IE ' cui illn if. I Hi , of ith ap ! . ?!:jyf ; L.sfV -SI'KVKVOK . A tl JlVII. LM-INLLW county il'TK will be , ntl- ii't i-tl to. lolllh. NeBraska A i s ri.rri:um;w(;. ( IA.0 I.C Tl HH (IK AMI J :, nr.Al.fH IM TH P f U KHT liKANDS OF CIOAL'S H'1.1. I IN I'K CCO AS I) SMDKEaS articles always in slock J -iilnillh, Ni Brassa f : NATIONAL : HAN K ! K HLATT-MOITIl, NKIIUAHK A ' rapltal . lo.OKJ.IS) h very tii 'l (iii illtli'i lur Ilia prouip traiiwlloii ii( iiKiniuaii- inking business v bninti, Kilit ki -rumen t r d imI -e- rMMlL'Ilt ftlllt illl. leM!.lH rfrflfrt, ,leel Klnntil I'll llii rrti!WU rami. In any rl ol tlit ii anil all lk pntMipn) imwiis o Joss ma uk and ritiHiiTi.v aaacr- i Tl ' rV1 i ct iill t'T li.imiy W' ' "Tll. ISUIe SO I illllll) bolliU. i - MKI'.l -if, us irM II. !l;MooriD li. ,' r . K. Wul.e J I l.l-AS HANK. A I T.' M il I H KA luck 1 CI III . Ur.clCAV't:.!, 5 !0O, OCO. i .V. 11 I i .i- I 1 ) S L.i.1- u i .. T ' il f i'i'"" l"-ar ie.' hihTf 'I HI..I 'llr r'l,.i,1;f i 'flhly ulel Cor V.,in mn hiilli ln-.t. ti'Mnl f vi nr lit ( OFFICKUy iif'.e I'tfttldfii! tr"li 'fchr if JmncToiiB : i". .). M r.".r.ui, Vi-i Ht-t It. WimlllAlll. 11. H. lUllfrf will I i DAM1KC P.U3ISEES t r m iioA i bit , i '(iff an. i.ittHtajitt'if l-t iii bu- t ' lit f HI. IrOTif '7 1 tl K" a "line otiire your !ml only to Imy hIkm-m hut ic inr winit you Mpenrl tlie 't your money will buy. ii tin will not content you; hi tlim you cimnoi, in reii- 'iir im thud- nrc H i our iIcmIic We iln not icxpcctiitioiin i, the clouds. yii.e llieni whatever tliev mil iicmt Hiicrilicc your ,si our nml nowhere cine k''t ii I ill Ii-r nml fairer it lor your uioiicv. An priitiliililc pun h.i-c fur ii r etc. a, mioEo ItTJUUKIUJ CIIEHWCOD. Xrcel. O 11 t Mi. fr. ) -f. ' Vi .1'"-"IMiJ ,S,AJ.pON JOHILIP THEIROLF, Hn Ofiened up Ties Finont. ('lean .-St, CiMitmt SALOON -, INTIIKCITY 'i W hen; niiiy In- found choice wine liunrn and ciefnr. ANMKl'SKK Hl'SCII KF.KK. AM) " HASS' ALK WIIITK LAHKL. always on hiind Kiv i;h ok MAI.N AMI HIUKTH HT. r I 1 He lkadino GROCER HAS THE MOST ' COMPLETE STOCK IN THE CITY, Kim FLuH AND - IN EEASjN ATI K.NTIOX 1'AKMI.k.S I Wlllll vour PolillrvV. H..i. Icr iiticl your farm produce of hII kind, I Will Jlliy yoll XW llikrl1(.Ht ciihIi price n h I ain tuiviiiif lor n lirn in Lincoln. R. PETERSEN, NIK I.KAHINC (;W(H M ' riiiltMiiu.iitli Nt-hriifkii P J. II A N :i;:N OKAI.KK IN STAPLE AND FANCY iilH'!-.!:ii,s. A. l Toiia i tin- Tiibie Silicitcil JSflSSOS CJiUISulf Sill SI N t Fiu HAnnwAriP c;rtijp S. K. II ALL A SON Kri p !! Ll::.!s i.! !,..!:.!. l...,.:-rj ...i l...l met Mill lilllil rnnliurl in uu mint Jut "Mints li-r.u TIlsT KOOFINO MMinilriK unit ult kn;i:i.l uu ..ik n..ini i; "lie. onlnrn Ir-un tlie couuiiy HelUIU J Id IVsl St. 1'LATr.SMOUTII. NEII. Lumber Yard THE OLD RELIABLE. II. A. WATERMAN k SON HhiiicMia, Ijilh, Hfili, Doors, Blinds Call mipply vrtv ilcmand of the city Call ami ifrt teruia. Kourtli atrrut in rmir of opera limine. Chamberlain's Eyo and Ekla Olntmont. A certain euro Jor Chronlo Soro Eyon, Tetter, Knit lUii'ura, &;ald Llcod, C1J Chrouio tuttot, 1'cver Boros, Eczcnin, Itch, I'rairlo HcTatcbes, Boro Nipplci and Pile. It la cooling ami eoothitiK. HuudreiUof Ctttoa bnvu beea cured by it after all other treatment had fuilod, ll U put up Iu U aa J CD ccut loxuj. 