The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, September 25, 1891, Image 3

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    - I
1 nTF a SI "v r
i O 1 -rr-i n-nrjl rVro Q tV
yLm M5i1iM T.J HAS A:!Y ,
. And man mm be wr nnpr
VI ft I IDrHP irr) -r.'.rrr im- , . . - JTTT
;Qf F4IPiAi'iiTv'',:! rA-r.i.AUS-soAP-
J. 1). HRAVES & c.
DOOI'.S, HMXDS.aiid all l.uildiiig n.htrUI
Stone i.ltlnv '
A discovery of rnil iiiten-st tourchav i
ologistH IlilH jllt Iwll lllllde lit MaltilrB-
bur)1 In ordt-r to fnlarK his promises,
Mr. J. Mimrn. of the licll hotel. Inti i
pulled down two H..ij;imti .; t ut-M. uml j
the laborers in the employ of the liuilil
ITS Wllill' CXC'IVHtlllK llllcllTllflltll tin- j
f Amu lat ion disc uvcMil two stone collins. i
the lid of each of winch weighed from
h.;vi'm in mn,. hundred weight. I" tlicsu ;
wcru found from sixteen to seventeen :
perfect skeletons with remurkuhly line i
sets of teeth, H Jiri'i ly one being Missing, I
although it ih suppm-ed the bodies nmt i
have Ik-cm buried over a tlioiisaiid'yarV. I
Tliu dividing wall hetKytm, tiffi hotel
ami tlm colriig sixjeet thick, and,
ou this Is-uig removed, liiuleriieatu th I
center of it wiih found a shaft, U inch' n
by twelve, beautifully wulled up, leud
ing, it is supposed, to a chamber or sub
terranean passage. We understand that
the vicar, who in very Interested in the
discovery, ban expressed big opinion that
thin in tho site of the M.-iltnesbury caatle
which wua built by, biMhop of
Sitlisbury, for the purpone of defendin
the abbey, and that it will heln tlm
Arcluf-ologieal mx-iety to truce a more
correct history of the western part of
that ((rand old building.
Ou Iheekeletoiis being found they were
carefully collected by Mr. Moore, und
the Itev. G. Windsor Tucker at once
visited the spot and gave orders for a
grave to be duj near tlm Uussian gun in
the churchyard for their interment.
Subsequently more skeletons wero found
and a second grave had to be dug. The
discovery altogether has excited great in
terest. Wilts and Gloucester Standard
f Sill 1I11 Lltu iili rtt
.a taii& CJiy (At
Jth and E!m gtrt.
corner of
one hlocli
rth of llciscl's mill.
lattsmouth, Nebraska
frorytking to Furnish Your House.
hg ourchanitd the J. V. Weckbuch htore room on oulh
street where I urn now located I can bell good cheap
,ntlie cheapest having just put in the largest htock
i ii ,i . -. ,.
tyv guuua ocr urouni o uie cuy. uaHOline htove
urniture of all kindnKold on the installment plan.
A Kull and Complete line of
igs, Medicines, Paints, and Oils.
rlptlons Carefully Compounded ut nil Hours
Rcineinbcr that K. (. CiistU & Co have an iiniin use stoi k of
Lumber and all buildids material!
lndCuiirantec Satisfaction In all Tliln
I j-JfLTBlniiEUH,84 WnHk,NrwToTt w-l W Vk
Viiyura of a llnttla.
A few weeks ao a bottle went ashore
In Staue Inirbor, Chatham, near the old
wharf, containing a tmsitH-ss card of Mr.
Kiiij,', a wholesale jeweler, Detroit.
Mii-h., with astaUuiiHiit, in H-ncil on the
blank side, of disaster U the Iswit and
proliabM loss of the crew, and signed by
Mr. KinK. Mr. J. It Howell of the
Standard Oil company, Jersey City, was
in the Chatham Monitor oflloe, where
the Isittle was deiosik-d, and as he was
goiiiK direct to Dt!troit ojiened the Istt
aud took the card to Mr. King to see i'
there was any meaning in tim writing.
Mr. Itinif was found to lie still aliv. Il
was slow to believe thiit this card came
from Cajie Col until convinced that it
was the truth,
Mr. Ring says that on the 25th of Mav
I he and others were out flshinir on the
Detroit river, and in a spirit of fun
wrote the message, inclosed it in a bot
tle and cast it to the waves. To get to
Chatham it had to travel the length of
Lake Erie, over Niagara Falls, the whole
length of Lake Ontario, down the til.
