The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, October 20, 1891, Image 3

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    C. MAYES
eouoty slerk will be
oralkk ik ram
Fiu.i. t.ium or
always in stock
Paid up capital
. 10.U00.09
Offers tn ve ry uet faculties for the promp
transaction of llgltimate
Banking Business
Stocks, bonds, gold, government and local ?
juri.le bought and sold. Deposits receiver
and interest allowed on the eertifici
Dnfts drawn, available In any part of rn
Dotted State aud all the principal town o
TID. Highest market ptce pii for County wai
ranu. State ana County bonds.
John Fitzgerald -Hwi'wrt h
9am Waugb. F. K. Wbls
George E. Dovey
John Fitzgerald. 8-
Preeldent Carfr,
3-l $
Oayttal stock paid In
Authorized Capital, 1 00,000
President. vle-PTsMM
W. H. CU8H1NW. Ca-hier.
rrauK Can-nth J. A. Connor. V. K. CiutMij i
J. W.Johastm. Henry Bclt, John O'Keele
W. I. Merriam. Wra. VTetenrawp. W.
H. dishing.
snues ceatlflcute of deposits faring inters-i
Huvn and sell exchange, county and
Cor Main and Fifth street.
Paid up capital
.. 25 0'IC
O. U. Parnele ,r. "resident
Fred tiorner Vice 11 -fuUnt
J. M. Patterson ' aslieir
T. M. Patterson. A-st a-liier
O. H. Par i elf. .1. M. Patterson, Fred border
A, H. Smitn. li. B. Windham, B. S. K;i?ney and
T. M.Patteison
Accounts solU tte l. Iriertrst allved on tin;'
deposits and jironiot at.i'tiourir-n ? :i bus
iness entrusted to its care.
Chamberlain's Eyo and Skin,
Ointment. ,
A certain cure for Chronic Sore Eye?,
Tetter, Salt Rhenm, Scald Head, Old
Chronic Sores, Fever Sores, Eczema,
Itch, Prairie Scratches, Sore Kippla3
and Piles. It is cooling &ad soothing.
Hundreds of coses have been cured by
it after all other treatment had failed.
It Is put ap in 23 and SO cent boxes.
Chichesters English.
LaitlM. Mk OruraK Ur IMUirt ia(bA
te3 mli wiLti hia nslim. Tabs mm
AU fiUt In rMobmii kom, pmt iwmnwtoMmnmituftln At DraRira. or ami aa
a-c. is mma (w rtnnian, I in una, la.
1 ".lliia Taaumanfua. AaaM fammr.
Catalogue howinxj" pictures of
oar Pianos and telling about them
MATTiET) FREE. Our patent SOFT
STOP Bares wear, malrirtg the Piano
more durable, and stopping the an
nojing noise of practising.
We take OLD PIANOS in EX
MENTS, and send Pianos ON AP
PBOYAli to be returned at our ex
pense for raalwaT freights if not ner-
zeetlj gatiafactory, eren tioujh you
Has Opend up Tha
Finest. Cleanest, Cosiest -
Where may be found choice wines
liquors and cigars.
always on hand.
I want your Poultry, Eggs, But
ter ana yotir farm produce of all
kinds, I will pay you the highest
tcash price as I am buying f
tor a
I firn in Lincoln.
Plattsmonth - - Nebraska
p J. H:A:N:S:E:N
Floe Fold a Specially
. toiih m -i rif. l?u'(Io Solicited
Keej all kimls of builder hardware oj !i;uid
and will eupply contract rs o most lav
untitle terjis
; tin roofing :
and :U kinrts ot tin work promptly
one. Orders from the coiunry Solicited
616 ;Val t.
; ' ?..'!. S- jS' and ben ;i: Ilea tlic hair.
ti'i'JKr jtS Promutm a luxuriant growth.
w:-v!-T; vJ. Kevcr Fails to Kestore Gray
I 'i.Ji i?:-ST I Hair to Tocthfnl Color.
1 " '.1 ..A. " ' u I aaalp ilinwi c tair Uiki.g.
I o larker' G-iner Tonir. ii wr tlic wvrt C"uii,
"Wfftk. l,una. IVbiUrr, InuiK1011 Fa.in1' in time. JOcU.
