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About The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19?? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 11, 1891)
4 , " Skill In a Cauua flat. 1 Tbst tl" fckill of 1dm cams? wiilor h . . noro tttto wilh !he wiunliiKc.f run- mr "I,r,'al or hIiim) of hull tin. i n proved ui,'iiiii awl A caw 'imniiicl ly W. 1. Stephens for thn we . ; xotiny of tiie Now York Canoe club ou ' Jiuii differing from anything liefora ir- liici'( has nulled, in it nt'inlx r of tin; lo rnl ;'nv Vuik rnw-1 lulelj. Thin eiuioe i jx-tii i:t. piivnof work, so fur an nun ' Dlriirliuii (; mnootli, f iir am wi ,l i proportion il. Its pectiliir foist ure in a very il.'i p, thin underwater bixly nft. ,y nry thing about tlie canoe suggest ninl yet it h:w not won a race. j iVrliaps it iH Infer on, when Skipjier ,' Sti ifu Hi L.w completed. LU "tuning up" JflX'l'.-X. . Ill market contract to this result is tlie Success tllllt SOlllU of tllO ollllT CftllneS have liftJ Jpy b in well sailed arid prop, erly tqui'nl, notably the Nuta, owned by Daniel liiVIl, of Yoiiker. The ik.lipu is hIho comparatively obi cunoe with a reputation, and it in sure of a good placfe in tlie races whpn fairly woll handled imlt-Mj something breaks wbii:h ban been a rather too common occur rence of lute. A strong and handy rig in th hands J a clever sailor will often land an old canoe over tbe finishing; line far in ibn lead. Tim races daring June on Hendon lake, near London, England, illustrated this priucijile Very clearly. Tbe winner wan tbe only survivor of a fl-t of sis in eri rsce. All the cthsr canoe either npnet or broke down. Kail and Paddle. k A III Yrar tor Fruit. Fruit hiu not lieen so plentiful and so cheap for many Seasons an it is this year. For the pu.-t month the fruit stands have been laden with largo juicy Burtltstt jiears and delicious, rooy ix-ache, and now grape are making their appearand). All are uuhkimIIv cheap, too, and the drnmmi la lnrrr tnan it ha been for yenra. A leading Fulton street dealer aaid the other day that he waa reaping a golden harvint thin aninmor. "llow is tbatr I akel "Oh!" he replied, "fruit la to plentiful that I can keep the price down; and to long a such splendid pearl tndtfachee and melon and plumi at thesa are cheap everybody who can i afford it in going to enjoy theia. Last year the poorer claa of my customer didn't get any fruit, nor did they the year before. They couldn't afford to bay it, and they wouldn't have done ao if they could, for there waa no fruit worth having at any price. Thil year there'a any amount of it, and it's all cheap. Everybody ia hungry for fruit srtcr set::; dcsicd it lor such - Isuj time, and consequently, aa I said before, we dealers are reaping a rich harvest." Brooklyn Eagle, x " Co.t of filtering Air. The air of the house of commons wm filtered lant winter at a cost of sixty pounds for cotton wool, beaidet the two or three hundred pound originally spent on the steam that worked the fans that drove the air iu. The layers of cotton wool ued were six feet thick, and bad to be changed three tune, the outer lay ers in a very nhort time becoming black and fall of an oily and sooty subetanc, with the smell of a very bad fog, though the hoaviM particles had been removed , by panning the air through water. On one ocenxion the blur had to be re newed aftr only forty-eight hours' tine, a detise fog having luf-U-d the whole of that time. This Information waa given tu a tmrliMinrnUiy fiiuitt4 by Mr. William t'rim, commlting engineer to her majinty's office of works. London Tit Bita. Hlapl In llli Ciiltln. Tliere has jiint died at St Joseph's hos pital, in Chipiewa Falls, an eccentric in dividual called Andreas Lowea. lie waa born in h:.H in Lower Bavaria. Ilia trade waa a worker