...ii'mil!, IV.ilv Herald KNOTTS BROS, Publishers Putiinliad erv ttursiUy. unit daily ever ""ulnuexcein Sunday. UeKixUired HI til Flaiwiii.HHu. Meb. poal sflttfefor traini-uoiuu throuitb tlie U.jS. mail r second elan ratee. Dffli'e corner Vina and Fifth streets. TKRM8 ruB WBSKLT, Oua eopy, one year. In advance. 88 'ii eopy, ana year, not In adraaoa...... 'Jus eopy, su uoutbf. In adnata n line e i'y. three month. In advaae. ... TERMS fO 0AIL u cop on year In adraaee 00 One copy per reek, by currier 1 Oua eopy, per mouth " TUESDAY, SEPT. 1W. 1801, j . ""ATE TICKET. ' For Awcwte Justice of the Supreme Court, i M. POST of FkatU. .. Fir Httseim t the State Cnlremlty. ; t P. BHUStAY of DIOD H, MaBFLXof Dan REPU6 CAN COUNTY TICKET. K.r Clerk w he DistrlM Court : , ; SALISBURY. '"' Tor Titasut f : .C. EICKHOKF. Per BherU GEO. EDSON For County Cletk : c FRANK DICKSON. Par County Judge : CALVIN RUSSELL. Par County HuperinUmdeut : J. E. LEYDA. For r'oroner : J. I. UNRl'H Her .Surveyor : A. C.MAYE.H For (TinaniiMiotUfl Plrt Irt-itrt- I . S. W. DUTrt'M. Do you talk r publicanimu tu your neighbor? IP the democrat a are satisfied with ; the outcome of Saturday' deliberation, aurely all other pr tie should be. XOW that the World-Herald ha repudiated democracy, the party ban not a iMate organ of any influ ence. Poor, lone. denpairing de mocracy. Thk election to the county juilge aliip will go to Kuaaell or Ramaey, a it ia evident that the man from Weeping Water will be Barr-d out completely. The republican being great RuHaell-era will doubtlea be beard from in no unmistakable way. THK republican are very well hh tinned with the remilt of the dem ocratic convention held here last Saturday. Aside from one or two nominee the ticket poeae ele ment (i weukneMM rarely eritialeil. and that can not fail to bring dis astrous defeat lit the poll in November. Is the republican candidate for treaxtirer, L. C. Eickhoff, we buve a man whom voter ehoull look favorably iioti, regardless of party alliliution. Mr. EickhotT in a prac tical farmer, a aucceaHful buaineH mart and, above all, a man of unwavering integrity. What more ia uecettmiry to anaure an obliging, He poaeeanea all the eHxential and should be voted for regard lenw of party affiliationa. w HZ Cnin'Gcr'3 district Ci.it rention which met thi morning added material strength to the republican ticket 'jy the nomination of Mr. S. W. Dutton for rommin- aioner from the firt district. He will make u winning fight for thin important oflice, and we firmly believe lie will be elected, notwith standing the democratic majority confronting him. The other candi date for comitiieMionrr before the convention were CiipU Keunett. Henry Eikenbnry and M. K. Mur phy, each receiving a creditable support. All are united, however, in heartily seconding and support ing Mr. Dutton nomination. THE BOSSES RULED It is not within the scope nor is it the desire of Tub IIkkatk to make suggestion to the demo cratic party, but now since the nom inations have been made we shall lake the liberty to make a criticism upon their action in choosing n man as a candidate for clerk of the district court. Our fellow to wri 4in,i ii, W, K. Fox, the defeated candidate, was justly entitled to the place, and hail he been treated fairly by bis own townsmen lie would have received just recognition at the hands of the convention. He was not foppowed because the ' latk ol 'iiualilica'. lions, for it is every wburrjoonceded that he is peculiarly wetl fitted for such a position; but he was opposed from all appearances, to gratify the leaders of a certain f iction in the party.who desired to show thcirjthat power was stronger than their love for party success and the county's trood. The result was that a man possessing every essential clement of strength went down tu ileie.u and a man nominated who will not command his party vote. Surely our friends have not such a decided majority in thiacoutity that they can afford to put up a weak candi date and relegate to the rear a strong one, without a reasonable cause. The signs of the times indi cate that the peoplewill vote for honest, Capable Dr.' Salisbury, a man in every respect qualified to fill the position well. freak Among Apple. A man apple, a among living things, there are freak