)' V 'fasinoiith Daily Herald I KNOTTS BROS, Publishers. Huliliiliwl even I hiirnl.iy, mid dally evuj muiiiC except Sunday. Ki'xiMeivil m in,- Plattunimtli. Ni'li. pot d!Kjir tiaiianiiKuiu iiimuuu tin- V.,-H. mails at Hfwirnl clitM r:ilt-. Oillee corner Vine aud Kift li streets. Telephone :i. TKK.MS KOR WEIKLV, One copy, one year, In advance.... II 90 One copy, one year, not to advance 2 00 One copy, six inontlif, In advance 7ft One c py, three inuiitha, In advance. ... 40 T1KMN fOH DAIL Cue cop one year In advance ftiuO Oue copy per week, by carrier IB One copy, per month SC TUESDAY, SKI'T. Ti. 1891 REPUBLICAN COUNTY TICKET. F.)r Clerk ol the Dltrict Court : A. SALISBURY. For r.earairer : L. C. KICKHOFF. Kor Sheriff : GICO. KDSOX Kor County Clerk : FRANK DICKSON. Fur County Judtfe : . CALVIN KISShl.L. For CtMinty 8niwrlntndtnt : j. f;. lkyda. F'ir Coroner : J. I. UNKUH. FurHurveyor : A M x ks. For (uiiiiiiisluner Firr-t bmriet : A. M. TODD. REPUBLICAN STATE CONVENTION. --The republican elector of the state of Nebraska are requested to nend delegated from their several counties, to meet in convention in the city of Lincoln, Thursday, Sep tember 24, 18J1, at 10 o'clock a. m., for the purpose of placing- in nomi nation candidati-s for one associate justice of the supreme court, and two members of the board of re gents of the state university, and to transact such other business as maybe presented to the convention. THE APPORTIONMENT The several counties are entitled to representation as follows, being based upon the vote cast for Hon Geo. H. Hastings, for attorney-general in 11)0. giving one delegate-at-l.irge to each county, and one or each 1.T0 votes anil the major frac tion thereof: CoOSTIM. Adam Artlmr Artie lope Banner Hoyd Blaine Hooit Hoi Butte ... hrown Hurral" Hutler Hurl t'.ttM 0,lar Ciiaie Cheyenne (lurry iT. iy Colf.it Cumin,: Cu-ter DikoU ae I iw,,u IVeuel iMxon l,hluM IM!L'IH . . H'lioly K'lliti're tWVTIM. Ultl. Johtiooci . ..7 Kearney Keya Pali t Keith Kimliall... nuol .... .i.ancaUir. I.I n,lu..., Ismail ... lnj Any ..,.li..... Mc-eniTMin. !l t Merm-k ft tl Nemaha ance.... NiKkolJ.i -Otoe tnjPaniie relkllm Pierre Phelii Plalle . TlPolk . rv.fi wniow . .1 Kii'liAjdioa . . Kork .11 SnlWtr w Harpy . .1 s-,tiinler . . o I Klu (I ,-ard Iietiitan .... KranKlm S Frontier v KiriiaH sherm.ti, p'Sievi HT.u.ton Thayer i 1 honotrt i TliurioD n Valley . . . n Wnsliiimtiiti 4 Wayne J' Webrler 4 Wlteeief a. York 41 it T'al li.ufe tiarltehl ... (iu-.re-r lirant ... . liieely Hall Hamilton. . IUiUii .., Have .. .. Mnrm-ma Holt . Howard..., It'e-Ker ... etf enwu . . . li .Mf No vote returned. It is recomended that no proxies be addinitted to the convention, and tlifit the (h-legatea present be authorized to cast the full vote of the delegation. It is further recomended that the st.ite central committee select the temporary organisation of the con veution. John C. Watso.v, Wai.t.M. Skkly, Cliairmau. ,;(Tetary. THE COUNTY TICKET. The republicans of Cuss count)' enter the campaign this year with a greater degree of unity and entliu si. 1111 and a more determined spirit than they have shown for years. They have nominated a ticket that inspires conlidcnce and render." the ontest one of men as well as party principle. Entering under these favorable circumstan ces it is only rea -finable toconclitde that the entire ticket will be tri umphantly elected. It is not often that a party goes into a tight with a stronger ticket 1 1 . a li which the convention selected last Satunday it ticket to which its supporters may refer with pride and satisfaction. Fr C0'!'ty clerk a better selection could not have been in. nli' than the nominee, Frank I)u -knoll. Willi bis experience as dep ulyclerk. his fine natural business prililications bis integrity and ex habits makes liiui, indeed, emi nently fitted for the position. In the nominee for county treasu ri r, L. ('. Kit khotT, we have a man to whom the financial altairs of Hie county may be entrusted with per fect salety. Mr. F.ickholf lias lor many Nvitrs been our" of our fore most fanners, a man whose integri ty is above ((iieslion and his popu larity with all classes will make him mi exeeedinuly strong candi date. (;.