The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, October 08, 1891, Image 1

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, - ;.-. f.K.'i t
-m i -r . ' '''
4 iattsmoii
' I . ' . . . t
j 13 '
til i
' . V 1-
,!.-,... . .. .... V' , '
Absolutely Pure
A cream of tartar linking powder,
lighcstof nil in leavening sin-nth.
J Latest I'. S. Government Fuoil Kc
J : D K N-T I H T ::
"? (Mll.ll AMI IT.kl Kt.AIN CKliWNH.
Ur. Hifluxny nnrnlhi'llP fertile .iiil'' r
.' triullur i.( t. III.
' i 'Fine Ciold Work n Specialty;
IU.rkil Hh"-I( ! ' Il:i!t:iu.iiili, Sell.
oUry I'liblii' & Aim rawer
&1 Estate, Loan at;d Iniurance Antu
Jf you have real to sell or
nchaiige fend usdeecription, price
mil terms.
Ibslracts of title furnished at reus
i unable rates. ' 11
; S
v,(ft to loan at 7'2 percent and
riiifjnJ:ion, mi
farm security.
' : i
I'LATTHlol Til Nt:il.
(Idirn umliT (: ('amity ltnk.
I.tCnrtn-v stlji. - Will irlv iirimiit mi.tli
' i nil .uili.r- riilriurfvl t t"lui. ll.lied )u
j nlou bluck, Kt si.lf. r.i!mi(iith, Ni.
fj IIAVK klit IvIVKti
i llrtr full itr. fitnoi rtllii.ii-. tt mul 'I'll'1
4 at - lot ul iif (l.l"ii t
u lu n '.1 ! I ll lnv lull
Wur ill IihIiV h' niet I" or
f di-r Ij rlis t ill m' "-K mil Irivs rn
l iliin-J Ih-ll ira ulli-r lil m Si '"' to
1 vr In irtlMluril,
'., 1IPS Sl'IMlYl.lvK, TK1MMKW.
litirKFR RlRTFRfi.
A V It )UjT Hi.Vi Mi Aff'r.f. 1.1 SM (if
aiu itavr orvrw ttiMHiiiM iiMainil. i4'
t y (i.(luii,fiiirHic(t-l J
di.D itiii i'o itc ii. aim rmiwss
Briil k work mul line Kohl work
JR, rTRt'Ar tTM, M' ntlisf mi.
jHI'Hi' lM I'H "if iiturMSdriw-iina
ft t r
1 1
V 1
m At
V. 11. FLLF.NH.U M. Prop,
le.'ln st ol fresh ment al wa
"in this market. Also
; .. . Kgg nml Puller.
' Id game of all kindt kept In their
; i . Iteaoou.
H sTKKK r fr
'. '.YlEAT
yeiViesn nigni uiaue miseilioie
....w. . I .1
, y.i v ;.-. nv
;ivf'.--. "- ft ti''
1 I !
lint terrible fauyh Shilnhrf ri iii
nthti-ili( for von,' by- K. (
i'l. mul O if Snyiler. '. 'i
'..nip Ii ecpieiitlv finds a liou-ie.
I unprepnreil for ils visit, whilu
repidily with which it deTi lops
m lur Instant treatment. ) For
' ilailgeioos diseiini; Ayer"s Chet-
i'ecloral in an admirable remedy.
' iven many lives every jear.
' in the house,
1 fiA
Wd.irifl Anl virpy.
Oct. SOI, y.r.
linori', living about
three iiiilM south of Plattsmouth,
Celebrated their silver wedding mi
tiivermiry. A lUionli the weather
was some what disagreeable being
threatened with rain mill roads
being very ouiddy, the people be
gad to gather by eleven 'o'clock
h iid ere noon tho house was over
flowing with friends, each laden
with tempting delicacies for the
Inner 'man.'
The day was fpcnt in interesting
conversation and tnlke of by gone
Mr.Gilmorecametn Nebraska long
yearn ago and ean therefore he
:lnwsed uniting the old scttlrrs of
Can county. lie was married to
MissLucv Towner, Oct. 2, W. A
irreat maiiv tircsciit were old set-
Hern of thin county mid perhaps
could give surprising accounts of
the early life' in Nebraska, the
value of land, experience of home
life and travel and mostjof them
could tell of events thirty Htid forty
yearn ago in ninny of the most east
em ntnlcs that made impressive
and wondcroun transformations in
social and civil life. Of nnirer
there hrts tiesn' itmr' sunslfhm than
shadow in all those year,btit moht
of 1h( comjiiiny coulil tell of disap-
piiiiitiiniitH. Inritivinrijli, aud, all
kinds of heartaches thai' Would
melt the stoutest heart to pity.
