The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, September 30, 1891, Image 4

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    ; ...,-.v:ki' -t-D W BUY?
v ' -
itlD EEncnBiR Son
" 5n BWEY,
Hose IF Yoijz.
O.ftY BE 5 ORE
n w,,-"f,w .--.rf JA Et'f,
i '
: '.lUCfijRBflfliC Chicago, MaKCJf:
. ALL &R--!KSteEPITi
J. D. GRAVES & c'J.
Hi. (,irl Wlin TkUim
Niuud health u prune nweiii'ty foi
any worker in the world, no mattet
wlual tin' Una of work may he, but It be
of the KrfRi(t iuiKrtitne) if tin
work in 10 tie carried un iu the school
room Tin-re nut only the physical, but
Dm nervous and inrnul force urn tased i
to tli'Mr The young ifnultiate
ban. hitherto gone to school to nit coin.'
forlably ul her dck; to stnnil amlun- !
ally for recitations: to nw her voice but ;
f'Ule; to have constant variety in her
work; to enjoy her meess with perfect
freedom. ad in coneuial cotna,ujon
hip. Aa teai her sha (foe to school to
staud upou her feet hII day long; to une
her voic inceiuautly, perhaps, too, in a
huge room filled with the tumult of the
street; to keep noiiy, and very likely,
rebellious aud disobedient children not
only quiet, but interested, aud to spend
the receaa in care of them in the balls
aud the yard.
Bwidee this she is to stimulate theit
bruins, and a certain amount of time
usually prescribed by board of educa
tion, the members of which know little
of the capacity and possibilities of tin
youthful miu.l is allotted her, in which
she rnnut, somehow or other, sncceed in
teaching them a certain number of fact
no allowance beis mid fur the slow
ness, stupidity or disorder, which in
creases the friction of the work and de
Lays the doing. No matter how com
plete the education or how enthusiastic
the spirit, the power for physical endur
ance is absolutely necessary. Carotins
B. L Bow in Ladies' Home Journal
V- D0OH.S, BLINDS, and all building material
Call and sec us at the corner
T3 11. 11 a.
4.J.IU uiiu jLiiiu rsiruui, OnC
,v s -mm a wa awa
l)nitli t llniDiil'ci mill
iUl ,11 VH JaAljlSl 13 lllataa
lattsmouth, Nebraska
Everything to Furnish Your House.
Bard and Soft Kiur.
The difference between "hard" and
"soft" water is that the former contain
in greater or less degree earthy salts,
while the latter Is nearly free from them
ami in a greater state of purity. The
earth most frequently occurring In nat
ural waters is lime. The qtiantitf of
earthy salts varies ounsiderably in differ
ent instances. It is observed that when
they eiit in the proportion of fivt
grains to a pint such water will be hard,'
and will be unfit for waithing and many
other household uses and manufactures.
The solvent properties of water are the
true cause why we never obtain this
universal and important fluid iu a state
of absolute purity. It constantly par
ticipates in the properties of the mani
fold sources whence it Is derived or
through which we obtain it
Whenever water is in contact with the
i soil it invariably dissolves the soluble
constituent, and hence it follows that
water springing from rock which are
only slightly soluble, a sandstone and
granite, is very pure and is called soft
water, while that which is derived from
calcareous formation Is termed hard
water, and contains lime, which pro
duce aa Incrustation on the side and
bottom of the vessel wherein it is boiled.
-Brooklyn Eaghj.
, ' ng purchased the J. V. "Wickbach store room on south
street where I am now located I can sell goods cheap
'.''an the cheapest having j net put in the largest stock
y .'ew goods ever brought to the city. Gasoline stove
;a'furniture of all kinds sold on the installment plan.
j A Full and Complete line of
!ugs, Medicines, Paints, and Oils.
crlptlons Carefully Compounded at all Hours
Remember that R. O. Castle dt Co have an immense stock of
And Guarantee Satisfaction In all Thluss
.1. O. CASTLE & CO
1 - " k ir a Id) dIIUI 4kraf Ui
y 1 T ii c oner i
D D) U
rvx 1 n Ui!
j SLY Ui!(l UEr..l, M Wsma BNnrTork. Pfk(is L-
A Law Cut Thai Has Cm A4.000.
