f vv' x i i i X i 3 s iS t i) A !1N OF y. HiFirt . ft, tfsHK.NUEK TWAIN GOING ERST No. i .No. Nil. H ., No. Id . Nci. V! . . '' f M . I" ma II . .7; M P, m . : iA a. io In :I4 a. ii . 8 ;.: 'So. !t ! ho.W. r-0UQ WEST N 3: a. m v0 : p m . V . M a. m. v '. IS. III. Nil. .. .. .. ;M n. m. 11 :"A ft. m. KNIOHI "r VYnifAM UailnlM LimVh no. 47 Mi-i-l" pvpry WrdnH.day t-VHiihg rni-ii ii ii in r nrmp'P I riUK llllirK, AM ( Itlmc (minim urn coiilU'ly Invltt-il lo attend. ' W" IMlVey. a. II. H. , (,'. Marshall.!!. (',, ; I t X V ii(rinn hliuk ' f on'n f r- ti a ni to A HIIIMKiN "HOCIATION k Main Ht r.i-1 . Idioms opi-n fr iii :;ni a ni In I :M ni; Fur ini'n only lionlM-l 111 cot II If BlITK HllllllllV HlllTlllillll at i p'rtiM'k I i-vr- ..tiiu H. MppIh (lr-.t Hint tlilid FrlilHv m of nnrh iihihIi nlli A K IIhII n KiK'kwimk Muck. Fmik Vvriiillyea, M. W. V Kiippmm, Hwonlcr O V W No. M-'Mpci mviiihI Hint (Mirth Frliliiv venfniiH In th- niniilh a' 0. A K. i tin. kwin.il Muck. K J. Moiiim, M W. ft r,mi.n. liPlii.iili-r J I 1- IIOYW 11 111 I" 1 I. Altl.MNAM-l'xM Coi lifll Nn V.M "J'i'Wi K, of I' In tin' Fanm-lp a. f'ralii If f W ,.rvl"riii'1 Intl.. vi.h.,v l.rptlirii I Invllril VJI'liry lI'Tolil. ItilfiMit ; flni. W ftlllii. Ki'rri'loiv. (!AHS I.ODIiP., No. I HI. 1.0. O. V. (lie-in fV ry Tucmlii) liluhl hi Ihflr h.tll in Kllcrritlit ftlix-k. All (K. I Fi'l'. hip roriliHlly i vltdl o-iiiimil mh..n i -1 1 1 1 . u' In lliecliy. J (nit, N i (. W, Hnijrr. Mi-tnMiiry. i'i-.fKs ok woksmi' ' UOPED lY A VICIOUS BULL ' ?'ri;M?io' rmt uf n Frominanl kAmah Commlmion Merohrnt. C. V. ViuinoHtrnnd. n well known coiniiiidHion nicrcliiint, if Tuknmnh, W!i in Ox-tict of Mirnino; h. hull in Hip ' jMnnre, wlieu tln brute iit- tiickcd uu mid proi iurdi'tl to iiiti li Hit' tinfoi tiiimle iiiiiii in the air Htid othiTwiMe injure him.' A ii awful Ki'ifh was torn our l)i liciirt, bin l iliH find one K"r lirokcn, iiikI liic fiicf, wcrevi-rcly cut. The nirtii- twite itiirti in mill aiivf but h rovt'ry in not I'xpcc-tfd. Special Notice. H. A. McKlwiiin, Jeweler, Iiiih rc-movi-d to the Stadleuiinin huildiri, went Hide of room occupied hy the Kairhe keeps n full line of watchen, clock'H, yewelery, Hilverware and Optical Vo1h. .Spcctaclin fitted ami Matixfactinn juaraenteed; watcher repairing in the bent poH filde manner at reiiHonable pricen, give him a call. diit vnrinii.il . - . IMliM I lllirrh. Ilk. IihIhhiT) ruin mm mxui. KiiiliiT i HMny, 1'iKior rwivlr.i: .V'iHi mhiiu lu::m A. M. Hiiliiluy n-iiiiiii ni i wrii ui'iii'iiintni,, 'HHiniK.-('i.rinT I.joimI mill Fk-lilh Ml.. Hi-rvli-i-a miiriilnir Hint evei.lnic. Klili r J. K. lirnl, iH!iir. Humlay tii lnml 10 A. M. Ki'iM'neAl..-Nt l.tik'a t tiiiri-h. rorn-r Third unit V ln. Key i. Huri:i'. u-lor. Sit vhv:IIa m HI Jill1. M. humliiy Srhoul hU ;Mr. jt. ;hmaw .Mk.ti nr.-. jrnrr Sixth PI ar.d rmilli. lift. Illlt. nr. Hrrvlrr : II A. M and 7 :.m v. h. MuiiiJ.ij Hchuol 10 ;.KI A M. I'HUHVTFlin k.-rrvlrn In nrw i-hiiirli.nir nn Suih anil Ori'inip m. lifv. J T. Iialrd. Plur. Hiiiuln -w ..ol ai ;; : rrp.u hlim mi II a. in. ami ii in, TlmV. II. N. ;. of ihl.i-liuri'h lllrfll rveiy "''b rvrnl:..