Some are getting old, even some
gray headed, but their long lives
prove that liny have lived with
much regard for the. lap of their
well lielng," prudent ntid industri
ous siimI me indeed lo) ui 'upl..
The ladies had I a fore hand pre-
pared a sumptuous dinner and in
order to understand just m the
table groaned, you would need In
have been there and eiiiove l with
ti tin: ios things ji eaU , The
ladies -f thi neighborhood can
carry off the pri.c when it comes to
preparing for the inner man.
Mr. and lrs Oiliuore were pre
sented with some coxtly presents
and after wishing that their days of
l.fe ami prosperity may be long
i l the Jnivl the guests biidi: host
a id liiMess 'good be" each li;
p irting to their rrspeciive home.
The names of those present were
Messrs. am) Mesil, ones. V. J. lb s.
set and daughter,'!). A. Votingi 'F.
M. Young. Sr., and daughter, F". M.
Young, Jr., and son, Joseph SamN
H. Smith, Ivan White, Anderson
Woot, Iliram McDonald, W. Hutch
inson, J. W. Conn, Wm. Taylor, Levi
Churchill,, , Fc.uik Moore, Win.
Iinghridge, Oldham, (i. ('',
F.dson, Joshtiil G.iCii, J. W. I'M
munds. W. A. Ilrown, J. F. Marshall,
If. W. Livingston, Win. Murray, U,
V, Dean, Wui. Morr)W H:ry Todd,
anil Mesdames Aruiick nnd soli,
I'iirens,' Livingston, Miss .Jtluuehe
Ifornlng.Mr. Wm. Young1 nhd ilu
Lditer. it; ( ; r ic.
! flood Kvening! Have y oil lined -Ah',
there in uo, ueeil of iny uying
M n y thing further,' I am sure you
will hereafter (iil ti'ithing but the
rnnimiA Hlush of Koses for' vrmr
rornplrvion. ' Yours ; w ith,", '
i ; 4 'U boutll Helld, Illd.
. P. S. Call this eve (dense at O. II
Snyder and learn the particulars.
. ,
i To Coiil Cohaumnr.
; All tho'ncl that do tiiit " aettlc
their IflsX' seJison'n coal lull pili
ine by'th loth of Oct. next Wilnot
expect to hae auwM:comidationn
from mi' this miii$ M Course.
; tMlice add yards, f . Smith Third
treelv(, T('fiihiuu,; IM. - .
1 Hlvmys try iomven lull line ol
I'll grades (if coaioi) haiuL.
'.tl ' l lHUTHY CtAKK.
PlattVuf-nib. Sept. r., VJI.
lias Jiibtqieiiud up a full line
of ladles; Gents and ChiMtens
aU:.vqor;jiiidcrv;car.,a:iJ' be
lore' ' y'oii ! duy your Fall 'or
Winter goods Don't fail to
call and tee our prices. We
boat 'em all. , . . ;'
llave you Been those jiob
by Misses Caps, all pretty
Bliades, 55, (;r and 7-r cents
Sliver W,
On last Frid
Mr. Win. ii
mt m
s ion in i i ... I . ' , ( i ,i!
fresh J .'.i '. . .i ...!..,., '.
Dr. Ilumplirey if
OmiiIiiv tt .
Win. Merliiiri is n Omaha visitor
lo-'lay-, ;.i ' i I " ' : i i,.)
