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About The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19?? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 12, 1891)
PiaitMn!i,h Daily Herald KNOTTS BROS, Publishers Pullislie.l every Thursday, and daily evety eniLnexuiit Sunday. Ki -i-tf rt-il at the FlatHmouth, Srh. pwt- D!tlcetnr trmiHuiinioa through the U..18. isalls t9x-ona oias" rat en. Olilee conmr Vine and Fifth strats. Ttflephouti 3. TKKMH roH WKKKLV, (hi eopy, one year, In advance...... 11 M One copy, one year, nit lu advance...... loo , One iiy. l month!, lu advance 75 One oiiv. three moutha. Id advance. ... 40 TIBMM FOB DAILt One cup one year in advance '$tl 00 One copy per week, by carrier II Oce copy, pe 1 month . , M SATURDAY, SKPT. 12. l'l. REPUBLICAN STATE CONVENTION. The republican elector of the atate of Nebraska are mitienled o send delegates from their seeeval counties, to meet in convention in the city of Lincoln, ? uursday, Sep tember 24, 18(11, at K o'ock a. m., for the purpose of plac' in nomi nation candidate for associate justice of the ,,1supren court, and two membcrfe of tl mard of re ".' gents of the stale .crsity, and to ; - trwnnart inch ' t business as maybe uresenl. 1 the convention. k THE A! TIONMET ' J Tbfe severa' unties are entitled )At represent- ion as follows, being f based upoi ne vo,e c'",t or "on . J .' Geo. H. H tings, for attorney-general in 1' 1, giving one dclegate-at-large t .ach county, and one for each -1 votes and the major frac- 4i'ai,iereof ooevriM. Adam Arthur Antelope... Banner Hoyd Biaine Honne Box Built? ... Hri'wn HiitT.ili) Butler Burt Cha rilar t'nae Cheyenne. .. liierrj Cluv Culfax CuminK Oi.iei IliKoU !)! -rnct..iTir htik. .11 J'ilintu ijKraniey .... (i ki-ya Paha .... nlKflth . ... ljKimbaU .Kmix '.1 1 anrailer. . . 6;M rolu DK1 , ... ; .... .... 3 .... s .... i .... n 0 v 2 (i 2 Hi .411111 7lM:i,l!on . M MWfltTHOII... .11 Mt-rtKk . i anee . :i Nemaha . N.Vl.-WolW .. 5 'Hue , I" l'anee .. 4itvrkmn . . TSItTi' . -U!P!i'-!iii .. I'l'LiMe .. TlP'ilk .. 7 l'l Willow . IS 4 ... V lidirl J iiehard-on II jiixnti Hm k 3 I ),,ilL-f II Saline 14 I D'liiL'iiM "arpy 4 Irundv 3 sun.-r Kiliiii'in- scott'" lllult '! Hrnk hn 11 v-rl 1'' KTminnr "lifiidsui. " Jurii.H . h-niiiiu .1 ;!' I ici -' IrfiriW-ld ! -':4i.liti :i Mi-r - 'I (irant .' Tiniri'iw 'I ;i-!y ,. . J TtiMi-im 4 Kail V :iliv 4 lUMlliloll W :lllni;ti)ll .... 7 ll.u::in 4 WdVlir 4 ), :i . Ililrhoiirk ... t VViicHrf i II..;? - Y-iK u M"ald 4, HKrl T"Ul Mr. jr!!r'n t' .o vole returned. It is recomeiided that no proxies be addmitti'd to the convention, and that tin- di leal. s present be auth'iri.ed to cat the full vote nf the deli 'jration. It is further recomeiided that the slnit- 1.-1. ir! -;m:i!eti select the tempiirary orraii ion of the con vention. J)ii C. Watson, W.H.T.M. SKM.V, t'hairmail. THE COUNTY CONVENTION. The county convention is called for September l'Kh, lsiu at louis ville. The primaries are to be held on the 12th daytd September. The basin of representation is l.isd oil the vote cast for attorney general at the lant Mate election, one delegate for every H'teen votes mihI in,, ji fraction thcr;rr;:, v.r.:l t;r;e at large from each ward and pre cinct. Liberty and Rock IlluiM precinct was given tln-ir usual vote as no fair basis of appointment could be had on the division. Helow will be found the place ami time of holding the primaries and number of delegates entitled to rep ruprcsentntiou. IKK1INCT. TIM ANtt Vl.