- K.,,,,i i.r k',ek lllufTs. isat-o a practical farmer, a staunch rTti lu, in and a thoroughly hone coniietent and strong candid. lie. Calvin K'ussil. of AVcepinj Water, nominee for county judge, is too well and favorably know to call for special comment at this-time. II lias alreadv filled the ollice, to which his party desires to elect him, to the entire satisfaction of his constituents. His fitness for the position isabove question and his popularity with all parties and sections will make him u strong candidate. A. Salisbury, nominee for clerk of the district court, one of our most prominent dentists, has won an en viable reputation, not only profes sionally but personally, and with his line business qualities, genial ity ami sterling integrity he will make a successful run uud perform the exacting duties of the office to w hich he aspires faithfully and well J. K. I-yda, of Weeping Water, nominee for superintendent of schools, though a young man, has been a live, progressive teacher for several years. This is truly a case in which the office sought the man, as Mr. Leyda hadno intimation that hi s friends would present his name until a few moments before the vote was taken. His friends had considered well his availability and concluded that a stronger man could not be found. The nomination of J. 1. Unruh, of I'lattsmuoth, for corner, to succeed himself will give general satisfac tion. During the year in which tie has filled the position, he has proved himself a thoroughly com petent ready officer and justly en titled to the position another term. Mr. Unruh will be a strong candi date. A. C. Mayes, our present county surveyor, will be re-elected to tlfr position that he has so ably filled in the past. A stronger candidate could not have been secured. A. B. Todd named by the first commissioner district, for re noinination to the office of county commissioner, is thoroughly known throughout the county as an effi cient, upright and able officer. The election of Mr. Todd might as well have been made unanimous at once. These are ( the names placed be fore the voters of Casii county, by the republican on the ticket is well known to our readers, hence we are nut entering litis campaign blindly. But there is a work for every member of the party to do, in order to make its election, absolutely certain. I-et us remember the admonition of our newly elected chairman of the central committee when he said "go home with a bur den arid a responsibility and work until the ticket is elected." Will we do it? BKFOKR the democratic slate con vention convened at Grand Island, the democratic press, particularly our home organ, was loud in its denunciations of Bwyd'tt veto of the Newberry freight bill, but since the bosses have been heard from and it hfiS ('( k settled fact that the party will uphold Boyd's action, these papers have maintained a silence in the matter that is really surprising. Doe it mean that (bene paper propose lo surrender all independence in the matter, cease to advocate a course that they really believe would be to the interest of the people and even ad ovcate directly the opposite view, regardless of their honest convic tions, simply to satisfy party bosses? These party newspapers were directed doubtless, by declara tions of party platforms in tnepast; but surely in the fare of the usual neglect to fulfil party pledges, these papers, the editors of which ure well acquainted with democratic methods, should be careful to ad vance no sentiment concerning n question of general concern, until the crowd lias been heard from. THE republican state convention meets at Lincoln next Thursday. - Gtsil) crops always indicate the success of the republican ticket. Kkkp in the mibdle of the road. Some of the most startling, in tcrsting disco veries of the life and customs of buried Fgypt are now being made through extensiveexca vattions. These discoveries are exciting a great interest. Many discoveries lire, however, being made in our country that are re- markable, among which we may mention that id Mailer's Tain I'nra ly.er which elfccts entire relief, and in many rases a complete cure oi that terrible disease rheumatism, Hint which also relieves pain of all kinds. For sale by all druggists. SPEAK NO ILL. -Nuv. "iH-nh ho ill. ti kiurliy word 4itUl In-W'l iimr it Mm.. Ih lilli'l. A ; i I oh: to O'ciiIm' ,'. ii'li l.il- i i 1 ' , lii-ant I-tor Im-iii-iiIIi it iioMt- mm. I full on a t,i n r -v-,-,1 u n 11) 4 l 4-i- tllll I.lll ti'l I'lllll t-or II loil 1 1 1 1 1,- l' i 1 1 kno it Still 1,-1 n ,,K llir Im-,1 VV,- l llll ,- no- the Im in t I !,;-! I.i.ri ' i"i!