Judges. M. C'lmpman 'is in Lin
'oln tiMhiy, : ' ' ' ' (
Jas. Johnson, of Weeping AVtej,
in in the city to d:iy. : ; u ...i m
., ,., ( ... i i
t'han. I'arnu le was a, pasM'iier
for ( linaha to-daj ." , , tj
'file litiliophcre indicates thai
dhall have snow Siwm. :: ' ' '
Jan. I'ellee is ti'jiiiruijliiig busi(U-s
ut the uu-lropolis to-day., . ,,.,
Major (ion?oii of (ilenwood is
spending the day in the clfy. ' ''"
11 Kai Knry is receivingu ;v.init
from his mother, of Ashland,: '
Mrs. Frank ( oursty iiml mother
are spending (lie day In Omaha.,. '
Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Davis returned
froii I'rdar Creek this morning, n.:
Mrs. W. Ilrill. nnd ' d.iiigtilet1,
Main 1, were passengern for (liu.ih;i
to day. i rj .. ;i .u
Mrs. C II. I'di-rni'ti, nndd.nighter,
Alice, were pnssi'tigi'TH- for "Oiiia'tin
to-day. ; ; ;' " ; ; ' '
Mrs. Win. Cllle, Jeaves lor, jioij
City to-day t .ujiend the l oi n
1'nlace. .
John S. M.iVhews, of I'euih'llou,
Oregon, is visliing his brother, Jas.
Mathews thin tiei k: - ; -,
Captain Aiv, uii old soldier
comrade (if Judge Chapman n
turned to his Inline at I.iucidu this
, - i.
morning.; v "
Kev. I. ' F. Ilnlf ( iimi in from
HaslingS' last everting for the pur
pose of providing a luune Jor his
family, which ivill probably' arrive
Tuesday, . - i .t '-
(ieo, Kilxon, republican cuuidale
for coliiily sherill, was u pleasant
caller utTHl! I I' saiicttini yen
terday, Mr. . Kdsmi experls to be
elected by a good majority. '.
Kind Mih Moore's ad on another
page. ' - i ;
Tlni inter stale fair lit Ktli City
in in full hlasl. 1
III casting afiouf ti'if ) our w inter's
reading, try Tin. Ili:KAr.t. ; '
A 'lady relative of Joe i'ubbn ar
med Nia. 5 Ihi4 iiunilug for a
isit iu the city. ... , . 1
ft is a dii'tieiilt mailer to fiiul a
vacant house in the, city, ' l'his in
dicalen prurperoini times.
Several tadies were enrolled la-l
evening as 'members of the night
school. All who come will Tie a '
comitioduU'iL . ., . .
llollowVeii iveurj the last night
of this month. Il willlonfdlsss be
gemrally 'observeil 'with greal
potlit and splendor,
. We note from our dnllv
exchanges that snow fell in fin il!
ill the nouth-wesleru
?.'tcyrtcrrfny. ,
pr.p 5t the
If' you want h witness a good
play by a good rompaiiy,' see the
Ciol()enn ' lu "The Martyr" (d ,,lhe
opciyi lioitne to inorrow night, ;, ,
It in noticeable thai the rflln has
di)N-iir-d with Ihe slreeCspl'iiikler.
It is ipiestionatile whether we con
ider this a blessing or otherwise-
The registrars for the Fifth ward
did not report that the would be
voters fell over each Other in order
to register last Tuesday. There
were nine names registered at a
cilsi of Hhout $11. . .....i.
1 .ii - year John (ioehl plante'l a
livid uf corn, o the' itith and JP.h
djiynofjuiie and it wan, overflowed
with WMler in the hitter pitrt of thi
same' mfwtth. fit the ' fall ' he
gathered it nnd it brought him flO
per acre.' This wha an off year am!
if such an immense rrop can be
raised in an olf year 'what' will be
tlic result in n good' year. ' Mr,
(ioehl fc;lyn he ban a few acres thin
year that will go only about
bushels, while thu greater part ul
his C"l II will go ('') lilinliels per acre
--Avoea Knlerprisii. ' i
' ' ' ' I ' If You Whiu
n cheap home, or a good iiivcfl-
ineht. (in good terms, attend tin;
miction sale ol .ill the real estate o
the late J. V. W eekhiich on Wedne
day, Oct. U, 1VM, In front ( llu:
Coinitv Judge Boftiee. ' . '
F. K. til'THMAN, Adni'r.
Ill l-Ksi wii' tinuiaa n la Coming
It cannot fail lo be of interest Ii
many of our readers In know that
Mr. II. A. Wales, oft llridgeMirt
l (inn., nan agreed to visit Omul
Oi l. nth. and will be at tin) Millard
Hotel. Mr. Widen is the inventor ol
Hie Sound Discs, which , has ut
traded such widespread attention
throughout the civilized world, and
to the use of which in lareelv cred
iled the decrease In deafness shown
in the late census
If.J. Slreight lefl for Ashlamllhis
innruhig fur the purpose of joining
a huhing and hunting party. lie
will return Tuesday.
