The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, September 11, 1891, Image 2
feoiuh Daily Herald W'K'VK got Vm on III'' run. K. NOTTS BROS, Publishers FulilWlml every Thursday, and daily every vimlnKii:ept Sunday. Ket;lLid at Ui8, Neb. piMt-offici-far tnui.tumMon lliruuh tlie U.S. mailt l second cl:iK rate. 'OUlee Corner Via nud Fillli streets. Teleuhone 3S. TKKin ri)H W Kit KIT. One copy, one year, In advance tl 8" Oie oopy, ouu year, nut lu advance loo One copy, six monUif, lu advance 75 Doe C 'pyi ' tUree months, In Advauoe. ... , 40 TIUMH FOB DAILl One cop one year In advance f00 One copy pe r week, by carrier IS One copy, per niou lb 60 FRIDAY, SKPT. 11. 1801. REPUBLICAN STATE CONVENTION. The republican electors of the state of Nebraska arc requested to scaj delegates from their several counties, to meet in convention i" the city of Lincoln, Thursday, Sep tember 24, lM'.U, at 10 o'clock a. in., for the purpose of placing in nomi nation candidates for one associate justice of the supreme court, and two members of the board of re gents of the state university, and to transact such other business as maybe presented to tin-convention. THK APPORTIONMENT The several comities are entitled tv representation as follows, being basevf upon tne vote cast mr non Gro. II. Hastings, for attorney gen eral in lv,). giv'"g one dclcgate-at-Iarge to each county, and one for each l.K) votes and the major frac tion thereof: not-NTim. A 'Urn Artliur ..... Antelope. .. rianuer fc.yd Blame boon Hoi Hutte.. Br.iwu Buffalo... I.L.cnesTir.. llhearney .... ti Keya faha.... .... . ... pKnnhall HjKmn .') alieater Hjl.i euiii l L"t ill J'flliiip IU-eiterMm... llMerri k .. ., 4 nee .tlNemaha... . . ... Niiekulli luotii . .. Hl'asnee (It'elkm. Ti 'lerce ... l'jlheliw . . .. 41 Putie TiPoik 7 tied Wtlll.W :i .leliar.l'oo . D Ko k . ....II saline iwi arny. . . . . . . ... 3'Hallliler . . n vi.ii'. Bluff. . . s Seard V -herniaii ... ilieriu.iu ... KEAS'NtV is talking of a cotton palace for next year. REITI'LICAN primaries next Sat tinlay. Remember the date. V'liKY republican should attend llie primary fit his ward yt unlay. "KKIiP in the middle of the Ifetter make a sneak! for the woods. Ohio, Pennsylvania and New York. Kach day without frost is benefit ing the Kansas farmws to as great an extent as 1'elfcr's talking is harming them. Tilt" farmers are too busy gather ing their crops over in Kansas to heed or believe the calamity shriekers this year. TUB Cleveland Plain Dealer asks: ".Major NcKinley. why are you try ing to dodge a discussion of the .McKinley tariff?" Now is't that nerve! Dodge! With Campbell too sick to come to time, and not a foeman worthy the steel of protection's gallant champion wiiithin shouting distance! Dodge! Discuss! Where in thunder are your discussers? Inter! lecan. DEL. T e .... i v .... s .i a 6 2 & 4 II It 3 .... I 4 4 fi . ... ti II .... .1 . ... I . ... 4 If we pass the proposed free-coin age law, granting to the silver bugs 1CI cents for SO cents worth of silver why not bestow upon the copper men the Mine favor. As the law now stands our government buys all the silver produced in the I'nil ed States at the market price, but it retains this bonus for seigniorage. Rather than buy all foreign pro duct at 'JO cents above the market price better purchase from our own people every possible substance that can well be converted into money, thus f.ivorinir our own peo ple, if any class of legislation at all is granted. Ovular rronpft-ta Arc (iood. Tim ittt few week have been bus oiks with the oyster planters, pml lover of the oyster will lo to hear that tlia nresnects of H law bet aro good, and the bivalves should bo plenty the coming neit-'. Ii U e..inia:c.l tb: orcr a mi! linn liuslit-ls nf shells havo been liiid iliirt'll U--. the hi I '' t lln:itlTti 111 ill II. C. Kuwe & t'u., l:M.