The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, October 08, 1891, Image 4

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' I ..v
Wg) .'V
i ami
, : ? tli i city
- . ' i uiAicrlain'f f otigh
; . .1" eced it iV .my
..paft vgM ytnr 1
'-. ' 1Tit ban tin equal tor
4,;, croup." recent hot
"v, 'l.y F. (i, Fiicke & Co.,
t .
- wfk'abbuK
; tn-tr belt anj t
. all her niajesty's player
" Tit'-k" pair of Halifax
,' tnni to liieet came tli :
. leaned bick ami
jrw i;i a superior way
"Vou,li1"!r them, if
- -And tbeyouny,.w:"
,bey played tenuis that
V -,'nhiver. and thrasiie.)
.V. m .
. , 1119 iUlJll..
i ' It but the boys con 1 1
. :v ave "beaten' those ffl player in the world,"
mm. awl trie young -civil-
. it.- nHf
Crt ii. t Haltn
and Jim re
u more ti i n a
Cilr- tif tati
un" shift .'-'-th. "and I'd like U1 do it
jiiin." New York Tribune
Ilmiiid tor Unary Engines.
At no time in history of railroads huvv
the t -ff arts to improve the work of engio
ree.-ived inort attention than nt the prv.,
"lit. Mechanics we atteuiptio;? to de
termine the uiot pel feet combination''
of speed u rul strength, and at tho miii'.
tiidV economize in the n.s of fuel. Eafl:
year'the KtatiO.irJ uC locomotive in thi"
country la rai.-ed higher, and the enjfiiivt
if the pre m time are a (nut improve
ment on th'e of even ten years ago.
Some master Mechanic are of th
opinion the heaviest ltwtvotive nov'
limit is as heavy iut it in practicable Ui
'tuwd uije. w iiilo .dueia iteuiv,i Uist
lieavier paf'iier and freight engines
will be bu !il and the roadbed of tin.
country un;irfived a. to admit of hlb
lieed with safety., ev 'U if au tnin4
'iilji oj-tiujii iiion- than the tea
wheel pas u't r eniu( now in nt
What tile fill lire of niechaiiisui will bring
forth to iticii-,te the ept-ed and power of
euifiliea n a problt-iu of interest to otliem
tbu tiiechauii s. New York Telejfram
uiui aimwi 1 to our i"-
: t' tfn-lii"4t r.'un'y tlwit
' HHt ur ( 'pfVience
!, re parties cnntioiit 1 its
cr ailH Id cur..- I. II.
luwn. ' ' - ' -
iTt-n I lie-L""l llfmtf h t Ifatn
Hl til my Cutai rli was. mft liiiil I liwl
lii'iiiluclir- tlif wliolc time unit dirt
chiirtrt'l i lartce amount oi liltliy
matter. Hint . lum hiijihI eutirt-ly
fiin.iiM'ri: atidliaTe iiot lunj IicikI-:ic:-
fciciice. J. J)t::;::frn,.cttj;!i!i'y
c'""n; , , - ...i
Shiw i( llu'ttioiit Kturtlitiir. in
UTtiu(r diwoveriH of the life iitul
cil-luill- of liurirll Kry)t nrtl now
liriuir iiukIc tliroojib vktfHwivoe xca
viittiojirt. TIu.-; iliwovcriee tire
excifiui; a reat, iiileriMt., Many
ilim-overim are, liowever, ln-iti'
iiiade'lti our country that tire re
ntal habit', anmo which we may
nu illii'ti that of llallerV J'ai" I'ard
lywr. w'.iich -in-cti enliie r li. f, nttd
in many eat-eM n otnlcte cure of
that ternllo tlircue rheiiMiatiem,
ami whtcli lilno rtlicveH pain of all
kiwi, l-yr eal liy all tlruKiet
do' to ltrowu A Itarrett! ii yet
a window "rlai ami flop up that
HLisiwy & vtstocm mvia k.
or IiaiuyVa.m:xkk trains
' CUING fcflST
M. X 9 !.' P
CD. I. . - I"
N. . 1 1 U U. Hi
Nu n ... a. m
u io .n i,
N . . . . , it ;JJU a.
- o.
No 'I.
-u. 1
L'.'' 14. fit
. 1 -t ,t in.
-rs jk, m.
. .ft i m.
tl :' a. m
MlMtH lit I'M 7KH' iMl.H'4'
'. Aeeimio.latiou l.eaei:.
