Plattsmouth Daily Herald ' "oL jutltfe of supreme court, ' the question natutany sini she affirm, or net aside tlie decisions KNOTTS BROS, Publishers PuolNhed every Thursday, land dally every evening eicrpt Sunday. IteKisterrd t tli l'lattstnomh, Nel. pot ofllcefor tnnsmiqion through the U.V'S. malls t Heeond ela rnte. OfTlee corner Vine nnd Fifth Htreets. Telephone 38. TKKMlt FOR WF.KK1.T. One copy, one year. In advance. .. .... ...$16ft One copy, one year, not In advance 2 00 One cony, six monthf. In advance 75 One civ. three month. In advance. ... 40 TKKMH FOB DAIL One cop one year in advance 96 00 One copy per week, by currier ... .... la One copy, per mouth no of her husband the (to be) judeof the district court. We believe the old man would tf't a net back if hi vivacious spouse could nee her way clear to do it. MONDAY, AUGUST 31. 191. REPUBLICAN STATE CONVENTION The republican electors of the state of Nebraska are requested to send delegates from their several counties, to meet in convention in the city of Lincoln. Thursday, Sep tember 24, 1WM, at 10 o'clock a. m. for the purpose of placing in nomi nation candidates for one associate justice of the supreme court, and two members of the board of re gents of the state university, and to transact such other business as maybe presented to the convent ion. TIIK APPORTIONMENT The several counties are entitled to representation as follows, beinjr based upon the vote cast for Hon Geo. 11 Hastings, for attorney-g'eii-eral in l-v'.Hi -riving one deleate-at-larne to each county, and one for each l."V) votes and the major frac tion thereof: cju'Nti r.. Adams Arthur Artelope ItllllKI Hyd HI. tint- HllOIlf llOX lilltlK Itrown 4 Kulfulo 10 Butler Kurt mi Oass 11 Cedar -i 1F.I.. 'OI!.NTIK. .11 .lollllKOII. . 1 Kearney .. Cliase Cheyenne Cherry Clav Colfax Cniniut; Custer Il.tkota Dawf!- I :WrOll 1 Mitel DlXiMl I oil e Ioui:las Dundy i'Keya Paha.. Hi Keith I Kimball 2i Knox Lancaster l.i coin Loan Loup Madison Me!'l:erson. . Merrick v since. Nemaha Nuckolls i toe Pawnee... . Perkins fierce Pheliis Pi;itte Polk . 7Ked Willow . : Kichaidsoi . li'Kock .lljSaline .t"ji Sarpy nsauiiciern :l .VI IH.I.. Mi ti . S . 4 . 'J . t . ! . ! . 3 . 3 . A . 4 . 5 f ! ! 3 II . 4 . K Altoiir :).(K;.I.H,) in tfold in ex cess of the .! M ),;. ,K )0 held to re deem greenbacks is in the Treasury now, and the amount is increas ing. That is inon than will ie needed to redeem tin- 4'v.-per-ceiit Iw.twla u-liieh will be presented. As usual when the Republicans are running things, the ( .ovi rmn.-nt is able to meet all its monetary nations promptly. obli- THE down east .:e ..-.'papers are making a reat stir over the wonderful and well authenticated story of the finding of a cent in a hen e--r by a New Hampshire' to impair the credit and to prevent the gTowth of Kansas by circulating . false reports as to the poverty of j the people, and by Keeking to in- j duce them to repudiate their debts. Kansas is a prosperous state in"j habited by honest people, whose in-, debtedness is, in much the greater part, for money borrowed with which to purchase or to iniprov their farms, and to the payment of; which the prolils of their farms are fully adequate. Half a dozen Peifers and Sockless Simpsons can j do more to damage Kansas in one y ear than the labors of its people have none toward improving it in six years. Kansas is what it is be cause republicans have made it what it is; ami it is a state to be proud of, not a region to be tra duced and slandered. Inter Ocean. SOU D ARK C. MAYKS ( Gonlinnes to Offer theopr 1 for inrestmenL COUNTY -HUltVHVO K AMI CIVIL KNGINKKR A county clerk will be , r.ttended to. OFFICE IN COCKT HOUSE, I'lattsmouth. - - Nebraska 19H1LIP THl. Ha Opr. -Fin est. CJoan.. SALO IN Till? Cl Where may be found cl. liquors and ciga. ANHKl TSKK HUSCH HKl.f ANI MASS' ALK WJIITK LA 14. always on hand. No Excuse for not having a Home ot Your Own. j ULIl'S PKPPKRBKRCl. ( .irnlvoroiiK Parrots. Tin- 1. m. or mountain parrot, of New Zeai.i:; ;. a ifiveiiitih-brown bird, formerly as as others of hid class, has :& velujjed a carnivorous habit as fastidious 1 as that of epicures. It used to