HIMpERCORNS. Thr onlr ure cur- for Corns,
bfcjps aUpAib. iJc m Xirvi&isU, or liiaCUX 4c CO. M. Y.
Red Cross
Diamond Brand
Tin .!, IWfe. larn. ll wImXi Pill tor mt.
Vimmmd Bran ia S4 aaa CaM vaiiia
uki. ItImL fiftai HirtlhiMrwn eix JMmMm
a4 afiJli r hr
u4 oateDcr fWr 1 aialna aa trMar. M rcar Maab
lire 003 o2e9 trrc?.
1 fi
A Toui iirl wl'h 'ho Aid of tier ravitb
fut I'ony SeeurtM Four Bodies.
Odi Nbratka hud been to visit at
tier neighbor's aud started for home
when it was nearly dark, bnt as it was
a moonlight rnht noe did not feel lonelj
arid had juat thoaght. "What a lovely
evening for a ride!' when she heard pat
tering tt s. Looking aronnd, she saw
two wolves stealthily following She
ored her iony to his greatest speed, aud
tried to- think out what she should do
for she wan by this time only half w:ty
home, and Hcven miles from the nearest
She kept perfectly still because riln
'kuew tl'a' if she ecrenmed before she
attacked, although it would scare v
annuals away for a time, they won; '
retnru and would soon get used to tin
noise and not be frighteued by it. S:'f
felt certain h few of them would tn t
dare attack her, for wolves are verv
cowardly, but she also knew that lii";
wouhl suiuuiou the rest of the (;..
almost instantly.
The wolve.s were now in full pursuit
and she, glancing bark, saw there were
three. She was alarmed indeed not
and as they were gaining on her every
minute she knew something must le
done if she was to reach home alive
She knew the wolves would not long
hesitate to attack her, for there was quite
a large pack of them gathering. Uer
pony. too. sniffed danger, and the next
instant, before she comprehended what
he was going to do. he had tnrned and
sprung right into the midst of the snarl
ing pack, pawing and kicking right aud
He bad not forgotten his wild habits,
nor how he had many times saved him
self from the ferocious animals. And
now his bravery-stood his mistress in
good stead, for as his feet came down on
the wolves fierce yelps showed that he
was not dealing gentle taps. In a few
seconds there were four stretched dead
on the ground, and the others had fled.
The yonng rider had thonght, as soon
as she knew what he was going to do,
that she was safe if she could keep on
his back, aud this required all her
strength and skilL When the pack was
gone she looked down at the dead bodies
and shuddered as she thought of her nar
row escape. With no injuries and only
a few anxious minutes she had secured
fonr dead wolves, worth more than fifty
She dismounted and slung them over
Pawnee's back and then galloped home.
No need of saying that her father and
mother were surprised to see her come
op to the door and exhibit triumphantly
four slain wolves!
After this glorious exploit the pony
was more petted than before. Did he not
deserve it? Kate M. Putney m bt.
Hvmrj Inch Soldier.
A good story is told on one of the
officers connected with a local militia
company. For a number of days before
the inspection of the citizen soldiery the
officer in question would each afternoon
retire to the privacy of his own bed
chamber, in the second story of his resi
dence, and after dressing himself in full
regimentals would put an imaginary
company of soldiers through a lively
course of drilling. He would clasp his
sword at the hilt with one hand and at
the point with the other, and then walk
backward as if viewing the alignment of
his troops. .
It so happened that while going
through this maneuver one afternoon,
be walked backward into an open stair
way and tumbled into a heap on the
floor of the room below, and presented
anything but a soldierly and dignified
appearance as he lay there rubbing hia
bruises. His good wife was in the room
attending to some household duty, aud
6he rushed to the side of the fallen hero.
and in anxious and tender voice asked
him if he were hurt.
With a quick bound her husband re
gained his feet, aud coming to an "at
tention," in a voice of thunder roared
out: "Hurt.' rso, woman; what do you
know about war?" and then ran back
up stairs ana aismisseu uis soiaiers.
naconda (Alon.) Standard.
Her First News.
Among the uninjured passengers in
the Ravenna disaster was a young man.
a New Yorker, who had been on a. visit
to a maiden aunt living in a western
city, bue was a devout Christian, and
had been much concernedover certain
worldly tendencies in this her favorite
nephew On the day of his departure
ehe had especially pleaded with him to
renounce the mammon of unrighteous
ness, alternating her prayers with ner
vous fears over hia coming journey.
