The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, October 02, 1891, Image 4

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    , -
.tilTZH R. H.
Iopl Arrant
- ' feUl Cuurtd.f hi.omT
; on ever been in a house" wb,tf
' ; ' couple courting? It in raoivNf
. ' Yon think yon will no and kit
' .. drawing room, nnd you msn-h off
x . As you open the dixir you hear a
' 7 . somebody dad suddenly rec
ollected sonu'tliiritf. and when you get in
.' . .'tuily is over by the window, full of In
est In the opposite Hide of the road,
- and your friend, John Edward, is at the
other end of the room, with his whole
soul held in tbr.ill by photographs of J
viuer jppii. n relatives.
" . "Oh," you say piiusms at the door, "I
didn't know anybody was here."
"Oh, didn't you:'" says Emily coldly,
in a tone which implies that she does not
lielieve you. .
Von hung about for a bit: then yon
"It's ftry dark., Why don't you light
the (fan? ' .
John Ejlwurd says: "Oh, I hadn't
notice1 'V d Emily says that paj
dor Jot r" f?as lit in the afternoon.
iou HI tlu.fii one or two items of
a4w b l give tlwm.yonr views and
' " OI' current question; but it
, Bm .in-jtx fryfnterest them. All
-w-iai k on 'nuy subject is, "Ohf
. . "DiJ "Yes," and "You
J - - . y SO." And ftt.r t.T! minnlu r.t
! , , . y'e or conversation you edge op
Vr ?"d lip oat are snr
' . ' .- lha t" door immediately
.... . . ind you wii shuts itself witli-
. tawuwl it.
" ar Inter you think you will
' uo the piazza, Theonly chair
, - , ' .ae pl;u:e is occupied by Emily, and
ohn Edward, if the language of clothes
.an be relied on. has evidently been sit
'aug on the floor. Tliey do not speak,
' but give you a look that says all that can
' be said in a civilized community, and
yon back out promptly and shnt thedooi
behind yon.
Voo are afraid to ioke yonr nose into
miij room in the house cox, so after
walking np and down stairs for awhile
yon go ar.d sit in your own bedroom.
This becomes uninteresting, however,
after a time, and so you put on yonr hat
and stroll out into the garden. Von
walk down the path, and as you pass by
the summer house you glance in. and
there are those two young lovers huddled
together in one corner of it. and they see
you and are evidently under the idea
that for some wicked purpose of yoni
own you are following thein about
"Why don't they have a special room
for this sort. of thing and make people
keep to it?" you tnntter. and yon rush
back to the hall, get yonr umbrella and
go out. Albany Argns.
Webitr'( Inrom.
The legal piofettMon of the present day
will be surprised to learn that Mr. Weli
eter, the greatest American lawyer of
his time, made bnt tl3.(XX) a year by his
practice. But tlie fees of counsel be
tween 1840 and lii0 were not what they
have been sines.
In 1WS I accompanied a client to Mr.
Webster's office in Boston and j-ked
him to name a retaining fee in an im
portant patent case. He said he thought
a conple of hundred dollars would do.
When the case was tried his fee was only
1 1,000. On another occasion I paid him
a retaining fee of $J.0o0 for the proprie
tors of the Uoodyear india rubber pat
ent His fee for arguing the great equity
cause cf (ioodyeur verns Day in the cir
cnit court of the United States for the
district of New Jersey, by which he es
tablished the validity of the Goodyear
patent, was j,000. This was in the
spring of W2. and was the hut case he
ever argued.
His professional income from to
II'.'S. during which prind he was out of
congress, averaged, I think, f.'O.OoO a
year. Cor. New York Sun.
The Monogram Muni fio.
A momentary farcy prevailing anion?
fashionables shows an entire discarding
of the long cherished monogram. No
longer do artistically entwined
decorate carclciisos, portemonnaies, etc
Form dictates that whether for change
purse, in. rnorin lnia bock r,r sat.-hc!. nrj
aniiiie iivrr tuiii be :zt in tbr
k-ather on the upper corner of the arti
cle. The crest of the owner is boldly
engraved on the bit of metal, while let
tred like a motto the name runs r-ound
it in qnaint characters. Smart folks.
nipnlonsly oUervant of fashion's va-
frariea. also confine their selections of
not paper to mauve gray and very soft
blue, the colors Is ing invariably em
bossed with silver Shaded colors are a
novelty, bnt conservative and possibly
toe best style women suil Imid U Ivoiy
famed paper and silver lettering as pref
erable to fancy shades. St. Lonis OloW
How Sun IdiIIbds Paint.
