The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, September 03, 1891, Image 3

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    t W1
f LCinrediecficjt recalls fteroiovievi
i i ..yf ft
ri B id fijosg
l:."pS?KrXV Hawloyqf since departed, we
hm l-n pay and we ke;
- As soo as off ered
Il3ri US
N.K.Fai rban k & Co., C H ICAGO.
J. I). UIUVRSl&c'J.SP.
HOOKS, HLINDS.and all building material
Caxll and see us at the
11th and Elm street,
north of llciscl's mill.
Everything to Furnish Your House.
Having diii cluc(l the J. V. AWckbach More room on nouth
Mi. til street whrre I am now
oi ik the eheaDcftt havinir
c " '.iv -A'oocl ever brought to
f id furnitrre of nil kinds sold
F Q -RmcmK $ C2
A Full and Complete line of
Drugs, Medicines, Paints, and Oils.
Prescriptions Carefully Compounded at all Hour
Kcinembrr tli;it k
(). C'.i-tU .V
And (iuarai'.tce Satisfaction iu nlljiliin
EXT blKJTHslUt, M Vturm hnr Tort frlrs WU
&r?le steles i. w
i ijt "t "i'mj r r
ThcSraokeanJfteSrncllihairny .
day of SS And .,
rnn;patienr Antfiiin.
corner of
one hloch
modkkn -
located I can hell goods cliea
iut nut in the iarirewt ntock
the city.
fianoline stove
on the installment plan.
Co li.iw
an ilium ii-e ctock of
f .
j1 ' M
Iti' In the c.viton of Sch
n nieuury of ita iudcpeui"
tioii und on the bull of August t'n civ
of Kerne celebrated thesevi-ti hushed:!! !
anniversary of the foundation of tlie
town. Thin isanuntiuty wliii-.Hi rende-a
beyond the legendary epoch, for Uorne
wit founded in 1101, and t o famous
hunter of L'ri is said to navel flourished
in 1307, and to have been a member of
the League of the Three Cojutotis Uri,
Kcliwyt and L'nterwalden (which final
ly drove the Austrian froimtbe Alps.
But the Tell legend, likoj go uiauy of
the old and new historio kilos, Is now
generally abandoned. It wn olmerved
that the old Swiss chroniclers did not
mention the story, and ita first full state
ment did not occur until the middle of
the Sixteenth century. This covered it
with a certain suspicion, which has
gradually developed with the demonstra
tion that the "Tell, tale" is one of the
legends common to the Aryan people,
nd is found in its chief elements in the
Persian, Icelandic, Danish and English
poetry, tradition, saga and ballad.
It is none the less an inspiring and
symbolic tale of heroism, and the same
tendency of history to legend is curi
ously Illustrated in this country by the
story of the mysterious white haired
warrior who suddenly appeared In Hart
ley during an Indian attack upon the
Tillage tn King Phillip's war and led
the villagers to victory. Mr. George
Sheldon, of Deerfield, Moms., in a paper
published a few years since, traced the
story to a foot note in Hutchinson's his
tory referring to a legeud iu Governor
Leverett's family. Out, examining dates,
he discredits the story. Yet the figure
of the regicide cannot be dislodged from
the popular imagination, nor Hudley di
vested of the charm of the tradition.
William Tell and the regicide are as im
mortal as the heroes of Homer. Har
per's Weekly.
Forgot th. Hoy.
Occasionally a very nervous man will
make A public exhibition of himelf.
Burn an instance occurred in a Nassau
street restaurant Friday noon. A gen
tlemanly apiKiaring man was observed
by one or two patrons of the place to
leave bis table abruptly, hasten to the
cashier's desk, pay his bill and to almost
run out of the restaurant Beyond in
dulging in the reflection that it was
pretty warm weather to travel under
such a full head of steam, the observers
paid no attention to the man's behavior
at the time. After a latise of eight or ten
minutes, however, the same man came
back into the restaurant breuthluss and
Hurriedly scanning the occupants of
the room, bis eye rested npon a well
dressed boy almut ten years old who was
giving his undivided attention to a huge
section of watermelon. The nervous
man pounced npon the boy and ex
claimed half apologetically! "Why,
Tom, I forgot all about yon and came
tery near going up town without yon.