1 rhulo;rHliliiu t llllblil A!"'i running Dorw-g. Jinnilng il 'eien Hym ciimiun lull. tlhslK of iU'liliiliiu hiiiI Wie Hliiftin Hm.'ii)J luim' of rHV.lviti doiilili- hIiu'm huvc i mh nw ci.ii ully .liiitoiiijiliiMi the hi y mhi lnilililf liiu) furiiinlifil n Htiiiiililui block tliut till' wu ntilif ptrntouruphi-r i ms U'rint ilillicuity in KiiniiiMtiilina Lonl U:iyifciKli, iu h lecture Im Ioio tin Ho yul lli-'lllllK'll ol Liill'lnll. ".ii.i t ,;it (or Koine time It liml Ixi-ii Ini iiiiiiVUnii to Jiliotiirapi) u;ip tmlilils in tlpeiictofj lirciikiiig i Ileiiuticipiiied j'rft (lilllcnlty tn-ciii's h knew the tune uceiipietl in 'Im ilisriji lieurunca of a tire.'iMii Imbliln liiiist Im i tjut h Kinall fruction of n Aii'oiiil I Whoever lnii watched u mmp I hulilile tmrnt known liowiiiMaiilaiiiiiu.ily it vunihlifR Lord lUyleiuli Mionght it tnif,'lir tke oiie-tweiitieih of h wornd but liy repeated AHtrimeiiU he found that the time occnpnxl in the diiuippiiar luce of the iridescent til in wiw not more than oue tlire-linndredtli of a t-econd. To catch nml picture a vniiirdiitii,' lilm tietween the iimtimt of its lircukinj,' and that of its complete extinction proved a moHt dilUcnlt ninliTtakiiig. but it Wan accotuplihlied g Some perwiiiK inaynliiuk that it would be etiiiilly diilicnlt to photograph a llhtiiniK Uiwh, but it uiunt be recollected that lightiini inaki-rt an Intensely vivid linprewiou. while the soft reflection of a roup bubble evuneKcent, even iu the bright glare of nil electric njiark. From printing the iuiavte of the flying edge of a broken buhblu In the three hiinilre.lth of a ah-oihI Id iliitclnMn the pxihience of ureat neluihe iu the heaven by tlie ciininlaliveelTect of several hours of roiitiniMiiiM exHHiire, the moderD photogiaphic plate is performing many wondeni iu br-hiilf of wience. nml prov inif itself one of the most powerful mean it man a disposal Ut tinliN-k thuM'cieU it nature. Youth's Uiiiipuiilou Muw foiimilrj Art Mxile. Tlie triiiii.foniiing of llowers, once rowu and picked, into marketable per fuiiiin and piiiuade in not an affair re ipiiruitf (real tikill Vol' can do the thiui; yuiiriw ll on a muall acalu if you have n garden Take a frame like a window sas-h, holding a finale pan of iihisn; wah the carefully and cover both Hide of it with a Huu layer of f. r.-iine made of two puts of I ird ami one of tallow I'ick oil the M tals of a lot of row and violets, throwing the n-iit of the fl.iwerH nv.ij , iind l,iy theui itvi r tlie (fle.l-if II. He il ili.zi l sn, h tratlKK tilllS pii ., i d aiid sliii k th in up by laying liieui evenly on top ol one another Tan you will have a w iien ol rhamlier'i. each onl.unii.a a la)er of'ci p-I. ils In l . 1 1 n ii l.i .or andiieeil infill (.'nasi' I it m n; of any kind h. -.s a i-!n,ii nl'::.i:v inr pt-rl.un s, and SO tilt- -.,. l,,,l's the of the vm I. . s ur r. is I'i.i in tii.ii p. '' 'lay. and at tli- ndf two or three liioM i;s the ci v. i:i ' l::t !y ii:i pi .- : s--1 vv.'.ii ,r ol i.,e tlmvi is. '..'ij.e It nil tie- I' .i n and ttrvi .Ut It i. i i.'c'.ii 'l I he i.c i i ivs no ehiinty I'.r tt, . ilin.e ' ' v 1 1 .-:.(. r i;,..n i s; Clell 1 ,. ,-e... e I , , I.II n W ,,J 'CM' I. ly Hi,..,.:, it (,-;., ,:. (,.! I:! "U i'Hiriin "lie ,'ili i.ieil i ,1 i;,'d a:i-tn-r v .