The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, September 30, 1891, Image 1

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i' Flattsmouth Daily Herald.
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1 f I i I i'i
!; p p"'"H 'I 'J
m m - - -
... r "Tnrn
Absolutely Pure.
A cream of tartnr baking powder.
Highest of all in leavening strenth.
Latest I?, S. Government Food Re
. D K N-T I S T :
1 t )f. mi-lnwayi gnimln-tle tortile pul'ilen fx
W; trwilnp ol teeth.
U Fine (Gold Work h Specially.
Korkwiiod Bits-It riatuinoiiih, Neb,
Mitwj Public U AtMrat-tr Snlldtor
tk Eatate, Loan and Iniuranc Agenti
1 f you have real estate to sell or
"ichange send us description, price
'iid teruiM.
i listracts of title furnished at reas
onable rates.
i j im'i.iMX) lo ldiin at J'j percent and
' y no coinniiHHionM, on good
larm security.
0(Ho untli-i Cw ( miiity Katk,
I j Jlr Pall lrnw. Ihiicjt rtlilKini. Him nd nulilt
wm dlao 't ' furhtmi CHII0 Uii huts
2 II iip of buliy h'liirt" knit III or1
(W i3 ! old ntwk mil Iiiivp r
duurd tlieir ir ;ill it fiti tn 40 and (
7(1 wt tiliiiiuid.
j Mucker sisters.
t ry AV5 ji.:rT iiECiV ti A rULL UMtor
I e lino Imvp a drrm makliiK drpitrt.-ariit. KiU
rg inflict Inn miMraolppd.
S Brides w:jrk and flne au!d work a
RTKIKADS UK'ALuwell M othnf u.
v.iumiviwinll lur mi liKlllira. vlUarlKHI O'
A. MMlSllAlX .'Kii'ifHriM Mio-
.a I
K. II. Kl.I.KXnAl'M. I'rop.
e brut of frrnh meal ntwaya found
in thin market. AImo frmli
V.UU and Mutter.
1(1 Km of all kiiiln kept in their
i if
n r
j jj. laialwlala'a Eya and tiia
i i. ) wntmont
i i (sertala enra for Ctronla Sow Ejm,
' , . r, Kalt Ehoum, Scald llead. Old
J ,i .nio Borea, Fever Borotj, EcMma,
J , Prairie Bcratcbe, Bora Nipple
i 1 ' J 4 PUea. It f coollojj and ooUilnjt,
ndre.Uof vaea bava Uen eortd by
J ytortkUotliartwtBJMt bad (allod,
( VputnplaMandtWocntboioa.
' put 0
f-rc w
till he a called iiieetinir of
"t.YC. C. T. IT. Thumday at 4:)
i. in the Y. M. C. A. roomn, a(
1 time a report will he madeof
I W. I". T. V, ronviMitiuii hehl in
ilia lii.t week. A Kp.-cial tnrita-
I in extruded to yountf hulit-ti
lire Hoi connet-led wilit tin-
i, to he jiii-ccnt.
"Dun'l Boom." (
'AeHHra. Peck Sl Furtuiiiin, who
have had a lonjf aud very e xtenhive
experience uh ineairicai iniiiuicrs,
and who poHMt-HH a liberal allow
ance of hraina, energy and irii-ntiH
regard the American people an
poHneHsed of a critical and diacriin
mating judgment in the matter of
amiiHementH. In thia helief they
happily hit upon the idea of giving
the public a piny that ahould he
thoroughly aud diatinctively
American. How well the idea wa
received in told by the frreat uurena
of "Dan'l Hoone'' the paat four aea
onH. Believing that the tr.-iiU,
dangers and privationn of the pio-iK-ero
of thin country would furniah
good muterial for Mich a drama, the
life of Dan'l Hoone was selected as
being the most prolific with inci
dents from which a good drama
could he written. The selection
was a wine one. Mis personality
stamped him as one of Nature's
Robk-men. Incapable of fear, a
bold and ordinal character, in times
of danger cool and daring, and in
times of peace gentle as a child;
hie life teemed with dramatic inci
dente, which have been introduced
In the now famous play which bears
his name, The play depicts faith
fully and in a fascinating manner
the life of Hoone and his com
panions, from the time they first
settled in Kentucky. Showing
their happy home there; the up
rising of the Indians; the burning
of Hoone'a cabin aud the capture of
his two daiiifhtrrs. Then follows
in dramatic succession the Indians
incampment; the attempt of a res
cue and ci pture of Hoone; his fam
ous denunciation of Simon Curly;
the preparation of the Indians for
his torture; his unexpected rescue
by his faithful horse, and his sub.
