The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, October 03, 1891, Image 1
out n Bai attsm IL 1 4 till FIFTH YEAR, PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA. SATURDAY- OCTOBER 3 1891N NUMBER 19 id t A I Nr'J Absolutely Pure. A cream of tartar baking powder. Highest of nil in leavening strenth. Latrnt o. Guveinmcni Food Kc port. H. A. 3ALSBURY : I) K N T I S T : ;u and ri;K klain crowns. Dr. Sli hinv aim Vlii-llir lr Ihr tn'nlfft luu'llix' nf ii-fth. Fine Gold Work a Specially. Kiirkwiiiid llloi-k I'lnttvimiiili. Ni'li, THOS POUOCK R W HYERS NiiUry 1'nlillr & A l't nw-K-r Solicits al Estate, Loan ftt.d Iworance Agent If ynu have real estate to -tl or exchange send usdcscriplion, price anil ti l itiH. Abstract of title furnished at reus ouahlc rates. f 1(J i,fx K) to loan at 7'2 percent and no cnmmisnionn, on good farm security. VOi.UK K & HYKRS PI.ATTSMOI Til - X'UI. fllHre iiinlrr (' County Hank. IWSON A PEAHCE IIAVK KKI KIVH u!l tra. tanri rltili -ti. IIia iiiilll. lnt III n Indiliiti cuit- l;n lul" irh Htnl ff I. Tlii-y Ii.vam full ' Inn "I luliy li'xnl - ami In or f t rlof i. hi utm-k out lmr ri ll lli"lr iti .ul..t lint. In kiid to 11 rr l iriiuiiiift, SCHIYLKR. TRIMMKR. UER SISTERS. Il ST HKMVUlA KLI.I. LINK (IF ASD WINTER HATS AND TR1MHING3. flmvi' a drew milking itriartmnit. nt- litiu'ilnn Kiuriiii-ri . ..'WlXIII S lOKK. I'LATTSMOL'TH ill.l A wi fOUCKt.AIM CKIMXs Jlriil no work mid line gald work a SPECIALTY. HTKIMAirH bOIAI. awi-ll M mint;!,- hHifKtvn lift Ihr imiiilrwieiiirftrOon o' llTlll, L MARSHALL, Fitzgerald Pi - EAT HARKET HI X I II SllkkT SIXTH SlkhhT V. II. KLI.KXH.U'M, Prop. Iii iil of frrnh meat alwavit foiiiitl I in thin market A I ho irvnh '"HU" Hiilli-r. l ;i me of all kinU kept In tlii-ir I BI'llHOII. f IXTH HTKKET m .Ieat market! iznborlaln's Eya And Ekta Ointment. -. A certain core lor Chronlo Sore Eyon, f tier, Bait llhoom, Scald lluad, Old ! 'lironlo Borci, Fever Soros, Eczemt, ith, Prairla Bcratcbct, Core Nlpploa 'I ,i I'Uisi. It la ooo off tod aooUilDZ. odroilaof cam bav been cured by flor ail other treatmeut bad failod. " rut op In 23 and W coot boxc. oii fri'(ijfiitly TimtM a lioimi' 1 Hiiirrinrfi for iln viit, while 'relttilitv Willi whii'li il 1iviIihm i I'" i Inr HlMliint treatment. I'or ita ti y .tou ilHeiie Ayer'n Cher- clorai im an inlnnralile remedv. ninny liven every year, i in the limine, .:. Fun. The appeiiraiu'e of I.rxvin Mur riH(iu't) I'onipany in "FaiiMt" ai the opera limine ):ih1 in'uht ,im tlieevent oftheweaHon in hiHtrionic cirrlcH. Morrirton wan here Home yearn aii, liti 1 1 lie performance han been to vastly improved upon that lie miot lie looked upon an an entirely dif ferent actor. Mr. Morrimni taken juxt rank with Month, Marrett, or Keene, ami if liin health IioIiIh up under the ntrain the rendition of the chancier of 'Mephinto" mib jwlA it to, he may look forward to Htill higher triiimpliH. Xo ierforiiiance in yearn Iian, been Rrerted fwith greater favor liy n mont discriminating audience than the play hint nii;ht. Of the adorn, Morrinon i pre-emluen1ly the Mar. Ilia "Mepliir-tu" in alixulufely lie yoml reproach. The bold cool ,craftueHH, the cotiniimmate nubtlety of the fiend are portrayed with wucli realinm that one almoHt feeln the preneuce in pcrxon of the "arch doubter," and involuntarily lookn for another than a mere ntaie pre Mentation. It in in the more diffi cult paMMiirfn that Morrinon in ut bin bent. 1 1 in mipport in excellent The "Narutu-rite" of Minn Florence Kobertn in touching ly and exijtiinite ly beautiful. In Iter emotional pail Minn Kobertn displays a depth of feeling which appealn to the hearln of her audi lorn- mont Htronjfly. (lifted in many direc tionn, nhe ban few rivaU to-day on the emotional ntaije. The balance of the support in all that can be de sired. The iiianilicrut jceiv.cijnj mechanical ellectn hae not been excelled here in many il day, if ever, and the beautiful electric and cal cium etfectn were a delightful sur prise. It in hoped that Morrison will put l.niraunport "on the list" for future eiiiraireinentn. Daily Journal, !-i;ans4ort, Indiana. Those who enjoy a first clann dramatic performance with beauti ful and elaborate scenery, mechan ical au! electrical effect never be fore neen in I'lattsmoiith should not fail to nee "Faust ami Mar guerite on Monday iiyht Oct. 5," I'ricen, i :Ci. ."HI, 7,1, and two front rows in panpietle $1.00. 4 Who wnloBlimi, A I'l.iy county paper says: "A farmer rained 1K bunheln of pop corn and stored it in a barn. The bum caught firr, the com bcaii to pop Mini lilled a ten acre field. An old mare in a neighboring pasture had defective eye sifrl.t, saw th? corn, thought it was snow, and lay ihiwn and froze to death." i Do not confuse the famous Mliixh of Konen with the many worthless tiaiutn, powders, criamn and ideachen which are llnodmy the market, (iet the genuine of your druwxint, ( . II. Snyder, '."i centn per bottle, and I guarantee it will re move your pimples, frecklen, black hcadn, ninth, tan ami sunburn, and give you a lovely cotiipK xi on. I A Sf"vi-n Wintrp. Foster predicts one of the lkrof. most severe winter, the country has ever had, with plenty of snow. If our farmers have faith in the prophet it might!;? well for tliini to g-ather their corn early and pre jime plenty of nliediiiiig for stock. Kveuing huts u specialty at Wise il Root's. ill To Com! Colmumar. All those that dm not settle their last season's coal bills with me by the !th ft Oct. next will not expect to have any Hccomidatioun nun me thin neason of course. Office and yards South Third Ktreet. Telephone, lit. I always, try to haven full line of nil grades of coal on hand. tf Timothy Ci.akk. I'lattsiliautli. Sept. 22. IK1II. ii Has just opened up a i.riiue of ladles, Gents and Childrens all wool underwear and be lore you buy your Fall or Winter goods. Don't fall to call and see our prices. We beat 'em all. Have you seen those nob by Mlssc 8 Caps, all pretty 6hade8, ").", 05 and 73 cents (ach.' Rev. Hindley spent last Sunday at Kagle instructing' Ihcyoiiny peo ple in their religious, duties. John Xewham in building a large addition to his farm residence, ft will he a nice one when completed. Knowing; ones say, that the new crop of corn will not be marketed anywhere at less than twenty-five cents. The Iiiblic school of Xehawka Iiiih been closed on account of that dread disease, diptheria, being abroad in that locality. Paul Johnson has. a remarkable apple tree in hi orchard. It hnson it a fine lot of apples and ut the name time in full of blossoms. Alvo Advocate. Rev. Guy Wir.g-atc crime in on the Hyer Inwt night from F.dgar. lie comes principally to attend the ded icatiouofthe Find baptist church which occurs to-morrow. The bricklayers and carpenters, a majority of whom live nt Omaha, will remain olf duty until the weather becoines more nuitable for work in their respective linen. Rev. Hull and lady returned from the conference at Lincoln yester day, to spend another year among the people here. The re-appoint- nwnt seems to give g-enera! satis faction, The republican county central committee wan called to meet to-day at Weeping Water, but doubtless, owing to the inclemencyof the weather, the representation will not ..bnxiiuiilyt'.' A Masonic lodge wan organixl at Klmwood Inst week. George Hatch, master; R. Robotham, senior warden, Dr. Root, junior "warden. It started out with about twenty charter members. Rev. L. F. Mritt.the new Methodist Mininter, arrived this norniug and will preach ut the M. F;. Church ut II A. M. and 7-tO V. M. A cordial ii vitatiou is extended to all to attend these services. S. Merril, of Rochester, X. Y., sec retary of the Maptist Seminary, and a prominent man in the Maptist church camr in thin mon'ng to at tend the dedication vices to morrow. I'uder the new law twenty-five physicians, all of whom were active practitioners, were declared incom petent to continue in the profession. This law may serve to protect the rights of. the people by dointr hwiiv with ipiackn. A pioneer in the person Mm. Sarah Livingston, of Louisville, de parted for her final home last Wednesday, at the advanced age of Ki yearn. Rev. Cyrus Alton was called upon to officiate ut the last dad obsequies?. The Wabash Xewn nayn that the families of Mr. Godby am I'wis, who have had such a severe nfllc tion with that terrible disease diph theria, are Improving, but one of Mr. Godby'n children died last week. Wise A Root will display the finest line of millinery ever shown in the city on Tuesday and Wednes day, Oct. 0 and 7. Mm. Wine has just returned from the east, where nhe made a specialty of selecting artistic patterns. Purchasers and visitors alike welcome. 