ew o-i ft H- Vs. 1 1 T R 7 U U U U u a,n w jl 1 4- FIFTH YEAR. PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA. F.;ISJ)AY 0CT03ER 16 1891 Ti i ; ; I n f 7 : i 12 AhznTfvl f2 i dtiiMinirik j Absolutely Pure. A creiiin of tartar linking owdcr. ghest of all in Icavcnim strcnth. itet 1'. S.t.overiinii nt I'ood Ke J rt. .)R. A. SALSnURY I -: U K. N T-1 S T : f J Mil.li AMI IfiKCKLAIN I'kliWSH, , I HlrliiUHV Hli:l lii't fertile iii- i , 1 iraruur- in n-im. t Fine Gold Work 11 SpccialH . j'ROtMl lirk fUttSitlolliil OS POLtOCK R W HYERS Notary l'lilillr& Alnllbeler Smlilli.r 1 1 Entate, Loiiu and Imursnre Acji hTr flf you huve real enli.te to w II or i hnnge Hend mm deicrilioii. price '1 terniK. , trnctH of title fiiriiiMhcd ut ren ; oiiiilde nitcH. .' , HI) o Iihio lit V'-j percent mid "io coininifKiiiiiH, on gooil f.irni Beciirilv. .V JIYKKS i 'I'l.ATTsMOfTM Nui. :, (Iflir uihl'r ! ('uriulif I'.ai k. ft- r4 A. N. KLLL1VAN. 4iW!ier M-ljlW. W U:1' irKl ''"lMl rmih' riiTrii'l-. I' i I) Iff. Ofllen In ikii lilih-k. KHft iil-. 1'lnli-moiiih. Ni'h. ll PKAKCt Ij IIA K ttH I ( I II H rir I'M irH. Inr) rlhtx n. ;u.il iiiill n ki 4 lol il nrv lMtiltti ritnt hai hut A 111 Iran nil ft- I I ln h-xi h tu'l l! . lint itf hutiy h"nl-mimI In or 5 i!T I rU-m I lit wtlirk IMll Imv1 t ij Uui(1 llfr nr "it-li r lmi In i ml l w. 7" r i oiiiiiiip il. t.Ml.sS .SCIII VI.KW. TklM.MKK. S UCKER SISTLFJS. iH'r' fl'H'f LT IH Ii I I I 1 f f t V I. i iL- - - i. j i . n i.v t 1 ii it--j 1.1 r. 'r ALL AND WINTER HATS TRIMMINGS. AND f ! hu-' II lilt" IIitkll.K lIl-liAtlmrl.l. Kal- Infuri lint iii.irHnict'il iu.k'iiiTtiKii. I'uirr-iMin in V l.fW'-.P-X. - V 1 A '.. -"'wjsw.i-.-t-- Sl J HOLII A Nil I'OltCKf.AIN CK'M.NK -Briil wurlc mikI Himj gull! work a SPECIALTY. K. HTKIKAt'H LlK'AI. orlt m iKl.rr im.. -lhi-ilriclpa tiirlho niiHilMM-tiiriiniim n MV MAI MAKSHAI.L. Pitfft-r-tlil AT UARKE-T KUTH HTkKKT ii. i:i.i.i:nh.i m, i ron. f Irenli meat iilwayx liiund market. Alo frenh KggM mid H m t r r. I game ol alt kind kept in their , rU'aMOII. :M.EAT 24AHKET1 y'leepnenn lu'uht made uiinerable . jlli.it terrible ciiugh Miilohri rem Jt in the curr for you, by C, , k. and OH Snvder. ) ; J'roilp fretpienlly lindn a hoiine. , .Id uiipiepiired fur iln init, while ?,( repidit y w ith which il ilevt lopn j,n fur inntant trraliiient. htir i in il.ingroii ilineane A yer'n ITier I I'rctoral in mi adiiiir.il.'li' rriiie.lv nHven many livi m , ej) in tlx.' limine, cfT) jinr, :;:7 MIOTHH WIKE, I A w.-np.nii Wnior Himbnn'1 annou I I (,; Wlff with m Hnvolvrir. " Startling newt wn received in i thU rily thi morning' to tlie effect llml Ch;i-t Hlaki-, who reside about four unle from Weeping Water had lt t himvife. Iiiuftigation jrilnovs lli.it they were married I t i t mit year "hire but have iii i prpiriited. Since that time Mr. Illiike ha ik-ch teaching school north of V ceiling Water, and n ("lie was returning home in the eve ii i ii uf on liorselmrk lir overt'"'!? n cnriitge. Ah she passed by CIiiih Jllakc fired three shot at her, one of which took effect in the thigh. The would-be-murdered wn cap tured in thin city mid in now lodged in j.iil here. Hi trial will take phice in the district next