When the young man got out of his
;ar after the .collision, considerably
bruised and shaken up, he realized his
aunt s anxiety if she should read of the
accident, and rushing to the telegraph
office wired her the emotional message.
Thank Ood, I'm saved."
The dispatch was received before any
tidings came of the casualty, and the
gentle soul supposed that her nephew
bad suddenly came to a realizing sense
of his spiritual condition, and much re
joiced thereat she wrote a long letter of
grateful congratulation to him, and told
the happy news to her little coterie of
intimates before she discovered her seri
ous" mistake. Her Point of View in
New York Times.
Uudr to Bit Aroautl.
Among the conveniences, almost ne
cessities, kept in the pantry by every
housewife, are pieces of blotting paper,
a bottle of iodide of potash and a solu
tion of starch. . This is most fortunate,
because I read in the paper today that
after the passage of an electric storm a
good deal of ozone is left sneaking around
behind the stove, in the cellarway, up in
the garret and so on. With the articles
mentioned lying handy on the pantry
shelf, all one has to do to detect this
ozone is to make a compound of the
f-J' r - - v, . f y r ' -K -.
Hurl ton lra Afp!iuifi by an Au
ttlruri Ninety Mi lea Awa)
John E McWade. the well-known
baritone, wan ul the Columbia with
len and Hart's New L:iU-r On." Mr
McWade, it will be remeinoered, in the
singer who popularized "C mirades. bu
he is a nice ft llow in hpile of that. He
and bis little family have a delightful
home at Mouut Vernon, near New York
city. During the summer Mr. McWade
sang in light tiera in Milwaukee, and in
every production, wtiether the scene was
laid in Veuice or Japan, the audience
howled for Comrades'' until John
8tepiHl to the footlights, winked at tin
leader of the orchestra and proceeded to
rendt r that venerable ballad as he only
can render it.
When here he and his wife stopied at
the Windsor hotel. Earlv one morning
Chief Clerk Jasper received a mensrige
saying that Haritone McWade was want
ed at the public telephone fetation, where
a party in Milwaukee desired to hoi-J
converse with him. Mr. Jasper carrieJ
the message to the McWade parlors in
The baritone was indulging in hi?
morning nap or beauty sleep, when he
learned what was wanted. He hastily
arose, donned his clothes and rushed
over to the telephone station, where lie
entered the long distance telephone bo
and took up the receiver.
"Hello!" he shouted, "is that Mi!
"Yes," came the answer, faint bci
clear. "Is that John McWade?"
"It is," replied the singer. "Who !
Tm Billy Crosby, from Chicago." .
"Hello. Billy! what are you doing ti"
'Had to run up here on business ia.-t
night. Say, J ohn, I want you to do me
a favor, if you wilL
"With pleasure. What is itT
"Just sing me the first verse and
chorus of 'Comrades, will yon?"
"Well, I'll be "said McWade half
to himself and the other half to Crosby
in Milwaukee.
'Go ahead, John. I've paid the tolls.
Td give five dollars to hear 'Comrades
now. If youH sing Fll open a small
bottle when I meet you tomorrow."
"All right; here goes," replied Mc
Wade with a laugh, and he started in
on "Comrades," 6inging it as he never
sang it before. One of the messenger
boys tiptoed over and quietly opened the
door of the long distance box.
Then the whole force of the office
knocked off work and drank in the
superb melody as it rolled from the ban
tone's lungs to Milwaukee by wire. As
he wound up the song with a high note
he heard Crosby say, "Wait a minute.
John." Then he plainly heard the Mil
waukee receiver drop and Crosby clap
his hands vigorously in front of the
transmitter. It was genuine applause
from ninety miles' away, and it sounded
as sweetly to the singer as though it had
been the roar of a vast audience.
"Thanks. John. That was great. The
bottle goes. Tell Clayton to put it on
ice now." came the faint voice. "Good
by." "Goodby," said John, and he chuckled
all the way back to his hotel. Chicago
A Kuropcan Ideaw
A matrimonial clubhouse is among
recent innovations in a European city.
