The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, September 26, 1891, Image 3

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    S SOAP-SSS1 Aft
no a'
:vtnr wiAN T:;i. fts a;jy sc.: .
Al-JO hljV THrlV RE WE nfW V V?
And kUYthiw: &t we nope. xS
mll'5plmdi,lr aft-.s rcn a USEFUL cake
J. 1. (iltWES & c').
DOORS, liLINDS.and all building uiatcriil
Jail and see us at the corner of
t)i and Elm street, one block
rth of ISciscl's mill.
Lattsmouth, Nobrask
Everything' to Furnish Your ILouso.
i)iircliacl the J. V. AWckluiili slorr room (in MHitli
1 street where I am now located I can h-11 oods cheap
uin tlie cheaper having just put in tbc lar;et stoek
2v joods ever broMht to the city, (iasoline stove
furniture of all kinds sold on the installment plan,
J A Full and Complete line of
lgs, Medicines, Paints, and Oils.
rlptions Carefully Com pounded at nil Hours
I lit l.h-l Wlin 'I .MOti.
Simiiil health iM u prime necessity foi
my worker in the world, no iiiattet i
whikl t Ik linn-of work may In. Imt it !
runlet of llie trrcateM importance if t lie
work in to be curried mi in the school
room Then) not only the physical, tint
tlie nervous anil mental forces lire taxed
to their utmost. The young (raduato
has hilltcrto goim to school to nit com
fortably at her doski to stand occasion
ally for recitations, to use her voice but
little; to have constant variety in her
work; to enjoy her recess with perfect
freedom ami in congenial companion
chip. As a teacher she Kes to school to
stand upon lier feet all day lontf; to 11.10
her voice incessantly, perhaps, too, in
larii room tilled with the tumult of the
street; to keep noiHy, and very likely,
rebellious and disobedient children not
only quiet, but interested, aud to spend
(lie recess in care of them in the I111IU
and the yard.
besides this she is to stimulate their
brains, and a certain amount of time
usually prescribed by a board of educa
tion, the members of which know little
of the capacity and possibilities of the
youthful mind is allotted her, in which
she mutt, somehow or other, succeed in
teaching them a certain number of facts
no allowance beliii? made for tho slow
ness, stupidity or disorder, which in
creases the friction of the work ami de
lays tho doiiiR. No matter how com
plete the education or bow cnthunia-ili-,
the spirit, the power for physical endur
ance is absolutely necessary. (.'arolius
U. Liu Row in Ladies' Homo Journal
Kctiu-ttibcr that K. . t iiHtlt A Co have nil imim iiHe utoik o(
(lulOuiirnntec Satisfaction In all Things
,T BlttlUKIW. M Win-aa UwTofk. iMceWrtsl.. ,TT-?'M
llnr.l nml Nun Will nr.
The difference between 'hard" and
"soft" water is that the former c.ontaini
In greater or less degree earthy salts,
while tho latter is nearly free from tlinin
and in a K'ater state of purity. Tlie
earth most f i i-'jui-ritly occurring in nat
ural waters H lime. The quantitf of
earthy salts varies considerably in dilfer
cnt in.stauces. It is observed that when
they exist in the proportion of ivt.
(,'r.iiin to a pint such water will Is hard,
and will be unfit for washing and many
other household uses aud manufactures.
The solvent properties of water are the
true cau-e.1 why wi never obtain this
univi'i il and iiupoi tant lluid in a stale
of ab-oliitii iiirity, It constantly par
licipates in the properties of tho niaiii
ful.l sources wheiico it is derived or
thio!iL.'h which wit obtain it.
Whenever water is in contact with the
fi-il It invan il ly di-N!vc the holuble
constituen't. an l lience it folli vt that
water .priii(-mj from rocks winch are
only slightly Holu'ilt. as Haiidioiio and
Ifraiiite, is very putvinel it called mft
water, whiie tliat w hicit it derived from
ralcareoiis formations is ter d hard
water, ami contains lime, which pro-
duces an incrustation on the sides and
bottom of (he vessel wherein it il boiled
LriHjklyn liable.