Were yon frightenedr
"Not a bit, uncle!" responded the lad
cbeerf ally. "1 felt sure you would conie
back, so 1 ordered another piece of
watermelon, which yon can pay for."
The nervous man fidgeted about until
tho boy finished his melon, and then he
would have gone away without paying
for it bad not the boy reminded him in a
high soprauo voice that he owed the res
taurant keeper ten cents. New York
Country ItocrulU fur th Army.
Those whose busmen has called them
during the pat year to the conntry vil
lages and "nimors" cannot have failed
to notice the very highly colored posters
adorned with pictures of men in blue, on
foot and mounted, that have been freely
distributed in the country towns to al
lure young men from the farms into the
service of the standing army of the
United States. This is a changing of the
work of the recruiting ofilce from the
citieatolh country which cannot fail
to be of marked benefit to the personuel
of the army. There would seem to be
no reason why service in the standing
army should not be made sufficiently
attractive and honorable to make possi
ble the filling of the ranks with men who
would be a credit to the country, and of
adequate service to it wheuever there is
need to inaka use of its soldier. Wor
cester (Mas.) Kpy.
Hoy Rohliwr. In t'raiir..
There h1 jir Ixn ditieoveretl near
Nog'iit-siir-.Mariie a baud of lioy role
bers, who plundered untenanted villas
and hid their booty in a rave, like Ali
Hxlia s Forty Thieve. The chief of the
burglarious confederation is a youth of
fourteen nnmed Vincent Legimid. lie
was captured in a field, and ave in
formation alnjut Ins companions, who
were arrested by the gendarmes as they
were preparing to enter their tavo. Two
of the precK:loiis rascal were only
eleven. They lately hail entered a villa,
and had abstracted therefrom a heap
of pru minus alel a UlHo (j;l.itll-l!y of
wine and lupieurs. Paris Cor. London
tfirrtltvd ky llltil.
Under the caves of the Schneiler
builditiit there Is a bird K.x which is in
liiibited bv sparrow. The other iiinrii
ing the bird cisilly and delilsrately
haiiK' d nun of t tn-ir liniiils r fr s.'inu
o.Tense, gii'-pciidiiig it on a thread by the
neck until ditith ensued. The birds
then tried to cut their dead companion
down, and picked Its neck in their etforls
to do so nntil it was much mutilated.
They failed to accomplish their object,
however, and the body was removed by
one of the spectators. Lock HaveiilPa.)
Deiii' s'rat.
Aliunt t.p Vr.
February, 1WI2, will have twenty-nine
days; In other words. lS'.i'J will bo a leap
year Tba rule Is that all years whose
liuures. r date iiiiiiiIhts, are divisible
without i-xuiainder by four are leap
years, excepting the century years,
which are hvip yars only when they aro
divisible without remainder by 400. For
instance, Ihoo was in.i a b ap year, and
will B it be, but 2''H) will bo. New
York Sun.
Are atiuu ; t!it th one ht kuAs tut
iu extra on Una ry anodyne ami eitwctunwl
quaiiUei is Ayer'i Cberry federal, for
u9;irly half a Mutiny Uii preparation lias
W-ii ui ! -aster demand thsn tity oUw rrn-erlj-
(or old j. cough, bruuctilUa, and pul
Bioiiary anipllnt In general.
' I Buttered for more Uian eight mouth
from a severe cough accomiauied with liein
nrrhage of the Iuiiijj and the expet'turMlon
ot matter. The pliysiclJiria gave me up, but
my uruHgUt prevailed on me to try ,,i .
Cherry Pectoral.