It is a large, roomy building, divided
into seven! Jiu trtments, in one of which
portraits ; n woman subscriber are
exhibit' - nill descriptions of her
age. tt ; . ine. color of hair, eyes,
etc., . ""' feet, and meas-
nreniv. and general con
tour. 't;iai- at.-. . brief account of
her life, wlvt'ier widow or spinster, and
of her par'it-iiJar penchant in alliance
with bachelor or widower, merchant,
lawyer or jurist, etc., all nicely tabu
lated aud set forth. In another room
are the iortraits of men candidates for
connubial bliss, but the descriptions are
less elaborate, and confine themselves to
an enumeration of the social status of
the candidate and his financial condi
A general reading room provides a
medium for mutual meeting, and is pre
sided over by an ancient dame who knits
interminable stockings. There are alao
private rooms for more confidential tete-a-tete.
One of the curious rules ol the
place is that only ladies may enter the
room where the men's portraits are, and
men only are admitted to the women's
gallery. They must meet in the com
mon room. The establishment is con
ducted on moral principles, and the num
ber of matches on its books approximate
1,000. New York Sun.
A Collection of Crowns.
A whole collection of crowns is keDt
at the royal palace (the Kremlin) at Mos
cow, Russia. These relics of denarted
greatness they nearly all come from
countries which have been subjugated by
the Russians are kept in what is known
as the "Throne Room" of the Kremlin.
Here are shown the crowns of Poland.
Kazan, Georgia, Astrakhan and Persia,
besides the thrones and other royal in
signia too numerous to mention!. Be
sides the crowns of conquered nations,
those of almost all the czars may be
seen in that vast treasure house.
The most curious one of the lot is the
double crown made for Peter the Great
and his half witted brother; the most
costly that of the Empress Catherine,
which contains 2.536 diamonds of the
first water. St. Louis Republic..
Told too Trmth.
Young Lady 1 paid you a high pries
for these kid gloves, and a friend of
laine, who is an expert, says they are
not kid at at alL He says they are mads
of catskin.
Dealer Shnst vat I said, mine tear
young lady. 1 pole you cay was kit
gloves. Good News.
' A 1UI DitCMte.
Doctrr I believe you have some tort
, t , . . - ,
Kablita Lrajiaa m Otlaafc.
The effects upon animals of a change
ia the conditions of their life Is a favorite
topic among zoologists, who find that
nearly evejy species of animals existod
in some other than its present form at
some previous epoch of the world. The
whale, for instance, was once a land ani
mal Forced to take water for a living,
he became in time much more like a fish
in shai than like a land animal.
According to a Tasmanian paper a
modification of the form of a familiar
Euro(ean animal is going on in the
Australian world under the eye of the
ieople there
The Australian rabbit, imported from !
England, is acquiring nails on hi? feet
and learning to climb As is well known,
the rabbits ot Australia have increased I
to such enormous uumbers that thev
have become a great pest, swarming
over the land and devouring the farm
ers crops
In order to protect their fields the
farmers put up wire netting in place of
fences. The rabbits could not get
Mi rough these, bnt tbey presently began
to burrow beneath them.
Then the farmers sank the nettings six
or eight inches into the soil. This stopied
the rabbits from getting in by diggin,
bnt they presently began to attempt U
climb over the netting.
As the result of tins climbing. It is
said, the rabbits are developing a nail in
their toes. The nail development b;is
been noticed in Queensland, and still
later in Tasmania.
According to the theory of natural
selection, it is likely presently to happen
that in certain districts only those rab
bits will survive which can climb at
least a little, and in this way a race of
climbing rabbits may be developed.
Chicago Mail.
Tha Baaalan National Hymn.
The great part which the RAissian na
tional hymn has played in western En
rope since the French fraternization with
Russia has started much inquiry about
its origin. - According to the Frank
furter Zeitung. the hymn is not yet sixty
years old, and was first used for its pres
ent purpose nnder Czar Nicholas. When
he made his tour in Prussia and Austria,
in the year 1833, he was accompanied by
Adjutant General Alexei Feodorowitsch
Luoff. a passionate violinist and a com
poser of some skilL The czar was im
pressed by the fact that every regimental
band in Berlin and Vienna greeted him
by playing the national hymn of their
own country, and this was apologized for
by the known absence of any recognized
national hymn in the great empire which
he ruled.
