The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, September 25, 1891, Image 1
I w' A- ; . , .erald. H10U ;r FIFTH YEAR. PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA. FRIDA SBTKP.'iR 1391 NUMBER 12 Plaits tli Daily Absolutely Pure. A cream of tartar linking powder. Highcnt of till in leavening Mrenth. Latent I '. S. Covcrnmcnt Food Re port. 10 n. A. SALSBUHY : I) K X T I S T :- WI.I Al I'liKl KI.AI.N I KMWNH. Dr. HlHtiwH)' niii'ilhrtlr fiTtlie liile ex tracfiiti' uf ii't-Lii. hinefiold Work n Specialty. I!l KWOIIlt ll"( k riHltHIIIIIIIIII. Nl-ll. THOS POLLOCK R V HYF.RS MiiUrv I'litillr tk Aliilnnter hnllHlur fal Entate, Loan and Insurance Agi-iiU If yon have rent cnti.te to ncll or exchange Hend udcneription, price and term-. AhMract of title furninhcd lit rca onnlile rate. H '.) to lonn nt 7'a per rent iitid no comminninnH, on good fiirm Hcriirity. POLLOCK A IIYLRS Pi.ATThmiiihi - Ni:u. OIW umlfr ' t iitinly l!;ink. jAVVSON A PEAKCE HAVE kfct KIVI K Their Kali lrni. fwir) rlllin. ll mid quill. aim a im oi n ii4iiiiin rout Kurt..-. iii!r if I. I lit y hi' vii lull Hue nt luliy h'"l' xnl Hi r dr-r I rln4' (,.l murk nut have re durnl tb'lr lrw jiilnr lil Id Mt ami to 7.1 re In irtiiiiui'il. MISS SCIIPYLKR. TRIMMKR. DENTISTRY (101. 1) Al I'OKI'K.I.AIN CKOWN -nriilifo work mil tine gold work SPECIALTY. DR. MTKIVAI'H llll' A I. v "HI other iai llli-l!riKlf d fur I lit 'lllllrii rllrwtliia o' ! Ii. C. A. MAItSIIAIX. Kit.erlrJ !"" PKRSONAL J Hert (lapcn in in Omaha to-liiy. W. If. Plckcn in in Omaha to-day Conrnd Sliitrr of Louinville in in the city to-d;iy. F. M. Kirliry wh mi Omaha pa enger thi morning'. Dr. W. A. Hiimplirey report the arrival of a little n i r I nt the honie of Geo. Poniall. John Schippaggae in buying fruit in Omaha to-day. Look out for one of the large! Mock of fruit of the hi'Iihoii. Kd. Summer whipped 11 cur loud of apple to Chicago luxt ninht hiiI one to IeH MoineM today. Kvident ly Kd in i dniiikf h riiMhin huni- nexM. Kliler J. K. Keid. pHMtor of the I'hriHtiiiu church, will preach hit fiirewell Heriuoii next Siindiiy, nt 11 o'clock. Mr. Rrid 1i;im heen preiich- ing for the CliriMian church in thin city for the pfiMt three yenrn. mid rn he conteiuphitcM tnkin 11 viHit to hix native Mute, for n Miort remaned hi poMitiou iim piiHtor ol the church in Huh city much to the rejjrrt of the citizen and Mem ber ofhin church. A cordial invi tation in extended to all to come out mid hear liin I.ihI Heriuoii. All tlione that do not Kettle their liiMt HeHKonV coal lull with me hy the loth of Del. next will not expect to have any iiccomidatioim I . A 1. 1 tf!ii e and yard South Third ireei. i eiepnotie, l.l. , al way try to have a full line of I mdi-rt of coal on hand. tl I IMOTIIY ( LAKH. I'lattMiliauth. Sent. tl. WW. A inectinir of the executive hoard of the fiiMcru afMociation of 1he (i. A. R. department of Nehmnkn, coiiHiHtin of thecoiintieK of caHter. Chhm, Saundcr mid Sarpy, wax held at fireeuwood, Neh., on Monday, Sept. Ill, 1WH, for the pur pone of compli-tinr th orpiini- .ation. Comrade J. B. FerjjtiHon, of Fara- jfilt Pont, No. Jfi, IJncoln, prenident of the n u Kociation, preMided.. The following lueniherH of the hoard were prenriit: S. H. Hall, commander of Hob McCook PoFt. No III, Afhlanil; I. A. Tinkham, commander Minnion Ride I'oHt, No. 1411, tlreenwood; Mr. S. C. Vim Doren, preHilent MiMHion Rid'e V. R. C, No. Ktt. tlreenwood; Mr. ('. T. Scholield, preidcnt M itched V. R. C, No. VM, Waverly; Mr. A. A. Carter, prei dent Appoiiiuloji W. U. C, No. 12. Lincoln; W. (J. Cheuvrout, captain MiHHion Ride S. of V., No. H7, (ireenwood; I'. S. (Jalley, Mecretary of the iiHMociiition. A motion prevailed iillowiny; vi itiiiK ineinlierM of the (i. A. R., V. R. C. and S. of V. to take part in the proceeding. The minute of the hint meeting were read and accepted, after which the location of the next reunion of the diMrict wa eoimidercr). Hy vote the reunion for iW wa located at ( ireenwood. It wa then decided that the re union should laM four day, the tirnt to he devoted to S. of V'., the Hccond to YV. R. V., the third to d. A. R., mid the fourth to all tlx order combined. for tlie purpoe ol loriuin a finking fund for the iicHoi ialion, in cunt' of Iommc. the following per hoiim pledged their pot for the amount Hi t opponite their name: J. H. FerUHon, $10; S. It. Hall, $10; I. A. Tiiikham, $10; Mr. A. A. Carter, ; Mr. S. Van Horn, $."; Mr. C. F. Scholield, $10; W. (,. Cheiivrotil, $.1. Hy vote a mauain board of live pernon wa elected, conitinif of S. H Hall, chairman, V. II. Ruhhi U. Doren, Mr. Coukliu ami Mr. i . F. Scholi.