sequent thrilling knife fight with
the Indian chief, for his child's life,
ending in his victory nnd the exter
mination of the Indians by the
settlers. Don't fail to see it at the
Waterman to-morrow night. Don't
miss the street parade.
Several flock of wild geese were
observed flying in a southernly
direction last evening,. . , ... .. ,
Kverybody should contribute to
ward the expense incurred in eipiip
ping the advertising train.
The law porhibiting the shooting
of quails expires ti nior.ow. Sports
are, permitted to shoot these birds
from Oct. 1st to Jan. 1.
Work on the court limine ix
progressing nicely. It will be
finished in ample time the in
coming republican county official.
The real estate men, particularly,
are interested in the advertising
train. They should avail them
selves of an opportunity to assist in
the enterprise by contributing
generously of finance when the
solicitors approach them.
Kcujnr not Guilty
In the case of Ncff vs. Rogers a
decision was rendered iicijiiitting
defendant. The friends of Mr.
that he is innocent of the charge of
theft. It is hoped that Mr. Rogers'
exposal of the condition of the city
Jul! mill lend lu mi iuvexiigation hy
the authorities and the place made
decent, at any rate,
To Coal Chuiiwr.
All those that do not settle
their Inat season's coal hills with
me by the loth of Oct. ticitwill nut
expect to have any accomidatious
from me this season of con rue,
Office anil yards 4o4 South Third
treet Telephone, 13.
I always try to have a full line of
all grades of coal nn hand. '
tf TlX"THT Cl.AkK.
I'lultxmaulli. Sept. Ui, twit.
Has Just opened up a full line
of ladies, Gents and Childrens
all wool underwear and be
fore you buy your Fall or
Winter' goods. Don't fail to
call arid 'see' our prices. We
beat 'em all.
Have you seen those nob
by Misses Caps, all pretty
shades, 55,' (15 and 75 cents
m m
An Intareittlna Litter.
KlUTOK IlKKAMi: I promised you
a letter describing the oil fields and
other interesting sighlB to be seen
In the east, and shall endeavor to
comply, .....
We left Fulls Creek, enroute for
Niagara ' Kulla," via the Buffalo,
Rochester & I'lttsburg R. R., which
crosses the ' mountains via the
Bradford oil. districts, reaching the
highest point of the Alleghany
range at Mt. Jewett.'The JirBt atop
of any importance is Johnsonhurg
Here the visitor finds' nalijral gas
wells hy the score; hlso, one of the
largest paper mills in fh'c world.
Johnsonburg on the whole, is odc
of the best business points in Penn
sylvania. Our next stop is at Kin-
gue bridge. This is the largest
trestle bridge in the world. The
length is almost 4,(KX) feet and the
height is feet. A look at this
bridge is well worth a week's travel
alone. The tops of the trees tower
l.'tH feet above the barge, and to
stand on the bridge and look down
ward to their tops, presents a sight
wonderful to behold. The train
made a stop ou the center of the
bridge and the passengers were
permitted to take a view of tht
bridge, mountains and valleys. We
then started on our journey again,
well pleased. Long before w
reached Bradford, oil wells became
numerous; the mountains were
covered with them, even to the
highest peaks. There are now
lt,U3 wells in operation in this
district. The majority of these
were once flowing wells, but
pumping ia now necessary in mont
of them. Natural gas is abundant.
The yield of oil from ench well is
from two to fifty barrels a day, and
is sold for about sixty cents a bar
rel. One of the most beautiful
sights we witnessed was a large oil
well tank pot on fire. We passed
ttirough the state of New York, and
my first impressions of that country
were certainly not very flattering.