I did so, and soon beitan to .j.iaive; taj
Iuiiks healed, the counh c i d I be
came stouter and healtlil"! i!i.'c nave ever
been before. I would nnnjes' .at Uie name
ot Ayer'i Cherry f v.Uhh! m changed to
Elixir of Ufa, for It rtainiy saved my Ute."
-K. J. Olldnn. Balto, b'.icnos Ayreg.
"A few years ago I took a very bad cold,
which settled on my Innirs. I had night
sweats, a racking cough, and great soreness.
My doctor's medicine did me no good. I
tried many remedies, but received no bene
fit i everybody despaired of my recovery. I
was advised to use Ayer's Cherry fectoral,
snd, as a last resort, did so. From the first
dose I obUned relief, and, after using two
bottles of It, was completely restored to
health." F. Adams, New Gretna, N. J.
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral,
ruriiiT) bt
Dr. J. 0. A TEH ft 00., Lowell, Mass.
Bold br all DruggUU. Pric 11 ; sli boHlg., .
Bucklen'e Arnica Salve.
Tiik Bkst Sai.vh. iu the woiid furCiiU
Uruiws, Sons. Ulcers, HaltHheum. Fevol
Hores.T-tter. Chapped Hands, Chilblains,
Corns, nd all Hkin TSiuptions, and posi
tively rur"S Piles, or uo pay required.
It is gimninleeii tn (five stistiiciion, ot
money rdumle'l. Price 'i't cents per box
For sale by ?. 0. Prick i' & Co.
tli)llll ii-rl :i l il a Da,
"Myntic Cure" for rltt-n iti;i1 inrn and
ncuriily in rndicall y rum) in 1 to 'A
fin vh. I fx ;u l ion iijhhi tin Kyxlein in
remnrknlile iitid myHtcrioiiH. It rc
inoveM nt once the cnunc utid I lie li
himhi- iiniiH'diali-ly (liHH!i)ciir.
Tlir lirrt do-if ifn-atly licurlitx. 7."ic
Sol'l lv V. G. Fi ickc. nruiriririt. wt
A Fatal Mistake.
I'liVKicianx make no mure fatal
mistake than when they inform pa
tient that ihtvoiih heart trouble
come from the Htomach and arc til
little conMcciicnce. Dr. Pranklin
Mile, the notcil Indiana Hpcc ialiet,
hae proven the contrary in hi new
hook tm "Heart IliteaHc" which may
In had free of K. G. Prickc A Co.,
who tfiiiirantee ami recommend Dr.
MiIi-h uui-uiiallcfl new Heart (lire,
which hint the larent Halt of any
heart remedy in the world. Itcun-a
ficrvoiix and organic heart (1 incase,
Mhort lireatli. tlutterinjr, pain fir ten
dcrni'Krt in the Hiile,nrm oruhoulder,
irregular pulHi-, laititinvr. Htnother
inf, dropny, He. Hirt keMtorative
Nervine curen headai lie, lit m. He.
Cootf Looks,
(, ood look art more than Hkiu
deep, deqendinir upon u healthy
condition ol all the vital oran.
If the I.iver be inactive' you have
ii Milioim Iiok, if your Htomach
he atfeeted you have a DvHpeptic
Look and if hour KidueyH lie elfected
vov w ill have it I'ineheil Ixiok. Se
cur iood health and von will have
iffiixl look, Kleetric ftitter i the
'Teat alterctive mid Ionic act
directly on thoe vital orLran
Cure Pimple, Mlotche, HoiUand
irive a trofid complexion. Sold at
G. Pricke A Co' Druj;tore, ."UK'
per bottle:
How to Succeed,
'I hi i the ifreat prohleni of life
which few Hiitifactoril v eolve,
Some fail liccniirtc of ill health, oth
er want fit lui k. hut the maonty
from inullicieut jrtt want ol.nerve
'I heyare nervoii. irreolute,chaiii;e
able, eaily iret the blue and "take
the epirit flown to keep the spirit
up," thu wat ing money, time, tip
I it t ii 1 1 1 1 V and nerve force. There i
iinlliinK like the Ketorative .Ner
vine, di-fover'-d by llu o-real pe
eixlixt. Dr. Milew. to cure all nervull
dieae. a headache, the blue
nervoii tiroxlration, IeepleiieH
netiralijia. St. Vitus dance, tit and
livxteria. Trial bottle mid line
book of free at P. I
Priche A Co.'.