'M .Now that it has become an entali linhed fact that ruin can be pro duced by explosion TltR HKHAI.n suggests that the American genius le stimulated to devise a plan to shut olf the supply. The universal comment in that we have had enough rain. Kev. iiiiikner lifter arriving at Hebron last evening' telegrnph to Mrs. Muckiier, who in still here, that a box which contained nearly all their clothing had been ntolen. This will be quite u serioun loss for then to sustain, an the box con tained all their bent clothing. Strong hopen ore entertained that the instigators of the nefarious work will be fereted out ami brought to justice. A. Salisbury, of I'lattsmoiith, re publican nominee for clerk of the district court, wan a caller at this 11 Mice Monday, while enroute for a political tour over the county. There nu to be n liiirsundcr- Htauding regarding Mr. Salisbury an to which one of the boys he really Is, some believing hint to be the Weepnig Water Salisbury. The gentleman who asks the support of the republican voters thin fall is Dr. A. Salisbury, of I'lattsmiuth, and moreover in a staunch repub lican, and respectfully asks the support of the republican party.--ImisviSle Journal. M. P.'I'ol'r is in Lincoln today. R. Orton oolt Xo. 5 for Omaha th iHOnoring'. R..''Windhain is-in Omaha today oil legal business. R. Linn was a passenger for Onuiha thin morning'. JlliaH I'epperburg in transacting' business in Lincoln today. Henry Stack, who has for the past year has been employed on a ma chinest in the nhops, left for Stans bury, Mo. thin morning. Laura Worden, of Weldon, la., who ban been visiting ut the home of W. II. Worden, went to Lincoln thin morning fora visit to relatives. W.,g. Druy, of Savunah, Mo.,un employee of the Savanah Democrat, in in the city visiting ut the home ofhinparentn Mr. and Mrs. A. II. Dray. About our Neighbor. From the Echo Cyrus Alton took charge of the Klmwood postoflice, October, 1st. ' Mrs. Clara Xeihart will com menne her term of eight month's school fit Clear Creek next week. There seventy-nine scholars en rolled at the Klmwood school, tint more will be added as winter draws near. D. W. Greennlate, one of our popu lar young merchants, has been laid up pari 01 iiiim weeK with a severe attack of neuralgia in the face. The growing popularity of L. C, KickholT, republican nominee for treasurer, in ipiite stimulating to the whole county ticket. j.. ..ii I.., ill. ol i iaitsiiiouth, was in our city Tuesday and while here g-ave our oflice a pleasant call and reiicwedi his subscription to this grerrf tfmiily Journal. Rev. Gilmore has been retained an jiiiiiinicr ai nun place lor an other year. Thin will make his fourth year here, which in a little out of the regular course of pro CerdingM. Gon Wnt ihn Woortblna Twlnnih, With this week's issue the Satur day, irror suspends publication. IN editor asserts that from a finan cial standpoint the paper has been a complete succeKs,atid assigns as u cause for its discontinuance a "gen eral disgust for the newspaper bus inesn. TlIK IlKKAI.D uglad to note that the pecuniary I anticipations of the Mirror have been realized, but is ind I sorry that its editor entertains such a loathsome hatred for a business that presents so many opportunities (or benefitting the human race; for, really, an a de vice for the promulgation of thought and as a medium forsway ing' the minds of men, the press has no eipial among the agencies of bu utterance. The Mirror will be missed from our table, and whether it in justly entitled to first place among' the city papers as a local medium, as its editor affirms, it surely deserved front runk among