The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, September 14, 1891, Image 3

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    ffjrea HusKiUqs, soled fljeir tailless,
J did-rt kip v o do; !C?K
fiSliVYica old friend
ffc 5antaClaus WfiS
W Y'cV 5 V '
n.M .. i ... .v B
Wts liI!!eh!Kcrt3,tc;iiurnii!ferls f
V ftp, Wii!?if:isSCr,Pcf Abcr !p, I
were &s bricM and soft as ey
SahtaCiaus Soap-Hacz oi;ly by
HK.Fairbamk&Co. Chicago.
J. i). (MATES & c'J.
i DOOIW, P.LIXDS.Bnd all building material
ais asrsc?; us at iiiv corner , oi
11th an Elm street, one block
nort.LOlYlIciscl's mill.
Fletouth, Nebraska
Evcrithins to Furnish Your House.
. ...j
IlavinV nurtliiiHcd the .J. V. "WVckWach store room on ninth
Main '.vruc t where Iain now located I tan kcII floods elieap
th:uri the clieapi st having jiHt put in the largest ntock
f in v good-! ever brought to the city. Gasoline Move
and f limit lire of all kinds sold on the installment plan,
17 ( umm 0
A Full ami Complete lire of
Drugs, Medicines, Paints, and Oils.
Prescriptions Carefully Compounded at all Hours
An Io Itulila CoiiHIct Prndln-,
Today, as yesterday!, as tomorrow, and
an fur a long time to come, the situation
of France and Uertnuny forms the great
mibji-it of anxiety which is imposed
upon the meditation of ull European
sialemeu, At no other imiul i it furo
that war can break out. Russia has
gre-it ambitions ami Italy has' strong do
sin s, but RtiKsi.i is for years doomed
uicrely to cherish ambitions, for shecan
not realize them single handed, and it
dot's not depend npon her to provoke a
general war, which would be one result
of her combined action with France;
while as for Italy, she will never venture
to give the signal of war, for if she did
she would be left to herself and would
be speedily f rtihhed. It could be solely
as the result of a general war that Italy
could obtain her share, ami in the preu-
eur Mate of her alliances she could take
that share only from France, so that a
general war ulonu could procure it for
lu r, inasmuch oh, if she were left single
handed, she would not be able to over
come Fiance.
Neither Austria nor England dreamt
of war. Il is therefore still, as twenty
years ago, France and Germany who
could occasion war; because, whatever
may be alleged, whatever may be pro
claimed or whatever may be concealed,
these two nations desire war war, first
for its own sake, and next for the rest;
and if, in order to have done with this
everlasting Frauco-Uermatt nightmare.
Europe could now promise to fold her
arms, and afterward to intervene merely
ss arbiter, war would break out to-morrow
between Franco and Germany, for
the fatality of war haunts and overriden
both nations. Do Rlowitz in Harper's.
lre-evoltitluiiarjr F.rror.
Most of the shortcomings of the old
method of historical writing resulted
from tb fact that tho world wa looked
at from a statical point of view, or as if a
picture of the world were- a series of de
tached pictures of things at rest. The
human race and its terrestrial habitat
were tacitly assumed to have been al
ways very much the same as at present
One age was treated much like another,
and when comparisons were made it was
after a manner as different from the
modern comparative method as alchemy
was different from chemistry.
As men a studies had not yet been
turned in inch a direction as to enable
them to appreciate the immensity of
the results that are wrought by the
cumulative action of minute causes,
they were disposed to attach too much
tmjiortiince to the catastrophic and mar
velous; and the agency of powerful in
dividuals which upon any sound theory
lnnst be regarded as of great importance
they not only magnified unduly but
rendered it unintelligible when they
sought to transform human heroes into
It thus appears that tho way in which
our forefathers treated history was part
and parcel of the way in which they re
garded tho world. Whether in history
or in the physical sciences, they fnutid
themselves confronted by a seemingly
chaotic mass of fails with which they
could deal only in a vague and groping
manner and in small detached groups.