All onr North American Indians paint,
and the patterns vary with ths individu
al, with the family and with the occa
sion. From notes made upon Sacs and
Foxes painted for the dance we will give
bnt one or two esses. One man's f.v
was painted black, except around the
eyes stid month, which were scarlet.
Upon bis forehead was a Deat checkered
pattern of yellow on the black back
ground. Another's face was divided by
vertical line in two part one ol
which was a bright yellow, the other an
equally bright green. Popular Bcience
Prolonging h Tonilo Bnwl.
The fact that the tomato will ripen
fairly after pint kin 4 enables the sontli
ern grower to market hit crop in the far
north. It alo allows ns here to prolong
the season of the natives. Well grown
but green fruit, picked before frost Into
ahallow baskets or tunes, and kept In a
dark, dry room, ripens gradually for
the table and may thus be eaten, often
entil November or later. Boston Tran
script. Ths fragrant kernels of Prunns ma
haleb strung ss nivkl.ves are much val
ued by the women of Hind and other
jart of India.
Hen bo llelllMiralcl; Commit
or flr Their rrlcnds 10 Kill j
Sample Can The New
Against It. bni II la Stll
It is generally nndei
, ,''hara
kin. or bara-wo-kiri.
tice of suicide
j- noble-
ty rooted in
. I hf illness.
men a practice
their ideas of hoii
the battlefield If- tlft. defeated did not
wish to fall alive iiro tliu hands of ths
euemy, they thrust their swords into
their mouths or their breasts or crt
their own throats Later tiie hara-kiri
became an institution of honor. Who
ever knew his cause to be lost either ex
ecuted himself with bis sword or allowed
his companions to do it for him. It
often happened that when a feudal lord
had performed bis self execution his vas
sals followed his example to show their
loyalty beyond the grave.
My mother, who was a Japanese of
rank, ofien related to me a case of hara
kiri which took place not so many years
ago in lier on family The noMe-nn,
occupyingagovernineiitoffice, bad killed
bis bitterest enemy and was sentenced to
the hara-kiri. If be bad not belonged to
the caste of warriors they would either
bave beheaded nun or sentenced him to
be nailed to the cross, which would have
brought dishonor on his family, besides
resulting in pecuniary disadvantages
The bara-kirt. however, attached no dis
honor to him or his mejnory. The con
demned man was committed to the sur
veillance of a nobleman in whose man
sion the solemn self execution was to
take place. Day and hour were a)
pointed, and the witnesses elected by
the government arrived Thecoudernned
man had bgg"d three of bis friends to
render him the last service and they con
sented Subordinates called on the prisouer to
tetl him of the arrival of the witnesses.
They brought bun robes of hemp on
tray. Ue donned them quickly and bnr
ned to the reception room of the palace,
where the sentence of death was read to
hint. The prisoner listened to it without
moving a featurn. Then be retired once
more to his chamber to change his dress
for the last tuna Attired in white
robes, be was led by a solemn procession
to the room wbeie the self execution was
to take place. A large cotton cloth was
spread on the mats. Over this a scarlet
quilt was laid to prevent the blood from
oozing through the mats. It was al
ready dark and a candelabrum, giving a
faint light, was placed in each comer
Behind two while screens a pail, a wash
basin, a censor, a tray and a short sword
lay hidden. According to prevailing
rules, the persons present stepped Into
the semidark room and took their places.
Then the duties of the three assistants
of the pnsouer began. The Brt brought
him the sword on a short legtrod table,
the hilt being wrapjKrd in paper. The
prisoner received the weapon with rever
ence, lifting it with both hands to bis
forehead to expn-ss his esteem. Then he
Imd it back on the table and bowed to
all present. He let his npper garments
fall down to the lit-it. and -tnflod them
Dimly siidcr hi knees to prevent him
from falling backward, which is looked
on as a disgrace. Then, while with a
firm band be seied the sword, and with
a quick movement cut np his stomach,
the second assistant, who stood on bis
left side, with one fierce blow severed
the bead from the trunk. Alter render
ing his fne nd thm terrible service he re
tired behind the screer.s, drew some
white paper (rum ms belt and wiM.d
the weapou The. third assistant then
grasped the head by the tuft of hair and
presented it to tne principal government
witness to show that justice bsd been
fully satisfied This was followed by
deep silence. All present retired quietly
On the floor lay the body of the noble
man. Four servants appeared ami ear
ned away the body and cleaned Uie
The memory of the nobiemau remained
unsiaiueu. He l.zA remsiscd ioysJ ! '
rank in death.
in 1869 a private secretary to the privy
council proposed the abolition of the
hara-kiri Two-thirds of the depnties
were against the proposition, and in the
spmchea bold on that occasion they
praised the institution as Indispensabie
to preserve the honor of the aristocracy,
and as a spur to morality and religion.