. .i iuTiu .1...
Traaii dully eiJit Huinl ,
lil.-v.jl m,
.IK' p. til.
WUKT JV If 77 .
rrNiiiiiis (ik rviHtAf i't
TV nu H M.-e. .ery . i jt tf-wi.i!
. ih.-ir h il li. funWi' t'tii f A"
unx kuih' are oi.M;.'ly m v l.-t iu aitwid
" J- MmhJ.f. C. ; tin li.inv, K. K. S.
TTi t m; MKV'H' IlKlr-tl.-N MClATIV
Y YKUtmn I'll" Mmb Kin I. K'-t""
...... (,. , k a in n. I mm I1 it'! for irm mi )
f.., .a 1....1 eveiv KMM'ai ltrlii.ii
o l' WW 1Meel t-1 ilil iWnt ,.f"T,',',i
A ,tni' en. Pm.ii'Ii Ml. A
In H... k.., I.t. k. Crank Veiliiliyea, M. .
15, r f.!'iT'!'".,..,3ef!.er,.
. W Meet tee"t atrti leurtli
i.. . I... .... it, ii I. A t
hull n. K kw. t l"l. tv .1. iitan. "
. t, itriiiti. UeauKler. . ' 1,1 "
7 - .
l XL
i a ft -n"tlA
lb waning to show you his new goods
U Ay l i and to let vou know hnw fhwn ihPv
cinbe bought: , , , , . , . .. , , ,
hoi.- in vour lionet-.
A Hard Jok nn a Bashful Couple. ,
..A pretty tnrj fniu out of town h 1
been staying forioiie tunc with a to"Bi
lady frteniV lii'lJ'ilTiilo. arid as the tinu'
fuf her l.'t;!Tiire 'drtJ" uiKh'a jrmm
ttiani it f twn tuutal. Bp. ai l
tfijilntif-rell to atfeml the yrmnir pfrl fa
her homewjird jourmv -Th ht.. pn
w;i htet-it JoBi-fi foT t! trafaltrt, Mtid
tiiiri liii-d in ail t-ite tf-vKie with rle
hwslsp VtU'"iJie" iullie young nian'i
i'wt pi li!.t, iit iioiiie into the yonnr
lady'i pnrawil. nfid likewit dcpoMteJ
.miu in the i.'itlis of the younfr main
wmitreHa. Brti botirdM the train wit!;
Mit le.lieentH-f vnftjre nddiuuii
to tbeif tr?. 4t .
Tlw ttuit 1 not yet known, bat, a
the youn liwuia alihtly bal.ful. and
the younc twdy is known to ' blnsh on
fcl'Kht irovn-atHtt;-thi -eonwjrieTiPPs;
when the rice (ell all r.-r the car floor
can be imu-iwd. Buffulo Enqnirer. '
' Cure for Parelxsla.
Frank t'onidiiin, of I'tircell, Inn
Tt r.. ean: "1 iinluceil Mr,, I'iiifou,
Wl',..tte wifc'Tiad paralVMiH in the lac.
to tHV'-5l tiotlle of t'hamljerlain'r
I'n in Halm. Ti their prvnt cupriee
bc-foro I tic- lifitlk- had nil lieen ifed
she waf n irrcat deal hctter. : ller
(iu't; had been drawn to on t-ide
hut Ihe I'ain Halm relieved nil
tain and ruirenecK. and the tumult
dHHtiuied itH natural Hhiipe." It in
alK a I'ertain r.urr for rheumatiein
huiiv hack, etirainrt fwidlinijH and
lattlelienM. . A) t'tJilL. hotlic for xult
by F..(i. Frickc A. Co., lirunUlw.,
Thnt Ilai'kinirCoupli can tioqtnVk-
y cured lv Mtiloh'n rnre. We
(ruarnntef It, For Salr hy K. Ci
Frkke and O llhnyder. v. 1
. fclyV Creuiii Italin is ee;cinUy
iidaotcd , a.i a n iiiftly for ciilni t b
which if ' atrurnvntcd by alkaline
duet and dry windf. iV, A, Hover
f rti C"'i r. Denver.
-My -oatrtrrlt wnR ' vefy had'. ' For
thirty yenrn I have been frrnihled
with it hv tried a number of
rritiediei . without relief.. A drtiif
ifiit ikIviw-U FJv'h trt;aui llahn. 1
hae H"'il .ml) on'-Iwtttl.f totil I t an
Hay I feel like a new man. I make
thif voluntary , tati-metit that
other ruay'know of ' the Halm.