feed o?i woman a few days ago. Over ripe the tbat grtjW iuxuriantiy on tly eggs are not uncommon in this hills, but it has changed that simple climate at the present tune ot year diet since the multiplication of sheep aiir! we stake our reputation on beimr able to find more ejrtrs with scent in them just now than any- other kind. The New Hampshire woman only misspelled the word. The Tennessee general assembly convened at noon to-day in special session to settle the questions that have irrown out of the recent trouble between miners and con- perhaps fires, too, made that natural food scarce. It now takes a terrible re venge on its unconscious enemy. Fastening itself on the back of a poor sheep, perhaps 6tuck in a snowdrift, and savagely tearing away wool, skin and flesh, it plunges its powerful beak into the kidney fat, which it devours, and then, leaving one victim to die in agony, goes off in search of another. Though it is as difficult to feel individual affection for &heep where they are slaughtered by millions as it would be to care for hogs in Chicago, the most unsentimental victs at Briceville, referring to the ibolition of the lease system and to shepherd cannot refrain from pitvin the rebuilding and enlarging of the one of his own flock that lie finds in such state prison. The lease system as a condition, and from invoking maledic now ,.t..r:.i..l vii-hls the state tions on the whole race of keas. Fillmore BjSeottV Bluff. 5 Seward .. 5j-heridan 5 Sherman ..10 v, ICUX JiStanton Thayer Thomas Thurston Vallev Washington Wayne.' V el.sfer t'WIieeler. York Fr.iiiklin. Frontier Kiinirls ll-tiru . I "lis Oartield UOsper Orant Oreely Hall Hamilton Harlan H:ye Hitchcock .... II. dt S H'iwar.1 4 H.ioker ... , 'J Jefferson ;i No vote returned. It is recomended that no proxies be addmitted to the convention, and that the delegates present be authorized to cast the full vote of the delegation. It is further recomended that the state central committee select the temporary organization of the con vention. John C. Watson, WALT.M. SEELV, Chairman. Secretary. .1:l()0,(NiO per annum, ami if it is abol ished the tax rate of the state 11111. be increased. There is a strong sentiment anion"' the members of the assembly against a change The military laws are to be changed so as to give the executive more power in emergencies like that at Hriceville. I lie body will be 111 session twenty days, but it is not thought the work before it can be attended to in that time. If not, an extraor dinary session will be called. A committee representing the miners of the state will be in constant at tendance durinir the session, their How they found out that kidnev fat was such a delicacy calf" only be com jectured perhaps in the same indirect manner in which Charles Lamb's China man discovered that young roast pig was good: a kea saw a sheep devouring hi regular supply of food and defending his property with what beak and claws he had, his tongue came in contact acci dentally with kidney fat. From that momeut the satisfaction of appetite and the gratification of vendetta were united. G. M. Grant in Harper's. Constipation and Insanity. It is now generally admitted that con stipation is productive of serious disor ders, that it aggravates other ailments, increases the susceptibility of the system being sub-leaseu to any mining comoativ that will pay for their services. THE COUNTY CONVENTION. The county convention is called for September 19th, 1S91 at Louis ville. The primaries are to be held on the 12th day of September. The basis of representation is based 011 the vote cast for attorney general at the last state election, one delegate for every ft'teen votes .and major fraction thereof, and one .at large from each ward and precinct. Liberty and Rock Bluff precinct was given their usual vote as no fair basis of appointment could be had 011 the division. Helow will be found the place and time of holding the primaries and number of delegates entitled to rep representation. rKKCINCT, TIME AXI PLACK PEL. Salt Cretk pre. at 7 p in. Oreenwood 7 South Keud at 1 p in South 15- ml 4 Louisville, at 7 ti 111 HassHir hall 7 KiuliT Mile ;r-ve :i o 4 11 1.1 Hill school hse .. 