in woodx, Which be learned in tbe piano factory in Mnnlch. J'erhapa no man in the Uuited 8tUw baa acquired like skill in renovating woodwork and restoring IU jo!!Jj. About ten year', ago he built a repair ahop, in wbii. , lie livixl, doing his own cooking, for he waa never married, lie manufactured a beautiful coDln coin poeed of different kinds of wood, in which he slept deepite the penmaxions of intimate fneuds. Chicago Herald. Caul Iron Hallway Ilrlilfra. Kir John Fowler's report to the di rectors of the Iondon and Brighton rail way with refertriiee to their ' bridge ataUs that the company has 171 cast iron bridge altoKeiln r, and that eighty one of tbee onsbt within thr year to be replaced with wrought iron or steel at met area, lie does not state that any of tbrra are mmiifr, and concjude his report by saying, "The result of my in vestigation does not indicate any onuaual weakness in the Brighton bridges, which are neither better nor worae than those f similar lines of railways at home and abroad." London Tit-BiU. Mias Antoinette Knagga, a college ed ucated young woman of Ohio, own and manages a farm of 200 acre, the car He on her work according to the theories of books, rather than by ancient tradi tions, and, contrary to tbe usual impres sion nbout hook fanners, ah i making a succes of her uudertuking. The land which the Jewish banker have bought iu Palestine contains 10,000, (MX) suuare meter. The Jews ar leaving Odessa every day by thousands for Pal mtin. Baron KothM hild is expected at Jaffa, and is nid to intend buying 5,000, OoO tneters more of fertile land eaat f the Jordun. The other night at Retford Junction, England, an iiumcnfte swarm of bee set tled in a lamp ca-e on a signal, and the lamp could not plaivd in position without considerable danger. Conse quently tbe signal waa abandoned all night and fog signals nutmUtuteJ. Bev. Edward Heecher's adopted daugh ter received at her baptinni tbe nam of Voice Adams. Mic was one of a family of fifN-en children, whom her father, a jrrcat gTandron af John yulncy Adams, supported by lecturing on "Tbe Voic of .Nature." l.tllltlljr ifllllll ipeiuii lo mh lit r c- h'ioii to-diiy. ' Ilcrt McKlwain iH viewing nit;htn nt tiie Stiite fair tJ-day. Mr. M. Martin and daughter, of Macoml), 111., arc vifiting nt tlie Iioini' of Ir. Sctiililkncclit. Mr-. Malii k mid children returned ft out Wnverly last evening, where 1 1 1 y liave beeii vieitin n few days. I he M. I', rainvav lias n tune ta-i l.i 1 1 in 1 1 i i et iHHtie. The iiccoimji d.ition train leaven nt 10:."wi. in. n'd arrives nt 4:( J p. in. The renliT buyine-H meeting of the Kjiwortli League, ineeU at Minn Margaret I)avin', on Pearl Mrcct between Kiglith anil Ninth to-niht ntS:iX). All nre cordially invited to attend. TllK IU.kAt.1) (dated il few day since Hint Mr. K, Martin went to Otnalia on a plenmire trip. AVe are informed that the trip waa rather one of Korrnw than pleasure, being' o attend the funeral of a Mrn. Carney. We gladly make the correction. Our intcn tioiia were good but our informal! 1 wan mistaken in rcgnrd to the mat ter. Oxford Dnncing Club, Tiie Oxford Dancing Club open the dancing Hennon with one of their nice partieH thin evening at Kockwood Hall. The club in com poed of about thirty coupleaof our beHt young ladiea mid gentlemen, Hnd tliene partica give romiae to them of many plcnHimt cvcningH during the coming winter. Love Find a Way To-morrow night Kate Putnam appear at (he Acudemy of Mimic in her new play. "Love Find a Way" Mia l'utnam'ii impersonation of Hiibrette rolea arc well known to Charleston theatre goer, but thia HeiiBon in a new piny! "Ixive Fincl a Way," fhe has n piece which give full acope to her superior driimntic ubilitic. Not only does t he find a proper place for singing, danc'ng and banjo pi