Mondny. F'ulillexl Thone inltreKted in the iIIhciih r-ion of the politicnl Imhiicm of the dii),lioin the democratic mid iinlr. p 'iidenl i-t Hid pointM will he nf. fmfdi'd mi excelli'iit opiortunit thin evening to listen to rcprcHc illa tive expoiiniUr- of the respective dociriniM. The democratri have (eciiri-d the Hervicen of CongreMH innti Myiiiiiu, of liKliana. one of the able! men in the democratic rankH. IliH r-prtch will ,f piin-ly demo C aticnml the j;eiitleinan iM worth u good it 1 1 1 1 - -1 1 - r. The iiKlepcnilentM will he repre-t-cnted by ( 'oiigreHiiimi McKrigh a ii of Hit- cecond (liwlrict. He in h repu Mentative inember of hix jmrty and ionb;leHH he w ill plmw lip the doctrincH of bin party in their bent light. I'he deinocriilic ck aking w ili be held in the opera bonne at 7;:tl; the iildepeiidentt at kockwood Hall at the rMiiiic hour. The e c.i-e of Ktiwe vh. hniith. on :i ch ii'ge of.i.'xaiilt ami battrry wiih H ied l)iiri 'morning. The prom-cn-tiini wriM coinlucled by County At torney 'I ravin, and Sullivan ami fiering ill feuded. ( )nr reailim will OoiililJcrin renieinlx-r that Trili HKKAJ.li grive a full iii eount of the circnmntitnceri koiim- lime niiice. in which it appeared that Smith two a.-'finfantn unmercifully mid wilh oiit ;'f't tit f 4tvoi'-nrion beat Wow e over the dead. The Jury it ftill out. A we go lo preix ti H-e, Hi, tie n. Smith, that wm apiwMl, .1 from Juntice Marlin'H court id I'uiwii. in I'ring trie'l. The (1. fendaut in chargeil with lining ohncene lan gUaye in the ,n nenrv of lailieM. A vi-rdict will prnbublv be rendered tbin evening. J.ATI'.W: The pii -1.11. r h rn been dtni ll.oed. K. K. .Nicker.niii, the eiriiiient t r iM t virtuoHO and leadf-rof the llhn k Hunn.tr baud with "A Social Sen niou" company, in another of our WMing American .luu-wci.iun who IniM made rapid Mlriden in liin cbonen profenniou, and, though but tfiity Heven yearn ol ar, already nrcupien a prominent pi, ire among tlir- leading corueltintn of the world. Ilm nolon between the lirnt ami nef i.nd actn of "A Social Sennjioi" in 0.U- of t!i,: pha.i ,K f.-uioren ol ill i enlrrlainmeut, and doe away with Ihr liniuil tcdiiuin c litre. iietn inn-ie thai maken the time between cur taiiiK Hi'i'iii no long and mount onoun. rVeiiieuiher thin iraiid per fornt.iiice will take pi. ire ut the opera hoiine next Monday night and pm cannot 11 third uiin.n it. 1.1'. AntiH will yivr vou ditdi of milk ntew oyntern tor only 31 centn.ciiHh. ,n Ha3 Just oponett up a full line of lad e?, Gents and Chilcii ens all wool underwear anj be lore you buy your Fall or vmter fioods. Don't fall to call and sec our prices. W b;at'fin all. Have you am thoee nob by Ulms Caps, all pretty fchades, O.'i and cents B HI NEBRASKA ON WflFELS The Desire to Wealth Ful. resent Oar aalized. ( Alts AltllMK tl.l.V Itl.fORATr.P Th Tri?t--rhnrrtilng Arrarigsiintnt o' tha Dlnplnyfi--Cm Counly to Ihn Fronl--Th Exhlbl. Inr--A Commencliiblq Fntarprifte. The ndvertiniiig train of which a great deal han been naiil the jiant few weekn through the coliinuiH of nearly every paper in Nebrnnka, nr. rived in the city tit 4 45 hint evening rnroule for iln long pilgrimage through the eantem