-at 7 :S III Ihf Uut- i.l ,'t hp rhiu tIi. All air IiiviIpiI to altiTid lln-.i-nipfllnKi. Kihht MrriiimiNT-Hlxih HI., hmwen Main ami fVarl. Ki J. Ii M Km kiM-r iaM..r. wprvl.r. i II A. M ,, N l r. M Hilli.lat w limil ;U M, I'myrriiii't-liig Wdiivda) rn-ii- ma KMAt( riUHHVTirklAH -Con,fr Main an mm n. iipy ui.., iia.ti.r. ,-,-rvti.a ui.ii.il iiuiii. nunuay rciluol V :M A. M. M'""J' ' ""Ki"tATilAU-iraiiUi-, hr. . trPii Fltlli and mxui. J Ull.fil(f l Hl-TIT .'ll OIIVP. Milk. tlPt.pn ipiiiii aim r.i'.ulli. IIpv. A. Hi.i-ll. . M.r. ( m ii. i a. ill. nun i :.ii p. in. rrrt) HilHil MK.t'a ClIHlKTIAK AawKTATIoN- " mn ' .in rm.in h, k. Maui u..i-t. (, n'l iiippIIiii;, ti.r iiipu iiiily.rfprv Humlay af .. ,.,.- n, , riiK-a. niM.iin iijifii Mrrk ua) (lytll K:.10 a. Hi., lo It ; 31, p, ,, H" 1H l-AIIK 1AHKHNAIT.I - IIPV. ,1, M tAmirf, laxtor, Hrrvirra : Nuudny HrhiKit ma in.: THHi-niiiK. ua in. ami 8 p. in. pi.iypi nipatinu lupmlav IUkIiI ; rlmlr piae Hit Fll.Uy liiulit. Ail 'arr Hpltimie. P Lumber lard THE OLD RELIABLE. ii. i nwm k siis F LUMBER ! Hriinulea, Utli, hvh, Doors, Blinds C'd upply tverw dciimn.l of the rity. Call and Ret terma. Fourth ttrret In rr'ar of opca Ih.diw. 'pkukins nous.:, 217. 81, aaj and 2j: Main Ht., lattsmouth, Nebraska. H. M. B0N8. Propnpior inn lYrkina haa Inen tliuri.ui.'lilj rnrivati'd from top tc ;,.,;:, ,;, onw one of tlie IhuI hotel) in th. tafi Iti.aril.m will l- taker !T tin- wick ai i.oH no1 GOOD BAR CONNECTED world's Fair SJ r t u n ! S3 Mil (III I -l 1 1 .. t .1." kIkhI illllf Willi II Capital of S20O and Upward Sin cena certain if iiiMlrurliiuin laitli fully followed. Coven on aeceipt of MtHtel note or poxtaKe Htaiiipa for J AlllllCHH !." k !... ;!. Chifao. !!!. WnlPd- artlyp, rrllnhlp man-aalary 7 lo mniitliijr. mill iimth-p. io irnrp.riii in ln u.n .rtmn a rrtMinmliiti Npw Voik Hmie. rrtrrrnrr. MAMfAllI kIK, Uick H'.i t'. Npw nrk. U) siiii:ks Hultrr, KtfK, ('heene,(Vilil (lame, I'oiiltry, Meiib Applea I'otaloea (ireen and DriifJ Kruile, VeelableH Cider, Hi aiiH. Wool, IIiiIi h. Tallow Mieep I'eltH, Kurn, Skitm, Tobacco, (iruitl, Flour; ll.iy, lleeawTix, FeHlh- ra. (iinaiinf, llroonicorii, hiiiI llupn. M. K. I A I. I- A W I) (ira. Com, Mrn haiit a..d MiI.hi, ' (17 Market Hlroft - "Hi. Iiil, Mo. WANTKO Ail.Tit, ynp ai'MiHlhli J with Farm pi. and hblpi'Pi.. - Cur far Parftlvti. Krank ornrliiiH, ot i'lircell, Ind. Ter., hhvh: "I iiultu ed Mr. I'inmui, whom' wife hud paralvKia in the bu r to bitv a bottle of I hauilierlaiii h A Challenoa to tlin EWIw.r. The ImrliiTH are hereby dial leiiKcd to play a yame'of ball with the printerV nine at the ball park Monday afternoon, at 4 o'clock, the clubn to be composed cxcliiHivcly of local printer and barberc. Jim I row ih not liarreil. The II. A M. band diHpeuxril :'onie excellent iniiHic to an appreciative audience l.int eveuini;. Tbee Thurnday evening open air con Hi rtrt are becoming; popular, a in chowti by the lare jatheriiii; every time the baud appear. Ivach live, energetic town Hlniuld be provided with a goo'l band, and if players could be induced to identitiy them hcIvcm with it, the citizen, ir, the recipientM of the licne. fit accruing from the oran iation, nhould