The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, September 04, 1891, Image 4

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    !. " ! J L i y.idj recollection rcc&lls ftem to viev,
u ('in -r greer tasswood;
? VA T5ip.okeandHeSmcll
V nH WIIIV.V Ubfuiikui vvv
pray ana we qopej
The useoFfta sMf'toiuo
. wane arid foltfuish
rJl As 600 as tfjey offered
tBN.K.FAiRBANHCo., Chicago.
J. . (JltVVESlilc'J.'
I)'M)!S, HLIXDS.and kit building material
Call and sec us at the corner of
11th and Elm street, one Mock
north of Ilciscl's mill.
Plattsmouth, NTobraska
Everything to Furnish Your House.
' ,-Mircha-t'l the J. V. "Wrckbacli store room on south
t 2et where lam now located I ean sell goods cheap
. ; '.he cheapest having jnt put in the largest stock
. ..." . goods ever brought to the city. CJasoline stove
aiutSi '.Uure of all kinds old on the installment plan.
A Full and Complete line of
M Ulr) atfcWW.viaVW MMi VU.
Prescriptions Carefully Compounded at all Hours
Vl ;I.H :lull TJix at Kit 111) A.UHI. ,. I n (Ktlr
i-.irs are ik fcnUrlv running to
-: .1., .. TV. . ' . . . . -
I..,,... ... iimniiiMtbiot'i tt-,m lui-
taking the car, uj, the te-ip incline be-'
tvc-!i Fifth i,n,i Eiihth wtreet8 are in
place. I' poll trial the c Vtrivanre haa
worked biiccctully, and eara will be
rii:n.i..g np !i.l down in i ew day.
The anaiK un-tit is a v)-ry ingenious
one. l iivegular track is standard
gauge; tde uf it and twd or threo feet
below the street level is a; second track
ill two fet triuiiu On tViu'i rim. 4 truck
loaded with lead no as to, eigb betwern
live and nix ton. Thiy' lower truck i.
covered over and nolhkig of it u n
from Cie h; r-t. Wl'ei the truck Is at
the bottom of the bill cublt to which
it is attached rmmou, pulleyi to the top,
and there turns over a bijf coucealt-d
wheel out to the side of the track.
A car coming down the hill takes the
end of the cabl), and the weight of the
descending car, together with lue elec
tric power, 'draws th heavy tmck un
denieuth up the 1 C per writ. gTade to
the top of the hill. Wueo the car re
turns the truck is at the top of the hill.
As soon ns the car is attached to the end
of the cable, then at the bottom, tha
truck is releused, and its weight as it
runs down draws the car up. The cable
pulled out at the top of the bill as the
car comes down runs in a narrow slot
junt innide of the track on the uorth side
of the street. Seattle Post Intelligencer.
-IF 80-
Miiltk.'. Lllcrmrx U.tnalu.
The quantity of the writings of the
late Ma rutin I von iloltke is unexpected
ly large. A jiortion of the papers is of
purely military interest It consists of
reports and strategical observations on
the campaign in which Moltke com
manded. Thct are to tie iaimcd by
Mefwrs. MiUit-r & Son, of DtHii, and
English editions will be published by
Mwrs. O'xxl, of London, But the
late mantlial aluo left a sort of autobiog
raphy, comprising twenty-nine diunes.
which cover almost the whole of his
military career, and are replete with
note, on all the events in which tiie
grt-at soldier was in a way uiixd up.
Tiie- diaries give a vivid illuntrariou of
Molt ke's character, and wereorginaliy in
tendcl for tin' peniwtlof h; f..m;y only.
But it has w-en decided to publish them,
and they are to appear first as serials in
a German periodical and in an Englitih
i.iutrsted jimrnal. Afterward they will
be imued in look form. Loudou 'i'im.-
A Itlrtlnuarh.
A curious story cine from Salt Lake
City which i attracting much comment
from friend ami aciuiiintance of
Policeman Charle F. Wanlens, sliot and
ki!!el by Jxiepb A. Barnes, Sept. 19
lilo, ana may lurniKh medical nifii
another snmect for diM-inuion. Barm-
was having a quar.el with bis wile.
winch the officer attempted to stop.