It is without exception the poorest
country I ever saw no crops to
speak of, not much fruit, and the
cows are about as large as a
Nebraska goat. They have a few
fine horses. From Buffalo to
Niagara we pass through a very
beautiful country, but as to its
productiveness I cannot vouch.
Hy the -ay, Buffalo is a nfniifi
ccnt city, located ou the east end of
Lake Krie; it is the hame of that
man of destiny, (irover Cleveland.
Arriving at the falls we spent a
day visiting the cataract and other
places of interest. We visited Luna
Island, (ioat's Islam), the (ireal
Whirlpool, Cave of the Winds, Rock
of Ages, aud took a trip ou the
"Maid of the Mist" to the foot of the
Great Horseshoe Falls. Here you
first rcali.e the majesty and power
f nature's greatest wonder. We
next crossed the great suspension
bridge to the o,tjecn'a dominions
a i-d went up to the park on the
aiiadiau side. Here you get u
better view of the falls, The sus-
..-iiaii,.. I., i., j r.-onderft:! piece
of work. Its length is l.'.IW feet;
length of t ables, I, MO feet; height of
ridgc from river to roadbed, Hl
feet; lit uf luviei , hii feet, above
the bridge, lu obedience to a
rriiii st from I'rof. Ilalsey, we find
that the fails have receded U.7 feet
from 1 M to IN' J, and that only one
seventeenth of the water passes
over the American Falls, one fiftieth
over the Centre Falls and the balance
over the Canadian side, or the
Horseshoe Falls. Only about one
(mirlh of the Horseshoe Falls
belong to the u,uecu. 1 got a few
specimens of rock out of the Cave
ol Winds, under the American
Falls, but my advice to travellers is
to stay out of this part of the (ails
miles they are very plucky; indeed,
it is enough to at are a Cass county
democrat outcf politic. We next
visited Toronto, Staplchurst and
Rochester, but will give a descrip
tion of these points some time in
the near future. B.
Mr. Kd I' hisowu reijuest,
has been relieved of his duties as
car checker mid mail man for the
B. A M. at this place. It is with re
gret that we chronicle the above, as
it ia highly probable that Mr. far-
rott will locate elsewhere. During,.
...r ume nun ne nas oeru locate..
here hi: has won the confidence and
esteem of 111'.- B. . A M. official
aud made friends with those with
whom lie came in contact, all of
whom will regret hisdeparlnre. In
whatever place Mr. Parrott may
locate he heartily merit the good',
will and esteem of the people. ,liril,K dates' of the fast and the
Always take your prescriptions ","1' "parselj settled and ngricul
to Brown Si Barrett's. tf turn I west.
Mr. and MA. T. W Kaught'a little
daughter, Agnes, fa very aick.
Miss l''((il Schrader is assisting
Mra. Dr. Brendle in household
A surprise party was given
Tuesday evening at Mr. Good Old
ham'e, in honor of hia daughter,
Miss Jessie, who expects to return
this week to Maryville Commercial
We think, from appearances, that
a weudintr is fortnoomios in the
near future. , W will give particu
lara fnter.- - ' - . - - ..
Mra.VfiBs. Murray is very aick at
A great deal of sickness is re
ported at present around Murray.
Elder Root and wife of Weeping
Water, parents of Mrs.T. W.Faught,
were called here Tuesday morning
hy the serious illness of Mr.
Faught'a child.
The friends and neighbors of
Win.- Gil more, living three milea
south uf I'lattsmoutlu will celebrate
their silver wedding Friday, Oct. 2.
Full particulars next Week.
I ' K RsT) N A I.
I A. Moore is in Omaha to-day.
Kd Dodd returned from Denver
I ret night.
Mrs. C. 11. 1 lackney is hii Omaha
visitor to-day.
Mr. Casnidy. hither of our yard
master, left last night tor Canada
It. F. Foster and wife returned
from Salt Lake City last night on
the liver.
County Clerk Critchfield and
Commissioners Todd and Trilsch
depart today for Blair, on business
pertaining to the court house.
Union Corre.pondenos.
The town and vicinity are taking
on new coals ns summer dies away,
in the shape of buildings. Among
the new residences now under con
struction in town are those ol M. 1..
