" Li . 111. . li U . HADE ONLY DY N.K.FAIRBANK&CO. Chicago. NEW LUMBER YAAR J. f). UIUVE3 & cO. DEALERS IX PINE U;v' SHlNt;i.i:.. LATTT, HASH. Call aiitl'f ee us 11th ami I3Im street, one block r 4 ' nvcrythi: to Furnish Your House. AT I. PEARLMAN'S -l. ".FAT house ; im;;isniNG ehporiuh. . i - ' " A ! J, V. AVcckbach store room on south ,i Vw I uia now located I can r-cll goods cheap ' ? lving just put in the largest stock - eight to the city. Gasoline stove "'all k uuls sold V'. " " A Q FW $ CO f-V 1.' WILL KKKl CONSTANTLY OX HANI) A Full and Complete line of Dili?:, Medicines, Paints, and Oils. C'JUCCiSTS SUNDRIES AND PURE LIQUORS rrcscriiiiions Carefully Coinpouniled at nil Hours HAVELOCK ARE - YOU - GOING Kemember that R. O. Cnail. A Co have an immune atock of LUMBER A17D ALL.BUILDIDG 1'ATERIAL AT HAVELOCK AiidGuarantiHSatlsfactlon In all Thluirs R. O. CASTLE & CO HAVELOCK, NEBRASKA. AVi r I ML fUUII r i l . ' "4 ft. f" at the corner of iiiiii. outh, Nebraska - MODERN - on the installment plan. I. PEAIlEKAiN. TO BUILD THERE? I 11 i I r nS In! vyV,c 3f sc. ivt. uunu. ( .' Th I.obalcr C.tck. Nova Scotia and Triiice Edward Ialun.l dvic.s t'j to show that the lobsti'rcct. i fir th M'.uion, wlikh clmd Ana. 1. x. -a the nicst Kiia'sful of any m-awin for ! pant t.-n or twnlvo Vfiire. E"j:ti;ir.il;.- thin the case with the factories Imrd -r iiijjonUie Northmuberland strait. A t?iTitli mu iuU-rcsU d in loWtrr cuiinin ; niakt the BtatfUif nt that tliw l.v Um will (Jii the whole average a net prolit .1' about fl.000 eack Takinj into o .... aideration the fact that tho ww.m fr catching lobht;rt ia by law rwtricted t J iiue and July, thia nrotit mtibt be r garded as enormous. The benefit of the abort season i now Ix-comin apparent in the iirea 1 catch, which is almost double that ? previous years, while the lobhti r h just the ri'ht hize for canning pnrjn .. . huch has been the rapid sjiread of ti e canneries that every available site alo;.,' the Khores of the StraiU of Northumb' . land has been taken up, and prtien ! airou.i of investing money in the bu.siut .t are withheld by the difficulty of procuv injf a favorable cove or Iieacli. A good idea of the profit of lottster canriinfi way be gat in-red from the tie t that while a pound tin is put nprea iy for ahipment at a cont of about ni cents tiiey are taken from the cannen. a by whult-Miie ueuiel. who pay fi'ui.i seventeen to twenty cents per tin. An Anioriran finn owning fourteen factori' shiin ita entire product to the French and Enttlidh market direct, and all i:s tins are labeled "Machiaa Cay Lobsters," notwithstandiurf the f;ict that the con tents were caught In Dominion water", put np on Canadian and by Nova tx-otia workmen. -Montreal Oazt-tte. brgulntliig yulunctl. Orgnn yriudem, like Artemns Ward's Betsy Jane, want little "rexulating" at times in London, and the pnwpectii of Mr. Jacoby's mo lest legislative efforts to this end will probably lie brightened by the report which Lord Salisbury has lately gathered from our representAtive abroaL In Vienna, it seeiiw, Lcenw-s are granted by the police to itinerant uiusiciaua. but only to thot-e who a re till able V) earn their livelihood by any other uienna. In Paris anybody wishing to jerform "as an itinerant mountebank, organ grinder, musician or singer," mnt apply for a lirene to the prefect of po lice, and it is obligatory that a certificate of good character accompany