The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, September 12, 1891, Image 1
7TV'o:B TT l Pll TTT' .OiTST s-A .11 D Li., ii V II uo-iy Jfl li y1 ........ HFTIi YEAR. PLATTSMOUrH, NEBRASKA. SATURDAY SEETEMPER 12 1891 NUT.1BER 1 . j II Absolutely Puro. Ireaui'o'f tartar baking powder. Jlest of nil in leavening strenth. I est L'. S. Government Food Ke n A. SALSBURY I'l. D K-N T I S-T : ' LI AND I'likt KLAIN CKOW NS. Mimiiyi aniiillictli" fi r the pwdilf - ine Clold Work n Specialty. oiid Block I'lHtlMn.Mllll. NkI). . POLLOCK R VkMYER3 I olary Public & Alniracti r Hoiiiltur I; Ettat, Loan and Ineitwa AjenU I 1 T V 1 you have real estate 1o sell or ihange "'iid tisdesi ription. price I term, -'r v title furnished nt reas. ( rates. 51 iur rvnt and -.sions, on (food security. K A HYKKS i . . . i i .... i i. j i one uiMfi t.NEII. v County r.n k. DE1T 'ISTRY ... -: j t()l.l A.HI tMIU'KHIN'cr.OA'NH Jlridiji work sml tltm tgulil work t l-ocr-M at nrr pi iiwiriji i. '(TKtN ACH boi'AI. m M other m. t .ii'-citim forth it.iiiiirH urt"tiio u' -Irci II, . MARSHALL, Kiuirrruld I"- ) I'KNSONAL LchnhoiT in viewing the . a ut Lincoln to-diiv. J rr',n,l wiih it piiHHeii(rer on a. for pnit;! in the west this M. N. Iiverin, who Iuim been njj nt C'rrcloii, Iowh, returned morning'. Holleltlietk, of Klinwoiwl rofClniH Ilollenberk, a ninil i v;.is i;i the ) exti-rd.iy. ink Moore, living Month of town ppinu liich nowadayit, in honor J ,li!.- f;irl inadf Hit lippt'Mr- it liii home hut week. ' !. Kr'-ek, Hti employee of the . Waterman lnniler yard of m, in in ine t ny. i-it. i. liaiiaer of the eiiterprine. jn Kltoden, h H. A M. fireman, in Jit a few da) "lay off" on nc of a bouncing boy baby at iniiie. We never imoke, Tom, P V lollinler imible to walk upon )rect to-day, and will donbt e at Ihm poHt in a few dnyH. Il j ed that mu ll will lie the raie, 1 rate. j.ih)i, Ktate Heerelary of the V. !A. will be in the city over y and iiddri'HH the men nt the rikamp block at 4 o'clock. All ire invited to lie pri'Hfnt. vi-ral of the ri II. A M'h. were nyiTM thix morning on the 'ui WuterexcnrHion. The boy n opiate HHMHtintf in a ((ante ,11 with th! nine there to-day. j mm I that our nefhboriii) ' leaires to entertain it I'l. it U 'i vlnitom atifactorily, Hy '.iy, ttnlet(R tin; deniocrnti arc j nthiiMiuMtic. than they were at imarir it will be dillicnlt to ide the in from nelectinjf the 1 1 ion in order to Kii7(' upon .11 ame. ''n A Harrett have jiiKl re. j a fine line of imported tooth ' mil brtifhen. cloth and liair ,'e. I'rlcen away down. tf Tn iiiilit Kip Van Winkle. Sperial ncenery for K'ip Van Winkle to night. Don't fail to Hi e it. The way to make I'lattHinonth boiini in to patroni.e home, inilim-trii-H. MenMrH. JaineH Kuhy. S. I. Ioii nnd JeHjj McVey from near Murray are in the city to-day. Hon. Anderwon Koot, of l.'nion, in in the city, to-day. - Mr K. ha n load (if very line applet, of the Maiden Idiiali variety. ' There will be divine service in the I'reMbyterian church on next Sab bath at 1 1 a. in. and I 'M p. tit. Sab bath School at ;;) a. in. Y. I". S. C. Ii. at, 7 p. in. , '-'t There will be a meeting of the board of directora of the Y. M. C. A thin evening at H o'clock in the room. All otlicerM recjueated to be present. The relative of MexdameH WiihIi Smith and C. M. llutlt r, who came from Ilenton Harbor, Mich., to attend the funeral of Mra. L. U. Sltionor. leprl-l for hnrrte thi iiiorning. A fine train loard of Texaa cattle paHHed through thin morning for Chicngo. There are a great many wewtern range being shoved to market thin deanou to the detriment of our farmers that ralHe cattle on a mnaller nnd more expciiHivepcalr. The Rip Van Winkle Co. ia in the city aH per annotincenient, and ap parently the troupe in worthy the patronage of theatre going people The company HiipportH a good band and the mimic upon the atreet made a very favorable iuiprcHaion. tar . , .. . . tc Knmi muiii our ratiiHiigeM that the public achoola through the state commenced Monday, and reports are encouraging from every quarter. It hnn become a recog nued fact that our nchool yntem is gradually iui)roving and the inte rcut in this important factum of