If TTM1 1 .IK8Q1 Wis iThi ti 1r hk If FOURTH YEAR. PLaTTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA. Monday sbtemper;t 181 NUMDHP. 312 J II 1 n n ni J 1 v $Afflft0 PQ170ER Absolutely Pure. A cream of Iiirtnr baking powder. 1 1 i 14 ln-Mt of nil iii leavening strcnth. -Latest I.', ij.liovcriimciii hood Ke port. r 5ALSBURY : D K N T-I S T : li)U AH I'likl Kl.AIM WOW V . lli-lli;iy HnTttlii'lIc fiT llle ultilr f tr.nM mr il t. r Hi. Fine Gold Work h Specially. Hui'kwooi IlliN k ruttimimlli. Neb. "I, 1 ; UOI.I) f PT 'l.AlirCniVWNS- i Uridine k iUe uld work "v . . 4 TV" 7ALTY. - u writ M oirirr laa ' , Fitzifiimlil P I'KRSOXAL lance Sunda)ed in Lin- iry ik transacting tidni ii Ma today. in down from Omaha, , ll hin family and friend-, v'ic Kv;biA, from Sah iu, Iowa, in Tinitinjr Dr. K. W.I ook of thin city. Mabel Il.iyen returnee) hint eve ning front a vmit to friend in the I went. II. J. Slreight retitrned from the Onnd Isinnd rt-aaiOH S.;turdjy I Several trainn well loaded with .'ntock went eant on the H. A M. yen 1 terday- j ioni .liiler.tne rniclenl ponl oflice flerk. i Mate fa I Mr. a in taKnig in tlie nilitn at the air to-day. and Mm. Henry Kikenlmrv left hint eveniiiif for Lincoln to at tend the Mate fair. Dick Oldham mid family fame in yenterday from Heaver City to vinit relatives here n few day. Rev. Mr. Grnham, editor of the Midlaiid at Omaha, wan a pannenner on .No. S thin morning for that city. Minn Franein Stilen, who ban been vSwting friwJs at XrbniKU City m few dayn, rertirued home Saturday evening. A. H. Todd, who ban been on an extended trip to Jamentown, ,. Y., and pointn in Ohio, returned home this morning. A. Fuller, coal innpector for the H. A M. at the well known mine8 at New Canlle, Hopped in the city Saturday evening. Mr. Mild Mm. Frank C.ule relurn,.,! honie at Fort Worth Tea lanteveu liii). Mm. (J. hna bppn vinitinif in fthe city the pant few week. Mr. A. C. Scott, of Kewaun, III., who hal been viHiliiijr hin friend, J. A- , 'lauiewn, me pant lew ilayn, re- irned home thin evening. C. K. Wencitt returned from the nt hint evening where he ha been the purpone of pur hanin bin ami winter Mock of good. JL F.ijenbroadt, Menonrapher for rintftidcnt of motivt power ut nhopn, left Saturday evening o week' vacation in N. Y. and eantern. pointn. t Moody left hint evening for 'aniint. In., where he will I few day with hin ninter, te ban not neen wince he left fifteen yearn nince. Miivlo Lawont. 'try (Wnnt will return in u Iroin ber vinit to her 'anada, and will rcmime nic lennonn next week xpectinir to take lennonn ,ive order with I. I 4t prencription If L t E I . n v. Thos. I'ollock mid K. W. Hycrs have formed a real estate, loan mid insurance company. This makes a strong rouipany and Tiik IlKkALl) wisii;n tln-nj success., V" ll. T I ni'iirtil mill u'ifp lit P l' I . , V . . ...... Wodilbiirh, Iowa, having been vin itin'in the eaNt, came in thi wiornj inf'for h nhort vinil with their cuuNin, T. H. lirown of thin city. They will take in the (date fair and viit in Neljranka Home time hefore ret urn i iiff home, . . Hokn To Mr. and Mr. Harvey Sherwood. Friday, September 4th, a nine-pound boy. All parlien tire doiiitf well, ami we are informed that Ibirve in corib'tnplatitifj ei! laryinjr bin hoiiHe, not becaune of the ini-reime in hi family, but mmply to hold hiuiHclf. I'liimi Leilner. Mr. Robert Flormaiin, one of the Hiack tin mm, haa nttref tli owneix of the Spokane mine f 1.' 000 for their claim. Mr. John Shafer, a ron of . li. Shafrr, of thin city, in a half owner of thirt mine. It in not known whether the offer will be ac cepted or not an Mr. Hawk Wn'uht, who owni-H one-fourth of the mine, in away and they are 'waiting for bin return to wee whether the offer 'Will be accepted or not. A Mtock extra panned thrnuh yt-Hterday, compoMcd of twenty three earn of very fine ntock, en route for the tdate fair at Lincoln. If other roadri do an amount of traiiHportation eipial to the It. A M. one may well conclude that the rtock exhibit will be complete. It in to be regretted, however, that in on cur m very fin r.