The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, September 15, 1891, Image 3

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;K1hn tills kill dip, soiled fcir Jrjlicp.
Jm .. . r... .Uf i
qui Awii2 oiainena
'-! C'" Jbid recorder-
-.1 . OOAP
ti i-. j ,
QuicM vj
I'M''' - . .. . . 0
M.Fairbank&Co.- Chicago.
.1 I .
J. f). a it ives & co.
DOOMS, BLINDS.and all building material
m ii
corner oi
one block
ill and see us at the
11 tli and Elm street,
north of Ilciscl's Enill
Hattsmouth, STobrasha
EpVYtJiiiig to Furnish Your House.
. ' ' 1 , t
- V-
c'd the J. V. "WWkljaeh store room on south
i l wneru 1 am now located I can sell goods tla'aj
io clicaiicst having iiiut put in the lanrc-t stock
oodsevcr brought to the city, (insoline stove
Vture of all kinds sold on the inst:illmfn i.l-.u
A Full ami CompUte linn of
friiffs, Medicines. Paints, and Oils.
" Ascriptions Carefully Comitoundtd ut all Hours
m you
Remember Hint R. O. Castle Si Co have mi iintin ime etock of
And Guarantee Satisfaction in all Things
-"8" -JE T i i la- -OLDmhIa'I
i . .a"
C-T fiitUl UIKa. M Wvra N Tort Prk. Urfc
Bi4lxia mid llerth.t.
DiilziM'., tlia ffreut French noveliKt,
once received a ledsuii iu g(Kxl umnunra
from a youni.T and lesa UistinsfuiBlied
nswx'iaty. The hint came with (food
Kriu'ti fruin tlie younger ui;m, Elie l!r-tln-t,
lHcaiiHe it was dnimrvcd, and lie
iiuihe Bi ijtn;t himsi'lf whs a jmthoii of
riuiitHoiiH iiiaiiner and Kuntlu mid amiii
hle (lihpimitiun. Curthet had written
nine romances which bwnmu no iKjpuhir,
am) lie no (liHlmiiiHliccl himsi'lf in jour
nalistic wink, an to become an (mniHliint
editor of The Siet-le.
Ai the luiniiitiiiit of M. Dennoyein, the
editor of The Kieclo, he hud lieen intro
duced io lialziic. Cut though Balzac
had many interviews with M. Desnoy
tr, und wa often in the ofllcp, he never
paid the fllhlcMt uttenlion to Uerthet.
lie did not I'ven MH.ak or bow to the
voting tioveli. ,
One day lialz.ic took nome copy to The
Kiecle ofiice, and was greatly disturU-d
becaiiHe M. Dennoyern, whom ho wihlvtd
tO K., Wiiii out.
.Som after ho left the office ho met
Ehe Uerthet. He went up to the youn
man, and without touching hm hat or
otherwise luiliiliiiir him, touched him on
the arm with one finxer and said:
"Ah! you tell Deoiioyers thut I have
left the copy at the ofiice."
Without a necoiid ulauca he turned
Berthet delivered the iucHage and tho
.ditor replied:
"I am not likely to forget it. He has
wnt me word by three iierson. already."
Three day. later Balzac and Berthet
met at about tliA orn place. Ecrtiict
did not take off hi. hat He touched
Balzac ou the arm with one finger and
"Ahl he twy you have sent him word
by three pernona already."
Then he walked on. Youth'. Com
(iiiuion. Colli ln AI.h.
"lly experieuce with Alaskan winters
wan rather disappointing," .iid a njem
ber of the Alahkan boundary survey.
"The (createit degree of cold we expe
rienced waa 50 di g., below tero, and thut
a. wnen Air. Turner extended hi. trip
,.l 1 1 1 . .1
mi- iii.uig viio iiDiinuury lino io mo
Arctic sea. From Vhut traders and
liiinnionariia told us of previous years it
would seem that the winters of lWU,
If SO and 1S01 were exceptionally mild.
