this year
than they have been since the year
of the draft.
Si;..TiiH VixiKiir.i.s. thinks the
democrats are making a mistake in
lodging a di-cussion of the tdlver
question in Ohio. Wonder what be
thinks about his party in New York
Massachusetts, Iowa and Nebraska.
The "Canadian Manufacturer "h3
this to say concerning a flourishing
city of Iowa:
"A factory in Otiumwa, Iowa, hns
increased five fold its facilities lor
the manufacture of cutlery, and the
number of hands employed by it
. Iiwi - Kim. ,...: ....I .. I,..,... fl
the new taritf. The Ottumwa
Courier explains that the enlarged
works will compete with foreigners
in the production of a class of cut
lery which the United States was
not able to manufacture with suc
cess under former duties in Compe
tition with niiikers of other coun
ti ies. At the same time that
journal states that the prices of
cutlery nre no higher in Ottumwa
tnan they were hclore the new
duties were unproved. Ihese are
interesting facts, and they accord
precisely with what is known of the
trade in eusU'rrt stales, rrotectiou
does it!"
The democratic policy is opposed
to all this.' There was nothing in
the Mills bill that would have in
creased the number of men em
ployed in one factory of one city in
Iowa by 400, and an increase of 400
adult operatives, represents an in-
cease of 2,000 io the number of
mouths to be filled with farm prod
acts, bodies to be clothed, minds to
be instructed. The enlargement of
the home markets by this 2,000 who
require school b6oks,' newspapers,
houses, furniture, artificial light,
coal, groceries, and clothes neces
sarily is considerable. But this
case of increase is but one out of
many that are evident in Iowa, and
those that are now evident are but
prognostications of the many that
will be evident a year hence. For
the operation of the McKinley bill
is as yet but in an early and in
complete stage.
If the people of Iowa are wise
they will cast a large majority of
votes in favor of the party that in
sures protection and prosperity to
home Industries. If they are fool
ish they will cast a majority for the
party that believes it to be the
eternal destiny of the northern
aiaies io produce cheap grain and
meat for the cheap laborers in
European factories, und for the yet
cheaper laborers that toil in the
cotton fields of the southern
oligarchs. Inter Ocean. ,
W'K rarely hear a republican say
that he will scratch his ticket. The
republicans realise the importance
of showing their full strcn;lli this
year and will be govcreued accordingly.
Last year the opponents of the
McKinley bill made u great howl
about the general rise iu prices
that was certain to result from its
passage nnd the friends of the bill
could only di ny the charge; but
this year fter the bj! has been
tested these yelper have not only
been silenced, but toe honest voters
throughout the country are con
vinced of the dishonest motives
that prompted the democratic
party to abuse the bill.
Judge I'ost has sent the fol owing
letter to the World Herald, and it
ought to satisfy that professional
mud slinger:
Omaha, Oct, 20. ToO. Fl. Hitch
cock. - Dear Sir: I notice by your
editorial in to-day's World-Herald
that you think my denial of the
charge of seduction is not sufficient
ly specific. My own opinion
was that the necessary inference
from the facts stated by me
Hiuoiifited to a denial, quite as em
Noilth A nn-nrrifi ii-.ifntii urt.t llw,
Spanish Indies nre being opened up 1 P,la,ic H" ' I'1"1 "'! so in express
to our trade upon favorable terms j terms. I wish now to say in the
md t,y which all the surplus most emphatic terms that I was not
products of our country ma y find a t, i . i tu . i
luurk, land by which all our people!"''' ,hr f,"4rK' Thi,t
Hhall receive in exchange therefore though the grand jury is a secret
;i long line of products which dojbodyand I had no chance to de.
not produc ruinous competition , mya, f, and made no attempts
Capt. W. A. Abbett. who has lontr
been with Messrs. 1'recival iiini
Ilatton, Real Estate and Insurance
Hrokers. I )i s.Moines, Jown and is
one of the best known and most re
spected biifiness men in that city
says; lean tistiiy to tin- ;iiiih
qualities of Cbouil i rlain's Cough
IVeuiedy. Having loed it in my
family for the past ciht years, 1
can nli 1 v cay it has no einial lor
cither cohls or croup." rod ent bot
tles for sale by 1;. O. Ericke ic Co..
f have not tHe.J all of one bottle
yet. I mi iff red from catarrh for
twelve years, experiencing the
nauseating dropping in the throat
jM-ciiliar to that disease, nd nose
bleed almost daily, . 1 tried various
remedies without benefit until last
A pnl. valval .;.v !.!; Cress: a!;a
Hinerlise'i in tin- iost'n luniet,
I procured a lottle.and since the
lirst day's use have had no more
bleeding the soreness is entirely
gone.-1). O. Ilavidsoii, with the
Kufton lludgit, toriueily with the
Boston Journal.
We have sold lily's Cream itulm
about three years, and have re
commended its use iu more than n
hundred .special cases of catarrh.
The unanimous answer to our in
quiries is, "It s the best remedy that
I haveever used." Our experience
is, that where parties continued its
use, it never fails to curs'.- J. H.
Montgomery, A Co., Druggists, I)e
cornh, Iown.
When I begun using Ely's Cream
Halm my rli was so bad 1 hail
headache the whole time und dis
charged h large amount of filthy
matter. 1 list has almost entirely
disappeared and have not hud head
ache acietii e. J. Souuners.Stephney,
WOucorfal. y
K. W. Sawyer, of Rochester, is ,
a prominent dealer in general
merchandise, and who runs several
fteddling wagons, had one of hia
lorsja badly cut and burned with a
lariat. The wound refused to heal.