tying, but there Is a sustained lienrt interest in the new play which Miss Putnam presents churniinly. Her company in nicely boinnccci, in fact, excellent, Hni tnr j performance as a whole is said to be artistic and very catchy. Charleston Newa and Courier. Will appear at the Waterman next Wednesday night. Reserved seat sale opens Monday morn ing at J. V. Young's. Price Tacents. Union Nubblnya. Almost frost. Threshing the farmers' rage. We are coming to Joe's grand opening. When is it? As nn "unexperienced adviser" the Ledger ia unexcelled. A few peaches, plenty of apples, grapes, wiur and musk melons in our precinct. Most all agriculturalists and hor ticulturalists are well plened over their year's toil in the hot sun. The democrats held their primary here lust Saturday. We are not pre pared to send a list of the delegates cnstallcd. Miss Kstellu Traver, of your town, commenced tcacl.i.ig in District No. 13 Monday morning. Miss Traver taught in 12 lust spring and we predict she makes teaching a S!!CCMiu. Prof. A. Philipps, newly employed principal of our school, arrived here Thursday with his family, and took tli; shackles Monday morning aa principal, with Miss Morse us assistant. The tledicHtory e v r i u n i h recently finished M. K. church at this point were very ceremoniously observed, there being over otic hundred in attendance through the day and a crowded house in the evening. Attend the Fnmariaa. The republican priinariea will meet to-morrow. For a designation of voting place for the respective wards, refer to instructions on the editorial page of this issue. It is highly important that every live republican attend the primary and express himself ua to who ahall represent liis ward at the cou ventiun. TllK IlEWALI) believe the degree of party success in November will depend largely upon the action of our delegates, whom wo shall choose to-morrow, Thia ia no year for factional lights or bolting inside party lines, but on the contrary, a year which demands a united per aistent and harmonious pull of every members of the party. Select men who are well acquainted with all the aspirants and that will nom inate a ticket upon which the mem bers of the party will unite. If you want to see nice clean and well made tip Clothing you should go to JOK and look his stock over Hair chains, rings, crosse an hair work of all binds to order. Mk. A. KNER. If 1720 Locust St. Thnt I lacking Cough ran soquick ly cured by Shiloh'a cure. We iMinruntce it, For Sale bv K. O. FrickeaiulO II Snyder. 1 ifTOF ivriwv.y f!(jUll HIV TIME TAP.T.E. J OP DAILY lASSi:N(ii:k TRAINS GOING EAST GOING WEST Nn. 2 No. at- No I. .3 :.ui a. .!:' t a ...K . ri ii. 0 p, I . ,S :(i.'. li. 11 :to a. . In ::n a. '. 10.. No. 1. . i). Ml . I) : i t a. lu . I'' II i. ! HI II. II So 'I,, i.. 111... Mlssorill VM'lh '(.' HAILWAV TIMK I'AKII. N'l.axlAro imi 0i:i. n I-e.ivi' in.-.vsa. f, III i IV. s 4 ,1X1 p. Tralin iliilly exuept unna KNiciiiH in' rvmiAf ;iiiintiet i."iue Mi 47 .ti. every el io--l ty evi'iiinn at ttielr li inn i hivic A ;ok lil"fk, All vl Itiuv miluMi urn .'imli. ! n.v.livl Hi nUi'iid C. C. Ma-lmll. f. 0. i ' li If-vey. K. H. a. YiiVMi MKN'H I lll'Inl'H'N .(ICIATKlS v iiKtniiiii hloik Hiiln Klreet. Ito " open fr..m :M a in In t :Wi p m for men only (liiHpel iniel UK every Sninlay inoim at 4 o'eioi'k. AO t:. W,.n. leel tlr-t mill tlilid Friilny evejIiiK" nt Il nionili nl 11. A I!. H ill In KiiekttiiiiK tiloek. trunk Veriniiyea, M, W. I), it Knornile, ICi-i:orlt-r. A) t' W. No. (4-Meets nfflinirl and frurth Krnlav venlnirt In tile iimnili H l. A It. Iiall in Hm kwi.oil block, K. .1. MoKun, M W, r. I', Itrumi, lleii"rliT, tlOVAI. AU'IANAM-tV" ('iininll No Hr.'l, ' Melt al tlie K,ot IV hall In Hi" l anni-le & (ThIK rUOI'K over ilel.liell IlllU, TlnilillK liretiiren liiviliil Henry Ilerold, K-Kenl,; Tim alllnn, Secretin V. (:aSH MillliK. Vn. I Hi. I. II. O. K. meets ev--fy Tuelay inelil at llielr hall In Htzi.'erll l.