We The Hair
filtewii si-pis ot tailing bagin al olio the ust)
uf lytirs llnlr Vir. TUU prtpurnUoa
streuKliiM-s Um tralp, promuM. Um ctowUi
ul uow hair, rwUiirM Uu luturul oui-ir Ui
grajr uui lwtl hur, uul ru-ulurs K unit
I'll-.;, hml hvmj.
"We liave lie hmHutMm In rmjnounrhn
Ayiir"! Hair Vigor Luiciiuftksl for ilr-wirnv
the hnlr, and wo tin lius u'tr Inng iH rt
en hi its uts. TIUi itreparaUon iirftserrei;
the luir, ciirus tluulrud and til (iio-iAS ot
Uir sraln, makes ruui-h tuid tirliUo hair mil
uiui liluuiUaiid iffTi:nls t-tkliiHM. WliUnll
is iuLjye, Uiiwi! woo tiAve uanl Ui Vl(ur
ay II will siimulaW the nsiU and oil. if -
Hliuii.i nf tuteil, pay, utfit, uul red tun,
dung. (J,,,,, (j,
A Rich Drown
or fitn Mftrlc. ft wffl twit soil the pfTloiP..
eau no, a pocket-tuMi'lkerchirf, and Ut'al-
ways Kratili. All Uin dirty, rummy hair
nraUiiu should lie dtspUred at once bj
Ayitr'i llalr Vlftor, and thousands who p
srmmd with hcvU looklnit like ' Uiij fretful
porroptne' should hurry to thr nearest drug
st'irs and .nrchas a tsiltls of Uic Vigor."
ri Swmf toutk. AtlanU. Ca.
"Ayfrs Hair ViK'ir Is eici'Dent for Uin
hilr. It tlmiilaun tlie -rrnwili, runa hnld
ih'M. rmwires ths natural color, eleansfs the
si-alp. preTcnW dandruff, and Is a good dress
Ing. Wi! know that Ayefi nalr Vigor dlffert
from must hair Umiea and irmllar preriara
tlens, It Iwing prfrctly harmless."- Vnm
rlmomie4j liimkirpiy, ty Kllw R. ' ut
Ayer's Hair Vigor
rsiriRin bt
DR. 1. 0. AYKE ft CO., Lowell, ILua
Sokl by I'tukkuU and Iartuin.
Bucklon's Arnica Salve.
Tiik 1'iKt r .Sai.vk in the wot Id for Cuts
liruifes. Sons, fleers. Hid! Khctmi. I'i vei
lores, Tetter, Chiippi d Iliind ', t.'hiilil-iins,
'orns, mid all Skin Eruptions, ami posi
ively Hires I'd. ,., or im psv reiuired.
t is ifuuriiiitei 1 to (ive satisfaction, ot
inonev n liiinlci. frice ':, cents lier bin
'or sslc by K. O. Kricki- it Co.
A l.itw (am 111 it I Ilia I i,t ',ll,ooo
The ( athciut ca.-e litis twi n one of the
longest trials of our time, and, when
everythim,' has ls-t n "totted up," will
prove to have been bun of the most ex
pensive. Mir C. Kussell had fiO iftiineas
marked on his brief, licsidcs a .vial f'-e
of 100 (,'umeas, aud fifty guineas a day
during the sixteen days the ini'tiiry has
lastitl. JSir Henry James' f.-es have Iks ii
on the same tcale. Eiu.h of the learned
leaders has, therefore, taken 1,0.10 guineas
in fees for court work. Apart from this.
