r aBi. NEBRASKA. FRIDAY 0C10BER 9 1891 . . NUMBER 24jT Jutely Pure. foi tartar baking powder, A all in leavening strenth tJ. S. Government Food Re- -0 R. A. SALSBURY : D-E-N-T-I-S-T :- GOLD AND PORCELAIN CKOWNS. Dr. Stein way 8 anesthetic fertile iiiIi-i ex traction of teeth. Fine Gold Work a Specialty. Kockwood Block riattsinoiilli. Net, THOS POLLOCK R W HYERS Notary Public & Abstracter Solicitor eal Estate, Loan and Insurance Agents If you have real esU.te to well or exchange send us description, price and terms. Abstracts of title furnished at reas onable rates. $100,000 to loan at 1i per cent and no commissions, on good farm security. POLLOTK & HYERS 1 L A TTSMOIITH - NE. Office under Caws County Bank. TTORNEV A. N. SULLIVAN. Attorney at-Law. Will give prompt rtiulOL to all bunines entrusted to him. Otilce id Union block, Eaot Side. Plattcmouth, Neb. AWSON & PEARCE 1 ifc.WE RECEIVED Tk nl full p) uo foiiAv ri)tKniui Hn Uiwl iillUlM V 1 aiso a lot ot new faehioo cone snap hats r ....... ... n .A. 'I imv ri iv. villi Hue ol baby hood and in or der to close old stock out have re duced their draw eailor natf to 40 and to 75 cets trimmed, MISS SCHUYLER. TR1MMKR. JpUCKER SISTERS. HAVE JUST KECIVEI) A FULL LINE OF FALL AND WIN TEE HATS AND TEIMMINGS. We also have a dress making department. Sat isfaction guaranteed. Sherwood Stoke. Plattsmouth IDZEZLNTTIIISTIRry UOLD And PORCELAIN CKOWN8 -Bridge work and fine gold work a SPECIALTY. OB. 8TEI NADS LOCAL as well as other lim estheticsgiven for the painless extract ion o' ine v teen in. Ci A.' MARSHALL - Fitzgerald -' MEAT MARKET! MJm, SITCTH STREET F. H. ELLEN BAUM, Prop. The best of fresh meat always found in this market. Also fresh y " ,F3ggs and Butter. Wild game of all kinds kept in their .. season. m am SIXTH STREET f Meat market! Steepness night made miserable ' that terrible caugh Shilohs rem T is the cure for you, by F. G i ik. rd O H Snyder. 2 c .' frequently . finds a housc- ' ' "rrrrn rrl frit- its visit wtiilo .aity with which it develops ir instant treatment. For . 2T?rous disease AVer's Cher- rvl is an admirable remedy. . many lives every year. ' Itii house,- ..wf and Dr, ,u palrons fof the .ryroan arrived home yes ' from a trip to Iowa. He flight back a bird, band box and a parasol. Hon. Vm. McKeighan will be at Plattsmouth Oct. 16th, to discuss the political situation from an inde pendent stand poit. George Yapp, the brag twirler for the Plattsmouth. ball club, will be married to-morrow at Schuyler to Miss Threlkeld of that place. Patrick Hayes fell from a load of lath one day last 'week and broke his chin. He will be crippled in that department for some time on account of it. The El in wood Leade the new paper of that city, arrived last week with the name of R. D. Root at its head. The Leafier proposes to en dorse tin- best of everything that is to be had and starts out with a good patronage. Success to the Leader and a welcome to Cass. Next. Frank Dickson of Plattsmouth, the republican candidate for county clerk, was a social caller at these headquarters last Saturday. He has quite recently been called upon to part with his only child six mouths old. The many friends of the family in this section sympa thize with him in his loss. Bold Pilfering. Two men were observed stealing fish splices, bolts washers and etc from the B. & M. freight house this moririiig. The police was at once notified and he succeeded in capt uring one of the culprits just as he xvim leaving with an arm load of coveted rail road iron. The other one is still at large. The men.hvho are strangers, came up the river in a boat, and it is thought they comtemplated secur ing a boat load of plunder and dis posing of it at the most convenient place. Such fakirs as these should be punished to the full extent of the law as doubtless they will be. Their trial will probably be held to-morrow. Jf You Want a chrap home, or a good invest ment, on good terms, attend the auction sale of all the real estate of the late J. V. Weckbach on Wednes day, Oct. 14. 185)1, in front of the county judge's office. F. R. GUTHMAN, Adni'r. The Deaf wil! be Glad he is Coming. It cannot fail to be of interest to many of our readers to know that Mr. H. A. Wales, of Bridgeport, Conn., has agreed to visit Omaha Oct. 8th, and will be at the Millard Hotel. Mr. Wales is the inventor of the Sound Discs, which has at tracted such widespread attention throughout the civilized world, and to the use of which is largely cred ited the decrease in deafness shown in the late census. Good Fvening! Have you used Ah! there is no need of my saying anything further, I am sure you will hereafter use nothing but the Famous Bludi of Roses for your complexion. Yours with "best wishes, Flora A. Jones. South Bend, Ind. P. S. Call this eve please at O. H. Snyder and learn the particulars. To Coal Cohsumer. All those that do not settle their last season's coal bills with me by the l()th of Oct. next will not expect to have any. accomidations from me this season of course. Office and yards 404 South Third street. Telephone, 13. I always try to have a full line of all grades of coal on hand. tf Timothy Clark. Plattsmouth, Sept. 22, 1891. Has just