Tr.eNATI0fiAlJlYMN.cro8T" WORLD'S fAIR. ASfl . . . . . A f$l;) fV " vS Uiir fatherS . 'r '-..5 . .1 V I 7 IS U--- JEW LUMBER YAAR J. I. UIUVES & c'J. ';AI,KIs IN MSB LUMBER, HHINtiLES, LATH, HAHII. ' DOORS, BLIND.S.and all building material j Call and see us at the corner of 11th and Elm street, one block lorth of Heisel's mill. Plattsmouth, Nebraska Everything to Furnish Your House. AT M I. PEARLMAN'S -CURAT m HOUSE FURNISHING EMPORIUM. 4 f.r . uiii oiircliii-'cil tin; V. "Wecklmch store room on houth I'ain street wlicre Iuiu now located I can sell goods cheap I i- than the cheapest having just put in the largest Mock 11' new goods ever brought to the city. fJaolini! stove id furniture of all kimUholil on the irMtnllment plan. "i. ) 7 Q '0XLQW C2 jj WILL KKKP CONSTANTLV OX HANI) .... , A Pull and Complete line of t' '(V SBMSiaa tsjaini Aa luruggf Medicines, . DSUGCISTSSUNDRIES ri'scriptlons CarcfiillyCoinpoundcd at nlllourft twl THE POSITIVE CURE. HENRY BOECK The Leading FUENITUBR DEALER AND UNDERTAKR. pmntmitly on Imnd eycrythin COHNKIi SIXTH AND Mlljf S'lHlCRT Plattsmout Neb 7 Aar auSiMruit. ml tnr J Or. IUMi Anulfi i cough Kiu rs. and wed.i't flo.1 R ptt4H ii. i .. .. v . J. X. Ittrtaboa Ilkiin.l.l, Mum. id SAM i A ULAUo bUAP . Country; 'lis of thee, t 1,1 M o iiLr:y, I. it freedom ring. Mv native counirv tin I ..i.Jut th: nobis, free 1 hv nnire I love; I I Vr thv tucks rfiid frills Lot oh: laundry lih-,. MvsmjI wiili horror thrills; I A X VVI!M1 1 ,1"K 0 lrll'r ? JJJ I music swell the tft? vVlicii I llii.ik of thor. An J Now ttjronj.;li ail tla J: .. tree bANTA CLAUS: Lettirrdmor, mortals wake t; i J .".au gi iuiy ir V'!' Let sll for tlr Join the appli try a cake. unless sake. ause. n . ... MODKRS - I. 1'EARLHA1N. rainis, ana uiis. AND PURE LIQUORS PERKINS- HOUSE, 217 HI. 221 and 223 Main Hi, Plattsmouth Nebraska . H. M B0S8, Proprietor. Ibe i'erklns baa been thoroughly renovated from lop to '.U..u iiJ oow one of the lint hotels in the state Boarders will he taken by thu week at 11. BO and tip. GOOD BAR CONNECTED 31IKK SILNLLLIIACKLIt. Wsmos and Hlarkiinllh liop Wagon, Huggy, Marhine and . plow liepairinir done IIOIWErtHOEINU A ril'ECIALTY -It. ui the NEVERSLJP HORSESHOE Which is the lMt -eahoe for the farmer, or for fait . vini?, or for rit ; over invented. It is so made j that anyone cut put on sharp or flat corks, as ncedcil for w."t and liery day, or smooth, dry roads. Call at his hop and examine the and you will uw no other. J. M. HIISKLLHACKEIL 13 North Fifth !t. I'laiUmouth d' t 1 Making I he movement whmj ha ea woll nVgnu in many parts of lie country to reform tin wagon roudb, which have to a treat extern fallen Into a sail atate of neglect, la likely to be forwarded hy the action taken by ever:il agricultural col Ifu'H. ami lurtiouhirly hy L'ortiell uui TiTsily, in giving courscn of iiiBtruction in roudiiiiikiii. Very oflen brd roadit exist becuune'no on in their vicinity knows how to con struct a road The peopl oftn do thu bent tliey caii, but road making in a KMi-nrn iu it ,,1-lf, brlruudng projxtrly to the civil eiigvnner'a profetwiou Iu Cornull univernity the profewor of civil iiKiiieKriiitf, tlie profewtor of agri culture and t lie profensor of horticulture dMve been directed to prepare a plan fur piit.tiuK the roudnof the univermty prop erty into the bent poaHihle condition; and when the road ban been coinplote'l an inscription la to be put upou it, atating bow much it coat, what materials were oed, and wtiat uie-thoda were employed In iu conntruotioa. In aeverai aKricultural collegea, couruea of JoCtUfea itiw hivbii by practical uieu upon roadiuakiug Farmer' iiiatitutea are taking tbe matter up, and the people everywhere are luarui.ig that much bet ter metboda of roadinaklug exiat thun the old one of heaping np dirt in the middle ol the driveway, to be worked into ruu and washed into the ditcht again in thu courne of a yeir. Youtb'a Companion. Oolil