Barnes fired, and the bullet pa.wd
through Wan lew heart, leaving a jag
ged bullet hole in the breast.
A married sihter of the 'dead officer
was telegraphed and came to the funer
al from her home in Salt Lake. She
was much affected by the tragedy, and
took the loss of her brother to heart. In
short time she returned home. About
three months ago, as the report is heard
here by friend of the dead officer, his
sister gave birth to a boy perfectly
formed, but with a red birthmark over
tha heart of the exact shape and appear
ance of the wound made in Wanlejw'
breast by the bullet from Barnes' pistol.
Denver News.
are tiulnl to etwy eniuuuiuui
j.'HUft, e4. "H .MWWHUM, . p.
no 111 eltwu, buw UiimUien aad RulHte
Ji hUkilvU. Utut, aixl lo and nsUire
wry atgna u k noriiil mu-Uuti t use
either at uuuw or ahroail, oo laud or sea,
tucse l'Uli
ArA thA nct.
"AVer's rills have ben ujwd In my family
for over thirty years. Wo Bud llirm au ej
erlliMit niwllrme w levers, enri'tiv. iDboih. h,
ntid alt bDMMM u-onltU. aiitl w4iUmi call
phyjiriaiL Tliejr alnioxt th only pill
irted Id our nr y'yi-hoiM." R-Hlmon C.
t'omly, Eow LftJJiii 'Y. O., W. Kelkhuia
I'lrhh, La.
I have been In liill eonntry elicit yeaM,
and, during all Uils time, neiUu-r I, nor any
memtter of my family have ufd soy other
kind of medicine Uan Ayer'l Hills, hut the,
we always T at hunt, and I ahould not
know how to get along without Uiem."
A. W. Sodrrtierg, U.we II, Mua.
-1 nava used Ayer's CaUiarUe PUIS as a
Family Medicine
for S years, and they have always given the
nunost saUtlarUoo." Jsnte. A. Thornton,
Hloomlngton, Ind.
"Two boxes of Ayer's I'm cured me of
severs Besdarho, from which I wu long a
snOtrer." Cnuna KeyM, Ilubhardstown,
Ayer's Pills,
- raariaro sv
Dr. J. 0. AYTTR CO., Low.n, Haas.
Sold by all iMwlrrs In MedleUw.
t Htorla la Dr. Biunucl pitcher's prescript ion for Infants
" aud Children. It contains neither Opium, Slorphine nor
other Narcotic nuliHlance. It Is a linrnilofs sulirtltate
for Pargor'c, Drops, Sootliing Byrupn, and Castor OiL
It It Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' nw by
BIlllloHS of Mothers. CKtorla destroy Worm and allays
fcrerlshness. Castoria prevents vouilllui; Bour Curd,
cures Diarrhoea , and AVinil Colic. Castoria relievc4
teething troubles) cures constipation and flatulency
Castoria assimilates the food, rcgulatcf tha stomach
and bowels, giving healthy and luitural sleep. Cas
torla Is tlie Children's .ana;iv tho Mother's Friend.
Bucklen's Arnica Salve.
Tbk I'.wrr in the world for Cut
Bruimf . horm. Ulcers, Salt Hhi um. Fevet
Hores, Tetter. Chspied Hands, C'hilblnins,
?orn, and all Skin Kruptiorr, snd posi
tively cures 1'ilcs. or uo pay required.
It is Klisranteed to uive satlsfacilon, oi
money refunded. Price 2S cetitn per Inn
For ssle by K. f) Kricke d: Co.
R'D'i nci t n lar 1 i i a D.y,
Nyftic Cure" lor rlic tmiiitiHtn and
neuralgia radically cured in 1 to 'A
daya. Itx action upon tin- Kvetc in it,
remarkable hikI inyetcrioiiK. It re-
iiiovcm at once the caune and the cli
eeHe ininiciliatcly ili.Kiipfiiri.
