The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, September 12, 1891, Image 3

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    "... . u
. J,
- niimnwm a fakk
ll Kiiohk n (J.,,.,! DpiiI A limit Iok i .1
lim-mCt IIhIIitk Tlit Many of T i
Mini I)-II I In llllllclll:ill.i,i
S'nt. ol Ilia I i"1' l mi . W illi ;,.,
"t'.ui . iii.iii scuro himself to (!: ii
nfler li iv,n-; been li;t t. n by a w,,, I,
isn't nm,:"' I asked Superintendent II, iu
t kinsur, ill the Ann nnin Socifety for tut"
J'revention of Onelty to Animals,
day, in he Kit in In littlu oM'uoon Twenty-second
Air lliinkiinoii is a roi nnti!rnl
looking 111,111 with reddHi hide, who '..
. nfniid of nothing mid nobody: certainly
1 not of hydrophobia, ipiacks.
"VVliy, eertiiinly," lie id, with di
elsiou. That man down 111 Afbnry
i'arkvho was bitten by a cat wns
scarttd to deatli, He never had hydro
phobia, lis died of nervous prostration
brought on by worry over an imaginary
danger, lis friends wero all pitying
him and Imping he wouldn't die, and
jihrorihesvtnir that h would, and he wiut
a man of nervous tciii'ieniinent, an edu
cated people sometimes are, and it sim
ply killed him. I Biippoe he read up in,
the hooki slsnit hydrophobia and It
turned his head That'll all theiu wm
about it t)o yon remember what a
great howl there was about those New
ark boye win) were bitten by a "ma 1
do. and win; wero hunt Over to Paateur
to be cured?" ' i
"Why, of cnrsc; who doem'tr
'Weil, if iiut to cure disensu
that uever existed. Tlnwe boy never
bad hydrophobia nnd never would have
bad it. The ilo,H didn't have it. Deir
ing that exciteinent we went to Newark
nd fnnnd a p of d. .i,ul up. W e
asked to m ijiiunved to uko them away
to our Htab).,.H, ,t the rstiple wouldn't
have it. Ay, yn know what was done
with ty ,i1)jr,i After the excitement
was all; ovcr they were Kiven back to
tneiy owner, every one of them. Not
onywia killed Not one of them had
Jrnything worse than a fit Why, our
men are conntuntly handling dogs, Ret
bitten aain and a(?ain, but they never
dream of havin hydrophobia. It's a
myth There Isn't any such thing."
" Then yon don't believe fn the exist
ence of such a di-ease?" 1 axked, think
ing that, as Mr. ll.inkin.soii probably
know more about animal than any
other man in America, be must be good
" No, I don't There may be uch a
di&Mse. but 1 don't believe it 1 never
uw a caae or knew of one positively."
" How about these doctun who cure
itr 1 asked.
" They don't enre anything. 1 asked a
man who iiiukc a spctiulty of treating
hydrophobia, ahhecallh it, if he ever haw
one single case of hydrophobia to which
he could wear. He ref lined to answer, but
he told me this story: 'A man came to
him one day In terrible distress, lie bad
been bitten by a dog; be feared madness;
he could not sleep at uitit and was
afraid he was noing to (lie. He begged
the doctor to treat him. The doctor said
it was too late; the eriod of inocula
tion hail paiwd, and it would be no goo 1
now. If he had hydrophobia there was
uo way to stop it'
"The wan went away, but came back
the nest day nearly frantic. Ha hadn't
tdept a wink and bcued the doctor to do
omething fur linn. So the doctor took
the man into his oiicrating room and
gavo Li m a hypodermic injection of
water just pure C'rolon water. He
went away, slept for the first time in
two week and tamo back the next day
fyr more water, and ni;.iin the next, and
was soon perfectly ci.ii-d. The doctor
told me that himself, and he professes to
cure hydrophobia,
Why," continue.! Mr. Haukinson,
"I've had a woman in hysterics right in
that chair you're sitting in because a di g
had bitten her. She wanted me to kill
tho dog. wouldn't do it Then she
creamed in a terrible way. When she
topjied mid to her: 'Madam, you ought
to be ashamed of yourself. A woman of
your intelligence! You've interrupted
thtt hiiMna f tiiA f.iiti'M draw: 2
big crowd under the window to listen to
your yelling, ami ail for whim. Some
body told you you were going to go mad.
and now you think you ought to go mad
and you'll be mad if you don't g mvl
You just go home and say nothing alxiut
it mid you'll be ;.!! right' And she did it
"Another woman brought her boy in.