mid middle Htaten. In the neighborhood of L'lUO in terented uprctator had annembled Ht the ntntion at thin place long be fore the train wan flue, fill waiting P'ltiently to get a glimpne of the train designated to rcprcnent the products of Nebrnnka noil mid tie. Higned to envclopthe cili.enn of the emt in a halo of ama.emeut mid wonder. - The train tnbracen an engine, Imiririiire car. two coachen In-. Hide two piillinau earn for the rep. renentativiM. The engine ami baggage car are furiiinhed, gratu illloliHly, by Hit- I'. J'. The baggage car w ill be nni d for mi office and reonitory for the advertining mat ter to In- carried on the trip. The exterior portion in appropriately t longli not no profHiely decorateil an the cam in which the exhibit are placed. Thene are large pan Hrnger coachen with neatn removed. The nee of the lirnt car wan donated by I reuiont Klkhorn A Minnouri Valley R. R. Thin car in artintically decorated with coi n of all color and varieties; ii remindn an olmerver of h t'orn palace, on a nmall m-nle. Small grain mid gra-i-en lire al-o ueil w ith good ef fect, and flag, bunting mid ban nei. Iloat troin. the top mid adorn the niden. Hut the exterior, einbelihed n il i -,'!'".-. ::t iiibai'd the observer an adeipiiite concep tion of the wondimn rapabilitien of our people, a drn-n a trip Ihroimh the car. In thin car the the counties of Hox. Jhittc, Huffalo, AlamnvIIolt, Iodge, llayen. Cum tiling, Sheridan .ind Hottglan have exhibit. The display of each county ocrupie a pa-e of HMD feet with ecry available inch Weill lil led with creditable Hatuple ol i every pro.luet that grown in tin Northwest. The H. A M.' car, if ponnible, i even more profusely decorated n,,( elaborately eipiipped than the other, being completely covered with corn, grains, granncs, (lags, hunting ioi. biintieri arraio'iil with mi nptittide rarely excelled. The coiintii-H of .Merrick, Kearney, Antelope. Hurt, Hull, ,,, 'k, C'unler, Ho and Lancaster are rrprenented in thin car. We were particularly interested in If di-phiy of Cans county mid niter n hanty compariniyt we were firmly convinced that it compares favorably with tin-display of other counties and the exhibit of truit beyond tpiention, surpasses any exhibit on the train. Among the Clin couttly exhibitor. R. I-'. I lean, of Murray, ha apple and beet and n head of cabbage weighing twriit) -right pound. Will Murray, l'hittinouth. fifty cm red and white corn that are seldom I'fpi.iled. J. II. Thompson, of Cedar ( reek, ha ii head of cabbage weighing twenty-seven pounds, ami ti Ity earn of'giaiil corn. Win. Crawford, of I'latUnioiilh, ha peanuts, beet, ritrrot, onions, okrn, nnparagu in fact the linest colleetion of garden fruit that can lie (omul in Citn coiiuiv. ', Itengeii, of I'laltniiiouth, fufn. ishe fine specimens of w heat and out. Jl. Kickenbary, a ninety-eight pound oiiiish; mid Mr. Kikeubary nan n very tine ollection of raiincd fruit. W.J. Koon. the photogrnpher, display a good photogrnpli of the high school, the I !. Riley mid the H. A M. bridge. ', V. J.eiiiinrd furnislii s it (illr photograph of the court hoiie. Kd Somer ha n barrel of the finest apple (hut , , ). from a collection