..-1 FT f f v. . FOURTH YEAR. PLATTSMOUTH, NKRAKA. SATURDAY! SEBTEMPER 5 1891 NUMFaR 311 I I 1! I N V POVDER Absolutely Pure. - A cream of tartar baking powder, i Hu'lii'Mt of .ill in leaveninir strenth. '(-Latest 1'. S. Government Food Ke- ;p(.rt i a A. SALSBURY --: DK NT IST : KU.I AN'h HikCKI.MN CKOWNH. Or. h'iiiiiiii ntKi'ihrni- Icrtiir rmniie. rt ItiwlKiP of We til. Fine Gold Work a Specialty. Rorkwno.t Hliwlt I'lattmiouili, Neb. 0OI.1) vi IMIKfcUIXTROWNH VI fine guld wurk ft 'i ALTY. . tTlh. I Pit.;frtd '' f J'rk-W'NAL " llCO. Htjflltll wver. l'-ft last night f. S. Htirf. . .'o-d.ir. 4 ;iiiiiicii took i an Omaha -vis- No. 3 for Omaha on liiiKiiii'K. Mr. and ,Mr.Jai k Miner are spend ing the Jay in Oiiiiihu. Mir. Klla Wright went to Omaha this morning to spend the day. Minn Clara Green returned this morning from points in Iowa, where nil Iimm lwn vixiting Mrs.O'Kourkeand daughter Annie Irft laid evening for Arhlund. Mihm Annie will enter achool there. Mr. and Mm. Henry Miller lire vittit from their d.innliter, Mrs. I. W. Jolmnon from j Iowii. l (ll.lliuni who in attending ki hool ut M;iryville, Mo., ciime in tlii morning to upend the day w ith Lin parentH. Mr. l i T Povey and children departed on No. 'or Kagle, and from there they w no to Lincoln for a few day' vinit C. 8. Johnnon who lum heen in Kot k Inland for Home time han re t'!r!i'J '.') thr f!'y. Mr.!, rfmiiii! there viniting a nhort time. Mr. and Mm. K. H. Hadley, ncconi ianied ly the.ir niere, Minn Myrili Dunn, departed for Omaha to-day for a few dayH vimt to friend. Mr. and Mm. Vn. McCniiley re turned from Grand Inland hint eve nintr. Mm. McCautry at once left for Hot SpringM, South Dakota. MiaH Mar)- (irimt returned thin morning from Canada where he ha heen viaiting her mother uud fricndu the punt two itioutliM. Mr. and Mrn. Win. (). Serini, who have been vimting with the family of Dr. Salisbury a few dayH, returned to their home at AkIiIiiihI hint evening. The Voting I.iidiea Foreign Mi"- Minnary Society will have charge of the nervice at the M. K, church tomorrow night. Mr. uud Mrn. O. G. Martin, who have been vimting friendn in the citv a few darn, leave to-day for Fremont. They will be iic patiiend by Minn Kichey. I. II. Marnhall nhipped a car load df hog to the Mate fair hint night, We will venture that he will make a good allowing for C'iihh coitnty'M Mtock and carry oil "ome if the prixea. llin hog are a fine sample of the jioland China breed. Munla Lcnoni. MImm Mary Giant will return in few day, from her vinit to her home in Canada, ami will rcHuine living miiMic lenHona next week' All ti i If expecting to take Ichmoiim City School. The city bi hoola open Monday and I iiildingahave been thoroughly -.ed and many much needed N3)roveinentH. added. Thia work haXheen done under the Kiiper vii.P4t)f the building committee, com -fd . jif William Hallauce, chairuiati, aniT L. 1). Dennett and J. I. Unroll, who have been very dil ligent in thia matter and who be lieve that anything to be done KhouJd be done in the beat way and manner (loaaible. Central building ban undergone a thorough cleann i'l -;; the roof ban been repaired and repainted; room 13 has been divided and itiHtend of oftl- large room we uow have two aa neat rooma. aa it would be ficiHHible to find anywhere. The work of dividing thin room wan begun 1 nut Tuenday and in coin pleted.and the woodwork pal ntedthe blackboardn have all been renlated and are in Tine condition. Two large tablea, water and other ini nroveincntH have been aildcd to the bibnratinjr . Jfaking it one of the bent rooma in the atate for that pur jone, and when we Hay that it will be in charge of Prof. McClelland you can rent aawured tt'at our laboratory will lie a miiccchh. The desks have ben overhauled and many new oiicm added. The Uriieh patch on the eant end of the ark ban ull been cut and it ireaentH a much better apjiearance, and with better care; next year the grounds will prenent a good nod of blue grana and clove. . The wart building have all been overhauled and the m'hool holme on the Mianouri I'acilic track haa been re arranged; the door placed in tr? rov ii end, a tight tence eight feet high between the track and the building has been built and every precaution ponsible has been taken for the safety of the children. The Mercerville nchoof building hat been thoroughly overhauled painted, new furniture provided withit and presents a very credita ble appearance. The flag for the high school is here and as Hownasthe different schools ore organized it will be dedicatedwith the proper eclat and the young America can gaze on the emblem of one of the grandest na tions on earth. The assignment of teachers the coming year is as follows: kiMM. 1. Carrie Greusel. 