Jle bad been bitten by a mad dog. and
lie wiiutmt it shot, sue aniii. Tim bov
looked perfectly Well.
" 'Now, lisik here," said I, "you've lieen
talking a good dal to the boy about
this, haven't yon? And Hie neighbors
have Phi? A ii 1 ) ou've been telling him
that he's likely to have hydrophobia,
haven't you?
" es. of course, we've talked about
it,' said she.
" Exactly, said 1. "You've been tak
ing the precise course likely to drive
him mad or make him think himself so.
You have Ih-cii trying to scare him to
death. If he were to go craxy it would
be your fault How is it, bub,' said 1,
turning to the little fellow 'You don t
exjiect to go mad. do your
"No, he didn't think he should, he
aai'L He didn't find any different He
was a brave little fellow. So 1 sent
them home. too. and that was the last I
heard of it The dog had had a tit, that
was all. It's a shame the' way people will
shoot valuable d.s just for a lit that
might easily enrud or avoided."
New York World.
A snrgi-on tepirts that a young lady
swallowed a iiaiipui while dress, ug.
Three doctors said it was only tinigna
tiou on her purt The hairpin wan
eventually found to have become lodged
in the back part of her nose.
It I stated that the flesh of animal
killed by electricity is ranch tenderer
than if the annuals are killed in the
ordinary way. This especially tbi
tfaxe in regard to fowls.
Wkt tobacco will relieve bee or wasp
I 'kiih thrive better In tvroom where
there in no trus.
ilUJIAli keeps better1 in a Wooden box
tliun one of tin.
A iiami" cloth Is la'tter than a dry one.
for dusting furniture.
I'oli nausea In y ti little pounded loo
ot the i luicW of t!ie nei.h.
An earthen vessells the Ix-st for beat
ing eggs or cuke mixtures in. J
1'on iieural;jia bruise lior.'.erridKIl and
apply us a poultice to the wrist.
Imua.n corn is probably the-most
healthy, nutritive food in the world.
I)o Not buy hemp carpets, they fade
very soon mid nni very unsatisfactory.
A ry.i.t iuiatkii French coolc says that
filtering is the only way bi make coffee,
!iii"AK may be removed from silk
by applying magnesia on tho wrong
Foil a grass htain on children's
clothes while it is fresh wash it out In
A HMAU, toy broom Is handier for
cleaning up dirt around a stove than a
large one.
Ix nuking pickles always use the
best of vinegar, as success depends
greatly on that
A 1 Itoiiot'oii washing of tho mica
windows of stoves in vinegar will re
move the, smoke.
Wni.s suffering from overstrained and
tired eyes bathe them In hot water sev
eral times a day.
I iami' salt will remove the discolora
tion of cups und saucers caused by tea
and carelem washing.
Do not leave the outbuildings black
liKiklng and shabby, as whitewash Is
cheap and a great improver.
To iikmovk irreaxe from paint nib
with a piece of wet flannel on soap and
dip it in powdered bath brick.
A srnoNO solution of alum, to which
has lieen added a little glycerine and
vinegar is a cure for mosquito bites.
A TEA made by pouring boiling water
over sweet fiugroot will relieve worm
sickness in children and Is also good
for colic
I.l all cutaneous diseases not only al
eolyd but also tea, tobacco and coffee
are injurious. Those liniments con
taining alcohol must be avoided
The Mt I ful of (towns.