( K VL H:i't l'ri k pr. at 7 i m. ;ri-i'iiimid. .. 7 .. 4 Minilli liHiid t I p in sunt 11 ln.l ltuitvlii. hi 7 p 111 li.i'-'weiit-r hall ... 7 Pit-lit Mile i.niwf .1 In 4 p in Ilia x li'Mil lot- . 7 riatliinoiitli pre :i p ni l'.vlir Kleol iniin .. 7 I, if riiwunil 7 p 111 tn hill 3 Khnwimd 7 p 111 Ccnirw m1io1 hone 7 1 'i,ir, .1 pni M 1.1-v fclhMil hMiii .. a Ml I'l, at 111 p 111 niiiii"re 'lioul liiinae .... 5 K'-k l"fl, 4 11 in M irrny .rhiMil Ihiu-k Tipton, R p m I Nlhu I a hiillrr ndiro Ki(le . Mnv CrffK. 7 pin i A K lull KIiiiwchiiI 9 W W pri?, I to 3 p 111 'H'H''e whuul nuii'e. .. ft A viioa, i p in nlir lioul Ihiiii it Ll' erly. 3 p ill tnlun x IumiI Iioiiw II pi-vrnMiuni cirr )it ward. eonnHI rliainliT Vd ward ifhfMil hwii'M A vd wwil, liirtipy lumln-r olllce II 44J.i AKrd, VWttniranip blui'k V Dl.i waid cln.fil hote 4 WRKPINO WATKItCirr 1t ward, t to 8. K'tuxil limim" ?nd wnrd, S lit enunll t-linrnlir H 3rd ward. 6 to '.t in, Tldball it Pullerautllca. H lulul nuuibr ot di'lvxate , l.U Plattsmouth City primaries or- dcred to be open at 12 o'clock m and continue open until 7 p. ni. Quilting and piecing, l omforting mid crazy patch work and carpet rag sewing satisfactorily done by Mrs. Vroman, ,rdU North iih street, I'lattsmoiith, Neb. tf New Goods arrivtng every day at JOK'S the one price clothier. tf THAT RECORD The Journal of yesterday says: "The records show that America has 'MiW milliiinaiies. Trior to IviO one could count them oil his lingers. Republican legislation has given u- tramps and rendered XUaVMI ol men out of cin- plovuient We shall presume that-Journal is not sneaking at ra'idorji -this tune, 1 but is quoting from, authentic sources, even though! the editor does not designate his authority.- TliK Hkkaui infers from the first statement that the Journal would charge the republican party with creating millionaires, but be does not proceed to show wherein the mistakes have been made. We are aware that since the republican party has practically had control of the government since lil that those opposed to its policy will charge them as directly favoring or causing ever existing evil. Hut how unreasonable it is to make this charge! Any reasonable man knows that there its not a shallow of truth or reason in the statement. If the charge is true why is it that the millionaires of our country do not, as a rule, afliliate with the re publican party? The Yanderbilts, the Jay Goulds.Calvin S. Hrice, and the Wall street magnates the wealthiest and most conspicuous of our millionaires always have been earnest supporters of the demo cratic party. Why, Hrother Slier-j a, hi" thfe men antagonized the republican party if it was favor able to their interests? Why did they contribute so freely toward the nomination of Orover Cleveland in M a man hardly known outside of Wall street? These millionaires whom wt-liave mentioned secured their wealth, not from the demo cratic party, but through specula tion. It is no uncommon thing for in vestors in real estate to become enormously wealthy in a few days. But we are informed that prior to HiO there were no millionaires.Sup jmsing that there was not a single one. Xc wifdi to remind t:i:r friend that the resources of this country has practically been developed since then, hence men had not then had the opportunity of becom ing wealthy as they have inee The record - not assertions