()oO 1ju1h1s; Lti'lintf tai & Co.. T'i.h.'Ii; F. Jhia-iii hi & Sou, TO.OiW; O. Piiriiial', 4n.tXKI; Luneruft Uroi, !rX'.'.llX'; riiitnimn Co , B.'i.OOO; Uislir.p Co., ii5,0lK); U. ,M. Howe A Son, Sn.ihiU; Unnu & Co., 2.),W0; Jeremiah Smith & Suns, lOO.IXX); C. I). Panimlce. 41,000; M. Coleiiiuu, 20.W0; I.-.aac E. Urown, i-'j,!"1!). Many of the lar(.o denier here have bids at Stratford, Norwalk aud llrnl0' IKrt, and repurts from these eectious are Kpially eiicduniging. Ttio value of the hell delivered at the bed is about ei'ht cents rT bu-hel, which gives Miiiw idea of the impQrtaii'.'is of the oyster in dustry, a poor set meaning a sure loa to the planter. Clams are very scarce at the grounds around Savin Rock, Uy-it'-r Point, Crane Par and South End, and the kw dug are small aud l;' k weetuess. Lance quantities nro being brought here from Martha' Vineyard in sloops. Theso are plaiiU;d in the (Juirjiiipnio river and dug aa required for the trle. Lobster are very scarce and the trade Is ao unprofit able that but few pot are placed. Cralsi, on the contrary, are uniuiially plenty, and large catches are made in all the bay and inlets. New Haven Letter. in Hurt t'fti t,iar.. ... Miane 4.lieyenne. Cherry :iy ( lia i'utniinc ruur IMkota ... !awe .... U .vraa... Ilellel Imx'MI.. IlfMU'e ... IfcMUliV IVi'idy .... flllni'ire... Ktonuer... Airiia4. . IMr- Nreld... ,otper ifnt ... . l.riy .. VX lU'i.ilPHI. (Uilill H.- . . H.teln-cH'k iioit Mowaril... H.mer .. .eSen-in No vote returned. It is n-t'omemU-'l that no proxies b addmitted to the convention, uad that the delegates present be authorized to C.i-t the full Vote of the di legation. It is further recomended that the sHite central committee select the ti niporary orgaui.atiou f the con vrtion. John f. Watson, WAtT.M. F.f I.Y, C hiiirmim. Secretary. : o u ! S'4l.f.. ? I linyer I'mimi h" I Tli'ir-P'O J V';l!i'V . . . H ,1-llUl'IOll 4 HVIie ;i et,'er I Wheeler .... i-lK i- T"Ui I.t addition to ilimffiT. article to the consumer, the advo cates of protection assert that it will furnish additional incentive to discovery, thus paving the way for more t-tfective work with the expen diture of less energy. Kach of these claims has been verified time and again. In regard to the latter claim the following clipping from the Toledo Itl.ide is the latest: "Yankee ingenuity is proverbial. Alnady we are beginning to im prove on English methods in the manufacture of tin plate. For cen turies the English tin makers have used tallow largely at one step of the progress. An American manu facturer has found cottons 1 oil is preferable in many respects to tallow. Cottonseed oil is cheaper, and its use in the tin in- i'.'.s'ry 'low growing up in this country will io.i-e ail a-l iiiionai market for this important southern product." Wonderful Growth of KIrtrto Travel. Only twelve year have elarwd lnce the first crude ingestions of the prac tical working of au electric railway were made, and four years aj.