of (JH) bushel. W. J. Henner ilisphiyn home spec! men of plant that ran .'leave no doubt us to the possibilitien of our climate in that direction. ! II. I'. ?Ic.Ma!.cn furnishes a nhoto- Urraph of mi apple tree w hose limb nuiijniri iweniy-inree iiiiHtielH ol line apple; also, some very fine varieties of apple.. Other display are made, the Mimic of the exhibitor of which We did not learil. That thin enterprise will have the effect apprehended there Can be little doubt. Advance agent, have already been nent mid advertising matter i being Hcattered Hlong the route notifying the profile of the train mid the marvelous resource it will rcprc-Hcrit. The newspapers in every county through which they pas will have a favorable mention of the train, thu turning the thought of thousand of peo ple in the direction of Nebraska. H.N. Dovey, II. C. McMaken and Mr. Samuel Waugh are entitled to Kpecial mention for their zealous and untiring effort in behalf of the Can county exhibit. I'KRSONAI, I. S. Guild i In Lincoln to-day. C. W. Sherman i in Omaha to-day. Lew Moore mid W. J. Ilesser lire in I Imiiha to day. ?Irn. I.nveriu came in from I'acilic Junction ti.is in - dug. Mr; J. Cooper wan a pin- giiV r Omaha thin morning. n. v. iniK mm iauglili-i, kiwi I lark ami ilaughtci, N Heaver it v. are the guet of Frank Davin' family. Mi. ami Mr. R. II. Windham and Mrs. A. I'atterson are Omaha visi torn to-day. Mrs. l-red Murphy of Cedar Creek came in this morning to visit wiih Mr. A. I'att -rsoii. Mr.Schildkuecht, brother of I); SchiMkuccht, accompanied by hi wife, left Ibis morning for Norfolk Nebraska. Hint Critchlield, accompanied by Inn father in law, Mr. Hague, wh lias heeji visiting in the city the past wfc ' , li ft thin morning for Healrice and other western point .mi. i. me wesi ii. inn. nyer, wan two hours late thin inornmL' o'.vi: to the unlit condition of a bridge a few miles cant of Kmerson, la., which necessitated a trip via Ham burg. No. ;t wan delay ed last eve ning for the same reason. ....... List of LfHtsm Remaining unclaimed m the postoffice at I'latlsiiiouth, Oct. I'l. lor the week ending let. 7, ISill: ll.inli ii. N I) Mi.t'-lai I, f rank Hell. (Ti HS "rmiik. I'Ht I l-.n-ui. Aii! ri.uil:il:nii, Vih A K.l-cli-l. ... I. tin- .Svrrji l. .Ii.lin Moiiiyii-iiiiv,.liii-.ili l In, in. min. I'rr Wiill!i.;.-r. .1 II IVrson calling for the above will please fay "advertised." , H. J. Si ki ioii r, I'. M. A SinHll Hlnia. L.-i.-t evening ;;t ft.l.' Il.r iire aim in wan sounded mid in a few niouii-ntn lllltldredn of people were enroute lor the scene of the distiirbaiici- which proved lo be the residence of C. A. 1'rinl. on the corner of Lighll anil Kock nlteeln. I he tire had been placed under control before t he lire company reached the place. I he damage done in trilling as only h small poiiion oi me root was damaged. n m apparently tne work ol an iucc iidiariail. A,.Ja Hill ing balance of picking season I will continue to pay the bight market price lor good varietie of winter apples at cauiiuing factory l-J) Siixkk. The Grand Lodge Knight rytlna in sesHion nt Liu -oht elected the following grand lodge ollicern for the ensuing year: Grand