prove conclusively, that the party actions prior to that time may be referred to with anything but credit to the organization. First, we refer, briefly, to the wide spread financial panic caused by the democratic opposition to the I'. S. bank. During Yaii ltiiren's administration, as recorded, by all historians, money matters were never in a more unstable condition. nor business fail ures nmre f reijneut- We find in perusing the pages of History mat revenue tarilt in ae(el in s((i-Huch as the reformers (?) now propose toeslabli.-h -closed our industries, threw thousands of our laborers out of employment, and created monopolists in (irent liritain. In proof of the- lir-t 1 lau-e of our assertion we iiiute from President l!u !. man's message Ciimmtlm, ;it'd to con gress: "Willi Un-iirpa-srd plenty in aii the eleint-nls of liaii in::! wealth, our iiianiil, 11 liners are sus pended, our public works are re tarded, our private enterprises of different kinds are abandoned and thousands of useful laborers are thrown out of employment and re duced to want." This comes from democratic source, sin 1011 pure. The result of this democratic legislation was that Kngland forced our manufacturers to shut down, our laborers began farming because they could fare better than when laboring on a par with Hum peau workmen, and our consumers were rendered dependent upon (ireat ISritain. Mie forced the prices of her commodities as high as possible, and not until ifie coun try called the republican party to its rescue did the people prosper. We submit this portion of the retold of that organization prior tolsiflto our readers and for our brother's consideration, begging leave to refrain from discussing that portion which should bringa blush of shame to every patriotic mem ber of the party. Concerning the charge as to the tramps and the: 10,1 JO men without employment, we cannot conceive as to how the conscience of the author will allow such u statement, as there is not one ioto of foundation, forthe assertion.The republican par ty points with pridcto the fact that its great uim and ils great work has been to provide employment for our laborers at remunerative wages. The Journal is aware of this and it knows also that the tramps we have to-day could find employment if they s desired, and we venture the opinion tfiat they, in a majority of cases, were rendered so by their own dissipated habits. TtlK IlKKAI.t) recently copied an article from the Nebraska City I'ress, relative to the judgeship of this district, and the Journal came out and thought TlIK IlEKALD was granting too much to our Nebraska City contemporary. The article contained nothing! but an intelligent opinion concern ing a matter in which uui ' peoplo are vitally interested. We reproduced the article, in cou tesy to Mr. Chapman and in or der to rellect the sentiment of Otoe 1 Dimly in the matter. The opinion of the representative paper of the county is certainly of interest to an intelligent and thinking public that will be called upon to choose as its candidate a man upon whom the members of the party of the dif ferent sections can unite. In regard to the pre-empted right of which the Journal speaks, we wish to say that Judge Chapman has none, except that which comes from ability, eminent fitness and evidence of satisfactory services rendered on the bench. UtfoniKK Koskwatkk's hired men have begun to belch forth their vituperation again Judge Cobb. It will be remembered that Judge Cobb ousted Ko.