Clmla In Lump of Coal. A enrioua bud has been brought to light by Mm. 8. W. Culp. A .lie wan breaking a lump of coal preparatory to putting it iu the acuttle ahe dixcovered. aa the lump fell apart, imbedded iu a cir cular ihape, a imall gold chain aliotit ten inclie in length of antique and quaint workmanship At brat Mrs. C'nlp thought the chain had beeu dropped accidentally in the coal, but a she undertook to lift the chain up the Idea of its having been recently droped was at once made fal lacious (or aa the lump of coal broke it aepurated aluioet in the middle, and the circular poeitiou of the chain placed the two ends ui-ar to each other. As the lump tu'paraled the middle of the chain became loum-Oifd, while each find re mained laxtened to tbe coaj. This is a study for the students ot archaeology who love to puzzle their brains over the geological construction of the earth, from whose depths tbe ca nons is always cropping out The lump ol coal from which this chain was taken Is supposed to come from the Taylor vilhj or Faua inlnur, and italmoat buHbes ones breath with mystery when it is thought for bow many long ages the pmrtb hits been forming strata after strata whicb uid the gulden links from new The chain was of eight carat gold and weighed eight pennyweigbM. MorrUonvil. (Ills.) Times. A Lanfllxly's HIIL In the bonwi of a lady in the Kurfarst-en.nri.-je, Uerhn. an Engluhmaa took s fnrninbed room and agreed to pay thirty three marks mouth for It At the end of that time he asked for the bill, when to his surprise he found the thirty-three marks bad risen to eighty for bis apart ment Amoug other peculiar items in lbs bill were: "for nsing the carpet, fonr marks, for one of knife and fork, four marks; for patting the room in or der, ten marks, 'or use of chair on the occasion of a visit from yonr brother, rour mark." The lodger considered this reckoning preposterous, and refused to pay, so the lady detained his boi, whlnh contained large sum of money. The Englishman baa sought the aid of the law in revising the bill of thu specula tive hostess. Londou News. Two Smm tooii. The latest outbreak of the souvenir poou mania is a "love spoon." The bowl Is bHart shapld and of bright gold, or. cynical sugge.tinn, of gilt. The bandle is a Silver arrow, its barbed point piercing tbe center of the heart and ita haft entwined with forgetmeuota. The ipoon is intended primarily for an en gagement token, but it can be inflicted, in one dozen lots, on a bride, or used aa a pledge of affection on any auiiabia provocation. Another new souvenir freak is the "old oaken bucket" spoon, a "sou venir of childhood." The bowl depicts the bottom of the well, with the bucket floating on tbe water. The chain runs np through tbe month of the well, at the shoulder of the spoon, and np the bandle to an oak tree at tbe top. New York bun hs4 Whll. A.lMp. The Bath (Me.) Times says a youug man visiting that city takes the prise for the queerest somnambulistic feat on record. Ue went to bed with the Idea of a ruling early and shaving. In tho nlgbt he found himself on the floor. The next morning he went to the looking glaas and prepared to shave, when be diKuvelrd limt bU buard bad bvt-D re moved as clean and nice aa a barber would have done iu 1 bought Tk.i W.r. friend.. A big leopard seal came up in tho midst of a lot of bathers at Santa Dur bar, Cat., causing a good deal of alarm at first, aa some thought the creature a ihark or sea sorixnt. Borne of the boys barked like a seal and the visitor seamed for a tune to think it was among friends of its own kind and kept coming closer, until finally, taking in the situation, it turned tail and fled out to sea again. Pittsburg Dixpntch. Tli. Illith uf Nov.tnb.r. There are some peculiar coincident In the family history of Uncle John Turel- eiu, or tli jjobon neighborhood He will be eighty-seven years o d on th Rth of Novembers his mother was born on the Oth of November and died on the Oth of November, mid he had thn-e sUtnrv, all of whom were born on the Oth of NV vember.