-! ycuui.i en e cv-.i)..i:,. (::! lie coin:, lie. V;...uti,;iou '. ' r 'I I i'i I.e.. Ii IU. There M n ciii-inm ) ml I'mun i o with tne Is I's .,( .Me-.iru'iciui clmr -li. It is said that a I -iu'. Inn,' 1 1 am a::') a tl-'iveler was p-iri,' throit:;li Mi -. i i : t ll.llll Wlll ll he lllitll ld three men hlltlll on n htilu in the cliuri hyurd Mild iayin!, '(,'ouio to churcli. Tiioiii)isiiii. come to church, Lrowii," and ho on. iJem very liiiich mirpi-Keil. be a-l;ed what it meant, k(:il was told that, having no Is !!. tin y call 'd folks t i church In this way. The traveler reu;:ii k. d tu it it was a pijy so ti:ie a chnrcii elinnli) be wituoiit bells, mil at tie Kaiiie tune in ked the men if I Ley could make thiee fur the chnrcii, promising to p iv for theai biniself. They tiinlertiKik to do this. They were reflectively a tiulo r, a carpvuti r and 1 .'"I.e.lUer. Wle U Ie-t tilt- traveler'd that way he found the three men ritiKini? three bells, wine! aaitl, "Tinj;, toll;,'. plulT," Is-ill' made ' eswctiVely of II. WiMxIalnl leatiHl ! luidon T'lt Lits. 1'wn Kurrlan l.itiKil.t;ea Nnrensitrii. A ppifrasiotiul liittii ouitlil Ui know at least two foreign I.iil;ii.h,'ca If he Lac tde' l'lnl pench.iiit for lingual utmlies 4iiH a MroiiK In-lit of tiiind usually hull tnlir niH-ctal capin:ity it may lie worth while for him to extend bin list to Italian Hid S)i:iuiail, even to o outside of thetrn; hut Krcncli and (icrinan bu ou'ht to (hissi'sa as part of the very means.. of his contact with modern life. These l.m iruai;efi will admit liiiu to everything that m valuable in the newest thought of the tiiii". rmce it may be truly aaid that a production which doea nut as-edily1iii the li'ht. either originally or by trans lation, in Ln'lisii. French or (h-rmail is i-ither not woi ih KM altentiuii or can lie calmly walti'd for. Interview iu l!os toii Ileruld. ItiAliiy IiMf Cuatiiiiirt fur lltiKtun Wunisa. The Woman a DreMt Iteforui club in Uooton iiniiibers aome 'J'H; meiuberii, com prisma teachers, diHtoN, writera anil M'icr profensional workera. The first rainy day all the tnciiihcra are phsled toaps ar in a ttoi niy weather cost nine, i-oiisihtiiiK of a akirt in wal-rprisif i loth r r . hi 1 1 it a little nay Ih Iow the kueea and revealing (altera of water proof cloth or ridiiiK boot. A reefer coat will cover the nps-r part of the limine and a tarpaulin hat complete the costume. New York Sun The Chinese lav down bamUm risls for young oysters to cling to, and (rive them no special attention. When a fair niilnU-r are inaiuie, they pick up the roilsand carry huge ami small toluaiket, without nepaiiiling Ineiii trom the rods. The day of the Ignoramus is over I" evi l ! There no lunger anv r's'in f" Iii in In clvih.ed lands, extent in tH kinds of work that no one likes to d'l slid even from them u.- is sure to b h lu'ii id la t l'WOTYl'KS UK BADilKN s . . THE REAL thincj IS IMITATES. BY THt PiATt-.D ARTICLE Kiillirtlin, a H Mm, I i.-n Tin 1. 1 A iMirt. Tim iili I In l'xiei iiimni iiiu 'Inr Is I, ml, I,. I,, ;M , Ait'ilnst Ihi U'nmic Kin. I -l,, VlrikOiu Kii!iiili 'Bad men in tne e-est' lireak into two classes sanl a m iiiieinan, late ol .Silver City, 'tlie sine eiioic,h arid the linil.a tioii bad mini One is a killer and the other simply blusters The two sorl,s look alike, lulu Millie, .jairh themselves in I'lK lials, tiell i.'uim oil their hips, hwi in and mizzle and fallow eacli other'a suit Iroin tirsi to last, lor which reusona it Is hard to tell the real tiling trom the coun terfeit The only sure way of dihtin- i ariiiistm tlie true, solid silver bad man i from the plated fellow la to teat them aa fast IW presented. 