-o a list of a d'lren wnnM eomprisw every neh rond in the world in evu passably uecefu ojieration, whatever the method of ap plication The first large , commercial electric railway wn, after iriany difficul ties and dincourajfeuieiitn, opened in the eariy part of hrn at Kiehmoiid, Va., and Binee that demonstration was made tin indiiHtrr hfia grown until there ar now in operaliou or undur contract, on the general line laid down at Richmond, not less than iiOO roads in the CuiUsl States, Europe, Australia and Jajian, re- (juinnif more than 4,hu0 cars and 7,0"0 motors, with more than 2,0X) mili of track, daily tmleagv of nearly 5l0,0o0 mile, and carrying ri early a billion pas ecngens annually. Fully 10,000 pisiple are employnl on these roads, ana there ha nver an authenticaUsl reiwrt of death on account of the electrical pressure unmL, Over jO,lK),000 are iu vestfl in tins industry in this country alone. Frank J. Sprague in Forum. THE COUNTY CONVENTION. The county convention is called lir September l'.Mh, IVlI at Lotiis ;iu The primaries are to be held on the EMh day of September. The basis of representation is based on the vote cast for attorney giweral Ht the last state election, one ileleiste for every H'teen votes an J major fraction liieieoi, and one at large from each wnnl and pre-i.. Liberty and Rock UlulTs precinct wK'veil their vole as no fair basis of appointment luuiu br had on the division. liclow w ill be found the place and t!ie of holding the primaries and number of delegates entitled to rep representation. enelNi T. TIM AND PI A K llKU H. xlt Cre, pre. at 7 p in. Ore-nmsid J t,xiiu Iteml l I p in South II -ii.) 4 I. iu'tvlhc. at 7 p in ll.ii'-'iiler hall 7 t ilil Mile lirnve :i lu 4 P i.i Hal i-bunl . I'irtli si nith re 3 p in 1 ,o lor tcli'Mil linue . , 7 Oreenw.HMl 7 p hltowlt ll.ill 3 7 p m centre .ti. Mil 1i.mip 7 4 enter. .4 p fit M i I. V rli.Hil Ihiii-m fl ft Ple ht Spin' lllimr wIiimjI hnllM .... 5 H " k I l"II 4 ti ill M..rtv - hm,l hon e Tipton, 1 p III Ji.Hirt I A t-llllepi o0lt Kglr.. Sl,, I leek, 7 pin I. A K letll 8 W VI pre, I lo.l p in norm's vluxil bou-e... A v.iea, pin Center Si-liiMil limi'm i LM rity, i p III t nlon wli'sil ll.ii. It ei'ATT Vinl TI4 I I 1 f lt wurd. eotimil rhanilier vd ward tteh.Hii liii :trd Hrd, I :ieh evil hi in her oitlee II 4ii ri, W 'l I .-in. mop l.loi k 9 fjlll ward wh.i'il liou-e 4 WO'K'l W A I )H t ITI l-t ward. S tO S. HI'lllMll ll.MKe ft .id w-iid, to eniiuiMI eh.iniher ... Jtd ward, t) to in, 1 l.lliall A fulleroffice S loUl nuiiilierol deirates 1.'.; Plattsmouth City primaries or dered to be njx-n at VI o'cloc k m and coakinue vprn until 7 p. m. The loiirnal grows Irantic and strikes iciim-ly at TllK IIl:kM.I for giving credence to the sl.'.tc- tin nt ns circulated in the great eastern dailies in r. gard to tin probable contribution t!ie Cnb.l. n club would make toward the ol Me Kinley. Evidently the eiua pinches the toe of our brother, but we wish to remind Ii i in that then will be others fully as hard to "lit" before the close of the campaign of VJ. is reasonable that tin great English monopolists were in (crested in the downfall of the great njMisiie to I'luiiai.M.i c c r. r c tpietitly we may safely reason that they would contribute liberaly to that end. Yes, we are '-damphnol" enough as is the "Intcr't leeaii" and Globe Democrat to give credence to a Idler publirlicd ly Mr Dudley to the 4'ffcct that he attended the meet ing and was eye-witness to the proceedings. SO D M MmMM lis Opr j fir limtaL No Excuse for not having; a Ilome ot Your Own. Put What you are paying out for Rent into a home. A. C. MAYES C 0 U N r V - H li It V K V 0 K !.VII CIVIL EN(. INKER eoiiiiiy cleik will tat r .Htl.'lnled to. OH II K IN CDl KT IKH Sli, Nebraska 3,ALPDN Plattsmonth. 