Sir Cliurles lias had twon'iineas for each
consultation and tin lm attended one at
least every day. Mr. Ducknill, (J. C.
and Mr. Iuderwiek, Cj. C, have had
fifty Kumeas marked on their briefs am
nearly tveiite-n guineas a day. Two
grants ef 1'1,'SH) each have already beu
oiade out of the estate by the order of
Iird Justice tropes, sitting in chaiulsTs,
for the conduct of tlie rase, and every
farthing of these sums has Iss-n aix-rit
rortunately, Mrs. Cathcart is a rich
woman. Ten thousand pounds will prob
ably have been swallowed up in the
course of this iiKjniry. London Tit-Hits.
Invention of th. Typewriter.
The tyswriter waa invented as long
mo a 1714 by one Henry Mills, who in
that year obtained a patent In thil conn
try for a device that "would write
printed characters one at a time, or one
after the other." There is no descrip
tion of this device) to xt lisj now, btlt
there ia no doubt thst Milla' invention
was the parent of the present tyiicwriter.
In 1S33 a French patent waa granted to
M. I'rogrin (Xavier), of Marseilles, for a
typewriter, which is culled a typogrnph
icttl machine. Tho account of the lua
.-nine is somewhat olmcure, hut enough
is given to show that it waa an operative
Due by which typewriting could be fairly
well executed. M. Foticalt sent to the
I'aris exhibition in IS jo a writing ma
chine for the blind, and several tyie
writer were invented by Wheatatoiie,
After auccessive improvements a iiiaiiu
facturer In America contracted to con
itruct 2j,00.-Now York Press.
Pooled th. Clergyman.
There is a mlnikter In Brooklyn who
tohl the writer a harrowing tale of do
option of which he was the victim.
After he had performed the marriage
.vri finny for a young couple at the par
toiiage, the bridegroom ilipiied a fat
Miveloe between the leaves of the family
llible, nodding pleasantly, as if to say
"ioii'vo well earned It." The clergy
man tiodileU thankfully.
"When 1 oi-ened that envelop," he
laid, "what do you suppose I found in
"A goodly sum in biHsr
"No, sirl No, nrl Twenty sheets of
copy paier such aa reporter! use. And
311 the lost sheet was written! 'Lconoluy
is w eal tli. i'leaae don't squander this
Wiie your on It
"1 think,'' said the dominie, "that
ministers ahould be empowered to do-
flare some marriages void," Now York
The treatment owl receive from man
vlnce no recognition of their valuo, no
(ratihide for their services. Large and
in ul 1. they are allot wherever found, to
lerve a ornameut to tlie parlor or to do
brief duty for a eaoa on a fashiunable
Merit Winn.
We li site In -in v to tlie c it i .cllf.
Dial fur ctiis we Itiivc In en eellin
III'. Kind's New I 'mi livery fur ('mi
-liiiiitiiin. l)r. Iin;.''s Xcw Life I'ilU
Itin hleii x Arnicii ,ioI l.lei lnc
H llet-i. iiml have never Ii.hoI1.mI
lif- tlltlt sell a well, nr tllilt
ll.ixe ;'ien sue 11 iinieis,il sali.-ltic
tinii. We tin nut Iti- it-ilt- tu until'
l lib I tin III every 1 1 1 n i . , 1 1 1 1 1 u r 1 : 1 1 . 1 to refund the iiiih ha-e in ice.
( eal i.-iii (.ictury re si 1 1 1 In nut follow
here there l;ie. Tlicte tvmilic won lln re ert'ot I .' .tin la lit
1 1 1 1 i'i -1 y on tin ri nn i ih I'. ( i. I iiche
('(I 1 ! IIL; 1lsl S.
A Husband's Mistako.
I I It-I .,1 n. ! too often pel mil wive,
ul p, .n nls tlnir -1 1 i 1 1 1 - . to -iillii
from 1 1 . -; i ' I . i . " 1 1 . ili.ines-, ne 1 1 1 ,i i ;.i
MeeleK.-.esrJ, Ills, llcrvoilsne-.e--.,
Wlll ll ll til-- Use of Dr. .Miles' l'e
dilative Nervine such si lions re.
suits i on!. I ciisilv lie tiiev cnlcil.
