The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, September 21, 1891, Image 4

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    A Csnln Trasdmill.
"Churn dog" stories are slwavs In
w-r. A city man who used to live ou
farm, as so many city uibii did when
they were boys, semis us this: "At home
" the farm we bad a number of cows.
idhtiv that churning was too heavy a
task f,r ev-n the men Mr I.
nwl up a dog churn, an Inclined whet I.
sort of canine treadmill. It twnme
the duty of Potito, a lnrge whita tuusuir.
to tread that monotonous cycle, and uot--iinUiidinj
tliH toothsome bit of uiwit
that was fastened on a lath within four
inches of In now, he was not at all
proud of hi poMtiou aud responmbility.
He made several attempts to shirk bis
t.vk, and twice succeeded, lie got to
know when churning day came around
s well as uny one in the house.
"On the morning of that day he would
loiter about the kitcheu door until he
was fed. and as soon as he heard the
note of preparation the bringing of the
cteani Jngs. preparing the churn, etc. he
w ould pat fur the wood and would not
bo seen a-aiu until uight. The duy of
churning wm chanced, and next morn
ing a Inure crestfallen and astonished
dog was never seen when he was collared
and harnessed to llie beam which set the
Uii i.. mot-.!:!:: he lucked positively fool
ish. He ilid his work, but with lowered
head, anil In cogitation evidently.
"Ou another occasion he tried another
dodge. W'heu they were about to put
him on the wheel he ran op to his mis
tress, holding up one paw, affecting to
he lame. She thonght much of the dog,
and was inclined to let him off that
day. The next instant he was seen
charging over a high fence af:er a neigh
bors cat Well." said the old lady, 'if
be can go ufr a cat like that he is able
to churn. And he did, and never tried
to shirk his work again." Forest and
frit ream
Finely Hil 'frn Art Nat-rout.
Finely bre-J. intelligent horses are
often very nervuua. They are quick to
notice, quick to lane alarm, quick to do
what seems to them, in moiueuts of sud
den terror, necessary to escape from ris
sible harm, from something they do not
understand. That is what makes them
hy, bolt and run away. . We cannot
tell what awful suggestions strange
things offer to their minds. For aught
can tell, a sheet of white paper in
the road may seem to the nervous horse
a yawning chasm; the open front of a
baby carnage, the jaws of a dragon
ready to devour him, and a man on a
bicycle some terrifying sort of a flying
deviJ without wings. Dut we find that
the moment he becomes familiar with
those things, or any other tliat affright
him, and know what they are, he grows
indifferent to tiiera.
J"Tt"r"' " nn '"r horse shies at
anything make him acquainted with it.
let him smell it, touch it with bis sensi
tive npper lip and look closely at it. Ue
tneinber, too. that you must familiarize
both sides of him with the dreaded ob
ject. If he only examines it r-ith the
near nostril and eye he will bev.ylikilr
to scare at it when it appears on his off
side. Jy., t! en. rattle your paper, beat
your bri-s drum, f utter your umbrella,
run your baby carriage and your bicycle,
lire your pist .l and rattle your tinware
on hot ii siik nt him and ail around him
until he cum. s to regard the noise sim
ply as a nuif ance and material objects
only as trivial things liable to get hurt if
they ure in his way II may not learn
all that in one lesson, but continue the
lesson, an I you will cure all his nervous
ness. KxcUauge.
, County Court.
S. I. Sear vh. Robert W. Cunning
ham et ill. Suit on note for $lf0.
Trial to court and Hiibmitted.
Lli Gibson v. V. A.TifTany. Suit
on account frr work and labor.
Judgment by confession forlfltl.N).
Paulina I.usinski vnj Curl Anton.
Suit on account for board. Trial to
court and judgment hr plaintiff in
the Minn of 1H TA. - S
Will. CIllllM VH. W. II. ifllHllU
Suit on account Default of" !-
fendnnt entered hikI jiidirnient for
plaintiff in the sum of
Jacob Yallcry, Jr VH' J'-1""" 'iv
ingston. Action in review.
John V. Farncll Co. vs. A. Cohen.
Hearing on motion to suppress
deposition. Argued and fill uiiittcd.
C. D. d imes for plaintiff, llecson &
Koot for defendant.
License to wed issued to John
Wcstlake and Mix I.uliiCii'oth. both
of A voi a.
Asgil S. Will vs. John 11. IIoIiiich.
Suit for breach of contract in the
ftum of $.17i.H. A newer. ct. .ri.
First National Hank of Weeping
Water vh. Ian. A. Leach ct ul. Suit
on noti- lor f.'Ci.lT., -liss Indorse
ments A iihwit, Oct. 3. "'""..
First Nntioiinl Hank of Weeping
Water vs. Fred ltcllows ct al. Suit
on note for !U). Adswer, ct. .".
Chicago ' Nickle Winks vs. The
Noble Sewing Co. Suit on promis
sory Mote for $i!i7.i. Hearing.
Oct. .1.
II. T. Clark In lit: Co. vs. Flower A
Anthony. Suit in attachment for
rf ichardson Drug Co. vs. FlowcrJ.V
Anthony. Suit in attachment for
Petition filed for appointment of
Aaron ('. I,oder guard, nil of Martin
and Anna Mahoncy leeble minded
l.a-t will and testament of David
II. I.ockhart filed for probate.
J. C. Cummins A Son vs. H. A M.
U U Co Defendant el.-cts to takes
tender of flsti.40 and deliver goods'
to plaintiff.
f K. C. auatla s. F.lectric Light
Co. Mot ion lo make petition more
s pec die ii rid certain. Argued and
v time table. '
',.. 2 6 : ffl I M
.No. 4 10 :.i.
Nu. i J ; U p. m
No in
ho. la 'I :l '
No. a) . s Jiia. n
No I,..
n S.
I. '
M. 1..
No l.
'0. 111.
. s a. rn
. . : .'. a. ni .
.. ' -i.l a. in.
. H i, m.
.. ,s u. tn
. It :irta. m
:islioiiiiKi iaiuu lrtep..
n..iAi arricii .
Triiin dally exi epl Kiiuilay
4 .
i p. III.
in. r mm if.TiA
NICHTS OK PYttllA" l.sllllllel l.'"'ir
Ml. 17 M l-. VeH well' ."!. evenii.u
.L....I I I.I... il Y
Itliiv sniirtcs air rinills ly in le.l m s'lri.J
:. C. Miculnll. C. C ; ' ti '' K. 11 H.
Mvyv, vks m
i 'a aiern i.n Wi.i k
ui.en lr. ni s -:m a m in -:ai e rm mm mi
liiwisl inifl lie evny rtonia sllerm " :l
D'eim-k ,
f. v. . v,,.i, ir-1 mi. i t li : ; "rl
n .toe ol e.e li lliiili'll allt x n. oi
in ltnkitiHi t li'k ll.a.k '.rurl'ir. V-. u
l, I' KlH Io!l', UiTiinli l
o I
Dialriet Court.
The adjourned ees-ion of the dis
trict court will convene Wednesday,
Sept. 'IS. Those interested will take
Tha Vor "rah."
The word "cash" is nnderbsl to be
derived Irotu the Italian "cassa,' the
client where Italian merchants kept their
money, as do at the present time the
frrtiiurds in their "caja." the Portu
guese in their vi.a" and the French in
their '' The application of the
word "cash" to money s English, it not
having a corr sneling term in auy
other European language. "Cash" hav
ing been so inconsiderably adopted in
stead of "cassa" (chest), entries to die
cash Ijook (it snould be chest book) are
xsida in Ax.-xicia and English cor.ct
(nir house in this nntiiwiiiinir wav
"Cash Dr." and "CashCr.." whereas the
chest, and uot the money. Is debtor to
w hat U put UHo it and creditor for what
la takr-u out.
Ureat miM hief has too often arisen, ar
is well known, tn bankrupt trials from
misuse of the word "cash," in which
large deficiencies often appear, and
which would not be thecuse if the word
chest were ned. as it ought to be. In
stead of the cash account in the ledger
it should lm t'i "chest" account lirrs.k
lyn Eagle.
Natural Omaairnta and Plafthlnfa.
The seed known as Nicker beans and
Bonduc uuta. "is-u-s of Ouilandina, are
often used for bracelets," necklets and
rosaries, and are very ornamental when
capped and -t. Baskets and other fancy
articles m-id" of them are very common
in most museums. There are two species,
ii. Douduceila. the seeds of which are of
gray leaden color or aslatyolive green;
and i. Bond no. winch are pale yellow or
tirange colored. In the Malay Archi
pelago thee ix-eda are nsed as counters
and playthings hy children in place of
marbles, and on the Gambia in playing
a game called w irre-warree. In Bom
bay, strung upon red silk, they are worn
by women as a chirm, and also in Egypt
by women and children as amulets
against wit heraft and sorrery. Cham
bers' Journal
V Nil lU MfMl. -An!Ht :iMtl-Hii
Kriiluv ii i ii i' hi lltr uii'i ill si . !
