The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, September 14, 1891, Image 4
I One ih king of rnthleas power Who spurned his psuplu's trust, A) whiteness Iroru hit soul araaad, y tyiim&y and Inst. - - On wu ft monarch Jut to U Wiibiu bis klnirdiHn'a reach, ,, Hi creed of charily and love t'lowarad In art and epeeea. ,!" WtTA'lIEALTUDaCTOPu Half Starred Habra ami Children Thai Llv uu llovaycd trull ami oirlali mtul Tli tit Worae Deadly await Atx.und and How Tlmjr An Corractnl, Twenty minutes in one of the district of the simauer corps of the boar! of health will enable any one to obtain an idea of how the tenement house i-ole live. Imagine that you have accepted an invitation to spend twenty minutes with one of the tminmer doctors. It fs a hot August day, 8 o'clock in the morning. The air even at thiii early hour is stithnir. Are you surprised to find life astir hero? Remember you are in the midst of the poor people, who bee;in their day's Kbor at fl o'clock. Entering our district, untuiug escapes our eyes. See this B.a il ou the comer piled up with fruit, beautiful to behold, suggest ing a fc'arib n in the tropics. I3ut what in tliatodui? And this wee newsboy what dv-ii ho want to buy? Curiosity to hd what the child is co in.; to buy, also our duty iinjs-lliin,' tn to dicover tiij! cause of the odor, hold d.4 a moment. We see that lie buys two JieacneB ivl a ceui., ttiiu tutu iui mo inL tune notice that the luscious heaps coti-fri.-t of piles of d.-caviiii fruit thrown Fti.l... tl,..,r,.., ;...; promiscuous io.-iuei iuh-ii i.x,. . . ', . W'"'-U . r i' minus and peaches; this rotten fruit sen- of fuiell, there is another and rjittt The tyrant on aiiiritnona ronrh tHiHireiiitied bi breath. Ami tiia litu lapsed all uueuui.iou8l i rum tntuguil slyty to dcalu. The kiug beloved by grateful heart Throughout tils prowrou land. n una imninn mmie btuiua dwres Uitcl in.iu a murderer's Uiin.ll -William U. Hnyne In Century. I Tli sirul. of flower. In popular acceptation, the soul of the Huwsr resides in its perfume. But cer liin loveliest tlower souls x-K-ise similar repellences for individuals tT the humau family. There have been those even who could not endure the irfgruuce tn tue rose, lo my knowl e'lgo one observer rinds in the scent of lilacs an unpleasant reminder of the odor of e Hi.lii'' bum. Another makes no distinction between the breath of) mignonette and the euitll of fresh coru JiieaL To inn the scent of the thistle is identical with that of the bumbleW sprawliic,' luxuriously among its purple, iiinl the first time the delicate, feathery flower of tiie beach ;lurt wi-n brought ine, surely their odor was the name 1 had noted nestling birds. EARUV: MOHNiNO SCENES IN TENE MENT HOUSE DISTRICTS. in downy chicks ai d 1 OV P.V1I.Y PAStiKXUKK- TRAIN 1 , - . '. I fAmr tunc- . I CjUlllU Lnol I vu'M S : 05 f M.INot .3 :ln a. m No 4, . ..! M a. . ho I, i-.Ttp. n N(V ... ...7;t4 p. m V O 'Mi. m. -, lo .. t . ra ). a. -, -is a. m. i. .a , , . It .14 . B NO. ' ' I'."'- Mi . au. D. Vo. 't, VM y, in. o. 19 U :uf. a. m. .Vi-Vil'.'f I'M If IV HAILWA V TIXBlAkti. N ml Arai. n o :iti..n lj"sn- ln.M a. m. ' arrives., I rains daily mceiit ."uud.iy 4 .no p. KNUiH w.i. at thc.r li llUlK kll.. SI.) HKT MH'IKTIKS OS" I'VltilAC liamiili't l-'dti-M-i'l. velV Mfedn ilny eveillh II II. fare s A 1'riui! 0I' K. All i- as out!, .y iiiv le i lu : hull. (' :. ; lia l'i vy. a. Melid Y.,(Ml MrN'rl' lll l-lli .N t 'f ATlir--ao-ni.:.!! tilinh MntB Htr-st. ni-ti fn in s :.' a in I" : ' ! m', r or men nii'y i;.ifl meet iii eeiy su.'ay alo-ne 'in at I iV in k n i'. ev.- ,h in H.K'kii !. 1- hi;;-: l', . N!i- 1. fir-r Mel ihli.t I riil iv i- .it e;e li niuieli si li A It. lis I ik il." k 1 Veiinl'yes. ' io;e. !:t-:':-rr!er. ", ' w 1 r' i.iv hs'l 'ii I I . P. l.e Hit No. si M i 1'i-nnit soil f' "rl'i "I lh'i Ill l:e II ml. I ll ii' i. A I' . . il lid i s. K .1 Viiinai.. M I;, .loiui'i. f X ) V l M.