..,.! ' ;: (Tt .-J.vrj "Str. Y3 "D i ii .. J6TLU J IT , ul ; idi o mil. ul vj dt'Chii y 41 JLrlilU ML' MONDAY OCTOBER 19 NUMBER .11 i c . fiiin Tr; ii ' " W WW 4aiafcWMWWWWWPlWWMBPWlMllllll W F T jWjfT W AYL'r. ...PLATTSWOUT!, KSRASKA. MONDAY OCTOBER 19 1891 i !. r JWEJL.il $!ute!y Puro lof tartnr baking powder, '.all in leavening strenth. K Government Food Re- LSBURY . S-NT-I-S-T : TGKCKI.AI.N CKHWNS. :i-nlietli Isrtha (ciliiim cv irilor of li'Mli. ,i Work a Specialty. ,K llllllMMK 'I'll. Neb. r ' K R V HYEHS ililic &. Atmnvur Solicitor Loan ard Inrurane Ar-nto i have real estate to cell or i -.ge send im description, price 'rum. , "'acts of title furnished at reus- J ( onable rates. ' i , j '00 to loan at 7'j per cent and ' to commissions, on good i i lartn aecuritv. y-J ' j 1'OI.LOCK 1IYISRS " f (Mire under Ca Coui.ty nill. ij TORNEV A. N. StJLLIVAN. ffj '-l.w. prnmul iti-nlln Eii t'li.airx rntnill ( linn. Inllca lb AWKON A PEARCH HAVE KF.( KfVF.f J io a lot of iifw liililnn rune mib UM9 S In Mix w1 fr I. Ihry h.tu lull ( llur l Iml'T h"'ul- kinl In of t? drr I.I rlrM l l'l Kl'u k Ollt llBVf t ducrd tUell irnw mil. rluil. lotoai.d lo MISS SCIIUYLKW. TKIMMKK. UCKER SISTERS. A VK JIHT l Ell A KI LL LI.VB OF 'ALL AKD WI'TER HAT3 AIID TEIMMIKG3. -o t M. Iiuc dir maVli'i rtr-pAr'.mf I. IIKIf WIMIIlSTOKR. PLATTHMOUTI! 1 V rVtiiXf irOI.K ASP POKCRUIN CKOWNH - Bridgu work and fin iculd work a SPECIALTY. lit STFINAI'H HC A I. M H M ottior tab U)UkWf furtho ptlnlawaiUartloD o' tarlb. I A. MARSHALL, KiUu'enild "meat market iM SIXTH HTUKKT F. II. KLI.KNHAl'M, Prop. he beat of fresh meat always found in this market Also fresh Fgga and Hutter. d game of nil kinds kept in their season. im MIXTII TKKT . ff) fiaEAT MARKET Sleepness night made mint-ruble f-y tliHt terrible caugli Shilohs rem ' ly is the cure for Toil, by F. (i rick, nml O II Snyder. 'J iroup frequently finds a house s' unprepared for it visit, while ' repnlity with which It oevelorts lis for instant treatment. For I dangerous diHease Ayer'sCher- i Pectoral is an iidiiiinible remedy. leaves mnuy lives every year. Sep ill the house, - v- V Birth Horn -To Mr. and Mra. Ifort Pol lock, n !auf;liter. Ilcrt npprehendH t i . t there will lie a loom in the bank in and loan buaineHH owing to the incre.'iHe of population. 1 he home of Mr. and Mrs. Chan. I'aniiele was gladdened by the np- pearance of a daunhter hint Friday. A Cm County Potato Cnwar. C K. White, of Nehawka, has proved to be the moot expert pota to grower of whom we have heard. From one butdicl of uecd he recent ly stored a-ny fifty bushels and one peck. One vine meantired eight feet in length ond produced neventy-two potatoes all of which were of marketable ize and qual ity. They are of the White Klc pliant variety, namplcH of which may be seen at this office. Oi-totwr Waalhar. Prof. Hicks, the weather prophet, hasthe htorins down for this month as follow: Storms originating in September will reach their crims Oct. 2. A smart danh of early winter will ap pear on the heels of these storms F.quinox of Venus on the 7th will greatly intensify reactionary dis turbances on the 6th and 7th. The 10th to 13th will call for dangerous storms, enpeciulty on the Inkeri, The most concrned please note this fact. Cold and freezing will follow to the north until higher tempera ture on the 17th ond lHlli reacts in to secondary storms. From the 22d to the 25th is a period in which Vulcan, Mercury, Venus and Moon will combine their disturbing forces. Luke and sea navigators ought to be watchful of such indi cations. Snow in extreme north and west, with sleet. Reactionary storms about 2Mh, followed by frosty clone. District court convenes to-day at 2 p. in. In all probability regular sessions will beyJield each day during the week y) We have sold Fly's Cream Halm about three years, unci have re commended its use in more than n hundred special rases of catarrh. The unanimous answer to our in- ?uiries is'lt's the best remedy that ha veever need." Our experience is, that where parties continued itn iihc, it never fails to cure.