Lawrence river, through the Onlf of Bt.
Lawrence, into the Atlantic ocean and
thence to Chatham, a distance of 3.600
milea, and all In less than sixty days.
New Bedford Mercury.
An Organ ttrlniUr' Spurring Comlilrmll o
All organ grinder who baa been in this
city for a mouth ha a scheme which it
making him a small fortune.
, Instead of the customary one monkey
this industrious sou of Italy carries two.
When he stops the ordinary tricks oi
climbing- am' begging are dispense
with, the monkeys are set to fighting and
Iiets are made by the owner with any of
the spectators who are so inclined as to
which monkey will win.
The owner's bets are freely taken, and
they rarely go against him. The resnlt
is that where, nuder the old method, he
would probably receive a few nickels he
now receives dollars.
A reporter watched the man with the
monkoys for nearly an hour in front of
tlte new city hall, where he was sur
rounded by a large crowd, who were
freely contributing their quarters, halfs
aud dollars to the coffers of the musi
cian. Man Francisco Chronicle.
Bucklen's Arnica Salve.
Tint IIkst Sai.vk in the world for CuU
Bruises, Hori-s. Ulcers, Halt Htieuin. Kevei
Hon, Tetter, dimmed II.h.Ij i 'i.iii.i.;..
,orns, and all Skin Km
lively cures Il,.rti r no ' r,.,.nir(.,i
ii i Kusnimeeil to Lve cittlHtHPtion. ot
money refunded. 'rice 25 rents per box
For sale b. r. (I FrieU A I'..
Morn Wins.
e rn-Mirc to cuy to the it i.-iiH
that for yearn we have been Hi-lliiijj
wr. rvinjTH aw IJiMcovery lor Con
Miimjition. Dr. Kinif'H New Life Dills
Miicklen h Aroii-H Slave and Klcctric
Hitters and have never handled
remedien tlint Hell ;n well, or that
Have niven Much univerHal Hatinfac.
uoii. e do not ticHitato to jvnar-
iiiin-i iiii-m every nine, mid we Htatid
ready to refund tho nun-linne nrire
if HiitiHafactory reMiiltMdo not follow
mere there uae. fheHe retndies
have won there raat popularity
imreiy on merr ineritM r (i. hricke
() UruffiMtH.
A Husband's Mistake.
Ilimbandri too often permit wivea.
hihI parentH their children, to auffer
irom tieatlache, dizziness:, neuraliii
oieepieHMiieMH, litM, nervoilMiieHHiieMH
when hy the ue of Dr. MileH' K
niorauve nervine Miu li Herioua re-
units could eauily he prevented
wruejtjiMH everywliere aay it K'vee
uuiverHal satiMfiiction and haa an
iiiutieiiHe ale. Woodworth & Co.,
ot fort ayne, Ind.; Snow A Co., ol
SvracMme, N. v.; J. C. Wolf. Hillndale,
Mich.; and hundreda of oilier MM V
"It in the jfreatea aeller they ever
knew." It coiitaiiiH no opiateH. Trial
hottlea and (ine hook on Nervou
MiHeaseH, free at b. (,. Frit ke A Co's
Mitf mt IIhv. m MonfimnnK
Interest has recently been revived in
the proposed Uartield mouument, fund
for which was started in the fall of 1881.
shortly after President (iarfleld's death.
The fuud was limited to dollar subscrip
tions, and 604 pern.ns subscribed. Thee
the affair collapsed, as far as public in
terest was concerned, and Dec. 11, 18S3.
H. B. Duncau. treasurer of the fund,
placed the 1004 on deposit in tha Wil
mington Savings fund. The Interest in
crements siuc that tune have increased
tha nrinciiAl to tho iam ct iKP.T n.'
There is talk now of making an effort to
increase trie runn to a limit sufficient to
admit of tha erection of a siiltnlila nh.ino
of the dead president in oue of the city's
pnnnc parKs. Wilmington Every Even
What On. Cow Did.
That a cow has a wonderful mu.rtta
when she gcU into a neighbor's field was
i . i i i i .
cinanr snown in liiaiuna. wiiera tint in
jured owner proved in court that one
ordinary brindle cow destroyed in one
afternoon the following projtertyi Two
4-Year-old cherrv tree. 7 aniiln Iraua f.
pear trees, 1 plum tree, 100 heads of ca
oage. u rows oi beans 0 rods long, 1
row of beets U rods louir. 50 to 150 su-l
(sitato plauU, 1 tjed of onions, 8 f?rae-
juifp ana m uiacauerry imsiiea. Uostou
l.lghlnliif lu Bin) NaBr a Churrh.