hcp that the enter- prme ih maintained without bcin. uh irt often the cane, an ac tual ex penne to the mc inhcrx. Win. II Jl'ool, ex-rejfifter of deedc, ii in the city to-day, calling on old friendx. Look out fcr JOE'S Grand Fall Opening he will announce exac date within a few Jays Leoture . fiuckner, will , to uiotherH Rev. lecture ladicn, Sunday nitrht, Sept. ll, o'clock at Went Oak street church all are tnvited delivered and Voiini; at Mr. and Mrn. Win. O. Srrwin Axhland, are vihiIimlc with th family if Dr. SaliMbury. WITHOUT PAIN An lmpon.nl Dlaeovary by a German fcurgnon Dr. C. D. Sleich, of Merlin, claims lo have made a valuable dincovery lie HiiyM that if Himplf water tie injected under the akin with h eyrine the fleidi at that point ih rendered iiiHeiiHible to pain J 1 1 m plan ih to lirnt make the nkm at the point of injection nutirteptic render it iuHetiHible to pa'tlH, find then inject the water and proceei wnn i lie operation. Wl uiHtunce ih (fiven in to-d..j h I. en in which th operation wn HiicceHHlully per formed. jne, Mnri oi i ii'lerwear, ih larger nod better than before and price IcHHthan laM year. Mualc Laaaona. .'iimh ,'iary iiiani win return in a i'w ilayn, from her vinit to Iter home in Canada, and will rcHiiint KiiiiK oiUMic Ii-hhoiim next week1 All pupiU expecting t take Ii-hmoiih w ill pleane leave order- with J. I YoliMH. 41 Nolica to Coal Con.uman I will fu rn ih the bent of coal of ill rradert to thone w ho pay me, but thOHe wlio wihIi to run wnyt winded at count i don t want. -h I have to pay (or what I K''t I miiHt iitHint on ay lor what I m-11. AH tliooe wlm know tlieiiiHilveH iinlebted to m will pleane pay by the lath of Sep. teiniM-r an I iniiHt have inoiiev to pay for winter coal, 1 I MOT II Y Ct.A krK. Di aler in Aiii!o.n ite mid Hiiumi nouit coal and wood. (Mine and ard 404 South llnrd nt. telenhooc i'lattHiliotilh, Neh. If I have been troubled with chronic catarrh for yearn. Kly'H Cream I tilt 111 in the only remedy Hiiiung the many that I have lined that alfordn nie relief. K. W. Willard, Druim. Jolietl, III. My Him Iiiih been ufllicted with nanal catarrh niuce iiuile yotinr 1 wan induced to try Kly'n 'ream llalui, and before he IiikI lined one bottle that diHatfreeable ciitarrhal Hinell had nil left him. lie appear a well im anyone. It in the bent catarrh remedy in the market. - J.C. ( llmntvad, Areola, III. - Capt. W. A. Abbett, who Iiiih lon been with Mennrn. I'recival and ll.illui' Keal Kntale and Innii.'auce lirokern, Den Moinen, Iowa and in one of the bet known und munt re- npected Iiuhiim-hk men 111 that citv I'ain llalin. To their reat nuprine j H.iyn: "lean tentify to the kI liefoif1 the bottle hail Mil been lined iUalilieH of I luimberlain nhe wtui 11 rciit deal bitter. Her lai r had been drawn to one fide; but the 1'ain Malm relieved all pain and norenenH. and the mouth Annulled it natural ulnipe." It in nlrto a certain cure for rln iiiiiiili-111 lame buck, cpriiinn Hwrllinun and )ilineneM. .V) rent Ix.ttirn lor mile iy F. Ci. Fnckc A l n., Dnimjifl. I oiluh Kemedv. Having lined it in my family for the pant eijfht yearn, I can Hiifely nay it Iiiih no npial