Professor John Fi-kein Popular Science
"Oiliina II., Mr. I In M.,lr."
George Washington, while attending
A swell reception at Newport, noticed
that the daughter of his host, Miss
Eilery, was suii.-ring from a severe sore
thrC'!tt fltl'-i Coll!'! Jli.'t s'T.-iik abovti s
whi.-js-r. General Washington, observ
ing this embarrassment of hi youthful
ho-tess, said to her:
"Miss Eilery, you s.-ein to be suffering
very much: what is the matter?"
Miss ElL ry told him the cause of her
I rouble, upon which the general said to
"1 sutler v. ry frequently from a Pure
throat and take it remedy which I find
very nn-fnl, ami which i would recom
mend to you were I not sure yon would
liot take it."
"Lint 1 am sure," replied Miss Kllery,
"that I Would take any remedy that
Geurrul Washington would propose,
"Well, then," said tho general, "it is
this onions boiled in molasses. It lias
cured me often."
Miss Elh-ry took the remedy and, of
course, was cured. Exchange,
IF 80-
Ketiiember that U. O. Castle A Co have mi iiiinu use tnck of
And Guarantee Satisfaction In nil Things
Great Event
In on! Uie V the discovery of a rrmrAj tor
tome liKiK-stAuiIIiiK malady. The poUon ol
8croful hi jour blood. You lulierlUid It
from your ancestors. Will you Iraiumit it
to your of'.aK T la t!); great majority
of eases, hola Consumption and Catarrh orig.
inalo In Heroin!. It il supposed to o. the
primary source of inauy oilier denuiKcnieuts
of Uie Uly. Heps at once lo cleanse your
blood wlUi lue standard alluruUvtt,
" For Severn! mouths I was tnwliled Willi
scrofulous eruitioas over the wlinle txxly.
My appellte wits bad, and my system so
prostrated that I was I. .work. After
trying several remedies la vain, I resolved
to kike Ayi-r's Nursaparilla, and did so will)
such good ellt-cl that lets Uiau one boUla
Restored My Health
and strength. The rapidity of the cure as
tonished iiw, as I exiM-eted the process to he
lonn and tedious." Frndcrleo MarlJ i'r
LileleS, Villa Nova do (iays, Portnital.
"For many years I was a sufferer from
scrofula, until about three years atro. when I
benan the u f Ayer'i Harsaparlll.i, since
wlneli tho disease has entirely disappeared.
A llttlo child of mine, who was troubled wltfl
the same complaint, lias also tiecn cured by
tills medicine."- If. Brandt, Avoca, Ni-br.
Ayer's Sarsaparilla
DR. J. 0. AYEB CO., Los ill, Mass.
Sold Uy Dnikjgltts. fl.slxl''. Wortk Usbottlo.
Bucklen's Arnica Salve.
Tiik lti'.HT Hai.vk in the world for Cuts
Hru:s;s, Korea, Ulcers, Salt Rheum. Fevet
Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains,
Corns, and all Hkin Eruptions, and posi
tively cures Files, or no pay required
It is guaranteed to give satisfaction, or
money refunded. Price 25 cents per box
For sale by . G. & Co.
RUeo rnstism Curad In i Dwy,
"MyKtic Cure" for rli i-it u i a t i h m nnd
ncunilgrirt riitlicully curcil in 1 lo 'A
(liiyn. Itn action iipoii the Hystcin iH
remiirkulile si ml niyHtcrioiiH. It re
movcH lit once the ciiii.-ie ;ui(l the li
HeilHC illlllll-diiltl'ly (liHs;))-iirn.
Th(! first do-te grontly lienelitrt. 7.V'
Sold by y, (J. Fricke, Drutfif ist. wt
Hum Rr Old China I'ltclmrs.