opened up a full line of ladies, Gents and Childrens all wool underwear and be lore you buy your Fall or Winter goods. Don't fail to call and see our prices. We beat 'em all. Have you seen tiiose nob by Misses Caps, all pretty shades, 55, 05 and 75 cents each? PERSONAL -v Clerk to-dav. ritchfield is in Omaha John Becker i. an Omah laha visitor to-day. C. C. Parmele returned from Lin coln this morning. A. C. Lodger came in from Green wood this morning. Elias Sage was an Omaha pas senger this morning. H. C. McMaken is transacting business in Omaha to-day. A good literary society is a much needed enterprise for the winter. Rev. J. M. Wood returned from Palmyra last evening on the flyer. Mrs. Wm. Tiffany left this morn ing for York, where she will partici pate in a family reunion to be held there. Mr. and Mrs. Ludwig depart on the llyer for the east this evening, with a view of recuperating Mrs. L's health. Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Campbell and little daughter leave on No. 3 this evening fora visit with relatives in Denver, Col. Walter Dyke, chief clerk of the B. & M., and Iv. F. Johnson, princi pal of schools at Pacific Junction, wTe in the city last evening. Rev. L. F. Britt will arrive in the city to-morrow morning and con duct services at the M. IS. church Sunday morning and evening at the usual hours: The city council meets next Mon day evening. ' To-day is one of the finest fall days that is ever" experienced in Nebraska. The Goldens are in the citj and will present "The Martyr" at the Waterman to-night. The pay car arrived this morning and made the boys in the employ of the B. Sl M., happy. Butter and eggs are scare upon onr market. Poor roads may be assigned as the reason. The onera house management has arranged a splendid list of at tractions for the winter. The Goldens support a fine blind as rvas evidenced hy their playing upon the streets at noon to-daj Vegetables should be cared for at once as jack frost has put a damper on their further developement. Arrangements for the advertising train are gradually being perfected. It will be a success and will have the desired effect. The republican county central committee mfcets at Weeping Water to-morrow. There should be a full attendance. W m. Saddler, who has been hi ' the county the past week deliver ing fruit trees left via the M. P road for St. Joe, Mo., this morning-. This is the season when clothing is in demand. Those having it for sale should make it known through the columns of The Herald. H. J. Streight, of Plattsmouth, quarter-master-general, was in the city j'esterday and called atG.A. R. headquarters. Lincoln Journal. Mrs. M.wGrassnian of Schuyler J who has oeen visiting in the city the past week, left for Hamburg this morning where she will visit friends. Beatrice is looking forward to t'ie coining of the famous Gilmore band, which will give a concert in that city near the close of the pres ent month. Attend the evening school if you find it inconvenient to attend dur ing the day session. This evening session means incalculable benefit to the students that avail them selves of the advantages oflered. H. J. Streight failed to make con nections at Ashland as he had con templated and was forced to return last evening and content himself by thinking what an enjoyable time the other fellows are having on their hunting expedition. Mrs. M. A. Vorndran departs this evening for an extended visit in the east- She first goes to Fort Wayne, Ind., where she will visit her par ents, thence to Tiffin Ohio where Mr. Vorndrau's parents reside." a The sidewalks in several places con-tain loose boards that are quite dangerous to the uniformed pedes traiti and a source of annoyance to all.. A little expense will place the walks in good condition and be sides contributing to the credit of our little city, it may be the meaus of averting trouble. MUHDEH AVENGED Neal Mele hl today on theCnl- ' low. OMAHA, NEU., Oct, 9, 1891. --Special to THE Herald.1 Shortly be fore 12 o'clock to-day in the pres ence of press representatives and a few other invited guests Sheriff Boyd, after a few necessary pre liminaries, adjusted the noose and Ed. Neal was swung into eternity. At seven minutes past 12 he was pronunced dead, and the awful punishment was completed. Residing northwest from Main street is a well known family that counted among its proud possess ions a richly plumaged parrot an swering to the name of "Jim." "Jim" was a very bright, talkative bird and was a much loved member of the family. Last evening he was thought to have been sleeping on the favorite limb of a tree outside, when the lady of the house came in and hastily threw her wraps on the bed; a lamp was lit, and just then something was noticed to move on the bed. "A rat," exclaimed the young hopeful of the family, ant away be went after a hoard, which he soon procured and with one fell swoop his ratship was thought t have been demolished, but on in vestigating it was soon learned that poor "Jim" had been murdered The younger members of the family are plunged in grief and refuse to be comforted. We have received a nice line o pattern hats and would be pleased to show them to the ladies of