-'i m i.'ii' K i:miw bin tireiliii-n lie ' a: ( N A M I n in I' No li'-'l. nl i' hull in Ih" I a'M'.i l.i-i in-: Id I nils, ' lllnu ii.ii. d Hi-nry lli-mb). I'1 H' "! : l., Strri'tiil v. distinct pleasure that which is con veyed in the contact of a flower; as in nbt!e siray of lilacs brushing ai jour face, the dabbling touches of i... Hrirwbir th tATtd"-r ..l..f.. .x-4 - blosHoms dashed with rain, the T.ned aleekness of the lily, which a "Id time jioet ronntu'iance in l t ' ,ng his ladys hand; so smooth, so - j, so ajft it was, "as it ha worn a !.'.' r a glove." Farther W;til) liiuertt- i ion is to be found in the. warm, rit. .n l airy touch of the rxvie (ho milt 1 j quality of the Ji'yetal), in the v d sultriness of the Vi.tifitf u t'.f 1 tViA i. iniu in tViu tiuiiiinv thinness and d.- .iens of the larksuur blosra. t.liti M. Thotnas in Athiutia t-.i'ii; at two and tliree for a cent. & accost the owner and tell We him Kanhworme aud Rait Water. A very important fact in. the economy of earihwortns is their susceptibility to alt water ; they are for the most part soon killud by an immersion in ealt s'ater, and it aptiears that their egs ar also incapable of withstaudinffita inHti nii for a prolonged period.. However, the are not deposited tinyly, but are inci sed in lare nutnlers in an epif cane of a. leathery consistence, which may be, for a tune at leust, impermeable to sea water. It is therefore just con ceivable that the cocoons miht cross in afety a narrow se.i inclosed in a ball of earth ojiou the rKU of a floating tree. Eut it Mt'tna certain that a very long time does not elapsn nefore the es in the cocoon are fatally injured by th sea-water. The only eiception at pres ent known is an earthworm which is found in li.-aps of Cast Up seaweed on the seashore of the Mediterranean aud North sea C'liaml-r' Journal Crnple W li. Hurt Mo Time to Uaad. It is rather remarkable how the thou sands who patron Ue the pot-tollii lack kjv. A little while ago Uiero were nins and uotice enough aisiut the btulilinii to give any one who looked all the information nece.isary about the ar rival and the departure of mails and the other inutu-rs about which thi who usesl the buildiiiK would naturally want to know Hut the clerks had to answer so many questions that the pistmater talilisiied a liuieau of Information, where all questions sliould be cheerfully answered by a clerk with nothing elne to do. And now, although the stamp win daws are conspicuously placed and plain ly marked, it has l-ea found necessary to put npover the w indow of the inquiry bureau, in addition to its sin as such, a siiiu reading: "No stamus sold here." The clerk had as many requests for stamps as he did for information. No York Tunes ..t.h fruit is not wholesome; it onyht to K throwu away. He "doesn't care" about the nnwhole sometiess of the stulf. We then show our badge aud make him throw It away. We pass on tninktug that we have savel the live of iiiaiiy children, an onuce of prevention I wing better than a pound of cure. J'ushinK onr way we proceed. It Is really pushirur onr way, fur the street is lined with mothers, each holding a baby in her arms, with another dragging on to her skirts. Some are sitting ou the stoops, some in the areas and others on the curbstones; in fact they are all over. Suddenly we hear a pitiful wail from a little baby. We know what that means it means that the baby is thirsty. The mother also thinks she knows, blie gives it the breat The poor baby, after clutching it eagerly and taking many swallows, releases it anil again cries that same pitiful, forlorn wail. DUrSsF.p WATER. Can any one be ignorant that nothing can quench thirst bnt water? Milk is a poor substitute, litre is a chance to give a private lecture, and presently we are telling the mother that the baby needs water to queucu its thirst; the hot weather makes it sweat a saI deal; it loees a great deal of water and so needs a greut deal. A parsing ic wagon fur nishes a scrap of ice. It does one good to see how eagerly baby sucks it This mother lives in a house where there are niWn other mothers, and asking her to tell the others, we walk away feeling sure before night