-J. II. Montgomery, A Co., Druggists, De corah, Iowa. When I began using Fly's Cream Malm my catai rh was so bad I had headache the whole time and dis charged n large amount of filihy matter. That has almost entirely disappeared and have not had head ache science. J. Somiiicrs.Stepliney. Conn. Mr. C. It. Jones, of Spring Hill Iowa, sas: "l have used Chamber, Iain's Pain Halm for severe and painful burns with better elfecl than any thing I have e:er tried. It re lieves the pain instantly and enres without leaving a scur." Pain Halm is one of the most useful medicines that any families can be provided with, especialy for rheumatism, lame buck, sprains, bruises, tooth ache, car ache and like ailments. One application will relieve the pain and ii fair trial insure a cure. ) cent bottles for sale by F. G. FrickJ A Co. Druggists. . Apple. During balance of picking season I will continue to pay the hitrhest market price for good varieties of winter apples nt cannniug factory. 2(lt F,i Somkkh.' Ladies who use cosmetics or pow ders to cover up or hide n bad com plexion, do not know that O. II. Snyder can furnish them with Hlush of Koses, which is clean water, puri fies the skin, and positvely removes black heads and all skin diseases 1'aeS (be shiny look flout the face and whitens It soon as applied WAnlfd An arll. rrllulilc maa-MUry tT In tm montlilr. altb inrrsaw.. mi rr nrwiii in klf owd mUiib moitiiili Nrw York llnilta. Krfltrpiin'. MunvtMl I'HKU, lK Hoi IfiKft, tir York. tia3 Just opened up a full line of ladies, Gents and Child reus all wool underwear finJ ha lore you buy your Fall or Wiuter goods. Don't fail to call and see ourprice3. Wt beat 'em all. Have you seen those nob by Misses Caps, all pretty shades, T., (;." and Cr'nts each? f 11 FfiSL febranka in llllnoi. ' . ' The special correspondent for' the Hee writes as follows regard ing the attention paid the truin in Illinois: "Pkokia, III., ()ct. 18-The Ne braska special- advertising train now enroute, made its first stop for exhibition at this city, where it ar rived at 7:15 this morning. The trip from Omaha to Peoria was al together uneventful, with the ex ception of a stop of ten minutes at Plattsmouth to receive a portion of the Cass county exhibit. A crowd of 400 had assemble at the Plntts- inoulb depot, but had to content themselves with worshipping afar off, us the cars were not opened. The train stopped at Red Oak for supper. The run irmn Red Oak to Creston was made at exactly the rate of a mile a inmate. A great number of people have visited the train here and all express unquali fied surprise and admiration over the great variety and high quality of the Nebraska products which are exhibited. "At Mendota a stop of three hours will be made. Sunday will be spent in Chicago, Monday morning at Valparasio and Monday afternoon at Plymouth. 'Gaif.hiiukij, 111., Oct. Id. -The train was visited at Peoria by fully 2i()0 people prior to its departure at I o'clock this afternoon, and when the hour of departure came there was a large crowd assembled wnonau dccii unaoie to gain an- mission. The train renched Gales-. burg at 3::t0 this afternoon and was immediately surroiinueu oy seve-1 rai nunurcci person gainerefi hi the depot. All told, nearly or quite 6,000 people have passed through .' . . .,, hibits and express their praise and wonder in no measured terms. The members of the board .nd of the entire party are using every effort I to impress visitors with the high character of the exhibit and are I greatly pleased with the results of, their labors. The surprise at the real character of the products ex-i hibited is no greater than the stir-1 prise evidenced on all sides that the much circulated calamity and starvation stories could ever have obtained credence. The train will remain i i Galesburg until 8 a. tn. to-morrow." Uufcinasa Ldunation Fro. Nebraska boys and girls will find in the following offer a good oppor tunity of securing a business edu cation free: To any one sending us sevcnly five