Platts mouth and vicinity. W.e have se- ! cixred Miss Heniple as trimmer. ! tf Tucker Sister. Reduced Bates. The II. V M. will sell tickets on the certificate plan at the rate of one and one-third fare for the round trip, as follows: To Kansas City, Mo.. Oct. 20-23, on account of the annual meeting of j the American Public Health Asso- ciatiou. Mt. Pleasant. la.. Oct. 23-2."), annual meeting of the Y. M. C. A. St. Louis, Mo., Oct. 22-25. annual meeting Brotherhood of St. Andrew. Waverl3 la., Nov. 10-12, annual convention Iowa Butter and Egg Association. Des Moines, Ia.,annual convention Iowa StcTte Farmers' Alliance. A little attention paid tochimneys just now will have effect of pre ventinga good many fires and the consequent loss of valuable pro perty. In the fall of the year ver few people ever think of inspecting their chimneys before putting up stoves for the winter, and some night when they wake up to find the roof of their house in a blaze llir' wnnflpr 1rw rti rnrlti it ffbiilrt rj " -- - " have caught, and for lack of a bet ter cause it is generally put down to spontaneous combustion. Spontanteous combustion has to bear the blame of ma 113' a confla gration which has resulted from a defective flue, and the lire itself could have easily been avoided had a careful inspection of the Hue been made before an attempt was made to use it. Before you start your winter fires carefully inspect vour flues from top to bottom, and the little time and work required to do this may save you the loss of your house and contents Ex. Hon. II. D. Travis and Hon. T. B. Stevenson, candidates upon the de mocratic and independent tickets, respectively, for" district judge are in the city to-day on legal business. The regular monthly business meeting of the Flpworth League will be held this evening at the residence of A." B. Knotts 011 Chicago avenue, meeting to begin at 7:30. A full attendance of the members is desired and all young people invited to come out. The Nebraska City Press speaks in high terms of the "Goldens" and their presentation of "The Martyr" there Wednesday" evening. The Orchestra is said to be the finest that ever appeared before a Nebras ka City audience and the actors came in with for their full share of praise. W. II. Malick laid upon our table this morning a. bunch of peanuts grown in his garden. They were attached to the stalk very timch as potatoes are attached to the vine. He planted about half pint and will gather fully one bushel. Mr. Malick thinks that the peanut in dustry would be a profitable one and doubtless it 'might be if the right man would fgive attention to it. -FRED H E OUK FALL AM) W1NTEK STOCK. - OIF1 DRY - GOODS - AND Zs How Combta in. cs.ll IQp artxnoata, D It ESS UOODS We are showinga handsome line of CAMELS HAIR PLAIDS, BROAD CLOTH. FLANNELS, SERGES, HENRIETTAS. A full line of colorings and blacks. BLANKETS AND COMFORTS Stock complete and prices lower than ever. : C k HAVE m;vt.r ihown We call special attention Military atul Hip Coat shapes trimmed with Mink, Sea', Astrachati, Mutfaloon and Coney furs. Our line of Plush Sacqties are eheajier than e.'er letre. Full, lines of Childrens and Misses Cloaks and Jackets. ONE BOOR EAST CLOSS FIGURES AflSSKS FOR FALL AND WINTER WEAR W PtvOPOSE to sell TnKLEjILVlI CHEAPER Than ever before offered to the people of Plattsmouth and vicixr-ty. OTTIR, STOCK ES Constantly arriving and will soon be complete. - It will comprise a full range of all the newest as well as the more staple styles, and will be com posed of the newest and choicest productions o domestic and foreign manufacture . For a fit and excellenc of workmanship ourgarments can not le excelled. And the prices that we offer them at are unprecedented in the amounts of the cloak trade. "7"E H-A."V33 a silk seal plush sacque.3S inches long with quilt ed satin lining and seal ornaments that we can sell for $12.50.- This gar-4 mentis a perfect reflection of the plush sacque that is universallv sold at $15 and $20. ' "WE HA."VE a silk seal plusk jacket 28 inches long that we can sell at $9.50 that would be cheap at $12.50, although some merchants ask $15 for the same garment. In the finer grades we have something very elegant and stylish in the tri.nmed jacket and reefer in both cloth and plush. THE PROPER thills for Misses this fall and winter will be jackets and reefers, the newmarkets being almost entirely discarded. We have both the Jackets and Reefers for Misse's wear in endless varity, We bought our cloaks early of first hands and are thereby enabled to offer them at very low figures. We Solicit your favors and an early inspec tion of our stock. WM. HEROJLD & SON 507 Main fr'trcet , R RIM IJNDKItWEAK A good Ladies Jersy vest at 25c. Ladies fine Jersey vest and pants in white or natural grays at 50c each Ladies natural Gray Wool Veetsand Pants at 50c. Regular 75c under wear. V Full lines of Ladies Fine wool ribbed under wear in white, cardi nal and black. Complete lines of Child's under wear in natural, scarlet and white at prices as low as the lowest. so large aline in this department. to oitr 1-trje assortment of Heelers, FIRST NATIONAL. GJtOillS, G'A rjis 1 Piatlsmoiith, JieK v 1 1 KeeV