The man who advanced the proposition
was, as was expected, murdered not long
Of course all Japanese do not share
the opinion of those deputies. In the
last change of government when the
shogun, completely defeated, had no
other alternative than to flee to Yeddo,
one of his councilors advised nun to
have recourse to the bari-kiri aa ths
last means of saving bis honor and that
of bis family The shogun ridiculed
the advice and left the room in a rage.
The faithful councilor retired to an
other part of the palace aud disetu
bowled himself in proof of bis earnest
ness. The slfogun U still living and en
Joys a fat income.
So much about the essential charac
teristics of the bari-kiri. The changii
which this old national custom has nn
der:;on cause the particulars concern
ing it to be somewhat contradictory, by
the introduction of a new code of laws,
the bari-kiri has been abolished ajidoiily
noblemen, who still believe In the tra
ditions! code of honor of their ancestors,
may select it as a mode of death. O
Sadakichi Ilartniann in New York Huu.
Wbtl Thri Did.
Papa Have the men been here today,
my boy?
Johnnie Oh, yea The painters enme
nnd painted, the tinners tinned and the
.loiinuis They carped Titu'iura
Mi tin.
,3 ::m . in.
5 :!" p. m
9 :M a. m.
" -"x in.
p, m .
,S (v p. ro.
Missvt 1:1 i'A inr Ar
'llIK AKP.
N. Aie -11." -tan u I in v. 4 lo.-SAa ui.
l,,.;,i arrive' 4 .Ml ;. mi.
Tunis i''iy rU'riljJ nuiia' ,
...'( 7.'f.T'.-0 u.rt;
K VU,Ii OK PYTIMA" Hi'lllillet I'rfK"
kit. li M'H- evwy eili-i--lsy evri.inK
H iht-ir II II Hp I'afine'e ft I'lain !l-ek. All !
Mif knwi is ai-e emdia ly " ' I" siiend
C C' w f. '. 1 1 ti" I'i'vi y. K. It. !.
Yol'.M, VKN'S'UKIMl 'N -S'll'IAll
Wulrlirll bl'Mk lim Htil, I(ih,:ii
. ... ..... . . 1.. c .-mi t. ni frtr nifB ftll
(iiisiel uirctiiiK every Suuiluy kltniu ou at
j f.Oi'S .
An l'. VV,. , Mer llrt Slid IhliJ 1-ililny
. .. li.,.. i t h'h at i A K. Hnll
III Hoekwnok bliK-k. Kunk Veiuillyes, M, VV.
I), H tuetule. Keeoroer.
t IT. W No. sjMei-t jfconii nhdfriirth
Frlitsv vrnlnisi 111 the nmi.lh 8 li. A K.
hall in Cic kvioeil lilork, t J. Muisao, M W,
s, lllow 11, lteuoriii r.
VAl. A:t'A'.'.!-''-" 1-ni.iK.ll o llrjl, ..t I l.i. K (it I' timl 111 the Puillieli' ol
Criillt IdiMk over H'-llielt a lilll. vlllliK
hrelhreii luvileit Henry Herulu, H-Keiil j
1 li'-K n ailliiK. S' re;iirv,
1 tA I iiIMJK. No. 1W. l.O.O. F. nielli ev
ry luesilav nitlit t their l.all h HlKernlJ
'.ioi-s. A 11 OilO relli are coitltally .rviled
"ni vlsiili.ix 111 t!iecily. J Cmy.
N. li K. V , Undue, neerelafy.
CATiiouc.-.,'t. Paul's Chinch, uk. b'teei,
Fill li slid 1 1 1 11 . ruim-r aney, 1 n-ior
Hrivieti: V-liaal lid Hi :.'Sl A. M. Sii'ld l)
Hcliuol al 2 Jii, with Ix-iiedx tloi..
Cmkitik. ('nrner Ljeust and Elulnli H'k
Sfrvlfi-i innriiliiB sihI evi'iiliiif. K.di-1 J. K.
lir rd, paster. "!' aiiiui 10 a. m.
Episcopal.-m Luke's tlnmli. Third
slid iiii-. lle II H. Hnri-. parlor. N-r-vii-r
: 1 1 A. M . a d 1 Jb r M . hunday Kebuul
si i :m v. m.
(iXKHAN MminDisT i iriier Hlxlli Kt and
i.iatuln Uev. Hill. I's-lor. M ni.-n : 1 1 A. M.