intellectual progreas, is increaHing. Let tin inaiiitaiti educational advan tages, in keeping with our general advancement. S. L. Furlong shipped by expreHH to -day a pig nick with the cholera, to Mr. frank S. Hilling, of Lincoln, Nebraska. This pig in to be lined for the manufacture of hog cholera virus, to inccoculate well bogs to prevent them from having the cholera in the regular way. Mr. Furlong inncculatcd fifty head of hogs taxi full, and it proved such a hiicccps with li i tn Hint he intends to iuocculate again this fall. Mr. Furlong has made arrangements for obtaining virus, and can iuoc culate for any one wishing to do so nt a very reasonable price. Smile people have a false modesty about telling an editor peraonal items relating to themselves. For Instance, you leave the town on a visit, but modesty prevents jou from making it known to the editor, fearing be will think you love to see your name in print. You go, no one knows it, a half dozen friends call on you while absent. which would have been trouble for nothing saved, if the item had been published. If you have guests, let it be known through the paper, so your mutual friends may have an opportunity to visit said guests. How often du von bear: "Was she here? Oh! I am so sorry I did not know it, I have been wanting to see her so much." frtit your false modesty prevented the news from becoming known. To give the news is one object of a newspaper.- Ivx THE BEAUTIFUL GERMAN Oleographs (11 YEN WITH each $10 worth of jjoods at 'The Fa r' are not "Daubs" hut real artists productions. Sec our 5, 10 nnd 2,r con t counters for liarrains K F. F.Si'HKK I'K)I, CummlHtttons Froeetjchnus. I'LATTSMOIITH N t il., S( pt. 11 J.N'.tl. - Hoard met pursuant to adjourn ment, present A. H. Todd and Jacob Tritsch, county comiiiisHioiiers and Hird t'ritchlicld, county clerk, when the following was done lo-wit: J 'i t il ion by J. F. Hack and others for the change of the precinct line between Liberty and Nehawka pre cincts Was taken up and after due consideration by the board it was decided to change the said line and locate the same west one-half mile from Its present location, and on the section line "between sections H, 4, II, ID la, Hi, 21, 27, 2H, Xi and 34, this being the line between road rliHlrii In Nu. HI ami 41' uni M ntj.) The following bills were allowed: A. H. Todd, sal and ex $ 21 (XI City Treas, paving lot 7 blk .'W 7ll 71 C. I). Hondas, b'ld g dridge. . . 323 m Neb Tel Co, rent less mcs by. sheriff 32 85 Hoard then adjourned till Monday Sept., 14. HlKK I'KITC IIHKI.f), County Clerk. Democrat to Reolva, It is conceded that a certain dele gate to the Weeping Water conven tion from IMattsmouth contem plates intoducing a resolution censuring ex Governor Hoyd for his veto of the Newberry bill, and it i expected that a lively time will be had, as a great majority of the party members, sustain and pro' pose to stand by the party Jecord. A few of the vote catches and plat form formers, however, realize an opportunity to induce a few third party men into their ranks, by tlitt!" pledging democratic support. The rest;!! is stalled, syith interest by our local politician of all parties. Make a Display. Make a display of something nt the fair next week. Itring your best calf, shoat, cow, colt, sheep, rooster, horse, goose; pumpkin, corn, cab tinge, vegetables and grain of all kinds; needle work, luscious fruit, pretty flowers, fine pictures, hand some babies - in fact, collect every thing that will show the advantages of Cass county generally, and your own enterprise and ability, particu. larly. Let us show to adjacent counties - Douglas, for instance that Cass has the advantages and she does not hesitate to place them on exhibition. Cass need not take I a bm k seai for any of Ihrm if our people will put forth an efTort to! make a display in keeping with the J times and commensurate with sur-1 roiiudings. I Watfjh Hla Delivery ! Norman linker, the ex-pitcher of j the Omaha team, has ipiit the: diamond and blossomed fiirlh be hind the foutlighlsas a full Hedged opera singer. He joined the (iar row Opera company the first of the week nnd may be seen nightlv bringing up