all these babies will be drinking water. We have told her to the water, put it on ice aud then give it to the baby to drink. Looking op and down the street we see that it is very dirty. Going over to investigate a pile of dirt, we e on its uphill side a pool of stagnant water which is almost green, (iiven a hot August day. a i rk of garbage and the universal and we have a germ brerdmg center. The people inhale this air all day aud all tiigl.L Looking around we see the houses that need us most ditty, filthy house. No wonder the people camp out in the streets all diiy yes, aud all iii'jbt. We see a jrniip of miit hi-." i.ti! : ..iiiln-ii standing at a hall J.s.r. They maUe room for us to pass. We stop to speak to them. Noticing a weary, white faced girl of about twenty years, and seeing a child clinging to her draws, we ask her about the baby, then about herself. She tells s. ; ! Illli r:, No II" I .. F. tniM-m e--I'ay iiikl'' t 'hi-lr U- Hii'i'r i. ! A'.i liu ti'ii" an- ri.rd.s'p) nltl ..I l i' vl-ilnn In J lory, i. w. I'.m'.je. M-ni ta ). PI.ACKS OF WOKSIIIP. fvnioi.ic Isiil Ion' k, Inlaei'ii fiilli .iiiil Hulli. Kailier i amy, l'tor S IVH-. : V -iw nt . lid I" ::i A. M. Slltiila) Hi limil at i : i l'h le-le-dldl'ii.. rilHI'TMH.-' on er I..H"llt Slid Hlllilll Hta. I ni-ivb'i'K mnriiliis Hint rviiiiist Kio-'i J. K. Krrd. j,air. f iiads) -!wl Kfii oi-AU-W I.nke'a I linrrh. roiner 1 hlrd unit in.-. Ili-v H H Hurtet. .;t-lor. Ser vii ea ; It A. M S dt JUl " Buiida) tH'lionl at l . r x. CmtMAX MuTiU'lilsT rner Hllh 't and (ininlie. IIk. 1IIH. rastor. hervn-s ; II A. M. and 7 -in P. . smnUy tvhool lo Jo A . I'sksuvtiikias. -ervlie In re rlimrh.ror bi-i Hum and (irsnile . Iti-v.J T. llsirn. liliit. siii.i1b -si" nol at !;'; KreiichliiK ai II a. Hi, Mint u in. 1 ha V. K. t'- t nt 'ht' rlinrch m-el evny MK.iliatll Menil.c at T In Hie tian-lliel I id tlirrhnrih. All aie invited to all. ml tlie-e Dieei iiikv Kihst MriHiililsT.-riinth lit., hetwrll Main aim r-sari. He i. I H Hm-knei i-i.h. s. rvli-en : II A. M..S ) r. M riunila ocIiimiI . Jfi a i'r)-l un eli i ednedy ern- liiif. URltMAii ParsiHTrHiA"! -Corner Main and .nlli. K. v w.iie, .:ist r. benleea usual hours. Sunday .-cliiml Jn A. M. S trtiH I oMiiKiniATi.SAi.-iiraiiit. ! laern Kiltli and Miltl. tViA.KP.unArriaT.-Mt. Olive, oak. Iietaeen Irnth and Kleveutli. Krv. A. lUwwell, (ia u.r. S-viri- II a in. and 7 J) V M- layer nii etu.K Wrrtiiraday eeiili . Yol'Xii lss's I'MMI-TUP AH IATIiiH I:.iiiiii V. alennaii Murk. Maui tie.-l. I.oa-li-l Inei lllnt. Ii.r Ilieu only, every hulldajr si ti tliimli hi 4 ii i H- k. HiMiuif oieu e-k djyv 1 1 urn .. a. in .lo K : :m p. m. Km tH i'ABk lAHSIAI.S -llev. .1. M. WihhI, I a- it. N.rvii'.': Sunday UtIumiI, tn a m. : I o-sitilik. Us. m. and I in. ; liravei nireoi.k lue.nay iilnlil ; rhoir (itac- lee hrul..y iiikIiI All are aelroine. tairthwonna la tSa Siaw World. It is a remarkable fact that in two kinds of eai'luworms, inhabitants of the New World, the little bristles, which are the locomotive appendages, are greatly Hilarged in lim tail segment. In one of these, the DiaclwU windlei. the bris tle in j-ie-ftioti it re enormouy enlarged and of a booklike form, so that the creature niu.t l able to retain a very firm grip usiii the soil These facta are surprising, as In earthworm is perhaps Wli auiillfti ii) Which We auould Uot ea pect much manifestation of intellect; tint, on the other hand, Mr. Romanes' discoveries about the intellectual possi bilities of Hally. the chimpanzee, msy be regarded as having moved the whole animal creation np a peg or two in men tal caliber. -rC'hambers' Journal Knowladgs Wtaa. Two farmers recently laid a wager that one could hold a wasp longer in his hand than the other. The man who roblitd chloroform on his hands expecU-d to win, but the other happened to know that male wasps do not sting, and ac cordingly got one of that sex. They sat and smiled at each other, while the crowd wondered, until the chloroform vaporaled. and theu the man who nsed it suddi'iil) let go his wasp. The