The Cathcart case ha been one of the
longest trial of our time, and, when
everything ha been "totted up," will
prove to have been on of the most ei-
pensive. Sir IX Russell had 130 gojnea
marked on hi bnf, brside a special fee
of 100 guinea, and fifty guineas a dar
during the si i teen days the Inquiry has
lasted, bir Henry Jam' fee have torn
on the saas sc&ls. f) cf ths learned
leaders baa, therefore, taken 1,050 guineas
in fees for court work. Apart from this.
Sir Charles ba bad two guineas for each
consultation and be ha attended on at
leant every day. Mr. Bucknill, (j. C,
and Mr. Inderwick. U. C. hav ba-1
fifty guinea marked on their brief and
nearly seventeen gntiiKa a day. Two
grunt of 1.000 each have already been
aiade out of th estate by the order of
Lord Justice Lopes, sitting in chum ben,
for the conduct of th case, aud every
farthing of these sums ha been spent
Fortunately, Mrs. Cathcart is a rich
woman. Ten thousand pounds will prob
ably have own swallowed np in the
course of this imjniry. Loudon Tit-Bits.
Isvmtioa the TfpawrlUr.
The typewriter wa invented a long
ttfo a 1714 by one Henry Mills, wbo iu
'"t T MRd 8 JtSt is this
try for a 1v1w that "wmild wriU
printed characters one at a time, or one
after the other." There is do descrip
tion of this device to be bad now, but
there Is no doubt that Mills' invention
was the parent of the present typewriter.
In 1S33 French patent wa granted to
M. rrognn (Xavier), of Marseilles, for a
typewriter, wbirh is called a typograph
icai macmne. 1 he account of th ma
chine is somewhat olntcure, but enough
is given to show that it was au operative
on by which type writing could be fairly
Well eiecuUxI iL Fuucalt seut to the
Paris exhibition in 1855 a writing ma
chine for the blind, and several type
writer were invented by Wheatstone.
After successive Improvements a manu
facturer in America contracted to con-
rtruct 25.000. Sew Vork Press.
Foaled lha Clarffman.
There is a miuUter In Brooklyn who
told the writer a harrowing Ule of de
ception of which he wa the victim
After he had performed the marriage
rit-fcony for a young couple at the pur
otiHKe, the bridegroom slipped fat
uvelupe betwseii the leave of the family
Uihle, nodding pleasantly, a if to any:
"louv well earned it Joe clergy
man nodded thankfully.
"When I opened that envelope," be
aid, "what do yon suppose I found to
"A goodly sum In bilUr
"No, sirl No, sirl Twenty sheet cf
oopy pajier such as reporters ne. And
Dn the hmt sheet was written: 'Economy
is wealth, rlvumi dou't squander this.
W ijie your raior on ft
"1 think," said the dominie, "that
miliioters should be empowered to de
clare some warrtnges void." New York
The treatment owl receive from man
tvince no recognition of their value, no
rratitude for their service. I.arge and
liuttll, they ars shot wheiever fouud, to
rve as ornaments to Hi parlor or to do
brief duty for a eitn on a fathionable
feat, thou to be cn.t axiilo and furgotteu.
The Use Ol
Itarnh, UrasUc puri'i'es to relieve costive.
nu la a danirvroi prainir, suit mora Uahle
to tutoo tlie dlieaM on Uie paUent than to
eurn It VVhut I neld 1b a mrlKme Unit,
hi eHBi'tBally opening the bowels, corrects
Ui eonUve Imi'il "i asuhlmhea s natural
iLiilx mium. buvh an aperlcut Is touiui iu
Aycr's Pills,
whlrh, while UiorouKh In action, itrenitthen
aa well as atlmuLiU) yjflMiw) ana eioremry
organs. - ' .
" If or eight Jiri TJ sfBted with eon
satli, whicb t R-t bee&Oie so bad Uiat
the il.tors could do no more lor me. Then
I brs to lak Ayer's I'llls, aud soon the
bovwln became regular and "natural in the- '
moTeimuu. I am now In excelleul heuh."
Wm. H. Di Uucett, IX) met, Ont
" When 1 feel the oel ol a cathartic, I
Uka Ajter's fills, aud Bad uieffl to b Bur
6in taj other pin I ever took." Mrs. B. C
umbo, BunellUle. Vs.