for either cold or crouo." fill cent lmt tie for nale by K. O. Fricke A Co., Driitfintn. New (ioodn arriving every day at jOli'S the one price clothier. If J , rr.a. Y hkitv 1 1 lhi- : BY I'ANHY.' ' Minn Kate Johnke in vinitintf her ninter and other relatives at Avoca. The C'aetuH Hlonnom Concert Co. apjieared in Murray on hint Tuen ilay -vroi(r - Minn J.otla Dean departed Thurn day to attend nchool in Michigan thin coining year. ' Mr. Jonejih Moil started hint Thurnlay eyeninijf!frtr Cincinnatti, Ohio, to fiuinh bin courne in medi cine. A very enjoyable time wan npeut hint Friday eveniii); at . Mr. U. V. Dean'n by the youtiuf iieorile of Murray. Our nchooln, which wan to bejfin Monday Ii.th been poHtpnncd an other week on account of repairing not beinjr fininhed. Mm. J. A. Kankin returned from an extended vinit in I'cnn. to which place nhe wan nuddently called by the death of her ninter. A general nuppcr will Ije e;iven in the United I'renbyterian church by the youtiyf people on Sept. Kit li. A general invitation to everyone. A name of ball between Murray ami I milt: liiuciion ooyn u.ir. lyed lafd S.iturday iiftenioou re- nulling in victory for the Junction oy n. Monday of thix week, the M. I' line of railway wan completed from Omaha to Union, and we undcr ntood wan turned over to Mr. Clark, we hope to nee retrular train on the ri.ad at once a it will lie a creat benefit both to our merchant au mail route. Mr. and Mm. Frank Mamhall were very agreeably nurprined hint Wednenday evening, it being their tenth wedding anni vcmary. Ouite a number of young people from thin neighborhood thought they would nurprine them. Henri1 wending their way to the Mamhall home they found the hont feeding ho swine and the rent of the family ready to retire. Hut we all went in and they were informed they ha been married ten yearn, which they had alumni forgotten Some tin ware wan left an meinenlon of the ocean. 11, and at a late hour the crowd bade adieu to hont and hontenn, winhing Mr. and Mm. Mar nhall many more happy mile-ntoiu in their journey of wedded life. Wealher Report fur AuguaU Firnt Kt',2p. in. Light rain the afternoon. Third N(5,''p. in. Fourth - )l , 'J p. m. Seventh U2,Z p. m. Kij lull- 7 a. in.; fHC.'Jp, in. 2, H p. ni.; ilaily mean tempera lure, SZ2". Ninth til 3, 2. p, 111.; light thun der HtntTti in the forenoon. Tenth HI 0,2 p. ,. r-leventh Light thunder ntorm 1. in. Thirteenth .." C , "2 p. m. Fourteenth N7S, 'I p. m.; light thunder ntorm in the afternoon. "A ' LOOZ: CTJT ITjaSlB IT (fi W Grand Fall and Winter Opening About Sept. 1591 ; Fifteenth thunder ntorm, '2 in. Seventeenth (l0, p. n,.; light rain at night. F.ighteenth ICiej p, m.; thunder ntorm, F'H in. Ninetecntll 01 " , 'i p. 111. Twentieth Light rain. 1 wemy urni 1 niuioer Moral, ill Twenty. necoud 4H 2 , 7 p. m.; light ram. Iwentythird 4e, hrnt light front. twenty fourth :i:,7p. in.; light front. Tweiity-nixth Rainy day, r, in. I weuty-Hevenlh Liphl rain in (h (orenoon. At (it HT, IKH. Monthly mean temperature, tSMiC. Highent temperature, llhi, 7th. Other high temperatliren: IWCi Mh.: U."iO, ;tth mid iMh. liwent temperature, ifltc, IMth. Other low teinjieratureH: ,Zh; 4S 5 , !d. kaiufall, :t'a in. kainy dayn, 12. Number of thtinderntorniH, L Number of clear day, 4. Number of fair dayn, 12. N umber of cloudy day h, X Direction of wind, couth cant. Firnt light front, 23d; alno 011 24th. Al cit HT, IS1 Monthly mean temperature, IK) S . Highent temperature, I(rj5,2d. Iowent temperature, 4." 