the appli cation. In Berlin "thoae persons who sj a !ien2 of livelihood &sd not in " Interest of art perform on musical in struments in open places or public a! reels or in courtyards," require a license from the local police. In Hume the matter is provided for by the law of public a curityi and organ grinders are not al lowed by the Kuwian government to re side in hi. Petersburg. In Madrid they are 'nppre-d" ss an "intolerable urn aance." London Telcgraplu Mietta llrr Sliln ltr(uliirl)r. Dr. Frank, whe ii-r on ca- nf human Ijeings who shd their nkin regu larly created o much interest In the Chicago Melicul gx-iety, has reo-ived the following letter from Mrs. E. Khutt, of Adm.ih, Washington county. Neb.: "I am thirty-nine years old, and i-ince the year lKfl have bad an attack of tli. kind every roinl or third year regular ly. In Mar h, lvll, I bad a very bad UHZe !! '1 elt.r,t tf i ...J tny 1 1 n U Kiuv ill the same year 1 had another 'spell,' us I call it. My skin came off lu the same manner ha this man you wrote about My hair fall ((T every tune ami my naiis come out. In March of thia year it was the aame old ct,ry. My symptoms were the niuie ait thone of Mr. I'rice." My mo tive in writiiig to yon U to prove to you there ia another ra.te like the one )oii write about" Omaha lii.-e. Juac'er llanibnnla Drad. A once well known character in the stn-eta of 1'arU has just died in the av luin at J'.icetre. I allude to the hug-fu juggler, B.imlioula, who, when I palil my f.rt visit tol'uris, was quite a promi nent character in tho ranks of al fresco rniertamers. lie used to quickly at tract a crowd by the utraonlinary way in which he cracked an enormous whip t,u - . .., v'.(,,0 O lit tl Wtfiu really very clever. One I w.Jl remem. ber, wwa hia apparent conaumption of a a big brick. He was a native of Martin ique, and when in' hia prime, and dar ing the I'arU s--a,ii, ofieii usl to maLe a much as thirty franca a day. London Figaro. Tli. Rat and Ui. Clam. On Tlinr! 7-nt ilmt w f..ii... - around amoi.g the clams in aa Icechu.u, rear part of tua Henry House, met wii a senuiis a:c.idcnt A large clam tluit had iu ahells open, taking in some fresh air, was suddenly disturld by something that made it very mad, canning it to close ita doori tight and hold the in truder a privmer. ,Th claia had shut down npon a hind leg of a rat The ro dent aqiieuled and the noise attracted at tention enough to inquire into the cause of it. The rat was alain, but it could not las released until the sheila of hue clam were amashed to pieces. William--port Sun. t Th. Ram. Old FUh. A few years ago the United Stat'v fish commissioners liberated in Ipswich bay a number of voting codfish, and to dis tinguish them from tho many thousands that might afterward be caught clipjwd off the small left abdominal fin. Wil liam It. Corbett, of Cutler, Me., while fishing off Little river or Cutler harbor the other day, caught three codfi.