The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, September 15, 1891, Image 1
7 - V on i i O Tl .era! i 7". FIFTH YEAR. PL1TTSM0UTH, NEBRASKA. TUESDAY SEBTOFKR IM891 BER 3 d 1 r?v --h- JJ MJbhi - CS ,;r ' "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaasaa it ! i 1 O: Abeolutely Pure. A cream of tartar linking powder. Highest of hII in leavening strenth. --Latest U. S. (iovcrniucnt Food Ke-port. R. A, SALSBURY - y. y. T 1 S T ; OOI.D AM) VdWCEUMS CROWNS. Dr. Hlelnsayi aiin-ttlirttfl fir the pginlm tx- u... ..f t 1. IIWI "l" "I M II . Fine Gold Work a Sneciallv. KiK-kwond DIiH-k Vlattumouih, Neb. THOS POLLOCK R V Jiotary Public Alwtrvter HTFRS Solicltoi A n. a r Council Proccoriings. The council met in regular hokkIoii nl 8 o'clock. Absent: Peter sen, Dove, lirown, Larson. A com niiiniciition from F. K. White wuh read in rrgurd to.llie building of a sidewalk long lot 1, b'lk, 18 in Young ft Hayes' addition, referred to COiiijliiltcc. A petition from tiering A Co, pray ing for a permit to Bell liiior for medicinal purposes, jn accordance with, law. On motion of Salisbury the petition wan granted. Krporl of police indue and thief of police wiih referred to the police committee. Mr. Doniihoe was prcm-nt and Btated that owing to the building of the M. P. road near hit land he did not have hccchh to the main road, mid asked the city council to purchase a certain strip of land by the uhc of which he might have the required access to his land. After ??.:! dincu-oioii l!.e uiuiter whh re ferred to a committee for further investigation. On motion of Gutsehe the report of the finance committee, an fob Iowa, was adopted: TIRITH. UBADINO AND tliru;ll 0 W Grrrn a m JnncaA PllKPrald mm Tom KJIH M un wrniinK 4 54 Wn (HnKfrr a 71 Joa 8etodr ?n Jaoi Scull ,. 11 no Robert JiUriMn jo essrsAi. tuna I'M Hlchcy Mtt A C Majrea , , w M LtliDholT Praa v. Dally Joirnal i.M Julia WballD( 1 7j (Jo llumptirry m Electric SKluCi 317 St Kat'mate ol work done Id nilmg dlt b 00 lot 10, b!k M, PlatUmonth 14 On recommendation of cilv rmi. - o neer A. C. Mayes wan trranted $: ad ditional for work done anide from tipulationi of the cr nract. R0A0 TA I Cm Pol. J una John Vnd mm 00 Potl AO po Ed RAte 41(4) A rureei 11 m Jelin Mou toe jj jo frank Archer 1 (a C A Miller, iaI lee'jr Ore dcpl t 00 8 8 Ardifcr, nl for Au m 00 Kubt Kara, Al tor Aug v M A resolution was preseuted to the effect tht srrrtcra of the present chief of police be discontinued. Murphy, in moving the adoption of the resolution, said that while he was aware that the committee a p. pointed to investigate the matter had not yet reported, it Appear d o turn that the developments full sustained the charges and that, in ins opinion, it would be more satis, factory to all concerned to Dusa the resolution, and not have the report spread upon the city records. Salisbury argued that the council nau not the authority to adopt the resolution until the report of the committee had been received, and in proper respect to the roinmiiti.f he favored hearing its report before vounif lor tne resolution, rlur phy's motion to adopt was amended on motion of Gutsche, to lay on the table, and passed us amended. On motion of Salisbury the oeti 1 lion that the hose house on Main street be turned n referred to tti committee on tire and water, with power to act. There beinir no further business the council adjourned. 11 you nave real esti.te to sell or exchange send ns description, price ihhI terms Abetmcts of title furnished at reus ouuble rates A f fcOWtoIoan at 7'i percent and on good liirity '.0i)0 to loan at V win commlsf ionx, ' I farm saTiirii f'OXOCK A J1YKKS J'LATtf MDLTIt . - XtU. tide under ("ai i'uuntjr rluk, .VSON A PEARCK $ HAVK KK KIV Kl n 1!r, luiri lilitioiia, tlim and qullli 'J"! 01 !