.'Irs. Sarah K. Tucker, who is visit
ing hcrVihtur in Oregon, Missouri,
fell down btairs one (lay la"t week
and broke, her. leg just below tin;
' :' : .
, preparations for the iidvertising
train , urR , steadily , progressing.
LmicaHier ciuinty sefected. H reprc
sentativi; Jant evenldg, Hrid olher
counties, that have not, will soon. '!
kemembcr thcOoldens' will give
a grand family nliitlliee nt Ihe opera
house SafnrrlnynT-tprni. for the
beuelit of , tint, ladies and Utile
children. Reserved sentu for innti-
nee will be on alo Salurihiy mnrm
il)g. r,:,. .;;. . '! ! ' ' .1 "
). W. Hergr, illibir of The New
Ivra, a local reaper recently 'started1
at South Hend was n pleasant caller
at TltK II)',kI.I Banctmil to-day.
Mfj Itrrov. is enterinir uixm the
work with A '.est nnd enthusiasm
that illdil liter Hiiil he Will br hlil
lessful with bin enterprise.
W. C. Cameron, business manager
in ndvaniT' forth? M.HTfh Yickers
Co., was in'tlu ('its' to-dav 'com
::iletin(;--' ilrrdhgriii'l-nts 'fiir the
UvVitiinjr of!"'tlte, avoijle. i.Maltu
I ickers. uj Tui sday, Oct. Ft, in the
, pictlirenoue comedv romanci
. , . I Viitrone.i. .
The Fpworth .League find
H(((-pvary that the reeeplioit (0 bi
given K'ev. Ilrilt. and family am
arranged for Friday evening of this
week, must be postfioned.
It will
be given Tuesday, Oct.
forget the, date.,
A rtMrlnvv feMilupn.
Whltticker, an cmphijee
lb Ii. A M. shops, met w ith ipiitt
painlul arcidetit tips, moriimg.
The workmen ut the boiler .shops
wer lining work that ncce-iilaled
hard slfikingwilh heaty hmmners,
and m nin' to somi' irregularity
Mr. WhitticUer was struck near the
temple and for a time rendered ui
cntisirioiis. ' Dr. I.i ing'slim was at
iilli'e pUlitiiiiili-d and lit piesent (In
patient is doing will aiid his re
l iivery asi-nred. . ' '
We have received a nice line ol
patiern lints and would be pleased
to idiow them titheladiepof PJatts
liiouth and vicinity. We have r-e-(Hied
Miss llemple as trimmer,
if TrfKU- St.-Ti K. ,
tiiHulotion of fHiiiierwhip
J he law parlnership heretofore
tripling between K. 15. Win!hanl A
rJ-ihn'A, flavies is disnlvcd by
jluiitiial consent, file Imsine s Jof
ic oilice will be continued by Iv. M.
VYiiidlmm. ' w d If ' '
Oct. 7, I.ViL ,
Jdti.v A. Davim.
Slow Hsy, , .
X rank Worth, who has beenlioai d
nig Willi A. K. II. iNeily, during lite
past few weeks coNCb'ded that he
would -declare the deal "oil" and
tint pay the bill. e:ly sues for the
tmoiint. The. ki i.i I is pending in
the polic.o court iw we jrt ! prrMs.
. .conoart'-' .u 'I in
Harvest Hoiim'". concert HI the
First Itiiplist rhnroh, South Piltk
Friday evening'. Oi-t. 0. at N o'clock.
An iiti'teiling programme has been
prepared by the Sunday School, and
everything is bving done., by, the
young people to make the decora
tiimn miraclive 'and npuroin'lAte
Thnri'i will be nn admission fee: of
ten cents-' pror'eeds for'slale mis
nious. ;"'''
There will be a called meeting of
W. K. ( No. .VI, Saturday afternoon
at 2:: at the V,. A. K. hall. All
members are reouested lo bf
presenl. , , ( . , (,
A IXI l.tlall'l.