fornn appearing to in iivkluHl trwi at tha very extreme of normal condition. A member of the ut board of agriculture, In on of the northern counties, baa in appl tree tli.it ha never bad a petal No on would vr Irnnw ifc wan in hloMfiin. vet It heari fruit abunilsutly.. Tina kliuws that tho pretty roey part of the flower, the pet al, are noneasential to fruitfulnw Some contend that the brilliant color of the petal of flower ar given to at tract lnaecta, and arrange for cros tr t: i : . ; fbk,a t U . , V. u n. , . itlMMUi. VMiCii WhamS . pe all act as protector of the ondevelojsnl parts, while others believe that, to uiiie extent, they have the functions of leaves, and prepare food for the younger part. Whatever it be, we see by thi freak it ia posaible to have apple without th-m Then there are aeeilleea apple apples tub no core. There may be genua in the ovarinms, and the germ may I properly fertiliied oy tne poiien, but me power to absorb nutrition U weak and the orario die in infancy from thser starvation. Having been once ferti lised, the fleshy part w know emphati cally a tha apple grow on and mature, thoogb the seed and core do not Twins or even triplet are often teen in apple, aa in o many other organiim, and jnst a in other organism by independent germs coming into jaxtaposition in an early tage of development, when the stronger body absorb a coniiderable portion of the other. Thomas Meeban in Philadelphia Ledger. H Coalda't iUoofalM a-rmeb, Maaay. It require very elastic credulity to ac cept in these days of uni Tarsal commerce the existence of a railroad employe who bad never seen French bank note, and who, when be did, considered it some sort of an advertising circular. But such fellow did enjtt, and be worked on the railway that runs out to Bceaux. One day be fonnd on tb platform four bank note of 100 franc each, put them in hi pocket asd said, "Some nice wom en on tb top; I U take 'em borne to my little boy." Thanks to but ignorance, he waa only able when be got home at uight to present hi sun with three picture. The boy carried them to achool the next day, and at receaa was about cutting oat the "nice womeo," when the teacher saw what be wa doing. "Where did you get these notesT be demanded. "Father gave them to me." "What fort" "To play with." "Very well; I snail take charge of them." They went together to the police station, and there the matter waa satisfactorily explained. Tb money bad been kt by a market woman, and she wa to de lighted at receiving the best part of it that she a:tnl!y banded one of the bank note to the man. exclaiming: "Here, take thi, you old ford, and if yon didn't know before what it waa, yon will know in the future." Paris Corespondent Boa ton Herald. fhm Tomate Srawa. Tlu Miwn of the tomato is short, yet being essentially a plant of the tropica, it can not be ripened often in England, exnept under glass. As a hot bonaa piaot, however, it is widely need there, certain varieties developing special adap tation to these condition. In the short but fervent summer in New England, on the contrary, it tindt itwlf quite at home. Though the plant like many other of tropical origin is highly susceptible to injury from fnt, the seed are very hardy, snstaining no harm from remain ing in tne ground tnrongbont winter. If left to come up of thetuaelve they do so freely from such accidental plant i ... i , , , '" ' uniutuKHuu,aini uoie iu Massachusetts will benn to ripen fruit about the last of Anguit, while plants which are start early in the hot bed or window box will herrin nearly a month Sooner. A large field of tomatoes in the vicinity of Booton commenced ripening fruit one summer about the 10th of July, at which time they brought twelve dob lar per bushel in the market B Mb m TrauM-ript Rl.LATION. fVn banc In w.un far afiar tlrsa, M hm w to uoblttr eiatare run. Shall laarn to make our lire sublime. t or Diol'i and Tru'b'i dear sake alnne Tue solema u of (rlrf laall die. And Joy rvifaln ber ancteat sraca. And 'neath a iiraror, ampler kr. Willi Ufa's ud mvalerlea fuel lo faw- Wlih puloulM Wladisa vealiaU Ulk. And learn of Sorrow's ilarkml lore. And In the Hirht or KnowUls walk Korever and forevarnioral Tha mrt raiiult of ttirifl la cuanse. And Chang her anHo mul rtugi Thinsi Uiat wday