Two hundred persons wers assembll
at divine service in the Mower Higli
tower church, near Osborn, Ua., when a
bolt of liifhtninir entered tl, ,tiH,
Some of the eople were rendered sense-
I . - - . I L 1 . , . . .
ienn, oinnrs nan ineir ciotiiing torn iroiu
their bodies. Several Were biirnml un.l
every one bore more or less serious marks
oi ine ngiiinmg. Alllioimn no tierson
wasfatallr in lured, a In
outside the church was instantly killed
by the electric fluid. Yankee Illude.
Nnt.l Mutclm.
A new method of ohlnttiiuir 1,.
lust lieeu tmtented in Enirlainl. liiHteaH
of the old fashioned saMy ii.atch, the
suck is tipjieil at both ends, one end with
the usual composition and tlia otlier u-lili
that found on the scratcher outside the
box. Light Is obtained bv brcakinir tlis
match in tha middle ml nil,l,ln,i- i,.
two ends together. Eichauge,
HrnuTnn, ,j Cur,i in a Dav.
"Myetic Cure" for rheiiinatiHin and
neuralgia radically cured in 1 to 3
(laya. ItH action upon the HVHtem is
rt-niiirauoie ano inyHterioiiH. it re
iiiovch at once the cause and the li.
Heuse iinniediately diHHappearn.
The lirt dose greatly henehtH. 7.c
Sold hy K, (,. Fricke, Druifjfist. wt
Sudden Deaths.
Heart disease in hy fur the uumt
freiienl iiniMe of sudden death,
winch in three out of four caxeM in
uiiHiiHpei t.-d. The symptoms are
not Irene-rally uiiderstood. 'I'heHe
are: a haliit of lyinu on the ri ht
Hide, Hhort breath, pain or ilitresH in
the Hide, hack or Hhoulder,"irrcrular
pulne. iiHthma, weak and hmirry
Hpclls, wind in Ktomach, Hwi llinof
ankh-H or drnpny, oppreHnion, dry
eolith and HiiiotheriiiLr. Dr. Milen'
iuiinlrateil hook ou Heart Disease,
free lit K ( e'rtVe I'fi'u ul,,. u..ll
nnd iruarantee Dr. Milee' iiue(iialed
New Heart Cure, and his lestoru
tive Nervine, which cure nervoiiH
UfHH, lie, id. it lie, HleepieHHiieHH, drop,
ey, etc. It contHiiiH no opiates.
A Safe Investment. -
one which ih LniMrnnteeil
in iiik vim Hiiniaoiary renuilH, or in
cane of failurer a relurnofjpuri Iuihc
price. OnthiHHafe plain you can
buy fitiin our HdvisertiHe IiruiririHt
a liottleof Dr. Kin H NewDincrvery
for consumption. It in nunrantecd
to hrinif relief in every cane, when
lined for any affection of Throat,
I.untfH, or client, Hindi as CotiHuni
plion, Inflammation of I.iiiih Ilrou
chilis' AHthuia, Whoopinir ('oucli,
Croupn.etH., etc. It is pleiiHimt and
areeahle to taHte, perfectly Hafe
and Trial hottlen free at F. (i. Fricke
& Co" a DriiTMtori.
For ninny yeaiH Mr. H. F. Thomp
Hon, of Di-h Moiiu-H, Iowa, wiih hc
verely nfllicted with chr onic diarr
hoea. lie Hays: "At tiinea it wiih
very Hcvere; ho much ho, that I
feaerd it would end my lite. About
Hcven yearn ajfo 1 chanced to pro
cure a bottle of Chamherlain'H
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Kemedy. 1 1 nave me prompt relief
and I lielieve cured me permanent
ly, an I now cut or drink without
harm Hiiythiiir I please, I luivc
alno used it in my family with the
bent n-Miiltrt. For aale hy F. (i.
Frickie A Co.
Wonderful Success-
I wo yearn aim the llaller Pron.
Co.'onlercd their hottlen hv the Inn
- now they hy the carload.
Anionn the popular and Hiicceseful
remedien thev urennri- in llnlterV
Sarnaparilla .V Durdock which in
the uioHt wonderful blood purifier
known. No dnnriHt henitaten to
recommend thin remedy.
ror nine y (iruiririHt.