Some one asks about black net dresses
for the fall season. They will be worn
In the street until the middle of Octolier,
and throughout the winter will answer
for small dinners, evening entertain
ments, etc. The newest lining Is a shot
taffeta silk, of two colors, but a black
lining of surah, satin, etc., Is more of a
"standby." I.aoc flounces are worq on
the edge of tho full net skirt. The
round or pointed liodice is shirred at the
wnlst-line, not hnving darts In the out
side, with a flounce of lace on the edge.
The neck is cut with the slightest V In
front and has an erect ruffle of lace
raised to make it flare. Th sleeves are
long, full tipied and trimmed with a
lace frill on the edge. Some of the all
black lace dresses are varied with a
draped vest or plastron fastening to the
left shoulder iu soft folds, and then
tacring to a tsiint at the. waist-line, of
lavender, yellow, pink, turipioise or
cream chifTon, or China crae. Taking
It all In all, a lace go. n is the most use
fill of gowns to have in one's wardrobe
It is snnropriuli f.,r aJI c-eft find com
plexions and fur nearly all cca.'.ions.
Ladies' Home Journal.
.rrtii l orn Noiit.
Oreen norn soup is one of tho most
delicious summer soups and calls for
one pint of grated corn, which will re.
ipiire eight or ten curs, snlllcient water
to covr tin! corn cob-., one pint of
sweet cream, r V.v .neli of soda, one
teavMiiifnl of salt, a pinch of white
pcpiwr, a toa-iVHiiifnt flour, a tabic
siMHinful of butter and tho yolks of two
eggs. After grating the corn cover the
cobs with cold w ater and boil slowly
fur half an hour. Skim out the cobs,
add the corn and nsik twenty ininuto
or till very soft and tender. Heat the
cream In which the soda has lieen dis
soWed mid thicken w ith the butter and
Hour directed iu the foregoing recijie.
AdiLsugiir and seasoning to the cream,
tnen ttie thickened cream; allow It to
Isiil up once, then remove from the fire,
add the Is uten yolks of egis, stirring
briskly for a moment, aud hcrve at
once. iVhips'd creupi may Ini added Ic
this soup nUn if desired. Chicago ller
aliL iTjr-l'oUonlnc Kemeilles.
The best treatment for ivy-poisoning
l4w.-Ul.A..l..n. . I
.-. ...... j. 4.0 M.ictleti, Mn MSIII as
the poisoning has leen discovered, in
strong soap-suds or saleralus wutcr. Of
course, after Urn Inflammation Is'glnstO
show itself, some remedies must be ap
plied which will check and control the
eruption and swelling. Tho common
household remedy is wild hael, which
can be procured at any druggist's, In
small bottles. This la very gixxl for
ordinary eaes, but it has a tendency to
relieve the Itching and smarting sensa
tion more than to check the seed and
Jtruwtb of the Influinr.ialion. Probably
one of tho best things Is to procure
some common black wash at a drug
stora and use It a a lotion twice a day
for half an hour at a time, lletween
these times keep the poisoned surface
covered with cold water dressings or
ointments of some soft nature.
Meat llUltes lor Hut Weather.
There are a number of meat dishes
that may Ik- made for one day, aud cut
cold for several following days, and
these dishes are especially adapted U
warm weather. A veal loaf, for In
stance, served in nice thin slices, gar
nished with a pretty eatable green, I
most appetizing. A small piece of let
tuce, cress or rriip parsley served with
Cold allced meats greatly adds to their
I'erfert l ure far tarns.
Dissolve a few pearl buttons In the
Juice of a lemon. A creamy ointment
will be produced In a few days: this ap
plied with a rtg" for a few days la a per-
t A
ir eiira fur erns
liuiiusoras h Mtssnvm ruvfin ii. it.
C'.'l.H'i EAST 1 C.iHNf, WhSr
No -i nude ihl... A-.Mtt.m
u. i, . In ' it j ' ii i,
..ft :-' l. Ill
. ' '.'" II. Ml.
; ii e. I
s .u
I ; i.i .i. Ill
,1 14 ' I
. X '..) II. I.
ii. ' " 'l'i;i. in.