Thomas, our druggist, a neat house
when completed; I'ete Crueller, a
small cottage; F. M. Amahery, a
comfortable home. Messrs. I'itt
man and Davis and Mrs. Becker,
all near town, hare each a house
under headway. Messrs. Midkifl
aud Klareus each have a barn
under construction.
The supper given by the "hand"
Wednesday night was a success,
financially and socially.
. Rev. J. A. Nichols, who dcparlcf'
Tuesday for Lincoln to attend the
M. K. conference, arrived home
to-dav. t
Allison Bros, of Murray marked d
hogs here Friday.
The central branch of the Mi
sourj I'acitic is doing a nice thing
for our merchants. F.very day
bring people to town to help buy
our merchants' goods.
Some of our young people ut-
tended the cair.p iiirctiiig "I
Nehnwka Sunday.
At lha 0rs.
The largest audience of the sea
son greeted tlie "Si I'lunkard"
Comedy Co. last night, and indica
tions are mat every one was
well pleased with the rendition of
the play through-out.
Manager l oung informs u that
"Dan'l Boone," which is to be pre
sented to-morrow night, promises
to be, if possible, even more
amusing ns well as instructive.
Brown Sc Barrett have just re
reived a tine line uf imported tooth
and nail brushes, cloth and hair
brushes. Prices away down. tf
The Aid Society of the M. li
church will meet to-morrow Hitcr
iiiitin at 2 o'clock with Mrs. Bitckner,
On North Mevrnth street. A full
attendance is desired. Flection of
ollicers. Sut'kKTAkV,
Two harvest excursions passed
through this morning, thus com
pleting the excursion for this year.
Doubtless the west has been
materially beuelilled, in that home
seekers have had an opportunity of
becoming informed as the advan
tage ottered by the west.
R.I. Howe, the efficient and B.
M li,l..1oLr,H,..r. who has beet.
r,,crrnUl1g j Pennsy Ivania. Ken
recreating in Pennsylvania,
tucky and Virginia principally, for
the past month, returned on No. 5
this morning, prepared to enter up
i ou the discharge of his duties with
' lusaccustonied teal. He reporta a
marked contrast between the dense-
,. . i,a
In order to reduce Btock to. make room for our l' ''
we must close out the balaoce ot our Summon o.l- no )
Bible. Commencing to day we will
goods, embroideries flouncingu and
At 20 Per Cent Di count From Ke-ula
T adies Eummer vests at 8c
Jadies summer vests at 10c
Jadies black and fancy ribbed vests 25c worth. 35c
Ladies black lisle and ancy
35 worth 45c
Ladies silk mixed
a :75c, vests at
20 per cent.
on all
gO per cent dicsount
MiU'r r,1',;,, !. 3 '' lr yard, regulars 8W- ouallity
Moussehne de India reduced to tic per yard. l""'iy-
Wc make this olfcr in order
purchase i. in waot of any of the
" j "wem prices
Than ever before offered to the people of Plattsmonth and
Constantly arriving and will soon be complete. . . It .jll comprise a full
range of all the newest as well as the inure staple styles, and will be com
posed of the newest and choicest productions o domestic and foreiirn
manufacture . For a tit and excellent of workmanship oiirgarmenta can
not be excelled. And the prices that we offer them at ore unprecidented
in the amounts of the cloak trade.
. W.HAyE a silk aeal plush aacque,: inches long with quilt
ed satin lining and seal ornaments that we can sell for $12 flu This irir
ment is a perfect reflection of the plush sacuue that ia universally sold
"WE a
sell at $..) that would I
$IS for the same jfarme
elegant aud stylish in
jacket aud reefers, '
We have both the Ja
We bought our
to olfer them at vei
We Sol
tion of our
507 Mai
offer our entire f".
h vera ' ' PI.-
regular. lOcqnaT
regular. 15 quality,
cotton vests at
vests at 60c, was a bar-
$1, reduced from $1.26,
ladies shirt waists and
on all oursilk umbrellas
to reduce stock -Now is the time to
above goods. RKMKMBFR all of our
"? - Hc!ver;is"hDoan!trni"8r
(juoted tin i
ng that we can
'Mtits ask
r .V: