The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, September 16, 1891, Image 1
A 1 u i) ii XX r 0,1, er W I FIFTH YEAR. PUTT8M0UTH, NEBRASKA. WEDNESDAY S .LXEjI(ERJ6 1891 NUMBER 4 v., j "Tj v "Tj fj f " smouiB Daily J i aid v ; 0m, Absolutely Pure. A cream of tartar linking powder, iighest of hII in leavening sin-nth. Latent I'. S. joviTiimt'iit I'ood Kc-rt. t) R. A. SALSBURY : I) K N T I S T : lii)U AXI) IfiKCELAlX t KOU X8. r. HtrtnttJiyi n:r.liftlfl frrtla t:liila". trat'lloit of tftfth. Fine Gold Work h Specialty. (wlinol HI'x'k rinltoniiiiiih, Nfb. HOS POMOfK R HYFRS Jintanr I'uhllcl Abitimtar H-ilhltor eal? EUt, Loan and Insuranci IgenU If you have real estate to sell or xchange send u description, price md tcrma. -tracts of title furnished al reaa- onable rate. 0 loan ut Vi permit and oiiniiicHionii. on gool farm security. ' f ... - il.MH'K & HYLRS iMoitii ( Neb. . - under (' Couiiti Hank. 'SON A PKARCE HAVK KEChl VKI . I:iiir ntiluiiit. tip mil qnllli f lmnn mni tUMp hula ii d le I. T li'-T !) (nil I li.iliy h 'il-ud lu u r . olil lo'k out bar r -ir .stilnr lint to M and p 11YI.KN. TKIMMKK. 1. I I) AXI) POKCEI.AI5TKOWNK (l(j8 wurk and fln jold work a SPECIALTY. fKINAt'S UK'K). rll k fttlf lau v tneih, MAK.HU AM Kiu.-rld Hl" ' - HOUSE, 217, 8111, 2'.'1 and ii.i Main BU, ittsmouth, Nebraska. ' I Q. K. BOSS, Proprietor i ki Ida IV-rkln baa beun tlinrvUKblj a. .ofaUxl from top tc Uttuiu aud t one uf the bout fcotcla to the atate : irdera will I taker fy the wefk at I f0 and up. Katie I'ulnam liax nlwayn tren a favorite with I'lattHinouth'a utune-nu-t ptihlic, and we nee no reason wliy hIk- fhoulcl not be greeted with a packed Iioiihp tcvniiiht. Mr. and Nrn. H. W. I'ieiee, accoin-. panied by Mr. Timothy Whalinu, leave thin evening for pointt in New York and t'onneetietit. They will viMit ipiite exteiiHively in the hitter Htnte. Do our citi.eiiH appreciate good attractions coming to t'laHAtiiotith'f If ho they hIioiiIiI Datroni.e Katie I'litnaii) to night.aH they will give a performance that will pleawe every one. J'riccH, i, ;t;, SO, 7.1. Secure your ticket at J. 1. YoungV. The Cullom baud cami' LiuthiH morning and will dipene - nuinic at the fair irrouiidn to-dday. The band ih nicely tiiiiformrd, and the boya play well. We are not yet in formed an to whether the 11. A M. baud will be on the groundH, if they do not, we may nafely conclude that Cullom will have a walk awav. The ice cream Hocial given by the ladiea of the M. K. church at the rrHidence of S. I'. Ilolloway lant evening wuh well uttended. The young folk enjoyed themaelveu inimenHely in the open air. Tin1 teature of the entertainment was the Hinging of Mexxra. Harvey Hot loway, Charley Sherman and Minn Mary Sherman. the board ot auperviHors waa in Lincoln and Omaha the firxt of tl C week, iiiHpci ting the furniture with H view of furn inning the new -ourt lioiiHc. The board exprennad il Helf an well pleaHed with the Htock from which they will be al lowed to chooxe. The board doiibl Icbh will exercitte iudifnient and difcretion in the matter. Flag halalny. To-morrow morning at the time for oneninur exerciHea, 9:tJ( to 9-.:k) o'clock, the high achool will raie the American flair over the build ing. Appropriate exercmea will lie conducted and an intereHting pro Kmm rendered to celebrate the oc raaiou. We predict a good time. Parents and friend of the tudenH are invited to be prenent. lrn. Cal.l'armele whh a paHxenger of the Schuyler train laft night for Cedar Creek. DAT. Exhibits Well Merit the Patron. age of the Public. Tha Diplay t Ilia Fir Laryer Than Ever--A Brief Sketch of Soma of Uie Exhibit. yOD-BAH C01TNECTED THE BEAUTIFUL (JKKMAN Oleographs (JIVEN WITH each worth of goods ut 'Tlie Fa r' arc not "Daubs" hut real artists productions. St'C ur 5, 10 and 25 cent counters for Harbin K. F. KSCI1KK I'Bor A pfle nra Nomeron. Y'eHterday waH a buny day for the HiiperintendentH of the varioiiH de partmentH of the C'ann county fair. While a great many entrien about .7 - were made Monday, -a irreat many preferred to wait luflrtl Tue day, an the management hail pre- vioiiHly announced that