-l lll-li- iiiii'l li,,i; in,"' h--r'- I. mil f,.ii- v. Il i .i.i II 'l- -ii:l- leim iti ll t in 'loin.ft,- hlllio,!,;!) 1,111 lulne? No, 1,-L u r-iirii a hlutii-r mooiL A nohirt I'-tiinau- of imtii; Ik t-iirin-.t 111 tliti iM-Jirrll lor Rood, And iM-nk of all tut In,i we can. Tlirn avnk no 111. Out lenient be To otner'a failing. iu your ow n. If you're the Aral fault to ie. tie not the Mr.l to uuike It known. For life It but a pruialnit day; No lipn may tell how ahort In apan. Then, ohl the lit! la time we alar. Left apeak of all tne lo-nt we can. -Once a Week. Ante and Their t'aea. During twelve months gpent In the Australian ctdoniea in the year 1370-1 I bad more ojiportunitiue titan wore plena ant of studying the habits of ante These insects, as is well known, are not only a nuisance, bat an absolute pmt in hot countries. They march in myriads and destroy everything in their road In justice to the ants, I am bonml, how ever, to admit that 1 have found them uaeful in more ways than one. For in stance, 1 bought an ojiowitim hkin rug from a native. 1 soon became painfully aware of the fact that it literally swarmed with fleas and other vermin In vain did 1 exhaust my stock of pepper Even turpentine teemed to have no effect beyond increasing the reckling activity of these irritating rvtth-m. At last in desiwtir 1 threw mv nig down on an unt hill. In h-ss than half an hour every Ilea and "Meetionable parasite was euten. bat the rug wa fall of ants 1 therefore hung it on a ml- tnofii bm-h, and as soon as the anta found they were suspended thev has tened to leave the mg and descended by the bush as best they could. Again. I had killed a snake in Tas mania and wiahed to clean and tleacb the skeleton, which 1 Intended to have mounted as a necklace. 1 left the body near an ants' nest. In a few hours there was not a vestige of flesh on the hone. The sun soon did the nt. Gentleman's Magazine. tilrle la Vermont's Celebration. The most beautiful feature of Ver mont's centennial celebration at Ben nington was the triumphal arch, a uxaaa ive structure, at leant thirty-five feet high. In iu lofty turret was a throne of gold and national colon, occupied by 11 1 as Lulie Adams, of Bennington, robed as the Goddeaeof Liberty Juot below on the top of the arch, were 133 prut. elected from the public schools, clad in pure white and with flowing hair, who ang patriotic songs accooirn:ed by a cornet, as the parade pawed beneath the archway. Below these the arm arcbes were filled with maidens, bearing In their hands banners emblazoned in gold and colors with the various coat of anna of the states. At the banqnet many notable ladies were prewnnt, and the tables were served in part by 800 young women in white. Boston Wom an's Journal. Neighbors and Svelal Belatioua. While it is pleasant to have neighbors with whom we are on familiar social re lations, the fact that we are neighbors merely is no reeon why such relation should exist Certainly no oue has any reason to be offended if a neighbor choose to live in retirement, or doea uot return obsequious calls. Too many of the calls on new neighbors, which are considered a social duty in many dis tricts of the country, are simply prying errand b see if the parlor carpet U genuine Brunsels or rag, or whether the new neighbor keep her hair In curl paper at calling hour, or is a good manager or a hopeless slattern, or some thing else, which is no possible concern of the caller. New York Tribune. Coina Show 1 bat the Umbrella Is Old. On coins in the rock carvings of tit ancient the nmbreila often shows i La familiar