-llmrcKUbuig (Ky.) Sayings. I. Ik. tLii; Olli.r Hlg-D. KerpulT the gram," reads a sign on the court hnue ground at IIilUd:!e. Just live spears of gi ... .ue vbiihle by actual count. -Dvtioit News. Making It II ol lur a IS.r. An advertisement for a wile brought several answers to the ad vert lanr, a young gentleman or Taiviitnin. la. Among them whs one nitrned "Cora," of Spring dale The writer's sentiments and cln rography Hft'iiiiil to itidlrnteayoiing lady of rrlifieiiienl regular correHpotidenm followed, and then tbe young mail agn-ed to go u Spriiigd.ile and meet his ideal The met at the railroad station and stnrted oft together Then a prixcsHion of 2(Ki wags uf the place followed tiie couple, and paraljz! the young Lo thario by stepping up in turn and in qninnu' ahont tlie health of the tiewitcli ing "Cora.' It should here tje stated that 'Cora wan peiHonaU-d by a smooth faced yoiiny man, in his mothers togg-rv Lothario soon realized that be waa the victim of apractical joke, and deserting the giggling "Cora" he burned to tin train aud staru-d homeward. A tele graph 0erator had prepared for his re ception in Tarentum by sending a tele gram thither, and when Lothario urn veil there the whole town had turned out In body to make exasperating iriquinc; ahont Ins conquest of "Cora." Yankee Blade "Thai I. L4i..." In a small watering place in western i-r'ihHia a ncli Imly with her daughter, nineteen years old. hired a cottage for the whole-.ummer season. But tlie two ladies bad not been six weeks in the place when they suddenly depmtwl. The reason for this abrupt ending of their pleasure trip was a love affair between the young lady and a spruce fJalierman, which the mother crushed in the bud. With this, how ever, the story does not end. The inhabitant of the place, fearing that some more young Ladies might fall in love with the nice fisherman, whicb would consequently lead to more abrupt di'iiartures, resolved to prevent such oc currences In future. They held a meeting and decided thtt the fliihonnan should be punished se verely for his imprudence in allowing himself to be the object of love for young ladies A committee took the culprit to an open place and flogged him so unmercifully that the poor fellow had to lie in bed for several days. Boston Ulobe. Th. I'rlc. of Coal. A gentleman who has given much thought to the price of coal said to we: "The owners of anthracite coal hope that when householders return to town in Oc tober they will lay in their full supply of coal for the winter. Now. if household ers do this, they will simply play into the hands of the coal barons and make the price of coal higher. The sensible thing to do is to purchase from hand to mouth instead of tilling their cellars. "That would result in the large com panies beiug compelled to carry along great quantities of coal and would gradu ally reduce the price of this much needed article. Tlie earnings and the income of people nowadays are on the decrease, aud an excellent way to curtail house hold expenses is to force down tbe price of coal to the level it ought to reach." New York Epoch. A I.OHJ ll.nil tiho.t, A bouse on Long Wand that long pos sessed the reputation of being haunted was rented by a man who had no fear of ghosts, and who was determined If any existed there to meet them, lie suc ceeded, but the ghosts weren't of the kind we see represented In pictures. lie hrard a strange noise late ono night and located it on the roof. Accordingly he armed himself with clulai and repaired to the roof His coming did note nine the mysterious sounds to cease, and so he gradually crept along until he came down on tlie "ghost," It was a large vase that was Ixing rocked by the high winds, causing the unearthly noises, lis pitched the ghost to the ground, smash ing it into a thousand pieces and then