yearly subscribers to the Week ly State Journal, at 1.00 per year, we will present a life scholarship in any department of the Lincoln Hiisiness College. Value, VU)0. For fifty such subscriptions we will present a three months' scholarship in any department. Value, 10.00. For twenty subscriptions, a three moths' course in typewriting. Value, tli.W. A cash commission will be al lowed on these subscriptions, liber ally paying you for your work, in addition to these free schnlaships. We will supply you with sample copies. For further particulars, address Weekly Statu Jot kNAL, Lincoln, Neb. A Novel lla We have received a very unique and attractive souvenir, which rends on one side "compliments of the Michigan Stove Company," and upon (he other side, "This is a sample of aluminum which is mixed with the iron from which Garland stoves and ranges are made." If this material rim be used effectually as Is claimed, it will doubtless be a great improvement owing to its tight weight Hud its strength, being three times lighter than steel and much stronger. The stores are sold by lending deal ers everywhere. Ttia lima fcxiandn.l. Owing to the success oi the Sioux City Corn Palace exposition the authorites have concluded to ex tend the time of the exhibit from the 17lh to the 2."th. The 11. A M. will continue to sell tickets ul one ami one-third fare for the round trip good to return on the 20th. Polio Court. In tin police court to day a case, Warden vs. Frye, suit for amount due for labor performed, was con tinued until Nov. 2. The II. A M. road will sell round trip tickets upon the certificate plan between the dates of Oct. 22 and 2.1, on account of the annual meeting of the Brotherhood of St. Andrews. PKKSONAL Mat Gciing is In Omaha to-day. J. C. Smith, of Koek HlulT, is in the city today. Geo. ICdsou. our next sheriff, is in the, city to day. Olive GassSundayed with friends in Glenwood. J. II. Haldeinan, of Weeping Water, in in the city to-day. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Patterson re turned from Cedar Creek this morn- Edwine Jean and Joseph Chap man, of Elmwood are in the city to-day. , Dave Hawkeworth can.'c in Satur day evening from Lincoln and re turned last evening. Miss Mattie Meade left this morn ing for Ilcutrice jvhere she will visit friends a few days. W. N. Sarver, formerly of this county, now of University Place, Lincoln is visiting friends here. Messrs. W. H. Shryock, S. Ii. Mc Laren and Chas. Spence, of Ixitiis ville, are attending court to-day. Joseph Hughes and wife, who have been visiting in the city the past week, return home at McCook this evening. Chas. Nickel and wife and Fred Kbinger a ritl wife, who spent Sun- day at I-ouisville, returned on the Schuyler this morning. Kev. Graham, pastor of the Pres. ,ylt.riall clllrih at Murray, and ,.;,litor f tle Midland at Omaha W11( a ,IHseiiger for the latter place (his morning. , I . er e o " ng iA series tif meetings have com m,.fci.(l ul lit.. ,,.l.r..,l II-iiiIilI church on Onk trc..t. KVv. Hon well has secured the services of Kev. Kesterday, a prouiinet worker of Iowa, who will ansist in the meetings. He is said to be a pleas ant speaker and an earnest, enthu siastic Christian worker. The meeting last evening was a decided success. A cordial invitation is x tended to all. A'lniKj Hie N iulil School. i lie nlgnt school will ronvrne this evening .at the usual hour 1 To!, llal.'cy desires that every member will endeavor to be present at the appointed time. There is a ! disposition on the part of a few I members, it appears, to absent them I selves from the school occasionally j for the purpose of attending the j theatre. It is hoped that the mem J hers will not Underestimate the ini I portance of being regular in attend j auce at the school and not overet I tiuiate the value of the lessons to ! be learned at te theatre. ; In the night school a golden op portunity is offered those who can , not attend the day session and it is : hoped that the opportunity will n t be neglected. Th Spragua Coms'ly. SpragueV