Nicholas was much impressed by the
deficiency, and during his return jour
ney toward St. Petersburg had much
talk with Luoff upon the subject, and at
last ordered him to compose a hymn for
the Russian military bands. Luoff here
upon set music to Schulowsky's "God
Be the Czar's Protector." The Schulow-sky-Luoff
hymn was first played pub
licly before the ezar on Nor. 23, 1833.
and so pleased the sovereign that by a
nkase of Dec. 4 of the same year he or
dered it to be adopted as the national
hymn of Russia. Luoff was not only re
warded by the gift of a gold snuff box
set with diamonds, but permission was
given to him and his heirs to adopt the
first line of the hymn as the family
Th True fVay of Look Ine mt FII
1 have made a practice all my life,"
said a very successful man, "of looking
upon failures as stepping stones, rungs
on the ladder of life, anything but dis
couragements. .When I was yonpg and
struggling and I met with some unex
pected check or disappointment I would
say stoically to myself, 'Another diffi
culty is behind me,' and would really
feel that the future held just one obsta
cle the less in my road to success." What
a brave spirit ia shown in such a view of
life the splendid Anglo-Saxon quality
of "not knowing when one is beaten,"
which makes heroes out of common clay
and enables a man to conquer fate.
"Such a delightful view to take of my
spoiled canvases!" sighed a young artist
who was 8n interested listener-to his
comforting theories. "It is the only
true way to look at things, believe me,
my dear young lady," he answered.
"We are all so miserably finite that it
becomes, after all, 6imply a question of
degree: and if we struggle bravely and
patiently toward any goal that we place
before, so we are bound to advance."
New York Tribune.
Mr. Vaiulerbilt the Ricbent Man.
One of the best of all authorities on
wealth, a gentleman who has undoubt
edly rubbed shoulders familiarly with a
greater number of millionaires Uian any
other person living or dead, remarked to
me that be was sure that Cornelius Van
derbilt had a larger fortune than any
other tenant of this planet. He was
entirely familiar with the riches of the
Rothschilds, and knew some of them
personally. None of them could match
Mr. Vanderbilt in plethora of millions.
The scores of millions of Jay Gould
and John D. Rockefeller did not equal
Cornelius Vanderbilt's possessions. This
gentleman, however, did not credit the
estimate of John D. Rockefeller's wealth
at $125,000,000. He thought it would
hardly exceed half that amount.
Blakely Hall in New York Truth,
BHad Narw Yartt
A rather clever trick which is success
fully done by a number of beggars in
this city is to turn their eyeballs up until
they appear to be blind. With their eyes
in this condition tbey grind . a small,
wheezy hand 'organ, or stand oft some
prominent corner and hold a tin -cup in
their hands, thus mutely appealing for
charity. A few of them attempt to sing,
but they soon realize that it is too much
to ask of mankind to listen to their sing
ing and then give them money. To do
this sucressMjUy for agy lj2jt of time
is vry ctnUrir j cs. tbs 7 cai may
r i!t t-i r- 'rm-M r'it
At alwars lteUs to
colds, to reap, sors throat, fciax fever, eta.
JtemodiM, to be eSseUTS, must be adaiSi
tetorfel without dsUy. ftoihlnr is hotter
adaoUd for such enierganclM thaa Aror's
Cherry I'eotorml. It toothes lb Innuned
membrane, promote eipectorstlon, reliovM
coughing, aud Induooa sleep. Tlie prompt uso
of this medicine ha aaved Uuiuiuerablo Uvea,
both of young aud old.
One of my children had croup. The ea
was aUondoU lij our physician, and waa tip
(Mised to be well under control. One ulglil
1 wua startled by Uio child's hard bruaUiio.
and ou going to il found It
ft hail nearly ceased to breathe. Keallrinx
that tlie child's alarming condition had bo
rome possible In spite of the medicine It had
taken, I reasoned tliat such wmedtes would
n of no avail. Having a part of a bottle of
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral In the house, 1 gave
Hie child three doses, st short Inter sis, and
anxiously waited results. From the moment
Jie Pectoral was given, the child's breathing
rew easier, and in a short time it was sleep
ing quietly and breathing naturally. Ths
child is alive and well to-day, and I do not
hesitate to say that Ayer's Cherry Pectoral
saved its Ute."C J. Wooldrldge, Worthaln,
n For colds, coughs, bronchitis, asthma
and the early stages of consumption, take
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral,
rasFABBD t
UK. J. C. AYEB A CO., Lowell, Maw.