relumed to bed. New York Letter. Tb. Trnubl. an 1'mbr.lla Caiiwil. "An overturned umbrella blown from a room in the Hotel Ryan, at St Paul, mimed a peculiar flood rMViitlv," said B. C Calkins. "The umbrella blew so as to obstruct the corner catch basin during a terrific ram. Down came the flood, aud tbe gutter became swelled into young creeks. Slowly the water in tlie ditches increased, nntil It ran over and flooded the basementa of the neighboring mer chants, who found gallons of Water Iu their cellars, and hundred of dollars' worth of goods were destroyed, all lw cause of an nptnrned umbrella." Chi cago News. Hi. II. t I.T.d Hi. Traatla. Saturday evening Ben Rivers, of Jack sonville, Fla., while walking the West ern railroad track discovered that the trestle over Highland branch was on fire. He sent in an alarm to tho officials, and remained to fight the fire as best he could. The only water to be obtained was from the branch, aud River carried it steadily iu hi hat for hour nutil as sihtanca arrived from town In the ehap of a locomotive loaded with employees. The opxrtune aid of River undoubted ly saved the trestle from destruction. Exchange. The show of lotus in the lake on the west side of Central park near One Hun dredth street. New York, continues, and there are thousauds of seed vessel, full blown blossoms and buds. A young woman has been sketching the scene daily for some time past. The impish lads that infest the park stand npon the edge of th lake and hasso the blossoms. Including approaches, the new London Tower bridge will bo more than half a mile long, and 80,000 tonsof stone, 20,000 ton of cement, l.'i.OOO tons of steel and iron aud 31,000 tons of brick will enter Into its composition. Eight thousand Jewish residents of OdiHs.t are under notice of eipnUion. The majority vf these ieoplo own real estate in and alsiut the city, and nearly all are engaged in ImsincsH. yo ' . ; plo;, . . . ' . and i. . 1 - friends ,:' bachi-lor he r,-i;i.i-n-il i,,-, , ! with prei.ty hvly v ' : ; as his wife. Sin- war I neighborhood of (leonrei' . is a rich Blu - tirass stocki ' , The happy couple after i' -; j Visited Florida, and ronteiy '. ! Ui California, whi-u all of ' I 'o''l'd to disagree , , -' Mr TolU'rt in;- '"'. he cannot umlte her ha'pj Wit. so far M appi aranci i, ed, seem tJiie willing to-;, old lines, but Albert calltti. .. .. i ' i consuiieii uoiiiifici. Tollrrt gave his bride 1,'- 1 1.-,1 ' ' jTelry ales'". and, tick, 'hu'vt at ipons wlnf h are aud f.'.WMl in United States " as s uii aHiiie ot aood lu tacneo thereto the cmpons whWIi are due next Jannurv Then tliev Ifi941.1l embraced, took one more look into e.'ich other' eyes and parted. She returned to Georgetown. He is In this city. Cincinnati Cor. Philadelphia Record. . Killed a liner with Pix'k.tlwiUe. One morning about three weeks Hgo George Phaup, of Chesterfield, Va.. beard two hounds running a deer, but aa this was no uu'vual occurrence in his neigh Imrhood lie paid no attention to it. Later in the day, while about to cross the Appomattox river bridge below his house, he was surprised to recognize the voices of the same two hounds he had heard in the morning, and this time they were baying something in a slosh on the low grounds, which, on investigation, proved to be an enormous buck that had got bung in such a manner that despite his frantic efforts he could not release himself. Mr. Phaup bad no weapon other than a poc.ketkiiifH, but he at tacked th ani mal with that, and succeeded after a desperate struggle with the thoroughly enraged buck in cutting bis throat. The final and most difficult task was gotting his prize on the horse, but he soon ao compliKbed this, and your humble serv ant had a piec of the venison for break fast the next morning. Cor. American Field. .turn's King. According to Prof essor George 0. Corn stock, of the Washburn observatory, Madison. Wis., the phenomenon of the disappearance