'I. Miss Moore. Miss Shepherd. Klla Wright. I'rof. Halsey and Miss Mc Clelland. Miss Clark. Miss Searle. Alice Wilson. Miss Halsey. Miss Adams. M ins Cook. Miss Jamison. KIRHT WAKIi. Miss Vallery. (principal.) Miss Matson. MKi'oxn v A K i . Annie Heisel. M I lie I'ol In, KOI' NTH WAKtl. Maggie Wright, (principal.) Misa Hemple. KAHT KOtrkTII WAkll. Miss Fist her. Herta Hyera. (principal.) SOUTH I'AKK. Carriv Holloway. MKk( KHTOWN. Mrs. G. W. Thomas, FEW POLITICAL POINTS County Attorney Travis Shies His Castor In the Ring For the Judicial Plum However Ha Lout What Little Entt- u 'iHm He Hd When he Cama ' Here lnleienclerit Catt ing At )U The seething political caldron is quite busy just now, and huge clouds of vapor are filling the air with all kinds of gossip. The Oilier dav County Attorney Travia-wM-VtuM county was here, ostensibly on a '.sit to County Attorney Morgan, but in reality to see if there would beany chance for him to secure the democratic nomination for judge of this judicial district. Two years ago Travis was a howling re publican but renounced hin party taitli to get an olhce. He did uol get much comfort here, for every one who knouua Judge Chapman favors his return to his present seat, so Mr. Travis went home with his office seeking enthusiasm quiet ly but persistently oozing away Next we will hear of him yelling in the alliance ranks in hopes of get ting a state office. The independent are now knoting their brows over the question of putting in nomination a candidate for the judgeship. Last Tuesday portion of the county central com mittee met at Syracuse to discuss the matter and it ended in Messrs. Tipton of Nebraska City, Cambell of Syracuse and Daldwie of Palmyra being selected as a committee to confer with the Casa county inde pendents on the subject. As yet nothing has been done, but a call for a judicial covention will be forth- oming in a short time. Nebraska City Press. Always take your prescriptions to lirown at narrett s. tl for will please leave 1 tiling. orders with J. I 41 3.. 4. 8. 10. n. VI. 13. 14. 15. K 17. IS.' 13. 31. 2. 22. 23. J4. i5. Drown A Darrett have just re ceived a fine line of Imported tooth and nail lirusnes, cloth auil Hair brushes. Price away down, tf California Bandit Foiled A special to the Hee gives an ac count of an attempted robbery of an express train near SanFranciMco Cal., yesterday. The expressman and a detective aucceeded in alarm Ing the would be robbers and they lied. They are being pursued with enery by the sheriff and citi.ens. New Goods arriving every day at JU1. S toe one price clothier. tt is According to declarations of cc tain Insurance companies, it probable that an objection will be made on the part of the vompanie to insuring live slock running in pasture fenced by barb wire, as the losses in a great measure are due aa reported by the farmers, lightning in connection with the wire fence. In the majority of cases stock is killed while standing near the wire, owing to the good qualities of the wire aa a conductor of electricity, lieciiuse 'of the wire fences the risk of insurance compa nies is greater. CASS COUNTY AT LINCOLN. Our Fruil IvLMWOOI) ITEMS to EnterprieintJ Florin! and Grower to Compete Among, the enterprises of which Cass county feels justly proud is the fruit and plant growing estab lishment conducted by W. J.Hesser at his home six miles south-west of this citv. Mr. Hesser has very appropriately denominated the place, and it is universally spoken of as "Hesser's Picnic Gardens," presumably named thus because of its peculior adapt iveness to picnic parties, and of the frequent outings that are held there. Mr. Hesser not only supplies the home trade with an abundance of all kiads of fruit ami plants that can be possibly grown here, but his reputation as a florist has become