the rear in the march of the chorus. Norman is an old time siiigerand possesses a voice of no mean ipiality. , He is capable of better things than being a chorus singer and will soon riseabove that position. liee. The Demoeraia Meet. The M. I', ran n sperial train to Weeping Water to accomo date the delegates to the county convention which meets there to day. An excellent opportunity was thus afforded our citizens to take a pleasure trip over the new mad, and ipiite a number availed themselves of the opiiortunity. We predict ami bespeak for our democratic friends a pleasant trip a hiiriiwiiuua i on vent ion and a safe return after the deliberations. A New Eitierpria, We have received a sample copy, vol. 1, No. 1 of The New Kra, at Un enterprising little village of South Henil, by J. W. Herge. Tim New Kra is a six column folio, replete with intereHtingreading matterund upon the whole presents a very creditable appearance. TltR IIkk Al.D bespeaks for its editor a pleas ant and profitable career hi bis chosen vacstion. Card of Thanks. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Hutler and Mr. and Mrs. Wash Smith desire to ex tend their thank to the many friends and neighbors for the kind sympathies shown them during the sickness, death and burial of their beloved mother. The finest line of Neckwear, Hats and Cap at JOFi'S, the one price Clothier. Hair cljains, rins, crosses, an hair work of all kinds to order. Mh-s. A. K.NKH. If 172( Locust St. DLMWOOI) ITKMS i'kom Tim who. The Kcho still lives, ami will be on earth when some of the chronic kickeis are planted under the sod. Miss Sadie Hird commenced the fall term of school eight miles north of Klmwood Monday morn ing. Miss Hird is right at home in in the school room and will give good satisfaction. J. O. Tate, grand master workman of the A. O. U. W. will be here Fri day Set. IS, to deliver a speech upon the benefit and working of the order. He is an orator of wide reputation and draws large crowds where ever he goes. It will be a public affair nnd everybody in vited. Hut few, if any towns in Nebraska the size of Klmwood can boast of as much good substantial sidewalk as this town can. Uy actual measurement there is to-day in the village of Klmwood 1!,17."i feet of walk. This ia equal to two miles in length, or an aggregate of ro.875 square feet. Until we hear from some other part we shall claim to have the most sidewalk of any village in Nebraska. A Newspaper that takes any in terest in politics is expected to do nil the dirty work for the pnrty it advocates, and receive all the abuse and loss of patronage on account of its manifestation. Wheg the battle is over and the victory won the newspaper man !h lost sight of and is not remembered until another campaign begins to boil. This thinir rf hi-incr vutikfil around by political bosses is too old a song for this advanced sea son. Good Newa far Hlattamouth, 1'rof. C. C. F-wing, partner and proprietor of the Omaha Uusiness College, ha" sold his interest there, and will open up in our city a first class business training school, the following branches will be taught. Shorthand and type writing book keeping penmanship arithmetic business fnrtiis calulatiou etc., Kn glish branches. Jo forergneri. Prof. Kwingisja teacher of superiorability as can be substantiated by the nuin ber of students here who have at tended the Omaha college. The school will open Monday Sept. 21st III iliO SniT'iiul street. block oil M.i The Ladies of the M. K. church will give a social at the home of .Mrs. S.I'. Holliiway. one half mile south of town on Chicago avenue, next Tuesday evening, the l.'ilh. Will try ntid have teams enough for all who may want to go; start from the church. 10 very body invited. The last rocial for this conference year. 3t Cmm County Nexl. Now that the Nebraska City Fxpo sitiou and the state fair are closed and everybody made happy, let us all prepare for the next great at traction TlIK Cass County.. Faiw. Oon't forget that all entries -except for the speed ring- must be made by the lath inst. If you want to see nice clean mid well made up Clothing you rhould go to JOK and look his stock over The Omaha lice of to-day con tains u special to the effect that the lT. S. supreme court has rendered a decision in the lioyd Thayer contest favorable to lioyd. The telegram is not confirmed us yet, authoritatively, and it is prob ably without foundation. Hand concert to-night by the Kip Vsu Winkle company's hand in front of opera house at 7:110 p. m. That HackingCough ca l sixpiiek ly cured by Shiloh's cure. We guarantee it, F'or Sale by Iv. (i. Fricke and O II Snyder. 