( M"liloii rniie hAii haU M. L. Duulap, the mail ngent on the Schuyler train, was called to Valentine, Nebraska, yesterday on account of 11 sick mother there. A man by the name of Cain is hold ing down his run while he in gone, II. C. Mc.Maken has in his posses sion some samples of the largest wheat and oats we have ever seen. The wheat measures five feet four inches and the oats five feet. He will have it on exhibition at the fair. June Itlack is engaged extensive ly in buying apples. He has sev eral hundred bushels now on hand and more are coming in every day. Those desiring to see some excel lent samples of Cass county's fruit should call upon Mr. Mark and look through his storehouse. J. J. Chandler wishes to an nounce through the columns of TllK IlKNAI.D that the dilferences between Mrs. Chandler and himself have been satisfactorily adjusted, and that henceforth matters will run smoothly between them. Mr. Chandler also wishes to counter, mand the notice inserted a few days since, that he would not be re sponsible for Mrs. C's. debts. AW A'id fpil. TtlV halai full - I Imm if ImhV hUMla unA In nr. tl I.I dftk( nlrl lltlM'k nut Iiawm rm nr nai. to C and U Irlmnied, TRIMMKK t iae ul baby h-xio-a ft l.i tor old mora Jd their maw ailir n 7fl e lalriiiu JlSS SCHL'YLKK, Kali Putnam. The opera house was packed Inst night with an enthusiastic audience. which had been drawn to see "I.ove Finds a Way," acted by the popular little favorite, Katie Putnam. A Gay Howard, Miss Putnam outdone all her former efforts in this ritv and kept her audience alternately in tears and laughter during the entire evening. The singing and dancing specialties she introduced were new and were most accept able. The supporting company is stronger this season than last.- St. Paul Globe. You will Miss a rare treat if you fail to see Miss Putnam to-morrow night. Secure your tickets for "Ixive Finds a Way" by the Katie Putnam company at the opera house to morrow night. The management guarantees a line performance. The Expoatilon Olosen. The .Nebraska City Kxpositiou proper, closed last evening but the theater held in connection will be continued the rest of the week. The exposition on the whole has been a success, and fully met the expects tions of the most sanguine of its advocates. M IDSUMMEli C IEAYalT J AT vTchageg V7 uh ni.a 1 In order to reduce stock to make room for ou' we miiBt close onttholiW ..,.- c ' . ' .i 1 , . " "in uiiiiliner BlOCk HA rm Bible. Conimencirir to dav u-r. tt.;n r 6Wt-K.a8'u crnn.l- ...,.i..M.:.." n J. uur umire line b , u,utMfi iiounciiigs and all oven t go l'cr Ctnno 1e,rular pfjcc Jadies summer vests at 8c regula71qy Jadies summer vests at 10c regular. 15 quality, liallonn ascension to-morrow. Another Old Citnen Con. Jonathan Heckner died at the home of Mr. C. S. Twiss, last' evening at 10.30 p.m. age 75 years. Funeral will k f.lace from the home of Mr.C. S. Twiss, Thursday morning at 10:.'hJ. Mr. Heckner is an old resident of this city, having made this his home for the past nineteen years Plattamoutn Prenlnt. Delegates to the county conven- A' t uon irom I'lattsmouth precinct were Ciioseii at tne nrimarv u fnl. .. ' I '. lows: j.c.Kikenbary.iienry Eike,.. dies black and fancy ribbed vests P5c worth tfr bary, A. H. Taylor. S. M. Thomas I ' WUI 111 0C t has Jean, Wm. Wettenkamp. noes Bluff Preninot. I'rimary met persuant tn rati ,..1 the following delegates to thecoun- ty convention were seclecteib W A. Holmes. Win. frnvnl r ti,a,. j ( iiuiiiun l tonnes, I. w. Herger. lohn McC.n neha, Geo. IJoyd, A. Root, Thomas Mnitri, white Lad35trth4tcan,ianCyEi'ryPtlan COtt0n vcsts at Ladies silk mixed a t 7Rn vests at 6oc was a bar-' Good racing to-day. Do not forget the balloon asceu- sion and parachute doscensioti which also takes Radios silk vests at $1, reduced from $1.28. .' , t .A I y tOI.I) Asn MJtOr.LAINTROWNS UrA? rk and fine gold Kuik SPECIALTY. UK STKINAI B UX'Al. a ell aa other la- exiii'urtiiiirna iiirine iiaiuieu eiiraotioo of irciii, MARSHALL, KitijcwaM RW PERSONAL No, 4 this morning had s car of California fruit. Kd Shriuer is spending the,day in tiinaha to day. Capt Hennctt was an Omaha pss engef this morning, A. Clark was a pauacugcr for Omaha this morning. John SchippagiisHe is buying Iruit in OmohH to day. Mrs. J. L, Minor win an Omaha passenger this morning. ira. ani Miuinaker was pas senger forOmahii to-day. W. If. I a Roy, the balloonist cam in on .No. S this morning. Henry Streight returned from McCook on No. 2 last