Pkttsmouth Dailv Herald!. 9 FIFTH YEAR. PLATT8M0UTII, NEBRASKA. TUESDAY iSMHi.U'l R 22 1891 NUMBER 9 . hi Vot i ;e,( ' IS' in 8 n r J - i POVMil Absolutoly Puro. A cream of tartar linking owIit. bent of all ill leavening Htrrntll. I atent 1'. S. ( ioveriiment Food Re- ,R. A, SALSBUnY - : I) K-N-T-I S T :-r UU AXI I'OKt KI.AIN t'KDWNH. . mfitmava miit-niit-iit! fi-rtiifl iiiiitlPM ex- ll.ti'llub Hi IfHil. Fine Gold Work n Specialty, kwiiufl Work riitttmiKMitti. Nelt 1 3 POLLOCK R V HTERS XeUrjr I'ubllr & Aliiiim-tfr Hullfltor 1 Eatatn, Loao and lDnrnc Agent yon have real entitle to nell or tnge nend un description, rice i-riiiH. siotH of title furninhed xt rean tumble riitcn. o) to liinti lit V- percent ml no comminnion, on good farm necurity. POLLOCK A HYF.RS i'LATTHMOl Til KH. ' Ofllr utiilT ("m" ( oiinty Hunk. 1P AWSON A PKARCE HAVE kKl MVKII i Hut A lot of Itf w f,tf (.Inn coiitf Ln- llala J ib ilia ami (r I. lht-)r intra a full ituv til hMtiy h'HMl-mitl III n' dn 1 1 cU.ik i.hl miM'k out liavo re altera iii'tr ir niiir rial to i nn in ' 7!t rt"ta irtiniiiMl, iMiss scmYLF.R, trimmkr. 11 U!JITrriSTK.Y ""'if : v A,X ' (101.11 AND POIK'KI.AIS CROWNM -'. Bridffo work and duo gold work SPECIALTY. jfi i HTKINAlo LOCAL tu orll m otrinrlai. I; .xtlmtlrxKltirii furthc (inlmctrclliia of II ,, Kflh, MAIWHALL, FiUgewhl P'' V PF.HSONAL '. J'. Decker, of I'niofi, in in I lie 'y, to-day. , ( I'ritnk Ciirnitli wiih h panneiigcr on No. 3 went Hi in morning. V'ave Allen of Anhland came in in inc Schuyler thin mnrninjf S-tni I'atternori wiih h HHHcn,.r "r Oiniihii on No. S lliix inorniiik; torney Allen Ki'i-hoii Ih in Lin " ' lo-dny iiltfndinn Hiiprt-inc OMlt I I Strti(lit, nfter viitiii(f relit J iv. ii nd friend h few diiyw. re- 1 tli im tiiorniiiK to Alliniice. it (iiipen, who now liven Ht k, N'eli., ciuiie in yeNtrrdiiy to Id Htiimpirir (rrotindH on h . Kit liarilntni in running the t iintl I'lirilif Jiineiioii freight fondurtor J. N. Durily in ny. f. Attorney t'.S. folk in in Lin i day on lejnl IxiHineHH. M. tniriNiictinjf liliHineMM it t the larini' hiii utmi'iiri. ... i. Id, . i - - - n tt'm. Ilriiiiliier, of Olenwood, i . ......... .. ..i...-. .i ... n pntiri nine wun re r iti vi iind fr'i.itila t. .... ... n ... tinn t iij re inie-l home thin morning. ( liiix. NiiMkiim tiirtfil for Denver U nKirniiijf for ii two or three ' rent. He hone,. the will benefit hilt Ih-hKIi. : tirillith, TlIK IlKWALn'S pop. r ) l priater, Im-onfined to hin to dny with choleru inorhim. ' he will he out Moitn mitt ! ' purfinent of TlIK il lie running In full hlunt. JOHN FITZCSEH ALDS CON DITION. A Thoroughly Rellnbla Plntemanl From lha Attending Ph$lrlHna Owinr to the jireviilence of ho ninny contritdictory riimiirn eon. ceruinr the illneHM of linn. John F'it.nenild, ii Joiiriini reprem-iitiitive hiiH elictetl the fulliiwin opinion from Ir. Col'fmiin of Oimih.i, viz: Tluit Mr. Fil.Kfritld will reeover. At prenent nil itctive Hjiuptomn have paMftfd; he in entirely con HcioiiM ii ii 1 rit'iiiiit'H and talks in telligently with hi friendn, who are permitted to vinit him. lie i- Hlill. however in il very feehle Hlnle of healOi from the result of cerehral connection. The opinion of Mr. Colfiiian i.s concurretl in hy Dr. (iitrnett of Hot SprinH, Ark. , who in here in coiiHiiltntinn with