N-i. 6 i, la.
u. '1, .1 :('i p, in,
u. I:i II :U'i a. in.
.Vii. '
Ml HI I'M ll ll IIMI.H .M'
i itt: l Aivn.
N". :xl ,i 0' urn .tit II Leave.,
in 1 1 . s .
Ti .i I .ii il.ti i vi'iii cuniliiy
. 4 ,KI p. I'i.
KV : i 1 1 1 rt m I'YUIIAH CiMinlli't Lmlui-s-i.
17 y " rvi'iv wi-iii - iiav evi'inun
HI llli-ll ll 0 I'ar ne'e A f 'l.l'K 111-"". All VI"
111 It-- K ii ;i.iS ,'ln t'nlill , ly IMV te'l lo allellll
:, C. vi ( sli ,11. ('. I- ; n l uvcy. k. It, H.
aferiiuin tilm k Miiln Mteel. I ihiium
pen fii.m s ,:m in In n :;in i t ti Knr men iin'y
l.mi ! inenHiiK every pi;liiiiiy ullerici ll at 4
At) i:. w,.s Meil (lit unit third t riilay
eve .In-- of i-.i, Ii i ill ill 11 A It. Hull
In lliii'kwiiok I'I", k I-rank eimllyea, M, W.
1), I' t'.del-'ile, .'eliitie
Aii I'. W. Nit. si Meets -i i-iiiiiI unit fi urili
Ktiilnv vi-i li"ii III the i Ill a' 1. A It
hall mi ll.e l,i. i-s, K. J. MtiiKiin, Jl W.
i, I', llrnsii, HeaiTiler,
OOYAI. lt''ANAM-t'rt' Cm m il Nil Mil,
lX M M! Hi Hie K, lit C ll.lll III tlm 1'aiinele tfi
('rule lilnt'K ever lietiiieit liilin, viilriiiK
lirellireii Invltnl Henry 11 nilit, IlegeM ;
I In s tl uIIiiik. Si i ieini v,
i' I.ODIJK. Nil. H. I. It. (), K. meets ev
v I ic-,, lay mclit st tlielr lisll In ('itnenilil
iu.eii All ' ol.i I i-IIi-im- are rimlislly 'iivlteil
. M-tHiiit ivi'eti vlsillrc In t'le city. .1 Lory,
N. tt S. W, limine, neeretaiy.
Caiiioi.ii;.- St. raul's Ch'-rch. i'i. fc-t- i-i-n
filth Hint hlxth. Ksllier I'smey, 1'ustiir
H"tvloe : V'ism nt s sun la :;wi A. M. Humliiy
Hi-liuol at :M, wllli benediction.
Christian. Corner Iaciisi ami Kliflith His.
Services llierillllK Slul 1-velllliK. Klilt-r J. K.
Ilerit, pastor. Miiinlsy Hcliool 10 A, M.
ElMscoi-AI..-St. Luke's Church, corner Third
sail Vine. Kev. II II. Huruens. nitor. Ser
vices : ll A. M . a U7 Hit.m. Kuuday Hi lluol
at :M r. M.
(SKMAN MrTHomsT. jnier ninth Ht and
(irsnlle. Kev. lllrt. I'mtor. hervlres : II A. M.
and 7 M p. u. ttiiuiiay hchuoi Iu ;M A. X.
(RKSHVTFKI a N. 'enlres In liew rhtireh, cor
ner Mi 111 sod liranite stu. Kev. J T. H.ilM,
uiiitor. Sunday-sci ool at 9 ;3c ; Presttilng
at II s. ni. Hint s ti. in.
'I hi- V. It. H. I'. H ol (hl i-hiireh nieeli svciy
NaliliHlli veiili.K st 7 :1ft III the ha-emenl ,i(
the i li'u rli. All sie ihvlted lo attend these
Fikst MmioiusT.-Hlxth at., helsen Main
snd Prsrl. Kev J. I M llurkner. pnstor.
