The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, October 20, 1891, Image 2

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    The Plattsmoutb Herald
K NOTTS BROS, Publishers
Pullxhal every 1hnrsUy, and dally every
evening except Suodajr.
K4Klterd ai thf PlattnmouUt. Nub. pot
ofllcefor trhnxnilston throueb t'i U..-8. ina'.U
at aprond Cl;i rstta.
OfHca corner Vinsund Klftft jtreets.
' Telephone 38.
copy, one year, in advance ....
(m copy, one year, not In alienor? ..
Am copy, six iaouihf, id advance . ..
a O'py, three month. In kiIvmiam.
( aop one yar in atlvanen
On copy p-r week, by carrier
One copy, per niontb 5
Foi Axseeiate Jnattee the Supreme Court
A. M. POST of Vlatte.
for Kf tents of the hlate Ui lreriity.
H. P. 'HIIM vAY ut Dixon.
a in on k our own people nor destroy
tbe developing industries of ur
We nre heartily in faror of the
general provision) of the interstate
commerce act, and we demand the
j regulation of all railway and trantt
J portatioti lines in such a manner as
j to in 8 w re fair and reasonable rates
t to the producers and consumers of
tne country.
We favor such legislation as will
prevent all illegal combinations
and unjust exactions by areated
capital and corporate powers. We
insist upon the suppression of all
trusts, combines and schemes de
signed to artificially inctense the
price of the necessaries of life.
We regard the world's Columbian
Si M 1 exposition as an important event in
heartv svtmmthv with every effort
to make it a success. We should
make a creditable exhibit of
Nebraska's products, and we favor
an additional appropriation oy tne
next legislature for this purpose,
that our prosperity and greatness
mav be fullv exemplified. We take
pride in this state We recog-nize
that its growth and power, its pros
perity and trood name have been
the fruit of its industrial people,
and we believe in such policies,
state and national, as will promote
. 4i)
ft. oo
and the case was finally dismissed
at the request of the plaintiff. Tes
timony of Judge J, R. Reed and Col
who knew of the facts at the time
corroborates the statement made
by Judge Post. In the face of this
evidence of wilful misrpreseutalioii
it is hoped that the "World-Herald
will choose the wiser policy and
ionfine its news colttms to a prom
ulgation of truth hereafter.
Cl-'HAX dealers have placed orders j for
New York for ftJO.OlX) barrels of i
Far Clerk of thn District Court :
Kur Tieasiirer :
For Mherif :
Vmt County f:leik :
Kar fUtnuty Judge :
Kor Coon'y Sunetistvndi'iit :
Ker -arwar :
ParSarveyor :
For Commissioner First nistrlet :
The republican party of the state
f Nebraska gives renewed expres
iiin of ita devotion to the princi
ples of the republican party and de
clares that those principles, as ex
pressed by the national republican
convention, should be the strong
point ot union oetween all repub
licans in the state of Nebraska.
We congratulate the people upon
the marvelous prosperity attending
the development ana growth ot tne
state of Nebraska during its twenty -foar
years of statehood under re
publican administration, and which
has brought us to the front rank
among the leading states of the
anion; and we can fearlessly assert
that n state which has baen coa
tralledby democratic power,during
a ay considerable time of the same
period, can compare with us in the
economical management of public
a flairs, in the rapid ratio of increase
itt population, wealth and general
prosperity, notwithstanding the
fact that there are within the
borders of the state a number of
dissatisfied persans who took ad
ttntage of the general financial de
pression which swept over the en
tire country to pave their way into
temporary prominence by declaim
ing against the welfare of our peo
ple and slandering the fair name of
our state. The rains from heaven
and the rich soil, vigorously culti
vated by the energetic hands ot our
farmers, have produced such bount
iful crops and such unrivaled pros
perity that shall silence all calam
ity talkers and add to the strength
and enthusiasm of the republican
We congratulate President Harri
son upon his eminently wise, loyal
and courageous ad mi Mistral ion, and
declare our absolute confidence in
his integrity, ability and patrio
tism, and pledge him our cordial
support in the discharge of the
duties devolving upon him as the
chief magistrate of the nation.
We rejoice in the restoration of
dignity, vigor and statesmanship in
the conduct of our foreign affairs
under the guiding- hand of Amer
ica's favorite son, James G. Blaine.