him. - Lincoln journal. Prof Ewlntf in Troutiln. I'rof. C. ('. lwinn, formerly (earlier in Kathliun'M HiiHincHM College ofOmah, who wiih expected tl iinsllllie llllllloll of the llllHillCHH courne in our public hcIiooIh, be ginning Oct. Tilli, wan iirrt'Hteil I.ihI eveiiing, on complaint of one of bin former pupilw, charin him with betraying her. At ttiiH writing it in impoHMible to Mtatt:, uuthoritatively, ii H to the guilt of the necuxed, but it in truly hoped that the truth will be known and jiiHtice mi led out. We ore informed by the board that he will not be permitted to proceed with Iiih work in the schoolH, an wan originally intended, let developments be iih they may. In all probability, other arrange mentH will be made, by which the biinincHH cour.ic may yet be eKtab linhed mid tiiaititiiined. H Found Wlut &ha Wuntntl. "Tit monn I'll rxplunt In t Mg lutllixm, And trrk fur lit dihkic Ire-, Kor lt fruit will itlvit you rlrrnal y nut h - "Ihnt'n not lmt I want." tnld h Hf wrung bin hand Hi wild deipalr. Aa hi It'll oi bin lifiidttd knrn Oh I HhHt thall I dn? Hli.ll I kill ihv.cir.'" "Thafn not what I want," t.ild he 'Then, maiden liilr, whoiii I lot In denpalr, To your KreatfH l"h I'll aK'ree , Hliall I whip JoliD I. and make him bowl?" "That' nut what 1 want," !J i!.. Ihfli the nitinle a mile from her lovi-lv III" Hw (iouIIiik, r d, and pine. "II! m.arr7 jroti. dear, If jrou'il buy ine ii pair of thorn- fine li.ind tiirneil H Hhoert that W. A. Hoeck ft to. have now -for Ibirty tbiyn only retluced to $.t.!"0. They are beautieH for the money." A Sad AfUir Mm. Jan. JoIhihoii, of Weeping Water, well known to many of our people, met with a fatal accident at Lincoln yeHterday. Mm, JoIhihoii, accompanied by friendn, wiih re turning from a drive, when the horHt'H becume frightened nt an electric car ami proceeded to run. Mr-t. JoIhihoii became alarmed and jumped from the vehicle, Mriking her head upon the pavement, from the clfectH of which mIic died in a few bourn. The funeral will take place at Weeping Water to day. A New Eniarprine We have received a Hiiinple copy of the firnt innue of The Alvo Advo cate, n iiewn paper to be ptililiwlietl by the Alvo riiblihing Company. The paper is n nix column folio, nlartn out with a paying lint of ad vertinern and on the whole prenentn a creditable appearance. It in the wirihea of TlIK IlKKALK that nuccenn may Httend the etfttrtn of the pub. linhern. . To give hair a beautiful, gloeny and luxuriant gruth' try Iteggn' Hair Kenewer. Sold by Itrown A Harrett. THE BEAUTIFUL Oleographs (JIVKN Willi each $10 worth of goods at 'The Fit'r nro not "Daubs" hut rail artists productions. Sec 'our :, 10 and 25 (eiitfounttTsfor Bargains K. F. KSCIIKH I'KOI' Prttnitnnn AWHnluil. The following in a partial Iih! of iiwariln msitle at the recent Chhh county fair: C AN.NHI) Kkt'lT, I'll hl.i;s, JKI.LV.H. Mm. H. Kikenbary, riattHinouth precinct, thirty-nine liret premiuuiH, twenty-two Hecond premiuuiH. Mrn. U. Dean, Murray, twenty two firnt premiumM, thirteen necond ireniiuiiiH. Af'I'l.CS. Jon. Slierji, K'oek HIiiHh, nix lirnt ami neven Hecond premiumn. II. llt'Htor, I'latlsmouth precinct, two Hecond premiums. I). A. Young, I 'hit t -tinoiil li precinct, live Hecond premiuuiH. C'hiiH. Iv. Cook, I'lallnmtiiilli pre cinct, one firnt