7 PluttMiru;'i pte:j;im Tavlor school house .. 7 Oreenv.-.n' 7 p m town hall 3 F.i 111 vi 01 d 7 p in 1 n'iv seliool hoiife 7 Center. 3 p 111. M .i.iey cehool house ti Mt Hea:iut. X p m (iilmore school hous 5 K.ick. M"lt. 4 p m Murray -chool hou e 8 Tipton, i 5 I' n Tidlia'l & Fullers office F.aj;le. . M.ive Creek. 7 pin U A It h-i'l Elmwooil a A' V i.rc. 1 to 3 n 111 Casca V school hou-e. .. 5 Woe 1. 3 p 111 center s-cuooi uousc Liberty. 3 p 111 Union xchool linue 1'1'ATTSMilt rn CI I V 1st ward, council chamber ;.l ward school house 3rd ward, Kicheys lumber olltce 4f Ii ward. Wetteiucamp block Mh ward school hou-e w RKri m; wai Kit err v l-t ward, i to 8. school house 5 ud v: 'd. G to H eouticll c'uimber 3 11 v . 1:. ii to f;p 111, Tifibjill t fullers office.. 3 11 timber of delegates i'rZ Plattsmouth City primaries or dered to be open at 12 o'clock 111 and continue, open until " p. m. to infectious diseases and produces a object being the abrogation of the state of general physical disturbance, lease system or the passage of such The nervous system is especially affected, laws as will keep convicts from and it must be remembered that the nervous centers are in the brain. The deleterious effects of constipation were formerly explained by the pressure of the hardened mass on the blood ves sels and nerves of the intestines. But a HE LIKES CANADA. different view is now taken. It is be- The difference in value between heveu that they are due to powerful I " i Canadian and American real estate Pius, wnicn nave oeen proven to Do along the St. Clair river is aston- developed in the process of incipient de- , . ,. . . ,. , comiiosiuoii. lung. said a well-known Do- T- , rW trMna t loiter yesterday. "A few days ago cases of constipation may result in in- I saw a piece ot tlesiraijie property 6amty. Iu some of the worst cases of for a summer residen :e 011 the bank j constipation there is a free passage of the river near Marine City, and through the compact mass, the latter hunted up the owner, but was para- aunenng 111 tmct layers to the walls of K-y.el to learn he wanted i -H) :1 M the intestines, while the patient has no .. . I suspicion of his real condition. ili.- 111 11. ituiii nun vlmii rnv 4- : - i , , . I j.xxrtu 1 'v o uiseaheb u xiut onener re- tins extraordinary price tor ilium- guIt from cousti patkm is tluQ t Q the cou proved land I happened to look Ktant use of cathartics on the part of across the river and saw a desirable I those affected. But such use is itself in location on the other side. Getting I jurious. The true course is to establish into the old sail ferrvboat I went habits that will effectually remove the tendency to constipation. The muscular Put What you are paying out j for Rent into a home. 7 per cent money for persons wishing to build in South Park. M AM'KACTUUK OK ANII ujiioi.ECfiLE mw ret mi. OK A I.Kit IN TP K CIIOfCKST Ilk'ANDS OF CIGARS Kin. 1. link or TOBACCO AND SMOKE ARTICLES always in stock COk'NTK OF MAIN A.IKOUKTII ST. 'IKMOXDS A ROOT. Look to the Future anc invest now in South Park. -0 Plattsmouth, Xebrassa TIIK I'lONKKK MKKl'IIAWT OK Carry a full stock of general mer chandise whibh the well very close. Highest price paid for all kinds of farm pro luce. Generous treatment A fair dealing is the sncret of success -o- 1HE OPPETUITITY OF A LIFE TIME. CHAS. I.. ROOT, IRST : NATIONAL : HANK OF PLATTSMOUTH. NEJJKASKA Paid up capital ... Surplus ..$10.0(10.00 .. 10.000.09 NOTARY NKDKAVKA over there and examined the pro perty. It was just what I wanted and the owner said I could have it for $T0 an acre. "Alter all. one side of the river is as good as the other for my pur pose. All 1 want is a good location en high ground, with a fine view of the river. The more tpiiet and re tired it is the better. I can make vigor of the intestines needs to be in creased by invigorating the muscular system generally with proper outdoor exercise. Youth's Companion. Laplace and Arago. Laplace was a rather email man, with a white necktie, looking very like a par son, though he was reputed to be an atheist, as indeed was the case. He was then very old, and used