"Evwi at the low temperature of tliis
region the growth of vegetation is sur-
priMingly rapid, but as there are
In one's Ufa u tlie rtuttorerj of s romnd; tut
iue luiiK-ttaaainij luiliuly. ilie pulioa ol
Horof ula i lu yui j blood. You Inherited It
from your aucenuirfc Will you trausuilt It
to your oflsprluxT U Uvi (runt majority
lxiiii"", ji MniijimiUon-md Cauvrli orig
iiutlo ih EkioJula. U is uimhic. U) be Um
liiimary .ource of many oUnrdtrlunoineuui
o( Uie bmly. at om'e tcleuu. your
blood Willi Uie lUiidird altvruuv
Firr wvcral mouth. I WiM troubled wild
.r-rofiilou. eruptloiu ort-r Uit ln,ln ,kIv
My appetite was lad, .nil my nysu-iii mi
prn.triiU il Una 1 wiih iinalilr ti ()ric. After
trying several renifilleii In Tala, I resolved
to take Ayer's Sanuparllla, sn did so wlU.
suvh kixhI clliict Uut lens Uian one bottla
Restored My Health
and fitreti&lli. Tlie rapidity of tlie cure av
loiiiHlied rue, an I ex-eted the proren to b.
ImiK and tedium." Krederlio Mails Kr
rjiliide, Villa Nova lie (iiys, Portugal.
"Kor many years I i,m i,(i,.r,.r from
orofuU, until aixnit three years &gn, when I
boitan tho line ,1 Ayer's Harsaparilia. ,ltico
willed urn iIIvnuh luu eiillri'ly ilin,ipnarei
A little child of mine, who won troubled will!
the same complaint, ha. also been cured by
Oil. medicine."-1. Ihandt, Aviki, Ni br.
Ayer's Sarsaparilla
rnnrAKio sr
DR. J. C. ATER ft CO.,Low-)J, Mass.
old by DrumfUU. l,Hli. Wurti H.bottl..
Bucklen'a Arnica Salve.
Tint Bkut Hai.vk in the world for Cut
llruiw H, Son s, Ulcer., Pall Klinim. Fcvei
Hires, Tetter. Chapped Hand., C'liilhlnins,
Corns, and all Skin V.rnj.tiyr. jjj p..-:.
tively cure. Pile., or no pay required.
It is guaranteed to ive ati fact ion, or
money reiutnieu. I'rice 20 Pelibi per bin
For sale by F. O. Fricke &, Co.
RiisiiinwiivTi Cur,id in Oty,
.'lynlu'l iirc'fiirrhcuniiitiHiii and
iieiiriilm radicnlly ciin d in 1 to
liiya. JtHiiclion lipiui the HVHtcm Jm
rciiinrkiihlc mid itiyMtt-riixirt. It re
movcM nt once the ciiiihc and tilt: tli
new inimediately (liHH;ipciirn.
i in- nrwi iidhc ifrcituy liencliU. 7.ic
Sold by F, (i. Fricke, DriliHl. wt
tiirw iiioutlis or growing weather this
can be tidily aoconnled for. I found
Krasitei six feet high along Uie Yukon
-nd Porcupine lowland it more re
markable fact when you consider that
ho Porcupine extends many miles aliove
the Arctic circle. Thero were also ualm
jn berries, blueberries, currants and
raspberries in profusion and hundrls of
teres of cranberries. Of the latter fruit
the Indians store large (juaiitities for
winter food.
"When the wo:t of tracing and eHtab
li.diing the boundary was completed the
party set up a monuiiii'iit of rough stonex,
about twelve f-et high, a a visible mark
of the dividing line Ntween American
and lint ih pwki,,n$. Of cnurNe there
is a check on this in the vhajm of a (
ciirely concealed stone, properly marked,
nt tho head of the ban.) line, near the
main station. When wo tvure ulx.nt U)
break camp it occurred to ino that no
photograph of the nioiinment had t-en
taken, so I took a camera and sighted it
and then clunljed on top of tho rocks
und had a curioua native 'hhoot' the ma
ihine." Sail Francisco Chronicle.
Will you aulfer
ami i.iver toniDlaiiit.' Shi oIi'm l it
ouly l HUu r ,B tf'iuriintced to cure you. 2
with Dyrtncimia
Sprlnf Hiding kddlr.