-ewater's pet from the gubernatorial chair. That explains the cause. It is about time the republican party set down on men of Kosewater's ilk. -Nebraska City I'ress. TllH primaries remain open until 7 p. m. AtTKNO the primaries to-day. I'arnllar Rrriur In Kiijllih ( luirrh. There U an item that la rnrely met with Hint would be, probably, a puzzle to most persona who looked at It with out a key of explanation as to its us. Thin is a bill. Ions, narrow reeew in the wail, low down toward the ground, near the altar. It i nppo4l to be intended for the psreiition of a processional staff, too long to be placed with other treas ure in the aurubrey or el where. An other square recesa ha bea obeenred, in a few instances, near the, to the east of the piscina, the u.s of which has not been banded down. There are at least tliree churches, bxi, that have a js-cnlinr niche or r;cNa, par taking of tlnj character of two pisciiiH). one above the other, the meaning; of which has also iwwed out of knowledge- Tbean rhnrchin are at Kntithwick, in Snwi, and linsiiton and liU U-hit giey. iu Surrey. (ieutle.uian's Magazine. I.M Mad Comfortabl. Borem Still liviiitf in Jersey, eh? Hustler Yes; I have lo thought of Couiirig back V) the city. Uorwn Liit it must 1st very incon venient, forty minute by train and lif-tts-n by Unit every day, und you've got toeateii boih riht on the iiiinut!. Hustler That's what I like about it. You sfe when peopln biiMotiliule me and get to talWuiK, all I have to do U to jerk nut tny wittelj. mutter nomi'thing alsitit train tuns, and 1 gft away without in' ofTitite. !-? , Uoreui Ha, ha! That's i(""d. That rewinda luc of a littlo tliirg ,S.-;ph!-id V. 115 U'Oltlll I. ft ' HuMler liy the way, it's train time now. Ta-u! New Voik Weekly, lr Melllng Aav. residents of tlm city of llrewer are 1-nj'ij iiu I' its of rold comfort these hot ibiya. iel,i.i:i t.iat were put np on n y i.l.i. ion l.iiifd to brtiuf for t'iti-, or fv'i any 1,1-h, to Ihi-irownern, and have bs-ii turn dn n or allowed to tninbie l't '"- . Tau i:x h;:a brvli 1-ft Ui nieil 111 the Min or to be earned away iiy an; one ' !,., ! it, 2nd tii.Miy have avails,! tlmnu-elve of tlm privilegs. Lewihtou (Me.) Jounial. Wrather I'roiilirU tit '91. City Mo (in the country) I it going to rain bslay? Modern Farmer Don't know, miss. The nwniitiK pij-r iiavsu'i nA U'i jet. New Vork Weekly. Bow tm RalM a Chnrrh Debt. A novel plan for extiniruiahing; a ehurcn dobt has been hit upon in Mel bourne, Anttraiia. Tiie ciiurch com xa:ttee or Tetry, m the cn tnsy be divide tbe total debt ainoiijt theuiaelvss, and each nian inniires Ins life for the amount tnat inns v nia suaro. iu policies are truiihferred to the church and the annual payments ou lueui ara made out of the coilecliuua, Theu, of course, as the nirrriUrrs of tbo coictnit- tee "drop off," the sums injured on their lives drop in, and later, when the only survivor dies, the last hisUllinent of tli church debt Is paid. I 'all Mall Uazette. Sfany Ordrra Ahvaa. Mr. Slowpay (airily) 1 wi.di to get measured f ir a suit of clothes, but it will he about three weeks before 1 can pay fr Uieni, as our payday comes only once a inouih now. How soon can you bave them dune? Tailor I'm let ma see. In about three weeks. Uiwd News. C'mut Htrfitsr Ihaa itons. From a number of careful tets mails to sxrrtain the jirecise strength of an clior bolts set in Portland cement