premium. Henry Wolf, I'liioii, one lit-l premium. K. U. Todrl, l'!;itt-.iii..iilli piei iiu t, one lilt-1 anil one Hecond premium. I.' v i t liurcliill, I'laltnmtiiilli, nix lirnt ii ii 1 neven necontl premiuuiH. li. V. Dean, Murniy, eight lirntaiid neven necond prrniiiiniH. W. F. Moore, Murray, eleven firnt and nine necond premiumM. Sam'l. Richardnon, F.ight Mile ("irove precinct, neven necond ami ami two firnt premiumM. Will Kichardnon, Mt. rieanant precinct, two firnt preiniiimn. Jacob V'allery, Jr., I'lattnmoulli precinct, neven necond mid two firnt preiniuniH. (J. S. I'pton, I'niori, one firnt pre mium. Henry Mertinn, I'lattnmoiith pre cinct, one firnt and four necond pre miuuiH. H. C. McMaken, riattHinoulh, one firnt and eleven necond premiuuiH. J. W. Thom.-in, riattnmouth, lirnt and necontl premium on crab ilppll'H, KAKM I'koltl't Ts. J. W. ThomiiH, riattnintiiith, bent aHHortment of potatoen, fir.-t (ire mium; bent peck of tomaloen, nec ontl premium. K. F'. Dean, Murray, bent one-half luinhel beetn, bent nix head cab bage, bent annortiiieut of potatoen, bent waler melon, each tirnt pre mium. John Clnilfaiil, I'iiioii, bent tifty earn corn, necontl premium. C. He tiger, I 'Li ( t mil ion i ii, bent one half 'umbel oiitn, npring white heart, bent annortmelit beann, each firnt premium. J II. Decker, I'lattnmoiith, bent one-half bunhel barley, bent rhu barb, each firnt premium. W. U. Murray, I'hitlnriiouth pre cinct, bent fifty earn white corn, firnt premium. I). A. Young, I'laltnmoutli. ntpianhen, firnt premium. F". M. Young, bent titty earn com, (except white), firnt premium. W. F. Moore, Murray, bent one half bunhel Irmh potatoen, firnt premium. A. M. Holme, Rock llluffn, bent one half bunhel fall wheat, firnt premium; nl.-to firnt premium on timothy need. II. C McMaken, nweet potatoe, first premium. J. Deckinaii, Murray, bent fifty earn white corn, firnt premium. W. K. Murray, nweepntiiken on bent and (urgent tlinplay of farm product. Mm. A. M. Holtnen, Rock Hluff. best five pound butter, firnt pre mium. Mm. Win. Taylor, Rock Itluffn, bent five pound butter, necond premium. (.KAl'KM. H. ('. McMaken, one Necontl ami ten firnt premium. li. Todd, firt premium on bent live bunt hen. W. H. Robert, one necontl and two limt premium. Jacob Vnllery, Jr., two necontl and two tirnt premium. W. H. Robert, bent tlinplay of fruit, lire! premium. 1 1 K K A I . T. M. Warne, I'm bent loaf wheat bread, bent loaf com bread, bent loaf graham bread, each firnt premium. A SOCIAL EVEIST On hint Siiturtlay eveninir a num. ber of the young people gathered nt the home of J. F. Kaufman to attend a party given iu.honorof Minn 1iui Mngpiel of Haiicroft, Neb. The young people made themnelve. per fectly ut home and vpent h very en- Joyahle evening playing high five and eating the delicate refrenh- nieiitn w hich were nerved by the lion ten. At a late hour nil departed, pronouncing Mr. ami Mm. Kaufman tho niont charming of entertainers. -Avoch hnterprine. Now in good time to tmbacribe for Tub An Fiil-.