known throughout 'he state, mid when the wealthy citizens of many of our large cities desire to secure an elaborate collection, their wants are always supplied at the Picnic Gardens. The public spirited proprietor does not underestimate the value of advertising, and never fails to avail himself of every opportunity to show his plants, and thus place their merits prominently before the public As has been bis custom for several years, Mr. Hesser will have an exhibition at the state fair- a display that can not fail to add greatly to his reputation as a florist, mid be a great credit to the county TlIK HKKAI.n reporter had theprivi lege of gazing upon the plants aftei they had been placed in the car and upon beingconfronted with the task of picturing the st'ene on paper, we are nt a loss to find words adequate to do it justice; auffice to say there were two cars well filled with plants of all sues, varieties and natives of nearly every country on the globe. Some of those which seemed the most interesting were the banana, of which he has several varieties; pine-apple; orange, which by the way, has fruit sufficiently developed to compare with a large walnut. lie has palm trees from China, Australia, West Indies an Japan; from the last named he has on hand 000 plants, and he has a bill of 300 more that will arrive in a few days. Doubtless Mr. Hesser's display .will compare favorably with, if not excel, that of any com petitor. Look out for JOE'S Grand Fall Opening he will announce exac date within a fewdays KkOM THE ECHO. little Charley Deardsley wasdrag geJ aix or eight roils, Tuesday evening by a cow, but was not seri ously hurt. He got the rope tied around ilm arm and fell down and might have been killed had not Hilly Ince stopped the critter. John Reefer, who with his family went to California, over a year ago, hasretiirn-d to old Cass county fully sallslied that mortal man can not liv on climate and fruit. John thinksof opening up an implement store in Alvo. F'liiiiftW S.'iker furniohed amuse ment for the bystanders Tuesday by rilling his cow through the streets; but when near the post office Frank:e got too "foxy"' and tickled the cow in the Hank with his toe. She responded by a sprightly nick that sent her young rider ln-adfitHt to the ground, but fortu nately he was not hurt. The C County Fair ' Many people inquire of us on what tlate the county fair will be held, but we are unable to inform them aa no notice ot it has ever heen sent to this office, and we cannot find a bill or premium list in town. - i , i in wood e.cno. TllK IlKKAI.Ii is able to state, uithoritatively, that Iheedi.orof the Fxho received the same information pertaining to the fair that was sent other papers in thecounty. He was also sent a complimentary ticket and a special letter of invitation. Several premium lists and posters were sent to Kluiwood and vicinity as well. !t isppenrs to tie. that the pre tended ignorance of the matter on the part of the Kcho is manifested for the purpose of injuring the ftir but we cannot see that this is a wise course to pursue, as it is held in the interests of thecounty, and we expect Khnwood and vicinity to receive its share of the benefits. For the- benefit of the Kcho we again state that the officers have left nothing undone that, in their judgment, would contribute to a successful fair. Indications are Jhat it will surpaas all others ever held In tlie county. The dates are Sept. 15, 111, 17, and IS. IDSUMMER CLEARANCE SALEf AT In order to reduce stock to make room for ,r fall jrchas'eB' 'o must close out the balance o! our ISiiimner t-tix nn quickly as piB Bilile, Coininencintf to day we will oiler our e tiro line ot white goodn, embroideries lIoimcingH and all ocr At 20 Pit (Viit Discount From !' nuLir PrW ad:es f-ummer veste at 8c regular. iOc'quality. r adies summer vests at 10c regular. 