the time for entry would be-tlni" extended. It in the general opinion that the dinplayH are more creditable in every particular than ever before. In the exhbit of fruit and farm product", one only needs to look up on them to be convinced of the excellency of our noil and the abil ity of our farmer). On entering the hall in which farm producta are exhibited we flrat met our trenial friend and enterpriHing fruit grower, II. C McMaken. He haa u collection of fruit that would be a credit to any county. He ha) on exhibition twenty-one varieties of apple- fall and winter including Die Fall Pippin, Newton, Pippin, Winewap and Jennetin varietiea. He alno ban thirteen varietiea of as fine grapen ax grow, including the Martha, Hrighten, F.lvira, Wilder and the Newton varieties He ha three varieties of peachen, of which he will have averal buahelH thiH year. He alo haa three varieties of large pluma, that demoiiHtrate coiicIuh ively plum tree aliould be placed in every orchard. We next noticed the diaplay of W. F. Moore. He haa thirty-nine varietiea of apple, including the Jonathan, Northern Spy and Jelly Flower varietien, Hpecimeu of which are very good. Hi diwplay cniiHixl, chiefly of winter apple. Ix'vi Churchill haa a very credit able diplay of fruit. He haa thirly-two varietic of apple, con iting in part of the Itelle-flower, Kuet, Strawberry, Gloria, Muuda and Ijwell a liplay in which Mr. Churchill may well feel a pardon able pride. We next noticed the dixpl.-iy made by K. F. Dean of Murray, which wa the largeat fruit diplay in the hall. He ha fifty-eight varietic of apple, including the atandard varietiea, among which were apeci men of the Karly Harveat anil Red June -a peculiarly remarkable ex at thiaeaHon of the year. Mr. Dean aaya it i the firwt time tin Caa county fair ever had thoe varietiea on exhibition. He haa a Holland Pippin variety, apecimen of which meaaure fourteen inch in circumference. W. K. Koberta ha an exhibit of fruit, aomewhat different from any other exhibition. He exhibit hot tied fruit, preaerved in acid, making it eay to conclude aa to the ability of Mr. Roberta aa a fruit grower, tie haa Uiaplayeu in thia manner four varietiea of tame pluma, aev oral varietiea ol raapberriea, cur rent and atrawberriea, all of which are aa large aa are UHually grown. The p.-culiar diaplay, however, ia a ripe xtrawbet ry allai bed to the vine aa in ita rctrnlar aeaaon. Mr, Robert )in ha aeveral varietiea Some gentliuiau, whone name we did not learn, haa on exhibition an excellent display of sugar beet. They weigh fully ten pound. Thia ia abundant proof that Ca8 county can grow sugar beet profitably. There were several olher entries in the agricultural hall, but aa the exhibitor were not in we ahull not be permitted toapeak of them. The display in the agricultural hall, iih a whole, i quite an im "f urrapea and full and winter apple. Jacob Vallery, Sr., ha twenty- five varietiea of annlea that com pare favorably with other exhibits and consist Yd about the same varieties. Mr. kicharrfaon haa a displays while consinting of only niii varie tiea, make a good showing owing to the si.e of the fruit. Evidently Mr. U. exhibit quality rather than quantity. Joseph Shera, of Rock Hluff, ex hibit twenty-nine varietiea of apple, which compare favorably with exhibit adjacent them. Mr. Hinger waa not in, but we noticed that he had'a very fine dis play of grapea and otner fruita. I). A. Young display two aquashea, weighing eighty and ninety-five pounds respectively. He ha a good exhibit of potatoes, thirty-e itfhl varieties of applea and at-vera I varieties of grapea. He also enter fifty ear of corn, which demoiirtrate beyond a doubt that Lass county ha at least tifty ear of coru of which she need not feel ashamed. Win. Murray enter the largest collection of farm product, having twenty varietiea of applea, a eollec tion of plum, seven different kind of corn, larife beet, oyter plant, tomatoes, cabbage and turnips The display certainly reflects credit upon the ability of the exhibitor to force nature to yield well of her bountiful resource. U. S. I'pton, of I'liion, exhibit