of the rings of Saturn has just occurred. Once in fifteen year the earth in ita motion about the sun passes throngb the plane of the rings of Saturn, o that they are turned edgewise toward the earth. Tlie rings are so thin that they then disappear altogether from sight in an ordinary telescope, while in the more powerful one the planet ap pears to have a fine needle thrust through it. The appearance of tbe rings at the timea of disappearance and reappearance is of special interest to astronomers, since it furnishes information with regard to the nature of these appendages not other wise attainable. Philadelphia Ledger. School Savings Bauks In ? iglaud. There has been a large tucr.-ase of the number of scholar! in the schools of England since Sept. 1, when the free ed ncation act went into fore. The man ager of schools advised the parents of the scholars to put into saviugs banks for the lienefit of their children the thrve pence per week that had previously been paid for the educalluu of each child, aud school savings banks were established to receive these deposit. This advice was followed by large numbers of parent in various parts of England, and the banks have already been of service. In the city of Manchester, for example, more than S.hOO new account have beea opened in them the first month. The small fund thus deposited will be useful to the chil dren hereafter. London Letter. h..p t' ProtMtor. At this season of the year so many people are caught unawares at a distance t from their hearth and home and warm cloth that it is a good tinm to mention the great value of newspaper a client protectors. Let the pajmr be firmly dried and then folded into several thick nesses and placed across the chest. If they are also wrapped in strips around the anna it will be found that they exert a beneficial influence. lrofhsion J economist " who ntilize everything, even to old tin cans and shoe tops, are quit nnstlnted In their praises of old newspapers, and use them for linings for quilts, stnfllng for beds, pil lows, dress linings and sole protectors. New York Commercial Advertiser. Th. Thuml.rboll and tb. Il.rbxl Wlra. A wicked Connecticut thunderbolt got hold of a Tartar at the Cheney farm at North Ilsven a few day ago when it tackled a barb-d wire feno that encir cle a big lot belonging to Mr. Cheney. The bolt hit the fence near the house, split itself In two, aud the divided bolt went entirely arouud the field in oppo site directions at the same time. The wire jingled lilw a cotton spindle, but held their own pretty well, though the bolt yanked out of the ground eleven post that carried the wires. New York Sun. A itout Indian woman whose weight 1 over 300 pouuda, fell through a wooden sidewalk In Bath, Me. The injury to tbe walk so annoyed the street commis sioner that he told the woman that here after she must walk in the middle of the street The recent heavy crops of wheat aud corn are already showing thoir effect upon the slock and market. Wall street la more active than it ha been for years, aud the return flow of gold from Eurojaj has already reached over l,000, 000. A laborer, while at work on a sewer iu Scdalia, Mo., recently, was Approach ed by a young man inquiring for work who turned out to be his sou who had run away from home ten year before wl'en the family lived in St. Loui. J- Ctllltl ...1. I A t.-i ill flntxvnrii,lia ureal nnTerer Irnin a IiIihmI and Ri-ueral dclillilj ; . , , . , ' so reiturai Unit 1 mis mil, ;' ' tig that I did lor tlie eoi i' so miioh an Ayer's Sarsupn," ,' . ' of which restored me to he t .''.' I take every opportunity I, ) ' . . medicine In aimllat eases. i. . Mala t, CblUksoUi&i'-UuSu" ' , ' FOR ERU V. .' And aft disorders arg7 ;, the blood, such as boils . ' " blotches, salt-rheum, sc. f., , . t' sores, and tbe like, take c .' ' 1 Ayer's Sarsi.ia I rasPAasn ' DR. 3. 