5, 22d. kaiufall, .V:l in. The dilference between Aiigunt, "i , nun yxuiini, -i't : 1 ni' vegeta tion (I!)) wiih dried out. nlreaum Htnall, HpringH and well drving out, and Home well already drvi the ground cracked and the road Uncommonly dimly. Of the other, (IHUI), the vegetation green and frenh, Htreamn' and reekn' bank full, well and ( interim full, little or no dunt to b the road. Opera House Corner Plattsmouth, Neb. i!a MlEIRICIHlAiNITIS 1 1 1 1 SUMMER A XI 1 PALL O.P'JIIVGS are isrow oisr. Place an 'ad' n The HERALD And frlvc the neode vour 4 w prices AND HELP YOUR TRADE Heeii 111 Imr Met ween FitJigeraldH cor- ner mid corner of Seventh and Film, ntreet probably at or near punt of fice a paper back iuntrumeiitiil inunic book. Finder tileane leave at M. Mnir'n opposite punt oilier. 2,. HENRY BOECK The Leaning FURNITURE DEALER AND UNDERTAKR. Cnnntantly krep on hind everytbinx jou ociyl to furniah jrour home. COHNKH HIXTU AND MIN HTHKtT Plattsmout - Neb Hair (vbaiiin. rinyn, cronnen ail hair work 'of all kiudn to order. MrVH. A. K.NKK. t' 17.'i lAJCUHt St. LadieH, among that nample rine Hre Home of the Intent nhoen you ever laid eye on Win. Ilerold So tf Uniting find piecing, comforting and entry patch work and carpet rag newing nnlmf jeti.ril v done by Mr. Vroinan. ."ii:t Not .h .Slh ntreel, riattNutouth, Neb. if Always take your to Mrown & Marrelt'n. prcHcriptiouH tf HARNESS! HARNESS, AT- FRE D Tliu only Jinjileiiieiit ileiilt r w GORDER 10 Iihh iiiiuli! u Hiifci'HH in CaH County -O Till: bent of liamcHH, boll, double and ningle may be found at my Htoreand everything in the hamenn line alno buggien and carriage- which are lirnt clan in every renp.H t, being the light,-,!, nlrongent add canient 1 idiuj; veliielen 011 earth. . I ALSO have a large lot of Sehutler, Moliue. Main and Sterling wagons Spring wagon, road cartn, and plown of all dim ription. Plattsmouth - - - - NphriVo J W HEN DEE DKAI.l-k IX HARDWARE, STOVES & IRON pUMP3, TINWARE ETC. hpot va$u mm rmy4 mnmmn -o(K)(o She in a winner. Wi1 ri'dite. imp ,vp;....u 1 not becanne .mi,.,o,K. .1" .... . auni- we can altord too I.".- rredit n,i,;nha,7an'H,!md i," NOT LNuV-AT sl you a few- nu.re prieen that may interent you ;oldeu machine oil .... (anoluie .... Warranted Hay Fork -2.1 Ml odd ni.e carriage boll . Another lot of clollu-n wringer Carpet tack . . . . long give ....p. Piiive at com to clone. Folding ironing- boardn Hlk bat h wire (ialvaniir.ed barb wire - . . . Ment and cheapcM line of tinware in (hi h at 2c per gal 1 ic " " " :t.V eaidi !k per hundred - 2.1(1 go at lc per paper 117c - :i. 70 per hundred 4.:i5 " " city. -00O00- C;;iv in and him l1 II M'lii.ftlt.i.- ; a t ketneniberlli.il .... n. ... ' ' " 01 ".' .. 1 "" oi nave you inouev everv tun.. oHrgain, - j not liverylhing 1 NOT - ONE -CENT-ON - TIME. :). j.