ara ae and ilraus Tmuorrow are forgotten lliii-a. The tlow mttlailons of the yaara. The irrowth of hiw4, the laMS of al rife. Mir solve Ihe prulilun of our teiirir. '1 be dark and upwlilxe hi.lnni of llf'l The rl.'f that wailn not on the III. The keen, slow puna of spiritual puin. Boiue anunl of the Apocalypne bhall make It i)lenn mranlrif plain. Well, let it pul We live our II is, V edraaui our drotI then lip aeay. A luatier ra-e iprliiir up and thriven. Nearer In Truth linrix la) dajrl Clmle on riirle evermire Our lull wave of being swell. Gather and break aKlnt the door Of Ieeth's eternai citadel! Maw Vnrh trteer. I)r. CoOlli' UftA nd Gnmt l.uca Dr. 3. A. '-.'it.!"., n v..iii... i ;;; j.'.v dcian. hiid an encounter with a wi) le it iu tue uorthea-ftem part of the ;.n.' I which ia rarnly equuleJ iu tin i' d.A.i Oe was called to atleLd a (mi !-!! II) S iniel Conirrs. and the road lay through a wiij woixl kuuwn ab the "Devil's Lh. Yard." Wli-nalHinthiilf way through the can yon tlieductur'a liorso gavsa Miort of fear ami refund to go ahead. Wondering ui the cause nl the Biiiuia'' fright, the doc tor leaned oiitof the carnage and peered itito the buhiies. lie hud hardly dune so when two wildcat sprang from the boughs of a biimlock tree. One landed on the haunches of the horse and the other drupped into the bottom of the carriage and fattened it teeth in the flesh othe doctor' leg. A dperate struggle ensued, In which the doctor, from los of blood and strength, became unconscious. In aa inside pocket of his coat the doctor car ried a small . medicine case. During the struggle this full out and attracted the attciiUun of the cat, which began to claw it and tear it with it teeth. In doing so it broke a bottle of chloroform and the content neeui to have stupefied It A farmer passing over the road some time later found the doctor unconscious and the wildcat among a lot of broken bottles in the bottom of the carriage in a deep stupor. The cat weighed fifty-two pounds, and waa one of the largest ever killed in Con necticut. Cor. Chicago Tribune. Enflaawr ry llraagelj B art. William IL Seery, engineer of the fast express which, lutrca Ns? York ia tba afternoon at 4 o'clock and i due here at 8:05, met with a atrange and probably fatal accident the other day near Mon mouth J unction. While be wa leaning ont of the window of the cab, looking back at the tram, a loose bolt flew np from the track, itriking him in the bead and fracturing his skull He full unoon scious, with his body banging ont of tb cab window. Tb fireman. W. Harry Bower, was in th tender at the time attending to the scoop, which takes np water from the track tauk, and his attention wa at tracted by tha blood which auurted on him from the engineer's head. He ap plied the airbrake and brought th train to a atop The nnconecious engi neer was lifted Into the baggage car, and the fireman took th train through to Trenton. It is doubtful if Beery re covers. Philadelphia Telegraph. Rullata Weal Thraa Mea at a Tlae. Army and navy officer have been watching clorwly the military feature of the insurrection in Chili, and tb arms have been carefully examined by the authorities in tin country. It ap pears that it was the ilauulitber gun, loaded with cartridge the sixe of ciga rettes charged with a first cousin to gun cotton, and tending a trail nearly two incbe long and three-tenth of an Inch tnick against Balruaceda troop at th rate of from forty to sixty per minate from each gun, that did tb businea tor the insurgent troop. The long, slen der, hard pointed bullet were of steel. covered with a thin coat of copper, th soft metal being designed to follow the rifling of the barrel mur accurately and with less wear to tb gun than th naked steel would make. Single bnllet went throngb two or three men at time Washington Cor. Boston Journal A Table with Orawlag Lae I bad prearn ted to Di CO the 8d of May hut a small fancy table as a birth day prewrnt psinte black, varnished and gilded. However, it had not been iu lua liuiuw Veiy long Uefote lite lev,e were olsierved to be growing, and they are conuuuing to do so. On of th leg has pot out a shoot four incline long. uron which tuer ar ten leave. Alto getiier it is a very pretty table, with it black and gold, and now th green. 