'KusMiin Uiil, who, In the early j eighties raa a rustler in the valley of ! Hau Simon in Arizona, and u sinuularly industrious horse and cattle steulei of ! that snailelesa rcuiuii. was all liuilarioii had in an He was a iw-l talker, and hear In in tell it- bad rilled more gravel than ail epidemic. It la doubtful, bow frvei, if he ever drew hmiiaii blond, and the other rustier wmilarly regarded him as a man of no oourae. It turned nut a case of the magpie and the pea cocks witti tiie Russian tiiou'h. for one evening tne impulsive denizeua of ,Shnkep-iite, A. T., Uaik UiU'a word for It and incoiitliieiitully tiling him de tieiiy esse. 'The lliissian had comiiany, though, for they atretched another gentletuati. time and tree the name, yclept Bandy , K:;t There wan no discount, however. on Kin One tu.uld have taken a brace and bit and bored clear through hint tiud struck tiotliitm but clean atialu (came. Kinii and Russian Bill were together on the occasion ol their apprehension and taking oil, and were decided apecimena of the two tyH of bad tneu Til K SaVIK OK BILL. liill, aa a naiiiu, luu ts-eii the ptop ertyol a iininy of the li,'hteraof ihu west Krerpiently some allix or pre fix went with it to keep tlie blood Iw dewed I'.illa from Kttuu( all mixed np. There have been a Curly bill, a Wild Illll. a Navajo Lill. a liullalo Bill, a I'oker Bill a (Jheveiine Bill, a French Bill, an Antelope Bill, a Russian Bill, a Broncho Bill, h Canadian Bill, a Monte Bill, a Butcher Kinle Bill and Bill Bou ncy, or Billy the Kid, that I have known "Cheyenne Bill was and Is one of the i l-M killers referred to, ami always try ti. a to run a nl iiiuhi some tender foot and scare Inn to death. Katun, N .'1. .luia,iince. it.ihtiHin -does lint, as a coiiiiiinnity, ne e.uly ol a S,nnl,n- lli'-l iiiii. nlei h I, tn k 111 Irs .iioij out ol tim iii a l in I he s, ill ami ? ii !y hours of holy day. I heard n voice oe mi tie- net! ;p cl ral-i d to a hoi lit l.e; ween II I ill eat Hll'l a c..;'i;ii:,i.. I v i.t leliHoii v (,s at once a; ; r.n i ,, L.ti ; 1 out w ai ie I coiil.l see f.mnil l 'ii Vefiiitj iiul 111 tlowhllt I II T i-:i loll , 11 cii-.ul of a r.-iucl.iiil teiiiierloot who I, :d i.o: ie iii oil I n- tialli tmi cuat le lo:e V. bailee r. ,w v. as a , .ut I't l.oV ' '.Hio;) v ii ii y.,ii he. or I'll pull on von' toa,.) ,,!,,; . ';,. va;iuii-li Bui In A Ie ice to;.e, his hand on his six-suuoler oid liil.owiio; nl. i.i niter the stranger 'I On- t WO Toils tsjld. 'Tu nive the tenderfoot his due, while he kept walking away Iroiu Bill, ho ap I'c.iicd more liinnisled than Wared, and waile he said not lun and did not turn hi bis would be caplor, nevertheless he riceived Ins orders to halt with bccoiu ii u t-oiiteinpt, ami kejit lran,'ht on. CII.L AMI 1IIK IIMil KHIOT "Kxcept for my presence, Ciieyeiiue Hid bis victim had the town tu thelll- Ives, .lack llixeiibaiitrli, the marshal, nd the rest of the cilUeiis Is-in;,' aeiihi uly in Is'd. I had n-en a Chinaiuan run win . "i:c nrnti: cicc ovi.r a 1 r,iiil.42. nid knew there was no more