I IrilUiist-. l Vrl W In I e riiv it civet
iinivetstil s. unit tui I
. i . i '
iiiiiiieu-i s.ue. vtuiiMiwoiiu iv v o..
of port Wax tie, Inil.;' Snow ,V Co , of
Svrtu use, . v.; J. C.Wolf.liill-iltili-.
?l n h.; ii ml u u tu 1 1 eil s of ot hers say :
Il is the irrctile.s Mi ller thev ever
knew." It coiiltiius no otiitites. Trial
bottle- ii il' I line hook on Nervous
discuses, Ircc at K i. I'ricke A Co'
Hiiu'ti tu C'l"?'! l:l a U-iy,
"Mystic Curi" for r lieu unit ism tin. I
neiirak'ia rtulu allv cnreil in 1 to M
Itiy s. Its action upon the Hvsteiti is
remarkable anil my Mi-i unit. It re-
moves itt once tin cause ami the ill
Hcuse iniineilititely ilisstippears.
The lirst ilose irreatly henehls. 7."c
Sold by F, (1. Frii kc, I riijj--jririt. wt
8udden Deatha,
Heart iltsctise is by fa' Hie must
freiiient ctiuse of Hiiiblen iletitli,
wliirli in three out uf fuur i ases is
unsuspected. Tin Hyinploms arc
not ir,. nr rally unilerstuud. TIicmc
are: u of lyiiijr un the ri jejht
sole, sin itt lircath, pa in or ill tress in
tin Bide, buck or shoulder. irreettlnr
pulse, asthma, weak anil hutiery
spells, wind in stomach, swelling of
niihles or dropsy, oppression, dry
cuiinh and smiilheriu. )r. Miles'
illustraleil hook on Heart Disease,
free at (i. Krkne ,V Cu's who sell
and (-aiarautcf Dr. Miles' unciiialed
New Heart Cure, ami his restora
tive Nervine, wliicli fitres nervous
nessi, lieadtiche, HlecplesHtieHH, drop
ey, etc. It conttiiiis no opiates.
A Safe Inisttmsnt.
Ic iiiie which in Kituraiitft-il to
liruiir ynti satilaotary results, or in
case ol lailuree a return onion has
tiricc. t )n this stife plain you can
liny from our iidviserlise DrilifejiKt
a liottleol Dr. Kiiilt h .New Discrvcrv
for coiiHUmplion. It is) nutiranteed
to hring; relief in every case, when
used lor any iiltectiou of Throat
Limits, or chest, sue Ii as ( onsiiui
iitiott, Inllaniiiiiilion of Luntrs Itron
chitis' Asthma, Whoopinir Coimh
Crouiis.cts , etc. It is pleasant and
irareealili' to laste, iierloctlv naf
ami Trial bottlcH frec at K. (1. Frii kc
A Co' m DrujrHtori.
l Bi lk?
Hie'W " M' t' ' V V A W.V'' V W.N.V? ' ' .V-NVVVNVVV 'rP7
ui. .x U. - ""' - ;"""" i-i f 1 "r i
CuHtoria itt Pr. Samtii? 1 Pitchi'r'u prei.'riiition for Infants
anil Child rvt-t,t covtalns neither Opium, Blorphine lior
other; SMrH'iHubsWiice. It is a harmless uubntituto
Vol'airrptlilriir Syrups, and Castor Oil.
ItUtyt&wCJX jrtiiritnteo U thirty yearV twe ly
Millioo of Iothers ttori:v destroya AVomw ami allays
firvcrUhncss. Cantoriit Jircyent? vooiitiii-f Sour Curd,
cure Diarfhasa and Atliid Colic. Custoria relieves
tttethiiif; troublcH, cures coii8tliatlwi und flatulency.
CiiHtoriit aasiniilutcs tho food, regular! tho Htomach
and bowels, t'lvlns healthy and irjtiurat sloep. Cas
torla Ls tho Children's .anaea tho Mother's Friend.