-'oodei! horsd enroute for the (air, had died before arriving here. The family of W. II. Malick re ceived a telegram conveyinjr the Bad intelligence that K. O. Wait, father of Mm. Malick, died ) enter day at Colfax SjirinK", Iowa. I)e ceaned will lie buried at Lincoln to morrow. Mr. Wait wan not well known to our ciliienn, lint the fam ily of Mr. Malick will have the nvtn- pi(lh, ((f u. , y , 1(.ir hour of norrow. Mr. Malick ile. parted thin morning for Lincoln. Thin oflice han received a commu nication referring yio the coming Irrigation Conirrenn which convenen in Salt Lake Cily, September 15, 10 ami 17, I Hid. The object of calling the convention into brmtf tielorethe people the necennity of better planH for irrigation, and mnejuently more effective ariculttire. The irojectorn of the ncheme hopetoeu. linl the Ktipport of the buninenn metiH' imnociationn throughout the went and eventually briu the mat ter before conrenn, with u view of neciirinif letfinhition pertaining to the matter. Doubtlenn patnphletn have been received by our buninenn men netting forth the objectn anil plaim of the proponed meeting, and we feel that the enterprine will merit mu ll attention an they feel able to hentow. John Shafer came down from Spo kane camp Tuenday eveuiny;. He reportn everything moving along in even tenor, and nayn that the more the Spokane in developed the better it ntiown up. Ore now beiii taken out of the nhaft ut a depth of 82 feet ennayn 417 oilm en of nilver to the ton. He anticipaten that they will noon be Hide to work the mine upon a more extennive male, in which cane he nayn Spokane will makeabuny camp, lor they have plenty of ore in night tu keep a large number of men employed for a long time. And there in every reanoit to believe that even if work ed upon ii larger m ale there in ore enough in the Spokane, of a rich paying quality, to hint for yearn. The Spokane in u rich mine and no tnintake. - Hennona Pilot. ! Almost Blnzn, Sunday morning upon entering the laundry M Donnelly, the pro prietor, dim overed (hat hin build ing hail narrowly encaped being burned to the ground. In the up. per floor the floor above the bane ment -a hole wan found to have been burned about nix feet in diam eter and the Malrway and railing partly burned. The mont unac countable feature i that the fire wan extinguinhed, prenumahly, Without Aid. ann nur ia known to have been near the place at that time. The origin of the fire U un known, ait the furnace wan cool Milurflay evening; beniden, the fire, being about twenty feet from the furnace, could not ppnnibly have hail it origin Mu re. The work in nupponed to have been that of an incendiary. Cny SchoolN. The city nchooln opened thin morning, and w are informed, that never, in the hintory of the plattH mouth nchooln Iiiih the outlook for profitable year been no encourag ing. The attendance today being in the neighborhood of 1()00 pupiln. With the repair and iippliancen added to the building; with a nchool board thoroughly identified with our nchool inlerenln; with a complete and ellicient corpn of teachern operating in accordance with the direction of Durable nuper iutendent, the patronH of the I'lattn mouth m IiuoIm may feel anHiired that their children are amply pro vided forjbut while it in uecennaryto have a building will eipiiped, and a nchool board and tcachern winking harniouiounly there in a u opport u u ity for the patron to add greatly to the ctfcctiveilcnri of their labor The parent nhould vinit the m-hooln freipienlly, keep informed an the lieedn iitld pron-re-n ,f (he jmpil and co-operate with the teacher in carrying out every well defined plan. ror Homctimt- mere nan lieen a fewer number that have completed the otirw-of Mudy, owinir to the fact that the Htudy of Latin wan compiilnary. Superindent McClel land informn tin, that in order to accomodate a great number, and yet maintain iih nearly an ponnible the name degree of ntability anil innure the graduaten of either coumeH training equally an thor ough, he han arranged two cournen of ntudy; viz, a Latin and Kuglinh, leaving the matter of nelection ojMioiiMi witii toe pupil. The am nion, an we underntood it in made for the accomodation of thone de niring Knglinh and American, hence more Knglinh language, in pre ference to the Latin. In thin all un provided for and yet the name de gree of thorough drill anil pro ficiency in maintained. Piano and Organ. Anyone in need of n piano or or gau would connult their own inte- rentn by calling on J. M. Muir, whv keep nothing but the bent, which he nelln nt reasonable pricen to Miiit llietimeH. :tt Th M. P. Hun a Train The M. I'. rutin a train from here to Union to-day, ami the amuse ment in all probability will remain no ii ii 1 1 1 alter ine Mate lair. It in