I. v. 'Wathevfoti, (l.'twyen, l aw-
tiu kH. U. I. ' 1 "
A- fluml Iiay to Hnn,
Jartiea E. C'hfT. cf thia city, whr) fu'en
joying a vaiwitiou by hunting in ti.e
vicinity of Canaan, Vt, met qnite a sr
jjrswj Sntiday Whilw walking ai;r.S In
the wornla in Pitulmrif, N. H., be sud
denly became aware that three bear
were very near bitu and hi gun wax out
of order. Time wan precious, however,
and fearing he would losa his chance Ji
iired. and fortmiately captured the
WfC'-st of the thrt-e. A ecoU'l Bnd thuj
hot broulit.duwo the other two. lie
aold the p. -it of two of the animal for
twenty dolUr. and aa tliere wa a
IxjuLty of ten rlollarn on lieant in tlutt
tato he made on the whole tntnutrtiou
lnnt afty dollars. The third bear Mr.
Oiff will utiifT and inomit Nbw Bed
ford Standard
mtmm 4.WWI I
It in repot ltd til a seifro employed is
oue of Mm wart-nonM.-1 aX Aiiienitw baa
been in the habit of mipplyiug drcwd
.mirrel to the g'jal people of Americna.
AotliiiiK waa known a'out hiin and it
-, mippH.d thai be wa htintanian,
tint oiiib nun new ik,ui.:iotia. and iuTem
tljuti'tn followi-d. It w iliwovert-il
tlmt tit Mlow bad h.-eti killitu th pn .tt
rati that infeut the wan-hottae. drefiriilig
and wiling theni an iiitrre'a IndiVna
tion do- not ex pre the fw-liiix of Die
tiero'n cnnoineni when they learned of
tlte fraud that hud be;n ja-rpetrated upon
them. -Savannah New. , '. . ,
Am Knwrmna Tnad ftt.Mil. -
A hn?i toiulstool appi'ared every
fall for the bu-t ten yearn on a low branch
of an elm trit, near WoMeclr park, IJer
liu. H atafVls' about twenty-five incut
titj;h and hua a cap bIjiumI two feet la
4liainetier. . Two year ai;0 a policeuian
!icked it. CAikml it. and ate, ami nf
fered Du Ijtid ri'Hiilt from the meal. On 8 the bit; tond stool epronted for
tb eleventh time. Pari Letter.
No Otital.
Objectionable (effusively) I a
nro yon that, if vojijjre nut kmjt I shall
take the next Meaoier and visit friends
in (ieniiAiiy , ,
Fair One (calmlyr- Doi there U now ao
reawm why yon nhoiildu't. i 1 -''
O. W,Wliat do yoo mean? ' " '
F. O. There are no lotiffer rertrlction
BKiti American pork. Fitraburg Cull-
'"'' ).'"' ' ' ' '!'- '
A lttrr Th.l Cam a I Laat. '
IXiry , Coal." a firmer of Kannders
.ooiinty, cairn) tt tho city Wednetday
mJUr hia, and one of the letters
liainl' d him wjw from his former sweet
l.i.rt. Mia Uiirrm writtari at I'firt
Ja-yan. Ilin.. May . IS;.1. It wad ix
t.,en year, lour iiiuiitlis and thirteen
Jays reacbinK its deetlnatlon. Nebraeka
1 J','tt Journal.
..vai. hk;;aas: tv re-t-v
K , "t I hail tit I tie i
M. ll l IIih
(.rau hkiek in Iteinnl
hretliren lulled Henry
1 le u ailinif. fi "r. imv.
aitti.'U' &
A . I title, vt'lrtni;
lUMl'l, lU y. ltl ;
. luiiiiii i' Sn iml . t). T. nir. s v-
ry Tuelr.y l.iilil at llwlr hull rnerli:
ah intu r't:''iti i ...luin.i ........
Ht.'t(i h.'ii t;rti.u in tieni). J mi.
N, u h. W.tmilit. fei-retaiy. .