to be feared Iroin in in thuii In in tlie lant calf on the rane. mid siioiuinx over to bint I m in formed the liersoli Irom the ea-t and ad- I virs d ii 1 1 ti to t;o at lei the doughty Chey- niie and pull Ins head of The tender 'sit bad iiiiont made up his mi ml to da t any lie at, and my vote willed it He inrued and started for Bill, whereupon 'hat person at once lost all his valor and Hed briefly 'Tlie tenderfoot caught up with him, However, and eased bis surcharged aoul Oy three or four forceful and very meri '.oi'ioua kicks This stiine.l to do both Bill and the ahorliioiu a world of i(uod, I iff the former avoided the tifth by iilnnioutf ap a stairway. The tenderfoot A'auted to charge after Bill and kill him onipletely, but I urned a dilferent view md poiuted out the fact that Bill took um gun with bun and that if ho found Himself cornered he might ahooU "Curly Bill was another of the riot jiis and dcsciate korl. lharalige in 1 HHt md wan aouthwetitern New Mexico ud eastern Arizona. No one knew where Curly Bill hailed from, but if there'a truth in .Scripture, where he wai oiiig waa plain to all. He waa reputed, when I saw til iu . to have killed nineteen ie ii. and had the air of one who waa lisikmg hard for a chance to make it a suiD, Curly Bill hiu found his grave sancwliere out iu the arid waste he pa .ruled, aa nothing bai Iss-u heard of him ot some tiuiH." Katisan City Star. UaH HIniMtll Away. One day iu a chat with a friend he laid to inei "Has it ever occurred to you that when old age deprives you of much ,,f your present ability to earn a living Voil will t obliged to look to your triends for siipsiit. or else become a .hai g at some one of the charitable in .titiiiioie.l'" I coiifc-s hiu neitlur a money maker nor a mum y saver, but Vit is doliars to iloughiiiits' that the pei-lai who thus twiit d me of my weakness diuply et'lits t as ho did so the general plan whit n be, HI the Cold bltsid of luiil lle igti, Is counuiig on as Ins resource a iii ii ha hIimII gel too old to be indi usable. Detroit Free Bre-s. . i.U aiih 'sswawy w., A Nt rang Ituiuaun. - ' Pt.vis. nave been luid for the' presen.a ti iii nl the Ooiila county Jail iu if few dnya of a drama of lov,,;l. Inw, the Ii!, a of which has never ieeii ut tuiiipTiiL. Willi one exception, on ia miiuic alage i in real life The clinlix of ' the play will be the inai'i'iaej' ol a condemned murderer titul sell Q-onlessed thief and ex convm-t to a woiiiVii who has clung to turn through all hisil roubles and la wi II iic to clasp Ins DmihiI . red with the inno-ci-i-t blond ol two heljli ,ssi)ld people, and nW'-ar to love, uoiini .liid obey Inm uiiul I'.e.ith. directed by strong arm of the .;'.v, doth them paiy lid Neal, who is ii) tie executed. Is to be man-led to a woman of the town known as .loseplnlie Clar!:e. The shiry of tm ir wisiiiii is ineiiialed in theaij. mils of love tjlioj-tly after his arrest an l return to this cfity. and after he was conlim-d in the comity jail, site aplieared upon the scene, She talked with him through the liars and offered words of encouragement boih to the accused and his altoiiiejs . Long heforethe case waa called for trial In the district court thia woman not only rendered valuable aa sistanoo in the way of looking np testi mony, but even went further, and out of (ier own earnings