the weekly papers of the cumily. The best wishes of TlIK IIkkald o with the editor of the Mirror in whatever avocation lie may choose. Miniaier for C County. At the Methodist conference held in Lincoln last week the following appointments were made for the en suing year in Cuss county: J. A. Xicholn, Tnion; W. K. Wil liams, Mt. Pleasant; C. II. Gilmore, Klmwood; W. II. Turrell, Fugle and Alvo; S. I-cwis, South Mend; L. F. Mritt, I). D.. Plattsmouth; I.. Ing ham, Greenwood; G. W. Selby, Iuiinville. Rev. A. C, SleelU wan elected presiding elder of the district. Nolltfo, The C. W, M. M. will met Saturday Oct. Mrd at 'A p. m. A full intend n nre in earnestly denired. 2l Nolle. The boanl of education ask for bids on fifty tons of lump and lifty toun of nut coal, bent Minsouri, Iowa or Kansas coal to be delivered anil weighed on city scales. The board reserves the right to reject any or all bids, lluls opened Mon day. Ut J. I. I'NKl'H, Sec'y. lily's Cream Malm in especially adapted us a remedy for catarrh which in nggravHted by alkaline dunt Hud dry winds. W. A. Hover. Druggist, I )en ver. My cutairli was very bad. F'or thirty years I have been troubled with it- have, tried a number of remedies without relief. A drug gist advised Kly's Cream Malm. I have used only one bottle ami 1 can say I fetd like a new man, I make this voluntary statement that others may know of the Halm. -. W. Matlit'WMim, (Lawyer), Paw tui ket, R. I. II 3131 K II CLEARANCE'S In order to reduce b took to we must close out the balance of a n 1 1 ,1 p.i.ii ,,..1.!.. ,. , . . i ,. .. . .mv. viiiiiiii;uuiil' to uay wo goods, embroideries ilouncings and At 20 Per (Vnt IM-count Jadies summer vests at " adles summer vests at 10c Jadies black and fancy ribbed vests 25c worth 35c. T adies black lisle and ancy j oo worm Ladies silk mixed a'.75e, f adios silk vests at 2 per cent, on all Jerseys. gO per cent dicsount Challies Moussel reduced to S cents per yard, regulars'8t,c quallity ne de India reduced to (tc per yard. J We make this offer in order VZiil "f ,he ft . "" i... .. . kiii aim ...... r.,,.. ,.o j ,v- iuwi-bi jiriees F. HERRMANN ONE DOOR EAST FRST NATIONAL. CLOSH iISSJ5S GlIIttJijKT mm. FOR FALL AND WINTER WEAR WE PfWOSE TO SEU THEM CHEAPER Than ever before offered to the people of Plattsmouth and vicinity. OUR STOCKI S Coustautly si riving uml will soon be complete. It will comprise a full range of nil the newest as well as Ihe inorestaple styles, and will be coin poncd of the newest and choicest productions o' domestic and foreign manufacture . For a lit und excellenc of workmaiinhip our garments can not be excelled. And the prices that we offer them at are unprccideuUd in the nmoiintnof the cloak trade. WE HAVE a silk seal plush ssc(pue,3H inches long with ouilt ed satin lining and seal ornaments that we can sell for V 50. This irar mi nt is a perfect reflection of the plush sacque that is universally -old ut nntl f-D. ' .. HC'A' VE M l"lk ,al 'I,"'k j'i'k't inches long that we can sell at f.l.K) that would be cheap at I, although some merchants ask .1 for the game garment. In the liner grades we have something very elegant Hiul stylish in the trimmed jacket nntl reefer in both cloth nntl plush. THE PROPER thing nu sets anil reeiers, tne newmiirkets have both the Jackets and Reefers for Misse's wear in endless varity, nnir i mi ii in,- i mi nein iiini neeiers lor i We bought our cloaks early of to olfer them at very low figures. We Solicit your favors and an early inspe c tion of our stock. , ) WM. HEP Main Ftreet 501 AT 1 ' - t male room for our Summer 1 1, oi:rMlpt - 1 1 ,ti "K J 1'c.KI) i.le of will oiler our '."Hi. all ovurs'i d rcjulT. lOcqualif regular. 15 ': " - ilsv' Egyptian cotton vests', at vests at 6oc was a bar- $1, reduced from $1.25.. ladies shirt waists and"' ' on all oursilk umbrellas to reduce utn-lr V.... : . i. .. . !,,,ove. K0,."K RKMKMHKR all of our we on an we advertise. Don't miss quoted tins season, FXGURSS GLOATS, cams for Misses this fall anil winter will be liemg; almost entirely discarded. frst hands and are thereby enabled OLD & SOIf. I'iatlsmoiUli, 'cl