" For years I have bean subject to anaxtt
paUoo and nervous headaches, caused by de
r intromit o Uia liver. After takina; various
remedies, I bsvs beeoms convinced that
Ayers trills an (he beat. They havs never
(ailed to reusve my bilious attacks to a short
"! and 1 m aura my ayatero rU!ss its
lone loucer after Ui use of these rills, than
has been tit esas with any other medicine I
havs tried." 11 S. Bledgvj, Weimar, Texas.
Ayer's Pills,
rssvaaan sr
Dr. J. 0. ATXB 4k CO., Lowell, Kaaa.
4d by all Dealer lo Medicine.
Bucklen' Arnica Salve.
Tub Hiwt 8alvk in the world lor Cut
Rruisus, Sore, Ulcers, Salt Kbeum. Fever
Soros, Tetter, l'hsped Hsnds, Chilblains,
Corns, and all Hkin Eruptions, and posi
tively curi Piles, or no pay required.
It is gusrantaed to give satisfaction, or
money refunded, l'rice 25 cents per ut.
For sale by F. 0. Fricke & Co.
Happy Hooster.
Wsi. Tiuieioii". I'uiiiiwti of Irtaville. ind.,
rllea: "Klet trlr Kmera haa ilone nn-re for
ic I hail all oilier ineSK'inea 'ouililnrd. fin lliHt
bal (eei'iia: ari.luK from Kldnev add l.ner
trouble. " .lolui lli, farmer and atoekniaa,
f aaine place, ; "Kisd Kleeine Hlllera to
be thebeaf Kldui ; and l.iver inedii'ltie, made
bis leel like a new man." 4. V) (.anluer
biirJware tnerrliabt.auioe town. av : "Klee-
trie Hlllera la Juii the thins lot a nun who fa
all run d"o and don't care lint her he lives or
dlea ; he found new atrentlh, sond appalll
and fell lual Ilk he had a new leaat on life
ObIvmc, a be meat r'. (t. Frlek Jk ( u'a Drug
A p)ytry Iiplained.
The iHtrr contuin Ireouent no-
tier of rich, pretty und educated
tir eloping with fie(froe8, tramps
und coachmen. The well-known
BecialiHt, Dr. Franklin Milea. says
all such tfirls are more or lew liy.
lerical, nervous, very imptilmve, un-
Daianccd; tiHuaiiy suijicct to neaa-
ac lie, neuralgia, ttleepfeMMnesn, im
niodfrate1 cry ino; or laughing. Tliene
ahow a weak, nervous) BVHteni for
which there is no remedy etiual to
Restorative Nervine. Trial bottle
and a fine book, containing many
marvelous curee, free at F. O. Fricke
A Co'., who alao eell and jfuarantee
Ur. Milesr celebrated New Heart
Cure.the fineat of heart tonirs.fure
flutterinif, abort breath, etc.
Rliaun atiain Guri in a Day.
"Myntic Cure" for rheumatimn nnd
nruraliris rmlirull v rured in 1 3
duya. ha action upon the avatera i
remarkable and myaterioua. It re
moves at once the cauee and the di-
aeuMe immediately diaaappeara.
The lirnt dose greatly benefit. 75c
Sold by K, G. Fricke, Drujfjf'"1- '
Remarkabi Rsmus.
Mra. Michael (Hirtain. Flalnnel. III., makes
he ataleinent lhatalis caui(lit cold, which aei
tied on her r'n(a ; ah aw treated for s mooto
by ber family khvalcian. hut irrew worae. lis
old her alia was a hopeleaa victim ol cowaump
tlou and that so medicine could cur her
Her Drujfiat suweale' Dr. Klug'a Dew dlscev-
arv for oooauiuptloa ; sbs bnuxbt a belli sni)
to her dellg-ht fouad heraelf benefited flam ths
doas. ahs eoallusa Its fi tt and after tak
ing tea bottles. fousd beraelf sound and wall
now does her own bouaework sod Is ai well a
ant ever aa.-rra trial bolllea of ;tbU (rest
ajlaeovery at f. a. Prist k f o'a Jprua tttoie
rxebottle ar. and II.