The naval battles and heroes of the
wnrof lwl'3 furnished many subjects for
use in decorating pitchers, ami some
Is-ar inscriptions far from flattering to
English vanity. With the portraits of
Ferry tnre the words of his famous dis
patch, "We have met the enemy and
they are ours." With Lawrence, bis
dying words, "Don't give up the ship."
Willi the likeness of lecatnr, who caie
t n red the Macedonian, "Free Trade,
Sailors' Rights."
Tb'-n qul kly mrt our nntlou's eyes
'the mil. lest niijlit In nature,
A lust clais frik'itlo a prio
lliouu'lit bu, k by brsvu lti iitur.
With Commodore Iiaiubrido, of tlie
Constitution (Old Ironsidi), are hia
words, "Avast, boys, she struck." The
old ballad says;
On Brazil's conrt ihs ruled tin roast
When llnliibridiie was her cupula
s', al bsmm.irks liave. made of I lie war.
Dead llrltont to tw rapd lu.
Alice Morse F.arle iu Kcribner'n
VJhaf is
CastoriA is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants
and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor
other Narcotic sbntiuico. It is a harmless ouhstitute
for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, mid Castor OU.
it in Pleasant. Its guarantee U thirty years' uso ly
Millions of Mothers. Cantonal cstrojs "Worms and allays
fcverlshncss. Castoria prevents vomiting: Sour Curd, -cures
Diarrhoea aud AVlnd Colic. Castoria relieves
teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency.
Citstorla assimilates tho food, regulate; tho utomacli
mid hovrcls, flvlng healthy and natural sleep. Cas
torla Is tho Children's panacea tho Mother's Pricud,
"('Astoria Is an excellent meotcins for criti
dren. Mothers have repeatedly bsd me of Us
good effect upon their children."
Da. 0. C. Osooon,
Lowoll, Mm.
Castoria Is the best isimedy for children of
which I am acquainted. I bne tin day bMiot
far distant liau moChers wttl oonsl'ler tho rail
Interest of Uieir cWlrwi, and use Castoria in
stead of tlxt various quack nostrums which are
destroying their loved one, by forciiuc opium,
r...,rir, sootlilug syrup and other hurtful
agents down their Ilir.viISc thereby SHnding
Uiem to premature graves.'
Pa. J. 7. Kismsiioc,
Conway, Ark.
" Castor! la sowsill atlaptcd to children thai
I rcocminend it waaporior tuwty praacrlptiol
tuowu to me."
B. A. ABomca, M.
lit So. Orford gt., BrooUlyn, N. T.
" Our phyw'elan in tlie children's depart
ment have spot" hlt;tiljr of their experi
ence In tlKta- ouksJ prscMoB with Cutoria,
and altlvue we only luvo amoug our
Biedicol auppuo what fct kaown as reguUr
pmluufa, yt we are free to confess that tlie
mcrUs cf Castoria Las n ia us lo look with
favor upon It."
United IIoscitil no Dispesurt,
Boston, Mas.
ALUS' C. Smith, Pre.,
The Centaur Company, TT Mnrray Street, New York CltjV
Will you Buffer with Dynpcpsia
and I.i vt-r Complnint? Sliiloh'e Vit-
J alicr is iinrimtci-d to curt you. 2
W III be Given Away
Our cntcrpriHiriir druginntH, K. f'r
Frickc A Co, who curry the tini-Ht
Htock of driio,. pert iiiiu-rieH, toilet
urticles, linielicM, Hpongeis, etc., lire
"jiving; iiwny a l;iro;e niiinlier of trial
bottles of Dr. .1 lien eclehnited Kch
torative Nervine. They tiiirantet'
it to cure licmlaclie, di..inews, ner
vous pniHtration, Hleeplessness, the
elici ts ot Kpirits, tdliireco, coltee,
etc. Uruo giMH say it is the greiitcht
cr they ever knew, ami is univer-
s illy sntisfactory. They also g-mir-
aiitee lr. Allies .New lle;irt t lire in
ull discs of tiervotisororgfiinic heart
ilisense, pulpitntioii, pain ill side,
smothering, etc. Fine hook on
"Nervous and Heart lliscnses,"
free. 4
AUttle i.iris Experience ii a Llgrt
houso. Mr. and Mrs, l.on-n Trescott are
keepers of the (iov. I.iglitliouse lit
Siiiwl llciich .Mich, and are blessed
with ii (laughter, four years. J.ust
April slie taken down with Measles,
f.dliiwed with (Ireniliul ( oiioi and
turned into a lever. Poclors at
Inline iiud at Ilctniit treated, but in
vain, Mic grew worse rapidly,- until
she was ii mere" handful of hones".