We approve or tne silver coinage
act of the present administration,
by which the entire product of the
silver mines of the I mted States is
added to the currencvof the people.
but we denounce the democratic
doctrine of free and unlimited coin
age of silver as a financial policy
liable to precipitate the people of
every city and every state in the
Union in a prolonged and disas
trous depression, and delay the re
vival of business enterprise aud
novCVso apparently near. The free
and ln limited coinage of silver
would tend to the hoarding of gold
and to force the use of cheap money
in the payment of wages in every
workshop, mill, factory, store and
farm, and tend to the scaling down
of the wages of the toilers and
weakening the purchasing powerof
the dollar which would be used to
purchase the products of the farmer.
We are in favor of having every
dollar as good as any other dollar.
We demand the maintenance pf
the American system of protection
to American industry and labor, the
policy that has been identified with
every period of our national pros
perity. , '
We ailmire the genius of that
heroic statesman. William McKin
ey. Jr., whom the people of Ohio
will make their next governor as a
recognition of his magnificent ser
vices to the country . We alsp com
mend and endorse that jolicy of re
ciprocity by which the Central and
J..fh American nations and the
Spanish Indies are being opened up
to our iraucupuu '"""" . ---and
by which all the surplus
products of onr cohntry may find a
v-irtet ad b" irh'Jt all ot-r r
justice ami widen the opportunities
among these classes. To their sup
port in the future, as in the past, we
pledare our most intelligent judg
ment and most sincere endeavor.
We denounce the Grand Island
platform of the democratic party as
trained with the deliberate purpose
to mislead and deceive; wherein
sympathy is expressed where none
is felt; wherein help is proposed
where none is rendered; wherein
purposes are avowed which are not
entertained, in support oi mis in
dictment we point to the pretended
friendship for the soldier, while at
the same time the democratic party
has always proclaimed against the
granting of liberal pensions; to the
free silver plank, intended to deceive
the supporters ot tree and unlim
ited coinaire of silver, when it is
known that many of the leaders of
the party are opposed to the doc
trine: to the failure to give tne re
lief from exhorbitant freight rates
while it was afraid to either ap
prove or censure the action of its
acting alien governor for vetoing
the Newberry bill.
We denounce the democratic
party for its insinuations against
the integrity of the supreme court
of the state as an effort to make the
judicial powers subordinate to
political parties and as disgraceiui
to a political organisation.
We denounce the democratic
party for its double dealing with
the civil and political rights of the
people, wherein it appears to favor
tree and untrammeled elections tn
the state of Nebraska, but never
raises its voice against the political
outrages practiced against the re
publican voters, white ana oiacK,
throughout the democratic states of
the south.
We arraicrn the democratic party
as the enemy of labor, scheming to
break down the defense of protec
tive laws, to block the wheels of
home industry, and to degrade the
masses of the people a oartv con
trolled by aristocratic and sectional
tendencies, the lecracy ot slavery.
J. he republican party ot xveoraeica
appeals to the intelligence and to
the integrity of the people of this
state and from all good citizens we
invite support-
flour to be delivered in Cuba on or
after the first of January next. It
will take about a million and a half
bushels of wheat to fill this order
alone Further orders will beiven
to other ports, and the demand will
continue a.- long as the new treaty
remains in force. Formerly Amer
ican flour suffered from a tariff of
about ST.00 per barrel and prac
tically the entire supply was drawn
from Spain. Now the tariff is less
than $1.01) per barrel, and the United
States will control the market
Reciprocity, understand, is repub
lican policy. State Journal.
E. W. Sawyer, of Rochester, Wia
a prominent dealer in general
merchandise, and who runs several
peddling wagons, had one of his
horses badly cut and burned with a
lariat, The wound refused to heal.
The horse became lame and stiff
J nowwithstandiug careful attention
and the application of remedies. A
friend handed Sawyer some of
Haller's Barb Wire Linement, the
most wonderful thing ever saw to
heal such wounds, lie applied it
only three times and the sore was
completed healed. Equally good
all sors, cuts, bruses, and
wounds. For sale by all druggist
The democratic party is not hon
est in its dealings with the tariff
question. It pretends not to under
stand how snirar may be furnished
to the people at a less price if it
made free and how the price of tin
may be lowered if a duty is imposed
upon it.' If the party desired to
place this matter before the people
in its true light, it would readily
concede that a tariff on sugar is a
tax simply because it does not
stimulate home production, and
by home competition break the
foreign monopoly. Every demo
crats that advocates a tariff on
West India sugar knows that it
can not be prohtably grown in
America let the duty be as high as
it may siniphy because our climate
is not fitted.