form.. Tb is goes to prove that Jonas Han way did not invent the um brella, but he saw the value of the east ern sunshade, and soon it became the fashion to carry this useful article. Tnere must be great difTreiM butween the umbrella of the eighteenth century and the modern steel ribbed, silk cov ered, slender article which Is regarded a a misfortune to get wet Irish Time, He Knew. A voting woman was trading In a stationer's shop and the eldurly proprietor suddenly asked: "And when dire the weddirg take place?" "The wedding? Why, you don't think" the fair customer blushed and hwi tated. "Ah, miss, when young Indie buy a hundred sheets of paper and only twenty- five envelope, know there is some- thliiu iu the wind. Exchangs. It i a great deal easier to see allevia tions and to apply philistopliical consola tions in the uusi of a fnetid's trouble than In our own. The one and only form of consolation which Is mil vernal ly true and applicable is that "it might be worw." There is no conceivable case so bad that this may not truly be said of it. Aluminium has been suggested a a material for coins, but there are objec tions to it It bus always a greasy feel, due to the presence of a slight but un avoidable film of oxide of aliiiniriituu over IU surface. A remedy for creaking hinges is mut ton tallow rubbed on the joint A great many locks that rufuse to do their work are simply rusted and will be all right if carefully oiled. Large Englisli walnnt shell are fre quently mounted with hinge and used as ornamental cast for lings, jewel and miniature article for present. ARK a No Excuse for not having a Home ol Your Own. Put What you are paying out for Rent Into a home. 7 per cent money for persons wishing to build in South Park. Look, to the Future and invest now in South Pcjrk. I HE OPPORTUNIIY OF A LIFE TIME. Among other redsuns why it is belter to invent in Smith 1'iirk tluin elsewhere in the city, lire these: I'ropcrty is more Htileable if you wish to Hell, more rentable if you wish to rent; if looking for an in crease in value, no other part of the city will compare with it in proxpect The ."Mb ward cmnpowed largely of South I'ark, less than three yearn ago could hardly muster up u vote at the last general election the vote was :w uud all were not polled. It lias been lese than two years since the city invited tia into the corpor ate limits, yet we have over one hun dred newly built house ond others. in proccm of construction, owned, with few exceptions, by the parties now living in them. Thirt part of the city has a More water mains, electric arc lights, church and hcIiooI privclcdgen and a new church edifice just erected of which the whole city ie proud. MattsmniithV steady growth for five eats past almost doubling its population; the advance stand it has taken regarding public im provements, the certainty of a new &N0,il court house; the completion1 of the nre.it Missouri I'acilic rail way into this city, giving us anoth er great trunk line and competing market; the constant increasing pay roll of the C. H. A J. shopH, to pettier with many other well known reasons, assure a steady and perma nent advance iu realty, which will doubtless effect South Turk more favorably than any other portion of i'lattdmouth. ' With a tit w to tlit Hitxiurttyniirul uf u at ill jrKittr yruwth of this jxirl uf IU lit j, Ifle mill wuli inu In tell luU on tnntitlily piiymi-titii, furnish mowy with trhuh f ernt hnimei will cr- ihunijt lot fur othrr tmjirnrnl i-ity jiiojh rty or fur ileniralilf imjrnrl or unimproved InwU. It is not so much tin- speculator art the permanent resident that we wish to purchase this dieirable property. Out of over hli,li l v pres ent owners of South I'ark property none ure speculators hence there ure no fictitou value ami lots; are selling at about the price they were immediatly titter it was platted-n strong argument why the present is a most desirable time for investments. Much nildi tinnal information regarding South I'ark may be had by calling lit my office on Main Htreet over M, ink of Chsd County. It. B. WINDHAM C. MAY KS (.'tit N I V - SI, It V V. ll I; AM, civil. i;.