In the ordinary way, the fact appeared that the joint was really stronger than the stone. In this demonstration 2 Inch iron rods were set into the stones some Hi inches, and then subjected to the tet The flrat rod had a siTew thread to Improve the grip of tbe cement, and the cement lie pan to yield at a load of 3J.0o0 pounds, the breaking of the stone taking plare at oO,OOQ ixjuuds. With a plain, smooth rod It was found that the cement began to yield at a load of 4,000 pounds, but the rock broke at 07,000 pounds. Thus, though the strength of the cement joint was uot developed, It was inferred that, in a suitable setting;, the cement joint on smooth rod might be mad to break the rod. New York Sun. en H j for Mill No Excuse fjr wt having a Home ot Your Own. Put What you are paying out for Rent into a home. 7 per cent money for persons wishing to build in South rark. Look to the Future and invest now in South Purk. TEE 0PP0ETU1TIIY OF A LIFE THE. Among other reasons why it is better to invest in South Park than elsewhere in the city, are these: Property is more saleable if joti wish to sell, more rentable if you wish to rent; if looking for an in crease in other part of the city will compare with it in prys;u-c! The 5th ward composed largely of South Park, less than three years ago could hardly muster up a vote at the last general election the vote wn I f.) and all were not polled. It has been less than two years since the city invited us into the corpor ate limits, yet we have m rr one hun dred newly built house ond others in process of construction, owned. with few exceptions, by the partu s now li ing in them. This part of the city has a store water mams, electric arc ngnis, church and school privi ledges and a new churih edifice just erected of which tie- whole city is proud. l laltsiiiouth's steady growth for five vc irs past almost doilM ing lis j opi.l.iboii; tin- advance staiel it has ti-keii regarding public im provements, ii;e tiuiiiiij " 1 jsoui court bouse; the completion of the great Missouri Pacific rail way into this city, giving us iinoth- er great trunk line and competing market; the ronstant increasing roll of the C. H. & J. shops, to gether with many other well known reasons, assure a steady and perma nent advance in realty, which will doubtless effect South Park more favorably than any other portion ol Plattsmouth. With a rinrtu Ihr 1 H'nurujfhinti iif a xtill yrruhr ijrw lh (if jxirt tli i lly, ui trill izintlnnr (o ' f on MHhthly iMiyiif nU, funiish mnuiy with trhkh t" rri't hnw frill r. eiiii(;s Ml nr ullirr ImfirOCnl rity IHHjirrty'ur fur ilisirallt tnirornl or unlmprnrtd laml. It is not so much the speculator as the permanent resident that we wish to purchase this disinible property. Out of over EUillTY pres ent owners of South Park property none are speculators' hence there are no fictitoiis vhIuch and lots are selling at Hbout the price they were linmediatly after it was platted -a strong argument why the present Is a most desirable time for investments. Much addi tional information regarding South Park may be had by culling at my office on Main atreet over Hank of Cass County. H D. WIIIDHAU COUNTY - 8 C K V E V O k" AMI civil i:.r;i.i:r.K A county Pleik I . (ttelllled to. OI-KK BIN t'ot'KT IKH St:, I'lattsmoiith, - - Nebraska l'I.IL;i I'HI'I'KK'IUiK'C.. MATACI I IIK OK AMI 4 '11: nKAi.rii m Tflf. CIHUCKST BRANDS OF CK'.AK'S hi 1.1. 