-h which he aays are the identical ones liberated by the commissioners, aa they each had the tain fin clipped off. They were when caught twenty inches long, being fat, bealth7 fish. Boston Herald. A Lara;. Plck.r.1. Edward Kxh, of the Willow Fishing; and Boating club, caught a pickerel at Mukto Ink wb'b weJbed 9Q ponnda when drcd. This la said to be the laifccst pickerel ever caught in that lake. It measured over four feet. Mr. Koch will have it mounted and will present It to the publi museum. Milwaukee ben-tine!. A Great Event lU MM, til IB U.A llllMWI j - fmmA tame luiig-standnig mala4y. Tlie powoo of Mcrofuia la lu your bluoiL You Inherited It from your aucealura. Will you triuamit It to your olTtprinuT In Uie great majority of tAstis, bolli CoosuinpUoa anil CaUrrb oHk liuto In tkTotuLa. It Is lii.Ki'a to be Uia primary tmirce of many oilier Unranirrmenui ot Uie txxly. lirala at vuca to cleauaa your blood nilli Ui.aLwidartl allcruliva, Ayer's Sarsaparilla " For several month I was tmublod with srrofiiluua erupUuus over tlie whole hotly. My apH'Ut wat had. and my ylcm to prirttmlcd that I was mahle to work. After trying teveml remedies In vain. I renolved to take Ayer't 8aiaprlltv and did so wiUi aiirh good etli-ct Uiil leas Uion (me kotUe Restored T.Ty Health and strength. The rapl-tlty of the rnre aa Wiiiliel nil-, aa I expected the pror-est to le loiift and U-dloiis." Krederleo Maria F.r nandM, Villa Nova de (iaya, I'ortuiraL K'r many yesrs I m a anflrrcr from serofula, until ahout three years ap, when I began the uae .f Ayei'j Sarsaparilla, slnee Whlsh the disease has entirely dli.pearerl A little child of mine, who &s troubled IU1 Uie tune complaint, has alio ten cured Ly tbla medicine. " fl. Ilrandt, Aoca, Nehr. Ayer's Sarsaparilla raa-raaaD tr DR. J. C. ATEB ft CO., Low ill, Maaa. Bold ay Druga-iaia. l,alii. Wort iabottla. Bucklen'a Arnica Salve. Tiik Bkht 8ai.vk in the world for CuU liruisits. Horca. Ulcers, Salt Kheuiu. Fever Pores, Titter, Chapiej Hands, Chillilsins, Corns, and all Kkin Eruptions, and posi tively cures I'll., or no pay required. It is guaranteed to pive satisfaciion, or money refunded. I'rire 2.1 cents per box For sale by F. 0. Fricke Jt Co. Rhaumauain Cur.J In Day, "Myntic Cure" for r!iciimiitim iiml neuralgia rudiciilly ruri- in 1 to 3 (laya. ItH nction upon the svetem ia rciiuirkalilc and mysterious. It re. muvi'H (it once the cnune iiikI the li. ruHp imiiiedintel v (lieHiippeiiro. The tirsl iIkhc tfre.itly Ix-ncfitrt. 7."c Sold by F, G. Fricke, Druggist, wt Sudden Death. Heart rlitu-HM i liy far (lie iiioh) frequent chumi; of Hudden Ie;ith, which in three out of four ciimch in liiiHiiepectc-il. The KyniptouiM are not encrlly undcretooil. These Hre: ii hiiltit of ly iuj; on ihe right Hide, ehort tirciith, pain or (litrcMs in the aide, Imck or ehoublrr.irrejjuliir pul Me. nthmii, we;ik mid hungry MpellM, w inl in stomal h, iwclling: of an Me .r dropry, oj.-precioti. dry cough mid Hiiiotht-rinif. l)r. Miles' illUMtratcd Sonk on I lenrt Dicenne, free nt F. tJ. Krlic A Cii'h, w ho Hell mid g-uarnntee l)r. MiIcm' iiiieqiiiib-d .New Henri Cure, uud hia reetora tive Nervine, which curee nervous ncsn, headache. Hleepb-Hftiessi, drop fj', etc. It cont. tins no opiatcx. Electric Bitters. Tliirt remedy ia In-coming so well n ud fo popular ;isi In need no Hpecial mention. All who have used J-Jlccl trie Hitter einy; the hame eoug-, pr.ii.ni-. A pur-.-r iiu-ilii im- dot-a nut exint iiml it ia iriiiiranteed to do at. that ia claimed. Klectric Hitter will cure all di-caee of the liver mid kidm-yH, will remove pimple, boil, salt rheiiui iimi other allec tiori caueed by impure blood.- -Will drive malaria from the Hyetein iiml prevent a well a cute all ma larial fever-. For cure of hcadaclje, constipation mid indigo-.-ition try Klectric Hitter. Kntirceajirdactioii guaranteed. money refunded. Irir-e ,'iik-and l per ln'.itle at F. (!, Krii'kc .V I'o's drugstore. a " Et-rtllng Facta. 