Wiieii The Hair
Shows algna ot intllnc lin at once tlx uso
ol Ayer't II sir Vigur. TUi irsiarali(ii
sireiiKUien IU. scaiji, promotes the frowtli ,:
o( now hair, rMUirea Urn ujiiurid color to ;
grav aiwi iwled luui, auit luuuuis It suit ,-i
PltarAatad gloss j.. ,. .
"We have no hesluUoa n nmiKmncing
Ayer-s UiUr Vlgr uiieinnp, f(r ,irishi 1
the hiiir, and we do Uiu alter long oxH-ri- i
" I 'Us preparuUou preserve
t in h.-ur,cm. dandruff and all disease of
the sralp, mukes roiiKh anil iiritUs tinir suit
and lili.uit, suit preTeiits isUdness. Willis It
Is hot alyo1(WB W),0 Mal tin Viitor
uy II 'witlmuUUj the roots and eoliir
Klaiuls of lahed, gray, light, and; red hal6
cluugsig Uie ootor to ; '
A Rich to wn
or eren hl.vk. It wtti not srtl the pffl.
ee no. a poeket-lmndkerrhlef, aild u nl.
ways aKreslila. All Uin dirty, gummy hair
prprUom should be disputed at oner by
Ayer-i Hair vigor, and thousands who go
around with hrslj looking Ilk. 'the freW-il
porcupine' should hurry to the nrarsst dnig
"tore and urch&so a txittle of the Vigor
Tht mv Stmtk. Atlanta, Gs.
h'T,' .!lalr VlKHr U neUmt for tlie
"Sir. It itlmulstes the growth, mrtis bsld
tx-M, resuirss the natnral eolor, eloansss the
sralp , prersiitj dsndniff, and Is a g(sd drrss
lug. We know that A yen Flsir Vigor differ
trom Bioat hair tonics and similar prrpara.
Uons, It being prrfectly harmless."-Fmm
KcontmUoi IhMHUfj,, by Kllta R, puket
Ayer's Hair Vigor
D. 3. 0. ATKR ft CO.. Ixoii
8oW by fruBgUu aud Psrtuma'n.
' What'
I'.i I a Jiro n.t.o-u -o ,.i.e
a :' -b ;' i'.-oa,,rtltw as oyil
t( ' i.vt, rtt, A i-d
Bit ;'!; ,,,) " , .-nA !! n'ii' VJ
vt f f i"
. 1 9 r.
M H H f i
Ttoxttt: ..'.
CiiHtorla Is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants
and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor
other Narcotic mibHtance. It is a harmless substitute
for ParegoHc, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil
It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' use by
Millions of Mothers. Casloria destroys Worms and allays
fcverlshncss. C'astoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd,
cures DiarrlKva and "Wind Colic. Castoria relieves
teething troubles, cure's constipation and flatulency.
Castoria assimilates the food, regulate; the stomach
aud bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas
toria Is the Children's .tanaeea the Mother's Friend.
Will You HiilTer
and Liver Cnumlamt'r
nliwr in guaranteed to cure you. '
with DvHpi-iiHia
Shiloh's Vit-
"CaitnrU la oo ezoellcnt nmHclne f.a- cVlll
dren. HoUtoi liars mpeate-IIy luld me of its
gixid sffuvt upon l)ic-u- uhlldrea."
Dr. 0. C Osnoon,
Lowell, Uohs.
' Castoria Is the bent raniedy (or cliiMrnn of
which I sin aivjunlWe.1. I hnn tho day isviot
fur dJatana m)irm mothers wRTooiuiJaf lliunal
biterert of their cWdroa, aod use Castoria In
stead of the various quack nortrums which ant
ditmying Hick- loiwl onas, by forologorsuai,
morphiM, aoothlug symp and other hurtful
aginil down tht-lr Uiruats, thor.l.y amdlng
theui to pruuiature gravw,
Da, J. F. Kiaretrisia,
" Costnrla Is so well adapted tochUdrwn thai
I rmiflmaeud it aawperka- loaoy praacrlptlog
kJKJWQ tO Did.
II. A. Aaonm, JC
111 So. Oxford St., Brooklo, N. T.
"Our physicians in the eh i Wren's depart
ment have spolcaa liighly of tlurir uperl
noa in their ounal. praoUae with Castoria,
and although w. oaby hn among our
medicul gnjiplais who is kao-wn, as regular
proliaiB, yat we are free to eoufoss tliat the
mtrits of Castoria has woo us to look with
favor Ukk It."