The horse became lame and still
noww ithstaiiding careful attention
and the application of remedies. A
friend handed Sawyer Some of
liaiier's li.iri) Wire Line mem, the
most wonderful thing ever saw to
heal such wounds. He applied it
only three times and the sore was
completed healed. Equuliy good
for nil sors, cuts, bruses, and
wounds. Tor sale by all druggist
A Cure for Paralvsla.
Frank Cornelius, of I'urcell, J nd.
Ter., says: "I induced Mr. I'mson,
whose wife had paralysis in the face
to buy a bottle of Chamberlain's
Pain lialnt. To their great sunrise
oeiore toe 00; tie nan ail been used
she was 11 great deal better. Her
face had been drawn to one side'
but the Pain lialm relieved ali
pain and soreness, and the mouth
assumed its natural shape." It is
also a certain cure for rheumatism
lame buck, sprains swellings and
lameness, jf) cent botties tor Bale
by V. O. ErickeACo., DruggisU."
YouA$rM y'jis S-yhYx Cluo?.
Ttis FcsorlSi pt-Ai'l hi ops,
00 7'5 ftfE fOR'Tfl
Reduced Hale.
The It. A. M. will sell tickets 011 the
certificate plan at the rate of one
and one-third fare for the round
trip, ss follows'
To Kansns City. Mo.. Oct 20 23, on
account of the minimi meeting of
the American Public Health Asso
ciation. Mt Pleasant, In.. Oct. 21-25,811 nual
meeting of the Y. M. C. A.
SL Louis, Mo., Oct 22 25, annual
meeting Brotherhood of SL Andrew.
Waverly, Is., Nov. 10-11 annual
convention Iowa Hutter and Egg
Des Moines, Ia.,annual convention
Iowa state harmers Alliance.
', V , -'f t
,1 Af ! Vilt-.f J
1 V i . .;
hsve received b nice line of
pattern hats and would be pleased
10 snow them to the ladies of Plutts
mouth and vicinity. We have se
cured Miss Ilemple as trimmer.
VTantkd Some good cotton rars
I una nines. 11
Elootrto Bitters.
This remedy is becoming so well
and so popular as to need no special
mention. All who have used Elecl
trie Hitters sing the same song of
praise. A purer medicine does not
. V i M t RnH it la rt!5f!!StM't l
that ia claimed". ETectric Bitters
will -cure all diseases of the liver
and kidneys, will remove - pimples,
boils, salt rheum and other affec
tions caused by impure blood.
Will drive malaria from the system
and prevent as well as cure all ma
larial fevers. For cure of headache,
constipation and indigestion try
Electric Bitters. Entire satisfaction
Guaranteed, or money refunded.
rice 50c and $1 per bottle at K. G.
Fricke k Co's drugstore. 8
The Leading
Mr. C. B. Jones, of Sting Hill
Iown, says: "I have used Chamber,
lain' Pain llalui for severe and
painful burns with better effect than
anything I have ever tried. It re
lieves the pnin instantly and enres
without leuviug a scar. I'Hin Balm
is oueof the most useful medicines
that any families can be provided
with, esperialy for rheumatism,
lame bark, sprains, bruises, tooth
ache.ear ache and like minimis.
One application will relieve the pain
and a fair trial insure 11 cure. Till
cent bottles for ssle by J". Vs. I-iii ka
A Co. Druggists.,
Conrtantiy keeii on Land evirytliin
you ruwl to fur 11 lli your huiuu.
Wapon, liug-y, Machine nd
pluw Ib.piiriiuj dons
He una the
Which it tlis heat bonxulioe fur tha
farmer, or fur ft driving, or for citj
purpuMSi-ver iu yen ted. Ills so niads
tliat anyone cf.n jiut oo iliarp or flat
corks, as Deded fur wet nd ilippery
daja, or smooth, dry rosilc Clf at
bis shop and examine the
and you will ue no oilier. .
I J North Fifth Ht, PUtUmout b
21? 319, 221 and 2 J. 'I Main Ht.,
Plattsmouth Nebraska
H. M B0K3, Propriotor,
lbs fYrkiu Lai Isxo thoroughly
renovated from top to '.Kit;,, and is
sow one of th bst LuteU In the aUts.
Bosrduni will Is) takan by the wtsk at
t4.n0 and op.
AUW TM IT ? P !il?oo .
in all that goes to muke up a first cU line of IlarJware. They b
uit'ir Btoves in
nd thus are enabled to undersell all competitors.
yifty-Oiic Sqniplc Stores,
The lUdiant Home and celebrated Hound Oak are their Specialtj. i
This firm has the ei
clusive agency of the
celebrated snti-rusting
tinware guaranteed for
one year.
A large line of Cop
perwsre, tinware, and
They also carry
fise assortment of caj
penter tools, Cutlej
snd shelf hardware, 1
CPrices have been cC
right down to suit ts
The Place for Kargsins in evsry department of our mammoth stsckJi
Call and see us at tlic
11th and Elm Htreet,
north of Ilciscl's mill.
UBAUCM LH rl.Mt LUiIrir.ll, 1
DOOIU, nLINOS,sod all buildina- autenaJ
corner ci
ono bloc
Plattsmouth, iTebrashr)
Everything to Furnish Your House.
Having 'tiurchascd tho J.V. Wockliachfstore room on houUi
Main Htrtct where Iain now located I can bell good cheap
cr than the cheapest having jut put in the largest fctock
of new goods ever brought to the city. Gasoline fctove
and furniture of all kindHHoldon the installment plan.
. A full snd Complete, line of 11
Drugs, Medicines, Paints, and Oils.
Prescriptions Carefully Compounded at all Hour
K.Y LWi'HUI!H.4 Vivrm BC,!-. frit. WeU w
! l
- '