" CaitVirla la aa unx'llfiil. medicine for cVirl
ilren. MutiieTshara mt-eattslly tokl ni.a( iU
IT.-oU etTuvt bpou tle;lr eliil.lreo."
Ds. O. C. Osoofn,
Lowvlt, Mass.
"Castnrla hi the l:"t rweedy foe childnui of
which I am mvpiMoUsi. I hr tlm day hMiot
fur .UUui'. wlntn inolliers wincoiisi-lsr tls rtwl
Internet of lh-4f chKdntn. and mm Cast.jfia in
steiul of UHiranoueiprarii nuHtmaia which am
di'StroyliiK tlislr h,vd nuas, hy f ,rlugoiiim,
morphine, msitliliiK syrup aud otht-r hurtful
.,smiU il..n tlielr throutu thoruhy sendint
Uieiu to premature gnut."
Pr. J. K. Kishif:u),
Cuuvvuy, Ark.
CastorfiL t , .
" CasUrla la o well eJ)".'.! ctiil-bvvf that
I nninnd ItaeeHpsriur'-I
kuuwB tu we. V- .
II. A. Aacnm.t. D.,
lit So. Oxford m , Urvuki-afi, K.. Jf.
Our physWaim in Uia chlldiwiV diiert
ment lvo sska highly ut thtr iiijt
wiiia lu U air uUi.le prMtlce with CWUMe,
and altJioiiL.1! we oely biio amout our
me-linal iwptu. wLot la kanwn as nvnilar
prwlucts, ywt we are free to that tU
iwrltH of Owtbitia hu wou us to look wll
fuur ujsin ft." I
jjustin, .
A 1.1.SM n. SmTii, rs.,
For iiiany years Mr. H. F. Tlininp
son, of Des Moines, Iowa, was hi
vercly nlllictcd with chronic tjiarr
lioeii. He says: "At time, il was
very severe: so much mo. that 1
fraeril it wonlil end my life. About
seven yearn iiko I chanced to pro
cure n bottle of Chamberlain'
( olic, Cholera anil Diarrhoea
Kcmedy. Il iriive um tiroiiiut relic
anil I believe cured me iierinaiient
ly. as I now eat or drink without
harm iiiiytlim-r I pleiiHe. I have
also used it in my family with the
Heel results, por sale by r. (i
ITichie A l o,
Wonaerful 8ucees.
IwojearsaKo the Holler V,,,
Co.'orilereil their l.otth n by the box
- now they liny ,y -. ciri-uid.
Amoitir the pupulttriiud sm cesefiil
rcimdieH they jiriptiie iH lltillor's
SarMaparillti A llurdock which iH
the most wonderliil blood purilier
known. No ilruntfist hesitates to
recomineiiu hum remedy.
ror Bine y (irU(.erHt
Will you suffer with Iy
ami Liver Couiplnintr fshifo!
aliier is uiiaranleeil tn
ill's Vil.
The Centiinr Company, T7 Marrar Stret, New York City, .
iii:.m.i;k' in
til'OT CAS (( niXKtf 'AIM IJUdV.!
,( ), H,
She is ti winner. We reduce our prices bet nitse wt ran alfonl too.
nut liei iiuse soini liody compels us too. Where is thehiuli price, lonjr
time i t.-.lil in. in Hint etui Maud it NOT IN I'LATTSMt )l T 1 1. Wt irivo
you a lew inure prices Unit may interest you:
( ioldeu nia. lime oil
fiiisoline .....
Warranted I lay Fork
'J.KKIodd si.e carriiie;i. bolts -Another
lot of clothes wringers
Carpet tack ....
Cook stoves itt cosl to close.
Fohlinir ironing boards
Hlk btit'li wire
liilvmiit'd letrb v.irt -' ...