1 think they are apple tree leave. 1 ant it out of door occasionally, to that a little moisture might be given to it to con tinue the growth, a I do not know bnt it may blossom and bring forth fruit, which wonld very much increase the env noity. Ontario Cor. Montreal Witnaa. A l.lvalf Bauard. Harry Walter and benjamin Taiirot of Morgantown, canght a large turkey bnxsard In a steel trsp. They took tb bird home, and after keeping it a few days by mean, of fine wire, attached sleigh belUo on of lis legs aud set it at uueriy. luey uever Bearti of tne uiro. nnnl a few day ago, when they read in one of the newspaper of the capture of tzzzri wi:h a teli fastened to Its !c; in Bolivia, South America. From the description of the bell and the manner of faateuing. they bare no doubt that K ia th iduuucal bustard that waa liber ated by them. Harieysville (Pa.) News Mara llama ia Celiac t. Philatelist should note that at last th Orand Ducby of Lnxetulmrg can boast t aid p of its own. Hitherto th ordinary Dutch tauip bar been in uae there, but bow Grand Duke Adolph, who ha always posaeMed his fair share of vanity, ha bail a new stamp issued that show his own illustrious visage in profile. Loudon Star. An amusing story is told of Sir Wil liam Tbomjnon, the great physician, who ha been 11L His medical attend ant doclar that they never had a worse patlvnt in the matter of obsliuacy. He would not Uk bis mrxlicin fur day to gether, and it wa only by th doctor threatening to abandon him altogether that he relucUutly consented to swallow the prescribed drafts. Two costly diamond necklace were lo-.t overboard from yacht at Norwich, Corn., a few day One, varied at t.OoO. tia iuc buen recovered by divers, but the second is still at the bot tom of th river. Among th permanent decoration to be added to the veetibule of the Whit House ax portrait uf Washington and Linuulb, painted on the wall over th luAfitalpiec.' Vp.i iTn nan! dUUIHTM CoitartOIri opr wU for IiKiml. No Excuse for not having a Home ot Your Own. Put What you are paying out for Rent Into a home. 7 per cent money for persons wishing to build !n South Park. Look to the Future and invest now in South Park. THE OPPORTUNITY OF A LIFE TIME. Anionre other rcuaona why it U better to invent in South Park than elaewhere in the city, are theae: Property i more aaleable if you wieh to aril, more rentable if yon wie-h to rent;' if looking for un in creaae in value.no other part of the citj will compare with It in prospect The !Vth ward composed largelj of South Park, leaa than three year ago could hardly muster up a vote at the last general election the vote waa IIW and nil were not polled. It hue been lea than two year aince the city invited ue into the corpor ate limit, yet we have over one hun dred newly built houae ond other in proceaa of construction, owned, with few exception, by the partiea now living in them. Thi part of the city ha a store water mains, electric arc light), church and hool priveledgea and a new church edifice just erected of whir h the whole city is proud. Phittemouth'a etemly growth for five year paef almost doubling it jH.jMii.iiioir, the advance st-nd it has taken regarding public im provement, the certainty of a new fO.OlO court house; the completion of the great Missouri Pacific rail way into thi city, giving ua anoth er great trunk line and competing market; the constant increasing pay roll of the C. H. A y. hop, to gether with many other well known reason, aaeui r u steady 'and perutH iient udvaiice in realty, which will doubtless effect South Park more favorably than any other portion of Plnttsmoulh. H'ff a rctj to tht ewMtrojttunU it a III yrtuUr growth of this jxirt if tht city, ton will ainliwu tu mil lull oil in tut hi y jHiymmU, ftmttnh iiurtirp with fthif.h to ert huxmn will rx ihonyt lot fitr other Onprovnl rity prirjufty or fr iMrahle imjrord or unimjiroctd luivl. It i nrd mo much (he speculator a the permanent resident that we wish to purchase thi disirablc property. Out of over KKillTY prea enl owner of South Park property none are apeculator hence there are no fictitou value and lot are selling at about the price they were luimerlially after it wns pbitd-rl - a strong argument why the present is a most desirable time for investments. Much addi tional information regarding South Park limy be hud by culling at my office on Miiiu street over Dunk of Cas C'eunty. R. B. WINDHA1I C. MAYliS OOUMTT - HDBVKTOK ins CITIL K.NGIXLLR A county clcik will be .attended to OFFICII IN lot; NT IIDl'MK. riattMiiioutll. NebraMkn JULIUS I'LTTLKUKKO. AHi ricTtjK or skii t'H0l5ALE AND RZTiUl. MSSLCB IN THK CHOICEST HKANDS OH CKJARS rtu.L lin or TOBACCO AND SMOKR.