hoped that a contract will be mudi noun, no mat the road can run directly to Omaha. Th public will take notice that I will not be renpounible for any debtn contracted by my wife, Nancy J. t Handler. j. j. i iia.NPI.Kk. Sept. 7, lh'.d. 1 Ths Primuna I he democratic primai ien met Saturday evening in the renpectivi wardn an per announcement. The attendance wan very niingre, there being in nome wardn not a Mtifllcient number prenciit from which to nelect delegaten; and, of thone prencut. paradoxical anil nmy neein, conniderable difliculty wan experienced in finding delegaten that could he depended upon. But thin difliculty wan obviated by chooning men who were not prenent, thun giving them no opportunity to decline. Kvery thing neemed to pann otl harniouiounly and after it had been eMablinhed to a Certainty that H full delegation would likely be pre en! at the convention, everybody neemeil natinlied. A Miaiaka to think we don't keen a full line of school supplies. Hooks, nlntes, pencils, tablets and everything for nchool. Our customers will please bear this in mind. L't I.KllMtOKK IlKOS. A Naw Enterprise. lr. John Herge, the genial South Mend pedagogue, has earnestly em barked in the newspaper business. Having bought an entirely new outfit of printing material and sup; plies he will lauitch forth a bran new weekly paper devoted to the inte rentn of South llend and Cass county. We are informed that the paper will be independent in poli tics. Til K IlKKAI.Ii is pleased to note this additional factor in the news paper arena, and trusts that Mt Herge will find the newspaper career both a pleasant and profit able one. Look out for JOE'S Grand Fall Opening he will announce exact date within a fewdays. B, A M '. WANT THE EARTH. Ycaterday's Came Baauli In Favor of the Home Team. The Cranen of Omaha came down yesterday and received a nerve drubbing at the handn of the home team. The visitors put a very good game but in the face of the heavy hatting at the- hands of the home team, they Mood a very poor nhow. The cranes made three double plnys worthy of special mention. Score by inning: Cranen 0 2 0 (I (I 0 (103 ." l'laltMmoulh....l 3 0 0 0 3 2 1 10 Krrors: Cranen, (I; 1'lat turnout h, . Hits: C r.uien, 2: riatt-moiith. 0. It:itterien: Carri".ni anil -Swai l,. Miller and M a 1 1 1 i n . Struck out: Hy Carrigan X by Miller 10. Two nisi' hits: I . Patterson, Schulhotf, ('. Miller. Double plavs: 111 viiri- to Nelson to liowinan (Hi, Miller to (Jadke, Lincoln tu Oadke to S. Pat terson. Left on bases: Cranes. 4. Plattsmoiiih, ii. rtiinirc: (.net S i v, i 1 1 1 . i UK IlKKfM.li olliee han received a circular descriptive of the "Turner Storage and Receptacle" a device invented by our former townsman, (i. W.Turner, as an attachment to railroad cars, for the purpose of keeping a perfectly reliable record of the car from the time it leaves the shop until it returns for repairs. Owing to the inconvenience that would be caused all concerned, the railroads can not always use their own cars, and upon receiving a car from another, each road must make out a statement, detailing the con ditiou of the car upon its arrival. This is necessary so that the ex pense incurred for repairs may be charired to the road catismar the damage. According to the usual method of keepingthis record, there in great liability of losing the record, hence great uncertainty and often annoyance is caused all con cerned. So this matter wan taken up by Mr. Turner and the result is, he has planned and constructed a device that operates successfully. If it be proven conclusively that it can bi. .iijjgd wi-th advantage, the sales will doubtless net Mr. Turner a handsome fortune, A Divranftful Affn r Yestenlay at South First street. Winterslein Hill, Fireman Chandler anil Kngineer Kiismusnen purth aned a large quantity of liipior and proceeded to the home of the for mer to have a general good time. From reports we learn that after Chandler had drunk a sufficient quantity to render him dangerous he proceeded to abuse and unmer cifully whip his wife, 1h cries of whom at once attracted the atten tion of the neighbors. THE IIl'IKAI.Ii never loses an op port unity to condei in no uncer tain terms, such manifestations of the brute creation as this. When a man becomes so devoid of man hood and so utterly debased an to wilfully curse and abuse his wife, simply because she is weaker than he, it is high time that the strong arm