Chan- cellor, W. S. Hamilton, Lincoln; Vice Chancellor, W. W. Couklin, North l'latte; (irand Prelate, l". M. Vim Horn, Chadrou; (irand M ister Lxcheipter. I'han G. Alton, Aiun worth; (irand Keeper of Record mid Seal, Harry M. Shiielfer, Lin coln; (irand Master ami Ann G. M. Wright, l-t. Omaha. There will he h inepliiig o the Agricultural Society on Saturday, Oct. 17, at the ollice of Ihr Mi-cretary at I-'. Holder's, store at o'clock, p. in. t wit J. R. V.M.t.i ky. I 're. ) III MlLI.KK, Sec. Nolle T he I'. i;.(). nociety w ill meet at the home ol Mis Gcing at 2:'M) Saturday. Oct. 17. A fuK attend. mice i ciirut-Htly desired. WindoV glass at HruVn & H.irrett'ri tl -fred wmm. OUH FALL AM) WINTER STOCK - - OIF dry - ooons: juaaic: DKF.SS GOODS We are showinga haudsonie line ol CAMKIS HAIR I'LAinS, H ROAD CLOTH, I'LANNKLS, SKRCKS, II KNRIKTTAS. A full line of colorings and black. lll.A.NkLTS AM) tOMFOIiTS Stock complete mnl price lower than ever. GJcOilliS iljSTD SHAWLS, r'MAh iM.'vi-r r-liuYvn W cull Special Httentioii n Military inn! Ilip ('out sliipo trimincd witlt Mink, .jul, Atrachaii, Miill'alooii hiil Cniicy f'urm. . Our line ofrinsU SaeijneH art- clieuper tliiine.i.-r liftore. Full lines ii!' Children nv .Mis.-es Clunks inul JiK-keb. ' ' rNE DOOR EAST CLQSlS IiAfJlKS :v , r GlIJ.l)rF(j; FOR FALL AND WINTER WEAR WS HOfOBt TO SEU THEM CHEAPER Than ever befsrs offered to the people of Phttsacuth and vicinity. OUR; STOCK IS v Coutantly arriving and will soon.be complete. It will comprise a full range o all the newest a well a ll.e morentaple style d will be corn posed of the newent m choicest pr.idiiction o,rstic uud foreig manufacture ror a lit and excellenc of workmanship our garment JS?, no be excelled. And the price that we offer them at re tinprecidrntr in the aniotiutnof the cloak trade. . 1 "llra WE HAVE ed satin lining mid seal ornament that we call Hell for Vi an Thill-Lr' luflamnl m '""" ,,,,,Hh ""I"' 'niveraly Zl WE HAVE E a silk seal nlitsk i:,, L, i -i ,-,,..t,..u i .i. . . ell at that wo e cheao a m for the satnegarme,,,. ,e finer grad;" InlVeomHning ve" elegant and t)l.sh in the trimmed jacket and reefer in both cloth and THE PROPER thin g lor iketn on net ami reeier, tne uewiuai nave Hutu tne Jacket und Reefer We bought our cloak early of niter them at very low figure. lo We Solicit your favors and an early ins ec tion of out stock. WfJ HEROLD & SON, 507 Main Ptnvl D i ' v ii r ti u t i n A good Liidiee Jery vest a( i'ac. Ladies fine Jersey vent and pant in white or natural gray at TiOc each Ladie natural Gray Wool Vent amti I'ant at 50c. Regular 75c under wear. Full line of Ladie Fine wool ribbed under wear in white, card: mil and black. Complete line of Child' under wear in natural, scai let and white nt price as low a the lowest. no largt! a line in tins (lejKirtinent. to our l-ifOiJ HSoiii-tment of Inefi-rj 3 0 1 n m JUUfflAflH FIRST NATIONAL. FIGURES CO. l s. mm II silk seal olnsli mih-h,.,. 'iw I....I... i ... 1.J , h. . ,V" " .7 ' . ' e c" " for Misse thin fa .l isst-rt tin fall mid winter will be being almost eutirrlv (lis. nr,l,l ; for MinseV wear in rndle varity, v. . . . v Hrst hand mid are thereby enabled LMattsiiiouUi, Nob