1 S. F. Miner of Nock lilulf is in the city to-day with a load of very line peaches. They were grown in Richardson county. Don't fail to see the little children in their songs mid dances at the opera house to-night. The preaching services at the Methodist church will be at 7:30 in stead of MKiand the Fpworlh league meeting will be at ft:!. Will you suffer with Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint? Shiloh's Vit alizer is guaranteed to cure you. 2 The mildest, pleasnntcM, safes and surest laxative in the world is IK ggs' Little (Jiarits. We guaran tee every bottle. Sold by Hrown A Hurrett. Sleepness night made miserable by that terrible cnugh Shilohs rem edy is the cure for you, by F. Q Frick. and I) II Snyder. 2 yinslDDIElt CLKAUANCE S.VUr IVI In order to reduce stock to make room for our fall purchases wo tmiKt close out the balance of our Summer stock as quickly as pog siblo. Commencing to day wo will offer our entire line ot white goods, embroideries flotmcings nud all overs At 20 Per Ctnt Discount From ifesular Price, Jjidies Eumnier vests at Jjidies summer vests at 10c Jadies black and fancy ribbed vests 25c worth a5c. T adles black lisle and ancy J 35 worth 45c Ladies silk mixed vests at 6oc was a bar- f adias silk vests at l r 0 Per cent- on Jerseys. 00 per cent dinsou nt. On fill nil r eill- 1 1 v-v. 1 1 t 1 - ... .i i. ww- U1I1U1 C1I09 Chiillies i reduced to 5 cents per yard, regulars Sc qunllity. Nousselme do India reduced to tie per yard. I""y We makp thiwnrTpr In nnlr tr . .. . : nuiiit- ruitn aow ih uu' tune to purchase i in want of nny of the above goods. KIvMlCMIiKK all of our goods marked in plain f.gures and we do as we advertise. Don't misa this sa.e as they are the lowest prices quoted this season F. HERRMANN ONE DOOR EAST FIRST NATIONAL. TIME HAS COME W hen v o ii kIioiiM l.eoin to think nhoutyour tall underveiir. We have just re ceived ten caes of ladies, chil drens. men", and hoys underwear direct from a maniilac t u r r who was need iiifr money nnd was willing to SPECIAL OFFERS TO EARLY BlfYEW Slnori'il No 1 ChiWrens u!1 wwl ?c:!rl!,t S!,lrta ancJ v 'C.' -- sizes running large enough to lit a child twelve years old. ONLY 35c KAC'H. ' VlnnMMl "Vn 0 t'!,il!rt',,!, ht'"vy n,,t C'IFU'vIill 1W. w and Drawers running let only 25 cts a garment. You can't utTord to buy the cloth to make your children underwear when we can sell you them ready made so cheap. Ift;l MA O Mens extra shirts and ?HP?'ll Nft X ,a1','', n,'1,vy merino Shirt and Drawers, Silk uruv"" - sold nt. Hi cts; we sell at 3i cts Mill. Special Floor Oil Cloth Bargains ZZ stoves, etc nt only i"c per square yard. We have it in several different designs and widths. Bankets or Bed Comforts ZJ: you with prices. We have them to suit anyones pocketbook nnd will give good value foryour money. Fx st English Linoleum" fl2,.icei,!raT"fy"nl- A Hp"cial ,,Hr gam at the price. New Stock of Shoes Just Received. During the last week we have received from New Kngland factories 39 enses of Ludies, Misses, Childrens, Mens and boys shoes, among the are unprecedented bargains. how cheap, solid, serviceable WM. HER ' i 8c fibular. 10c quality. regular. 15 .quality,'' Egyptian cotton vests at redur.ed fmm ti or ' ladies shirt waists and -wi...K i. . dispose of part of this years pro duct of his mill at a sacrifice, his misfortune was our opportunity atd we bought the goods at less than their ac tual value, to start this under wear we intend to make some )Y '11' natural wool colored Shirts running in same ns the scar heavy ribbed natural wool colored drawers all si.esouly lit) yn KACII. very nice garment, that is universally Call and see us, nnd let us showy a shoe cun be sold. OLD & SON, in on