- Then she tried lr. King's New
Discovery (tint after the use of (wo
and a half bottles, was completely
cured. They say Dr. King.s New
Di.-eovery is worth its weiyht in
Uobl, yet jou may e.-l a trial bottle
In e at I'. ti. I'l'ii key Di li" stoic.
' The Crcatost Strike
Among the great strikes that of
Dr. Miles in discovering; bis New
llcail Cure has proven itself to be
one of the most important. The de
mand for it has become astonish
ing'. Already the treatment of heart
disease is being revolutionized, ami
inanv unexpected Clireselfet ted. It
soon relieves short breath, Putter
ing;, pains in side, arm, shoulder,
weak and himin-y spells, oppres
sion, "v,-t-!!i!!g of ankh'-.fiiiothfring
mid heart dronsv. Dr. Miles book
on Heart and Nervine Diseases
free. The uneuiialed New Heart
Cure is sold liinf guaranteed by F.
(i. Frickc A Co, also his hVstoral i ve
Nervine lor headache, lits, sprees,
lint Hashes, nervous chills, opium
habit, etc. i
spot cash :dd;i rniK MWimtss
-o( )l )()()-
She is a winner. We reduce our prices because we can afford too,
not because somebody compels us too. Where is the high price, lonjr
time credit man that can stand it NOT l I'LATTSMOl'TII. We jjfive
you ii lew more prices that may interest you:
(ioldeu machine oil
(iasoline -
Warranted Hay Fork
I!,!) odd si.e carriage bolts -
Another lot of clothes wringers
Carpet lacks -
Cook stoves fit cost to close.
Folding; ironing boards ......
Hlk barb wire
(ialvani'.eil hath wire
J test and cheapest line of tinware in the city
still jrncH at )c per al
14c ' "
' " " Hoc each
I Nic per hundred
- 'J.IO
till go at lc per paper
- !l7e
:t.70 per hundred
i.:i."i "
- oi iOio-
Coiiie i ,i and s us ln lbi-l y on in e in need of any goods or not
l', -member that we can and will save you money t'"cry lime. Kverything;
a baigiiiu,
NOT - ONE - CENT - Oil - TIME.
The Lending
t -V i t 1 t
n 1 I 1 1 tA I
IIXT BlUrUIKJj, M Wans fcX,KrwTx. rMceKJrta
(Juru Mary's I.apdof.
Mary (jneen of Scots had a favorite
lapdog, which is snlil to have been iresent
at the execution of iu poor mistress in
FolheriiiKay castle. After the royal
lady had bveu beheaded the faithful
creature njfuseil to leave her dead body
and had to be carried out of the hall by
force. At that period lapdogs were the
peta of men as well as of women. Dr.
Itoleyn, a relation of the unhappy Queen
Anne lloleyn, owned oue "which," aa it
is written, I'he doted on." Anne once
asked him to grant her one wish and in
return he should have whatever he might
desire. Knowing hit affection for the
dog, she Ix'K'yed it of him and of course
tho doctor had nothing to do but to give
it to her. "Aud now, madam," he said,
"you promised to grant my request."
"I will," qnoih the tpieen. "Then, I
pray you, give ine my dug again." Ei-
I change.
Strength rnd Henltr1.