paid many of the bills incident to the trial. When the case was called each day jhe waa an interested ;ctator, occupy ing n front seat within the bar and as near the prisoner aa possible. After ?ach session of the court, niie followed him to tlie jail door, and after tlie man was hs ki d Hi hia cell she would stand umh-r his window for hours at a time tal kin? in a low tone of voice trying to cheer him When he was convicted niie made several elforts to effect hia escape. OuiahilCor. hi. Lome Ulobe-Democrat, liruih of iiMiriiio mil iniihtn. Pan! Eagle Star, one of Colonel Cody' Lidiaus. haarlied at the Siietlield infirm ary from an accident which befell him while the Wild West show waa on a visit to that town lie ami a number of other Indiana were riding iu the arena, when his horse swerved against a partof tiie boarding. Eagle Star austainvd a coiiihiiiiii1 fracture of his leg. one of the fractures being close to tile ankle. For a time he made favorable progress, but lockjaw set in, and from this he died. Mr. Crager. Colonel Cody's chief In terpreter, sat np with him tlie whole of Sunday uight, and he was visited also by Short Bull, one of the Indian chiefs. Tiie deceased was a Brule Sioux Indian, twenty-live years of age, and was a prisoner of war. having taken part in the l.i-t Indian rising. He was mar ried. Ilis wife ami children are living at the Rosebud agency, United States. Boh. loll News. I'lissll l'H,t piinf s hi :i,liiti-i-lriit. ' Several fon'priiitsof reptiles of various .:c u -ions have lately been discovered 1 iilioiil three miles from llolyoke. Usiu the ro-lt iii Ii. L. Bosu'rii UTs ipiarry I r.i ii tint shore of the Connecticut river. I which c ci ed cici; i lerablit excite- in- "I and '!:":,, ,.;mj. imjiiirics. I I' . - ill -.overa s o-enr not infre !j""! ''J'. '"'"' than I .',h.,: such fnot- i ; :v ii iviiig aire.ii'.y b s-u brought to I .nl. l.ii-l. in fact, it H v!l known iioou nit i ae sciein iiic wniii tilatlite n ..' i -l'ene of tlie Coniu-ctient : 1 1 1 V , V." ' 1 1 ' ii ext. lids aooill 111) inil.s Loin nol i i ,o soui i au-l avercg. s auoiit Iv.'iiiv iii-les ii t r- til West, I la O ol tlie li.osl liroillie lle'i v 1 1 U'leS of If , , loH-ii juiiiin. .-nans oi tins sione, Having upon lie in the wou.lerl .il iniieiit.-ilioini. i .i.'i be found in iibuost all the miiseuiui of tins country and Luropu. Springlield L publican. A lilt iif llinusii NslarA. A gris er not far from my place of alsslo has ts-eti tliis year selling for eighty cents the same sized ba-ket of peaches that be la-t year dispo ed of fur hvedollais Tins is not' at all singular consideiliig the profusion of the fruit this year and the scarcity l ist, "It's, funny, though," as be told me. "that the 'opl who took their high pi ictsl brtsnei WiLiiolilM wold Mie HOW sending hie complaint after complaint because they Iind a little poor fruit in the basket. Why, last year they were Very bad." It is ihM nntil you come to think that everybody thinks out of this year's abun dance his grocer ouuht to select him a perfect order. New York Herald What la a Homer When the late Timothy Smith died he left a will in which he directed his exec utors to provide a "home" for bis sister during her lire. The executors, do not construe the word "home" in the same sense as doea the sister, and Lawyer Childs