!l II lie. k I I. k. K .1. li'IUi-".
I', l.niHii, lit .eiitli-r.
lnV a I.
Ki'A VAM-.. ... n i! V
l. II :.l I lie K of I' hull :il III - I'l Imli
'r. ii; lilm k i. mi l:.'ineil (s i'lin.a
t.r.tUreu iiivl'i-it Henry li'-r-l-i. t--r-i"
1 nil i till ii g, ii'ii.iv.
S4 MUHif.. S tIS.I y inn tk ry-
ii r..lsy loiilil Kl It.elr hail I' l l'Kuniil
' ,' Aii'.'lo r.'H..wii lire runi si' i .ir
,.iri i ..i. vl.ii.i i' In llirrily. J I .'iv.
i; s w , undue. Neiri ta y.
Cai hoi ii .-M I'sul's l liiiirli. nk. I iv.r.-i,
Filth slid sixih. Km her s in y, I Hi..r
S. .yir..- kl'iwat S : III! Ill ::UI A. M. Hl.llil.lV
Srlmiil &t 1' ..H). sl!h tl.'l.rllk'Ui.l..
ClIHI-TIAM.- p unier I..H iit snil Kl(;htli Hl.
St-nlies mi. riilim Klul Msi.iiiii. Khl'-r ,1. K.
Krrtl, pastor. SiiiiiIh) ft insil in A. M.
Ki'lsi oei..-SI Lake's t'liurrh. rnrner 1 hiid
ami iii-. Ket II Ii. K irii-s i.-i"r. hei
irr llA.M s d 1 T a . holiday Mlisil
St I : I' M.
;hman MrTllnlUSl . rner Mlxtll Kt SI.")
l.ranlte. Ke. Ilirl. I'H'liil. iw-mres : II A. M.
and ' ::o e u. S'-uu.iy n Insil 10 mi a m.
I'KMIH TrKI a S -"einees 111 IH' rlnifrli.i'iT
i.ri sitlli and (imniie :. U v. J T. I mm.
.tiir himdav-v ool at t .. ; I'lisiliHK
al II a. in. hihI i in.
llisY. K. H. C. e ol ihl rlnirrh imrH sny
hshlislll eelill.f Si i l.'i III the liiiM llirnl ul
Ail ale ili ilrd to stl'Dd tll-sr
Why Ms Took Huns Ilia Fir ICacapa.
A local hotel kee-r gives a queer ex
cuse for not having a hre escape from a
bedroom in the second story He says
that he had one placed there a year ago.
bnt the fiiMf two weeks three boardem
kipped their lulls hy its means and then
be had it Jnken out Springfield Re
pnbllcan ItissaidthHt Alexander Raikln, the
(Scotchman sliu sncci-ded John Brown
as Highlsnd wrinrl to the queen, has
obtained slmi'st e ..'narked an influence
1?. the roynl tinu". ild as Drown pos
ysed. il is the personal attendant of
lb queen on ev rv pn-.rney
Card of Thanks.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hodgson lure
by return their thanks to all kind
friends and neighbors! who bavi
ns. ,eted them in wall hing; and
litrinu fur their dear departed
daughter. Dora.
Secretary Miller wishes us to say
that all hill held against the Cass
County Agricultural Society must
he presented to him by Thursday
noon, if possible.
Mr. (ieo. kichceon, who has been
a mi-sHciiyer on the K. C, for some
time win called to Lincoln Satur
day and iven a train on the main
line Deck Harding takes his run as
Kngine .'til and 17 i .une lo-elher
lit South t Iniaha esterday morning
yet 11 not trrciif den! ii.' u. image was
done, the pilot was tote olf of engine
'.'41. Mraiiu' I" "ay there :i h rar
in the train containing; a mail and
horse and toe car as made in to
kindling: wood and neither one
I hurt.
I Our vfcninl friend. II. C. Mi Makeu
i left at this: office a couple of baskets
I of fruit! consisting' of peaches
grapci; ami plums, mat ure as line
as trow in the county, Mr. M
Makeu took several premiums al
the county fair this season ami is
recognised an one of our most
prominent fruit growers.
I'.ravini; the World haa always
been a popular play at the I'ark
theatre, and thai it is still a stioon
attraction waa viticrd by audience
that saw the performance yeMterday
afternoon, and last nigdit. The
piece is oneof the best sensational
productions and is doubly attract
ive thia hohsoit. because the com
pany preecntinjj it in jfood. Miss
Kate Watson, ia a vicarious, mid
hard working; young; comedienne,
and i nrried her pari in a highly fat
iMfactory manner, she ia a Nid
linger ami dancer, and pule a a reHt
deal ot life and fun into her charac
ter. The escape from the rookery in
the third act created the greatest
enthusiasm - Indiamipolis Journal
Dont fail to see this jrre;it play lo
night, for it will pleiese one and all.