1.1 mc or TOBACCO AND SMOKF..S ARTICLFS alSys in stock riattsmolith, Ncbrassa IKST : NATIONAL : HANK OK PLATTSMOUTH, NKHHABKA Kald up capital urilu ...., ..I'fl.n' OBers the vsry tiet farltltle for the prump traiiraclliMi liKiuniam Banking Business St,x-k hrinrlt. ifnld. sovernmmit and Meal irltlM tMHIflll Miel selft. lsi,it rw-Hiv.j snd uitsreiit all't en Hie rtlllr Orafts drawn, svallahle In sny pait ! Hit United HtaUw and all the pnncipai wm m Europe. TOI.tE-nOSS HAOB ANI rKOMrTXr KBMIT. TS1. HIidiMt markst prtrs pld for County wsr. rants, BUiie sns 1 uwiii j isiuui. DIKKCTOUS John Fit rorsld D. Ilawk.wortb Ham Wauli. K.. While Oeorse B. Duvey loho Fltnn,M. H. Ws'irh. friwldrnt t.iuii let. T IIK CITIZENS HANK. rLATTSMuUTH r-KHIUSKA Jayllal ttoek paid la V I Authorized Capital, 1100,000. orrtcRua KANK CAItKUTIl. JOS. A. CONNOH, ITrldsnt. Vlee-l'IMl-lsi.l W. II. t'L'KIUMI. t'shisr. DIHSe-TOHS Oralis Carruth J. A. ( oiaier. F. K. (iuth-nam 1. W. Jolibiun, llnurj llu-ck, Jobs O'Kwfe W. D. Mernam, Wrs. Wetsreainp, W. Q. Cii!iHii. TBASSACTS'i GEKF.RAL BAVKIKG B03H.TS niiM mlTre-s nt dfsii ts-srlnit Iritsriwt Kuvi and sm-11 rrhn!r. nMinty and city 11 11 B ANK )! CASS COl NTY Cer l;dn snd Fifth street. Paid up capital... v Siirplui OFFICERS :! fi P.-.rr.f!a t-ridsnt Fred I, order VlfS FrsslcUrd I. M. I'aitervin ahsir T. H. l'.ii. rwi.. At t;nUlol DIRECTOKS 0. It. Psrmels. J. M l'ttrnn. Frsd flnrdsf. a, n. Riiii;:,, ;:. u. v. u.s.-.i, s. r.s 1 T. M Fatlerwm 1 GENERAL BASK1KC EU8IS8 TWB8ATED AeeonnM "Helled. Intsrel aJlnwsd on time lsssilli and prompt Sitentlouslvro to all tut Uimm tntrutled lo iu care. - MEAT II A USE HP "' SIXTH HTIt'MET " F. II. KLLKNHAl'M, Prop. The best of fresh meat always found in this niarkct. ! frcun Kggs and Hutter. Wild game of all kinds kept in their season. mm KlXTII HTkKET m Meat iiarketi iJjUCKER SISTERS. CAkHY A Ff I.L LINK OK and f rinch lowers, We also have a drri inaklnit deiiartmect. Hat Ufactlon Kuarantrad. SHKkWOODSTOKK. PLATTSMOUTH IAWSON A PEAWCK Carry a ull L'ns of FINE iflLLBXKRT'AND CRIL- DRSN6 CLOTHING. A IXO FBKHIf CUT FUJWEKH kooh t, B i.rr i, Purraotm' PHILIP THEIROLF -A- Uaa r)tnmd UD Th Finest, Uoaivst, Cosioat SALOOIT in imp; city Where may be found choice win liipiors and cigars. f ANHKl'SKK Hl'SCII HKKK. AM' ,v .s' alh whiti; nhvaj s on hand. CdKNI K OK MAIN AXIi'l'it Kill SI THE l.F-ADINO GROC ER HAS THE MOST COMPLETE ( STOCK IN THE Q- 1 ' ATTENTION FAKMEkH I w.uyour Poultry, Kggs, I? tcr stud .yu'.'.r f:!rm produce ol t k nds, 1 'wjII pay you the liielt cashfi'iV-'" :,s I am buying 10 i tirn i . f.iiiililn. I Ft. PETERSEN THKI.IJADIXfVGp'c' Plattsmouth - P J. H A N S K.N 8 CK0CEK1ES, GLASS AND QIKENSWAV Floor REfl M a SfBCia! i iiirutia o- JOHNSON BUILDINGS Silti; rnjKNKV A LAW. j WINDHAM & DAVIES. , d. B. W1MUUM, JOHN A. hAVI Notary I'ulilic Nntr I Ofllct orr Hank o(('am County. , r.atUmoutli .... Ket'i jTTORNEY A. N. SULLIVAN. I Attonifv st-l.a. Will rlvs oromt.t so lo all tni'liiei-a entriirt-d tu hlui. in , Unlos block, KaatSida, l'latlmulli, Ne. N EW HARDWARE STUJ I! S. j;. HALL A RON Ktrp nil klnM f l)ii!Mfri hrtrdwnrA on 1 mm UiU win 11 in 1 1)' cuntrwt'Mi on moHt f UiftUtV iVIM ; tin" nooFiNo! ; .,..,,, as Ss-nilinn Slid all kino ol liu work tironiiit one. (inler lium the country Soif SIS Prail Ht. I'LATTMMUUTH, Lumber Yai THE OLD REUADLI ! AWdkIus, Lath, 8a.h, i Dooro, Blin Can nupply erorw demand o( t Call tod get terms. Fourth In rear of opera house. P LI K