-v's ARTICUS always in stock Pliittiinouth, - - Nebraana IKST : NATIONAL : HANK or pi.atthmol'TIi, kkhkaska raid up ea)tHl v.nn,rn Surplus Iomui Utter the very beat laellltle for the promp trarmaetluu of lliilllmal Uankiug lUisincss Saarha aonda. sold, sev etnrnent and local a jurltle booirlit Slid Sold. I)eu.ill reeelvao tud Interenl allowed on the eertineaief Orltlru, svsllalile In any part o( tb tlnlled Klalea arid all Ike principal lm 01 Europe. oou.ay.Tios nana and raoar-TLV bihit tbi. UlShest market pries paid for County War raut. rllat ana t'ountj bonds. UIKW.'TOKH Jobn FlUfarsJd D. Hawkiwortb Haai Wauli. T. K. Wblle treori I. Uever loha Fitzgerald. S. Wsuh. ireldeal Lal tar. T HE CM 17 ' AS BANK. PLA1HM0CTH NEBRASKA Jayltas evork paid In .. k Authoruess Caeltal, f IOO.OOO. trriiiu AUK CA-ICTH. JO. A. tXiK NO. rreaiaant. VUs-l'rMei. W. H. UIDHIHU. Cteblsr. dibbotom rraaKUamtb J. A. Cooaot, V. H. Uutbmaai I. W.a'ahaeoeHsarrBdMik.JabsO'KMts W. D. Memaas, Was. Wasaneamp. W. H. GtMblmt. , TEAKEACTa GDiEEAL B1KLXQ BUS1NES awes eeJtllliiate! of Herman bearlns, Interaai Hut and sells esciuuMCa. eounty and elty ..... i B ANK OK CASS COUNTY Cor Main and Fifth street, fald up capital - I rw Surplu a Out OFFIOER8 0. R . Paxnel , Prealderit Fred (Jordi ' Vie 1'realdant 1. M. Faltemsa I aabelr T. M. fattereon. At Cselilnr DIRECTORS 0. H. Parmele, J. M. Patterson, Fred Oordef. t, B -. H H. WtedUarn, H. H. I Unite? and t. M Patteraoa 1 OINEEAL BAHI1NC BDSIBS8 TRAK8ATED Aaeouals ollelld. Iniereet sJlnwed oa time tepaailt arid prompt artentloa Iven to all bus treas satruited to its eare. MEAT MABHET MEAT MARKErp Vfi. HIXTU BTKEKT F. II. KLLKNHAl'M, Prop. The best of fresh incut nlwa va found in this market. Also fresh Egg and Uttttrr. Wild game of all kind kept iu their season.- aaaa H1XTH STWr.KT m Meat market! TUCKER SISTERS. CAbKY A FULL LINK OK M'1-LINEBr AND PltNCH fLOWIKB, We also lia(e a drew inakluK drpartnieot. Kat lifaetlon Kuarauteed. FnKkwoon Stokk. Platthmol'th Chamboilaia'a Eya and PHHn ' Ointment A certain care for Chronic Son Ey, Totter, Kait lUumzn, Scald Head, 014 Chxoulo Boro, Fover Soroa, Eczema, Itch, Prslrio Ecratcboa, Eorv Kipploa and rili!. It li cooling and soothing. IlunJredsof csee bar been cured by it after all other treatment bad tailed, It U put op la 23 and 00 cent bote. A. ?AJ-f )H1L!P THEIHOLF H Opeiirstl up Tho V 4 Finwit, I'li'iin.'st, 0)-oti' '- SALOON' j IN T 1 1 Iv CITY -- j Where may be found choice wine Inpiora ond cii;irs. . amiivUsku ni'scu !!;i;k. ' AMI MASS' ALL UIIITK I.A1JV;', '. alwayH on hiiml. j - i iikm-.k (IK MAIN AM) flll'Kl H ST. THE LfesDINO rTR nr. fr s A. V W JLJ A. I HAS THE MOST COMPLETE STOCK IN THE CITY, mmWu P2E3 -. AaND - UI - EEASCN ATTENTION PAKMKKA I wnnt your Poultry, Kggs, But ter mid your farm produce of all kin'!- ! will piiy you the highe8t cash price aa I am buying for a fir n in Lincoln. RTt tit-i i rNT-iv THK LEADING GKOCKR Plaltsrnoiith Nebraska p J. II:A:X:8:K:X oiaLia m STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES, GLASS AM QUEENS WARE Flop Peed a SGialty- i H'ronaifc l tlm I'ubla Solicited. JOHNSON BOILDIKGN siiiiiiit TTOKNKV A LAW. WINDHAM A DAVIES. . B. WINDHAM. JOHN A. DAVIM, Notair rubll oUrj Fublid OfDoe or Haak of Cass County. PlatUraoutb .... Nebraibs TTORNIV A. N. SULLIVAN. Attoreer at-Uw. Will give prompt atientloa to all attains entmited to blrn. rrffle la Uolos block, kaat Hide, Flatumouth, Neb. N EW HARDWARE STOR E S. K. HALL A SON Kaaa all klnda nl hIMa kardaara on kaa and will mpply eontraetori oa rasat fa orabl tri RpoiiilusT I of (in w tnd sll klndofiin work promptly en, urtrr? frura trie eonatry So Udted. 6H Pcasl 8L PLATTSMOCTn, RIB.. Lumber Yard THE OLD RELIABLE. U. A. MAN k BER! Hliingles, Lath, Hash, Doors, Blinds Can supply ercrvr demand of the city. Call and Kct terms. Fourth iteet In rear of om: house. PI LI