an old man's the round trip on the ferryboat to privilege, retiring to bed about Oo'clock. Marine City for 10 cents anv time I Arago was a fine looking man, with a want to, and there is a railway line 011 the Canadian shore, so that I am much nearer to Detroit than I would be if I lived on the American side. Detroit News. THE KANSAS REPUBLICANS. The Kansas convention of repub lican state leaarues was well at tended, and was wise in its adop tion of resolutions. It refrained from the premature labor of nomi nating a president for 1802, and, cut many soirees consecutively. very fine looking wife, and a stanch Re publican. Laplace, on the contrary, was weak, and always shifting hia politics according to the time. This led at last to such a quarrel between him and Arago that it was not usual for persons to attend the soirees of both. When Laplace was near his end Arago saw a man at his own soiree whousuallv went to his rival's, and remarked, 4iAh! he sees old Laplace is going and so he has come to me." It was usual for a visitor, when once introduced, to go regularly, and it was considered rude to La- . .. 1; 11 s .. .11 9 4 THE census bureau puts the total wealth of the United States at ??2.310.C:J.C;. which is . about ?1C3X: J.CCJ less than Senator Peffer's estimate of the mortgage indebted ness of the country. dealing with the past and present approved what it jttstlyr termed "the strong, able and successful admini stration of President Harrison.'' And. passing to the republican coadjutors of the president, added: "We recognize in the action of the members of his cabinet, and the re publican members of congress, such a wise, conservative, and patriotic policy as will insure pros perity to our country and promote the interests of all our people." No state is better qualified to speak of prosperity than Kansas, which now lias fa-111 products of the value of about $lf XC J0,C;j in excess of its home demand. Reciprocity is en larging the foreign markets for these, and protection is both in creasing the home market for what the Kansas farmers have to sell and preventing Canada and Manitoba from competing with them for pos session of it. The convention of republican leagues very properly denounced place gave only tea and coffee.but Cuvier, after his soiree was over, would sit down with a few friends to tea aud apple pie. Sedwick's Letters. A Couductor'M Pimer. A Chinaman boarded a Market street car and handed the conductor a five cent piece. That official rang np a fare on the register and, while making change for another passenger, pnt the China man's nickel in his mouth. In going around the curve by the public buildings the car gave a lurch and the conductor swallowed the coin. The fact of what the result might be to his digestion didn't eein to trouble him so much as being short iu his cash. His first move was to put the Celestial off the car, but the fare had already been registered and he spent the remainder of the trip in trying to figure whether he was five cents out or five cents in, or both. Philadelphia Record. Misunderstood. Jennie (gushingly) Have you ever eeen the Catskills in September? Oldboye (slightly deaf) I kill 'em all the year round, miss. They die just as easy in August as in September. Pitts- the demagogues who are striving burg Bulletin. Among other reasons why it is better to invest iu South Park than elsewhere in the city, are these: Property is more saleable if you wish to sell, more rentable if you wish to rent; if looking for an in crease in other part of the city will compare with it in prospect The 5th ward composed largely of South Park, less than three years igo could hardly muster up a vote it the last general election the vote was Y.VJ and all were not polled. It nas ueen less tnan two years since the city invited us into the corpor ate limits, yet we have over one hun dred newly built house ond others in process of construction, owned. with few exceptions, by the parties now living in them. This part of the city has a slore water mains, electric arc litrhts. church and school priveledges and a new church edifice just erected of which the whole city is proud. Plattsmouth's