But such is not the case with tin.
We have been depending: upon a
reign monopoly for tin for a
great many years. We have rich
mines of tin ore in this country, but
if our people should develop them
and attempt to erect the costly
plants for the manufacture of tin
plate, these foreign syndicates
would at once lower the price and
crowd our people to the wall. But
by the aid of a duty our people are
permitted to erect their plants un
molested and after different plants
have been established and healthy
competition stimulated there is not
a shadow of doubt that tin will be
furnished much cheaper than when
we were compelled to pay the price
dictated by the foreign combine.
A Cure for Paralvsls.
Frank Cornelius, of Purcell, Ind.
Ten, says: "1 induced Mr. Pinsou,
whose wife had paralysis in the face
to buy a bottle of Chamberlain's
Pain Balm. To their great suprise
before the bottle had all been used
she was a great deal better. Her
face had been drawn to one side;
but the Pain Balm relieved all
pain and soreness, and the mouth
assumed its natural shape." It is
also a certain cure for rheumatism
lame back, sprains swellings and
lameness. 30 cent botties for sale
by F G. FrickeA Co., Druggists.
Reduced Rates.
The B. & H. will sell tickets on the
certificate plan at the rate of one
and one-third fare for the round
trip, as follows:
To Kansas City, Mo.. Oct. 20-23, on
account of the annual meeting of
the American Public Health Asso
ciation. ML Pleasant. Ia., Oct. 23-25, annual
meeting of the Y. M. C. A.
St. Louis, Mo., Oct. 22-23, annual
meeting Brotherhood of St. Andrew.
Waverly, la., Nov. 10-12, annual
convention Iowa Butter and Egg
Dee Moines, la., annual convention
Iowa State Farmers' Alliance.
During balance of pickingseason
I will continue to pay the highest
market price for good varieties of
winter apples at canning factory.
28 6t En SOMBH9.
Wanted Some good cotton rags
-Santa ClausSoap.
oo 17's ti-je FAOfxTX
A O 'Yo
3 V
In all that goes to make up a first class line of Hardware. The bur
their stoves in f)
and thus are enabled to undersell all competitors.
77ifty-Oiie Sqmple Soes, .
The Itadiant Home and celebrated Round Oak are their Specialty.
The Leading
The reduction of the duties by
the McKinley bill have decreased
the revenues of the government
$42,000,000 per year.
Negotiations are pending with
Italy and France by which it is ex
pected that reciprocity treaties will
be consummated ere long.
About one-third of the earth's popula
tion belongs to tbe various Christian
cecta. A reliable French statistician
estimates that there are 1.195.450.000
people on the earth, and that 42 per cent
are of the white race, 44 per cent, of the
yellow race, U per cent of the negro
race, 2 per cent, of the mixeri Oceanic
races and 1 per cent, of Indians.
X ne surface roads of New York city
carry more passengers annually than are
carried by the combined steam railroads
of New York state in the same interval
NOW tliat tne lilaine letter con
cerning his attitude toward the Mc
Kinley bill has hushed the wilful
fabricators, we wonder what will be
sprung next.
It is hoped that since ?lr. Blaine
makes the statement he does con
cerning reciprocity that the demo
cratic papers will cease trying to
create false impressions. Such a
course alwav's proves disastrous to
the perpetrator.
The farmers are satisfied with
McKinlev prices. Since the bill
has gone into operation they get
more for what thejr sell and pay
less for what they buy. We notice
that even democrats, an hard to suit
as they are, keep exceedingly quiet
now-a-days concering prices. One
should think, however, that since
election comes off so soon that they
would improve the time parading
the high prices before the people.
Darwin ha. said that a large per cent.
of all sweet cented flowers are white:
now Michelet bas proved that there are
uo poisonous sea plants
An OIH l.irtun in Uurham Cathedral.