'I'JCS PKPPERHERi;. j . MANl'IM ' Uf .il'AM. 7 per cent money for persona wishing to build in South Park. Look to the Future and invest now in South Park. . THE OPPORTUNITY OF A LIFE TIME. Cold In ttaninivr. To talk of K""r lii,h' a'ionht cold in summer beeins abttird, and yet it Is m necessary as in winter. Where the cli niHte is rhaii'eable a h"t (lay is often f..Uwed by a cis.l evening or a sudd'-n r.Mii'-torm chills the air, or a cold wind (print; up, (,'rateftd afl'-r tiie heat but daiig.-riins to Oiose who nru thinly clad nnh-'S the) are protect. d from it by proer covering. ('at. .ii ii a condnct-T of hat and allows It to ewnpe r; ppily from the surface of the lly. As s-H.n as th nirrmnding uir le-.-oine" c.,lt r than ti," i-liin it sVefiin tim h -at which tiie ls.ilv i.- nr.Ai r n en j 1 h. CHOICKST I1KANDS OP CIGARS ri'ix I.IXR OK TOBACCO ASt SMOKE S ARTICLES always In stock - o- Plattsmonth, Nebrassa IRST : NATIONAL : HANK HIL1P THEIROLF I ' 1 vfcnrvi I iu i - -riuBaU -- tTuaai'fct. Cuiitist -r-i c-s A T . r-i r -T-r JLi-i I j. IN Tlllv CITY''- Where may be found choice jvin li.iiors and t ii;ars. AMI lil'SKR Hl'SCII HF.KR. -'f A.N'H ' MAi AI.K Willi!, I.AIil.I always on I. I'Ok.Nl.k OK M AIN' A.NH i ol'KTII slj Pfl.IvS THE LEADINQ GROC ERi HAS THE MOST COMPLETE STOCK IN THE C v:i:;;;i - and - in Of PI.ATTHMOCTH. KKIIRAMKA Psld lip CHpltAl .. BUtplU. .f wn.fl.oij .. Iu.iaw.uv Amoiifr other reasons why it is belter to invest in South Park than elsewhere in the city, are these: Property is more saleable if you wish to sell, more rentable if you wish to rent; if looking for an in crease in other part of the city will compare with it in prospect The .th ward composed largely ri South Park, less than three years ago could hardly muster up n vote at the last general election the vote was i:r. and ull were not polled. It has been less than two years since the city invited us into the corpor ate limits, yet we haveoverone hun dred newly built house oml others in process of construction, owned with few exceptions, by the parties now living in them. This part of the city has a ston water mains, electric arc lights, I, Offer tne very bet fm-iiitit-a fr.r tfcc prusp Irsiitactlou ul illtlmate Banking Business Htnrli. bonds, K!4. fovernment And local r ruritiM ti.ooilit mid id. Iee,iu r-iv-.i Slid inn-rent on Urn rerllll.:t lrf drnwu, vlihie In w.y Prt of iht fulled BUtes nd .l Ike priutipai towns o! iuruD. 0OU.KT1OK MAbB ND rilOMeTLT BIMIT-tU. HlKhest ms'ket ptlen pl4 tor ro:nity Wv D1KSCTOUS John Tit !mld I). lt;iwVw(,rtn Maid WuIi, W"'1 lieorifs B. Dovey lohn FIU4Tri.ld. . Wi:.-ri. rreldfUt Ci iintri-s tor its own iim-uk. A irn mm-1 1 1 ' ply of hent imt 1 prislucird. und thus j ;l ,,,.,v cjmn.j, ...litice just ( reeled the pvti-in i (ivertised to fnpply the j i!"in:ir;ds -f tho robl-r. Flannel i I of which the wjiole city is proud. bad conduet'ir and the tetnler V AT TIN HON PAk.MkkS I want your Poultry, KggH, I ter nud your farm produce of (.!...(.. r ' . . . . . biii. in, i win pay you tile lllirli cash price as I am buying for in ii in i.un'oni. B. PETERSEN TIIK I.KADING GROCKR Plallsmonth T H K C i ri.KNS HANK. FLATTHMOL'TH tllBAKA OtTltAl Ull! t.ld IU V Authoruod Capital, f 100,000. - orric HANK CAKKUTll. JOH. A. TONNOrt. FrfSlldnllt. VU'S-rieWle.. W. H. CUHIUS'l. CMiiinr. iiKrkB rrauk Crrntb J. A. Connor, f. H. (iutbn.t l I. W. Johmoii, Hivim Bs:k. Jobs O'Ke! W. I)., Wm. Wutoucfcrnp, W. H. CuKhlng. b-iy more f.uih! ally, I' iainiiii; toh ln-rft. - Iiiiis til K. r-ov.l in leli'-i' IIoiuO (.'