steady growth for five years past almost doubling its Doiutlat ion : the advance stand it has taken regarding public im provements, the certainty of a new $S0,(XX) court house; the completion of the great Missouri Pacific rail way into this city, giving us anoth er great trunk line and competing market; the constant increasing pay roll of the C. Ii. & Q. shops, to gether with many other well known a a reasons, assure a steauy anu permar nent advance in realty, which will doubtless effect South Park more favorably than any other portion of Plattsmouth. With a view to the encouragement of a still greater growth of thin part of the city, we will continue to -sell lots on monthly payments, furnish money with which to erect houses will ex change lots for other improved city property or for desirable improved or unimproved lands. It is not so much the speculator as the permanent resident that we wish to purchase this disirable property. Out of over eighty pres ent owners of South Park property none are speculators hence there are 110 fictitous values and lots are selling at about the price they were iminediatly after it was platted a strong argument why the present is a most desirable t:me for investments. Much addi tional. information regarding South Park may be had by calling at my office on Main street over Bank of Cass County. XL B. WINDHAM. UCKVVKILKR A LUTZ, Offers the very let facilities for the promp transaction 01 liitiinat; Banking Business ritockf. bonds, irold. government d local juritien Imunlil :.nd sold. Deposits receivet! md interest allowed 011 I lie certiUcite Drafts drawn. aviilUlde iu any part of tlie United Statee and all the principal towns 01 3urope. lOtLKC'TIONrt MAIIK AMI I'KOMI'TLY REMIT TKII. Highest market price p.-dd for County War rants, Mate milt county nouae. DIKKCTOKS John Fftz?rald V. IIawkworth 8am Wautfli. F. K. While Georco K. uovey ohn Fitzgerald. 8. Waugh. President Ca I 'ei- yHK CITIZKNS HANK. PLATTSMOUTH - NEBRASKA Oayltal stock paid in $5" 0 1 Authorized Capital, $100,000. (Successor to) SOKN.MCIISKX & SCIIIRK. TIi- WaMiingttoti Avenue G- 3R. O O E Irt S AMI Provision Merchants. Headquarters for FLOUR AND FKKI) We pay no rent and boII for CASH. You don'tfpay any bills for dead beat when you buy of tins firm. officers fBANK OAKKUTli. JOS. A. CONNOK, President. Vlce-Presldin W. H. OU8HING. Cashier. DIRECTORS sfraiik Carruth J. A. Connor, F. K. GuthionM J. W. Johneon, Henry BuKck.JoliD O'Keefe W. I). Merriam, Wm. Wetencanip. W. H. Gushing. I'RANSACTSIA GENERAL BANKING BUSiNES sues ceitificates of deponits bearing interest Buys and sells exchange, county aud city 1 . The best SOFT COAL always on Hand. DONT FORGET AT TIIK ' 5 COKlsrBR;S 5 THE LEADING GROC ER B ANK OK CASS COUNTY Cor Main and Fifth street. t'aid up capital S50 000 Surplus liS 000 0. H. Parnele President Fred Gorder Vice Presidant j. M. Patterson Casheir T. M. Patterson, Aest Cashier DIRECTORS 0. H. Parmele. J. M. Patterson, Fred Gorder, A, B. Smith, K. B. Windham. B. S.Kamsey and T. M.Patterson k GENERAL BANK1KC BUSINESS TRANSATED Accounts solicited. Interest allowed on time deposits and prompt attentiongiven to all bus iness entrusted to its care. HAS THE MOST COMPLETE STOCK IN THE CITY. EVERVTHING - FRESH - AND - IN - EEA30N ATTENTION' FAKMEK3 I want your Poultry, Kgs, Mut ter and your farm produce of all kinds, I will pay you the highest cash price as I am buying lor a firn in Lincoln. SIXTH STREET "-tLl 1 Hi rTOXlliN , F. IL KLLKXBAUM, Prop The best of fresh meat always found in this market. Also fresh Kgg8 and Butter. Wild game of all kinds kept in their season. M SIXTH STREET m EAT MARKET! FLICKER SISTERS. CARRY A FULL LIXE OF yVilLLENERY AND "REN'CH LOWERS, TIIK LEADING GROCER Plattsmouth - - Nebraska p J. H:A:X:S:K:X 1EALEK IN STAPLE AND FANCY GPwOCEIUES, GLASS AJVD QUEEN S"WA RE -o- We also have a dress making department. Sat isfaction truaranteed. Sherwood Store. Plattsmouth jTAWSON & PEARCE Carry a Full Line of FINE MILLENARY AND CHL DRENS CLOTHING. ALSO FKESH CUT FLOWEUS BOOM 2, R LE Y BLOCK. PtAf TM0CTH Fir sun Feed a Ssecially i'atronage t the Puble Solicited. JOHNSON BDILDINGN SixtMiSt