f'ronoiin-el HofilM, Yi S.vmt
From a letter written by lr. Ada
I'.. Iliir.S r.f (rt)tnti, S. P .wonnle:
ti- taken w ith a bad cold, w hich
Hctib'dou mv limiff, ffiiigh net in
md linally tcriiiinatcil in coiisump-
tion. l-oiir ilnclors nave me up ea
ino I could live but a fhort time. 1
gave uiVMelf up to mv Saviour, de
termined it I count not stay wun
mv friend on earth, I would meet
my aliHcnt one above. Jly hu
band wa advined to get Dr. King
New liiKcovcry (or coiiHiiinption,
cough and cold. I gave it a trial,
took ill all eight bottle; it hartCUlcd
me aud thank (bid I am now a well
urn! beartv woman." Trial bottle
free ui F." (!. Friekc it Co.' drug
More, regular i.e. ."inc. and JI.OI.
For 21 vear JoHcph ;Shera, ff
Ko k Ulna" ha been engaged ill
the hiiMinc o( selling tner
cliandiHc at that place, and to day
be carrie a laige and complete
tm k ol grocerie and general r-
chandi-e which he can .'ell cbeaiier
than any cnnipi-tclor foi she fol
lowing good reason. I'e pay
no citv tae. He pa I j house
reht. 'lie. with hi l.imily ii t 'id to
hi bueincH. Hi larm ( iilehes
nil hi need and more too. t'onse
iUeutly it i hard to linden - II him.
lie keep roiiHlantly on 'and a
large supply of tbnir ami tin "1 H
i alive, mid a let live man.
Wonderful Succoss-
car ago the Mailer I'rop.
Co.' ordered their bottle by t c bo
- now they buy by the rt. load.
Among the popularaml urcc.eful
remedie they jirepare i Midler's
Sarsapai ilia V Hurdock whii h i
the muni wonderbil Idood purifier
known. No dniggit hesitates b
recommend thi remedy.
For aale by druggit.
Cantoria ia Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants
and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor
other Narcotic Bubstanc. It Is a harmless substitute
for Paregor'c, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor U,
it is ricasant,. Its guarantee is thirty years use By
Millions of Mothers. Castor-la destroys Wornws aud allays
foverlshncss. CuHtorU prevents vomiting Sour Curd,
cures Diarrhaja and Wind Colic. Castorla relieves
teething troubles, cures constipatlea and flatulfjucj..
Castorla assimilates the food, rcrulat the stomach i
and bowels, giving healthy and natural fcJeep. Cas
toria is the Children's panacea tha Mother's Friend.
Castnria t an utMxUot madhriM for eVin
dren. Va(hM bare rerwatodty sold ma of Its
gtxKl tOaci pr tKr .Uldnia."
Da, O. & Osoood,
LowWl, Haas.
PMtnrta Isihe but wmedy loe oWldren ot
which I am acquainted. I bene the day taunt
far dlatat when motkOTS wflleoav jrter the rtai
Intent of their ehdrm, and an Cawtoria ln
lead of Um vartoua quack txattnmis which an
destroytng ftrntr lorl onm, ky f or. hift opium,
morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful
agent down Uwtr throata. thetvby mauUog
them tu premature gTavea."
Da. J. F. Kiifoticuic,
Conway, Ark.
The CenUnr Company, TI
AArwiV YV -.iUU,. WaV w Y AJy 11VJ1
Sbe i ii winner. We reduce our
not beciine Homebody compel iih
time credit niiin Hint can Htand it
you a few more prices that may interest you:
Golden machine oil
Warranted Hay Fork -
2,1)111) odd size carriage botn -
Another lot of clotheH wringera
Carpet tack -
Cook Htovea at cowt to clone.