Helaht of Crueltv
ervoua women aeldom receive
the eyinpHthy they deaerve. While
often the picturea of health, they
are conatuntly uilinir. To willihold
ytnpath from thete unfortunate
i the height of cruelly. They have
a weak heart, cauain ahortiieaa ui
orriitn, llutterin, pain inside, weak
anil hungry apella, aud finally
awellinif of ankle), oppreHnion,
choking, Hinotherinp; and dropcy.
lr. Milea' New Heart Cure ia jiiHt
ine initio; tor tliem. For their ner
vouHiieea, headache, weakneaa, etc.
hia Kentorative Nervine ia unetiual
ed. Fine treatine on "Heart and
Nervous: Diaeaaea" and inarveliius
teHtiinoninlN free. Sold and K""r
anteed ly F. (1. Fricke A C o.
For niHiiy year Mr. It. F. Thomp
aon, of I)c luint'H, Iowa, wuh ae
verely afllicted with chronic diarr
hoea. He nays: "At times it wiim
very aevere; ho, much ao, that
leuerd it would end my life.' About
Heven year ao I chanced to pro
cure a liottle of Chamberlain's
tolic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy. It jfave me prompt relief
"mil iM-neve cured me permanent
ly. aa I now eat or drink without
harm anything 1 pleaae. I have
alao lined it in my family with the
lieat ri'Hiilta. Fur anle by F. (i
Frickie St Co.
Wonderful 8ucres.
i wo veura uifo the u it I'ron
Co.' ordered their bottle by the box
- now they buy bv the carload.
Aiiiom the popiilnratid aucceaeful
remedica they prepare i Hallcr's
narnapiiriiia a Murdock winch ia
the niottt wonderful Mood purifier
known. No druirtfist heaitattta to
recommend linn remedy.
For aale by drugjfint.
niil you aiiiier witll DyepcpHii,
and I.iver Complaint? Sliiliih'H Vit
ol mer ia Kiuiriiiitccd to care you. 2
SIcrpiicH ni)it niiide miwerabl
by tluit terrible caiiifli ShiloliM rem
edy U the cure fur you, by F. (i
trick, and () II Snyder. 2
Clw 1 " 1 111 1 " B """""""""y' r 1 111 1 "'
xv what is y;
p 't v, , . , , v, v. , u " r-' ' ' ' ' """"" ' ' J. ' ' '
'M------ vvj 1 -"
Is1 Dr. nuiucher' prciicriptioa for Infants
lldren. It-.011talua Eeltlier Opium, Morphine nor
Ana Children. It .,Ttt.,'u rritlier Ontu
other Narcotic But,tanee it i a hnrinloaa aubtt, v"
for rrt;orc, IropaSowtl,lns pyrups and Canto
It la rieaaant. Iu srante i thirty yearn ( :. '
Million of Mother. Caaoriadettroy aWornu nr . ;
fareruthneas. Caatori pr.Tent Toanltln; Sou' " '. '
eurea Dlarrhooo, and Vln Colic CavatorU ; ' ; ;
tathlna; trouble,, cure coutipatien fmd'flat . '
Catorla aaalmlUtea b f.jod, T--uUvte th a j ' " ; ..
and bowels, giving healthy and natural sloe rj
torU is tlie Children's .anacea the MbthetVF.j C,
"Cawkrla is aa amwealatil taJMaa for Catt
dm. ataSha hav nmaaU illy tofal m of lis
food aflaa stna tbaw atoVlrwa-
ba. a. C Osoooa,
' Caatnria la SSa bi rmwf aMVtraB ot
which I am aojwtiutal I saw h day laaaot
far daaUM whaai pantiwars wfff saaaairlav tae real
Interaslwf Ibair ssdna, sad us CaaSorla In
stead of the vaiicaiseuack aostnanas which sr
deatrarin hir lurd anaa, by lara'nc opiiun,
morpbsaa, sootbinf syrup sad aabar burtul
aeaa doar tbasr turoa), alwraby mating
Ibena b prwawsea (rsvaa."
Da. J. F. Kiwcwsum,
Cuiana, Ark.