Slid 1 M I-. M. MlUH ly Hl'lluol IU JU A M.
I'HrsiiVTSKIA.n.-seivires id new rhuri li.rnr-Bt-r
Hulli and liranile l. llev. J. T. Haird,
t Mindav-sri 1 ol at ;3P ; I'reaililnK
al II a. m. mill s p. 111.
1 h V. 11. iv ('. K ol 'hi' rtinrrh ini et evtiy
!alil)slh evehli'K al 7 In the h;iniiei.l ui
tne (.hiii ili. All aie ilivlled lu slU uu thene
Fikst MrrHOMsT flmh M.. N-twen Maui
and Pearl. Kev J. I M llm kuer. aslr.
suvli-e- : 11 a. M. s i P. M hiiiidav heol
::iA M. Prsytrnieeli. K Wcdiieiulay rveu
H.r. Uppmaii Pkvshvtpkiaji. Toruer Main and
S-uilli. Il-v VMtle. pssti r. Neivlces uiual
Iiiiuis. hiiuduy ' ciiih.i u ju a. u.
tri:uiH ronnKtoATioNAL. Oranile, be-lt--ii
r ilih aud hixtn.
CiilvOKKU 1HPTIT.-Vt. Olive, lk, between
'Irulh mid Klt-teillll. llev. A. Borll, p-
ti.r. m-i vires II a 111. and 1 p. m. i'rayi'i
iiM-nllini Wedursday evenii g.
Vol'Mi Vkx's Chbitiav AiovsIATInjr-
hiri h'iii aieriii:ili lilm k. M.1111 tie-l. imi
ie! im-elll'l!. fur liii-i. iiub.evrrv rnnily (
11-r11iH.11 ni 4 ' !"!(. l''.iii t;jj-.-n wees Sty
limn .i a-111 .10 K:JU p. 111.
SOI TH I'AHK TahkkKaclC -lirv. .1. M.
WihiiI, I Silor. h-nir. : ISunlsy hi h'eil
In ii in.: I o-m hli.K. lis ni. ami S p. in
prut er mrstliiir luri lity liluhl ; rhon pri-tn-c
1 11.I..V mthl All ale wi-lcmiie.
We him? sold Kly'a Cream Halm
alxiiil liner y.cnrs, ami have re
roimiKMidi-d it nee in more than a
hundred ppecial casen of catiirrh
The unaiiin"iii" nnswe-r to our in-
nuiricM ie.'dt'H the best remedy that
I have ever used." Our experience
i. that where parlies continued its
use, it never iaile to rurr-.-j. It
Moiitijomery, A Co., I)rug;KistH, I.
corah, Iowa.
When I hciraii iifin; Kly'a Cream
Halm my ratal rh was ho had I had
headache the whole time anil dis
charged a lariri: amount of filthy
matter. That ban almost entirely
(liMiippeared and have not had head
ache science. J. SommerH.Stepliney,
( on u.
Some of the most Hurtling, in
terstinir disrovcricH of the lile and
customs of burin! Kg)'t are now
being; mailt through cxlensiveexca
Viittiiins. 1 hese liscovcrien are
exciliiiLf a trrcat inlcrcst. Many
discoveries are, however, being;
made in our country Tire rc
nuirkahlc. uilloilir which we may
mention tiiatTit Mailer a rain I'arn
lyier which elici ts entire relief, ami
in many cases a complete cure of
that terrible disease rheumatism,
and which also relieves pain of all
kinds, r or sale iiyallrtriiirifistn,
nrprlsfid lh Tonnf Frsachsr.
Rolw-rt t'ollyer. the preacher, said that
when lie was a yonng man preaching In
Rock ford, lis., he was waited on by a
deleuatlon to ask bira to speak at the
county fair They would pay him
Cfty dollars He told tbem that he
knew nothing of farming. "1 couldn't
raise a hill of beans and a turnip would
stump me." Out the commutes said
they had had speakers for years who
knew all about such things, and they
came to him especially because they
tbonght he was not particularly well
informed upon agriculture. LI accord
ingly went, aud had a royal good tima
"I should bave called my speech, if the
word had been coined at that time,'
proceeded Dr. Collyer, "sheer rot
YYheu I sat down 1 felt ashamed of it
The thought of meeting the committee
I agnin was dreadful to me. At last one
of them approached me fde begnu by
some commonplaces, which sonnded to
me very forced, upon the interesting na
ture of my address.
" 'Tliis,' thought 1, Ms only the "taffy"
with which he prefaces his announce
ment that they can't pay ms fifty dollars
for such drivel as tnat.'