(;ini;i;k' A count)' i-li-ik k he Htli-llili-d til nl-TICR IN IDl k'T lint si-.. I'latt-inoiith, - - Nebraska I L I.II S I'Kl'I'KKUKRC. MANl'r Al Tl UK ,S AND u.'i:o: ;:::": t. ;i;n fi:tw HI-At HI IK THK CIIOK i;Sf H HANDS OF CM.AHS mi 1. I.I.N k or TOH.UIO AVI) SMOKI ES ARTICLES always iu stock - o - - -I'lattsmouth, - Nebrassa IKST : NATIONAL : HANK OF PI.ATTMMOl III, NKhHAriKa. Paid up capital .. iurnlua . S.vi.mo.oo . lu.uuo.u, U!!er the trerr be.l farllltlea lur the pruuip iraiuaciiuu ui ukioj"ii Biiiikiug Business 0tKk, bonru, uld, Rorernment and lical nritlei tsuiKht and sold. Ieplu received and mtrreat alloeeil on the eertlflcate Pratt drawn, available In any part u( the I'tilleJ Stale and all the principal Wwus ol lurope. 0OU.BCT1OI.S HAD! ANB FMOMPTLT REHIT- 1Bi. HlKbeat market price paid lur Cuuutjr War rants, Htale ana County bunds. DIKKCTOlUi John Pitr.Kerald D. ilawi.wurtb Haio WauKh. K. B. While (ieorge B. Dorey John FtUfc-erald. . 8. Wauxh. President tare. JIIK CD U.-..S H XK. rLAITiMOl'T II NKHKAHKA Oayllal stork paid In W Authorned Capital, 1100,000. urricaa f HANK CAKKUTH. JUM. A. CtNOIl, Presldeut. Vlce-Preai-leiii W. B. OL'HHINl. Ce-hier. DiaaoToa fraii k ( arrutb J. A. Connor, V. U. (iutnuiani I. W. JohDou, Henry BiKk.JohaO'Keete W. D. Msmam. Wra. WeUneamp, W. II. CuslCK. TRANSACTS:! GENERAL BANIING B0S1NES siieeeeitltlcale. of deswiti beartnit Interest . Buvs and lelli eichanKe. county and elty .i.mii B AN K OF CASS COl'NTY for Main and Ktfth aireet. aid up capital Sutplua s.O OFFICERS 0. II Parnele Preeldetil Pred (iorder Vice Preeiilant 1. M. Paltenstn ( ashelr T. M. Pattenion, At taeblel DIRECTORS I), li. Pannele, J, M I'ittrnon, Pea linrder. A, H. Hiniih, K. 11. Wlndhaui, H. 8. Kamiey and T. M PaiUiraun a GENERAL BASX1NC BU3IBL8S TRAH8ATED Aecniint villrlted. laiereat allowed os time lepiralla and pfmiiirt aitentloujlreu to all bus iuims eutriuted to Its care. MEAT MARKET " SIXTH HTITF.KI F. II. KLLKNHAl'M. I'rop. The best of fresh meut always found in this market. Also fresh F.gK and Mutter. Wibl game of all kinds kept in their EAT MARKET! 'PUCKER SISTERS. IAKKVA PI' IX LINK OP fKLLt-HhHt AND FmFNCH Kl-OWKHS, We also hate a Un-si makliiK departmeiit. Hat- lafactlun Knaranleed. SUHkWOODS'KJWK. 1't.A'l THMOU1H Chamborlain'a Era and fSTrin Ointment. A cdrtnln aire (or Chronlo Bore Eye, Totter, Kail Khoum, Bcali Head, Old ChroDlo Boro, Fever Bores, Eczema, Itch, Prairie Bcratchet, Sore Klpplca and Pile. It I ooolinjr and footblos. IIundredo( case have bcoa cured by It alter all other treatment bad failed, A. 1v)HIL!P THEIROLF Huh 0()tif'l up The rirst. M"r,D'8t, - Cor-ifHt f SALOON j in Tin; city ' W here may be found choice wines . t I il ltni'H and cigars. i ANHKl'SKH MI SCII UKKH. J a.m. r hass' alf; Winn-; laiikl, i alwnyn on hand. COKXhtY OP MAIN AND Ptil KI H 8T. t. PKTKISE THE LEADINO GROC ER HAS THE MOST COMPLETE STOCK IN THE CITY, EVESiTH::J - FFaKH - AND - IN - BEA. ATTE.VTIO.V FAirHEka I want your lJoultrv. V. tMfftl Milt. ter and your farm produce of nil kindM, I will pay you the highest cash price as I am buying Tor a firn in Lincoln. B. PETERSEN, THK LEADING GROCER I'lattHtiiouth Nebraska p J. H A N S K N OKAt.IR IN STAPLE AND FANCY QK0CEIUES, GLASS A1SL I cr QUEENSWAUE j i MtrouHg I tin1. Puhle Solicited, jj JOHNSON EUILDINGN SillUHSt TTOKNIY A LAW. WINDHAM & DA VIES. a. B. WINDHAM. JOHN A. DAVIKH Notary 1'iilillc Nutary Pubib) Omce over Hank of ( ae County Plattamoutb - NeWaaba TTORNKV A. N. SULLIVAN. Attorney aUUw. Will kits prompt attention to all hnelneea entrnled to him. omee Iu Uuiua Mu. k, taxt Side, Plitmouui.Neb. JCTEW HARDWARE STORE S. K. HALL A SON Keep all kinds of builders hardware on baud and lll mpply cmitrnrton oa nioat Ia orable terms TIN" ROOFING HullnK and alt kind of tin si irk promptly oue. Order Iroin Hie eountry Huddled. S16 feaal HI. I'LATTMMUUTII, NEB. Lumber Yard THE OLD RELIABLE. II. A, WATERHAN & SON Hbingli, Lath, Haab, Doors. Blind Can lupply evorw demand of tbo city. Call and gut terms. Fourth street in roar of opera house, PI LI BER : 1 2 u M r yt an ... In r r4h U la put op la S3 and w cent Iwjw.