!. I Iffy tei t nt I'.nllle. I. !.. .r'i s V.: . ri! t in el a part v of frielics Sl.KATOK PeKFEK, the noted calamity howler from Kansas, is quoted a indicating that a mem berrhip in the alliance is of more value than a membership in the church. Doubtless we shall soon hear that PclTcr I. as superceded Jesus Christ. RtAI'hK-l of the Hladc will re member how vigorously (his paper disputed the assertions of the free traders that the new tarilf law would restrict our foreign trade. Some of the free trade organs took occasion to abuse us fur this, and to declare that our position was incorrect when we said that the foreign buyer bought where be could buy cheapest of the goods be desired, and that our exports would sell, irrespective of what duties might be levied on imports. The proof of the soundiess of our posi tion is shown by the official report of the Statistical Hurenil of the Treasury department. During the seven month ending Angust 1, tin; exports of the I'nited States gained f:stl,rM),rtjO over those of the cor responding seven months of the year l'), while our imports gained flO.nmitifsi over our imports for the same period. We refer to the fact' not in a spirit of vain glorious boast ing, but merely to show that the ll'aile'e position is sound on the tariff qtifwt ion. Toledo Wade. CJuilting nnd piecing, comforting ami craiy patch f'ork and carpet rn;r sewing satisfactorily done by Mr. Vroman, M:i North Sixth street, Plsttsmouth, Neb. tt were M.j. y'iii' tlteiiiM !ve In tie; woo'! lit.;r Siioie'-iiiiii,'. Sc.!.. lay, when tiny Mi.l'I' I'liind that they Were, in n ilea of rattlesnakes. On cv-iy sidu were bin bin' k rattier), rtiakitiif the n r linx niih the W' ir 1 n.u-ic f tie ir tails. Kv-ntt rid thn other jiitch'd the snake. Willi clubs ntid ft.aies slid succeeded in kdlifi thirl.t-n. Double that many mote T'hrd. When t!;o rattles w?re counted on the dead reptiles it was found that ... in l..'l.,l..i.t..l L,..rtl, Oie UUU.IHIi., .,) !. -f n v., of tla snnki- wss over fifty feet I'ort JervUiN". Y.) Union. Vl.ltnm lo lluoi.' M rimiiuent Tlie visitors to Ilun,s' iiiouiiiii. ut dur ing tha lata UhL.gow fair vi'et.-k fairly bruko tim iet:oii in oint of litiinuerii. Fully 2.0(Xi jh tmils ,aid for admission to t'tie inonnineut during tho wwk, being Oitf, lH r.t unv ,,, .n. ee It i estimated that Mlsait one in thrisjof thi;'-o who g out to ttio Paul;, of Donn jTf) If. 2 the If 1' .'!i " ! II ' f ! t , '!'!. fuv.r.l- if-tf to this caleol-t'i'.n, rio fewer than COoO strangers mads dgriiua'- bi th sjs.t duiitig t. week. Ayr isjcothnni, Adverliser. Tiaiel. uf Mccdla. Mr. J. Camplsll. of this place, when a ii l nine year old. rxn a tn-e.lle in her right srtu just alcove the elliow. Little was thought of the occurrence until a few days Ho, 'lien idle suffered great pain in her left a.m. The family phy sician made an eSituluution and found the pain wm caused by the needle, which was removed. During the twenty years intervening the needle traveled np the right arm, across tho shoulder and down the left arm. Philadelphia Press. fEASSiCTSU GENERAL BAMI1I3 BDSlSES A West Chester (Pa.) mn, who went to his stable vard early the other morn ing to investigate a queer noise, found a hone hud broken loose and a dog holding on to the halter to prevent the tiiinn! leaving the premise. Mr. ThouiK Maxwell diepluyt a ripe and w'U matured fig which wss grown at her home in Linneus, Mo. The tree which txir it is several yean old, and thi is the econd year it ha produced the faincus fruit. Owing principslly to the fmciens amount of mow in the mounbdni of Colorulo this year, the water that far iiished for the golj placer and lilrer de poaila will be otilised to a greater extent than ever before. PUttemoiith's steady growth for five ears pa.