came before Judge Morton to ask that a suit to have the court say what the wold means be aut for a hearing. Mr. Childs said that the executors hold that the word "home" means simply "shelter." and consequently have given the sister an empty house, nothing more. Boston Traveler IihIIniis as Wrather rroiihets. The Indians of the Colorado desert have an extraordinary way of fortellimj the weather. They not only prognohtt cate for a few days, but for six months and sometimes a year. Last fall they told everybody that we should have a cool summer In the desert and that the fruit would be late. They were right The fruit waa very late this summer. They declare that next year will be an early summer, and Unit tho fruit will ripeu early What they base their pre dictions niu is unknown. Yankee Blade. ftsvrd hjr Austin IIMwsll. Austin Bulwell, the man who has al ready suffered eighteen years' penal servitude for Mrticipation In a fraud on the Bank of Kngland In lb?3, recently saved a fellow prisoner from drowning in the river ut Chatham, where they weru working. Mr. Matthews has ac cordingly decided to remit eighteen months of the twenty years, which, ex rqd In the case of Murderers, usually cofntitutes a "life" sentence.' Bidwell wih therefore 1st liWulcd Iu nliout Cvo Won '.lis' ti mil. Ball Mall Caxelte I FOR DYSPEPSIA Aycr'sGarsap !; Is an iitTiictlve rumeily, u ' " ijjils conclusively pinvi.' '.' , , I wai a constant, S.J. ' ,". ' aim hVir compl ' . ' , " burn awl (je men; v every case; on'-' ... ' An ttpolliHcary , . HaisiaiarllU. J - ',' ' ' At a cost of .'. J -1 ' .". ' Iiihu my family in . ..' Iieetfinn f, stranger , . . believe tt titfie Hie liesi , -P. K. Mi'Nulty, Ilacku. ., v Luwell, Mass. FOR DEfll!''. . 'I ' Ay ; - ': - Is a certain pure, when tin com; '., ' nates In Impoverished blood. " : great sufferer Iron i a Jew condition Iilisid and Kern-rat ( lehllHV, lieeninliig fil l ; no reduced Hint I w as unlit for work. flu. '. lint that 1 dltl lor phe complaint hi'lls-tl linr a iiiii.'h an Ayor's .fersapM i!Ia. a bottlrs of which restored me to hraltli and stn-iiKtli. I take every opiKirtunlty to reenninienil this nii'illflne In similar cases.J'n-y. fcvick, II E. Jlulu st, Chllllcbpi; Ofiio. if, v FOR ERUPTIONS" And all disorders orlitluatlna In Impurity ol the lilnod, such as IkjIIs, carhuucles, pimples, blotches, salt-rheum, scald-liead, scrofulous sores, and the like, take only Aycr'sSarsaparilla raaPARKn t DR. J. 0. AYEB A CO., Lowell, Mass. Prlo 1 ; li tsililes, Worth l a bottU). OU'ATLI L COMIO-niNO t At Wfl IsL'KA K I'A I' ' Mwtr la-It 'i-7'' if tiif nnriirHl htKK which jj'ivi" m Un oni ii' Ih i i.f (MK"tt on It'll 'MltlMNHl AIM I liV I'illffttl )( lli'tilinll ( iIih Iln' in""'ii'f ff well m'tfc i'ii rt Mr. hl-p-Iim imivltifil iior I rt itl" lii-l tulil wllh 1 :a' v It von'il hrvrrjiifH vlijrli iitiiy w;iv i h MtMiiv li-iivv flit'-tfr'lillN. It N hv tlii''jmlio Imih iisi nf fiirti :irt !( 1 1 Ihht h mM- -lunl' ii nmv Im i;i'al u.'