If your uie not iceline; strong
and healthy, try Flcdiic Hitters. II
"l.a (irippc" has Uft you weak and
wcarv, use l-.lectric Hitters. This
remedy acts directly on I.iver,
Stomach aud Kindys' jjenily aidinn
those orvtans to preform their func
tions. If you are nfllicted with
Sick Headache, you willlind speedy
imd permaueiit relief by taking
Klectric Hettcr. One trial will con
vince you that this is the remedy
you n 1. I.areje bottles only ."illc.
For sale by F. (i. Frickc A Co.
For many years Mr. 11. F. Thonip
son, of Des Moines, Iowa, was se
verely Hfllictcd with chronic diarr
hoea. He siiys: "At times it was
very severe; so much so, that 1
fenerd it would end my life. About
seven years ho I chanced to pro
cure H bottle of CliHinbcrlain's
Colic, Cholera mid Diarrhoea
Remedy. It jjiive me prompt relief
and I believe cured tne periniincnt-
lv. as I now eat or drink without
harm nny thing 1 please. I hnvc
also used it in my family with the
best results. For sale by F. (i.
Wnnisarful Sueesit.
Two years Htfo the Haller 1'rop.
Co.' ortlered their bottles by the box
now they buy by the airload.
Amonurthe iiopularnnd succescful
remedies they prepare is llnllcr's
SarHiipiirills A Hurdock wlucli is
the most wonderful blood purifier
known. No druggist hesitates to
recommend this remedy.
For sale by druggist.
A strictly first cis machine, fully wurran
ed. Made Irnin the very best material bv
fklHeil wiirkinen, and with the best tools lbs
have vtr been devised for the pentose, War
ranted to do all tlist can be reitsnosbly esa
tieetefl of the very best typewriter extant.
Capalil of writing IrWi words ,t-r minute of
rnore aceordliiK to the ability ol I lie "pernio
Constantly keeps on hand evcrytiinf
you need tn furnish jnur house.
Plattsmout - vNeb
ttn Dr. Grosvenor's
':.'" PLASTER.
Ktwimat.ini. fiimr!rf. nlAiiHnvann tnmht'
rnrtxl t nnoel, for mI tiy ftll OniKKtsta
Nf 88 ""'"""CURED
by Hath ' Intwdk Tabalftr tar Cub
W bkitMr tMrt. Cofnfotlahl.,
Iketftlkrltm4lfil. tM by I. H(i ,! . CQCC
692 Ueimhft lark. WrtM (ot fcu il pravUinLC
Clttfia Wul hriitinf tht hkaT.
I'nimoifaj ft luiuntnl rruwlh.
It air lo U louthlnl coior.
Citi f p d ieuei n hair laliug.
e.aj-tl l mil pr.ifj -t
1-UII- 111. Il i I't.lHl,
Ttlnn, l'tin.J'slit In limt.lucuA
onlr mn nir er Oms,
i 1411
I i'arkar Oiiiuar iunie,
W.k I..IIUI. Orlxhlv. I Tti
Luim au i.u. La. at Iiiuuiiu, in IllutuX Co., N. V
ITnted Au scilve, relloble mn-salary ITd
VI to S0 monthly, wim liierease, to repriweni
In hi own section a restmnslble New York
House. Keferenees. atANurACTl'RRH, LC
Bos 1.SS6, New Yot.
rmcE $ioo.
Ifthere Is no aent In your town address tli
Anents wanted l'ailsll , Y.
F. B. 8EELEMIUF; Agent.
Liucolu, Nol
WaKoa nd Illacksiiitlli shop
Wagon, Buggy, Machine and
plow IlopsJring dona
He uses the
Which ii the best horseshoe for the
farmer, or for fast driving, or for cit
purposes evof invented . It la so made
that anyono cr.n put on sharp or flat
corks, ae needed for wet and slippery
days, or smooth, dry road. Call at.
hit shop and ei amino the NBViusur
tnrl ton will use no other.
II North Fifth St. I' th