several varietiea of corn, measuring thirteen inches in length, large polatora and several varietiea of applea. Mis Menot.i Ivikehbary ha a fine Collection of plants, a majority of which are blooming nicely. The exhibitor wus not in, hence we did not learu the names of the plants, but the display certainly reflect credit upon the taste and enterprise of the exhibitor. provement over former years. It wh expected to be ao, however, in view of our excellent crop pros pect. Messrs. Martin A Clarence, the eiv terpriing implement dealers of Union, have a complete display ol farm machinery, buggie, pumps, windmill, presa drill, etc. The firm made the same display at the atate fair, which ia conclusive that they have spared no pains to make a good showing. TlIK IlEKAI.I) reporter shall visit (he art hall to-day and perhaps give our reader a href outline of the elaborate display! ,t be found there. II IDSUMMEK CLEARANCE SALEf In order to reduce stock to make room I'or our full ntircliast-a we muHt close out the balance ol our Summer stock as quickly as pos eible. Commencing to day we will ofl'er our entire line ot white goods, cmbroidei ies flounciiiL's and all overs At 20 Per Cent Discount From Kegular Price, ' AT tlEiiiMANj's Jadies summer vests at 8c regular. 10c quality. Jadies summer vests at' 10c regular. 15 quality." Jadies black and fancy ribbed vests 25c worth 35c. Ladies black lisle and aney Egyptian 35 worth 45c cotton vests at Ladies silk mixed vests at 6oc was a bar- Jadiss silk vests at $1, reduced from $1.23, 20 per cent. Jerseys. on all ladies shirt waists and 9 Per cent dicsount on all oursilk umbrellas Challies reduced to 5 cent per yard, regulars quallity Motisselme le India reduced to Oc per yard. We make thiaofTer in order to reduce atock Now is the time to purchase if in want of any of the above goods. RKMFIMKEK all of our goods marked in plain figures and we do as we advertise. Don't miss thia aa.e aa they are the lowest pricea quoted this season, F. HERRMANN ONE DOOR EAST FHST NATIONAL. iPECIAL SALE IN OUlt COMPLETE STOCK OF IADIE6 fU SHOES VklK NOT I!S. The race track ia in fineconditiou. The usual target and gun ia on deck. The management have provided quite a number of refreshment stand, All the available apace in the agricultural hall haa been engaged lor exhit. (I'nutln'ird on Ut pax1.) We give you the following deep cut in pricea: Iuliea Fine Cla.ed Dongola $2.'25xhoea reduced to Ladies Don go I a Kid Flexible $'2.o0shoe reduced to Ladies IteatPongola $X0U shoes reduced to Ladiea Hand Turned best Dogola $4.00 a line reduced to FOE THIRTY DAYS 01TLY $1.75 2.10 2..V) 3.50 We have a great many other sample lot ottering at of odd gics that, we arc mmm mm In orderto reduce our atock to meet our obligation. We also have a few lota of Ladiea Oxford that we will aell at reduced pricea. Don't forget the place. VST. JjL, The Greatest Shoe Boys Slocs iale in iiacsmouin. FOR. . THIRTY . DAYS - ONLY v tton Call' Stock Culf Stock ngreaa Calf S(oi;k SlirriKU Hurt Ktj'lr B " - Ion (imiii Stock Id reus Shoes antahoeg . I :i,oo shoe at $2.:o 51. .M) shoe at 2.00 2.50 shoe at 2.00 2.00 shoe at l.Co 1.70 Mm at 1..15 fclioe at l.i!.r 1.5)5 almc at 1,00 lioo at .25 A .:i5 LADIES Sl-jOES: FOR THIRTY DAYS OMLY Fine Liht Dongola Medium Light Dongola A Bcaiitj Donjjola -A Farorito Dongola Fine CJout Stock 1 1 cut j (foiit Stock Dongolu Kid Donota (Joat - ti.OQ shoe at $3.25 H.75 shoe at 2.H0 3.25 shoo at 2.5r) 1 2.(50 shoe at 3.00 :.O0 shoo at 2.35 2.10 shoe at 1.90 2.50 shoe at 1.50 2.0()sheat 1.06 iv ens noGS THIRTY FOR DAYS - ONL Y Hand" Sewed Welt, I French Calf Stock -Fine Calf, Lace or Congress Fine (lout Skin ('ongros -Calf Shoe a bargain CulfSkiu good wearer (lood Neat Style Uuft Graw Plows Shoes . $0 00 shoe at $5.00 5.50 Bhoe at 4.50 4.25 shoe at 3.50 5.00 shoe at 3.85 3.25 shoe at 2,f3 2.50 shoe at 2.10 2.00 shoe at 1.59 1.50& 1.75 at 1.00 imo and See our Job Lot Shoos and Boots. Twenty Pairs Mens Shop Made Boots, Made by Our Workman that we GOT 7,50 "and S.OOJDOLLARS for. Now Selling at $5 i1 :' r'. f ' ) (i At Tho Schildknocht koo Storo- r 5