Some of the most startling, in
ti-rsti ng discoveries of the life and
ciiMtouiH of buried F.K)pt are now
beinjf made through eitensivecxi n
vattiona. Theae discovcriea are
I'xciliiii; a rreat intiriHt. Many
discoveries arc, however, being;
made in our country that Hre re
markable, among; which wc may
mention that of nailer's I'uin Para
lyser which i-ffec'ti entire relief, and
in many cases a complete cure of
that terrible disease rheumatism,
and which also relievca pain of nil
kinds. For eale hy nil druist.
tlir rlnirrh.
ft asr MSTIIoiilsT.- Hlxth Ht., I.elaeu Main
slid IVarl. Ilr J. I l pinlur.
Ki rvlce : II A. a.. .11 r M Siiliilsl im'IkhiI
K .siA M. I"rs)ri mee'li K W'rdiird.iy rrn-
UsiiMAS rassmrraiAN t'oriier M no and
.Ninlll. Itrv Willi', p.ii r. Mrllr uioal
hours. Sunday M'lH'i'l 'J A. m.
SSfriH'H OJIMMKOAl oAU lilslllte, tr-
teeu r itlb sud Sixlli. '
CoLokkii BAiTir.-Mt Ollvr, i;k. b-tai-en
Ii Mill Slid LlryentU. lU-. A lo..rll. pan
tor. Sriii.n II III. SIlilJ :3I p 111 fs-r
lliertlliK Nrdlirday elill.
yolK'J IE.N'S ClIHI-TIAIf A'slAtloM--Hi...m
in V alerman lilis k. M ini street. -pel
iii.-ennii. ..r mru unly.eierv Snunsy sf-
trili.u.ll Si 4 o I'liK'k liisillin os U Seek d)t
from M s. m .to V : JH p 111.
Sol III tAl K lAllKHNAl LK Itrv. .1 M.
Wisst, t S'lor. rs-nir-n: Suriisy rVlim.l,
ins in.: I ii .1. hli u. 1 1 hi And I' .
prsvei ineatinir liir-.l: infill ; i linlr plHi
lli-rid.i iiiiilit .Uiari'srl nr.
Nlls' Nerve and Liver tllle-
Act on a nrw principle--ri tiuiatiuj.
the liver, Ato iimch slid Imi 1 tluougl
the liervea. A UrW dix uVeiy. Dr. Mile'
IMls S eelily cure biliou-n. ss, bn, ts-U,
torpid liver, piles, roii-tipatioii, Utie
qusled for men, wiwd, chilihen
Suisllest. Diildint, surest! ,V)(bss, ii.V
Ssinpls free si K. i. Klicke A Cn's.
We have sold Kly's Cream Halm
about three years, and have re
coimuemb'd Ms use in more than a
hundred special cases of catarrh.
The unanimous answer to our in
ijuiries is. "It's llie best remedy tliat
I haveever Used. Our experience
is, that where parties continued its
ue, it never fails to cure. J. II.
Montgomery, A Co., Druggists, De-
corah, Iowa.
When I began using; Kly's Cream
Malm livy fatal rh was so had I had
bead. u he the whole time ami dis
charged a large amount ot liltliy
10, at. r. That" ha .iiiuoet rntin lv
diHappeared ami have not had herni
al he s ience. J. Siiiiiners.Stephiiey,
l oiin.
Drown A Ham-It have just re
ceived a fine line of import. l tooth
and nail brushes, clotli and hair
brushes. Prices away down. tf
A Cure for Paralvsla.
Frank C ornelius, of purcell, Ind.
Ter., eaye: "I induced Mr. Pin-on,
whose wife had paral) sis in the face
to buy a bottle of Chamberlain's
Pain lialm. To their great emprise
before the bottle had ail been used
she waa a ejrejit deal better. Her
face had been drawn to one aide;
but the Pain lialm relieved all
iaii) ami soreness, and the mouth
assumed its natural sh.ipe." It is
also a certain cure for rheumatism
lame hack, spiaius swellings and
lameness. 5o cent bottiea lor sale
by FrickeACo., Druggists.
Hair tliii ina. rings, crosses hi
hair work of all kinds to order,
Ms-a. A. K.N'KK.