-.-k. AM Oilil Kellnn Hie cordially invited 'i. 'id when vIiIIIhk In the city. J Cory, N. i. H. W.IIndKe, Secretary. PLACKS OF WOKSH1P. CATiioi.ic.-Ht. I'aul's Church, as, between Filth Hiid hixth. Fallier I auiey, I'aalnr Ke. . M Si e4 in A. X. Butdij Ki.tiool at 2 Ukl, Kltn benediction. CilRHTl ah. Corner Iicunt and Klxlith Ht. Service niornlim and fvenliiK. Klder J. K. Keeil, pantor. HunUay Kclioul 10 A. M. Rpmroi-AL-Rt I.iikf'n Church, cornur Third and V In". Key II B. Huraem, paMor. Ser- VleeS l It A. M. fti.d T XT U. KliUiiiiJ. Mchool at 2 :30 f. M. Oskman MlTltnniHT. t amer Hlntli Rt and Urnnlle. Uev. lllrt. t'antnr. Services i II A. M. and 7 r. u. Miuiiiay School 10 -JU A. M. PBaHVTrai a w. 'rvlcen In new church, enr ner hulll suit liriilille ma. Itev. J T. Halrd, pa.tlor. Miiiidav-sciioul at V ;30 ; I'reaclilog at 11 a. m.niid M p m, Tim Y. It. t. C. K ol thl church meetn rytiy Halihalh eveiilne at 7 :1ft In the tianeiueiit ol tli c'hiicrli, All ate Invited to atleud luee njcetliitjs. FilWT MsTnohlHT. Hlxth "t., betwen Main and I'earl, Key J. I M Biicaner. parnnr. Service! : II A. M..S :n r. M. Sunday School :JO A a. 1'tayer meetii.g Wednesday even tnz. Usrmax lBHyTiaiAS Corner Main and Ninth. Key. Witt, puller, services usual houm. tSunday fclmul M A. a. Swtr.DMH CosoKSOATloaAL-Graulte, be tween filth aud blxln. Coixhkd 1UITIKT.-Mt. Olive, Dak. between tenth and Klevenin, Key. a. iuwwpii, pi tor. Heivlcea il a. in. and 7 JO p. m. iiayvr iiiectlim Wediimday eveulnn. VolllHO MKN'S ClIKlHTIAK AMOCIATIOS Kooiimln waterniaii block, Main iitreet. io pel incctlnn. lor meu only, every Hiiuday al (erniMin nt 4 o'clock. Koomr open week days Iroin t-JU a. in . to II : 30 p.m. South I'aiik Tabuhnaii.i Key. .1. M. Wood, laitor, Services: Sunday Hchool, lua. in,: I'reaclilnK. 11 a. m. and 8 p. in. ; prayer mealing Tuesday night ; choir prw ilea KruUy iniiht. All are welcome. dipt. W. A. Abbett, who has long been witli Messrs. Precival and llatton, Real Katate ami Insurance Ilrokers, Dea Moines, Iowa and is one of the best known and most re spected business men in that city any st "I can testify to the (rood (jualitir of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. Having used it in, my family lor tlie past eight years, I can aafely say it haa no equal for either colds or crouti. no cent bot tles for sale by V. (j. Fricke & Co., Uruggiata. New Goods arrivtng every day at JOb the one price clothier. tf We have sold Kly's .'"ream Halm about three years, Hnd have) re commended its use in more than a hundred fpvcinl cases of catarrh The unanimous answer to our in- ?uiries is, "It's the best remedy thnt haveever used." Our experience is, that where parties continued its never fails to cure. J. II Montgomery, & Co., druggists, l)e corah, Iowa. When I began using'a Cream Balm in v cutui rh was ao bad I had headache the whole time and dis charged a large amount of filthy matter, lliat lias almost entirely disappeared and have not had head ache science.-J. Sommers.Stephney, totin. Tlyrr will be an nfllcial meeting at the it. r-.. church, 1 hursday even innr Sept, Illth. it J. HucVner. Spail Notina, B. A. McKlwain, Jeweler, haa re moved to Ilie Sliiilleiniiiin building! west side of room occupied by the Fair, he keeps a full line of watches, clock's, Jewclery, silverware aud Optical goods. Spectacle tilted and sntisfnetion guarac ntced; watches repairing in tlie best pos sible maiiiier at reasonable prices give him a call. dot A I way take your prescription to lirown at narreir a. tf Humana HaHntv'a Work. In nil large cities are branches of the Humane Society fUuniled by uerg. a norse is uisco eren Datlly oalled, or