Tin tir-t iIihi' ejri-aily Ix-nidit-. 7.V
S lid by H, tr. Kricke, irua;iet. wt
A Fatal Mlstaae.
1'Iij "ieiann make no more fatal
niiHtake than when they inform pa
tictils that nervoiiH heart troubh-H
come from the Ktnmach mid are of
little coiiHcouence. Dr. Franklin
Milen, Die nolcil liiiliana Hpecialint,
hiif proven the i-ontrary in lim new
hook on "Heart DiMeaee" which may
lie hail free of r. ti. r ricke A I o.,
who ejmirantee iiml refoiniiieii'l Dr.
Allien utietiiialleil new Heart ( ore,
which hart the lartrcet nalu of anv
In-art remedy in the world. Ttcurea
nervotiN and organic heart ilineuHe,
ehort In ealli. Ilultei iti tr, pain or ten-
derncHH in the Hide, arm or shoulder,
irregular pulw, fainting, Hinotlici
in, dropey, etc. llirt ki-atorative
.Nervine curcM headache, litM, etc.
Remember that R. O. CaatU 4 Co have an immciiMe stock of
And Guarantee Satisfaction In alliililnss
' .nn axm.. is '-rT . :L0i
I . Jirrv numni;u.1.a WsnwslM.NewTn'K. rMfMrtst J v
A Pollr. HtalloB I'harwiary.
While I was in the Eldridge street po
lice station the other ' afternoon a inan
came in with Ins hands oo his stomach
and a (utiued expression in his face.
"Give me some cholera medicine," be
said to the sergeant in despairing toues
The aergeant took a bottle from the
locker behind the dettk aud called the
doorman, who administered a dosV of
the stuff to the patient lie went out
apparently relieved.
"1 didn't know yon ran a pharmacy,"
I aaid to tha aergeant, who explained
that in the summer the police In some
of the station hoawa keep on band chol
era mixture furnished by the commis
sioners of chanties and correction fur
the relief of suffering humanity too poor
to palroniM s drug store. New York
CM Strata.
Tha dean and chapter of Salisbury
nave uuuer consntprai ion a proposal to
purchase tha .it. of Old Baniru by a body
of gentlemen who are interested In the
archeKdogical research; some leading
citizens of Halisbnry, however, protest
that if tha dan and clutptur waut to sell,
the citizens should have tha first offer.
Then) is little donht that if excavations
were made at Old Sarum, where nothing
la to be seen but two or three shapeless
masse of wall, interesting discoveries
would be made. Old Sarum was the
Roman station of Sorbiodumim. l,on
don Echo.
A Praarlor'. lr lenl.l.
Rev. Mr. Rowan, just or of tho First
Presbyterian church, of Last Strouds
burg, seems to I a man who care little
for worldly gain The reverend gentle
man has been offered fl.4'X a SeaKoli to
play baseball, but be has declined till
tempting olfer. He is a great lover of
tiie game and plays wilh tliu Kant
Stroud-lmrg team. He is a graduate of
Lafavelte college, and his preent charge
do-4 not pay him one-half of tha salary
he could coiniiiand at baseball. I'liila
delpina Record
Good Looks,
(iooil lookn are more than kin
deen, l(-finl i 11 n upon n healthy
condition ol all the vital circiins.
If the Liver le inactive' you have
a HilioiiH Iiok, if your Htomacli
lie atfeeleil you hnvt- a lyiMptif
I,ook (i ud if hour K11I neys be ellei te(
yov will have h l'mchel lok. Sr
ciirH i;ood health am! you will have
Kood lookrt, Klcctric llitlera ia the
ejreat nlterctive itri'l Tonic nets
directly on thone vital oriraiiM,
Cures I'iitipleM, Hloti Iii-h, KoiUand
iriveH a irood comtilexion. Sihl at
F. (1. Fricke A Co m DrujjHtore, Site
per bottle:
How to Succeed.