Hervl'-e" ill A. M..S ( P. V Hmiilsy
9 .'Mi A M. Prayer meelt. g Wednesday eveu
hiK Ofhwas ParsavTSHiAN. Corner Main and
Nihlli. Uev W Itle, nitir. hervlees unml
lioiirs. Sunday -ilcul .Jo A, M.
Hwrriiisn roNoiriiTioiAL,-(iraiilte, be
txeeii fifth snd SI mi.
Couhikii Haitist. Mt. Olive, link, between
'li-nili snd Klevelitli. Kev. A. Ko-well, ia
lor. Henli-es II s. in. slid T :.) p. la. I'rayer
meelliiK Weiliirsdsy etenli g.
Idioms In Waleniisn lilis-k, Mum ilreet. lios
j.el ineeilnu', tor ineu only, eierv hiiiiitiiy sl
ternMiii sl 4 o'rlis-k. Koonis oteu wei'k dsyi
Irniii s hi s. in . to :M p.m.
SlU'lH I'AllH TAHKUSACLK -Itev. .1. M.
Wood, I asior. Services : Sunday Hchool,
lus ni.: In ih-IiIik, lis. m. slid I p. la.;
pray-i meelliiK liirniity nlnlll ; choir ptni -i
lee r rid.iy iiikIiI. All are vtelroniR.
('apt. V. A. Atdiclt, who bus long;
been with Messra. I'rccival iiml
H ilton, Real Kxt.itc ami Insurance
Ilrnkcrs, Dcrt Moines, Iowa and is
one of the beet known uiid most re
epct leil litiKiucsH men in that city
iiya: "'I can Icelify lo flit- j;ihii1
iialilies of ('liiiiiilicrl.iiii H Coilgll
h'eincdv. Having lined it in my
family for 1 1 if past ciulil years, I
can safely say it lias mi ciiiih! for
cit her coldrt or crotni." .'ill cent bul
lies fur sale by !'. (t. Fricke A Co.,
I'carl Steam cookers for sale by
J. W. I Icndcc A t'o, fto ami sec them
We have sold Kiy's C'reiini Halm
aboiil three yeare, mid have re
commended its tit-c in more than a
hundred special canes of catarrh.
The iiiiatiiiiKitis answer to our in
ijnirics is, "I t's the best remedy that
I ha vr cv r need." Our vxpi-rirucc
is, that w here parties continued its
iic, it never fails lo cure.- J. II.
Montgomery, A Co., Ilruggisls, Ie.
cnrali, Iowa.
Iwti i.eot) tf-iu KlyV Cream
Malm my cut.ii rh was so bad I had
headache the whole time and din.
charged a large amount of filthy
matter. That has almost entirely
disappeared and have not hud head
ache sell nee. J. Nmiiiiers,.stcihney,
There will lie nu otlicial meeting
al the M. K. church, Thursday even-insr.S-pt.
I'I J. Hui kiicr.
&eciMl Nntie.
H. A. McKlwain. Jeweler, has re
moved to the Stadlemaiin building,
west aide of room occupied by the
Fair, he keeps a lull line of watches,
clock's, jeweb-ry, silverware and
Optical goods. Spectacles fitted
and satisfaction guuriiciitecd;
watches repairing iu the best pos
sible manner lit reasonable prices,
give him u call. dtit
Always lake your jircscriptioiiu
to llrown & H.n rctt's. tf
Human Saolety's Work.
.In nil large cilics are liriini lies of
Ihe Illinium Society fiiiiiidci' by
Herg. A horse is discovered liadlv
nulled, ir is cut or injured, at once
a society iiieinlirr commamls its
rest inul the immediate uiM)licntien
of Mailer's Marb Wire l.iuiiiieiit,
which rxperience h t shown is Ik
best remedy made. For sale by nil
Cur for Peralvsla.
rrank I'nriii lius. of 1'nrc-ll l.i
Ter says: "I induced Mr. I'inson,
wluise wife had paralysis in the face
lo buy h liotllc of C'haiiibeilain'e
I'llill llallll. Til their ii rent
before the bottle had all been used
sin was n great deal better. Her
lace had been drawn to one side;
but the I 'it i ll Hal m relieve, I uli
pain nnd soreness, mid the mouth
assumed its mitiirril shape." ft Is
also a certain cure for rheum .I,-,..
hum back, sprains awcltinga nod
iitiueness. ;i cent linttics for .side
by F. (i. Frii kc Al o., Irngc;ists.