Mont f th"Mj who have done much
lioiNeimck ridilig have ad rccol!ecli,,ns
of having had at ono time or another to
j"g along f'ir weary mile on tho back of
an ill bred, Mraight patterned nag,
wliiy every step jarred every nerve in
the body and aroused the niit pro
nounced feelings of rewn I incut. Accord
ing to Ihe inventor of a new saddle, such
memorable, incidents as these need never
!!ivre ccc-T i::d the hoi'dlM. i.uing of
the future will be pure, unmixed delight.
This Middle owe. it iieculiar merit to a
wriesof springs. The ups-r sjiddktree
or seat is connected with the lower sim
ply by these springs, so there is nothing
to interfere with that free working with
out which no spring saddle cau fulfill
the purpose and object of it construc
tion, viz., to relieve tho rider from the
constant jolt exierieiiced in riding on a
springlcss saddle. The springs are cone
shaped, working within each other, and
are made of tempered sleel wire ho
placed between the Wooden tree and the
upjH r tree or frame seat (consisting of a
steel wire bent to the idiapo of tho lower
treo and c1h-sm1 by brass hands which
cross each other) as to work
wherever tho motion of the horse may
bring tho weight of tho rider. Phila
delphia P.'ess,
Kranra, Oerin.njr and IIumIs.
Till 170 France held the supremo con
trol of the peace of the world. No sword
could 1 unsheathed in Kurojie without
tier consent. Isatioleon III wa. the great
arhiler. A frown from him darken. si
the horizon. The day after he expressed
regret to Baron Huhner at not being
in accord with Austria, tho stock ex-
change, were In a panli!, and Austria
and Pnivia concluded a hasty icace lw-
rore the master had time to show dis
satisfaction, biuce the war of 1870 this
role ha ceased to beloiiir to France.
Oeriuany has usurped It, and her claim
to It Is what has levollcd the czar, who
remains alone, striving by his dolllierate
isolation to neutralize the unwelcome
upmmacy of Germany, allowing Frsnca
io render lilin apparent homage in order
to emphasize his attitude, but really
knowing himself to be doomed to immo
bility a long as he remains oiitstda the
allied etllUire.. 1m ItluU'ft In Munytr'i
Than Kftut!f::t A.t.'inu
Eastern BportMiiiui (with full assort-
uient of dogs, gti, etc.) I hear that
over a thousand elk are killed in this re
gion every year. What do you do with
the antlers?
Western Hunter Hi II the in to eastern
hunters on their way home. -UotsJ Niw
W III be Clven Away
Our i-iitrrpriMing clrugipntH, F. f;
Fricke & Co, who carry tho lim-Mt
Mtock of (IruiTH, pcrfuinericH, toilet
iirticli-M, lir iihIich. Hpongea, etc., ure
tfiviii(r Bway a larc niiuibcr of (rial
liollli Mof l)r. Miles' celebrated KVh
toratic Nervine. They guarantee
it to cure IicikImcIic, li.iiiiies, ner
vous prostration, HlecplcsxncHM, the
ill cllcct-t of Mpirils, tobacco, colTco,
etc. Druggfinls nay it is the greatest
seller they ever knew, and isiiniver
s illy seti-factorv. They guar
antee Dr. Miles' New Heart Cure in
all casi-is of ncrvousororgaiiie heart
disease, palpitation, pain in nidi-,
sinotliei ing, etc. l ine book on
"Nervous ami Heart Diseases,"
free. ,
A'-ittls 'lri9 Experience in a Llgct
houso. Mr. ami Mrjs, lircn Trcscott are
kcepeiis o( the (iov. l.ighllioiiMe at
Sand licacli Mich, am are blessed
wild a daughter, four years. Last
April (die taken down with Measles,
followed willi dreadful ( ouli and
turned into a fever. Doctor at
home ami at Detroit treated, but in
vain, she grew worse rapidly, until
''I'e war a Merc" li.imlful of I.oncsT.
Then site tried Dr. Kind's New
Discoverv and afler the ir-e of two
and a half hollies, was completely
cured. They say Dr. Kiuir.s New
Discovery is worth its weight in
ohl, et you may get a trial , bottle
tree at (i. h'ricUcy Drugstore.