Tills III a grent year forJ big cr
Now tt U the lalihoti crrtp tm( exeee.
anything In the bihtory of th country
I'mjet Honnd tl reported . to h no fill
with e.Hlniun, tnnkini; thetr alinunl run
lo tho soninl sluprct aim the rrcsh wm
treiinili for fM-iling anil Apilwulni?, tun
the teHtiiliOHt tsem to be Himtini on
mlid maw of fish. Thu puddles kill
htmareiis oi 'tnciit ailil aro chokei with
tla-lr Ixxlls 'The 'tound tehrner en
tain (l'eril the run an anlirunon
string of ulinm thirty Wille long, tin
water for that distance, bein fairly ahvn
with theiiL " " '
Neither the nlji-st Inhabitant! nor the
a'd fii(liatir-mimiberiiuchabliiiiihii.
run. ' The r-snlt of tho fcnorraou9 run Is
hlur rehie'um In prlcea. Umially ((nod
allium !ell for U'n to twenty-five cent
apiece, but now at one cent each th
market U K'nUed with the Bueet quality
of ll.sli. At Fort Williami a few day
a'' two cast! of a n-itie netted over
8.000 fine enlraoiL Kverylsxly It fishing
Chicago IJ(ral(L
ljUS V il JlJJlt (jLIU UANCE S ,' .
., i . , . .i; '
'Iu. oitler iu roduco fetuck to miiLutiJojMJirji"
we itiUfit close but tfie ltiilalice'of our
il1ft, .'.('iiiiinenc4ng 'Aj we.will
goods; eiiiliroitlt'ricri HoiliicingH Hhd
adies fumii'ieinVcsti a,. ij3
f adies summer vests at 10c
Ladies black and fancy .ribbed vests 25c wortli 35c.
. 1 1 1 . I . . i ' . t ' ; ' i - . 1 1 - ' , f
T . adies black lisle and ancy.
35 worth 4io.
Ladies silk' mixed ves!s at 6oc was a-
" adiss silk vests at $1, reduced -from - $1.25,
20 per cent, on all
gO, per cent dicsount
i-H reduced to 5 cents per yard, regularn K'.,c. ci nullity.
ieiiie do I mlia reduced to lie iier yard. ' ,
. . , it... - i , . t ' I " 1 I .
We make thisolfer in order to reduce stock Now Is the time to
purchase if iu want of any of thir above goods.' RKMF.MHKK all of our
goods, marked i plain inures and we do an we advertise. Don't tniM
this Ha,e h thcy:are llu lowest pricea (piotei) this season,
... ." ..... .
THEM GTLlA.l?J&i, ' ' -
Than ever before offered to
Constantly arriving and wiUoori
range of nil the newest an well us the inoreKaple styles, and will he com
posed of the newest and choicest productions o domestic nnd foreign
manufacture . For a irt and excellenc of workmanship our garments fun
not be e?ujelled. 'Ami the iirices that
in Ihe amounts of the cloak trade.
"WE HAVE a silk seal
ed satin lining and seal ornaments,
ment in a perfect reflection of the
at u nni ' .,. ,
' ."' ' . " ..I ..I 1. '-w . I I.'... i . ' . '
I . "WB HA.VB u silk seal phisk jacket '23 Inidies long that we t an
sell at fdfH) that would be cUl'aptit fVIM, although Home merchants ask
1 5 for the same garment, , In the liner grades we have something very'
elegant aud stylish in tho trimmed jacket mid reefer iu both cloth and
plush. ',", ;, . . 1 1 . ... ( ...... , ,
. 1. 1 1' , i ' i ii.' ' '
' THE PROPER thing for Misses this fall and winter will bo,
jackets anil reefers, the newmarketa being almost entirely discarded.
We have both the Jackets untl Keefers lor Misse's wear in endless, varlly,
We bought our clunks early of
to olfur them at very low ligurea.
We' Solicit your favors and an early inspec
tion of our stockl! ,,
507 Main Ptrtrt I'lattsnioulli, 'ob
oflur .ojir
all over'-t
rpulir.-, 10c. quality.!
regular., , 15, quality,
Egyptian coLLoii vetsta at.
ladies shirt
waists and
pn all our silk umbrellas
rt- H-n-
i : i ' , i . .
the people of Plattsmouth and
be complete.-It will comprise a full
we oiler them at are unprecideited
.-t-..i: - ; .
tilush Haciue,:i8 im hen lonir with ouilt-
that we can sell for $12.50.' This gar
plush sacipie that is universally so!4
first hands and are thereby enabled
T: '
i v