of the law should come to her rescue.. World'a Fair Note. Siaui has decided to make an ex hibit at Chicago, which shall eclipse the one it made at the Paris exposi tion, where it carried off the honors in the oriental section. Michigan will construct its build ing wholly of Michigan material, and will send it to Chicago in sec tions. The suggestion made by promi nent members of the National Society of the Sons of the American Revolution, that October 11th should be celebrated throughout the world, an the Fourth of July is celebrated in the Tnited States, in meeting with general approval. The publishers of Puck, the well known comic paper, have been graated space, 50 ly 100 feet, for a building on the exposition grounds, in which to show fully every detail of the process of editing and pub. lishing a humorous paper. Henry H. Worthingtou liasolTercd to furnish the exposition, free of charge, pumps with a capacity of 40.01 a i,i MO gallons of water a day. The first cotton gin, made by Kli Whitney, will be exhibited at the Imposition hy the New Orleans ma chinery Conipay, which will also make an extensive exhibition of cotton gins, vugar mills and others machinery. Among the exhibits from South ern California will be a model con structed to illustrate irrigation. A committee has already been chosen to prepare it. If you want to see nice clean and well made up Clothing you should go to JOI0 and look his stock over i IISUjDIER CLEARANCE "SALEf V : i AT : : PP'S, I .: In order to ru'luee. stock to make room tor our f!l purchases we must dose out the halance ot our Stunnier stock as quickly as pos eihle. Commencing to hy we will ofl'cr our entire line ot white goods, embroideries floiitK-ings and uii ovi-iv At 20 Per (Viit IH count From I'c-nlar Prlcp, Jadifcs f-umiuer vests at He jidies summer vests at 10c Jadies black and fanry ribbed vests 25c worth 35cv Ladies black lisle and ancy 35 worth 45c T adies silk mixed af.75c, f adias silk vesta, at 20 per cent, on all Jerseys. CiO Vjer cent ri Challies reiluced to 5 cents per yard, regulars 8i3c quallity Motisseline de India reduced to (ic per yard. We make thisofTer in wrder to reduce stock Now is the time to purchase if in want of any of the above goods. K KM KM UK K all of our goods marked in plain figures and we do as we advertise. Don't miss this sa,e as they are the lowest prices quoted this season, F. HERRMANN ONE DOOR EAST FIRST NATIONAL. TIME HAS COME hen y o n tihotild la-gin to .1 'i i . ininK Huouiyour lull underwear. We have just re ceived ten cases of ludieH, cliil- drens, mens, anil Itovs underwear direct from a mini ti fuc t u r e r who wus need ing money and WHS willing to SPECIAL OFFERS Special No. 1 years old. ONLY toe KACII. Special No. 2 Childrens kjJPUvlll 11 U na- an(i Drawers running in same si7.es as the scar let only '2H eta a garment. You can't afford to buy the cloth to make your childrens underwear when we can sell you them ready made so cheap. Special No, 3 .1 11 (S A Ladies heavy merino Shirt and Drawers, Silk IO)UClal UUj M: trimmed, a very nice garment, that is universally sold at :) cts; We sell at 39 cts KACII. Special Floor Oil Cloth Bargains stoves, etc at only Zrc per square designs and widths. Bbnkots or Bed Comforts HJZZ you with prices. We have them to suit nnyones, pocketbook and will give gooil value for your money. Best- English Linoleum O SCHOOL BEQIIS MONDAY. AD VOUK LITTLE Jioy AND ClkL ' Needs a pair of shoes this week. We intend to inaugurate a Sale of Slioes for School Children. School shoe should be stylish, Shapely, well made, "Well Fitting, Durable. "WE HAVE TIIEM and wc guarantee to h-11 tht-in ehenper than you can buj t'lscwlierc. WM. HEROLD & SONf regular. 10c quality. regular. 15 quality. Egyptian cotton vests at vests at 6oc was a bar- $1, reduced from ti OR ladies shirt waists and dispose of part of this years pro duct of his mill at aencritice, his misfortune was our opportunity and we bought the goods at less than their ac tual value, to start this under wear we intend to make Botno TO EARLY BUYERS 'J'fJk '41' Children" all wool Scarlet Shirts and drawers, nil sixes running large enough to lit a child twelve heavy natural wool colored Shirts Mens extra heavy ribbed natural wool colored shirts and drawers all sizes only 311 cts KACII. Oil Cloth for floors under yard. We have il in several different , gam at the price. A special bar-. Special Stroii" hem a I