Bold by all PruggiaU. Prica 1 ; six bottles, $6
It Should be in Every House.
J. li. Wilson, 371 Clny St., Sharp
bur, Ia., HjiyH lie will not be with
out Dr. Kin'H New Discovery for
CotiHUinption, Concha iind Cohln,
tlint it cured hia) wife who wan
threatened with Pneumonia after
an attack of ''In Grippe," wheir
varioiiH other remediet and Heveral
nhyHiciariH had done her no pood.
Kobert IJarber, of Cockpport, Pa.,
claiuiH Dr. K'ugn New DiHcovery
ban done liim more g-ood than any
thing he ever uned for Lung
Trouble. Nothing- like it. Try it.
Free trial bottles at F. G. Fricke A.
Co'h drugstore. I,arire bottle, .TOc.
and $1.00.
Some of the most startling, in
terring discoveries of the life and
customs of buried Kgypt are now
being made through extensive exca
vattions. These discoveries are
exciting a great interest. Many
discoveries are, . however, being
made in our country that are re
markable, among which we may
mention that of nailer's Pain Para
lyser which effects entire relief, and
in many cases a complete cure of
that terrible disease rheumatism.
and which also relieves pain of all
kinds. For sale by all drua-frists.
rt'ioarnti t CurH in u Day.
"Mystic Cure" for rheumatism aud
neuralgia radically cured in 1 to 3
days. Its action upon the system im
remarkable and mysterious. It re
moves at once the cause and the di
sease immediately diHsanDeara.
The first dose greatly benefits. 75c
Sold by F, G. Fricke, Druggist, wt
St-rtling Facts.
The American ueoole are ran dlv
becoming: a rase of nervous wreck
and the followtng suggests, the
best remedy: alphouso liiimpfling,
of Butler, Penn, swears that when
hia son was spechless from st. Vitus
Dance Dr Miles great Restorative
Nerving cured him. Mrs. J. L.
Miller of Valprai and. J.D. Taolnr,
of Iogansport, Ind each gained 20
pounds if an taking it. Mrs. H. A.
Gardner, of Vastulr Ind, was cured
of 40 to 50 convulsions easy and
much aeadach, tlizzuess, bockach
and nervous prostiation by one
bottle. Trial bottle and fine boek of
Nervous cures free at F. G. Fricke, A
Co., who recomeiids this uneriuailed
remedy. 4
Bucklen's Arnica Salve.
Thk Ukst Salvk in the world for Cute
Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum. Fever
Sores, Tetter. Chapped Hands, Chilblains,
Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posi
tively cares Piles, or no pay required.
It is guaranteed to tive MtifcfHciion, or
money ref unded. Price 2"V.tnt. i' r box
ror saie ry p . u. t- ricke & C
l or many years Mr. li. F. Thomp
son, of Des Moines. Iowa, was se
verely alilicted with chr onic diarr
hoea. He says: "At limes it was
very severe; so much so, that I
feaerd it would end niy life. About
seven years ago I chanced to pro
cure a bottle of Chamberlain's
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Keniedy. Itgave me prompt relief
and I believe cured me permanent
ly, as I now eat or drink without
harm anything I please. I have
also used it in my family with the
best results. For sale by V a
Frickie & Co.
Wonderful Success.
Two years ago the Haller Prop.
Co.' ordered their bottles by the box
now they buy by the carload.
Among the popular and succeseful
remedies they prepare is Nailer's
Sarsaparilla ic Hurdock which is
the most wonderful blood purifier
known. No druggist hesitates to
recommend this remedy.
For sale by druggist.
Sudden Deaths.
Heart disease is by far the most
frequent cause of sudden death,
which in three out of four cases is
unsuspected. The symptoms are.
not generally understood. These
are: a habit of lying on the right
side, short breath, pain or ditressin
the side, back or shoulder. irregular
pulse, asthma, weak and hungry
spells, wind in stomach, swelling-of
ankles or dropsy, oppression, dry
cough and smothering. Dr. MileeT
illustrated book -on Heart Disease,
free at F. G. Frfce A Co's, who sell
and guarantee Dr. Miles' uneqaaled
New Heart Cure, , and his restora
tive NeTvine, which cures nerr w -
ness. headache, aIeeplessne t
sy, etc. Ii contains rtt
ItrSti. E X . -
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