other man got the money. London Tit-Uit. The nnmls r of immigrants into the United Stales during the year was ralher mole than 4'J'i.0o0 that is mors than the population of St. Louis, Lalti iimre or Boston. Sixteen thousand more immigrants arrived during the first three months of 18'ji than during the corre siHindiiig mouths of It is known that wasps' nests often take lire, supposed to lie canned by the themii al aitioti of the wax npon the pa jer material of the nest itself. May this not account for many mysterious f.rvs in haras aud outbuildings? still nursing. Asking her if she does not know that babies should tie weaned at uino months, the answer we receive is, ves. tlial sue knows, but ll does not nun j it and it saves the cost of buying uiiik for the baby, for they are very poor. tir.ATH IS TIIK LEU.AB. Out in theyard we notice a child about three years old, with an old man's face this face being cnaracteristic of rick etts. that diseam now becoming so com inou onion a: poor peupio. This liulc one is bnsy eating an apple skewered on a stick, aud eating it as if it were its en tire breakfast: uot dessert or any relish, but its whole meal, lu contrast to this one and otnei dirty children, three dean children attracted atteution, and what a contrast! Our twenty minutes is almost np, but we can hardly tear ourselves away from this gypsylike encampment A last look at them forces a smile, as we see a Ger man hoiisefran with her basket of lunch, blanket aud knitting. Hhe has evidently come from an upper story to spend the day on the sidewalk. In the hall we meet a pleasant faced, motherly irstusn; she is evidently tiie jauitress. We ask her about the nnmlier of families In the house, children, plumbing, sickness, etc. We notice a distinct odor in the hall. We'll try the cellar. She lights us down there, and answers glibly all onr ques tions We are really ashauisd to have suspected anything wrong in the cellar, but the (slur i a dangiT signal, which says, "Take heed; daugerr We look around the cellar; all cleau and dry. We are just going to leave when we see a relieved look in her face, aod sui-peclliig at once something wroug, begin to pry about from end to end. Knocking ou one end of tho wall we find It not solid, but boarded up. We pull one of the boards out and discover the the niise of the islor. There lies an un derground lake, fed nit by sprws, but by an old leak in tiie sewer' Tins, at least, the authorities can deal with. We report the case at once. New York U.-rald. I Did it ever occur to yon to think how w retchedly inferior as a runner Uisn is lo neatly every other living creature? Love Find, Away Wiimmiie Katie Putnam tduyed Mr. ( has Itaau y'H eplendid druiiia, "Love Find a Way." to it Liftfe audience, ht 0 f GrandOpeia House Monday iiig,lit. Time ban dealt K- ntly wilh Katie, ami sine is bright mid pretty, mid us graceful mill lively ui slie was yeiim ago, and she acts w ith just mm much spirit as in day of yore. Mr. Iiay.ev witnessed Miss Piittiiim'B rendition of liiet play for Hie first time Monday nielli oiid nil" li pleased with its production. Ill largest audience, ill which were number of the dramatist s relative and personal friends, was perfectly dc diijlited, Jiiinl pronounced it tli . . . ....... tiest Hitracliiiii iiiHi lin epin miu here this vear. At tlir etui of the second act Miss I'titniim wan call b'dore the curtain uml presented with u beautiful bouquet. St Louis Globe. Miss Putnam, w ill appear at the Waterman next Wednesday night in"Iverinds a Way secure your tickets now on sale at I. P. Young's Pricf, TV ('apt. V. A. Abbett. who hm long; been with Messrs. Precivnl and 1 1 .ii ton. Heal Kstiiteanil Insurant! ltrokers, l)ea Moines, Iowa mid one of the breil known ami mosit re h pec ted liusiness men in that city savs: "lean t.eHify to the Lro qualities of C'humberlnin'a t'oiigti Remedy. Having used it hi my lamilvfor the hhhI Piirlil years ciin safelv shv it bus no equal for either colds or crimp." SI rent lt ties lor sale liv K. li. Krickr Co Druggists. Pearl