The Creates! Strike
Among the great Htrikes of
Dr. Miles in discovering his New
Heart Cure lias proven itself to In
line of the most important. The de
mand for it has become astonish
ing. Already Hit- treatment of heart
disease is being revolutioni.eil, ami
many unexpected curesellected. It
soon relieves short lirealh, llutter
ing, pains in side, arm, shoulder,
weak mid hungry Mpells, opprcti
hioll, swi-llinu ol ankles, sillotllermir
mid heart dropsy. Dr. Miles' lunik
on Heart ami Nervine Diseases,
free. The unciiiiulcd New Heart
Cure is Hold and guaranteed by F.
. Fricke .V Co, also bis kVstorntivc
Nervine lor headache, tils, sprees,
hot Mashes, nervous chills, opium
habit, etc. 4
Strength end Henlif,
If your me not (ceding strong
mid healthy. try Kleelrie Millers. If
"l.n lirippe" has left you weak mid
weary, use Klectric Hitters. This
remedy ncH directly on I.iver,
Stomacli mul Kindys' gently aiding
Ihosc organs to preform their func
tions. If you are nllliclcd with
Sick Headache, you will lind speedy
und permanent relief by taking
Klectric Hotter. One trial will con
vince you that this is the remedy
you need. Large hollies only !0c.
l-'or sale by F. (i. Fricke A Co.
For many yearn Mr. H. F. Thump
son, of Dcs Moines, Iowa, was He
vercly nlllicted with chronic diarr
boon. Do says: "At times it wu.
very eovere; ho much ho, that I
feuerd it would end my life. About
Hcven years Hgo 1 chanced to pro
cure a dottle of Chamberlain's
Colic, Cholera anil Diarrhoea
Remedy. It gave tue prompt relief
and I believe cured me permanent
ly, as I now eat or drink without
harm anything I please. I have
also used it in my family with the
best reaults. For mile by F. (i.
Frickie A Co.
Wonderful 8uccett.
Two yearn ago the Haller Prop.
Co.' ordered their bottle, by the box
now they buy by the carload.
Among the popular and siiccescful
remedies they prepare is llaller'a
SnrHiipnrilla A Burdock which Is
the most wonderful blood purifier
known. No druggist heailatea to
recommend this remedy.
For anle by drttggiHt.
What is - s
, 1
Custoria In Dr. :iruucl Pltcbor's prescription for Infants
dud Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor
other Narcotic nubstance. It is ft harmless Btibrttitato
for Parefror'c, Drops, Soothing SyrupH, and Castor Oil.
It 1m Pleasant. Its guarantee. Is thirty ytarn use ly
trillions of Mothers. C.ibtoria destroys AYorms and allays
fwerlnhncKs. Custoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd,
cures Diarrhea and "Wind Colle. Custoria relieves
teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency.
Castoria assimilates tho food, regulate tlio stomacli
and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas-
toria is the Children's .Yauueca the Kotber's Friend.
"Caatnrfa Is an excellent nwdlcln. for cull
dren. MoOkt. luire repeatedly told trie of U.
g4 sffwt upoG tlmlr cbildrwi."
iia. U. U CMnooo,
LowulL, Haw.
Duflirla U (lie lied mmtdy lot chlHrwi of
which I .a c.iuiutd. I hsije Urn day lnot
far distant when nnttairs vrKIeoiuidw tlte nal
inUirna of Ihfir cbt'dran, sod uio Caoria In
stead of th ririittH oii.nk MrfmM Trhici ATS
destroylnif tlwlr loved ones, by forcing opium,
morphiae, jjUiiu syrup aud other hurtful
aeenU down thnjula, Uiuruhy jMiiii(f
Iheui to pruiuaturs gravw.'1
Da. J. F. RisnasLos,
Couway, Ark.