1 r.r .liii. n, .,, p. .q.j,- -e rapidly becoiiiinjf u rase of uervou wreck and the fullowlng eiii:i;st. the beet remedy: alphoiio iluinpfUjjg, id HiiiliTt iVft?!. ij;;: v.-hen hia eon wan cpci hlcea from at. Vilua Danie Ir Mile great b'eatorHtive Nerving- cured him. Mr. J. I.. Miller of Vulnrui anil J II Tuolnr of Iiganeport, Ind each gained 1!0 poumi if mi taking; it. Mr. II. A. (.ardner, of Vn-!ilr Ind, wn cureil of 41) to Ho coiivitleion easy and niuch ueadach, dizuea, bockai h and nervoiiH (irostiation by one bottle. Trial bottle and line bock of Nervoua cure, free tit F. (1. I'ritke, A Co., who recoinenda thia uneqiiailed remedy. , 4 It bhould be In Every House. J. H. WiUon, :t71 Clay St., Sharp burg-, i'a., naya he will not bo with out lr. Kind's New Diecovery for Consumption, Cough and Cold, that it cured hi wife who wa threatened with I'nc iimnniii niter an uttark of ' Ii Gritipe," when variou ot her remedie and aeveral pbyMiciim had done her no 00l. Kobert Harber, of Cocksnort, I'a., claima I)r. King;' New Iicovcry has done him more good than any thing he ei-r ued for I.ung; Trouide. Nothing like it. Try it. Free trial bottle at F. G. Fricke A Co' drii";tore. I,nrg;e bottle, Wk. and l.(s). For many yeara Mr. H. Y. Tliomp Hon, of I).-h MoineH, Iowa, wan e verely alllu led with chronic diarr hoea. He aiiya: "At liuiea it was very aevere; ho much ho, that I fcacrd it would end my life. About Hcven year ag;o I chanced to pro cure a bottle of Chamberlain' Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. It gave rue? prompt relief and I believe cured ine permanent ly, aa I now rat or drink without harm anything I pleae. ( have also use J it in my family with the beat reaiilts). For aale by F. G. Frickie St Co. ' Wonderful 8uceea. Two yeara Mgo tlie Mailer Prop. Co.'orilered their bottlcH by the box now they buy by the carload. Among the popularHiid micct-Hcful remedies) they prepare la llaller'a Saranparilla A Hurdock which ia the moat wonderful blond purifier known. No drug-giat hcaitates to recomnieml thia remedy. For aale by druggist. Caatoria ia Dr. Sr.muf!, ritchrrs prescription for Infants and Children. It contains lyrltlior Opium, Morphine nor other Xarcollc Mil-stance. It Is a liarinloas mibatltnto for Paregor'e, Drops, Soothing Syrups and Cantor OIL It In IMcasant. Its puarantco U thirty j fora'-uao tj Millions of Mothers. Caatoria doat roya Worxua mid allays) ftTfrlHhneas. Caatoria- prevents vomiting Koiir Curd, cures Diarrhoea and AVIiid Colic Cruitorht relieves tttethln? troubles, curei constipation and flatulency. Caatoria aaai in Hates tho food, r'esulaU the stoinach and bowels, plvlng healthy and natural eleep. Cas torla la the Children's .:;na.-ea the Mother's Friend. Castoria. "CaaV-rla la aa xorllotil moUrlna fna ro ti ll run. KoalMaatUT. repwUcdljr Md maof Ua good caTwt .uon Ihetr cbtMrm." Da. Q. a Oaoor.n, Lowell, TMaxa. " Castoria la the boat ramedr HaOdra of vhieh I am aer-uaantod. 1 txata tlmdnjr html far distai vfam nvaastaa wffTeraiai'lar the rwU iimn mm vt tuvi. .iiMi'if mm imm Cmmwim iu tte&d of Uae rnrloiaiaiiak noatf-una whesh ara drtroainj ttioar lorad ooaa, by forahatoraam, moriuoe, suairlD( arnip and otlior bunful mn-Tita down Umst thruata, Uwrchy tooAiaf Ibem to pramalun fraraa." Pa. J. f KiarnxLOt, O", Ark. The OnUnr Company, TI J W HEN DEE DF.AI.F.K IN HARDWARE, STOVES & IR01T PXJIsFS, TINWARE ETO- hpot oas.u mwti TAm mxmms -oK)i)o- She in a winner. We reduce our price bec ause we can afford too, not becaue Homehoiiy compel tm too. Where i the high price, long time credit man that can Htand it NOT IX I'LATTSMtil'TII. We irive you a few more prices that may intercut you: Golden machine oil .... till goes at 2Uc per L'al Gasoline - . . . . 