-riiriHinn ( 'I he grand fall iiiieniiiir as urevi ounly announced to lake place at 4 1...... f im- -one price clothier" eHtahlinh ment lant evening at 8 o'clock, proved an occanioii of coriHiderabh interent. The proprietor had pro vided gootl munic for the occanioii Hiui; each pernon in the great pro cennion that filed through tht-Hlore room wa prenenletl with a beiiufi fill nouvenir, with the compliment ol Hie genial proprietor, Joe Klein. It in evident that thiHCHt.ihlinliuifiii will continue to take front runk iimorig our t lolliiern. The Htock i complete, embracing every enntin- lial article in the line ol clothing, aim price are nhvayH reasonable .' A Bui Sun I ) the district court, of LanciiHter county the cane of Fit.cer.'ibl I Mallory v. the M. p. R. R. w.i illetl in the court yesterday. i-e involves I, .')()( 1,1, IK). Tin well I'alronizod "Uravinif the Wfrhl" w;im ren dered last evening in the prenenee of ii large and apparently apprecia tive audience. The company liana three night' engagement at thin place, concluding Wcdni'Hday. The company will prenent "My Gcrladinc" to-night. The company tloubtlen will again be greeted with a full house. To Col Clmumr. All those that tlo not nettle their latt season' coal hill with me by the Mill of Oct. next will not expect to have any aecomitlationn from mi' thin neanoii of course. Ollice anil yard 401 South Third ntrect. Telephone, IX I nl way try to have a full line of all grade of coal on hanil. t' Timothy Clank. I'l.illsmnuth, Sept. 22, IMll. LhwI to Hot Tfie funeral of Mr. and Mr. Frank Dickson' Utile child took place nt the rcMidcnce of Mayor Richey thin afternoon at 1! o'clock, Rev.Duckner officiating. The nfllicted parentit luive the nympalhy of their neigh bor, and friends in thi time of mid bereavement. P.itr.iilrm Mn Mnl The Husiui sh Men' Association will me, iii K. of V. hall Friday evening, Sept. '.':-(. It in highly im portant that every btisine- nuin be prenent, as a plan i on foot by which Ihe advantage of our town ami Htirronmliiig country may be advertised mid brought before the people. Thi in a matter in which all are intc rented ami it behoove every one to be prenent. A tllny mi pful Row. Limt evening Andy llroback, bar keeper at "White" naloon, ami David Wt llengdi ien, a Swede living near Louinville, indulged in a battle of wort), ami finally con. nitlermg tin too mild, they went into the treet and engaged iua band to hand fight. The only nurprine i that we tlo not have more of thi ne disgraceful brawls, when thene gapping tloor wayn of hell are per mitted to dinpeiine thi poinotloilM nlull to the people. The com bat anta were marched up to Juntice Archer' court, upon complaint of Jack Denon, and the contH to each, including the fine, wanfll. M E Confarenca. The M. F conference of N'ebranka nieetn at Lincoln to-morrow, at 1) u. m.. in the St. Paul church. Thf conference in expected to be one of IntereMt iih I m y and inininterinl dele- gaien Hre 10 tie ciccitMl. II will He in amnion one week. I.tishop (lootlsel will prenitle ami preach Sunday morning. Ihe II. A M. will nell ticket atone antl a (bird hire on the certiflcnte plan. Ouite a number of our people contemplate unend ing. From TlIK IlKK Vl.l we learn that a Hiisines Department will tiroh- ably be ''added to the I'lattsmuuth nchotd. Anide from the onliuary coiniiiou nt hool branche there in nothing no essentia! to tin- young man starting out in life, ana perfect knowledge of Hook keeping, and the various form of legal antl buni iichh article. I'etiniiinnhip, in not given the attention in our schools