-lil. The iii.iiiiiiii board will meet at AhIiIhiiiI the time to be et by the chairman. Meeting ailjiiiirned nine die. J. H. FFKfifWi.N'. I'. S. CiAI.I.KV. I'reHideiit. Secretary. Marriad. (i. W. Snyder to Mi Tille (iapen, at the reideiice of the bride' parent at I'.' m. yeterdiiy. Rev. Rhindhardl of the I'. H. denomina tion oHiciatinu;. The occaion wa one that doubl le will be ever remembered by all preeut a a highly iiiterenting event. The contracting partie are well known in their vicinity and our in formant nay Ihey are among the moMt highly eMecincd young peo ple ofihe community. After the cere mmyii bountiful dinner v. ii" cerved which, in every repect, wa in keeping with the on anion. A m te u r G m m a To-dMy. Arriingement have been made for a ball game at the ball park to-day at - p. m. between a nine from Pacific Junction and an ama teur nine of i'lattmotith, a major ity of the member being ofthe high M'hool. AllliHnioil, 1.1 ce lit n. Important meeting at K.of l. hall tjnight. " ' That Hacking Cough can MOiiick ly cured by Shiloh'H cure. We guarantee it, For Sale by K, (i. Fricke and O II Snyder. 1 Has just opened up a full line of ladies, Gents and Childrens all wool underwear and be" fore you buy your Fall or Winter goods. Don't fall to call add Bee our prices. We beat 'era all. Have you seen those nob by Misses Caps, all pretty shades, rr, (J5 and 7 cents each 1 cife FUlEa THE WORK WELL DONE. A. M. Post, of Platte, for Supreme Judge. An EoihuiHtK , Hhrmonioim Con-voilon--A Genuine HopuM'enn Platform Adopted and a Mrony Ticket Named For Hujirenir Juiliie f or liri'nt A.M. I'OHT I I'lUKI.Kt MAltf K I It. P. HIIKMWAY A wa expected, the delibera tion of the republican convention which met at Lincoln yeMerday were characteri.ed by prudence, honeuty and a thorough denire to act for the bet interent of the party. The delegate repreented the rank and file of the republican, paity and the rcMiilt i a ticket upon which the tnember of the party can unite and the adoption of a genuine repub lican platform. At 11:2a the meeting wa call to order by Chairman WiiIhoii of tlx Mate central committee who drcHMeded the convention ill al- I jtl a . nhort enthiiiiintic Hpeech. (ieo. II. Thiiunel of Crnti'l Inland wan Helecteil a chairman, mid Walt. Seely wa made Mecretary. Reolution were adopted cend ing greeting to the republican in i Ohio. The platform i a genuine repub licnn one and can not fail (, ' bring into the fold, many who have i temporarily wandered into by path. I ft exprcMMc high regard forj Prenident Harrinon and approve I hi adiuinitration; approve the coiirageoii act of the hint conre" j which coin the product of the j American mine, but denounce I the"freeHiid unlimited" policy a net forth by the democratic party;1 approve the tariff leginlation of1 (he hint emigre and heiirtilv favor the reciprocity daunt llllll ..ii : I. ...! rale, fair alike to the cotmuiner. the nhi)ier and the railroadn; de nounce the democratic Mate plat form a framed to deceive the vote, and it clone by appealing to the intelligence and integrity of all good people for nupport of the party nominee- The platform i truly republican and give general H.itinfaetioii The candidale for Mipreme judge were then nomimifed. The lirnl ballot gave Reene the lead, with Cobb following clonely and Pont in t le rear. On the aeco id ballot Cobb went two vote ahead of R.'ene. In the llrd bnllot Pont gained coiwider ably though he wa Mill in the rear. In the fourth and decinive ballot Pont received the necennary 'Js7 vote. On motion he wa linaniuioiinlv declared the nominee of the con vention. Mennr. C. II. Marple, of Doiiglan, and II. P. Sliuiuway, of Dixon, were iiiianimounly