ia cut or injured, nt once a society memlirr coinmiinils us rent and tiie immediate applicu of Mailer's H'irb Wire l.ininn . which rxperience Iris ehown is the best remedy made. For sale by ull Druggists. Cure for Paralwsl. Frank Cornelius, of Purcell, I ml, Ter., says: "I induced Mr. Pinson, whose wife had paralysis in the face to buy a bottle of Chamberlain' Pain Halm. To their great stiprise before the bottle had all been used she was a great deal better. Her face had been drawn to one side; but the Pain ltnlin relieved all pain and soreness, and the tiiouth assumed its natural shape." It is also n certain cum lor rheumatism lamo buck, sprains swellings and lanuyifHH. rui cent bottles fur by F. G. FrickeACo., Druggists. sale Grand Fall and Winter Opening About r Opera House Corner - Plattsmouth, Neb. PEltKINS HOUSE, 817, 310, 221 and 223 Main 8u,' lattsmouth, - Nebraska. H. II, B0N8, Proprietor Ito TciiaiDS bs bce&' thoroutulj renoyated from top tc 'otUK, ni 't sow one of the lieat hotels in tho state Boarders will be taker by the week at 14. B0 and up. GOOD BAR CONNECTED Chamborlaln'a Eya and EJtfa Olntmetit. A certain cure for Chronic Soto Eye, Totter, Salt Eboarn, Bc&ld Hood. Old Cbronlo Bores, Fever Bores, Eczema, Itch, Prairie Scratches, Bore Nipple and File. It 1 cooling and toothing. Hundred of tae have been cured by U liter ail other treatment bad failed. Ill put up In 23 and 60 cent boio. world V Fair S.worSncehSS an iricreditalile short lime with a Capital of $200 and Upward Success certain it intriictions faith fully followed. Given on aeceipt of oostel note or postage stamps for 'J Address o x :m, Chicago, III. Mil' Ne-rveand tivr,iM. Act on a new principle regulating the liver, stomach and howeli thiouKli the uerve. A new (Ifcovefj. Dr. Miles' Pills speedily cure billouencM, bad twite, torpid liver, piles, constipation. Une qualed for men, women, children. Smallest, in i 1(1 cut, surest! 60 doiu-s, 2.1c. Rampl free at F. (i. Fricke & Co'. JOK'S Stock of Underwear, is larger and netter man oeiore anu prices less than last year. Nolle to Coal Consumer I will furnish the best of coal of all grades to those who pay me, but those who wish to run long winded ai counts I don't want. As 1 have to pay for what I get I must Insist on nav for what I sell. All those who know themselves indebted to me will please-pay by the 15th of Sep. temberasl must have money to pay for winter coal, Timothy Clank. Dealer in Anthracite and Bitumi nous coal and wood. Otfice and yard 404 South Third st, telephone m, riuttsmouiti, iei. u Look out fcr JOE'S Grand Fall Opening he will announce exact date within a fewdays. j (in lr?, cj ly tin iept. 15, 9M HARNESS! FRED GORDER " Tlie only Implement dealer who has THE best of harness, bot'u double and single may found at my atoreand everything in the harness line also buggies and carriages which are first-class in every respoct, being the lightest, strongest add easiest riding vehicles on earth. I ALSO have a large lot of Schutler, Moline, Haiti and Sterling wagons Spring wngons, road carts, aud plows of all diecription. Plattsmouth - - SPECIAL SAILE IN OUR CO Ml' LET E STOCK OF imu m$ shoes We giv you the following deep cut in prices: f Ladies Fine Glazed Dongola $2.25 shoes reduced to - $1.75 Ladiea Dongola Kid Klexible$2-KJshoe reduced to - - - 210 Ladira HestPongoln $3.(10 shoes reduced to- 2..V) Ladies Hand Turned best Dogola $4.00 rhoe reduced to - - 3.50 FOR THIRTY DAYS ONLY We have a great many other sample lots of odd sizes that we arc offering nt In orilrrto rcdiict; our ntock to meet our obligation. We also have a few lots of Ladies prices. Don't forget the place. "VST. jEl. BOBOK. ''tr ' . HARNESSl, iUaff made a 6ucccfs in Car ConntyS - - Nebraska Oxfords that we will sell at reduced .i , w. r: I ft i Y