" 'Yes,' be went on, 'ws liked ft very
much. Bnt ws hardly think it right to
keep our original contract with you'
my heart sank into my boots 'instead
we will pay you seventy-fivs dollarst"
Cor. Kew York Times,
Tr.e new city halt cf Philadelphia will
lie the tallest building on the continent,
excepting only, ths Washington monii
meiit. it will be two inches mors tbsa
M7 feet in height, and will cover an area
of fonr and a half acres.
S t -tflST
'. . . ,H i . i vo. i
...... .7 ;4 p. m ' .
Tg . .iJ 1. Ill I '
f ' ..O.' W... -M.i No. 'l.l
Tl7 IS waiting to show you his new goods
vJ VJ and to let you know how cheap they
can be bought.. n
In It is line in Cuss County. You will not lie nble to buy cheaper Wei', Chi
cago when you take quality and price in consideration.
A utrlrtiy flrtt cm Dinelilne. fully wHrrn.i
ert. trom the very best nisiernti b
'killed workmen, and with the heat Inula tn
lltve f T Item ili-vl-r'l lul I hit iurK.v. V k
rs'ilH to flu nil llikl run ! rrainlly el
tect'l l Hie vecj lie-i lyiiewrlter eilsiit
r(.hleul wrllins W"M i rr niliniie or
mure accord irs to tlis shillty ol thsuuersf
If tl.ere la so m-iit In four tuwu addrvn tli
mr. pakimu t'i.
taeuts aiitrd rarliu li, .
P. 11. bEELKMlKK, Agenl.
I.lncolu, Neb,
C'Hpt. W. A. Abbett. who llH long
been with iMenrs. Frecival Hiid
Il.ittDii. keul Kftiite unci Itmuruiu-u
Hroki-rn, Des Noinea, Iowa and is
one of the bent known and niont re
epei ted liUHiiiess men in that city
nays: "I can lentlly to the potid
iinlitii s of C bHitifierliiin's Couli
Ki-iikiIv. llavinu; lined it in my
family tor the aHt t itcbt yenrs, I
can falelv Kfiy it haa no r mil for
cither cidn orrronp." .Vlcent bot
tles for file by J-". tt. Frickc & Co.,
K. V. Sawyer, of KoclicHler, Win.,
m roiiiinent denier in ('''""ral
mcrrhundiHe, and whh runs severnl
ieddliii Wilsons, had one of his badly cut mid burned with a
biriat, Hie wound refused to heal.
The horse became liime mid stilf
nowwithstandini; careful nttentiou
and the Hijilication ol remedies. A
Iriend handel Sawyer some of
Haller's Karl) Wire I.inemenl, the
most wonderful lliiiio; ever faw to
hiiil such wounds, lie iipplieil it
only three times and the sore was
completed healed. Kiially ckkI
for t nil sotm, ruts, briiHes, hiii
wounds. For sale by nil druuiM
nrTCTTivr W v t a m a n in
Ur. I r.L I I V C eti ryl ralliy lo . t H
alrfrlv reelve under uur liitniriinn,
.1 isinil nip Inr . . rt i.-u l.ii . UAI.MIfl.ToN
li IKtTIVK AUk.NC'V, ln 7, Vi anhlMoii,
i. ;,y
t . ,t .. .. - - ,
J OE 'g:
Only buys the hurt makes and latent novelties in
And if you are looking for a reliable place to trade give JOE a trial.
The only Implement denier who has made a succees in Cte
rT"W' best of hariH MS, Ixitli double and single miiy be foum
1 store and t-vervthiiiir in the h.irni'ua lim,i,,.:...
which are lirst-cliiss iii every respect, lein; the lij;hteMt, strongest
caeieht riding vehicles on earth.
Sprinir wutroiiri, road carls, and plows of all discription.
Plattsmouth - - - Nebra
Indies Fine Clawed Dong-ola f'j.2.1 shoes reduced to
Ladies I)onfoln Kid Fleiiible f .' .Vlssjoe reduced to
Ladies llest I)on(fola nhoes reduced to
Indies Hand Turned beet Doola fl.OU shoe reduced to
We have u ffreat many other sample lots of odd sixes that we ir
oii'Tinj; ui
We a I "ii liiiven fuw lots of I.nilics Oxfords thai we will Kill at rcdi
prices. Don't forget the place.
"W. l. SOBOK cTj cq
- AT
AIS() have a larf lot of Schutler, Moliue, llain and Sterlin;; wj
imu rm shoes
We (five you the following deep cut in prices:
In order to reduce our stock to meet our oblinliou.