Steam cookers lor sole by J. W. Heutlee A Co. go and see tlieiu We have sold Klv'a Cream Jlnliii uboiil three veiirs. uml have re commended its use in more tliun tin nil roil siiccial rilees nf i'litlirrli The nnaniinoiis unswi r to our in miii'ies is. "It's the best remedy that I have ever used." Our cxpcricnc is, that where parties mitiniicd itn never fails In cure. J. II. Montgomery, A Co.. Dt nggists. De cornli. Iowa. W hen 1 began using'a Cream Italin my Ciiliiirh w as eo liiid I bud headache the whole time and ilis th.irged a large amount of filthy matter. That lias almost entirely disappeared Hnd have not bad head ache science. J. Sonimers.islephiiey, Conn. , LCOsi-T CTCTT irons m a i L ill t. a n W iLHJ Grand Fall anil Winter Opening About Sem- 1ft. JT w ") -j Opera House Corner - PlattsmoY h, Neb. II il I'KltKINS HOUSE, 217. 21. 221 nd 2:1 Main 8t., lattmouth, fiebraska. H. K. BOS 8. Proprietor ltie Perkins bss tw-en thoroughly eooTated from top tc .,xA.uiu sii- ' low one of the lest hotels in the stats 3oarder will ! taker by the week at 14. SO and np. JCOD BAE CC1T17ECTED Chamberlain's Eye and Skin. Ointment A issrialn cnra for Chronic Soto Eyef , Tetter, Salt Eboum, Scald Head, 014 Chronio Sores, Fever Sores, Eczema, Itch, Prairie Scratches, Bore Mpple and Pile. ItUooolins; avnd aoithlriZ, Hundreds of cases have bn cured by It after all other treatment had failod. It U put up in 23 and CO coat boxea. ,1 HARNESS! HAIVNESS AT FRED GORDER The only Iniplt'ineut dealer who lias iiiiide u suetrhg in Cari County TIIK best ol hariicss, both double and single maybe found at my fitoreaud evtrj thing iu the luruca Hnc ulut Imiww u.l enrt mKrm which are lirst i hiss in every respect, brinjr (be liirM. t !!!ror!fst and easiest riding vehicles on earth. world' Fair 2irttSncemSs! an inireilitalile short time with a Capital of 6200 and Upward Success certain il instruction UiUi fully followed. Ijiven on neccipi oi niiKiel note or Hostage staiiiV" 'jr Address ii, Chica". i!!. If yon want to see nice clean an 1 well made up Clolhiii you should go to J( K mid look bis slock over Hrown ft liarrett have jut re crived a line line of imported tootli and nail brushes, cloth and hair brushes. Prices nway down. If Mils' Hervn0 Liver Ptlle- Art on a new iirinciiile reuulalinit the liver, stomach and bowels lbioiih the nerves. A new discovery. Dr. Miles Pills Sie(tilj rare hiliou-ness, bad tast, torpid liver, pi ha, constipation. Uu qusled for men, women, children. Hmsllest, mildest, surest! Ml doses, 25c. Hsiiipls free at K. Frh ke & (Vs. JOKS Stock of I'nderwear, is larger mid better than before and prices less t tin ll last year. Nolle lo Coal Consumers I will furnish the best of coal of ..ll f,r:nl,-a In those who !HV me.liut those who wish to run long winded u, r. ,,. I li, ii I wHtit. j h t nave io pay for what I get I must insist on pay for what I sell. All those who kllOW IliemSelVCS) llHieme.i !. in, umII litelisi- llllV liv tiie 1'itli ol .Sep tcmlicr ns I must have money to pay lor winter coin. Timothy O.akk. 1i..,.l..r in Aniliriii itc and llitumi nous coal mid wood. Ollice ami yard 4d South Tttiril st.' telephone M, I'lattsmoiitll, aci. o Look out fcr JOE'S Grand FallOpetiing he will announce exact date within a fewdays AI.S(i have a large lot of Schiitler, Moline, Haiti and Sterling wagons Spring wngona, road curfs, mid plows of all discription. Plattsmouth Nebraska 1PECIAJL SALE IN OUK COJU'LKTK STOCK OF tA33lS FINE SHOES' We give you the following deep cut in prices: Ladies Fine Glared Dongolu f2M shoes reduced lo l.ndien Dongolii Knl Hexilile J..)slioe reduced to - . . . Ladies Hest llnngohl $'l.l)0 shoes reduced to- Ladies I land Turned best Dogoln f I .(HI shoe reduced lo . FOE THIRTY DAYS ONLY We have a great many other sample lots of odd sines that we ottering nt " 117.1 3.30 art v j v." i -Kjt1 xj wi In order to reduce otir stock lo meet our obligation. We also haven few tola of I.iidies Oxfords that we will sell at reduced prices. Ilon't forget the place, "W. J&.. BOBOK c5 OCX