Ilest and cheapest line of tinware in tlie city.
still noes ul U0c per iil
nc "
" " " X: each
tmc per hiiiiilrcd
ot ill jro at . lc per piiper
- .'7c
,'t.7ll per lillildi cd
4 ,i"i "
-out ). ii
Come in ami see us whether votl are in need of an V uouds or not
Wememlier that we ran and will save on money every time. Kvervtliinir
a l.tiiain,
Dr. Grcsvenor's
R lismmkUiarn nMtrllarla ttUwrtim UIQ iBTtltlttap
U'iffvl t Arte. r;n-t fnf Ml Ii? all llnirtri-t
Tho Leading
I ,. . j ,-iV jCImiim t..iniiu lh batr
ff;-!' ! pt..i.w e luiui.ft.a rr...ih.
f '.r yi J I Nwr rlle to HsMor. Or.T
I il. T I "" 10 " Voulhriil Coltr.
V t" M C.i.a MiS . i.-.. M!::ig.
If'!1. 11 I-..M l 'tut Hn.;rll
I ' I'.rkHfr'. II itltf.T It'll..' 1
W-kk l.-inir. I'xt HtloO.
...Mil... 1 .'.,,
...ul akt IliluiicMicu.
HINDERCORNS. 1 "'. "" "i" '' cm-,
(wi tT.u. fc .i iHu .n, i uistui a to., N y.
Epps Cocoa
1 , X.mttA Ot . Kl.fli'..
Constantly kel hand everything
you need to furfu jour house.
J. iuiweji '-. ii-eeftf V'..,a.ll S'.e
Itv a thoiniiuli knoWieilKe of the tialural
lawn Hhli'h liuvetll Uin o erntloiis ol dlK'stti.u
aud nutrillon, and liv a en: etui ap.llatliiii of
the hue proiirrtieitof well eelerted Itocoa, Mr,
Kip hat provided our hresklast table with a
delicately Havered beveraK wlilrh may eav
li many heavy dm-tur' hills. It Isliy'lhe Judle
Ions use of sin Ii urtlelee of il lei llial a eon may he itrsdually hullt up until stroiiK
eiiuiik'll to resist every tendency to disease,
lluuiiredft ol sill. tie meladles are tl.iiillu (t
around us ready t. attack wherever iherele a
week point. We limy earspe many a fatal
shall hy keenltiK ourselvee well lorilfled with
pure IiIihiI and s properly nourished frame."
Civil Hervire liaelte. Madosl simply with
iMiilunt water or milk. Sold only In liatl-pouud
litis hy itrorerips. lalielled Ihiir:
.lAMIts KI'I'S A IH) .lloinieoiisthlrt'hemlst
London, Kuitlaud
217. 310, 221 and 22:1 Main Ht.,
Plattsmouth Nebraska
H. M BONS, Proprietor,
The Perkius has been thorouxbli
runoyateil from top tc l)ottoni aud
onw ono of the best hotels in the state
Boarders will ho taken hy the woek at
t4.R0 and up.
Plattsmout - Neb
Wagon and Dlacksinlth shop
Wagon, Buggy, Machine and
plow Repairing dona
He us the
Which is the beat horseshoe for tht
farmer, or for fast driving, or for citj
purposes evor invented. It U bo made
that anyone ci.n put on sharp or flat
corks, as needed for wet and slippery
days, or smooth, dry roads. Call at
his shop and examine the KKVEitsur
and jou will use no other.
13 North Fifth Ht. Plattsmouth.
UTAnled- An settve, rellotili. nisn-salary 7
to su immthiy. ttllh (.r,.,,,., , m,r-m'$
111 ll's en teelinn H n spunSlI, N,,.w .
ItlHIMt Htll)-R..a. It A n t k.i 1 1 ni j
llm . it). Now urk.
I '.
'' :
s' V
i; :
i? T ,
v : ' -
t -
v' '
t- ,
I t
1 K
t 1
bat, then to be cast aside and forgotten.
you. 2
.-..-i--' -i-" ". , .. ;;:T-,. "s vyt-l