.1 it. ti, ic. ft. t'aul'n t liinih. iik, tn tiMjit,
fifth mitt flxlli. fatlt.r fa-tn y, l'nH'f
H- rvicn : V-im ' mi 1" i. ' Wiitnlaj
Scl. i tl 3 : l tnl'Ji 1" iie.U'li.i.,
Ciihii I s. -'! uer L.trii.t and l luhtli ft.
fnrvlr. men. nu aid -vei itiir r .1. a.
kred. paituri onuilr.y He mil In A. M..
KriM-nrAk-Mt- Lake's flnnrh. rnroer 1 tilrd
.nil in-, lt.iv 11 11. Iliitaefi". I' l-tiir. f i
' vlren: II A.K a dT ;mr u. fumlay tviiirt.1
, tlMr-
GkhhaN l'.Tiifilnwr t. rner Sttth ft and
t.r iml" le v. lint. I' l.ti.i. n.-tvt. : II a. n.
' and t :.nt I. M. tSuuiiy :wliuil lo .at a m.
rKrit 1 Mil . et vieen til lie rllturh. e"t
iter Mxili hi i tlnattie t lirv.J 'Li'tita.
cattM. riiitJa. wimiI si ;' ; I'lun liliiJ
at 11 a. III. mi'l u
In liia line ni CuaaCinutjr. Yon wi 1 not Ic nble to buy clii:Hier.Wte. Chi-
Piigo when yon take fjimlity Hinl price in cuutfiil-rttfiti:i.
'hi' rluireh ni-et etr y
7 :l.t In tli tiiirie.t H
;i.MI.-V In aiUixi llirM-
hr K f. C. K nt
. HnMili in nn r il
tlie fltiii-tli. All Hie
KlttiVr MTH(itilKT -Uth ft ', tietaen JIhIii
!, uimJ Vrt. Itrv J. II Mi luwkMir ;
. Scil !rr .11 M..S tl I". M fund', kiIiimi!
' :sn x M. , Tiajir nieeti. it Wc,ii,i...i.)y rrtt-
linT. 1. 1 i il i '
Ghiim .I'ii"miv raij."('iin.r Mili nii4
.Vil.ili, lirv Wide, iii" r. mr.- (
. timii. fiin.lay fM I m
awrraiii 'i.iHr(itifnij(l. tlranlte; !
mem Film aai mxMu-1 ' ' i" i
Cul.oKkiilHlTiv.-H. Olive, la.!""'"
Trlitll ai.d Klfleil'Jl lii. A. l.rl.
. tin. f.rvi' tl u in. tiMI 7 .0 i til Pluii r
ntctlui: ltidai cesuk). . p -V.rt
,'i ,.Mi;' I nkhlH" ?h initin-
l:.t..i:i in .. ai.TiHiut i.l't'-k, M..tti mt'-i-i.
i i-el MuHlliiH. d iifi. ii,r.'nr hnmlsy nl-
t' iiu,it at t dock,, oiiii'vu ). iJay
' t.'i'lii f jti - til .1" : ft i, in. , j ,
fotTii HXiik TAi fl'MKLr. -):v '.T. I'M,
i wihki, i d-'iw. fivi-M!' mit':y . Jin.4.
to a. in.; 1 reavliiMi, 1 1 , m. a', -a. . n-
jimvi! tfi.'Ftit'Lr Turvy eiirlu ; i-ih.u i,i
tlv rial, v nii-lit A are wi-li-iine.-
' Only biiyn tho I-tit nmlu ami liovtAlit-f iu
' ' : s vis, i i
Aittl if you are locking for reliaWe j.luo! ty 'trade give .I0E a trial'.'
. Jt, a
The M. P. li. K. will wll tickvlH to
Si. I.imif and return Ot t. 3 to pith
irood ti turn Oct. l'Jlh, on ac
count St. f.iiiti.-' fair, at jjll "ill, pltia
;::!::::r:rirrri,'l r::; !e:!vf !').
.""i . rti. mly one eli;trii'i' and direct
conitieetinn. . 1 5 1
BlK I'rli lor l.ltrrary Work.