company of comedians arrived this morning " are slop ping at the Riley. The play is said to be intensely humorous and has always had the effect to amuse the audience. The company has se- i-iireil file Mrvice of the fumon Hlack Hussar band which has but few equals in the country. The street parade was attractive and the music rendered was pronounced by critics to be strictly t rst class. Will you suffer with Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint? Shiloh's Vit- ali.cr is guaranteed to cure you. 2 A lire alarm was given at the shops Saturday afternoon, but it created little excitement, as tli lire was soon cxungiiisncci. W.J. I lesser is receiving a visit his mother who has resided at Red Key 1 nd., for several years. She is quite n n elderly lady, being nearly eighty-two years old. Rev. A. C. Sleeth, presiding elder ol the M. IS. church for this district, conducted the quarterly meeting services at the M. K. church last evening. He left this morning for his home at I'niversity Place Lincoln. Mr. -anil Mrs. J. K. Lake, of Red Key, luil., who have been visiting at the home of W. J. Hesser the past few days, returned home this morn ing, Mr. Lake ha4 been in the em ploy of the Pan Handle R. K. for a great many years. Phil Sautcrs, accompanied by his wife and little boy, arrived in the city this morning from Pckin, III. They will locate here and hence forth be citizen of riattsmoiilh. Doubtless they will receivs a cor dial welcome (nun our people. -FRED HERRMAfi OUK FALL AND - " OF - - DRY - GOODS - AND la Uovt Ooraplsto D It ESS G00DH We are showinga handsome line of CAMELS HAIR PLAIDS, HKO AD-CLOTH, FLANNELS, SEKGES, HENRIETTAS, full line of colorings and blacks. BLANKETS A.ND COMFORTS Stock complete and prices lower than ever. GLOMES JD SHRWLS. AVK never i-liowti so We call prc.il attention Military nl lli ('oat sliajx trimmed with Mink, fu'ii', Astrachai, Miitiuloon and Coney furs. Our line of Pliisli Snf jiio-j hit elu-njicr than tsvr before. Full lines of Children- ai'd Misses Clonks and Jackets. ON F. DOOR EAST CLOSS Missus GUIhtJiiKJS, FOR FALL AND WINTER WEAR WS ?J10P0$ TO BUI Than ever Mora offered to the people of Plattsmouth and vicinity. otjir, stock: is Constantly arriving and will soon be complete. It will comprise a full range of all the newest as well as the more ."ile styles, and will be com posed of the newest and choicest productiohn-o' domestic and foreign uiaiiuf.ictuie . I ii' a lit bud caciIjciic oi woi kiiiuun'uip our garments can not be excelled. And the pices that we offer them at are unprecedented in the amounts of the cloak trade. . W HAyE "'Ik seal plush acue.: inches long with quilt ed satin lining and seal ornaments that we CBn sell for $12 50. This Var ment is a perfect rellectiou of the plush sacque that is universale sold at $!) sad 20. J ..TC,A'V?3. !' mlk Hl'"' I'l,IHk i"cVci M inches long that we can sell at 11.50 that would be cheap at f 12.50, although some merchants ask 13 for the same garment. In the liner grades wc have something verv elegant ond stylish in the trimmed jacket and reefer in both cloth and plush. THE PROPER thine laiseis anu reelers, tlic newmarkets being almost entirely discarded. We have both the Jackets and Reefers for Misse's wear in endless verity, We bought our cloaks early of to offer them at very w figures. We Solicit your favors and an early ins ec tion of our stock. WM. HEBOLD & SON, 507 Main Ptnvt IMattsmouth, Neb WINTER STOCK is, D apastnionts, - UNDERWEAR A good Ladies Jersy vest at 25c. Ladies fine Jersey vest and pants in white or natural (yaya at 50c each Ladies natural Gray Wool Vests and Pants at 50c. Regular 75c under- wear. Full lines of Ladies Fine wool ribbed under wear in white, cardi nal and black. Complete lines of Child's under wear in natural, scarlet and white at prices ab low'as the lowest- arize aline in tin's dcDartment. to our 1 r jri assortment of Iloefer FIRST NATIONAL. FIGURES eorUjS. Giirjjs for Misses this fall mid winter will frst hands and are thereby enabled u.. be