Thin in the ifmit problem of life
which few natielaclorily nolv
Some fail hecaiiHe of ill health, oth
era want of luck, hut the majority
from 1 iiHiiltu'ii-ii t jrit wantoyierve
The are nervoiiM, irreolute,chanire
able, easily uet the Much and "lake
the epiritH down In keep the epirils
up, tliiiA wastinif money, f.n;c, ot
portunity and nerve force. There is
nothing: like the Restorative Ner
vim-, discovered by the irreat spe
cialist, lr. .Miles, to cure all nervous
disease, as headache, the blues,
nervous prostration, sleeplessness
nctiraliria, St. mis uance, tits an
hysteria. Trial botllf ami tine
hook of testimonials free at F. i
Fricke A Co.'b.
"OsaVnrkt I aa exrelkut imdk-tD. for chil
dren. MuMmts have iwrMtodly lold msof lu
pwd tdm apoo tbetr chHdrM.n
Da. O. 0. Osoom),
LowWl, aUM.
" ! children of
whteh J aa ae3!M!c!. I h y y?
ftr dfcsant wImb moUMrs wtfTMnaVbr the no
failrrvMl of Ihell ctSMrm, sad uso CwturU lo
stead of lb virion, quick ooatnnns whloh sr.
dratroytnc Ihnir lond ooas, y foreSng opium,
morphine, soothinc syrup and ottier buriui
amia down tnetr UntMia. thmhy suhuij
tneni lo pramatur. grave. "
Da. J. T. Krseasuis,
Ouniray, Ark.
j '
Caatorta Is so wWI adaptvl to clJMrM that
I r"wjmiod S MMperturloMny pnacripOu.
known to turn."
II. A. Aborbb, at.
J-. lit So. Oxford St , hrouklyn, K 1. .
-Our phrntctaitt In U cbiMrwi's d(rf-
mS fc.M mrmkmm hirlilf ft OmUt , nfr
' eno. la MmSt oukad. prsivU with Oastorla,
and aklmwca w. oabj aa aaxaif our
medical sapplias wttax kaowa M rngulw
produota, y ww ar. fros lo eoufea that Ui
nwrtl. of Qwtoria has won us lo louk wits
favor upno It."
I'iniD IlowrriL asd birsuar.
Allss C. Sarrn, Ves.,
The Onvisnr Cvwiyny, TI Murray Strt, Nuw York City.
W h en y o n
eliollld liejrin to
think about your
iitll iiuderwrsr.
We have jiiHt re
ceived ten cases
of ladicn, cliil
(lreiin, inciH. and
lioys ntidtrwcHr
direct fn-m a
inantifac t n r e r
who was need
itif money and
wa.s willing to
diejiosc of jart
of lliis years pro
duct of liiH mill
Ht a fscritice, his I
iiiinlortiihf was I
our oj)iortsnilj !
and we lonhj
rthe j(oodjja less
tliaii fu-ir ac
tual' value, to
start this titider-
wivr we
to flUhC
Special No. 1
years old. ONLY :W
Chiblreus all wool Scarlet Shirts and druwers, all runninif lare enough to lit a child twelve
Childreus heavy natural wool colored Shirts
kj IR'iylsll and Drawers runiiinir in same as the scar
let only Z i ts a tti""""'"'- 0,1 ' ,,or,l ' ,MI' ,,,r' cloin 10 uuse you,
chil lrens underwear w hen we can sell you them ready made so cheap.
Special No, 5
Mens extra heavy ribbed
shirt and drawers all s-i.'.e
natural wool colored
only c!" K CH.
I y i l.adie lieavy merino Shirt and Drawers, Silk
oJCCiai llOj X triiniued, a very nice garment, that is universally
sold at "lit i ts; We sell at '. els KACH.