evening E. Y. Black shipped a car load of hogs to South Omaha to-duy. A. H. Todd and Jacob Tritw h were passengers for Lincoln this morning. Mrs. H.C. McM.icket li lt on No. fl this morning to attend there union at Red Cloud. Mrs. I. P. Myers, who has been visiting aelatives, near Rock-Muff for two weeks returned on No. 2 last evening to her home at Sugar Grove I iillllfin. Tha Fair. Secretary Miller informs us that from the present outlook everything continues favorable for a successful fair. Nearly :X)rntries were made yesterday, but by noon today the number will be greatly increased. The program as announced will be adhere?! to, strictly, and all may come relying upon havingproniises fulfilled in every instance. TO-MOkkOW's I'KOOHAM. From 7,1)00 to 8,0f:0 visitors will be granted an opportunity of looking through floral hall and inspecting exhibits in general. At 'i.Si the racing will commence: First, trot, mile heats, best three in five, for a purse of f 73. Amateur bicycle race, half mile heats, for a pri.e valued at .U). Gentlemen s roadsters' race, for a purse of $,Ttl. place to-niorrnw. ill the afternoon. For one who h as never seen this remarkable perform a nee. it is u-i-ll worth .. i in tl v oi nu in mr It'll, Everj body goes to the fair. A F-riyhlened Team. Jas. M. Muir's team waa fright ened to day by the oiierturning of an organ box in front of his store on Sixth street, and proceeoed to run at a very rapid rate. At the corner of Mu ck's furniture store the vehi cle was over-turned and damaged considerably. The team ran as for east as the track and then turned hihi siarien up me track. They were soon raptured. It is fortunate that no one was hurt. Thiee hundre 1 enterics this mom ing. We have sold Ely's ('ream Halm about three years, and have re commended its use in more than a hundred special cases of catarrh. i ne unanimous answer to our in quiries is, "It's Hie best remedy that I have ever used. Our experience is. that wtiere parties continued its never fails to cure.- I. II. Montgomery, A Co.. hniggjutd, De- Corali. Iowa. When 1 began using Ely's Cream Halm my catai rh was so bail I had headache the whole time and dis charged a large amount of filthy : 'imiii i. i iiiii nun alumni eniireiy ! disappeared and have not had hcad- ,...1... u..l... I t? c. . , ( m in- ni.ii.-iu e. j. ooiiiiiii-iijncpnticy, v mill. 0 0 per cent, on nil ih IDC I-Viint Jersevs. j " - waists and gO per cent dicsount on all our silk umbrellas We iti:ik iiu.,ir... i.. i .. . riurrhasn if i.. . ",.r reuuce Mock -Now is the time to ' prices quoted this season, F. HERRMANN ONE DOOR EAST FIRST NATIONAL. TIME HAS COME 1 he finest line of Neckwear llui. ami Caps at JOES, the one price v. jMiiuer, a n Hair Inline, rings, crosses hair wotk gt all kinds to order. Ms-. A. Km ek ' ITM Ixicust St. Alwava take iu HIUWUUIIHIII'IIS, II If von want to sen iii.-.. , I.. ..i , . - . Vl. . null nr. I ...n.l.i .... f I...I. I v MMiniig you Stlollli) go to jiM-, nnu looh lua stock over in an at i,...,.. ceived a fine tin of Imported tooth huh nan nriislies, cloth nm hair vrusnes. i rices away down. If THE BEAUTIFUL GEU3IAN Oleographs (JIVKaN with each $10 worth of goods at Tlie Far are not "Daubs' but real artists productions. Sec our 5, 10. and 2,i cent counters for IJarjalns K. F. ESCIIER I'kiif, Plaiiamouin Buainaa Collafaa. TllK 1IEKAU a few ilavs since noted the fact that the board of education was considering the mat ter of adding a business course to our public schools, and we are uow able to announce that plans have been perfected by which pupils of our city schools may receive a busi ness education at home, The board has secured the services of Prof. C. I). Ewing, formerly princi pal and proprietor of the Omaha Husiness College, and that gentle man will be ready for work Sept. 21. I'rof. Ewing informs us that he! will fit one for active IiuuIm.,. using the methods, and as nearlv s possible giving the same prac tical instruction, as ifiven inareu-n. Isr bun! liens colleve. In addition to the reuular school during the day, an evening session in ir held, thereby ac ct.niinn.lui. Ing m great number