-ll y lunif up unlfl trini innu"h to rffi! '.rv hili'iiey lit iIImmhi. I ( IM iI r - of MUlrttM t"t-;i jrt HI" t1"U'HK itromut a i rt'inh lo iifiack wIb-i'-v r hcif I a wi'k ti'h'l. We nitv r:i iiihov h ful-il h tfi hy K 4'c-iWitf i urr ten m l) for-llifil wMh nun til-tn "inl ii prijMTl)' immiiihIii"! fraiiii." Cull -r p ( .tii'te. h'IiI Klmit'y witU Imilftitr WMliTit IHI f, Hull, Uf' til I HI 1 1 - Hllllt 11'-, Ii. m.h.m h h.m IIciI ttmi: .1 Ml I'. ITS , I to . I Inn a hMiiV I'r-n-IM f iwidmi. Ki' (I nrnci'cnnr'r r A US. Ui liJlUlll t Bell-cap-sic a'"TZl!'f PLASTES7. llls-iiniAiniTi, nimlrts. plson)'inf1 Inmbiir r'rl nl rniw, flu e Inr "i'. I ,v all I Irnioi it-. ' I- '.. . . ... . - "".I '''' I ''',' Into. " !t ..: ".'I' , . -''v.r . .: ii i,i ,i r- r.rnv :'' r v i.J a.. . I :, or; i i , .T.'.',. y,''r I I" ' , .1 . 'Tl. in,,, 1 nt.1; Hi ti:iif..'4,i'U. j ' i ' ll '? " S' COW ''s. 'I ie- f '" ",' tier 1 'f Crsi, , .. . .. , .:s i-u l .,i,,,..s'.i, of ln.:LOjk CO., . V. j 1 'at'l. I, ti'tl Ai l HO', V ..I V-. '! li ' '.' - i ''Alii. 1 i , v. i, l I or Cuts Br ii s, ... ,, r,-s. I It ii ... ,. ii I .In ii in. Fever I ' ... '!' f. ! i. n I ,,.ii. , ( I illiUins, . 1 ', i n-., al ii " i .'-K ,:i .a iii lioii", nml posi 'llil, t!i- I'i'.s. or uu ..y lelplire'l. ! ll is im" ''ii ! i d to ove s .lisl.iciion, or I a '";l:i ''ci. !'' it i V.', ( cuts per bill. ; K, r side b F, (5. l- rn ke ii Co. How to Succeed, This i-t the o'p.jit priilileiii of life wliich few en! i.-(iictoril y nolve. Sonic fail licciHisc of ill hciilth. olll cis wont id luck. But the innjority froiil iiisuliicieiit rit waint ofJiicrVc. T I icy nrc i ici inir. i rrc.-i i lute, chiiii ge iihlc. cii.xily lrt tllir IiIhcm nml "lake iin epii iif iint o hi keep ihe epif iie up," thus svnst iug; money, tinie, (p ptiitiinity nml nerve (nice. Therein 1 1 1 1 1 i i LT like the Kcetiirntivc Ner vine, discovered hy the men! epe-ciiili,-l. lir. Miles, to cure sill ncrvoim tlisciisi's, an hcniliichc, the Blues, iiei'viiiin prorttriit inn, elccph-nxiicHA, tictiriilcjiii, St. VittiM ihincf, fits ami hysteria. Trial I a it I lex nod line hook (d tcstiiiioiii.ilK free ut F. (. i-i ickc A Co.'. For ninny yearn Mr. II. F. Tlionip eon, of Ilea MoincM, lown, waa mc verely nfllictcd with chronic Uiiirr lioen. lleaayn: "At linirn it wais very isevcre; mo much mm, tluit I fciicrtl it would cntl my life. About iscvcn years uo 1 chnucerl to pro cure u bottle of Cliiiinlici Inin'e Colic, Cliolcrn mid Diiirihocn Kemcdy. It g-jivc me prompt relief nml 1 Believe cured me permanent ly, as I now cut or drink without Inn in iiiivtliino- J please. I have also iiMCtl it in my family with the hc-l rcniilts. For aide hy I'. O. Frickie V Co. Wonoerful Success Two y curs nc,(i the Mailer I'rop. Co.' onil-rcd tlicir hottlcn hy the box - now they Buy hy tint, ciirlouil. AnitniLT the popiilnr imtl siicccsefiil rcinedicH they prcpnre ia 1 In litre SiirHiipnrillii A Hurdock which it the moKt wonderliil Blood purilicr known. No (liiigLrist liceitiiles to recomiuciiil tliiis remedy. For Hide hy driiiriL Good Looks, OimiiI looks nrc more th in skin deep, (lctcniling' upon n healthy condition of nil the vitnl organs. If the Liver he inactive' you have n Kilioiia Look, if your hIoiuiicIi he iiUcetcd you have u llynpeptic Look nml i( hour l itlneVH he clh'ctetl yov will have a 1'iiiclictl Look. St cure Ltiioil health imtl you will have good looks, Llcctrie ftittcri in the yrcnt nlterctive iind Tonic. iict.H iln cell v on tlioMC vital organ. CnrcH ('iniplcH, ltlotclicK, Hoilsiuiil g ivcsiii loiiiI i tiiiiplcxioii. Sobl nt ii.j -tt'M e, ""!' I , I ', l l icie .V t . 'li "f" . , ' i V S n . ' r. .A