" Caiinrla Is so wall adapted to cfifldrsa that
I rwrmmend rt a. ou per lor to any pmcrtpUa
kuown to rib.' '
R. A. Aaona, K.
111 So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. T.
" Our (liyoiaa. in Hut children's depart
ment bav. .pokaa highly of" Iholr erjiert
enc la Ustlr oH.VI. praatlM wittyCoKturia,
and althoiutk w. oabr bare auiolt our
.. . . -
lucuiua aupioia. warn n aaown, a. Tvg
produota. ittmn fraa tn mrmtumm tl.i 1 1
merits of Oastorta ba. won u. to Uwk wlU
fuvur upon It."
Csirao Hospital mo Diivuuit,
ujt. C. Bnrrn, Vm.,
Tha Contanr Company, TT Murray Street, Nov Tork Citj,
..... I..'.'.'.'w " wi,"."'r; 'e reduce our prices because we can afford too,
not l.cia use Homebody compel us too. Where is the high price, long
lime credit mini that cm. mc.,,,i vn-r iv .
. " , i j. ii i o. uie lit. weirive
you a few more prices that may interest you: h
V. "'(o.ueoii .... still goeH nt '-'Oc tier gal
f.asoluio - . . . . . Uc 1 ,
. "''y ,!,rK " - Sac each
iiiiu ue carriage lioltM -Another
lot ol clothes wringers
Carpet tacks .....
Cook stoves at cost to close. '
l-oldiiig ironing boards
Hlk hurl) wire barb wire - -Host
and cheapest line of tinware in the city.
(l( ,( ), H
Come in and see us whether you are in need of any good or not
member that wo caii ;u . ' " .. . .
,,1,,1,, J "ioney every time. J'.yerytliing
(ie per hundred
- 2.10
still go at lc per paper
- 97c
- 3.7(1 per hundred
The Leading
Z-' A -7yv.i, .if vA.. j I
Constantly keeps on hand everything
you need to furnish your house.
Putts mDut - Neb
Dr. Grosvenor's
IthmimktlBm. n strip 1. 1 a v.l.n. I i
rnrw.1 X ortfw. ff'ejmi fnrwiU ,f l lntrfiat
I N' X K 11 N AT I O NA L
A strlrtly (Irst cIiim mschliie. fully warrsnl
. ;. ,r"m v,,ry material b
.killed workmen, siul with the hsst tisjls th'
have ever been devised for the purimsn, Wa
ranted to do all that can be reasonably a
pected of the very bent typewriter extant.
Capable of wrKliin ihj wonU per nilnule ot
niure-aocordliiK to the ability ot the operator
i ' . 'y
Vl-s "' ' u
fwh'i livWhlt T.WUr r Cm..
St tMSf,St ttrk.
, rlPnM Mil hl nt I nt ht llir.
" 90 f Hr,m.Mi laiitnl fTwwth.
v Mmw FkJlt kMlor On;
. t- . x Hair to it TovihTu) Color.
S Cwm awir. 4 kr UiiiiM.
I I'.rh.r Oliver 1 'inio. ll tux, .i.a ...t.i ,M,.ti,
I u.y.. t.'UlHi. lii.hiM.loa, Wia, 'I .kg !nlta...JtHU.
lup u( vim.
RNS. Tin on!? rir. mii. fhr Comi,
i uiuku, w liintox a co., M. y,
WAnts-d-Au srtlve, relloble msn-salary ITS
if mi nionllily. Willi lurreaw, to reprHteut
In In n .wlli.ti 4 resKninlie New Vork
Ho fen-noe.. MANtrACl'caKK. uwk
Bo " Vi-H.
riucE $100.
If there In no aeiit lu your town address tb
THK raltlBU M'K'O CO.
Aiteuts wanted parish , Y.
F. U. 8EELEMIRH, Agent.
Lincoln, Nob,
Waxon aud Blacksmith shop
Wagon, BuKgy, Machine and
plow RopairinK don
He uses the
TiVlileh it the best horseshoe for the
farmor, or for fast driving, or for citj
purposes ever invented. Jt Is to made
that anyone cun put on sharp or flat
corks, as needed for wot and slipirjr
daya, or smooth, dry roads. Call at
hit shop snd examine the nkvbhmjt
nd you will ne no pthor.
13 North Fifth Hi. riati.ii.i.iitU
Uasa, V,
I' .