If 17.''ll4)cust St.
ft jus,1) i . ..jragprtj
- 13
MONDAY - SEPT - 21st
Every Lad) and (icntlciiieii Shall Kcceive a Mcer Sou
venir Than Ever llefore.
Opera House Corner Plattsmouth.
k .-
A irirtiy )rl ei msehnis. fully wsrrsn
ii. liom the v. rv til instrrisl b
Slllrtl ..fklltrt. Slid sltll tlir br.l tisilf lb
Iists rvrr l-en lev!-1 fur Ills iuriioW, W
tsnte.1 to do sll tlisl rsn be rrssHistil)r Ft
is-rtrd . llie rjr liest lyirrller rllslit.
I'uimIi'siiI rl'li.s I" nnH i-r mlniile ol
ip .fr e.'.rillr.g tn the sbillty o! the op-rstw
I";-'' ; K' - '' '
'--' " ' . ' "J. '
That ll.i kinl Diifh can soijiih k
ly cured by Shiloh'n -ure. We
guarantee 'it. Kor Sale by K. (i.
Kricke and OH Snvder. 1
Croup fn (jueiitly finds a house,
hold unprepared for its visit, while
tlir repidity with which it develops
calls for instant treatment, lor
this dangerous disense Aycr's ( bcr.
ry Pectoral is an adm rable renn ily.
It saves many lives every jear.
Kii-p in I he bouse,
Wnrlrl'K Pair HOW TO cih a
incrcditablc short time with a
Capital of $200 and upward
Success certain if iiisrm lions laith
fully followed, (iiven in receipt of
postal note or postage stamps for
l. Address
Ick Hox i. Chicago, III.
Slecfincss ninht made miserable
by that terrible clinch Shilohs rem
edy is the run for you. hv V.
Frick. and O II Snyder. ' i ,
Alwuyti take your prescriptions
to Drown & Harrett's. tf
PKICE 100.
Ilitirir is so wul lo your town sdilreis th
A:ri.ts Hi:td . Parish N, Y.
K. Ik HEKLKM1UK, Auenl.
I.incolu, Neb,
1isT OK S'lot.r.N A stem-winding
silver wnti h. I he bnder will pleasr
leave at Frank 1'arriith'n jewelry
stole and receive ?r-i rewaril. il
H. W. I'IKKl'K,
Tin- only Implement uYuler wlm hMb iiimle a snms in Ciu-s Cot
rPMIK best ol harness, both double and single mny be foutul a
store and everything in the harness line Mso busies and earn ,
which are first class in every respect, bcin the lightest, strongest V
easiest riding vehicles on earth.
ALSO have u Inre b-t f S. butler, Moliue, I lain lim Slerlin.r wii
1AI.SO hav
Spring w
ijioiim, road carts, and plows of all inscription.
( apt. W. A. A I. belt, w ho has Ioiil'
been with Messrs. Precival and
llatlon, Keal Kstate and Insurance
Drokers. lies Moines, Iowa and is
oneof the best known uud most ri
sei led business men in that city
says: "1 can testily to the jiood
oniilitiff ol C hamiierlaiu's ( out;li
Kemed. llaviuu used It in mv
l.imily I'.r the past citrht years, I
can sali ly say it has no eipial lor
either colds or croup, .ill cent hot
ties lor sale by t. (i. I iicke Aj Co..
K. W. Sawyer, of kochester, Wis..
H prominent denier in general
merchandise, and ho runs several
jicil. 1 1 1 n Lf wagons, had one of ins
burs. is badly cut and burned with a
lariat, The wound refused to heal,
The horse became lame and still
liowwithstaiidiug carelul attention
and the application ol h-iih iIm s. A
friend handed awyer some of
Mailer's Harb Wiie, the
most womlei ful th ii'; - i r s;iw to
heal such wounds. .'. . iil i d it
only three timet ami inc run- was
completed b -iil'-d. K.pially good
for till "ors, cuts, hi'lises,
wounds, bor s.ile by nil druggist
We give you the following deep cut in prices:
Ladies I'iue (il.i.ed Doligola i'l.'l't shoes reduced to
Ladies Doiigola Kid Flexible .."illshoe reduced to
Ladies Dest Doiigola fM.lll shoes reduced to
Ladies II. Hid Turned best Dogola $mi shoe reduced to
If iv
A Al I . - . - ill
tl'.. I . . . .... .s-.... m.ou i.tlior ...... 1.. l..s . . s .
"'ligaiinn. r
C J'
In order to reduce our slock to meet our
i Hi
I l!l
, (
Yf also haven few lots of Ladies Oxlords that ue w.u n
piices. Don't forget the place. iiik,
hi ri
3 0