Grand Fail and Winter Opening About
Opera House Corner
217, 811), 221 and 22-1 Main St.,
lattsmouth, Nebraska.
IT f.wtz. r,
ti. m, djlo, rropnetor
the Fit kins has been thuroutflilj
euoyated frcm top tc '..utfii. aiiJ ;J
low one of the best hotels in the stiife
Hoarders will he taker by the week sl
f 1.50 and up.
Chamboriain's Eye and HMa
A certain euro tor t'hronlo Sore Eyes,
Tetter, Salt Kboum, Scald liuad. Old
Chronio Korea, Fevor Sores, Eczema,
Itch, I'rairlo Scratches, Sore Nipples
and Pilns. It la cooling and soothing.
Iluudrtslsof casoa have beca cored by
it afur all other treatment had failod.
It U put up la S3 and CO cent boxoa.
WlirliPM Vitlr HOw TO CHIN
wonu rir A fortune in
an incredilnhlc short lime with a
Capital of S200 and Upward
Success certain il iiietructioos laith
fully followed, (iivcii on ttcccipt of
jiimu l nme or postage stamps tor
H Address
o x :d, C'liicairo. HI.
sella' Nerve nnd Liver rMllc
Act oil a new principle rciiulaiinp
thu liver, sloinsi U mid bowels tliionuli
the ui'ives. A new iliscuvury. Dr. Miles'
Tills speedily cure bilni'irin ss, bat. tasU',
torpid liver, piles, constipation. L'ue
qnslcd for men, wuinin, children.
Smallest, mildest, surest! fit) dimes, 25r.
8iiinpl free at K. (i. Fricke A, ( o's.
JOK'S Stivck of I'liderwcar, is
larger and better than befnic mid
prices less than last year.
Notice to Coal Consumers
I will furnish the best of coal of
all grades to those who pay inc. but
those who wish to run lon; winded
hi counts I don't want, As I have to
pay for what I jfet I must iusint on
jiay for what I sell. All those who
know themselves indebted to inc
will please pay by the 15111 of Sep.
tcinber us I must have money to
pay for winter coal,
Timothy Clark.
Dealer in Anthracite and Milumi
noits comI and wood. Oflle nnd
vnrd VH South Third sl, telephone
IS, I'laltsmoutli, Neb. tf
Look out fcr JOE'S
Grand Fall Opening he
will announce exact
date within a few days.
'ept. 159 '91-
The only Implement dealer who hna imide a success in Cuss County
THi; best of harness, both double and ainjfle may bo found tit iny
storeatid evtTythinjr in the harness line also busies and carriiiffea
which are first-class in every respect, being the lightest, strongest and
easiest riding vehicles on earth.
ALSO have a large lot of Schutler, Molinc, Ilain and Sterling wagons
Spring wagon, rHd cart.-., and plows of all dieeription.
TO)lr A IT
udies m SHOES
We give you the following deep cut in prices:
Ladies Fine Gliir.ed Dongola $'.'.2,5 shoes reduced to
Ladies Dongolii Kid Flexible $2..V)Hhoe reduced to
Ladies Best Uonirola $:t.(H) slioes riiluccd to
Ladies Hand Turned best Dogohi $1.01) bIhk reduced to
We have a great mnny other sample lots of odd Bines that we art
offering at
mmm mtm
In orderto reduce ourstock lo meet ourobligntion.
We also haven few lots of I.Hdies Oxfords that we will sell at reduced
prices. Don't forget the place.
"7U l. BOECK OO.
Plattsmouth, Neb.