Folding ironing hoarda
Hlk barb wire
(ialvani.efl barb wire
Hot and rhciipenl line of tinware in the city
' .., ,()()( x )
Come in ami see iin whether you an in need of any good or not
Remember that we can und will nave you money every time. Kverything
a baruaiu,
A sirlelly frit ela" nci' lilne. fully warra.i
i-rt. Vl.nle Irom the very licit instenal b
kllieil workmen, and Willi the heat tools lnal
iiave ever heMii ilevied for the piirisi'. War
rnnied m .in nil Hint cr. rcvnunbly e:a
p4l l lii verv bitst tvuewrller extant.
I'aimtileof wrtilinr ' IM words ner inntit i
more aetfordliik to '.lie atilllty of the opera!'
Ifttieie Is no aitent In your town addreM th'
Tllh PAltlSH M'f'll ('(I.
Agents si"d Parish N, Y.
F. . 8EELKMIKE, Agent.
I.incola, Neb,
Dr. Grosvenor's
Hltmimatlitn. siwirftlrls. nlrnirlnratift lumltsr
riif.l at onw. 0'nn fur wlw liv .11 llntrr'.l
.? et '. I.vmiU, T.bUr u, ii
Im. W Kmmt. hM,4. Cnfnff..l,,
MfvlwlM..! IrMn.JtMfMI. SoMhy 9. HUMI.mlf . CDCC
t) tU.i, lit lt, Will. t kM .1 w I
.1 llkb
rilrtarfl filitl lxnt if ill htaf.
l'riNiMii 1uiiiiiiiI frth.
Mr rU 1 to Hrslura Ory
imir io ita yoiiiniiu voior.
Cuias tea p 1 1 k hair (ii(ii(.
sV-' l 'Sis! l'f y"i
V . I I..,;'.. 1 1,1. ,':,. i l ,,,.,inn,
tin' ' III I I'UVi
'till, 'I k tllttiiif)Vitl
inl? surf ftirf !'r Citi
or UlDtOX CO., N. V
p- -'"it?
- n-.
f - .'I
1 .. .."!---.f"-. .. . .-r V
Castoria. ;
Cartaria ia so mil adapted to chSdna that- .''
I nwuaiaand k Mwpxrkjr toauf pwitfrtptloi . '
kaown to ma."
B. A. Aaoaaa, H. D ...
Ill So. Oxford St., Urooaiyn, X Y.
" Our phyiioiAM in ttw blldraa's depart
ment have apoua hiRha td tiwir wpeti
no hi Utttr uteld pnuMw wttta Oaatorta,
tuul alehoush w oah ham among our
medical suppaas wha Is kaowa as ratrultf
produola, yt we are frwe to toabim that th
merits of Cantoris has won us to look with
favor upon It."
Usirm Uoaptrai, and Disptuiaiar,
Boaton, KaaSL
Aixas C. Smith, v..
Mnrray Street, New York Wty,
price bei utiHi we cim afford too,
too. Wbere in the high price, lonjr
ce, Ion1;
We give
U l Ii.
etill goeH at 2()c per gal
I4c " "
" " :iric each
W)c per hundred
- 2.10
Mtill go at lc per paper
- 7c
3.70 per hundred
4.35 "
WaK'in and Itlairksmltli sIhim
Wafon, Buggy, Machine and
plow Hepairiui- donl"f
He uses the
Which is the best horseshoe for the
farmer, or for fast driving, or for citj
purposes ever invented. It u so made
that anyone cr.n put on sharp or fiat
corks, as needed' for wet and slippery
days, or smooth, or? road. Call at
his shop and examine the kkveksi.ip
nd you will use no other.
12 North Fifth Ht. riattsmouth
The Leading
Constantly keeps on hand everything
you need to furnish your house.
Plattsmout - Neb