nominated regent ol the I'ui vernity. ICach of thcHe gentle men are college bred men and well qnahlifd for the ponition to which they have been choen. The ticket give aluiont liiuvi Katinlaction to the party, and dele gate and defeated candidate re turn to their home cnthuniaMic lor the nominee and paiininc ol party Micce. In the campaign of lWKIthe Weep ing Water Kagle went wild on pro hibition and the Miirll of whinkey canned the willy editor to foam like a mad cur; but obnerve the action of tllinj would be moulder of public opinion. Read hi drcriptiou of the iiidependeiit eiindidate lor: judge. He hold up tlui little Hawed j olT Itarr a an ornament to the judi-! ciary. Wr believe that the citizen! of Can county will way by their vote thut the dignity of the court iiiunt be preervrd and they will demand that Can county judge be a man of ability and Mound judgment; and we believe thai thi independent candidate who ha had hi little ear caHHoakiug in w hinkey during hi reidence in C'a county, will be knocked higher than (Jilroy'n kite in the round up, and for a "Pi ohib." to liohl up an inebriate for county judgrj i more than we can .. " ' e . nt. - l-ouinvilleCourier Journal. Attend the meeting of the Hiik(. ne Men' Men' Aociation at K. of P. hall to night. ..n ... ..K ....e.g.. 1,.1,.,'Hnj, ,,...Lr,.H to attend n eon- kel f..r our productM; th'mandn an j vi ntion in ?:nd ifi-trict lor the p!-r-eouitable adjiintmeiit of freight I pone ot nominating nuch candidate, i I. ... I I Chhh County Mdl''l AuloclHtlOfl. We clip Jjte,-following report ol a meeting of the Can (.'oiinly Medical Society from the Weeping Water Republican: "I'emuant to a call a county con vemioit of the lrgnli.ed medical pracitioner, the following doctor met in the office of Dr. Hull Sc Hun gate: I)r. ThonniH Davi, Fate, llobh, llaughey, Pollard, Hutler, Hull and 1 1 ungate. "Dr. Hobhn, wa elected PrcHident and Dr. Hungate necretary. "Ki iniirkn relative to the purpose the Kociety were made by Dr. Ilohb, ThomiiH, Pollard, Hutler, Jlall, Fate, Huughey and Hungate. . "Moved and carried that it be the ene of thi meeting that we orga nized a County Medical nocirty for mutual benefit and protection, and the prenident of thi meeting i authorized to appoint a committee of live to draft a cotmlif uliml and by law and uhinit the name to thi nociety for action at our next meeting. "Moved and carried that a com initlee of live be appointed to for mulate a fee bill for presentation at the next meeting of theociety. "Committee on Conntitiition and I... I I . r . . ny-iaw n: nm. iiuiigate, naiignev, Pollard. Hall ami Thoma". "Committee on Fee Hill: Dm. Ilohb". Hall, of PlattHinouth. Wal lace, Norri. Hutler. "It in the nenne of thi meeting thai voluntary contribuf ion of a wient ilie nat lire be nuked for from I the legalized practitioner for next meeting and the topic to be nent in to the hi i n tary. "Society adjourned to meet in Platt-mouilc Oct. 3lth, at 1 p. m. Y R. lloliH, Chairman. Jan. It. 1 1 1'Nii ATK, Sec'y. , Nollee.. There ill be a meeting of the re I hi l) it'll 11 central committee far the iir-t cominiHsiiiner' dintrict in and lor Can county, at the office of the county clerk in Plattnmoiith, Ni -brankii, on l uenday, Sept. i, IV.ll, at III o'clock, a. m., for the purpone of placing in nomination a candidate lor comiiiinnioiier fornaid dintrict, i.iiiip; i'iiiii.iij rii-iiiiMin in i " "" '" nam ilinlricl lor tin . l"'.'r .,. .rannacnim Mich other bunine i a may legally come la lore nliell Committee. .It Sept. :'.", N'l. H. KlKIMIAkV, Jkh.