Au.cs C. Sarrn, Vat.,
Conway, Ark
The Cntaur Company, TI Murray Street, New York City,
...DmiSHMU u R" 'Til'-'1"" "'"'I'"
hpot UAsxi mm Tim msmmzxi
0X)( H)
She in a winner. We reduce our prices becaime we can afford too
not because somebody compels us too. Where is the high price, lonir'
time credit man that can stand it NOT IN Pl.ATTSMOUTH. We trive
von n few mum tri.-u il,,. : . cKic
(iolden machine oil
tiHsolinc -Warranted
Hay Fork -2,01
0 odd niie carriage bolts -Another
lot of. clothes wringers
Carpet tacks - . -Cook
stoves at cost to chine
still goes at a)c per gal
I4C " "
35c each
90c per hundred
- - - 2.10
still gout leper paper
Koldino- ironimr linnnlu
Hlk barb wire - -
(ialvanized barb wire
Hest and cheapest line of tinware in the city.
- 97c
3.70 per hundred
4.35 "
Come in ami see us whether you are in need of any goods or not
Remember that we ran and will . 1
a bargain. ' r-verytning
Dr. Grosvenor's
HAMlBiallBm. t.MMll. nl..rt.. ..... i.mKu.
knilann, lor mm. In .11 Ornr.i.u,
r m
The Leading
Chim Mia 4wm k kit; tftauia
ft' y , -a a J rHMK a
L'V-VV',CI"- art b-m.fW tt
Ii , L Id"""'- f,
TiJV 'alls lo M..Kn
tMfti L.J 'J5r?f
' TJ wwasM., g mm, tmmm is iiw. m CU.
HIN0ERCORNS. Tb nnlrtiirtrnrfrrCVma.
( i R A T K l ' L - C ( ) M F O K T I f ;
Epps Cocoa
tv ll.,t,t,il. k.....u.l... ... ... ..... t
.j - n.rn,r.IKr , tlin liailirSI
laws liii-li Kovrrn tlis o-r.illiii, ot illio-iti.n
ami iiiitilliiiii. suit hy a r:irrlul sni llonlliin nl
lite Hue irnierllf well selcotcd Cix-oa. Mr,
Knit. Iim. Iiri.ulil.,,! fittr Ikinulili.., UI.U i.i. -
delleaiely ll-vori-J lirvenwe which mav
Hi many heavy doetnr'tillls. It Is hy'.the Juillo-
Uilitt live i.f .,i,.i urtt..l..a ...
- ' .......... .., inn, a 11,11s
vi tut loii inny he Kriiiluslly liuilt up until slnniK
enoiijili to realsl every teiiilency to illm-aHe
lliiiuliedii ol aiihile nirlndl,-. are limit i n if
armiiiil in rraily la attack whersve. there i a
. . .r . . ",n' -,:"l,T' many a isiill
shall 1 keeiilnsournelvea well fnrilded with
mire, hluol ami s properly nourhlicd Inime "
Civil hervicw liselle. MniliisMlmiily with
hiiilliiiiwsleriiriiiilk, Sold only In hiill-ixiiaid
IIIIN llV IFIlWurlH ll,.lt.l
JAMKi KITS A DO , lloimi-opHthlc Chemist
toiutiin. Knitiand
A Jmntt.!&it';vi t-i w J
a--.--i - -i--:r-l,irjjr-ri'.
217 am, 221 and 2i: Main St.,
Plattsmouth Nebraska
H. M B0N8, Proprietor.
lh Torkins lias been tliuroiurhlw
renovated from top to bottom aud 's
now ono of tlm best lintels in tha state
Uoardors will ho takn by tlin woek at
14.50 and up.
Constantly keeps on hand everything
you need to furnish your house.
WaKon and niacksmlth shop
Waon, BuRfty, Machine and
plow Itupairiair don
lis uias the
Which is the best horseshoe for th
inner, or for fast driving, or for cit)
purposes evor invented. It is so rusdo
that anyono ci.n put on sharp or flat
corks, as needed for wet and slippery
days, or smooth, dry rosds. Call at
bis shop and examino the nkvkksi.ii"
and you will use no otlier.
18 North Fifth Ht. risttsmouth
nr Anlert An sotlve, n-lliihle msn -sslsrylTS
to Inn iM Miihiy.wlih HH-reii.c in i,.,
in i.w-i, .eitliin rcmiiiiisihls New '
linn. e. I , i.i.,1ph ihm ru n in v .
H I :,. New York ..