0. AYEE tt CO., Lowell, Ma... Prlc $1 ; ill battle, S. Worth i bottle CK'ATKl'I. COMFOKTING Epps Cocoa iHKMCA KF'AST ,S " i Hy. tl-iir ii::Ii k-owlrnjro nf (tie natnrat 1 laws which kovhim t1(. i,,-,t01 , f dlut'en a il M.tilllim and l s i inclul iipi lloallnn of Mie line inopei I ihh ol well ni-leeleil i'o na Mr. hi ps Ims proviileil 0111 - break fnr tiilile with a itellcaiely It' vorei) lieveonre w-hleli may hvb ns iiiuiiv hvv doctor' hills. It I. bv!the Juilio Ii'Iin use nf nicli article- nf ilii-t thai a eon " 1 1 1 1 1 j ' li ma lie mailiiHlly liuill up until striuiK eimiieh lo resist everv t iidi ncy In disease liundicdi. (if Hii I ' r..e;nHs are ttoalln i (round in remlv to a'liick wherever here I. a week point. We iiikv ecupe iiutnv a fatal sliaft hv keeoli if our-iive well fortified wpli pure liloo and a properly nourished frame." Civil rvl-e (iselle. "ailoHl simply with hnillnit water ' inpk. Hold only In hull-pound to. In iiroceri's cilielled tliur: JAM lis KITH a III).. Iloiwronathlr- Chemist I ondon KukUuiI , C Dr. Grosvenor'r ? ) Bell-cap-sic ei7rZ"J!" PLASTER. MnrwiuonM. vmniii. Tnr M M iv . lra.,iMj iff PARKER'S MAID ciu r.iftiiM and Uiaiuii'ie tit hair. I rmu.Hrf . luitnunt rruwlh. MftTxr Fall, to Boitor. grn to It. Youthful ColorT Curn nip ibM, a lillii.. --. n-iS 1 1 tint lining.!. PEE lr'. IWniiljr, I.l Itttlo., I'.in.'la.alatioM.llUcu. H IN DE RCORNS. Th. onlrrewnirefhr Conn. Uip tli im. L. M w IIUCOX CO, II. V. Bucklen's Arnica Salve. Tim Bkst Sai.vic in the world for Cuts Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum. Fever Sores, Ti tter, C'hapM:d Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, aud posi tively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give satisfaction, or money refunded, price 2." ceuts per box. Kor sale by F. O. Fricke & Co. A National t vent. The holding; of the World's Fair in a city Hi urt i ly fifty yearn old .will lie n rcinarkalile event, hut whether it will really benefit thin nation a much an the ilixcovcry of the KcHtorntive Nervine bvfc Ir. Franklin Milea in doubtful. Thin in jiiMt what the American people need to cure their exeeHKive iiervoiiHiieHH, (lyMiepMia. headache, tliazincHH, HleepleisnncH, neuralgia, nervous e. iiiiny, (iniiiicnH, oiitiiHion of miiKi, etc. It nctH like a tharin. Trial bottle Hint tine hook on "Nervoun and Heart I)ineaneH," with une Hiialed tctliinotiiaU free nt F. (J h rit ke A Co. It in warranted to con tain no opium, morphine or ilaiitfer otm druoM. j For many years Mr. H. F. Thomp son, of Ilea Moincw, Iowa, wiih no verrly nfllictetl with chronic diarr hoea. He hujh: "At tiiiu-H it wan very acvere; ho iniiih no, that I feaenl it would end my life. About rteven years ng;o I ihanieil to pro cure ii bottle of Chamberlain'M Colic, Cholera im Diarrhoea Kemedy. It "ve me prompt relief iincl I believe cured me permanent ly, as 1 now eat or drink without harm anylhinir I please. I have uIho used it in my family with the bent rcHiilla. For sale by F. G. Frickie A Co. Wonderful Sucr-ess. Two vearM ano the Haller Prop. Co.' ordered their bottles by the box -now they buy by the carload. Anioiitf the populnraiicl sueceseful remedies they prepare is Haller' Sarsaparilla Ac Hurdock which is the most wonderful blood purifier known. No driiffgist hesitates to recommend this remedy. For sale hy druggist. Remarkable Facts, Heurt disease is usually Huppom-il to he inciirnhle, lint when properly treated a larg;e portion of cases can he cured. Thus Mrs. Ktmira Hatch, of F.lkhnrt, Ind., and Mrs. Mary I..' I laker, ol Ovid, Mich., were cured after sulTcriiij; 'JO years. S. ( hurgfer, druguist'iit San Jose, 111., Hiiys that Dr. Miles' New Heart Cure which cured the former, "worked wonders for his wife." Levi Lojraii of Iliichaiiaii, M ich., w ho had heart disease for IKI years, says two bottle made him "feel like a new man." Dr. Miles' New H t-iiit Cure is sohl ninl ituri'iiterrt hy I''. I i. Frickn .. Co. llondol 'voii'li-! till ti'f-1 if i , ' 'I, i. . v; :. ( 1 ...