that may not be permitted to attend the day session. I UK JIKttAI.H believes that tliia step is ( mmeiidablesnd affords opportunity of which every student, mat lias romplet-d the regular work, or those who think they can not pursue the regular course the high school longer, should avail themselves. There will be no charges for tui tion to those pupils attending Hi- regular day session, but a reason able tuition fee will be charged meiuk-ers of the night school. Tub 1Ikkai.ii should like to see this enterprise maintained, and trusts that our school board may receive the hearty co operation of pnlrona and friends of our city schools. Lova Find. Away Winsome Katie Putnam played Mr. ("has Da.ey's splendid drama "Ixive Finds a Way," to a large audience, at theGrand Opera llom-e Monday night. Time has denlt gently with Katie, and she is as bright nnd pretty, and aa graceful and lively as she was years ago and she nets with just as much spirit as in days of yore. Mr. Daxey witnessed Miss Putnam's rendition of his play for the Hist time Monday night and was much pleased with its production. The largest audience, in which were a number of the dramatist's relatives und personal friends, was perfectly delighted, .and pronounced it ... . . ... oesi attraction that has nppeart here this year. At the end of the second act Miss Putnam was called before the c with a. beautiful bouquet (ilobe. Miss Putnam, 'will appear at the Waterman neit Wednesday niuht in "Love Finds a Way" secure your tickets now on sale at J. P. Young's Price, i.k When you hoiild Iwizin to tli ink Hhontyoiir fall miderwi'itr. We have jiiht re ceived ten canes of ladies, chi. drene, mens, am boys underwear direct from tiiuiiiit'iic t n r Who Was iiiii ing money h was vullinir m . a . t f.W M ..1 dicpotse of part of tin's years pro duct of his mill at a sacrifice, his mibtortune was our opportunity and we bought the goods at Icks than their ac tual value, to start this under wear we intend to make some SPECIAL OFFERS TO EARLY BUYERS years old. Childrens all wool Scarlet Shirts and drawers, si sizes runniiig larire enough to lit a .child twelve ONLY 3Tic EACH. Snftffll Nil f'hildrens heavy liutural wool colored ShirU IfUVIlll lllfa iw and Drawers rtinninir ill same sizes as the scar let only 'Vi cts a irarment. You rnn'l iiffnnl tn Imv ihn l.,ii, (.. l. ...... - r- ..... . ... ... ... , . ...i ,,,nn. jvjui childrens underwear when we can sell you them ready made so cheap. Special No, 3 Mens extra heavy ribbed natural wool colored shirts and drawers all sizes only 39 cts EACH. Silk ii,,. GiiAiSnl tin. 4 Ladies heavy merino Shirt and Drawer a red ' trimmed, a very nice garment, that is universally aoiii ui.aj cis; vie sen at ail cts ft A CM. .111111,1, ll IUIICU Zt!C''Xl Special Floor Oil Cloth Bargains stoves, etc ut nn I v 'J.V t...r . ,,r,l w.. t i . . designs and widths. Cloth for under several different Ulpnkets or Bed Comforts y?i0U"e,',UnT,s:,ve"" " ca land we will anrnri.. Attend the fair. Cant. W. A. Abbett. who bus lnn.r I . &f 'z iii eu wuh i-iesnrs. i recivat and I Litton, Keal Estate and insurance lirokers, Des Moines, Iowa and is one of the best known und most re. spected business men in that city says: "I can testify to the good iiiiiiiiies oi i iiamlierlain s Cough Keniedy. Having used it in my iiiiiiijv mr me iihht eiiriif Mmn i ( - P. - .....r., a can sately say it has no e.iual for either colds or croup." .Klcent liot- lies lor sale ly r. Ii. Frit ke I'ruggists. von with oriena V li.iv.. 1, u. - t ,11,111 give good value for your money. to suit anyones pockelbook and will Best English Linoleum 62j, cents a square yanl. A special bar gain at the price. New Stock of Shoes Just Keceivei A Co., The new remodeled piiHsed through to-day rain. engine, on a mi stock During the last week we have received from New Entrland fu,-i,i... case, of Ladies, Misses, Childrens, Mens and boys shoes, Hmong them are unprecedented bargains. Call and see us, and let us show you how cheap, solid, serviceable a shoe can be sold. i enri Meiim cookers for sale bv I W II.... .1 . ' WM. HjEROLD & SON. J j. im ihutk go and hcc I hem