-t almost doubling its population: the advance eland it has taken regarding public im provements, the certainty of a new J.'!,f!!J! court house; the completion of the great Missouri Pacific rail way into this city, giving us anoth er great trunk line and competing market; the constant increasing pay roll of the C. II. & J. shops, to- rrntlm. U-itll .lt.l,t. ..ItiCT TTr!! k?f'll reasons, assure a steady and pernia tu nt advance in realty, which w ill doubtless effect South Park more favorably limit any other portion of Plattsmonth. ll'fi a rt'intn tlietwirvrt'jfmnit of a iitill yrml r 1wrth n thi xitt uf lilt rity, .e trill OriitlliU t (ill iH'inthli )iymi'iit, fnrnUh tnomy with llii'h t't lft h'iW- trill ix (.hoU'jt lot fur other itnjuonul city irujntty or fur dmiinhh imjiruenl or unimproved Until. It I not so much the speculator lylhe permanent resident that we wish to purchase this disirable property. Out of over fcloilTY pres ent owner of South Park property none ure speculators hence there are no fictitous values and lota nre selling nt about the price they were itnmediatly after it wne platted a strong argument why the present i a most desirable time for investment. Much addi tional information regarding South Park may be had by calling at my office oa Main atreel over Dank of Casa County. H.GB. VIITDHAU tsue eejt'f 'At.- of fli-i'i.its liesrliig lnteret llus slid sell, riciiai ife. r.iaiity sou eiljr meiii B AN K OI; CASS COI'NTY P J. H VVs K N A I t'KAI.KH II STABLE A. 1 r . i '. 1 GiiocnniEs, I ' i (il.ASS AND i (iUtKNSWAIll i Hi t a'r.itm 'e ! tlio 1'nMo 'Soilcitoi JOHNSON EDILDISGN Siltli! . xi.WAI Cm Main nd Fifth street. emd np capital Anrplua.... 0. H.Psmel Pretdetil fredliorder Vies I'reaiosnl J. M. Putlepmn Alielr r. M. I'atterv.n. At tSJ-blM DIRECTORS 0. It. Farmels, .1. M IVterso. Prd Oortlef. A, H. Smith, K. Ii. VYludliuii. U. B. lUuney ttui 1. Mfauxirson i QISEBAL BASK1KC BUSniE8 TaASSATED Asfflnnts snllrtted. IniereM sllowed 0 llm 1eMnit. slid pruiii.t sttenlionilveu to all bus UieM eutnuled lo 1U Cute. HIXTII 8TKKKT F. II. K LI-KM 5 A I'M, Prop. TTUKNKY A LAW, WINDHAM & DA V IKS. II S. V-'t '!!! joiix a liAV over liuik of Cms County. Plittsmoutli .... Ketits TTORNr.V A. N. BULUVAN. Attorrry st-ljt. Will tlv rni.t sttent ! ii ruMiiiMMt enuurtea . iuhi. oihc L'lIos block, EsAt Hide, f lAtt.mnuin, neo. The best of f n sh meat always found in this. market. Also fresh 'gg n'"' Hutter. Wild game of nil kinds kept in their aeason. MSI. MM b I k r. r. I fit EAT MARKET! rjUCKER SISTEHS. CAkKY A FI LL LINE OF Millenary and 'hcnch J'lowbhs. -o We also Imve a drew nisi. Inn department. BiAt- IsfKCIInn guaranteed. SlIEWWfK)!) STOkK. PLATTSMOt'TII jCAWSON A PEAWCK Carry a Full Line ot FINS MILLSSSR Y 'tAND CUIL- DIIEN8 CL0TBINH. ALB0 FKKHH CUT FL0WKH8 TEW HARDWARE STOIa S. K. II AI L A SON h rep ail kind, of i..,!;.t. rs hrd-.T3re -s hi Wld will tnuiov rinitf itrlei OU lie . . oiaoie teiui 0 i TIKT ROOFINQ Hs,iitliiK Slid sll kind. n tin oork liriinnt'T one. Order, lroni ins coumry S"lu'il.J l Pes'l St. PLATTSMOUTII, Ml Lumber Van THE OLD RELIABLE. II. A. WATERHAN k S LUMBER BUnglus, Lath, Bush, Doors, Blind aoa t, lbt aiaea, FttTTKOUTa Can lupplf erorw demand of the ti Call and get tonus. Fourth itrto la rear ot opera botiso.