it demand, and frequently young men ami women who are fairly well educated, write letter) which can hardly be rend. We are glatl to notice thin evidence of go-it hendi tivenen in the PlnttHiiiouth nchool antl hope the "IhiniuenM Depart ment" may become a reality. -Murray Haiinrr. Mrn. J. W. Hridgu and aiater, Mrs. Rhinehart. returneil from Peru. Neb., hint night, Mrn. Iiridge ban been vbiiting there for a month and her sinter accompanied her home. IDSUMJIER CLEAUAKCE SALEf" at r liiiAflINjT'S i v In onlcr to reduce stock to irmko room lor our fall pure Iris,. we , ,nHt clone out the balance of our .Summer .tuck a Ijl mI.1l. U nmenc.n.r to dajr wc will ofler our entire line of Ji it goodi, einliroitleriesihiuiiciiigsaiid all overs At 20 lcr CVnt DIk-ouiiI From LV-uliir Price, ladics rummer vests at 8c regular7octy Jadies summer vests at ICe Jadies black and fancy ribbed vests 25c worth 35c. hhthMlmf7Eilm cotton vests at Ladies silk mixed Jadias silk vests at 2Jerse5snt' 0" aH g0 per cent dicsount Vila"!1 i- r,'1,"'V1 " 5 c,'n,s l",r i,r1- regular Klac quallity .MoiiHHcl.iied.' India reduced to lie per yard. We Itliike tllisolTer iii i,r,..r ... porchiiHe if in want of any of Ihe i.bive'gotX1 HMKMUFK a unn na,e a they are the lowent price quoted thin Reanon, F. HERRMANN ONE DOOR EAST FJHST NATIONAL. TIME HAS COME W h e n y o u hhollld lie-in to think ahoiityoiir full uiitlcrwear. We have jiiHt re ceived ton omen of Indie, chil dren, tnen, and hoys underwear direct from u inanufiic t u r e r who whs need iii money and wan willing to SPECIAL OFFERS &titfinl F'i thildrens ull wool Scarlet Shirt antl drawer, al v. jH I 111 I 11 vF X Hj7A.M running large enough to fit a child twelve yearn old. ONLY Xk KACII. JnAOt'll IVa Chihlrenn heavy natural wool colored Shirt OJKJlyltll XlU iw and Drawer running in name nizen an the near let only 2.1 cln a garment. You can't afford to buy the cloth to make your children underwear when we can nell you them ready made no cheap. JnfPinl Nfi tn8 ex,ra Iieavy ribbed natural wool colored 0IUtIdl UUj Hhirtn and drawem all Bite only :l ctn KACH. SnOPIll Nrt l ,,eavy nirino Shirt and Drawers, Silk 3lllltl )f X trimmed, a very nice garment, that in univemally nobl at.V) ct; We nell at 30 ctn KACII. Special Floor Oil Cloth -Bargains Z2V Move, etc at only 2Th- per square, denignn and width. Ubnkets or lied Comforts ";; "y ve,,,, rail ami we will nurprine you with riricen. We have them to uit anyone pickellKk and will give good value for your money. Dost Enffli New Stock of, Shoes Just Eecoivcd. During the lunt week we have received from New Lughmtl fnetoricn a-.i canen of Ladien, Minnen, Children, Men and boy nl,,,,., h,oi1k them are unprecedentetl bargain, (.'all and nee u. and let un nhow you how cheap, jolid aerviceable a nhoe can W noltl WM regular. 15 quality. vests at 6oc, was a bar- $1, reduced from $1.25, ladiGS Shirt waists and' on all our silk umbrellas ....i ... . dir-pone of part of thin years pro duet of hi mill at a HHerifiee, li ih inintortune win our opjiortunity and we bought the good at lens than their ac tual value, to nfart tliiri under wear we intend to make some TO EAHU BUYERS th for' under yard. We have it in neveral different LinOleUm 0'"c,'ntHnmll"m'',lr, A -pecial bar gain at the price. HEROLD & SON. L If