-i. I.. K'ihiT, Ch.iirniaii. Secretary. Kvcry eulerpriiiig biiiiiee 111:111 Mhnlllll Ittli-.ifl III., m.'i.l i .1 tr ii. K' ,.f iall ,,,.! ,,, Tin: III k iiihI journal office have been given, jointly, the tax lint for Ca-M cnuntyr The cont to the tax paern, however, will be 110 greater than if the cont'-act had heen Hindi with one olliee. The tax lint in now being rapidly net up at Tin I D.K.W'.I. office, and it will be ri ady lor publication by Oct. I. In tiie third act of "Si Piliukiird." which ill be at the Waterman next Tiicnibiy night, will be a regular woikiuu threnhing luachine in full iipi-..itiini, an original idea of Mr. J C. I.ewin, who in proprietor of, and iihhii men the title role in thi great Yankee comedy. Price, 25, Id, ."0 mid "a cent. Ticket now 011 mile at J. I '. Young'. An editor i a man. He can hear more ridicule than any other man dead or alive, and never die in a lunatic n linn. They often die in po erly a well a in jail. There are many kind of editor rich, poor, handsome, homely, good, bad, ignorant, nhrewd, barbaric, civil ized, lying. Hiiake, city, managing, telegraphic mid many other kind. Then there in the fighting editor. Man) good citizen go to the olliee lo gel their haircombed.Tliey gener ally get it, and then ue the editor for libel and pay thecoM. - Kx. Mr. lieu Fran had the minfortune to lone on of hi hore, hint Mon day. While hi Hon were uinir thiiu they had lo drive near nix or Helen hiscH of bee, when mie of the wariu wa accidently dinturbed, and upon their making an iinunual hum the other nwarni gathered lit from their hive and made a fero cioii attack upon the team and driver. After coniderable diffi culty the team wa iii'hitched from the load and it wa not tintill they were led into the briml) that the been could be whipped off them. It net ill that ome of the been got into one borne' mouth anif ntung it o ... .......... .1... il. - t 11 .1.... .in ... llllll- nil- 11111MII II. PWI 1. HOlll, thereby ciiiiing it death. -I'nion Ledger. lwa take your prcncriptioii. to Hiium &'n tf tf 1 1) SUMMER CLEARANCE SALEf AT L 1,1 I n order to red lice Btook to make room for our fall purchases we iniiBt clone out the balance of our Summer stock as quickly as pos sible. Commencing to day we will offer our entire line of white goodn, embroideries flouncings and all overs At 20 Per Cent Db count adles summer vests at 8c " adies summer vests at 10c adies black and fancy ribbed vests 25c worth 35c. Ladies black lisle and ancy Egyptian cotton vests at 35 worth 45c Ladies silk mixed vests at 6oc was a bar a : 75c, Jadias silk vests at $1, reduced from $1.25, 20 per cent, on all ladies shirt waists and-Jerseys. per cent dicsount VlW.'i'' ', r'Ml"'7' V' 3,'V"H '."'r MoiiHelim de India reduced to We make thinoffi r in order to reduce Mock - Now i the time t, purchane if in want of any of the above good. RKMKMHFR all of our good marked in plain figure ami we do a we advertise. 'Don't mis thin na.e a they are the lowent priccH quoted thi ncnon F. HERRMANN ONE BOOR EAST FIRST NATIONAL. CLOSE FIGURES h:WFuS -aT j i) 7: -rM: I, OlT rT' FOR FALL AND WINTER WEAR WE PROPOSE TO 8EU Than ever before offered to the people of Plattsmoatb and vicinity. our stock: is CoiNtautly arriving and will noon be complete. It will coinprie a full range ot all the iwweM a well a the moreMaple ntyle. and will be com poned of the newent and choiceM production o dometic and foreign manufacture . lor a lit and excelleno of workmaiiHhip our garments can not be excelled. And the price that we offer them at are unprecidented in the ainoimtnof the cloak trade. WE HAVE a Hilk Heal pltinli acque,:t8 inchr long with quilt cI Matin lining and eal ornament that we can welt for $12. 50. Thi gar ment i a perfect reflection of the plunh Hiie.que that i univerally mild at $15 and f'J). WE HAVE a Hilk eal plunk jacket 'in inche long that we can Hell at $!I..Kj that would be cheap at $12.50, although Home merchant awk $15 for the name garment. In the finer graden we have Hoiiietliing very elegant mid ntylmh in the trimmed jacket and reefer in both cloth ami plllnll. THE PROPER thing for MincH thiH fall and winter will be iai ket and reefer, the newmarket being nlmot entirely diwearded. We have both the Jacket and Reefer for Mie'8 wear in endleH varityi We bought our cloakn early of to offer them at very low figure. We Solicit your favors and an early inspec tion of our stock. WM, HEROLD & SON. 507 3'- i't From Iteijular Trice regular. 10c quality. regular. 15 quality, on all oursilk umbrellas yiml r'',li"'H .iaJIity. tic per yard. A "-u . ii rlrnt hand and are thereby enabled riattsmoutlu Nob. , .:''''; A I ,-'r. , : . ; 'i '''' ' ' ( : r '. ''' - : - j t , i'V. v.. iV 11 I k A . . ' ' V' tr is - i