. Jt ); ai.tii.timvl that Murk Twain hn
ao J tht; .f rit.vvl whirh he about
otJiiiil. v-d f.t !jU.0), ui,J this iuelao-
only tiie at rial rtjjlita, au4 it in alt '
t!inmct.d tiuit he into paid .!
apii (. fov a v.r.u:-f ,. ,). tuna
Et.r.jie, . ,',
With tbexueptirm of the "lunm
Abroad" and pi-ilily KouKhiiiK It," in
one of Mjrk Tu-.:iv's noveU has br"ti 't
l::m the tmu of The .-Oil. led
Av". yielded liito, nearly t7."j.(XMtt i.tit
tl...' was be.-aiike it was dramatized and
pl.:yd by J.'hn T Raymond., He t"..l
tiie only a few wey.ks before be mih,)
for Europe. (!;4t leaving the "liiiitKanir
Aliroiul", out of the conaiileralion, bir
ulia r bouka iu tuia bu'uuliJF ii bl'iuaiii.
liim only a air rettirrtr ud ..that Ihh
larjtit profits had Wu as a pybliJr
aiid an a makr of play f the statt.. . ,
It, is alio amu'tniLcd that Mr. Eowei
biiKaold the rights to a tiw novel foi pMblii-aUoB for $10.000., Tbi't is
tti'Ki' itioiiey tjian Mr. Howell kaa re
ceiiii. fijr mV du et.dS.iy j.WwT.V t
nut' for tiieneniil pnbln.ati.iu of .his'T in the' Uisicawnea he would Hot
lie aide to support liimwlf with his pen.
Even ihe newt popular of . his rwcvbl
fi(ve! brought lum rnyaUieuof l"s than
$?,'-") for the aa'le uf it in Uiok forui.
Vh 1 tri-K mm ever paid for rial pub
Lfatfuti 'of 4 noyel was ' flS.UUO, which
the Doriiiers. paid or are t pay Mrs.
liurnettfofa new novel, and even her
Lit lit)' Lord, Faimtleroy" in book form
did not l-r-sg her ir;y oeh rJra as thst.
-Vw York Cr. Philadelphia Pre. .
MtSS LI 10
Wvuhl mty l the l:idie of IMaftftiaou j it'' u'i'm! viv'."dy Jjja 'iv 'will
' " - ''' ' ' ". " ' ' ':V ..-.'li'-.t-e'rii. ' ' ' ' 1
.,in..;-.i ! e'.i-t '' llfiVO Hll 'Xhloliill. ., , ,,
A tint1 lltHM'f tiuVlt .'tti'l triiuiiifl ''oolh
'.(11 lo il i'..r
'J iitikf qun
w o tter thtj
' liil est mid uioet appmvisij ; htyk ami lirft-cli'Ms'tH fo' Vo k n'ml
,i t ijiiHlitv.. L,atlie wibtiiiio: a HVii-u inn v;tti tio imi .i.y,. ,
" 1 1 CHll Htltl CJCllllltlP. tttir pldUV'llhj.Vi, t'flUtX illM'l, ,
. ' ' ... ..,., : . .,,! an .i
t, Meet' Our VvimmQV,
- - i . .Miae t urliunli, .w liii wil) .b.e.u1!'' ty';,, .,,
uow ideiif flf to laft- rititliitlatiij iij onkire ttnl jriva ttu ;. .-.i
ht'iiii'thiii 1 oth liiiiiileoine iiid 1 't ct lii irfr nii rm iilcn firinet yon
tli nk
et.t-A tititi i f.Ttr '
for lut favoriaiid I'all aiid te bur lXwIh.
''--: .. ; . y . , ,.:) n :
i 1
' t "'
fr'E d:;g order
' l . i i i 1 I If", !''..' 1 ... 1 .', ,!..;
only liiiiili ineut denier
win) hit, nuulu n f iieeeef in ("nth C'oun
rT lllO bt fit td liartu-en, liiilh (loiililo iitid Hliita' he. foltinl at iiivf;
X elort mid everything; in Uic lt.irnH lnieiilwibuijWf iinilcarriatrei-!i
' ' ;' ' "" '" .' ' ' ' ' '
s hit li ure liixt-clana in every reen-cl, l.fitt Uie ltejjei.t,ntroTtgpeft tind
fit ft rid i ne vrhicJcx on earth.
' '' '. .''. ' , , f!
,.l - - -
AI,M have a larj;c Jot .f Sclmtlcr, Moliitt', Jlain abd Sterling wapjn
'J S . J H I , I ' . - I I ,
!"l"f!n;' Wf, H'd l?',d ph.wa iff nil lii ri'!t'..'U. . , .
mm ELsiE mooRE.