15 quality. J adies black and fancy ribbed vests 25c worth 35c. Ladies black lisle and ancy Egyptian 35 worth 45c cotton vests at T adies silk mixed vests at 6oc af. 75c, was ) a bar- y adias silk vests at $1, reduced from $1.2B, 20 per cent, on all ladies shirt Jerseys. waists V QO per cent dicsount on ell our silk umbrellas ( bailies reduced to 5 cents per yard, regulars HV quallity Mousscline de India reduced to tic per yard. We make this offer in order to reduce stock Now is the time to purchase if in want of any of the above goods. KKMKMHKK all of our goods marked in plain figures and we do as we advertiac. Don't miss this sa,e as they are the lowest prices quoted this season, F. HERRMANN ONE DOOR EAST FIRST NATIONAL. If you want to see nice clean and well made up Clothing you should go to JOK and look his stock over The Creole Hurleaiie Co, the aggre gation of colored folks, that showed here a few weeks since, gave evi dence while here that the mana gers were slightly crooked, but snbsetpient developments indicate that the entire concern is a fraud. They showed in Kearney Friday evening and as they were about to part the hotel ninn attached the baggage, and proceeded to detain it for the payment of hotel bills. 'The ompmiy will have to deal more honorably or cease traveling. If there is anything distasteful to a community it is nn aggregation of dead beats operating as swindlers When y o u hould begin to think aboutyour tall underwear. We have j list re ceived ten canes of ladies, chil drens, mens, and oys underwear direct front a- tniintifac t u r e r who was need ing money and was Milling to The public schools will openMon day morning, and J. F. Vmng is prepared to suppl v all m iiooi hooks at ACTUAL HIST for CASH only, as the books are sold for the board of education. J. I. Young has a large tine of School Supplies and will save the pupils money otv most of them. Keuiember, he r.-lls for cash and can attord to sell cheaper. Farawall Party.. The home of K. F. Deau was hand Homely decorated last Friday night ami was the scene of a very pleasant party given to allow friends and ac ipiaintances an opportunity to say good bye to Miss Lottie Dean who was soon to take her departure for Michigan, where she will visit rela tives and attend school this Fall and Winter. The invitations were very ircneral antl from the number present it would seem that all in vited were there. Refreshments ol the very finest order were served from nicely decorated tables and as the evening was pleasant, guests were allowed the full freedom of the grounds; so that with even the large number present, there was rooiu for all. It was not until a late or rather an early hour, that guests said good bye, and the general verdict of those present is thatitwas one of the most enjoyable aocial gatherings of the season. Murray Hanner. The finest line of Neckwear, Hat and Caps at JOF.'S.Mhe one price Clothier. The board antl '.county clerk are selecting naniea from which to draw jurors for the October term of court, today. Additional local on last page. TIME HAS COME 7: e. it pi 111 &i WW I M dispose of part of this years pro duct of his mill at ufHcrifiee, his misfortune was our opportunity and we bought the goods at less than their ac tual value, to start this under wear we intend to make some SPECIAL OFFERS TO EARLY BUYERS S i t Children all wool Scarlet Shirts and drawers, all pL(iul UU A nines running large enough to fit a child twelve years old. ONLY 3,"c KACH. dnntial ft Childrens heavy natural wool colored bhirts OJlCCull llU 4 and Drawers running in same sizes as the scar let only '15 cts a garment. You can't afford to buy the cloth to make your childrens underwear when we can sell you them ready made so cheap. Special No, 3 Mens extra heavy ribbed natural wool colored shirts and drawers all siies only 39 cts KACH. WSnnoI'll Nn 1 ladies heavy merino Shirt and Drawers, Silk-; oJ)tClill IiUj x trimmed, a very nice garment, that is univemaUy -sold ntrx) cts; We sell at 3tt cts KACH. Special Floor Oil Cloth Bargains ZTl'Z stoves, etc at only 'i'c per square yard. We have it in several different designs ami widths. lll?nkcts or Bed Comforts you with prices. We have them to suit anvones pocketbook and will give good value for your money. Best English Linoleum ' ix O gain nt the price. SCHOOL BECfrlflS MOJBiLY. AND YOUR I.ITTLK HOY AND GIRL Needs a pair of shoes this w-ek. We intend to inaurgurato a Special Sale of Shoes for School Cjiildrcn. School shoes should lie Strong, btylish, Shapely, well lunde, Well Fitting, Durable. - WE II-A.VE THEM uiul we guarantee to sell them cheaper than you can buy them elsewhere. WM. HER OLD & SON. ti i