I rva. hataand k aaaaawrlaa toany praaarlpOoI
kava.1 to Baa." ,
T B. A. Asnmma, V.
ltl So. Oilwd St., Braoklya, H.T
"Our phyaVaaoa la ba ebiUraaV opJ
mant kavw spokaa kilily of Uuar Siparl
auo hi tbasr avtaSI praaSSas wHh Csawrla,
sad although wa ealy aa aweai owr
Biaifical sapitUas wba Si kaowa a rafnlar
fnduam, ya we av f raw to auaf aa thai to
matiai of CasawiSi has woa as to look wtdt
favor ! ft."
t amo IloarrriL ass iMarsausT,
ltoatoa. Has
huuut C nana, TVaa
Tka CasUir Coaapaay, TT M array StrMt, Haw Tark City,
(( Ooo
She ia a winner. We reduce our prirea becauae we can afford too.
not becauae Homebody compels ua too. Where ia the hiirh price, lonir
time credit man that can atand it NOT IN PI.ATTSMOL'TH. Weifive
you a few more price that may interest you:
tioiaen machine oil .... Ht 1 1 poea at ate per gal
(ianoline ' " " He "
Warranted Hay Fork - - " " " 3.V each
odd aixe enrriag-e bolt Wc per hundred
Another lot of clothe wringer .... 2.10
Carpet tacks - - - - still o at 1c per paper
Cook atovea at coat to cloae.
Foldinjf ironing board 97c
Hlk barb wire 3.70 per tin nd red
(ialvanized barb wire 4S5 " "
Meat and cheapest line ol tinware in the city.
, mKik
Come iu and aee ua w hether you are in need ol any goods or not
Remember that we can aud will save you money every time. Everything
a oarxram,
Dr. Grosvenorr ?h
atHtvaKMsaHam. aMfalArla swhW aVttal larharu
The Leading
Is l'swhr siUii fr Tuut
rratMuaaaj a. kaanriA vl srriark
, wv a sraJMII l ITJIor.
dm ) .mm katt uif.
j I"r.a4 l mart ftvitfwaj
w l ry. v-t-.x l:6-fum. Paia,Taa to luaa-K ua.
HINQCRCORNS. Tka am aura (hr Coma.
Swaa a u ba. at l"w(ja, Ulacul s CO., V.
Epps Cocoa
"Hys thorniiKh knowMK of the nalnntl
lawa whlrh Kovern the 0erntliii.a of dlifeatlnn
ssd nulritlnii.and by rareful splioatlou of
III" fins tiertieof well selected l int, Mr,
kia haa provided our breakltixl tsbls with a
delirately flavored beverK which may aave
ua many heavy doctor' hill, II labyllhe Juriie
lima uae of aui h artlclea of dirt 11) at eon
altiitlon nwjf be iciadnally bulll ni until atronif
enoiixh lo realat every tendency to dieaae,
llumiteda of aultle meliuilea are (tout In K
around u ready ta attack wherever ihereta a
weak point, we may eaaat many a falKl
ahaft by keeping ounalvea Hl. fortified with
I mre IIni1 and a prnerly nourished frame "
:ivll aervlce iaete. Mwlnai alnuily Willi
iMiillns water or milk. Hold mily In lull-pound
Una. by irr'ieenea. lalielled lliur:
JAMfa kl'I'H 1M) , llosneiiiistlileChemht
Miudou. Kiixlaud
CoosUntly keeps on hsnl everything
you oeed to furnish your house. ANO M VIN sraKtr
317. 210, 221 and 2iZ Main fit.,
Plattsmouth Nebraska
H. M BOSS, Proprietor.
Ika I'l-rkini baa been tlioroui(hly
wnoyated from top to !ottrr. aud !f
now odq of the Ixwt hotels in th state.
Boarders will be taken by the wtx-.k at
I t.TiO and op.
- Neb
Wanna aud Ulackamllh (hop
VVsgon, IJuKKy, Macliin and
plow llepairiuK don
fie uaa I lie
Which is tba Ut borscwuop for tha
farmer, or for fast drivlriK, oi for citj
purposes cvor iuyenkd. Jt 1 so mada
that anyon cm put on sharp or 11 a
corks, a noeib d for wet and ilipiiery
days, or smooth, dry roads. Call at
his shop and eismino tho hkvriwmp
and you will uso no otiiet.
13 North Fifth Ht. I'lstUmouth
Wanted -All active, relloble mso-sslarf rm
"" I'ly. wills inrrea.,. lo " ,7,ZSmS
In ki. ,m ..etU a r..,,.ii)MVK,w"rri