A n'tri'-tly ((rt ei niaehitie. fully waira.i'
d Made Ihe ry l-t nmnrlal B
Klllnt wiirkniea. sd wall Ihe l.mla la
have vir l-t-eii de (-.ed lur the purine'. Wh
MiiImI W d" all that rtnifM- rraoiia'i'y tt
iwetert uf lb ery ! tyvrltei nitant
ai'ilili wrl'lm 1JV. yrnrds i -r inltiiiie-ii
rw aeenrdlnit ftie aMIlty ntt)ie-ipfn.
The frnip Test for Car Whlc
' 'Th PejinylvahiA Railroad eompauy
has leun to mt Its ea.-t iron car wheels
t. a 'very wvi-re bst Toi" eataY fifty
wheels which have been shiiijied or are
re.uly to ship, one wheel eliall,l taktw
at randum by tiie company' ill-,
sp-tyr filhi. r at lb railroad couip.wy's
simps or at tle whit l inaituf.wtorer.'a, ac
toe caie may la" and subject V) thfl
fi'lliiWUij; le.t: The whetdaluitl be jilaee.d
flinge downward on an anvil bhak
weighing 1.7W pouridft. f-t on nibble irta.
diry two feet tle-p and haling; thr.
nplrta not more tliau five Inches wide
forth wheel U rent npon. It shall be
strark eontxally on the hub by a w ibt
of H pounds, falling from a height of
twelve faet, , !. -- .
bhonld the whil break In two or rhorf
piece after ei'ht blow or I cm the fif : y
wheel rej;reented by it will lie reject
ed: if, h'.wever, the wheels stand eijrht
blows without breakinjf in two or more
piece the fifty wheel will 1m aecepteil.
The wheel fur tent to lie fnraihhed by
the manufacturer In addition to the fifty
w".iel ordori'd. J'itVjbtirg lupU.k
' '
... y
Itr'le ie i til Aen! In ymr t bu .elilfe.. til
Anri4s oaiit. d . i'juinU fi. I.
. .. y. K riEKLEMIKK, Aifeiii.
, .j ,., .,n i Iducolu. Neb,
nid -Au neilne. r'dliiMi. urn- salary If
In SMi nii.iitley. UU inri-i4e. to n-i re-eni
i noil rartlnll S n' Hilll'l New Vlrtk
M(,ti; I i-ferna-n, iuM K.'-rt hkk. iwk
Hns l''i. K'w Vrk.
nrrrrTltfr u"v'ahaii,,
If' - llll'llt "!' rilltr Vih.-I
aiePrl eerlle ineli r m r iiiltiii t.Hi..
-iaii'ii.l nn. i.urt k-ii in- I.MI t; fn.s
liFIKl.TIVK Al.l'.MV, U..x Thl, HaltlMoH,
Iu a.
6 ft 1 n.
I r-,'. , V
For At luiiHou, Sia Joecph, Ja'iuvh,
, wi.rtli, Kaneae ( ty, St. I.ouid. , ,
; uutl nil pxilte north, raat
Miuth tir weet. ' Tick-"
' : -tn iil(1 nnd bug- ,' ' '
gngf checVed '
. .?..,? n.y . ,
Jioillt , ;
., -. r , ,'. i i a I-. '
. i , ; , J. the. . t
'. . I .l.'uitcd ' '
" "' ' St tf nr '
' '' ' -' Crtnadil. F'or ' " '
Call at JJcpot or addrcK
II, I'. TOWVHKVLI, .. ...
. i. P. A. St. Ijutiin.Mo.
J. ('. PlIII.I.HM I.
A. (i. P. A. Omaha.
II. 0. AitiAk. Ajrl., Plattfniotitli.
Ti lephone, "7.
, , We Kive iti the foJbivviii(f d i-p cut iiipriofn:
t . f. t, i i. i . 1
I.adicH Fini' ' filazed Dtmnidil Jj'J.'.'.T eliin a retliict tl to r ."
I.adiea Donejola Kill retlucj:tl to . . . , .
l.iidieti Heat IKitiejoU V'H" f hocttredilceil to. .'
latdiee Hand T m n-tl heat HoKola JI.U) ahoe reilui'i d to . .
Ve linve n ureal
Ilialiy other caiiiiile l,U
1 1 !;,;i.;,ip,"r'tf t
we .ir
1 r. i j
In order to reduce our ntnck to .it. et our oldiatioiii t
aUn hnyea ft w lota of Lmlien Oklordf Ihat we will ., 1 at reduced
Hoti'l lorjret Ihe place. ' . ,
"W. i.. BOE3CK. 3 OO.
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