A curious custom, and one which we
believe Is id existence at the present
time at Durham cathedral, is for the
choristers, cIsm! in flowiiiir white robes,
to ascend the tower of the cathedral on
th eve of the feast of Corpus Christi
ana sing ine "ie uenm. this cere
mony is performed to commemorate the
miraculous extinguishment of a fire on
that night in 1429. According to the
lep:nd the belfry was struck by light
ning at midnight while the priests were
engaged in prayer, and although the fire
rared for several hours the bells escaped
injury. This, it was said, was owing to
the special interference of the incorrupt
ible St. Latlibert, who was enshrined in
that cathedral. London Tit-Bits.
oThe Globe Democrat remarks
that Peffers chances for getting a
job in a dime museum are gone, as
nobody would give more than a
nickel to see him now. The
thought occurs that, in all proba
bility, after last winter's legislation
shall have had a thorough trial
calamity howlers will be so scarce
that a curiosity to see a live Peffer
might induce one to give a dime
to see him.
The Herald has refrained from
saying anything concerning the
sensation article in Sunday's
World-Herald concerning the
charge of seduction broughtagainst
Judge1 Post, until facts in the case
might Jbe learned. Judge Post at
once makes a declaration to the
effect tat a charge of bis kind we
Value of tlie Kangaroo'! Tail.
So important is the kangaroo's tail in
hit rapid progressed that experienced
hunters with guns are accustomed to fire
at the point where this appendage joins
the body. when, the tail being disabled
for its oflice of balancing, the animal is
as effectually stopped as if hamstrung.
Hit elsewhere, except with a rifle bullet.
or at point blank range, the kangaroo is
nretty likely to get off.
One peculiarity of the kangaroo is
that, after being started up, he very
rarely swerves from his course, through
which peculiarity he is easily "potted"
by hunters, who conceal themselves
while a man on horseback drives the
herd toward them.- Boston Journal.
Dreamed tbe Pbrase
The precise words, of "Cemiag events
ftt their lLiszcym lctr?,n occurred to
Campbell in a dream. He awoke and
fonnd himself repeating them aloud,
nd afterward used them in "Lochiel s
Warning,' a minor poem of much merit.
-Philadelphia Ledger.
During balance of pickingseason
I will continue to pay the highest
market prices for good varieties of
winter apples at canning f ctory.
ret v r , - -
Constantly keeps on band everythin
yon oed to furnish your house.
Wagon and Blacksmith shop
Wagon, Buggy, Machine and
jlow lieptiriasr 'lone
He uses the
Which is the best horseshoe for the
farmer, or for fast drivina, or for citj
purposes ever invented. It is so made
that anyone ctn put on sharp or flat
corks, as needed for wet and slipppry
lays, or smooth, drv roads. Call at
bis shop and examine the neverslip
ind you will use no other.
12 North Piftb St. Plattsnvmt h
This firm has the ex
clusive agency of the
celebrated anti-rusting
tinware guaranteed for
one year.
A large line of Cop
perware, tinware, and
Granite ware.
"37 rOE(
They also carry a
fiae assortment of car
penter tools, Cutlery
and shelf hardware,
G Prices have been cut
right down to suit t
The Place for Kargains in every department of our mammoth steck ef
J. D. OH A. YES & CO.
DOOKS. BLINDS, and all building material
Call and sec us at the
11th and Elm street,
north of HeiseFs mill.
corner of
one block
Everything to Furnish Tour Houso.
217." 219, 221 and 223 Main St.,
Plattsmouth - Nebraska
H. M EONS. Proprietor,
'the Perkins has" been thoroughly
renoyated from top tc bottom aod :8
now one of the lest hotels in the state
Boarders will be taken by the week at
4.o0 and up.
Having ourchased the J. V. Weckbach store room on south
Main street where I am now located I can sell goods cheap
er than the cheapest having just put in the largest stock
of new goods ever brought to the city. Gasoline stove
and furniture of all kinds sold on the installment plan,
Iry MAV csa k mORS
aa4 TISOMTO ia aU raraacta.
youi.3 r.:zn ca cld,
mStrlag tnm WTMMT0V9 BK-
1IUTT. Last ar Pallia Maa-
fcaaa. PkraUal Inula, alaatal
Warry, taW4 DaTalayaiaBt. we
ay rZMOa-AX WI1II1M, aaa ka
nataraa ta PntrEOT HZALTH aaa
tka aoaLX TRAUTT ac nUH
-(. tka Ma aaa rnctat atlia.
Wa claim by wars of BracUea kv
oar aveloalva tnrt a anUonol
awlTUi- "lauaa-
l ta , v w
j v i
33 A
1 A - S' At
F Q vwom C2
A Full and Complete line of
Prescriptions Carefully Compounded at all Hours
Medicines, Funis, and Oils.
1 Im
s '