Special Floor Oil Cloth bargains
stove., etc at only
designs snd width.
per guitar? yard. We hve it
Oil Cloth for
floors under
in several ilitfer.JsrtV
Blankets or Keel Comforts
you with price. We have them
(five g;ood value for your money.
any Kite ua a
will surprise
suit anyone pockethook and will
Proooutie.d Hoial.., Y.i Sav.fl
From a letter written by Mrs. Ada
K. Hurd of (iroton, S. D.,weouote:
"Was taken with a bad cold, which
settled on my Itinys, cnug;ll set in
and liriHlly leriiiiiinled in coiisiiui
tion. Four doctor (ave me up say
iiitf I could live but a short time. I
gave myself up to my Saviour, le-
lel milled if I ctillM O..I pIh) With
my friends on earth, 1 would meet
my absent ones above. My hus
band was advised to ffvt Dr. Kind's
New Discovery for consumption,
coughs and colds, f (rave it a trial,
took in all eiuht bottles; it has cured
me mid thank (iod I am now a well
and hearty woman." Trial bottles
free at F. i. Fricke A Co.'s dni(f
store, regular sia. ."UK-, and $1.00.
I Best English Linoleum
Murder VI III Out.
Mi Hi'liiip-I don't lielieve the Do
Style have lt-n out of the city at all.
Mie Tiptop Their Iioum was lockod
nji uiid tliey are covered with tan.
Mi a ilightip Locking up the Iront of
a I1011M) is eny enough, and tan can be
gut on the roof. They haven't been away
and I know it.
"With all tiic'r tii't nd stinbuni and
freckles tla-y bivrii'i .1 moKjuito bito
among tin-in." 0sd News.
IVJ2 cent a stjuare yard,
(fain at the price.
A special bar-
Needs a pair of shoe this week. Wc intend to inaurgurate
Salts of Biioe for Scliool Clii!dn:n
Sc.Iuhi! allocs ebuuld
a Sperir'
btylish, Shapely, well made, Well Fitting, Durable.
and we jriiurantee to eell tliein cheaper than you can
Imy tlx
For many years Mr. H. F". Thoiup
son, of Des Moines, Iowa, was se
vercky altlicteil with i hronic diarr
hoc, 1. He says: "At times it was
very severe; joiniirli so, that I
fi-aerd it would rod niv life. About
seven years nio I chanced to pro
cure a bottle ol Chamberlain's
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy, 1 1 ;fiive me prompt rVliel
and I believe cured me pertiiaiieut
l . as I now cat or drink w ithout
harm auvthiiir I plcafc. I liuvi
11 1 -ui used it in 111 family with tin
best ri'-ults. For sale by F'. i.
Frickie At Co.
Wonderful 8ucness.
Two years ayci the Duller I'rop.
Co.' oi'Icred their bottles by the box
- now they buy by the carload.
A iin 10;,' the poplilarand silcccselul
remedies they prepare is Hallcr's
Sarsaparilla A Itunlock which is
the must wonderful blnod purifier
known. No dninuiet hesitates to
rcconimeiid Ihis remedy.
For sale by tlrujrist.
T Dr. Gtosvenot's
rfj at., ,
Kaintini, nwarattrt. pmnttmf ftni lorn'1
nrswl tl anr. ("f an !? 'I I'f'ijrf '
W33 kV-sX-ay.Br. lr.
I a a lovssti.W Tstkajaar atar K
!-, HstaHs fc-4. ( -l--f
ran ftbti l.'snl 'i,s tt.m nt
'I. 4e llitiiriaiil ft, alii
v-r to Mi'-tor" iiruy
Atr to It Youthful Cjiur.
Cure p ! - La ' fa.iij..
HtNOEfVCORNS. t r;!'
kisfr 4V-. ft... LW M VfUtiU, K UlfrtClA tJ , t
'I k in Hum. a rt
' Wsin and His. kmnllh liet
Wagon, iluggy, Machine and
' j.iiiiv Rvpiiriiiu donu
lie Uh.i the i '
Whii h is the licnt iMrw rthiie fur tin
fanner, or for fat drivinu, or for cii?
purpiwes ever invented. It is so mad
that anyone ci.n put on sharp or
corks, a needed for wet and slipper
days, or smooth, dry roads. Call
his shop snd exsmini; tho mivkiihiji",
slid von will 11 w no other. . i
.1. M. HIIVKlMlACKKlt. j
1 J 1 '1 l-'iltii St. I'M' 1- 7