1 1; " ' W arranted Hay Fork .... .Tc em h 2tt) odd ei.e carriage bolt - Hie per hundred Another lot oj clothen wringer 2.b Carpet tack etill go at 1c per paper ( ook Htove at cost to clone. Folding; irnmn board lrJc Hlk barl.wire :Un per Imndred Galvfim.ed bar b wire . s.Vi - Ileet and hcapi-Mt line of tinware in the city. j -or Come in and c us whether you arc in need of any good- or not Remember that we run and will nave you money every time. Kvervthinir a bargain, ' N NOT - ONE -CENT-OH - TIME. HENRY 130ECK The Leading FURNITURE BEALER AND- UNDERTAKR. Constantly keeps on hand everything; you need to furnish jour house. COHNKII SIXTH AND MAIN STIIKKT Plattsmout Neb Dr. Grosvencr's Bellcap-sic "rrr plaster. NhnmaUiam. immrm)a4t nUria ar-n inmha Nf -iVioiincUrtf D laat-U TeWhw Iw taktiv kM4, raMnfeaMakU), Wl trmtmf, !. mtm pnttilt VWasil'aaMafajrMl rW. b V Mta-.a aaa.1. PfirP I PARKERS i HAIR BALSAM j f t'Dmm - aad i-m..i a. kaa yf 1 FaJla io alora Oray 1 .ir mi I m laawinii color. t i Car. M a ii m ft j - "..I i'-f s, f.. lar.M a it.t vt T'.m.m. Il . lb. . r.l ( . .. W. Ii...1a. .... Inn iwlioa. r.M.l. UtiwM .ua. HIN0SRCORNS. Th. r'Knsr''nl kH an ssa b. al Uit.m, 1 IllisAiZ a CO., M. V. W Anted Ail active, rellohle man-aalaiy l'?f lo 10 nioiilhly, with Ineresse, to represent tn kla own aaeilnn a ren.lH New York llmise. flefeleniva, HaJtcrACItaRa, UXk Box Lv, New York. Castoria. " Caatarla ta so waril afafOd to clOtlrefl that I rsaaiand Saaawpa-rita-toaaa ptaaarfptaoe kuuira lo ma." H. A. Aaraaaa, It D, 111 So. Oxford SH BrooWra, N. T. "Our phrateawai an Sat ahAora, detwrt meat u afsAoa klrhay a Umct aiperl esca la ttwar avtakla praaaan rWj Oaalorta, ! aniuxiia n tmif IMS) aanona; oa anedlaU aaiiillaa wtuat h kaova, as rsfrnlaf pmlucaH, yM W" ars frw to aonfeaa that tk. -iiKiila of Castoria baa won ua to look wltfe fatur ft."1 Carrao IloarrraJ. add DiamaaaT, lloatoq. 1 ixn C. Barra. Prrt 1 Hurray Straat, N.w Tork City, I ( loo- Tin; KTKRXATIONAL TYFEWRllER A ir!rt!y fint cla. marhlua. fuijr wsrran ed. M,nle ti..iii Uie eiy hssl iiiniennl by. .klhed sorkuien, and with the hest lool. in have ever bmn deyied lor Ilia pnrpme, War fl,ltd to o 11 11, t uh wi iwMHtmoiy aia rs-ffted of the ry hwit tyiewrller eitant. Capable of writing M w..r,l. p-r mlioiln ji Oiore-accordlng to th. ability of Ilia nperatn ruicu $ioo. If there, la no atfent la your town addrcaa th BlaillllttCturea, TIIK I'A HI a II ll'F'll CO. Ajrenu wanted I'arlth N, Y, F. 11. 8EELEMIIIK, Agent. Lincoln, Neb, MIKE SHNKLLHACKEK. Waxon and Blacktndth shop Wigon, Uurkj, Machine and plow Repairing dons 00HSE3H0EINQ A 81'ECIALTY -lis (aaa the NEVERSLIP HORSESHOE Which it the best horaealioe for the farmur, or for fast driviiiK. or for cit purinawi t-ver InyenUHl. It is so made that anyono ci.u put on sharp or flat corks, as nided for wet and alipoary days, or smooth, dry roads. Call si bis shop and examine tho hEVSKarjr and you will us no othnr. J. M. PHNELLRACTrn1. H North Fifth fit. I'latismou-h r ' - - sr - . , ... .... ' .- L i